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C. E. KOBUSKI, Editor 



vi ie ‘ee 3 3) 




Reprinted with the permission of the 
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University 

New York 






VEC 1 21969 



. 1 (pp. 1-86) issued January 15, 1954. 

. 2 (pp. 87-202) issued April 15, 1954. 

- 3 (pp. 203-274) issued July 15, 1954. 

. 4 (pp. 275-390) issued October 15, 1954. 

Printed in U.S.A. 


tus. With one plate. By Herbert F. Copeland 

Albert N. Steward 
STUDIES IN THE KUHNIINAE (Eupatorigak) II. With five plates. 
By L. O. Gavser 
MiscELLANEOUS MataysIAN Notes. With one plate. By E. D. 

Lus. With eight text-figures. By Scott S. Pauley and Thomas 
O. Perry 

Notes ON THE Fiora oF Cuina, III. With two plates. By Shiu- 
RTI ERE acs Beste goles dnp ies cuxvde'vaclcsa ek tavdes 

With one plate and two text-figures. By S. T. Blake .................. 
plates. By Walter P. Cottam 
plate. By Karl Sax 


ExpepITIon. By P. Bibby 

AppITIONAL Nore on NotuHoracus. With one text-figure. By 
C.G.G. J. van Steenis 
New ZEALAND Conirers. With one plate. By Vivienne Dellow 

Shiu-ying Hu 


FiscaL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1954 

STUDENTS JULY 1, 1953—J UNE 30, 1954 










published in the near future, seventeen genera of the tribe are given indi- 
vidual treatment in the present paper. These, along with six genera dis- 
cussed previously, Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 258-299 (1953), include all the 
genera which can be referred to the tribe if that is to be a homogeneous 
division of the Boraginoideae. Of the seventeen genera here discussed only 
one, Lithospermum, has representatives native to both America and the Old 
World or has direct relations with genera in both regions. Since the dis- 
tribution and relationships of all other genera are confined within one or 
the other of these major regions, the primary division in my key to the 
genera has been deliberately based on geography. For most uses this will 
be a convenience. Furthermore, it also has the advantage of permitting 
sharper contrasts of immediately related genera. A synopsis of all the genera 
of the tribe and technical keys for their identification will be provided in 
the following paper of this series. 



Anthers completely exserted from the throat; filaments elongate, 6-70 mm. 
long, exserted 1-65 mm. from the corolla mouth; corolla large, 39-90 mm. 
long, trumpet-shaped, lobes usually ascending or recurved or reflexed; pollen 
ellipsoidal to ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 23-33 K 15-28 w ....1. Macromeria. 

Anthers completely included in the throat or only partially exserted from the 
corolla mouth; filaments at most 10 mm. long and usually very much shorter, 
completely included or exserted less than 1 mm.; corolla smaller, usually 
less than 25 mm. long and never more than 50 mm. in total length, tubular 
to salverform, lobes erect to spreadin 

Flowers precociously sexual, corolla opening and exposing stamens and style 
before attaining full size; corolla-lobes erect, sharply acute or acute with 
an attenuate tip, very narrowly imbricate in the bud, usually evidently 
longer than broad; sinus between the corolla-lobes plicate and inflexed and 
thickened at the base; pollen ovoid, 16-24 X 13-22 p....2. Onosmodium. 


Flowers not precociously sexual, corolla opening only when 7 abies 
corolla-lobes obtuse or rounded, frequ ently a s broad as long or ev 
broader than long, broadly abricate in the art sinus between oe 
corolla-lobes neither plicate nor thickened nor inflexed at the base. 

Filaments about half the total length of the corolla, twice as long as the 
anthers, arising low in the corolla, towards the base shaggy with 
slender multicellular gland-tipped hairs; anthers borne high in the 
corolla-throat with its sterile tip exserted; tip of anther 1-2 mm. long; 
pollen ovoid, 25-28 K 21-33 wm. 2.1... .3. Nomosa 

Filaments less than a third of the total length of the ‘corolla and usually 
much shorter than the anther, usually arising at or above the middle 
of the tube, glabrous or bearing only a few inconspicuous stipitate 
glands; anthers without a sterile tip or the tip less than 1 mm 

Filaments broadening upwards from a narrow attachment; anthers with a 
ll but definite sterile tip, with a well-developed sinus at the base. 
Corolla lacking faucal appendages, corolla-lobes deltoid; filaments 
oblanceolate, almost as long as the anthers; anthers conspicuously 
hairy on the back, with an erect tip, thecae without darkened 
margins; pollen ovoid, ais 16-20 “; coarse plant with broad 
strongly veined leave 4. Lasiarrhenum. 
Corolla with evident faucal eas -corolla- lobes rounded; filaments 
triangular or obovate-triangular, half as long as the anther: anther 
glabrous, with a recurved tip, thecae with darkened margins; pollen 
oy oniy 24-25 X 20 »; small slender-stemmed plant with very 
ow veinless leaves........................ 5. Perittostema. 
ics pie or subulate or unguiculate: anther only very rarely 
bearing a sterile tip, base emarginate or roun 
Corolla-throat angulate, externally with a small swelling directly below 
sinus; corolla-lobes strictly ascending; filaments partially 
exserted from the throat; anthers one half to three fourths exserted 
from the throat; inside of corolla completely glabrous and bearing 
neither faucal appendanges i racial glands; style exserted; 
pollen ellipsoid, 23-26 K 16-22 uw. .... 1... 6. Psilolaemus. 
Corolla-throat not angulate, not haat externally below each sinus of 
the limb; corolla-lobes usually spreading; filaments and anthers 
always included in the throat; corolla inside with faucal appendages 
or stipitate glands or both ‘and sometimes — style usually 
included; pollen diverse as to size and form. ..12. Lithospermum. 


Anthers without a sterile tip or with the tip small and inconspicuous and rising 
abruptly from the emarginate, truncate or rounded summit of the anther; 
base of anther usually rounded or simply emarginate; base of theca not 
pointed, usually rounded; anthers always distinct, never joined together; 
pollen inconspicuously if at all colpate, pores in one or sometimes two rows, 
6-9 or 

Nutlets narrowed upwards into a prolonged beak, conspicuously paras with 

the apex hamate; cymes bractless above the base; upper ves very 
ample and evidently veined; corolla-throat inside abundantly ae pues 
villose-strigose; Japan............... Ancistrocarya. 

Nutlets not conspicuously rostrate, apex not hamate; cymes Pie through- 


out; upper cauline leaves not conspicuously ample, usually veinless; 
corolla-throat inside not villose-strigose. 

Corolla-throat inside bearing 5 well-developed elongate vertical guide-lines 
for insect visitors; guides consisting of vertical inflexed plaits bearing 
hairs or stipitate glands or both, or consisting merely of elongate 
vertical bands of crowded hairs and stipitate glands; anthers usually 
with small sterile tips; style usually with a prolonged bilobed sterile 
apex, always short, always shorter than the mature nutlets............ 
Dera e tear e agin eee As 5s ssi AE 8. Buglossoides. 

Corolla-throat lacking guide-lines, bearing localized faucal appendages or 
bearing stipitate glands which are scattered or are in localized congrega- 
tions, or sometimes naked; anthers only very rarely bearing a minute 
sterile tip; style only very rarely with a prolonged bilobed sterile apex, 
short to elongate, usually becoming much longer than the nutlets 

.Nutlet attachment not on the true base of the nutlet, borne ventral to 
the nutlet base at the lower end of a stipe which is directed downward 
from the ventral side of the ascending nutlet- eae pollen with 
biseriate pores; Mongolian... .9. Stenosolenium. 

Nutlet attachment on the base of the erect ‘nutlet- body. 

Pollen bearing 2 rows of pores, one about each end of the elongate 
grain, grains oblong or medially oe upper and lower halves 
of the same size and configuration; corolla without faucal append- 
ages, its inner surfaces prevailingly devoid of stipitate glands, such 
glands when present scanty, inconspicuous, and confined to the 
corolla mouth; flowers heterostylic or monomorphic; stamens 
usually whorled, affixed at unequal heights above the corolla base 
only in one monomorphic species; Asia extending into Africa... 
Sree es gemmiage ree a Se aR 6-0iky So A ee 10. Arnebia. 

Pollen bearing a single row of pores either about the equator or below 
the equator about the lower half of the grain; grains globose, 
oblong-ellipsoidal or with the upper and lower halves dissimilar in 
size and configuration 

Corolla inside without faucal appendages or stipitate glands; annulus 
absent; stamens borne at very unequal heights on the corolla- 
tube; flowers heterostylic; Caucasus, Armenia, and adjacent 
BPN ie) 2.5255 ee Es a ee oe so 11. Echioides. 

Corolla inside with faucal appendages or stipitate glands or both; 
annulus present; stamens whorled, all borne at the same level 
above the corolla base; flowers heterostylic or monomorphic; 
Eurasia, Africa, and America.............. 12. Lithospermum. 

Anthers narrowed into a prolonged evident sterile tip; base of anther usually 
an open sinus and hence somewhat sagittate; basal tip of theca usually 
pointed or narrowly prolonged; anthers usually joined to form a synandrium; 
pollen evidently colpate, pores in a single row. 

Nutlets bilocular; calyx-lobes very unequal, strongly imbricate; anthers distinct 
or joined by the entangling of the tail-like appendages borne at the base 
of the theca; pollen barrel-shaped or ellipsoidal, pores 8, borne in a well- 
developed equatorial groove; plant nearly glabrous, leaves with a cordate- 
aMIplexicaul base. <. isxcradeee hea eee wae tas wads 13. Cerinthe. 

Nutlets unilocular; calyx-lobes equal or practically so, not imbricate; anthers 
usually coherent at the base or along the sides or both; pollen ovoid or 


globose or cylindric or ellipsoidal, pores 3, suprabasal or equatorial, not in 

an equatorial groove; plants evidently hairy, middle or lower leaves never 

with a cordate-amplexicaul base. 

Nutlets bent 90° below the middle, strongly incurved, attachment small 
and substipitate appearing to be lateral but actually basal on the short 
erect lower section of the nutlet; gynobase with elevated pulvinate lobes 
each bearing a small attachment face; indument on herbage with inter- 
mixed slender gland-tipped hairs; bracts ag large and bape 
fruiting calyx frequently on decurved pedice 14, 

— bdo and erect or nearly so, with a analy broad snd evidently 

attachment; gynobase not bearing the attachment faces on elevated 

ie lobes; indument containing no gland-tipped hairs; bracts 

rarely becoming conspicuous and foliaceous; fruiting calyx borne on 
t or ascending pedicels. 

Corolla-lobes well developed, as long as or much longer than the tube, 
spreading or decurved; anthers coherent only along the margins of 
the terminal appendage, the appendage evidently longer than the 
theca; filaments very short and usually bearing a hairy basal append- 
age; throa t of corolla frequently a southern Arabia, Socotra, 
Somaliland to Angola............ Sibteeeas . Cystistemon. 

a. Vaupelia. 

Corolla-lobes short, commonly about as long as broad, conspicuously much 
shorter than the tubular part of the corolla, erect or loosely recurved 
(or, in one species, Onosma longilobum, with the lobes elongate, 
longer than the tube, but erect); anthers usually coherent at the base 
and frequently also along the margins of the thecae and the append- 
ages, the appendage almost always shorter than the theca; filaments 
usually elongate, not appendaged at the base; throat of ee never 
with spreading hairs; North Africa and Europe to eastern Asi 

Calyx-lobes narrow and elongate, more or less parallel, eee ta by a 
very narrow or closed sinus; corolla having no puffed-out ribs pro- 
jecting between the calyx-lobes : filaments within a corolla all 
similar; anthers included to completely exserted from the corolla; 
nutlets smooth to rough with the surface only very rarely evidently 
are or muriculate; pollen ovoid to spheric or transversely 
ellips 16. Onosma 

Calyx- apes more or less triangular, ascending, separated by an open 
triangular sinus; corolla with puffed-out ribs projecting between the 
calyx-lobes ; filaments within a corolla differing in the shape of 
their base and i in the orientation of their attachment on the corolla; 

antly and minutely papillate or muriculate; pollen cylindric or 
vertically ellipsoid; Himalaya and mountains of southwest China. 
Ss bS bs FASS ee da bee Pea os PEN Gea das ok ek eee 17. Maharanga. 
1. Macromeria D. Don, New Edinb. Philos. =i 13: 239 (1832). Based 
upon M. longiflora Don and M. exserta 
Philonomia DC. in Steud. a ed. 2, 2: 320 ne Meisner, Pl. Vasc. 
Gen. 2: 189 (1836-43), in m. 
Onosmodium § ce Gray, Synop. Fl. N. Am. 21: 205 (1878). 
Type species, Macromeria viridifiora A. DC. 

Macromeria § Macromerioides (Gray) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 13 

Plant perennial. Stems coarse, erect, simple or bearing a few leafy fer- 
tile branchlets in the upper axils, hispid or sometimes hispid-villose or 
strigose. Leaves well developed, all cauline, lowest ones smaller than the 
upper, hispid, velvety or strigose (hairs on upper surface usually with dis- 
coid or bulbose bases), with evident midrib and usually two or more pairs of 
well-developed evident assurgent veins. Cymes scorpioid, simple or some- 
times geminate, terminating the main stems and frequently also arising di- 
rectly from the uppermost leaf-axils and sometimes terminating leafy branch- 
lets arising from the upper axils, relatively loose, with the flowers not evi- 
dently biseriate, after anthesis becoming straight, very loosely flowered, 
and very elongate; bracts numerous, conspicuous and foliaceous, usually 
somewhat accrescent in age, lanceolate to broadly ovate. Flowers at an- 
thesis borne on strict pedicels at the summit of the straightened portion of 
the cyme and hence erect, or borne on the still curved portion of the cyme 
and directed backwards over the top of the cyme with the abaxial side 
uppermost and the corolla accordingly resupinate. Calyx 5-fid, the lobes 
elongate, usually evidently unequal, linear to narrowly lanceolate; pedicels 
elongating at maturity, strict or ascending. Corolla yellow, yellowish or 
greenish, straight and regular or curved and having the throat prolonged 
on the two-lobed adaxial side, elongate, somewhat trumpet-shaped, having 

a slender tube which gradually or abruptly expands into an elongate, sub- 
cylindric or conic-cylindric throat once to twice as long as the tube, the 
outer surface always evidently hairy, the inner surface glabrous or rarely 
inconspicuously hairy in the tube and on the lobes and along the veins in 
the throat, usually glanduliferous in the throat and sometimes on the 
lobes; faucal invaginations evident in one species but usually absent or 
only very obscurely developed, when present decorated with glands. An- 
nulus absent or represented by a very narrow, continuous or interrupted 
lineate ridge just above the base of the tube, glabrous, or in one species 
with very inconspicuous tufts of minute hairs. Corolla-lobes equal, elliptic 
to deltoid, erect to ascending or reflexed at the base or rarely loosely re- 
curved, shorter than the throat, imbricate, apex tending to be acute. Fila- 
ments equal, terete or distinctly flattened or even strap-shaped, glabrous 
or somewhat hairy in one species, arising well above the middle of the 
corolla-throat and always exserted from it but in only one species extruded 
more than the length of the corolla-lobes, affixed all at the same altitude on 
the corolla or at three superimposed levels with the medial adaxial one 
highest, the abaxial pair lowest, and the adaxial laterals at an intermediate 
level. Anthers straight or sometimes weakly falcate, elongate, oblong or 
oblong-linear, several to many times shorter than the filaments, affixed at 
or slightly below the middle, commonly in a groove in the connective, strict 
and erect or becoming horizontal by a subapical bend of the filament or 
sometimes versatile, apex usually rounded or obtusish and with a small 
inconspicuous tip formed by the prolongation of the connective tissue, but 
in one species emarginate and bearing a subapical gland; thecae parallel 


but unjoined for a short distance above the unappendaged, apparently 
emarginate base of the anther; connective evident on the back of the 
anther, especially above the middle, glabrous or in one species bearing 
short stout hairs above the middle. Pollen broadly to narrowly ellipsoidal 
or somewhat ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 25-33 > 15-28 p, sometimes con- 
stricted near the middle, upper and lower half of the grain equal or more 
or less dissimilar, pores borne eight or nine in a single row at the equator 
or below it and sometimes very low on the grain just above its rounded 
base, grain in polar profile circular or obscurely polyhedral. Style filiform, 
glabrous, longer than the corolla and becoming evidently exserted; stigmas 
two, very small, juxtaposed and terminal on the tip of the style or sub- 
terminal and separated (though scarcely if at all surpassed) by an apical 
prolongation of the style. Nutlets smooth, ovoid or ellipsoidal, usually 
smooth, lustrous and white, straight, erect or more commonly diverging 
from the pyramidal gynobase; ventral keel weak or absent, suture com- 
pletely closed or represented (sometimes only on the upper half of the 
nutlet body) by a lineate groove; attachment scar broad, basal, flat or 
convex, usually bearing the projecting end of the tubular bony funicular 
canal. Gynobase somewhat pyramidal, usually broadly so and commonly 
terminated by the thickened four-angulate base of the style; attachment 
faces nearly as broad as long, at maturity each surrounded by an elevated 
cartilaginous margin, usually sloping and the basifixed nutlets borne upon 
them usually divergent. 

A genus obviously related to Lithospermum and most closely so to its 
Mexican species. It is distinguished only by the form and large size of its 
corollas and by having filaments elongate and exserted from the corolla- 
throat. Its eight species are well marked and form a very natural as- 
semblage. They range between northern Guatemala and Arizona and New 
Mexico in southwestern United States, with most of them confined to very 
restricted areas in the mountains of Mexico. 

Macromeria, as originally defined and established by David Don, in- 
cluded two species, M. longiflora and M. exserta. The most detailed sub- 
sequent treatments of the genus have been by De Candolle, Prodr. 10: 68 
(1846) and by Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 13 (1924). Of the species 
which have been referred to the genus, only M. cinerascens DC. (1846) 
is to be excluded, that being a species of Lithospermum. Both Gray, Synop. 
Fl. N. Am. 2': 205 (1878), and Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 19 
(1917), have suggested that the genus should be reduced to one species, 
M. exserta, and that the remaining species be treated as a section of Onos- 
modium. As previously noted by me, Contr. Gray Herb. 75: 16 (1924), 
such procedure would do violence to natural relationships by separating 
M. exserta from its evident relative M. hispida. It would also destroy the 
homogeneity of Onosmodium. The eight species of Macromeria are obvi- 
ously more closely related to one another than any of them are to any 
species of Lithospermum ot Onosmodium, From the latter genus they 
differ in size and form of the corolla, length of filaments, shape of the 
anthers, and tardily exserted style. 


The species of this genus are coarse perennials having few to numerous 
stems usually over half a meter tall and frequently approaching and rarely 
even surpassing a meter in height. The leaves are all cauline, the lower- 
most being smaller and proportionately more elongate than those on mid- 
dle sections of the stem. The leaf-blades have a strong midrib and also 
several well-developed assurgent lateral veins. In foliage, as well as in 
general habit, Macromeria is suggestive of Onosmodium and Laszar- 
rhenum, and to a somewhat less degree also of such American species of 
Lithospermum as L. viride, L. oblongifolium, L. guatemalense, and L. 

The corollas, 35—90 mm. long, are among the largest in the Boraginaceae, 
with those of M. exserta the very largest in the family. They are more or 
less trumpet-like in form, having an elongate subcylindric or conic-cylindric 
throat usually several times longer than thick and commonly about as long 
as the slender tubular portion of the corolla supporting it. The equal, rela- 
tively short lobes are ellipsoidal, deltoid, or triangular ovate and com- 
monly pointed. They may be straight and ascending or loosely recurving 
or abruptly reflexed at the base. In most of the species the corolla is regu- 
lar or practically so, but in M. hispida and M., exserta it is curved, the 
throat is oblique and evidently prolonged on the adaxial side, and the 
stamens are affixed at superimposed levels in the throat, with the adaxial 
medial member highest. The corolla in these two species having a very 
distinct bilateral symmetry is clearly zygomorphic. This condition is usu- 
ally most obvious in the bud of the corolla just before it opens. For most 
of its length the bud is gracefully curved adaxially, but in the thickened 
apical portion it becomes curved in the reverse direction. The outer thick- 
ened portion of the bud, formed of the unexpanded lobes, is evidently 
swollen on the two-lobed adaxial side. The bud has its tip not central but 
closest to its abaxial side. These zygomorphic corollas of M. exserta and 
M. hispida have their two-lobed lip and their medial stamen both on the 
adaxial side of the flower. 

In most species of the genus, both before and after anthesis, the corolla 
stands erect, being borne on strict pedicels at the summit of the straightened 
portion of the cyme. In M. hispida and M. exserta the corolla at anthesis, 
and also as a mature bud, is borne at a relatively higher position on the 
scorpioid cyme, mostly developing on the curve between its arched sum- 
mit and the point at which it becomes straight and vertical. Since the 
pedicels are strict and borne on the curved portion of the cyme, the flowers 
are directed ascendingly backwards over the arched top of the cyme. The 
backward direction of the flowers in M. exserta is given further accentuation 
by the marked adaxial curving of the throat and tube. As a combined re- 
sult of all this, at anthesis the outer parts of the corolla achieve a nearly 
horizontal position. By leaning backwards over the tip of the cyme the 
corolla has become resupinate. 

The corolla in all species except M. viridiflora bears at least scattered 
stiped glands in the upper parts of the throat and usually also on the ad- 
jacent portions of the lobes as well. In M. leonotis the salient mouth of 


the corolla is encircled by a band of glands. In species such as M. barbigera, 
M. hispida, and M. exserta, the glands are more scattered, less evident, and 
may be distributed from above the level of the filament attachments upward 
onto the lower half of the corolla-lobes. In M. Pringlei and less clearly in 
M. longiflora the glands are restricted to obscure congregations associated 
with small, weak, ill-defined circular or elliptic convexities, one located at 
or slightly below each of the corolla-lobes. In M. notata the association 
of glands and invaginations is much clearer. In that species there are five 
inflexed plaits, cuneate in outline, which have their broad end (1—1.5 mm. 
wide) about 2 mm. below the summit of the throat, and from thence, 
gradually narrowing, extend outward along the midline of each corolla- 
lobe with their pointed end about 2 mm. below the lobe apex. Stipitate 
glands are abundant on these elongate swollen areas but practically absent 
elsewhere on the corolla. A unique feature of M. viridiflora is the presence 
of minute hairs on the inner surface of the corolla. The corolla is villulose 
inside the slender tube and may be scantily and minutely strigulose below 
the middle of the throat along the vein leading from each corolla-lobe. 
Though hairy the corolla bears no glands. 

The corollas of Macromeria have no annulus or at most only a weakly 
developed one ca. 0.5 mm. above the base of the tube. In M. notata the 
annulus is represented by an inconspicuous narrow encircling ridge, and 
in M. barbigera by an obscurely five-lobed one, but in all other species it 
is obscure or absent. Hairs, these very minute and inconspicuous, were 
noted in association with the annulus only in M. leonotis. 

The stamens are affixed in the corolla-throat and within an individual 
flower are all at about the same distance (4-10 mm.) below the base of 
the corolla-lobes. In regular corollas the filaments arise at equal distances 
above the corolla-base. In zygomorphic corollas, however, the throat is 
prolonged on the adaxial side and the mouth of the throat is oblique. Be- 
cause the stamen attachments have a fixed relation with the summit of 
the throat, those on the prolonged adaxial side of the corolla accordingly 
have a position at a greater distance above the corolla-base than those on 
the abaxial side. This is the condition in M. exserta and M. hispida. 

The filaments are well developed. In M. exserta they may become 70 
mm. long, and accordingly are very conspicuously long-exserted from the 
corolla. The shortest ones (6-9 mm.) occur in M. notata. In other species, 
however, the filaments are mostly 10-20 mm. long. They are clearly ex- 
serted from the corolla-throat but do not surpass the corolla-lobes when 
the latter are in an erect position. In most species the filaments are slightly 
compressed. In M. viridiflora, however, they are strongly so, being strap- 
shaped, 1.2-1.5 mm. broad just above their base, and then gradually nar- 
rowed upwards to become 0.5—1 mm. wide at the apex. In M. leonotis the 
filaments may be sparsely hairy below their middle and sometimes also on 
their decurrent bases, but in all other species they are always glabrous. 

The anthers are Slongate and have an oblong outline. They are affixed 
to the filament at or perceptibly below the middle, usually in an elongate 
depression in the connective. Although past authors have stated that they 


are usually versatile, that condition exists, if at all, only in M. exserta. In 
M. hispida, M. longiflora, M. Pringlei, and probably M. leonotis also, the 
anther may assume a position at right angles to the filament, but that 
appears to be the result of a ninety-degree bend of the filament just below 
its apex. In M. viridiflora and apparently also in M. barbigera the anthers 
are strictly and firmly affixed to the filament and are erect. The connective 
is glabrous in most species, but in M. viridiflora, in which the structure 
reaches its maximum development, it may bear numerous stout hairs on the 
back side of the anther above the middle. In most species the connective 
is slightly prolonged to form a minute, usually thickish, truncate or subulate 
apicule on the broad summit of the anther. In M. viridiflora the connective 
is thickened, apparently glandular, and locally very hairy just below the 
anther tip. It is not prolonged beyond the thecae. The anthers in this 
species, accordingly, are emarginate at the tip. 

The connective is not only broadest but also most readily observed in 
M. viridiflora, M. Pringlei, and M. longiflora. In these species the thecae, 
after shedding pollen and becoming explanate, are displayed obliquely on 
the ventral side of the anther. The back side of the anther is nearly plane, 
and the broad connective and the filament attachment are fully exposed 
to view. In the five other species of the genus, however, the explanate 
thecae have reflexed lower halves, and their surfaces become parallel and 
face left and right in opposite directions. Such mature anthers are strongly 
compressed laterally. Their back appears to be strongly conduplicate with 
the narrow connective and the filament attachment hidden in the depth 
of the fold. 

The style is filiform and sufficiently elongate to bear its stigmas com- 
monly about 5 mm. beyond the anthers. The minute stigmas are sub- 
terminal, being separated and surpassed by the tip of the style in M. 
Pringlei, M. leonotis, and M. notata, but in the other species they are ter- 
minal and juxtaposed upon the apex of the style. 

As in most other genera of the Lithospermeae, in herbarium specimens 
I have found the anthers of Macromeria dehiscent and the pollen shed in 
those flower-buds in which the corolla is nearly ready to open. Just previ- 
ous to the opening of the corolla, the stigma in seven of the eight species 
is pushing against the very top of the bud-cavity, and hence is above the 
anthers. The stamens have attained almost full development before the 
corolla opens. In M. exserta, however, the very elongate, eventually long- 
exserted filaments and style are not completely lengthened before the 
corolla expands. The filaments have their middle portion lying pressed 
against the curve of the swollen adaxial side of the outer half of the bud. 
At the tip of the bud cavity the distal portion of the filaments curves back- 
wards for 180° to 360°. The anthers usually lie within the adaxial half 
of the most ample part of the bud cavity. The style, shortened by undulate 
contortions, bears its stigmas appressed against the tip of the bud cavity 
or against the abaxial side of the cavity close to the tip. In Echium, in 
which elongate filaments and style are also curved and contorted inside 
the flower bud, the stigmas before the corolla opens may have a position 


amidst the clustered dehiscent anthers. In the bud of Macromeria, how- 
ever, the stigmas have a position above or beyond the anthers and so de- 
cidedly less accessible to any pollen set free in the bud. The stigma is not 
precociously exserted. It escapes from the flower bud only when the im- 
bricate corolla lobes have begun to loosen — just before the corolla opens, 
or, in many cases, not until the corolla is almost completely open. 

Macromeria has pollen similar to that of Lithospermum, and especially 
like that of the Mexican members of that genus. Each species of Macro- 
meria has distinctive pollen with the grains recognizable if not by shape 
at least by size. Related species agree more closely in the length of their 
grains than in the form of them. 

The pollen bears eight or nine pores in a single row. Its pores are fre- 
quently detectable as minute swellings on the outline of the grains when 
the latter are viewed in lateral profile. Frequently they are sufficiently 
prominent to give the sides of the grains a somewhat obtusely angled sil- 
houette. The polar profile of the grain is usually circular, and only very 
rarely are the pores sufficiently evident to produce a vaguely polyhedral 
outline. Evidences of possible shallow furrows on the grain have been 
detected only in M. barbigera. The pores are equatorial, and the upper 
and lower halves of the grain are equal in M. leonotis (grains globose 
ellipsoidal, sides angulate, 25-26 & 23 »), M. barbigera (ellipsoidal, sides 
rounded or angled, 30-33 25-28 »), M. notata (ellipsoidal, sides tending 
to be angled, 28-30 « 23-25 »), and M. Pringlei (ellipsoidal, sides rounded 
to nearly parallel, 25-26 15-18 ,). In two species, M. exserta and M. 
hispida, the grains bear the pores very slightly but still perceptibly below the 
middle. The lower half of the grain has a more evenly and broadly rounded 
curve than the upper half. Macromeria exserta has ovoid-ellipsoid grains 
(38-41 X 25-28 n), and M. hispida globose-ovoid grains (38-41 & 33— 
37 «). The pollen of the two remaining species of the genus is elongate, 
perceptibly constricted below the middle, and bears its row of pores above 
its broad rounded base, where its diameter is greatest. Constrictions of 
the grain begin directly above the row of pores and form “shoulders” of a 
type previously noted in grains of a similar type in Lithospermum, cf. 
Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 310 (1952). Such elongate, medially constricted 
grains are characteristic of M. longiflora (25-28 & 16-18 p) and M. viridi- 
flora (28-33 >< 18-22 y). Of these two species with constricted pollen, 
M. viridiflora has no close relatives. Macromeria longiflora, however, is 
obviously most closely related to M. Pringlei and species having ellipsoidal 
grains with equatorial pores. The only agreement is in the length of the 

The nutlets of Macromeria are smooth, shiny, and usually white, and 
are symmetric or nearly so and nearly circular in transverse section. In 
general appearance they closely resemble those of most American species 
of Lithospermum. The venter of the nutlet is only obscurely if at all 
keeled. The ventral suture may be represented by a very narrow lineate 
groove (sometimes not half the length of the nutlet) or it may be com- 
pletely fused and obliterated. It may be present or absent or vary in 


length not only within the species but also among the nutlets produced by 
a single plant. The large, nearly circular attachment scar, horizontal or 
very slightly oblique, is flat or slightly convex and is always distinctly basal. 
In all species towards its ventral margin the scar bears a prominence com- 
posed of the slightly protruding broken end of the well-developed bony 
tubular funicular canal. In the detached nutlets of M. viridiflora, M. bar- 
bigera, and M. notata, the scar also bears another process, this small and 
obliquely ascending and apparently representing protrudent tissue about 
the base of one of the vascular traces leading to the dorsum of the nutlet 
body. This dorsal prominence on the scar appears to be absent on the 
nutlets of M. exserta. Since thoroughly mature, self-detached nutlets of 
M. longiflora, M. Pringlei, M. hispida, and M. leonotis have not been seen, 
the nature of the scar in these species is unknown. The gynobase in all 
species is well developed, broadly pyramidal, and terminated by a persist- 
ing, more or less thickened four-angulate base of the style. The attach- 
ment surfaces of the mature gynobase are usually each encircled by a 
coarse thickened and elevated cartilaginous margin. When all four nutlets 
are matured, the gynobase has more or less distinctly sloping attachment 
faces, and the nutlets they bear, being straight and basifixed, are accord- 
ingly divergent. 

Corolla with erect or ascending lobes. 
Back of anthers hairy above the middle; filaments strap-shaped; corolla 
without ca on the inner surface, villulose in the tube; stigmas terminal 
Yh Cr ee oe ab Sake bn ee RO 1. M. viridiflora. 
Back of ates glabrous; filaments not strap-shaped; corolla glanduliferous 
in the throat, tube glabrous inside; stigmas usually subterminal, separated 
by the sterile tip of the style. 

ashe bearing 5 evident cuneiform plaits, these glanduliferous and extend- 
g from below the corolla-lobes upward upon the net to ste 
rite PUGOIE? «<2, 35:4 ee ee wae kk ae ee M. notata. 
Corolla without cuneiform glanduliferous plaits, bearing ae rarenaeeiaaeies 
small circular or elliptical congregations of glands at or below the base 

of each corolla-lobe; upper face of lobes glandless 
Upper surface of leaves without evident hairs, suet and very 
minutely verrucose or muriculate and hence at most scabrellous; 
pore eas below the middle and bearing the pores above the 
PUNGOt DASE: vc 5S es ee Roo a ane ed 3. M. longiflora. 
aes surface of leaves bearing evident stiff appressed hairs usually 
arising from evident pallid dot-like bulbose or discoid bases, surface 
scabrous; pollen ellipsoidal, broadest at the middle, pores equatorial. 
4. M. Pringlei. 

Corolla with lobes reflexed or (in no. 6) loosely recurved. 
Mouth of corolla densely glanduliferous in a continuous band; stigmas sub- 
terminal, ae and surpassed by the short sterile apical prolongation 
OTe EO SEVIS icc 5 i eo I ee cae als 5. M. leon 
Mouth of ai not conspicuously glanduliferous; stigmas terminal. 
Corolla-lobes loosely recurved, deltoid, about as long as broad; corolla 


regular, symmetric in the bud, stamens all affixed at the same distance 
above the corolla-base; pollen ellipsoidal, pores equatorial.......... 
eT OT ee Pe ere ee ee ee . M. barbigera. 
Corolla-lobes becoming reflexed, elongate; corolla zygomorphic, asymmetric 
in the bud, throat oblique, stamens on adaxial side affixed higher than 
those on the opposite side of veges — bearing the row of pores 
slightly below me middle of the gra 
Filaments 10-15 mm. long; corolla 50-55 mm. long; middle stem leaves 
usually lanceolate; pollen globose-ovoid .............. 7. M. hispida. 
Filaments 55-70 mm. long, conspicuously long-exserted; corolla very 
large, 60-90 mm. long; middle stem leaves oblanceolate: pollen ovoid- 
CUIDSOIGAL 56.5.5. dc¢ aay acks s BY sak pawn eg ors eee vi 8. M. exserta. 

Macromeria viridiflora DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846); Sessé & Moc. 
Calq. Fl. Mex. t. 904 (1874); Johnston, — Arnold Arb. 30: 110 
(1949). Type from Mexico, Sessé & Moci 

Macromeria longiflora sensu Johnston, Contr. ae Herb. 70: 14 (1924). 


Stems 5—10 dm. tall. Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently gemi- 
nate and commonly borne also on short leafy branchlets arising from the 
uppermost axils. Calyx becoming 25 mm. long, largest lobe up to 2.5 mm. 
broad and the smallest 1-1.5 mm. broad. Corolla greenish yellow, 65-80 
(usually 70-75) mm. long, regular or nearly so, outside with abundant 
appressed and scattered spreading hairs 0.7—2 mm. long, inside sparsely 
and inconspicuously strigulose along the veins below the lobes and villulose 
inside the narrow tube, stipitate glands very few or absent, annulus absent 
or very imperfectly developed. Corolla-lobes triangular-ovate, acute, as- 
cending, 8-10 mm. long, 5—~7 mm. broad above the base, usually greenish 
and sometimes strigose along the middle of the upper surface. Filaments 
equal, 16-20 mm. long, borne 8-10 mm. below the base of the corolla 
sinus, broad and strongly compressed, strap-shaped, broadest (ad 1.5 mm.) 
slightly above the base and then very gradually narrowed towards the apex 
(ca. 1 mm, wide). Anthers 4—5.5 mm. long, affixed at or slightly below 
the middle, strictly erect, apex emarginate, base shallowly lobed; connec- 
tive on upper half of dorsum broad and bearing scattered coarse appressed 
hairs usually most abundant below the gland at its summit. Pollen elongate, 
28-33 > 18-22 pu, somewhat constricted below the middle, bearing the 
row of pores where broadest 8-10 » above the base of the grain. Stigmas 
two, distinctly terminal. Nutlets 3-3.5 mm. long, with an obscure ventral 
keel, suture absent or represented by a lineate groove. 

Mountains of northern Mexico, in the states of Chihuahua and adjacent 
Durango, Sinaloa, and Sonora, and extending north into the United States 
only in the mountains (Chiricahua and Huachuca Mts.) of southeastern 

la. Macromeria viridiflora var. Thurberi (Gray), comb. nov. 
Onosmodium Thurberi Gray, Synop. Fl, N. Am. 21: 205 (1878), Type from 

western New Mexico. 
Macromeria Thurberi (Gray) Mack. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 32: 496 (1905). 


Flower smaller than in typical M. viridiflora. Calyx becoming 20 mm. 
long, lobes 1—1.5 mm. broad; corolla 35—50 (usually 40-45) mm. long; fila- 
ments 12-14 mm. long, borne 6-8 mm. below the corolla sinus; anthers 
3—4.5 mm. long. 

Occurring in the mountains from middle eastern New Mexico west to 
central Arizona in an area to the north of that occupied by typical M. viridi- 

A very well marked species readily recognized by its strap-shaped fila- 
ments and dorsally hairy anthers, and also by the villulose inner surface 
of its corolla-tube. 

The typical form of the species has slender, very elongate corollas. Like 
many other plants of the Sierra Madre Occidental, true M. viridiflora has 
a range that extends north into the Chiricahua and Huachuca mountains, 
just north of the United States-Mexican boundary, but no further to the 
northward. Some collections from the Chiricahua and Huachuca moun- 
tains are indistinguishable from those of Mexican origin, but others have 
their flowers somewhat smaller. Even in these latter, however, the corollas 
are larger than those on plants referable to var. Thurberi which occur 
further northward in New Mexico and central Arizona. The differences in 
flower size are geographically correlated and sufficiently striking to merit 
nomenclatorial recognition. 

2. Macromeria notata, sp. nov. 

Planta perennis 4—5 dm. alta e radice valida purpureo-tincta erumpens; 
caulibus simplicibus foliosis erectis breviter hispidis basim versus ad 5 mm. 
crassis; foliis numerosis lanceolatis evidenter venosis acutis, eis medium 
versus caulis gestis majoribus 6—8 cm. longis 16—20 mm. latis, pilos rigidos 
adscendentis 0.2-1 mm. longos e basi bulboso vel discoideo minuto non 
rariter pallido erumpentibus proferentibus, facie inferiori pallidioribus venis 
prominulis ornatis; cyma scorpioidea solitaria caules simplicos terminanti; 
calyce 15-18 mm. longo, lobis inaequalibus 1-2.5 mm. latis, pedicellis sub 
anthesi 0-5 mm. longis maturitate 10-15 mm. longis; corolla flavescenti 
regulariter 50 mm. longa extus hispidula pilis 0.5—-1 mm. longis plus minusve 
curvatis ornata, intus glabra et solum in appendiculis faucium glandulifera; 
tubo 2—2.5 mm. longo 1—-1.5 mm. crasso; annulo anguste annulato; faucibus 
1.5—-2 cm. longis gradatim ampliatis apicem versus 5—6 mm. crassis; ap- 
pendiculis faucium depressis elongatis a 2 mm. infra basim loborum corollae 
sursum fere ad 2 mm. infra apicem loborum corollae prolongatis cunei- 
formibus leviter invaginatis prominulis dense glanduliferis basi 1-1.5 mm. 
latis truncatis; lobis corollae triangularibus adscendentibus viridescentibus 
ca. 5 mm. longis et latis summum ad apicem rotundis secus medium appen- 
diculi faucium glanduliferi decurrenti notatis alibi minute sparseque strigu- 
losis; filamentis 6-9 mm. longis ca. 5-7 mm, infra basim sinuum limbi 
affixis: antheris 2—2.5 mm. longis rectis apice haud appendiculatis; pol- 
linis ellipsoideis 28-30 * 23-25 yp, poris 8 secus equatorem dispositis; 
stigmatibus 2, terminalibus; nuculis 4 mm. longis laevibus albis ovoideis 
obscure asymmetricis obscure carinatis, late basaliter affixis, cicatrice con- 


vexo; gynobase — pulvinis distinctis margine cartilagineis promi- 
nulis ‘circumdatis 

MEXICO (Nuevo Leon): Ascent of Sierra Infernillo, ca. 15 miles south 
of Galeana, 9-10,000 ft., common over small areas just below peak, fl. yellow, 
June 16, 1934, C.H. & M.T. Mueller 830 (type, Gray Herb.) ; canyon below Las 
Canoas on Cerro Potosi, scattered in dense shade on arroyo bank, July 20, 1935, 
C. H. Mueller 2238 (G). 

The distinctive features of this species are the weakly invaginate elong- 
ate densely glanduliferous plaits which extend from the upper part of the 
throat out upon each of the corolla-lobes. These glanduliferous plaits are 
the closest approximation in the genus to the localized well-developed faucal 
appendages present in many species of Lithospermum. In M. longiflora and 
M. Pringlei there are small vague convex areas bearing glands at or below 
each lobe of the corolla, but in other congeners of M. notata, even this 
suggestion of faucal invagination is lacking. The present species is cer- 
tainly a very distinct one. Its closest relations are possibly with M. Pringlei 
and M. longiflora. 

3. Macromeria longiflora [Sessé & Moc.] D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. 
Jour. 13: 239 (1832); Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 92: 93 (1930). 
Type from Mexico, Sessé & Mocino. 

Lithospermum longiflorum Sessé & Moc. ex D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 
13: 239 (1932), in synonym. 

Onosmodium longiflorum (Don) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917). 

Lithospermum flavum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. 32 (1893): Johnston, Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 30: 109 (1949). Type from Michoacan, Mexico, Sessé & 


Macromeria discolor Benth. Pl. Hartw. 49 (1840). Type from Mexico. 

Onosmodium discolor (Benth.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 20 (1917). 

Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently also arising directly from 
the uppermost axils. Calyx 13-15 mm. long, lobes slender, 1-1.5 mm 
broad, unequal. Corolla 45-55 mm. long, regular or very obscurely pro- 
longed on the adaxial side, outside clothed with slender spreading or loosely 
appressed hairs up to 1 mm. long, inside bearing inconspicuous elliptic 
congregations of glands on obscurely convex areas below each corolla-lobe 
and sometimes glands also along the decurrent base of the filaments, an- 
nulus not developed. Corolla-lobes elongate, lance-oblong, acutish or the 
tips obtusish, 11-15 mm. long, 4—7 mm. broad, ascending, upper face with- 
out hairs or glands. Filaments 14-15 mm. long, affixed ca. 4 mm. below 
limb-sinus, anthers 2-4 mm. long, affixed at or near the middle, erect, 
apex minutely appendaged. Pollen elongate, 25-28 16-18 ,, constricted 
below the middle, broadest and bearing the row of pores about 8 » above 
the base. Sivas 2, usually subterminal. Nutlets ovoid, erect, symmetric, 
4 mm. tall, 3 mm. thi ck. 

Mountains of western Mexico from Colima to Oaxaca. 

A species probably most closely allied to M. Pringlei, from which it dif- 
fers in its more herbaceous stems and its larger leaves devoid of evident 


hairs on the upper surface. Although at first glance the upper leaf face 
appears to be smooth and glabrous, close examination under the microscope 
shows it to be actually dotted with minute mineralized warts or conic 
muriculations. When the minute roughenings are pointed, the surface 
may be perceptibly scabrellous. The minute mineralized roughenings on 
the leaf of M. longiflora are evidently homologous with the very much 
coarser bulbose or discoid hair bases present on the upper lea‘ face of M. 
Pringlet. The lower face of the leaves in M. longiflora is strigose with an 
abundance of short, stiff, closely appressed hairs. It is usually cinereous 
and contrasts very strongly with the upper surface, which in most her- 
barium specimens dries a chocolate brown. 

4. Macromeria Pringlei Greenm. Proc. Am. Acad. 34: 570 (1899). 
Type, Sierra de Pachuca, Hidalgo, Pringle 11044. 

Onosmodium Pringlei (Greenm.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 20 (1917). 
Macromeria guatemalense Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 232 (1948). Type, 
Volcan Tajumulco, dept. of San Marcos, Guatemala, Steyermark 35898. 

Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently also terminating short 
axillary branches arising from the uppermost axils. Calyx 12-15 mm. 
long, lobes slender, 0.5—1.2 mm. wide. Corolla pale yellow-green, 35-53 
mm. long, regular, straight, outer surface bearing slender ascending hairs 
ca. 1 mm. long, inside glabrous bearing very scattered glands, or these only 
in very vague slightly swollen areas at or below the base of the corolla- 
lobes. Corolla-lobes triangular, acute, erect or ascending, 9-10 mm. long, 
5.5—7.5 mm. broad, apex obtusish, upper face usually without hairs or 
glands. Filaments 9-12 mm. long, equal, affixed in the throat 3-4 mm. 
below the base of the corolla sinus. Anthers 2—3.5 mm. long, medio-affixed, 
apex minutely appendaged. Pollen ellipsoidal, sides rounded or nearly 
parallel, 25-26 & 15-18 yw. Stigmas 2, subterminal. Nutlets erect, sym- 
metric, pointed, ca. 4 mm, tall, 3—3.5 mm. thick, without a ventral keel. 

Mountains of Mexico in the states of Hidalgo, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. 

Closely related to M. longiflora but a less vigorous plant with more slen- 
der fruticulose stems and smaller, usually more elongate leaves bearing 
evident appressed hairs on the upper surface. Macromeria guatemalense of 
northern Guatemala appears to differ from Mexican M. Pringlei only in 
its more elongate, more decidedly fruticose stems and smaller (to 35 mm. 
long) corollas. Possibly it may represent a southern variety of M. Pringlei, 
but hardly a species distinct from it. 

5. Macromeria leonotis Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 188 (1935). 
Type, ascent into Taray, Sierra Madre ca. 15 mi. s.w. of Galeana, 
Nuevo Leon, Mueller 754. 

Cymes terminal on the stem. Calyx 19-25 mm. long, lobes unequal, very 
slender, 1—-1.5 mm. wide. Corolla yellow, 55-75 mm. long, slightly zygo- 
morphic, straight or somewhat curved, outside hispidulose-villulose, densely 
clad with short curly hairs 0.3-0.7 mm. long, inside glanduliferous on the 


lower part of the lobes and over the upper half of the throat and most 
abundantly so in a band at the throat summit; annulus a very narrow 
interrupted ring bearing five groups of short, very inconspicuous hairs. 
Corolla-lobes triangular-oblong, 7-12 mm. long, 5—8 mm. wide, becoming 
reflexed, apex rounded, upper surface minutely strigulose or rarely glabrous, 
glanduliferous at the base. Filaments 14-20 mm. long, compressed, affixed 
7-8 mm. below the corolla sinus, sometimes hairy below the middle and 
on the decurrent base. Anthers 2—3.5 mm. long, affixed just below the 
middle, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen broadly globose-ellipsoidal, sides 
angulate, 25-26 23 mw, pores 8, equatorial. Stigmas apparently sub- 
terminal. Nutlets not seen. 

Mountains of northeastern Mexico in states of Nuevo Leon and Tamauli- 


A species notable for its short soft indument and abundantly glandu- 
liferous summit of the corolla-throat. The corolla appears to be slightly 
zygomorphic, being somewhat curved and perhaps also slightly prolonged 
on the adaxial side. The elongate lobes are strongly reflexed at the base 
and the opening into the throat is accordingly the most forward part of the 
corolla. The rounded lip surrounding this opening to the throat is densely 
glanduliferous. Some glands are present on the lower part of the corolla- 
lobes and also inside the throat down at least to the level of the stamen 
attachments, but only on the lip about the opening into the throat are 
they extremely abundant. No other species of the genus has corollas with 
glands so numerous. The species is a very distinct one, but seems to share 
more characters with M. longiflora and M. Pringlei than with other con- 

6. Macromeria barbigera Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 189 (1935). 
Type, slope of Sierra Tronconal, ca. 15 mi. s.w. of Galeana, Nuevo 
Leon, Mueller 741. 

Cymes terminal on the stem and also arising from the uppermost leaf 
axils. Calyx 15-20 mm. long, lobes very slender, 1—1.5 mm. broad, un- 
equal. Corolla (“cream-white” but when dry with a distinctly reddish 
throat and somewhat greenish lobes) 45-65 mm. long, regular, with a very 
slender tube 15-30 mm. long which abruptly expands into a cylindric 
throat that is 20-30 mm. long, 5-10 mm. thick, and sometimes perceptibly 
broadest below the middle, outer surface of corolla villose, the hairs slender, 
white, and 2~3 mm. long, inner surface glanduliferous above the level of 
the filament attachments and especially so on the upper face of the lobes, 
annulus an interrupted ring. Corolla-lobes deltoid, 4-5 mm. long, loosely 
aie distinctly recurved especially beyond the middle. Filaments 12-15 

m. long, affixed 8-10 mm. below the base of the corolla sinus. Anthers 

3 mm. long, medio-affixed, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen ellipsoidal, 

sides rounded or angled, 30-33 X 25-28 p, pores 9, equatorial. Stigmas 
terminal. Nutlets ellipsoidal to ovoid, 3—3.5 mm 

Northeastern Mexico in the mountains of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. 

A very distinct species notable for its coarse habit, bristly indument, and 


broad leaves, as well as for the form of its large corollas. The corollas 
have a very slender tube, an abruptly expanded elongate throat, and 
loosely recurved deltoid lobes glanduliferous on the upper surface. The 
immediate relatives of the species are obscure. 

7. Macromeria hispida Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11: 339 (1844). 
Type, near Morelia, Michoacan, Galeotti 1917. 
Macromeria longiflora var. hispida (M. & G.) A. DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846). 
Onosmodium longiflorum var. hispidum (M. & G.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 
49: 21 (1917). 
Macromeria longiflora sensu DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846). 

Cymes terminal and commonly also arising directly from a number of 
the uppermost axils to form an elongate thyrse. Calyx with very unequal 
lobes, the abaxial one largest and becoming 18-22 mm. long and 1.5-—2.5 
mm. broad. Corolla yellow, 50-55 mm. long, zygomorphic, usually some- 
what curved and the throat prolonged on the adaxial side, in the bud 
thickly clavate with the outer half swollen and evidently more rounded 
on the adaxial side, outer surface of corolla bearing numerous ascending 
or loosely appressed hairs 0.5—1 mm. long, inside bearing scattered incon- 
spicuous slender gland-tipped hairs in the throat above the stamen attach- 
ments and also on the upper face of the lobes; annulus not developed. 
Corolla-lobes equal, elongate, ovate-elliptic, 8-10 mm. long, 6—7 mm. broad 
below the middle, becoming reflexed, apex rounded, margins revolute. 
Filaments equal, 10-15 mm. long, affixed at slightly unequal heights above 
the corolla base, the medial adaxial filament ca. 2 mm. higher than the 
abaxial pair and ca. 1 mm. above the adaxial pair, all attached 4-5 mm. 
below the oblique summit of the throat. Anthers 2-3 mm. long, affixed 
slightly below the middle, erect, apex frequently bearing a slender minute 
appendage. Pollen globose-ovoid, 38-41 * 33-37 ym, upper and lower 
halves of the grain slightly unequal, pores eight in a row and borne slightly 
below the middle. Stigma terminal. Nutlets not seen. 

A Mexican plant known only from the state of Michoacan, especially 
near Morelia and Patzcuaro. 

In floral organization this species most resembles M. exserta, but in 
general habit it is more suggestive of WM. Pringlei and M. longiflora. 

8. Macromeria exserta D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 13: 239 
(1832); Lindley, Bot. Reg. 33: t. 26 (1847). Type from Mexico, 
Sessé & Mocino. 

Echium longiflorum Sessé & Moc. Pl. N. Hisp. 20 (1888); Johnston, Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 30: 109 (1949). 

Macromeria exserta var. imparata Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 22 (1917). 
Type from Oaxaca, 1842, Ghiesbreght. 

Cymes terminal and commonly also arising from the uppermost axils to 
form a loose thyrse. Calyx 20-30 mm. long, lobes very unequal, 1-7 mm. 
broad. Corolla very large, 60-90 mm. long, yellow, zygomorphic, with the 


tube curved and the throat prolenged on the adaxial side, in the bud with 
its thickened distal half conspicuously distended on the adaxial side, out- 
side of corolla bearing abundant spreading hairs usually ca. 0.5 mm. long, 
inner surface of throat and lobes bearing scattered, usually inconspicuous 
slender gland-tipped hairs; annulus not developed. Corolla-lobes elongate, 
equal, 15-28 mm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, becoming reflexed, apex rounded 
or obtusish, margins revolute. Filaments very slender, elongate and long- 
exserted, 55-70 mm. long, usually curved, affixed in the corolla-throat 
4—5 mm. below its oblique summit at three superimposed levels, the odd 
medial stamen 5-8 mm. higher above the corolla base than the abaxial 
pair and 3-4 mm. above the adaxial pair. Anthers 3—4 mm. long, frequently 
curved, affixed below the middle, becoming versatile, apex usually bearing 
a minute appendage. Pollen ovoid-ellipsoidal, 38-41 > 25-28 p, upper 
and lower halves of grain slightly dissimilar, pores 8, slightly inframedial. 
Stigmas terminal. Nutlets 4—5.5 mm. long, 2.5-4.5 mm. thick, weakly 

Mountains of western Mexico from Nayarit to Oaxaca. 

A very distinct species notable for its very coarse habit and extremely 
large zygomorphic corollas with excessively long-exserted stamens. Be- 
cause of the curved adaxially swollen buds and the eventually long-exserted 
curved stamens the corolla has a form and appearance more suggestive of 
some of the Verbenaceae, e.g., Clerodendron, than of other members of the 
Boraginaceae. In size the corolla of M/. exserta surpasses that of all other 
species in the whole of the Boraginaceae. 

2. Onosmodium Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 132, t. 15 (1803). Based upon 
O. hispidum Michx. |= O. virginicum L.| and O. molle Michx. 

Osmodium Raf. Med. Repos. N. Y. 5: 353 (1808); Merrill, Index Raf. 203 
(1949). A substitute name for Onosmodium Michx. 

Purshia Spreng. Anleit. ed. 2, 2: 450 (1817); Lehm., Asperif. 2: 382 (1818). 
A substitute name for Onosmodium Michx. 

Osmidium Walp. Ann. 3: 134 (1853). Apparently a printers’ mistake for 
Onosmodium Michx. 

Plants perennial, with few to many frequently coarse, erect stems, strigose 
or more commonly hispid, glanduliferous in one species only, simple or 
bearing ascending leafy fertile branches above the middle. Leaves mostly 
cauline, numerous, bearing several pairs of strong assurgent veins; lowest 
leaves usually larger and more elongate than the middle and upper ones, 
usually shed before the time of flowering, persisting in only a few spécies. 
Cymes scorpioid, single or paired, borne terminal on the main stem and 
its branches, usually many-flowered, at first dense and coiled and later in 
the fruiting condition becoming straight, greatly elongate, and loosely 
flowered. Bracts numerous, one adjacent to each flower, lanceolate to 


lobes attenuate or broadly linear or slightly spathulate, acute to obtuse 
or rounded at the apex, usually evidently unequal, after maturity of the 


fruit usually disarticulating at the base. Pedicels short to elongate. Corolla 
opening (and its style exserted and its anthers mature) while incompletely 
developed. Mature completely developed corolla white to cream or yellow, 
usually with the lobes more or less green or greenish, subtubular, two to 
three times as long as broad, regular, straight; outside hairy, usually 
strigose or with appressed hairs; inside glabrous (or a few hairs near the 
tip of the lobes in one species), without any glands or true faucal append- 
ages; annulus evident, consisting of a narrow flange or ten lobules, gla- 
brous; throat usually about twice the thickness of the corolla-base, broadest 
(and in lateral silhouette somewhat angulate) a short distance below its 
summit, bearing ten externally protrudent gibbose convexities, five below 
the base of the corolla-sinus and five lesser ones below the corolla-lobes. 
Corolla-lobes nearly one half to nearly one fifth (but most commonly 
about one third) the total length of the corolla, erect, more or less elongate, 
very narrowly imbricate in the bud, cuneate or triangular or ovate-triangu- 
lar with the apex acute or acute with an attenuate tip; sinus between the 
lobes narrow, acute, thickened and inflexed at the very base. Stamens 
borne at equal heights in the thickest part of the throat, affixed at or dis- 
tinctly above the middle of the corolla; filaments short, usually somewhat 
unguiculate, one third the length of the anthers or less; anthers oblong- 
lanceolate, with their tips reaching up to or slightly beyond the base of 
the corolla-sinus, affixed between the base and the middle usually at about 
one third of its total length above its base; apex of anther bearing a 
minute appendage (appendage semicircular or quadrate or three-lobed or 
sometimes attenuate, composed of prolongations of the thecae and the nar- 
row connective, with the portion prolonged from the connective frequently 
darkened and perhaps glandular); base of anther emarginate or lobed, 
reaching downward in the corolla-throat to or distinctly below the point of 
attachment of the filaments; connective narrow, glabrous; thecae below 
the anther attachment distinct and usually spreading, their basal tips 
very obscurely if at all thickened. Pollen small, 16-24 * 13-22 p, ovoid 
to globose-ovoid, lower half rounded more broadly and evenly than the 
upper half, always longer than broad, though at times only slightly so; 
pores inframedial, six or seven in a single row, usually obscure; grains in 
polar profile circular or rarely somewhat polygonal. Style filiform, pre- 
cociously long-exserted, emerging from the incompletely developed corolla 
when the latter has not yet attained half of its eventual size; stigmas two, 
minute, terminal on the style. Ovules four but usually only one maturing 
and very rarely more than two. Nutlets ovoid or ellipsoidal, white or 
tawny, lustrous, smooth or pitted, gradually narrowed to the base or some- 
times with a suprabasal constriction, nearly circular in transverse section, 
lacking a prominent ventral keel or any evidence of a ventral suture; 
attachment-scar flat, basal, nearly as broad as long, towards ventral edge 
bearing the slightly prominent broken end of the bony tubular funicular 
canal and towards the dorsal edge a small, attenuate, obliquely ascending 
prominence representing a thickening of scar tissue about the base of a 
vascular strand leading to the dorsum of the nutlet body. Gynobase de- 


pressed, nearly flat, attachment surface plane, distinct, lacking strongly 
thickened upturned margins. 

A genus confined to middle and eastern sections of the United States 
and to northeastern Mexico. Most authors have recognized seven species 
within the United States, cf. Mackenzie, Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 32: 495-506 
(1905); Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 17-18 (1924); and Fernald, 
Manual Bot. 1200-1201 (1951). Two additional species are endemic to 
northeastern Mexico. Of the total only four are sharply definable and 
always positively recognizable, viz., O. unicum Macbr. and O. dodrantale 
Johnston of Mexico, O. Helleri Small of Texas, and O. virginianum (L.) 
DC. of the eastern border of the United States. The other five “species” 
intergrade and are incapable of sharp definition. There is O. hispidissimum 
Mack., ranging in the Ohio Valley and the Middle Atlantic States, O. occi- 
dentale Mack., widespread in the region between the Mississippi River 
and the Rocky Mountains, and O. bejariense DC., confined to Texas. 
These three are habitally similar and obviously related, and over the 
larger portion of the area in which they are found they seem relatively 
constant in their characters. Another group of related plants is practically 
confined to Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas and Missouri. These have 
slender stems and an indument usually closely appressed and frequently 
scanty. Representative of them are O. molle Michx. and O. subsetosum 
Mack. Embarrassing transitional forms between these two groups, as 
well as between their members, appear to be frequent in Missouri, Iowa, 
and Illinois, where the ranges of the various species converge or even 
overlap. Analysis will probably reveal evidence of much hybridization 
and intragression affecting O. Aispidissimum, O. occidentale, and O. molle 
in that area 

The genus has general relations with Macromeria and Lasiarrhenum 
but is more closely related to the American and particularly to the Mexi- 
can species of Lithospermum and, along with the two genera mentioned, 
is probably derived from them. It is a sharply defined and thoroughly 
natural group readily recognizable by a number of strong characters. Par- 
ticularly noteworthy are its precociously sexual flowers. In these the an- 
thers mature and the style becomes long exserted in corollas that have 
opened before they have attained half their eventual size. The subtubular 
corolla is also distinctive in having very narrowly imbricate, erect, sharply 
acute or acuminate corolla-lobes and sinuses between the lobes which are 
distinctively thickened and inflexed at the very base. The corolla-throat 
may have five to ten gibbose swellings outside, but inside is devoid not 
only of faucal appendages but also of any hairs or glands. The included 
glabrous anthers are attached between base and middle to very abbreviated 
filaments and are appendiculate at the apex and lobulate at the base. 

Most of the species commonly referred to Onosmodium are obviously 
congeneric. To be excluded, however, are O. revolutum (Robins.) Macbr., 
Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917), the type of the genus Psilolaemus, and 
Onosmodium strigosum (HBK.) Don, the type of the genus Lasiarrhenum. 
Gray, Synop. Fl. Am. 2': 205 (1878), and later Macbride, Contr. Gray 


Herb. 49: 19 (1917), have suggested that all species of Macromeria ex- 
cept M. exserta should be accommodated in an enlarged Onosmodium. 
Justification for this apparently rests solely on general vegetative similari- 
ties and in the fact that corolla-lobes of Macromeria may be acute. In 
size, form, and behavior of the corolla and in structures inside the corolla 
the species of Onosmodium are extremely different from those of Macro- 
meria. Indeed, the two genera differ more from each other than they do 
individually from Lithospermum. If generic values are not to be lowered, 
Onosmodium and Macromeria must be kept distinct. 

In the Mexican O. dodrantale, the plant not only has very short stems, 
1-3 dm. long, but also has the leaves smallest at the base of the stem 
and gradually increasing in size upward along it. In the other species of 
the genus, all of them with much longer stems (usually 5-12 dm.), the 
leaves at the base of the stem are larger and more elongate than those 
on its middle sections. The indications are that the stems elongate from 
the center of a winter rosette of leaves and not directly from a bud on the 
caudex, as in O. dodrantale and in most species of Lithospermum., ‘The 
large lowermost leaves have usually fallen away in herbarium specimens 
of most species. Indeed, only in those of O. bejariense and O. Hellert are 
they commonly found dried up and still persisting in some numbers 
crowded at the base of the stem. In most species the foliage has reached 
full size and has become firm before anthesis. This is not the case, how- 
ever, in O. Helleri. In that species the plant flowers while it is still growing 
vigorously and before it has attained full stature and the upper leaves 
have attained their maximum size and mature firmness. Plants of O. Helleri 
at anthesis and those maturing fruit have a very different appearance. In 
fruiting plants of this species the bracts become unusually large and con- 

The cymes in O. dodrantale are weakly developed and hardly more than 
three- to six-flowered bracteate glomerules terminating the short stems. In 
the other species of the genus, however, they are distinctly scorpioid and 
abundantly flowered and eventually become straight, extremely elongate, 
and very loose at extreme maturity. The flowers maturing their corollas 
are borne crowded on the arched summit of the cyme, those with com- 
pletely grown corollas just above the point where the rachis begins to 
straighten. Since the pedicels are strict, the corollas incline backwards 
towards the summit of the cyme, and those near its summit become nearly 
horizontal. After the corolla is shed the rachis straightens, its internodes 
elongate, and the abundant bracts, previously inconspicuous, increase in 
size and become very conspicuous. 

The indument on the herbage may be either strigose or bristly. Onos- 
modium subsetosum is unusual in having the stems glabrous or nearly so. 
A very distinctive feature of the Mexican O. unicum is the presence of very 
slender multicellular, gland-tipped hairs intermixed among the stiff ascend- 
ing hairs on the leaves, stems and rachis of the cyme and even on the calyx. 
I know of no other American herbaceous borage having generally dis- 
tributed hairs of this type. 


The flowers of Onosmodium are precociously sexual. The corolla opens 
and its anthers are matured and its style is exserted long before the corolla 
has attained full size, commonly when it is less than half its eventual 
size or even sufficiently elongate to surpass the calyx. In this behavior of 
the corolla the genus differs from all other American Boraginaceae, and 
among the Lithospermeae, at least, has a parallel only in the monotypic 
Halacsya of Albania and Montenegro, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 276 
(1953). On the densely flowered arched summit of the scorpioid cyme in 
Onosmodium, as in Halacsya, the styles are to be seen projecting not merely 
from the fully developed conspicuous corollas but also above the latter 
from a series of gradually less well developed corollas on younger and 
higher parts of the cyme. The style may first emerge when the corolla 
is so small as to be overtopped by its calyx lobes. When the corolla is 
sufficiently large to equal or slightly surpass the calyx, the style is long 
exserted, the corolla-lobes have unfolded completely, and the anthers have 
attained nearly full size and in herbarium specimens are dehiscent. At 
this stage, above the level of the filament attachments the corolla is ap- 
proaching mature form and has attained about seventy-five per cent of its 
eventual size. Below the level of the filament attachments, however, 
growth has lagged, for the tube is still very short and scarcely developed. 
It is after the corolla opens and the anthers and style are exposed and func- 
tioning that the tube elongates and increases in diameter and the corolla 
achieves full size and mature proportions. The early emergent, eventually 
long exserted style evidently makes self-pollination in this genus prac- 
tically impossible. How the corolla may function in pollination during 
the period in which it doubles its size after opening and maturing its anthers 
is a subject deserving investigation. 

The fully developed corolla in this genus may be 8-12 mm. long, as in 
O. virginianum and O. hispidissimum, or as much as 12-18 mm., as in 
O. occidentale. From a base 1.5—2.5 mm. thick they gradually expand 
upwards to just below the summit of the tube where they are broadest, 
ca. 4 mm. in O. virginianum and 6—7 mm. in most other species. The lobes 
are a third to a fifth (usually about a third) the total length of the corolla. 
They are cuneate to triangular or ovate-triangular, and from the base or 
just above it contract with rie nla sides to the sharp apex, 
which is acute or sometimes (in O. cum) acute with an attenuate tip. 
The lobes, except near the very ae (i.e., on all surfaces exposed while 
folded in the bud), have their outer face hairy, as elsewhere on the outside 
of the corolla. The inner face of the lobes is usually completely glabrous. In- 
deed, the only exception is in the corolla of O. dodrantale, which is unique 
in having the inner surface of its lobes always inconspicuously hairy just 
below their tip. In the bud the lobes are imbricate very narrowly and 
only sufficiently to produce a very narrow glabrous margin, narrowing 
upward, on the dorsum of each lobe. It is this very narrow imbrication 
of the lobes, becoming negligible towards the tip of the bud, that facilitates 
the early egress of the precociously elongating style that has pushed 
upwards inside the very immature flower bu 


The base of the acute sinus between the erect corolla-lobes is distinctly 
plicate, inflexed, and thickened. A somewhat similar condition occurs 
in the flowers of some species of Heliotropium, but among the Litho- 
spermeae in no other genus save Onosmodium is it present or at least so 
well developed. In most species the corolla is locally distended outwardly by 
convex gibbose swellings, one directly below the plicate base of each sinus. 
These gibbosities make the corolla more or less five-angled just below the 
summit of the throat where it is broadest. Gibbosities of a similar sort 
may also be present below the base of each corolla-lobe and alternate with 
those below the sinus, but are usually less conspicuous than the latter. 
Inside the corolla-throat, except for the inflexed bases of the sinus, there 
are no intrusive appendages or invaginations. Faucal appendages and 
stipitate glands, common features in the corolla-throat of other Litho- 
spermeae, are completely absent. Pubescence of any sort is also absent 
inside the corolla, even on the annulus. The annulus is clearly developed, 
either as a narrow thickish continuous flange or as ten lobes. 

The anthers, 2.5—-3.5 mm. long, are attached to a very short filament at 
about a third of their length above their base, and hence very definitely 
below their middle. The filaments, a third the length of the anther or less, 
are attached in the corolla commonly about 2 mm. below the summit of 
the throat. The anthers, accordingly, usually reach up to about the base 
of the sinus above them or at most have their tips only a millimeter beyond. 
The base of the anther projects downward to the same level as the attach- 
ment of the filament on the walls of the throat or slightly below it. In the 
lower quarter of the anther the thecae are not united. They may remain 
parallel and the base of the anther appear emarginate, but usually, par- 
ticularly in age, they tend to spread, making the anther lobulate at the 
base. The thecae are only slightly narrowed above the middle. The anther 
is always minutely appendiculate at the apex. The very diminutive ap- 
pendages appear to be formed not merely by a prolongation of the narrow 
connective but also by apical prolongations of each theca. These parts 
may be confluent or distinct. The appendage is variable in form within 
the species, and even according to the age of the anther bearing it. It may 
be three-pronged, it may be quadrate with either truncate or toothed 
summit, or occasionally, in O. dodrantale and O. unicum, subulate or 
lanceolate. In O. virginianum the anther summit may be even broadly 
emarginate and the thecae each tipped by a minute appendage and distinct 
from the third small appendage arising from the depth of the sinus 
between them. 

The pollen of the various species of Onosmodium differs slightly in size 
but very little in shape. It is ovoid, or at times, even in the same species, 
very broadly so and even globose-ovoid in form. The grains are always 
perceptibly longer than broad with the upper and lower half differing to 
some degree in outline. In lateral profile the pores are at most very 
weakly protrudent. Usually they are very obscure. They are borne in 
a single row perceptibly below the middle of the grain and are usually 
six but not infrequently seven in number. In polar profile the grains are 


almost invariably circular in outline. The size of the grain seems to be 
roughly correlated with corolla-size. Species with large flowers usually 
have grains larger than those in species with small flowers. Small-flowered 
O. virginianum produces the smallest pollen, 15-18 & 13-16 p». In O. 
subsetosum, O. molle, O. hispidissimum, and O. Helleri the grains measure 
16-18 & 15-16 p, in O. unicum, 16-22 15-18 pn, in O. occidentale, 
18-22 « 16-20 p, in O. bejariense, 20-22 16-20 p, and in O. dodrantale, 
22-24 X 20-27 u. 

As in the case of all genera of the Lithospermeae previously examined, 
pollen production in Onosmodium was found to be prevailingly normal and 
abundant, with imperfect pollen very scanty and infertile anthers rare. 
Worthy of note, therefore, is the fact that the reverse condition seems 
prevalent in O. occidentale over the northern parts of its range, in the 
northern Plains and adjacent Rockies. The species deserves cytological 

The nutlets of the genus are generally similar to those of Lithospermum. 
Unlike those of Macromeria their ventral suture is always closed and com- 
pletely obliterated. There is no appreciable ventral keel. Although the 
ovary is four-ovulate, flowers of the genus seldom mature more than a 
single nutlet. Only in O. occidentale are the exceptional fruits, frequently 
present in limited numbers, found to be maturing two nutlets. In that 
species fruit with three nutlets may be encountered very rarely, but none 
with four nutlets have been found. Accordingly I have not seen a sym- 
metrically developed gynobase. In those maturing one to three nutlets, 
the attachment faces are nearly horizontal and plane or nearly so. The 
faces are not concave, nor do they have strongly thickened upturned 
margins as in Macromeria. The attachment scar on the nutlet is flat, not 
convex as in Macromeria, but, like the scar in that genus, it does bear a 
projecting end of the broken tubular funicular canal, and also another 
more dorsal projection in the form of an obliquely ascending protuberance. 

3. Nomosa, gen. nov. Lithospermeae. 

Planta perennis herbacea strigosa. Caules hornotini erecti simplices 
foliosi ut videtur e caudice ex caulibus vetustis 3-4 mm. crassis procum- 
bentibus laxe ramosis composito orientes. Folia breviter strigosa cinerea vel 
plus minusve argentacea supra basim triplinervia. Folia basalia oblanceolata 
in fasciculos steriles aggregata. Folia caulina numerosa sessilia a basi 
caulis sursum gradatim majora, superiora anguste oblonga vel lanceolato- 
oblonga apice acuta vel plus minusve obtusa. Cymae terminales geminatae 
laxe scorpioideae pauciflorae tandem rectae racemosae. Bracteae numerosae 
foliaceae haud conspicuae calycem haud superantes. Flores sub anthesi 
in parte curvato supremo symae gesti erecti vel horizontales vel declinati. 
Calyx 5-fidus; lobis evidenter inaequalibus firmis costatis elongatis lin- 
earibus vel cuneatis. Pedicelli crassiusculi stricti modice elongati. Corolla 
ut videtur alba regularis crasse tubularis, calyce subduplo longior, a basi sur- 
sum lente gradatimque ampliata (haud faucibus distinctis donata) in tertia 
parte superiore crassissima, triplo longior quam lata, extus dense brev- 


iterque strigosa, intus inter basis decurrentis filamentorum pilis gracilibus 
glanduliferis praedita alibi glabra; faucibus nec appendiculas nec glandulas 
stipitatas proferentibus; lobis imbricatis parvis quam longitudine corollae 
10-plo brevioribus erectis late ovatis infra medium latissimis basi ali- 
quantum contractis tam longis quam latis vel paullo latioribus quam 
longis; annulo nullo. Filamenta angusta elongata sursum gradatim at- 
tenuata crassiuscula, in quarta parte inferiore corollae affixa, supra medium 
teretia et glabra, infra medium plus minusve compressa et pilis gracilibus 
glanduliferis abundanter donata, basi breviter decurrentia incrassata pilis 
glanduliferis vestita. Antherae elongatae lanceolatae, supra basim affixae, 
filamentis duplo breviores, in parte suprema tubi corollae gestae, basim 
versus latissimae deinde sursum gradatim angustatae, appendiculis steril- 
ibus pallidis gradatim attenuatis e tubo corollae exsertis sed lobos corollae 
haud superantibus terminatae, dorso connectivum pallidum laeve latum 
(latitudine quam antheram triplo angustius) pilis paucis (1-4) rigidis 
valde adpressis praeditum proferentes; thecis basim versus distinctis sed 
parallelis infra medium apicem versus angustatis, basi imo acutiusculis 
apiculo inconspicuo incrassato donatis sed nullo modo appendiculatis. 
Granulae pollinis late ovoideae 25-28 & 21-23 » infra medium latissimae 
et ibi 7 vel 8 poris obscuris instructae, a latere visae late ovatae ca. 8 mm. 
supra basim semicircularem latiores deinde sursum per margines rectos 
convergentes in apicem latum abrupte rotundum contractae. Stylus 
gracilis glaber tandem evidenter exsertus; stigmatibus 2 distinctis termi- 
nalibus. Nuculae ignotae.— Nomen a Onosma litteris interversis de- 

Nomosa Rosei, sp. nov. 

Planta 25-30 cm. alta; caulibus erectis basim versus ad 3 mm. crassis 
pilis rectis antrorsis laxe adpressis ad 1 mm. longis vestitis, internodiis 
brevibus ca. 5 mm. longis; foliis strigosis (pilis valde adpressis rectis 
0.2-0.6 mm. longis), margine inconspicue ciliolatis (pilis strictis vel ad- 
scendentibus 0.5-1 mm. longis), costa 10-20 mm. supra basim nervos 2 
assurgentes validos conspicuos perelongatos proferenti donatis; foliis bas- 
alibus 40-60 mm. longis supra medium 8-12 mm. latis; foliis caulinis 
superioribus 40-55 mm. longis medium versus 8-10 mm. latis; cymis ca. 
10-floris maturitate rectis ad 8 cm. longis; lobis calycis strigosis margine 
hispido-ciliatis, sub anthesi 8-11 mm. longis tandem 10-15 mm. longis, 
lobo majore 1—3 mm, lato quam lobis minoribus 3-5 mm. longiore; pedi- 
cello sub anthesi 3-5 mm. longo tandem ad 8 mm. longo recto; corolla 

crassa; lobis corollae 2 mm. longis medium versus 2—2.5 mm. latis,. basi 
ima 2 mm. latis; filamentis 9.5-10 mm. longis, 5 mm. supra basim corollae 
orientibus, basim versus 1 mm. latis, apicem versus ad 0.5 mm. lIatis, 
infra medium pilos 0.5 mm. longos proferentibus; basi decurrente filamenti 
incrassato 2-3 mm. longo ca. 0.8 mm. lato pilis glanduliferis vestito; 
antheris 5 mm. longis ca. 1.4 mm. supra basim affixis, thecis 3.5 mm. 


longis basi 3—3.5 mm. infra basim loborum corollae gestis; appendiculo 
terminali antherae 1.5 mm. longo imam ad basim ca. 0.5 mm. lato; stylo 
23-25 mm. longo. 

MEXICO: in Sierra Madre near the southern border of the state of Durango, 
Aug 16, 1897, J. N. Rose 2360 (type, Gray Herb.). 

This remarkable plant is known only from a collection made over a half- 
century ago by J. N. Rose during his first expedition to Mexico. In general 
appearance it mimics Onosma to a remarkable degree. The original collec- 
tion was distributed with locality data given merely as “Durango.” Ac- 
cepted as a member of the large and diverse Old World genus Onosma, 
and believed to have been introduced into Mexico, presumably at Durango 
City, the plant attracted no careful study, particularly since no plant 
similar to it was subsequently found in America. Only recently, when it 
was dissected and carefully compared during a study of Onosma and 
related genera, were the very many distinctive features of this neglected 
Mexican plant fully recognized. Upon investigation it was found that the 
specimens were made not at Durango City, but rather in the Sierra Madre, 
ca. lat. 22° 15’ N., at the extreme southern end of the state of Durango, 
in a wild and infrequented area. It was discovered by Rose when on 
horseback and with pack-animals he journeyed through Nayarit across 
the southern tip of Durango and on eastward into Zacatecas, crossing the 
Sierra Madre in a section not subsequently visited by a botanist. Our 
plant is apparently endemic in the mountains of this particular region. 

Although extremely suggestive of Onosma in external features, Nomosa 
is actually a very close ally of the Mexican Lasiarrhenum. Its affinities 
are with such American genera as Lasiarrhenum, Macromeria, and Onos- 
modium, which appear to be derivatives of American Lithospermum rather 
than of the strictly Old World Onosma. Along with Lasiarrhenum, No- 
mosa is distinguished from Onosma by its 7—8-porate pollen, unequal 
calyx-lobes, triple-nerved leaves, and free anthers with hairy connectives. 
From Lasiarrhenum it differs in having very elongate gradually narrowed 
filaments which are attached very low in the corolla and, below the middle, 
are densely clothed with an abundance of slender elongate multicellular 
gland-tipped hairs. The anthers, only half as long as the filaments, are 
carried higher in the corolla and have their elongate terminal appendage 
exserted from the mouth of the corolla. Unlike the anthers of Lasiar- 
rhenum, which are abundantly and conspicuously hairy on the back, those 
of Nomosa bear only a very few closely appressed, much shorter incon- 
spicuous hairs on the connective. The corolla of Nomosa, coarsely tubular, 
does not swell into a campanulate throat as in Lasiarrhenum. Its lobes 
are ovate rather than deltoid, and the inner surface of the throat bears no 
hairs nor stiped glands. The annulus, very well developed in Lastarrhenum, 
in Nomosa is absent or obscure. 

The plant is not bristly. The foliage is closely strigose with the minute 
hairs abundant but not extremely crowded nor overlapping. The thin 
indument is tidy and smooth and gray or somewhat silvery. The leaves 


usually have only two strong elongate veins. These arise from the midrib 
1—2 cm, above the leaf-base. They are assurgent and nearly as strong as 
the midrib and are frequently prolonged almost to the leaf-tip. Occasion- 
ally less well developed veins may also be present, but these are never as 
conspicuous as the major veins. The corolla, if not perfectly regular, 
departs from that condition only by having its two adaxial lobes perhaps 
very slightly larger than the other three. The lobes are involutely curved, 
and the upper half of the tube directly below each of them is somewhat 
swollen. The upper half of the corolla, accordingly, has five weakly inflated 
ribs. The filaments are attached unusually low in the corolla. The posi- 
tion of their thickened short decurrent base is marked on the outside of 
the corolla by five oblong-elliptic glabrous areas extending 2.5—-5 mm. 
above the corolla-base. The slender, elongate, gradually narrowed fila- 
ments are glabrous above the middle, but below the middle and on their 
thickened decurrent base they bear multicellular gland-tipped hairs in 
great abundance. This shaggy indument on the filaments is a distinctive 
feature of Nomosa. Some of the multicellular gland-tipped hairs occur also 
on the walls of the corolla immediately adjacent to the stamen bases. Else- 
where the inner surface of the corolla bears no hairs or stipitate glands. 
The anthers are carried high enough in the corolla-tube to have their ter- 
minal appendage exserted from the corolla-mouth. From below the middle 
the anthers narrow towards an attenuate tip. The terminal 1.5 mm. of 
the anther, its appendage, consists of a sterile prolongation of the con- 
nective. This is narrowed to a slender point and is frequently curved to 
one side. It is the only part of the anther exserted from the corolla-tube. 
Although exserted, it does not become conspicuous, since it remains hidden 
behind the erect corolla-lobes which overtop it. The back of the anther 
has a broad, smooth, weakly convex connective which bears a very few 
stout closely appressed hairs. These hairs, unlike those on the anther in 
Lasiarrhenum, are few and inconspicuous and must be looked for under 
the microscope. At the base of the anther the thecae, though distinct for 
0.6 mm. above the base, are not spreading but parallel. The lower end of 
each theca is acutish. Its tip never becomes appendaged or distinctly 
thickened as in Onosma. The style emerges from the fully developed 
corolla as its lobes unfold and soon bears its two stigmas 5—6 mm. beyond 
the tips of the erect corolla-lobes. Fruit of the plant is unknown. I am con- 
fident, however, that the nutlets will prove to be very similar to those of 

4. Lasiarrhenum Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 15 (1924). Type 
species Onosma strigosum HBK, 

Plant perennial, prevailingly strigose, with spreading hairs only on the 
stem and veins of the leaf. Stems coarse, erect, several or more, simple or 
bearing ascending leafy floriferous branches above the middle. Leaves all 
cauline, numerous and usually crowded, elongate, triple-ribbed, narrowly 
lanceolate or the lower ones oblanceolate, those near the middle of the 
stem usually largest, those near the base of the stem small and even 


imperfectly developed. Cymes scorpioid, always terminal, geminate on the 
main stem but usually single on the branches, in age straightening and 
elongating but remaining moderately crowded. Bracts numerous, linear 
to lanceolate, ascending, not very conspicuous even in fruiting inflores- 
cences, scarcely if at all overtopping the adjacent fruiting calyx. Calyx 
5-fid; lobes unequal with the abaxial one largest, acute, usually slightly 
more than half the length of the corolla, moderately accrescent in fruit; 
pedicel slender, straight, strictly ascending, half as long to as long as the 
calyx. Corolla white, regular, below the middle coarsely tubular and above 
the middle swelling to form a somewhat campanulate throat, the outer 
surface strigose; lobes erect, relatively small, more or less deltoid with the 
apex frequently rounded, as broad or broader than long, imbricate; throat 
on inner surface bearing scattered stipitate glands, frequently inconspicu- 
ously strigose along lines below the corolla-lobes, without faucal append- 
ages; the annulus well developed, glabrous, a thick ridge or narrow collar, 
obscurely lobed. Filaments affixed at the base of the throat, nearly as 
long as the anther, thickish and somewhat fleshy, broad, dorsiventrally 
compressed, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, usually bearing some stiped 
glands especially below the middle, but otherwise glabrous, below the at- 
tachment narrowly decurrent and forming thickened ridges on the walls 
of the corolla-tube. Anthers lanceolate, deeply included in the corolla- 
throat, attached distinctly below the middle, appendaged at the apex; 
terminal appendage evident, narrow, attenuate, compressed, base as broad 
as the connective of which it is an attenuate prolongation, with a length 
not exceeding and usually less than the maximum width of the dehiscent 
anther; base of anther lobed; thecae narrowing towards their apex, free 
for a short distance above the base, parallel or somewhat spreading at the 
lower end, the basal end usually acutish with a thickened tip; venter of 
anther glabrous, bearing the thecae closely juxtaposed, with the connec- 
tive exposed only at the apex; dorsum of the anther with a broad connec- 
tive, conspicuously hispid-villose both on the connective and on the back 
of the thecae, the hairs slender, white, loosely and antrorsely appressed. 
Pollen broadly but distinctly ovoid, 20-23 16-20 ,, broadest and bear- 
ing the pores about 8 » above the broadly rounded base; lateral profile 
ovate, above the pores with the converging sides nearly straight and the 
apex abruptly rounded; polar profile circular; pores 7 or 8, usually obscure. 
Style emerging from the well-developed corolla-bud as the lobes unfold, 
shortly but distinctly surpassing the erect corolla-lobes; stigmas evidently 
two, diverging from the summit of the style. Nutlets smooth, white, lus- 
trous, ovoid, narrowed at the base, all four frequently developing, diver- 
gent, on the venter bearing a low, rounded, weakly developed keel but no 
evidences of a ventral suture, dorsum convex; attachment scar basal, 
horizontal, nearly as broad as long. Gynobase broadly pyramidal, sur- 
mounted by the thickened persisting 4-angulate base of the style; attach- 
ment faces sloping, distinct, with thickened margins. 

A very well marked genus with a single species, endemic to south central 
Mexico (Michoacan to Puebla and adjacent Jalisco to Oaxaca). 


Lasiarrhenum strigosum (HBK.) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 15 

Onosma strigosum HBK. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3: 93 (1818). 

Onosmodium strigosum (HBK.) Don, Gen. Syst. 4: 317 (1837). 

Onosma trinervium Lehm. Asperif. 2: 378 (1818) and Icones 1: 11, t. 9 (1821). 
Lithospermum longifolium Willd. in R. & S. Syst. 4: 742 (1819). 

Plant 5—10 dm. tall; stems abundantly short hispid with hairs 1-2 (—3) 
mm. long. Leaves at middle of stem 5—10 cm. long, 6-22 (usually 8-15) 
mm, broad, paler beneath, triple-ribbed, the strong midrib producing 
(about 10 mm. above its base) two evident strong, greatly prolonged 
assurgent veins, the veins nearly as strong as the midrib and extending 
almost to the leaf tip, evident on both sides of the leaf, hairs on the upper 
surface of the leaf provided with minute discoid bases but these seldom 
conspicuous. Corolla 15-23 mm. long, below the middle 3—4.5 mm. thick 
and subcylindric or slightly ampliate, at or slightly below the middle ex- 
panding into a campanulate throat 6-12 mm. broad at the top; corolla- 
lobes 3.5—5 mm, broad at the base, 2-3 mm. long. Filaments 3-5 mm. 
long, from the narrow attachment gradually expanding to become 1.3—1.5 
mm, broad between the middle and the acute apex, arising 5-10 mm. 
above the corolla-base. Anthers 4—5.5 mm. long, 1-1.3 mm. broad below 
the middle, affixed 1.2-1.5 mm. above the base, reaching up to 1-3 
(usually 2) mm. below the base of the corolla-sinus; terminal appendage 
0.4-1 mm. long and 0.2-0.3 mm. wide at the base; base of anther 
held 1.5-3 mm. above the base of the filament; thecae free 0.5-1 mm. 
above the anther-base; dorsum of anther bearing hairs 0.6—-1.3 mm. long, 
connective one third of the width of the anther. Style 16-23 mm. long, 
surpassing the corolla-lobes 1-5 mm. Nutlets ovoid, usually ca. 3 mm. 
long and 2.5 mm. thick, in transverse section with the ventral side broadly 
obtuse but elsewhere nearly circular in outline. 

This monotype is particularly notable for its broad, fleshy, usually 
oblanceolate filaments and for its large lanceolate appendaged anthers 
which are coarsely and abundantly white-hairy on the back. In gross 
habit the plant is very suggestive of Onosmodium, a genus with which it 
was long confused. In floral structure, however, it is extremely different. 
The closest relations of Lasiarrhenum are with Nomosa. Details concerning 
this relationship are treated in the discussion of the latter genus. 

The anthers of Lasiarrhenum have a somewhat less well developed 
terminal appendage than those of Nomosa, but otherwise are very similar 
as to form and size. Unlike the anthers of Nomosa, which bear only a few 
inconspicuous hairs on the connective, the whole of the dorsal surface of 
the anthers in Lasiarrhenum bears slender ascending white hairs in con- 
spicuous abundance. The presence of hairs on the back of the anther is 
no common feature. Among American Lithospermeae they occur only in 
Lasiarrhenum, Nomosa, and one species of Macromeria, M. viridiflora DC. 

The terminal appendage on the anther of Lasiarrhenum (and Nomosa) 
is very suggestive of that in Onosma, and because of this the possibility 


has been recognized that our plant might have close affinity with that 
genus of the Old World. In structures other than the anthers, however, 
Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa have much more in common with Onosmodium 
and Macromeria The indications are that all these four genera are Ameri- 
can derivatives of either Lithospermum or Lithospermum-like ancestors 
and so probably have no direct affinity with Onosma. The well-developed 
anther-appendages of Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa appear to be simply the 
extreme expression of the same tendency towards prolongation of the 
connective that is to be observed less well expressed in Onosmodium and 
Macromeria. In Onosmodium the connective is narrow, and the maximum 
prolongation of it, as in O. unicum Macbr. and O. dodrantale Johnston, 
is slender, weak, and at most 0.5 mm. long. The connective is also narrow 
in most species of Macromeria. In the one species of that genus, M. 
viridiflora DC., in which the connective approaches in width that of 
Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa, its prolongation is very short and stout. In 
Macromeria the thecae are equally broad from base to tip, and the anthers, 
accordingly, are more or less distinctly oblong in outline and have a broad 
summit. In Onosmodium the thecae are slightly narrowed above the 
middle and usually have an apiculate tip. The anther tends to have a 
lanceolate outline. In Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa the thecae are gradually 
narrowed to the apex. The anther as a whole is narrowed to the width of 
the broad connective at the level of the anther-tips, and the attenuate 
prolongation of the connective provides the pointed tip and thus completes 
the lanceolate outline of the whole anther. 

5. Perittostema, gen. nov. 

Herba parva perennis. Caules graciles erecti simplices strigosi foliosis- 
simi. Folia gracilia lineari-subulata medio-costata sed enervata margine 
valde revoluta. Cymae scorpioideae solitariae glomeratae terminales. Brac- 
teae lineares calyce breviores inconspicuae. Calyx 5-fidus; lobis ut videtur 
paullo inaequalibus cuneatis corolla plus quam duplo longioribus. Corolla 
lutea extus strigosa; tubo infra medium cylindraceo, supra medium in 
fauces subinflatos differentiato summum ad apicem (i.e., infra basim 
loborum corollae) paullo constricto; lobis tubi (faucibus inclusis) 5-plo 
brevioribus stricte adscendentibus paullo longioribus quam latis rotundis, 
in alabastro late imbricatis; faucibus quam parte inferiore cylindrico tubi 
subduplo crassioribus aequilongis, intus medium versus appendiculas in- 
vaginatas arcuatas glandulis stipitatis obsitas gerentibus; annulo. vix 
elevato adpresse villuloso. Stamina in faucibus profunde inclusa. Filamenta 
basi faucium affixa, valde compressa, medio-costata, a basi angusta sursum 
valde gradatimque expansa, apicem versus latissima deinde abruptissime 
contracta, obovata vel deltoidea, subduplo longiora quam lata. Antherae 
oblongo-ellipticae filamento subduplo longiores paullo infra medium affixae 
apiculo attenuato recurvato terminatae basi bilobatae; thecis atro-margi- 
natis quartem partem inferiorem distinctis et ibi sinu acuto separatis; con- 
nectivo late glabro laevi. Granulae pollinis ellipsoideae 24-25 20 p, a 
latere visae ellipticae lateris angulatae, desuper visae circulares: poris 


aequatorialibus 6-8 sed saepissime 7. Stylus gracilis lobos stricte adscend- 
ents corollae superans; stigmate terminali parvo obscure bilobo. Fructu 
ignoto.— Nomen derivatur a zepirros, insolitus, et ornya, stamen, quia 
filamenta formam anomalem habent. 

Perittostema pinetorum (Johnston), comb. nov. 
Lasiarrhenum pinetorum Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 187 (1935). 

Stems 10-15 cm. long, 2.5 mm. thick towards the base, internodes very 
short; leaves very numerous, 1-2 mm. broad above the base and very 
gradually narrowed towards the apex, linear-subulate, 10-30 mm. long, 
becoming gradually smaller upwards along the stem, bearing appressed 
stiff pallid hairs 0.3-0.5 mm, long, on lower surface all but the midrib 
hidden by the inrolling of the strongly revolute leaf-margins; cymes 3—7- 
flowered; calyx 4-4.5 mm. long, lobes ca. 0.7 mm. wide at the base, 
gradually narrowed; pedicel about 1 mm. long; corolla ca. 10 mm. long; 
tubular portion of corolla ca. 8 mm. long, below the middle cylindric and 
2-2.5 mm. thick, above the middle expanding to form a swollen throat 
which becomes 3-4 mm. broad near its middle and then contracts to be- 
come 2-3 mm. thick at the summit; veins in the cylindric tube rather 
prominent; corolla-lobes ca. 2 mm. long and 1.8 mm. broad, rounded; 
faucal appendages arcuate, ca. 1 mm. broad, prominent, thickened and 
weakly invaginate, bearing some stipitate glands, included, borne 1.5 mm. 
below the constricted summit of the throat; anthers ca. 2 mm. long and 
1 mm. broad, obtusish summit bearing a strongly compressed narrowly 
ligulate and strongly recurving terminal appendage which is 0.2 mm. 
long and nearly 0.1 mm. broad at the base; thecae free for 0.4-0.5 
mm, above their base, in age somewhat spreading to form an open acute 
sinus at the base of the anther; base of anther held ca. 0.3 mm. above the 
base of the filament; apex of anther held 0.6-0.9 mm. below the summit 
of the corolla-throat, surpassing the faucal appendages 0.6—-0.8 mm.; style 
17-18 mm. long, surpassing the strict corolla-lobes ca. 2 mm. 

A plant known only from the type collection now preserved in the 
herbarium at Paris. The specimen was collected by Ghiesbreght, no. 311, 
in September [? 1841] in temperate montane pine forests somewhere in 
Mexico. No geographical data were provided by the collector. Until the 
plant has been rediscovered, its home must remain subject to conjecture. 
I suspect that it is in the mountains of Oaxaca. 

Although originally described as a species of Lasiarrhenum, the plant 
has no close relationship with that genus. Its closest affinities are with 
Lithospermum, and particularly with its Mexican species. It differs from 
the latter chiefly in its unusual filaments and in the form of the anther. 
From Lasiarrhenum it differs not only in habit and very narrow veinless 
leaves, but also in its rounded corolla-lobes, its faucal appendages, its 
ellipsoid pollen, and its glabrous anthers with dark-margined thecae and 
recurved terminal appendage. 

Since the type collection is not a generous one and has only a relatively 


few flowers, only two corollas have been available for dissection and close 
examination. Changes in the maturing corolla have not been studied, and 
the possibility that the corolla may be slightly zygomorphic has not been 
eliminated. The corolla-bud just before opening is ellipsoidal and at the 
base is prolonged downward into a short cylindric tube. At this early stage 
the swollen throat near its middle has a diameter about twice that at the 
summit of the throat (i.e., at the base of the broadly overlapping corolla- 
lobes), and more than twice that of the tube below the throat. The form 
of this corolla-bud is unusual in the Lithospermeae, indeed is approximated 
only in Onosma and Maharanga. The mature corollas retain their swollen 
throat, but this appears to be less constricted above the middle than pre- 
viously. In the dissections available I find some indication that the mature 
corolla may possibly be somewhat prolonged on one side and may possibly 
have two of its lobes slightly larger than the other three. Inside the throat 
there are evident arcuate faucal appendages. These are formed partially 
by invagination and partly by thickening of tissue. They are dark in color 
and bear numerous but not crowded stipitate glands. It is to be noted that 
the appendages are borne not at the mouth of the corolla, at the summit 
of the throat, as in Lithospermum, but rather distinctly below the corolla- 
mouth, slightly above the middle of the throat, and hence are not exposed 
but are distinctly included in the throat. 

The filaments of Perittostema are unique. They are firm in texture, dark 
in color, and very strongly dorsiventrally compressed. They gradually 
broaden upward from the narrow attachment and are broadest just below 
their truncate or broadly obtuse summit. In shape they are triangular or 
obovate-triangular. They measure usually about 1 mm. long and about 
0.6 mm. broad across their summit. On the ventral side they have a small 
ridge down their middle. They are attached to the anthers by a small tip 
arising from the middle of their broad upper edge. These filaments of 
Perittostema are extremely different from those of Lithospermum, for in 
the latter genus the filaments are never laterally expanded and never other 
than linear, subulate, or unguiculate. The only member of the Litho- 
spermeae with filaments even suggestive of those of Perittostema is the 
genus Lasiarrhenum, In the latter genus the filaments are compressed and 
are broadened upward, but are much larger and more elongate, being 
oblanceolate rather than triangular. 

The anthers in Perittostema are relatively large for the size of the corolla 
and are accommodated within it largely because the throat is somewhat 
inflated. Although the anthers project above the level of the faucal ap- 
pendages, their tips still fail to closely approach the mouth of the corolla. 
They are completely included. The open thecae have a dark-colored 
margin, an unusual feature which I have encountered among the Litho- 
spermeae only in the genus Halacsya. For the lower quarter of their length 
the thecae are not joined together, and in age these tend to diverge, opening 
a deep acute sinus at the base of the anther. The broad summit of the 
anther is appendaged by a small but definite prolongation of the connec- 
tive, which is unusual in being not straight but strongly recurved. In no 


species of Lithospermum do the anthers evidently surpass the faucal 
appendages, nor do the anthers have a distinctly bilobed base. A few 
species of that genus have their anthers terminally appendaged, but when 
present the appendage is always straight and erect. 

The pollen is ellipsoid, having the upper and lower half equal and the 
usually obscure pores, commonly seven in number, equally spaced about 
the equator. It is very similar to the pollen produced by species of Litho- 
spermum, Macromeria, and Psilolaemus. That of Lasiarrhenum differs 
in its ovoid form. 

The style is early elongate and before the corolla-bud opens is pressed 
upward and decurved against the still tightly imbricate corolla-lobes. It 
is promptly exserted and surpasses the corolla-lobes as soon as the latter 
unfold, In Lithospermum this behavior is duplicated in only a few species, 
all Mexican. 

In addition to its floral structures Perittostema is also notable as a small 
plant with slender stems. Indeed, in these regards, among the Lithosper- 
meae it is surpassed only by members of Buglossoides § Rhytispermum. 
Among American members of the tribe its slender stems and very slender 
leaves are approximated only by the Mexican Lithospermum strictum. 
The habit of Macromeria, Onosmodium, Lasiarrhenum, and most species 
of Lithospermum is very coarse and vigorous when compared with that of 
Perittostema. The leaves of our plant are extremely narrow and, Laven- 
dula-like, have strongly revolute margins that roll back and cover all but 
the midrib on their lower surface. 

6. Psilolaemus, gen. nov. 

Planta perennis strigosa scabrella. Caules foliosi fruticulosi simplices 
vel laxe ramosi decumbentes vel adscendentes adpresse hispiduli e radice 
valida palari lignosa purpureo-tincta erumpentes. Folia omnino caulina 
sessilia firma valde costata enervata vel obscurissime paucissimeque nervata 
margine angusto-revoluta, facie superiore lucentia pilis rigidis brevibus 
saepe valde adpressis e discis pallidis erumpentibus instructa, facie in- 
feriora breviter hispidula pilulis non rariter retrorsis donata, inferioribus 
oblanceolatis, superioribus lanceolatis. Cymae scorpioideae multiflorae 
solitariae caulibus ramisque foliatis terminatae maturitate rectae valde 
elongatae. Bracteae foliatae abundantes foliis supremis gradatim minores 
lanceolatae vel lanceolato-ovatae acutae pleraque calyce breviores. Calyx 
5-fidus; lobis inaequalibus linearibus vel lanceolato-linearibus erectis, eo 
exteriore maximo. Corolla lutea (‘‘armeniacea”’) tubulosa 3-plo longiore 
quam lata in parti tertiaria superiore gradatim ampliata alibi cylindracea, 
extus pilis minutis sparsis pleraque retrorsis donata, intus glaberrima nec 
appendiculis faucialis nec glandulis stipitatis praedita; lobis ovatis stricte 
adscendentibus supra basim latissimis quam longitudine corollae 6-plo 
brevioribus; sinibus limbi clausis basi nec incrassatis nec plicatis; faucibus 
angulatis lobis aequilongis, extus apice infra bases sinuum limbi gibbosis 
et infra bases gibbarum areolas depressas verticaliter elongatas apice max- 
ime invaginatas gerentibus, inter areolas 5 depressas venis 3 prominulis 


donatis; annulo obscuro glabro. Filamenta attenuata apicem versus fau- 
cium e plicis invaginatis faucium orientia supra medium exserta basi an- 
guste breviterque decurrentia. Antherae oblongae 3—4-plo longiores quam 
latae utroque emarginatae nullo modo appendiculatae paulo infra medium 
affixae filamentis duplo longiores solum tertiam vel quartam partem in- 
feriorem in faucibus inclusae, parte majore exsertae. Granulae pollinis 
ellipsoideae vel globoso-ellipsoideae 23-26 % 16-22, desuper visae cir- 
culares vel obscurissime polygonales, a latere visae ellipticae margine 
saepissime convexae poris obscurissime aequatorialibus (7 —) 8 donatae. 
Stylus gracilis evidenter exsertus, stigmatibus 2 distinctis terminalibus. 
Nuculae erectae parvae ellipsoideae albo-griseae laeves vel perinconspicue 
tuberculatae carinam ventralem versus utrinque profunde punctatae vel 
interrupte profundeque sulcatae, dorso convexae, ventre obtuse angulatae 
carinam latam vix prominentem proferentes, sutura obscura vel non rariter 
praesertim supra medium carinae inconspicue lineato-sulcata donatae. Gyn- 
obasis pyramidalis facies 4 planas adscendentes angulis prominentibus pyra- 
midis separatas gerens basi incrasso styli terminata. — Nomen derivatur 
ab yros, calva, et Aapos, fauces, propterea quod fauces corollae glaberri- 
mae et nec elandulis stipitatis nec appendiculis faucialis ornatae sunt. 

Psilolaemus revolutus (Robins.) comb. nov. 

Lithospermum revolutum Robins. Proc. Amer, Acad. 27: 182 (1892). 
Onosmodium revolutum (Robins.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917), 

Plant at first simple and erect but becoming branched and spreading in 
age; stems pale, 1-3 mm. thick, slightly fruticulose; leaves all cauline, 
with a strong conspicuous midrib which is sulcate above and prominent 
below; lower leaves largest, 3-7 cm. long, 6-15 mm. broad; cymes elongat- 
ing, becoming 10-25 cm. long in age; Talve at anthesis 7-10 mm. long, 
weakly accrescent; pedicels ca. 1 mm. long at anthesis, becoming 2-4 mm, 
long in age; corolla 9-15 mm. long; tubular portion of corolla 7-12 mm. 
long, lower 9-10 mm. cylindric and 2—2.5 mm. thick, upper 2.5-3 mm. 
expanding to form a short throat 3-5 mm. thick at the summit; sinus be- 
tween lobes closed above the base by the overlapping margins of adjoin- 
ing corolla-lobes, neither thickened nor plicate at the base; corolla-throat 
outside with rather prominent veins and bearing five swellings and five 
depressions and hence somewhat angulate, bearing a small swelling directly 
below the base of each sinus of the corolla and bearing a small elongate 
depression (the complement of an inflexed plait inside the corolla) located 
directly under each swelling; stamens borne 0.4—0.5 mm. below the summit 
of the throat, arising from a small plait-like invagination of the siiama’ 
wall; Haaehte 0.5—-1.1 mm. long, exserted from the throat 0.1—0.5 mm. 
anthers 1.4—2 mm. long, 0.4—-0.6 mm. broad, oblong or slightly broader 
above the middle, emarginate at both ends, exserted from the throat 0.7— 
1.5 mm. but overtopped by the strictly ascending imbricate corolla-lobes 
and hence not conspicuous; style surpassing the corolla 1-2 mm.., , frequently 
emerging from corollas which have not yet attained maximum size; nut- 
lets 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. thick. 


A plant known only from the gypseous saline marshes in southeastern 
San Luis Potosi, Mexico. As has been suggested by Macbride, Contr. Gray 
Herb. 49: 21 (1917), it shares characters with both Lithospermum and 
Onosmodium. Its closest relations, however, are with Lithospermum, with 
its Mexican species in particular. 

Psilolaemus is distinguished from Lithospermum by the form of the 
corolla and the form and behavior of its stamens. The corolla-throat is 
angulate as in Onosmodium and as in that genus bears localized external 
swellings between the filament-attachments and the base of the corolla- 
sinus above. The stamens arise from small invaginations which are com- 
plementary to small elongate depressions on the outside of the corolla- 
throat directly below the subsinal swellings. In Lithospermum the corolla- 
throat bears invaginate appendages or stipitate glands or both, and the 
corolla-tube, sometimes hairy inside, always bears a basal annulus mod- 
erately to well developed. In Psilolaemus the annulus is very obscure and 
the inside of the corolla is completely glabrous and devoid not only of 
faucal appendages but also of all stipitate glands. The exserted style and 
the nearly erect corolla-lobes of the present genus are features duplicated 
in only a few of the many species of Lithospermum. 

The plant has flowers resembling those of Onosmodium in being glabrous 
inside and devoid of stipitate glands and faucal appendages, as well as by 
having erect corolla-lobes, an exserted style, and an angulate throat with 
swellings below each corolla-sinus. It differs from Onosmodium in having 
elliptic pollen, oblong non-apiculate strongly exserted anthers, longer fila- 
ments, broadly and persistently imbricate ovate corolla-lobes, and closed 
corolla-sinus not thickened or plicate at the base. The leaves of Onos- 
modium are strongly veined. Those of Psilolaemus, as in most species of 
Lithospermum, are veinless or practically so. The style may be early ex- 
serted, but the flowers of Psilolaemus are not precociously sexual as in 

A a Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. 17: 443 (1872) and 
Mel. Biol. 8: 543 (1872). Type species A. japonica Maxim. 

Plant perennial, minutely strigose, stems fistulose, erect, simple. Leaves 
alternate, oblanceolate, evidently veined, all cauline; on lower half of stem 
small and imperfectly developed, deciduous at flowering time; on upper 
half of stem becoming very large and ample. Cymes scorpioid, 3—5, loosely 
disposed at the top of the stem, lowest one axillary, the others extra-axillary 
or terminal, simple, pedunculate, bracteate only towards the base, at ma- 
turity becoming stiff, straight elongate and loosely racemose. Calyx 5- 
parted, usually evidently pedicellate at least at maturity; lobes linear or 
sometimes oblanceolate, acute, erect, weakly costate, subequal or the 
abaxial one longest, about half as long as the corolla tube. Corolla laven- 
der (becoming orange in drying), minutely strigose outside; tube sub- 
cylindric, length greater than the diameter of the limb, abruptly con- 
stricted at the base, upper portion not differentiated into a distinct throat, 
bearing no faucal appendages or glands, inside abundantly and antrorsely 


villose-strigose above the middle; annulus represented by 10 tufts of hairs 
just above the base of the tube; lobes ascending, rounded, elongate, ellip- 
tic, imbricate in the bud; stamens included; filaments unguiculate, affixed 
at equal heights near the middle of the corolla tube, a third to a half the 
length of the anthers; anthers linear-oblong, affixed between the base and 
the middle, borne in the hairy upper middle third of the corolla tube, ends 
emarginate. Pollen small (20 x 12-13 » long), elongate with rounded 
ends, constricted at the middle, encircled by a single row of 6 (— 8) incon- 
spicuous pores about the broadest part of the broader lower half of the 
grain, polar profile circular or sometimes very obscurely polygonal. Style 
reaching up to the middle of the corolla-tube; stigmas 2, terminal, erect 
and ellipsoidal, juxtaposed and usually connate on the back below their 
middle. Ovary at anthesis 4-lobed, the lobes ellipsoidal. Nutlets smooth, 
lustrous, gray, elongate, obliquely lanceolate and conspicuously rostrate 
with the tip hamate, only one or two maturing, broadest just above the 
base and then very gradually attenuate into a very conspicuous slender 
laterally flattened strongly out-curving subulate beak with a hooked tip; 
venter of seminiferous lower half of nutlet distinctly convex, weakly or 
not at all keeled, lacking an evident suture; dorsum obtusish; attachment 
scar basal, large, slightly broader than long, flabelliform, bearing a conspicu- 
ous pit formed by the open funicular canal and (paralleling the dorsal 
edge) an arc of about 6 minor vascular strands. Seeds asymmetric, the 
lower end appearing obliquely truncate. Gynobase pyramidal when matur- 
ing more than a single nutlet, nearly as high as broad, with cartilaginous 
thickenings between the attachment faces and at the apex. 

A very distinct monotypic genus of Japan especially notable for its 
very ample veined cauline leaves, its nearly bractless cymes, its corollas 
with the tube densely villous-strigose inside, and its elongate nutlets which 
are gradually attenuate into an elongate putcurved beak hooked at the 
apex. It appears to be most closely related to Lithospermum, which it re- 
sembles in pollen and in having broadly basifixed nutlets with a lustrous 
smooth pericarp. 

Ancistrocarya japonica Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. 17: 444 
(1872) and 20: 471 (1875); Mel. Biol. 8: 544 (1872). 

Ancistrocarya japonica var. albiflora Honda, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 790 (1935). 

Endemic to middle and southern Japan. The stems, branched only in 
the apical inflorescence, are 3-10 dm. tall. The underground parts are 
unusual and merit description from fresh material. They apparently con- 
sist of a congested sympodial rhizome that forms a crowded cluster of 
short, ascending, thickened, bulbose branches, each producing an aerial 
stem. No radical leaf-clusters are developed. The stems arise directly 
from the rhizome. The leaves are imperfectly developed at the base of 
the stem but rapidly increase in size as they are produced higher up along 
it and above the middle of the stem become unusually large and ample 
for an herbaceous borage, as much as 20 cm. long and 7 cm. broad. The 


leaves of Ancistrocarya not only differ from other Lithospermeae in their 
large size but also in being conspicuously and loosely veined with the veins 

Among the Lithospermeae the genus is also aberrant in its nearly bract- 
less cymes. The lowermost flowers in the scorpioid cyme may be opposed 
by a small foliar bract 10-20 mm. long, and the second flower in the cyme 
may be subtended by a bract 1-3 mm. long, but the numerous later flowers 
are borne on a completely bractless rhachis. The cymes themselves have 
differing relations to stem-leaves. When more than two cymes are produced 
by the stem, the lowermost one is distinctly axillary and the others either 
distinctly supra-axillary or not at all intimately associated with a leaf. 
The two terminal cymes are usually about equal in development and may 
appear to be geminate. However, since no flower is borne in the fork at 
their base, they are simple cymes and not formed by the basal forking 
of a terminal cyme. 

Superficially the corollas of Ancistrocarya much resemble those of the 
American species of Lithospermum, particularly so when seen in the her- 
barium. When dried they even assume an orange tonality similar to that 
presented by the orange or yellow corollas of the American plants in the 
same state. Unlike the American plants, however, Ancistrocarya has 
corollas that are lilac or bluish (or rarely white) when fresh, The radially 
symmetric corolla (11-14 mm. long in total length) has a well-developed 
tube 7-10 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. thick, which is abruptly constricted 
to 1-2 mm. thick at the very base. At the summit it abruptly expands 
into the ascending corolla-limb. There are no markings nor constrictions of 
the tube to delimit the throat. The lower half of the tube is glabrous in- 
side except for the ten tufts of hairs representing the undeveloped supra- 
basal annulus. The inner wall of the upper half of the corolla tube is 
clothed with abundant, antrorsely appressed, slender white hairs 0.5— 
1 mm, long. The filaments (0.8 mm. long), all equal and all affixed at 
the same altitude on the corolla, arise from amongst the hairs near the 
base of the villose-strigose upper portion of the corolla-tube. The anthers 
(1.5-2 mm. long) are accordingly mattressed dorsally by the dense indu- 
ment on the corolla-walls; a condition paralleled among the Boraginoideae 
only in Echiochilon, Sericostoma, and one species of Lithodora. Another 
feature distinguishing the corolla from that of most species of Lithosper- 
mum is the complete absence of faucal appendages and stipitate glands. 

In form, the nutlets of Ancistrocarya are unique, and furthermore the 
most bizarre in the family. They have a broad basal attachment and are 
broadest (ca. 2.5 mm.) about 1 mm. above their base. Above their broad- 
est part they become gradually attenuate and prolonged into a strongly 
out-curving, laterally compressed subulate beak bearing a hook at the tip. 
Of their total length (7-9 mm.), only the lower half is seminiferous. Al- 
though the ovary is 4-lobed, only one or two of the lobes mature into nut- 
lets, either a solitary abaxial one or an abaxial one and its adjacent axial 
companion. When two are developed they are somewhat divergent, for 
they are basifixed on adjacent faces of a pyramidal gynobase. The slender 


hooked beak is strongly curved outward (away from the center of the 
flower), but the lower lanceolate seminiferous body of the nutlet is only 
very slightly so. The ventral side of the nutlet body is more rounded 
and swollen than the dorsal side. It develops no longitudinal ventral keel 
and furthermore bears no trace of a suture. The elongate, curved, subulate 
beak is a sterile apical prolongation of the pericarp, completely without 
parallel elsewhere in the Boraginaceae. Hooked at the tip it may function 
as an adaptation useful in animal dissemination. 

8. Buglossoides Moench, Meth. 418 (1794). Type species B. ramosis- 
stma Moench. (= Lithospermum tenuiflorum L.) 

Aegonychon S, F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. Pl. 2: 354 (1821). Based upon 
0 species, Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. and L. arvense L. 
Khytispermum Link, Handb. 1: 579 (1829). Based upon eight species, of 
which the first and third (Lithospermum arvense L. and L. pur pureo- 

caeruleum L.) represent the present genus. The other six species mentioned 
belong to Neatostema (1 sp.), Lithodora (2 spp.), Alkanna (2 spp.), and 
Rochelia (1 sp.). 

Margarospermum Opiz in Berchtold & Opiz, Oekon.-techn. Fl. Béhmens 
2°: 73 (1839). Although Opiz cites Lithospermum § Margarospermum 
Reichenb. (1831) as a synonym, the description of his genus is based solely 
upon Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. 

Plant annual or perennial, herbaceous or fruticulose. Leaves veinless or 
nearly so, Cymes unilateral, simple or geminate or ternate, usually elongate, 
conspicuously bracted, usually racemose at maturity. Calyx 5-parted or 
5-lobed, lobes narrow, at times united at the base to form a short cupulate 
tube, equal or unequal. Corolla blue, bluish, or white, funnelform or hyper- 
crateromorph, outside usually bearing some appressed hairs, inside from 
the base of the corolla-lobes downward to between the tips of the anthers 
bearing five distinct longitudinal bands of hairs and/or glands or five 
hairy and/or glanduliferous inflexed plaits, below the insertion of the fila- 
ments naked or with five congregations of glands and sometimes with in- 
vaginate swellings, lobes spreading or ascending, imbricate; annulus near 
the base of the tube consisting of a narrow collar or ten scale-like lobes, 
frequently weakly developed and sometimes apparently absent; stamens 
borne at or below the middle of the corolla, included; filaments equal, 
affixed at equal heights on the corolla, shorter than the anther (usually 
about half as long); anthers lance-oblong or oblong, affixed at or slightly 
below the middle, base cordate, apex appendaged by a short prolongation 
of the connective; pollen small (15-25 » long, 12-16 in diameter), cylin- 
dric or somewhat ovoid or rarely slightly elliptic, bearing the inconspicuous 
pores in a single row on or distinctly below the equator, in lateral profile 
with the sides usually straight or nearly so and either parallel or some- 
what convergent towards the upper end; style not much if at all surpass- 
ing the anthers, usually much shorter than the calyx; stigmas two, rounded, 
borne laterally at the summit of the simple style or at the base on opposing 
sides of a short bilobed sterile apex of the style, usually evidently sub- 


terminal; nutlets 1-4, erect to strongly divergent, smooth or rough, rounded 
or angulate, attachment basal or obliquely basal, ventral suture fused, 
obscure, sometimes prominent; gynobase flat or depressed pyramidal. 

This genus is closely related to Lithospermum and is distinguished only 
by the structure of the corolla. In Lithospermum the corolla-throat may 
bear hairy and glanduliferous, invaginate, gibbose appendages or be vari- 
ously glanduliferous or glabrous. The distinctive feature of the corolla of 
Buglossoides is the well-developed guides for insect visitors in the form 
of five distinct vertical bands of glands and stout hairs or five hairy and 
glanduliferous inflexed plaits. These guide-lines may be traced from the 
base of the corolla-lobes downward along a vein to between the anther 
tips or slightly above them. The gibbose invaginate faucal appendages 
present in many species of Lithospermum are also a feature of the flowers 
in many other genera of the Boraginaceae. The elongate inflexed plaits 
or the well-developed vertical bands of hairs and glands occur only in 
Buglossoides. Several other developments in the genus distinguish its 
species from most members of Lithospermum. These are the prevalence 
of blue as a corolla color, the apiculate anthers, the lobed sterile tip of 
the style, and the small size of the usually cylindric or ovoid-cylindric 
pollen grains. Singly, these latter features may occur here and there in 
species of Lithospermum, but never together nor in any species possibly 
a close relative of any species of Buglossoides. Floral dimorphy, in the 
form of heterostyly or cleistogamy, well developed in Lithospermum, does 
not occur in the present genus. Since the group gives every evidence of 
being a natural one, and since it can be readily distinguished from Litho- 
spermum by well-marked, very unusual features of its corolla, it seems to 
merit generic recognition. 

The stamens of Buglossoides are deeply included in the tubular portion 
of the corolla in all species except B. purpureo-caeruleum. In Lithosper- 
mum, stamens are borne at or below the middle of the tube only in species 
with a very abbreviated tube or in corollas of long-styled flowers of some 
heterostyled species. 

The anthers are oblong or narrowly oblong and several times longer 
than broad and are borne on filaments half to a third of the anther length, 
in all species except B. Gastoni. In the latter the anthers are broadly ob- 
long and only about twice as long as broad, and are borne on filaments 
nearly as long as the anther body. The largest anthers are those of B. 
purpureo-caeruleum and B. Zollingeri. These are 1-1.5 mm. long, twice 
the length of the anthers in other species. In all species the connective is 
prolonged to form a minute but definite tip on the anther. This tip may 
be subulate, cuneate, deltoid, or quadrate. It becomes as much as 0.2 mm. 
long in B. purpureo-caeruleum, but in other congeners it is usually only 
0.1 mm. or less in length. It is least developed in B. Gastoni, in that species 
being stout, quadrate or deltoid, and scarcely projecting beyond the sum- 
mits of the thecae. This tip on the anthers in species of Buglossoides is a 
character that separates the genus from practically all species of Litho- 
spermum. The connective is prolonged apically in only a very few species 


of Lithospermum, noticeably only in L. tschimganicum Fedtsch. of Central 
Asia and L. papillosum Thunb. and L. cinereum DC. of South Africa. 
Some of the Mexican species of Lithospermum have the anthers obscurely 
thickened at the apex but never to the degree found in Buglossoides. In 
most species of Lithospermum there is not even a vague suggestion of a 
terminal appendage. 

The style is short. At anthesis it never reaches upward beyond the tips 
of the anthers. Rarely it may bear its stigmas between the anthers, but 
more commonly they are held below the level of the anther bases. In fruit 
the style is never more than half the length of the mature nutlets. In 
Lithospermum such short styles occur only in cleistogamic flowers or in 
the short-styled flowers of some heterostylic species. 

The two stigmas are separated by the sterile tip of the style and are 
accordingly lateral and borne at or more commonly obviously below the 
style apex. The sterile tip of the style is commonly prolonged above the 
stigmas and is usually evidently bilobed. This condition is extremely well 
developed in B. purpureo-caeruleum and B. Zollingeri. In these two species 
the style tip projects beyond the stigma for a distance equal to or sur- 
passing the diameter of the latter, and consists of two attenuate lobes. 
In B. calabrum and B. Gastoni the lobes of the style tip are shorter, stouter, 
and obtusish, but even so, they evidently project above the stigma. In the 
four species named, all members of the section Margarospermum, the stig- 
mas are Clearly subapical and well separated. Frequently the two stigmas 
are not equally well developed, and not uncommonly one may be borne 
slightly lower on the style than its companion. 

Among the species of the section Eubuglossoides the style tips show 
greater variation, The two stigmas tend to be less sharply defined than in 
the section Margarospermum. In typical B. arvense the terminal lobes 
of the style may be cylindric or narrowly conic and always evidently sur- 
pass the stigmas. In B. incrassatum the lobes are evident, but usually 
less well developed than in B. arvense and its allied forms (e.g., Litho- 
spermum Sibthorpianum Gris.) in the eastern Mediterranean area. In 
B. tenuiflorum, in most allies of B. arvense in northern Africa, as well as 
in plants referable to L. minimum Morris, the sterile tip of the style ex- 
tends up between the stigmas but projects weakly if at all above them. 
The sterile tip of the style in these plants has either an unlobed truncate 
apex or an apex that is only obscurely lobed or merely notched. 

The prolonged lobed sterile tip of the style in this genus needs investi- 
gation. Superficially the stigmas and the tip of the style, taken together, 
are very Suggestive of the stigmatic head of the Heliotropioideae. It re- 
mains to be determined if the course of the vascularization is similar, cf. 
Hanf. Beiheft Bot. Centralbl. 544: 126 (1935). Among the Lithosper- 
meae lobed style-tips are best developed in the present genus. In almost 
all species of Lithospermum the stigmas are terminal on the style, or if 
there is a prolongation of the style-tip between the stigmas it is only 
moderate and does not surpass the stigmas. Only in a few Mexican 
species (L. Nelsoni, L. Berlandieri, L. mediale, L. oblongifolium, L. calci- 


cola, L. sordidum, and L. distichum) does the somewhat lobed style-tip 
ever project above the stigmas. However, in most of these species the 
style-tip is actually short and becomes prominent only because the oblong 
stigmas are widely spreading. 

The pollen of Buglossoides is small and shows little variation in size 
from species to species, Though sometimes ellipsoidal or ovoid, its usual 
form is subcylindric or barrel-shaped, being circular in polar outline and 
commonly straight-sided or nearly so in lateral profile. Its pores, always 
in a single row, are extremely small and obscure, so much so that I have 
been unable to determine their number. In the section Exbuglossoides the 
pores are distributed around the grain exactly half-way between the poles, 
i.e., on the equator. The upper and lower halves of the grains are always 
similar in size and outline. In lateral profile the sides are usually straight 
and parallel and only occasionally somewhat convex. With proper light- 
ing the grains may show a vague but definite narrow band about the 
equator. This equatorial band in which the pores are located has not been 
detected in any pollen of the other section of the genus. In the section 
Margarospermum the pores are borne perceptibly below the middle of the 
grain. The shorter lower portion of the grain (that below the line of pores) 
is usually perceptibly broader than the upper portion. In lateral outline 
the grains vary from oblong to more or less ovate, even within a single 
species. In profile they may have their straight sides practically parallel 
or very slightly convergent towards the upper end. Sometimes the sides 
are evidently convergent and the grain obviously somewhat ovoid. Fre- 
quently the grains show a very localized contraction just above the pores, 
with the result that they tend to develop short sloping shoulders which, 
though very much less well developed, are still recognizable as similar to 
the shoulders developed on the asymmetric pollen of Lithospermum, cf. 
Jour. Arnold Arb, 33: 310 (1953). Such grains, narrowed very slightly 
in a zone above the pores (to form the shoulders), usually have their upper 
half with straight paralleling sides, but this portion is discernibly narrower 
than the shorter rounded basal portion. Accentuation of these tendencies 
would produce the strongly asymmetric grains of the footprint and hour- 
glass type known in Lithospermum. In the genus Buglossoides, however, 
this tendency to develop shoulders on the grains is only very weakly ex- 
pressed and frequently must be looked for before it is detected. 

The distinctive corollas of Buglossoides have been illustrated and com- 
pared by Spengler, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 68: 110 and 116, ff. 1, 2, 23-26 
(1919). Synonymy for most of the species has been compiled by Stroh, 
Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 58 ®: 203-4 and 206 (1938). 

Section Eubuglossoides. 

Lithospermum § Rhytispermum (Link) Reichenb. Fl. Germ. Excur. 336 

Plant annual or biennial, herbaceous; corolla small, 4-9 mm. long, white 
to blue, regular, inside bearing 5 vertical bands of glands or hairs but no 


strongly inflexed plaits, lacking congregations of glands or invaginations 
directly below the stamen attachments; pollen symmetric, bearing the pores 
about the equator; style with or without a prolonged bilobed sterile tip; 
nutlets rough, usually all four developing, ventral keel prominent. 

The corollas of species belonging to this section are more simply organ- 
ized than those of the section Margarospermum. In the present section 
the walls of the corolla are only very slightly swollen beneath the five 
vertical bands of hairs and glands on its inner surface. Complementing 
these bands on the outside of the corolla are merely five shallow lineate 
grooves. Only an incipient tendency for invagination along the hairy ver- 
tical bands is accordingly present. In the section Margarospermum the 
invagination is very pronounced, and the hairs and glands clothe well- 
developed inflexed plaits that form the five intruding ridges on the inside 
of the corolla. 

To be included in the section Eubuglossoides is Lithospermum tenui- 

orum L.., as well as L. arvense L. and the undetermined number of critical 
species all closely related to it. 

Buglossoides tenuiflorum (L. f.) comb. nov. 
Lithospermum tenuiflorum Linn. f. Suppl. 130 (1781). 

A well-marked species which ranges from Greece east to Irak. The nut- 
lets are distinctive. They have a very fragile pericarp. They are erect or 
slightly incurving and when in situ have their tips proximate and their 
ventral keels parallel. These nutlets are also smaller than those of B. 
arvense and its allies and are further differentiated by being distinctly 
constricted just above their smaller attachment surface. The cymes are 
short (even in maturity seldom more than 8 cm. long) and obviously 
geminate or ternate at the ends of the branches. The flowers (with a very 
small blue corolla) are always crowded and evidently biseriate on the 

The calyx does not develop a cupulate tube nor does it become 
enlarged abaxially as may be the case in B. arvense and its allies. 

Buglossoides arvense (L.) comb. nov. 
Lithospermum arvense L. Sp. Pl. 1: 132 (1753). 

This species is either exceptionally variable or is a complex of minor 
species awaiting analysis by a monographer. The typical form is that with 
the largest flowers. Its white corollas are decidedly funnelform and evi- 
dently longer than the calyx. It is the form prevalent in middle and north- 
ern Europe and thence extends across Asia. In southern Europe and north 
Africa there are a number of distinguishable closely related plants, some 
of which are certainly geographically correlated and deserve specific recog- 
nition. Among these only B. incrassatum can be mentioned in the present 
paper. Others seem to merit recognition. Useful in distinguishing them 
from true B, arvense are differences not merely in habit but also in size, 
form, and color of corolla, size and form of the calyx lobes, degree of de- 


velopment of the sterile style tip, and the presence or absence of a band 
of scattered short ascending hairs on the inner surface of the corolla just 
below the attachment of the stamens. 

The fruit of B. arvense and its allies presents a number of very interest- 
ing features. The bony, hard, rough nutlets are straight and have a broad 
basal attachment which tends to become oblique. In the Boraginaceae 
nutlets with oblique attachments ordinarily have the attachment surface 
sloping upward towards the center of the flower and hence transgressing 
on the ventral side of the nutlet body. In B. arvense and its allies the re- 
verse condition is true. If the nutlets are held in a vertical position, it is 
to be seen that the scar slopes upward, not towards the ventral but towards 
the dorsal side, and that as a consequence the nutlets are shorter on the 
dorsal side than on the ventral. Nutlets with an oblique attachment sur- 
face of this sort, when affixed to a low-pyramidal or nearly flat gynobase, 
are not erect with paralleling ventral keels, but are necessarily strongly 
divergent. This strong divergence of the nutlets of B. arvense and its 
allies is a development late in ontogeny. When they are young the nut- 
lets are erect and parallel. They become noticeably divergent only as they 
approach full maturity. 

Buglossoides incrassatum (Guss.) comb. nov. 

Lithospermum incrassatum Guss. Ind. Sem. Hort. Boccad. yi or 
Siculae Prodr. 1: 217 (1827); Fl. Siculae Synop. 1: 217 (18 

A close ally of B. arvense notable chiefly because of its remarkable 
calyx. After the fall of the corolla, the calyx, as it increases in size and 
the ensheathed nutlets mature, gradually becomes greatly modified in form 
as a result of excessive abaxial prolongation. At first the calyx is very 
similar to that of B. arvense at the same stage of development. It is 
affixed centrally on its symmetric base to the pedicel. At this early stage 
the central axis of the flower (or for all practical purposes, the style) 
points away from the leaf axil and is hence divergent from the stem. In 
later development, because of excessive growth on the abaxial side of the 
calyx-base, the axis of the flower is gradually shifted in an arc as great as 
90° and finally points, not away from, but actually towards the adjacent 
stem. In other words the calyx is shifted from a central basal attachment 
to one that is distinctly lateral. The central line up the pedicel, if pro- 
jected outward, no longer passes up the style but rather across the low 
gynobase, where it meets the style at an angle of as much as 90°. The ma- 
ture nutlets are accordingly borne on a low gynobase which is now adaxial 
and which actually faces the adjacent stem. Because of the dislocation, 
the distorted calyx-base faces outward and so becomes the most conspicu- 
ous part of the fruiting calyx. The condition is unusual but not unique 
among the Boraginaceae. A very similar development is found in the genus 
Pectocarya, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 20: 400 (1939). 

Various authors have dismissed the remarkable fruiting calyces of this 
species as teretological. With this I cannot agree. In B. arvense and other 


near relatives of B. incrassatum, there is also a tendency for some en- 
largement of the fruiting calyx on the abaxial side and also a slight but 
definite tendency for the transverse axis of the gynobase to slope down- 
wards towards the adjacent stem. In the present species these tendencies, 
merely incipient in its relatives, are developed excessively. The wide dis- 
tribution of B. incrassatum about the Mediterranean area, where in many 
localities it appears to be the only representative of its group, is evidence 
that it is not a casual freak. 

Section Margarospermum (Reichenb.) comb. nov. 

Lithospermum § Margarospermum Reichenb. Fl. Germ. Excur. 337 (1831). 
Founded to include four species of which the first listed was Lithospermum 
purpureo-caeruleum L.; the other three are representatives of the genera 
Lithodora and Moltkia 

Plant perennial, herbaceous or fruticulose; corolla larger, 15-19 mm. 
long, blue or purple, the limb slightly oblique with the three abaxial lobes 
more spreading than the posterior two, inside bearing 5 vertical glandu- 
liferous and/or hairy inflexed plaits and below each filament attachment 
bearing a congregation of glands and sometimes an invaginate swelling; 
pollen slightly asymmetric, the pores borne below the equator; style 
always with a bilobed sterile tip; nutlets smooth and lustrous or rugose, 
not strongly keeled, usually only one maturin 

This section includes only the four extremely well marked species enum- 
erated below. 

Buglossoides purpureo-caeruleum (L.) comb. nov. 
Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. Sp. Pl. 1: 132 (1753). 

Ranging from western Europe to Iran. Leaves usually broadest below 
the middle. Flowering stems clustered, arising from a densely branched 
rhizome, terminated by a pair of leafy racemose cymes. Corolla bear- 
ing faucal plaits 2-3 mm. long which originate 6-9 mm. above the base 
of the tube; also bearing distinct invaginate swellings 2 mm. long below 
each stamen; plaits glanduliferous but not hairy. Filaments attached 
5—8 mm. above the base of the corolla; anthers ca. 1.5 mm. long, elongate, 
apiculate, twice as long as the filament. Style 8-9 mm. long, the sterile 
tips attenuate. Nutlets ellipsoidal, smooth, white, 3.5-4 mm. long, 3-3.5 
mm. thick, back convex, venter obtuse 

The nutlets of this species are usually slightly larger but otherwise very 
similar to those of B. Zollingeri and B. calabrum. In being smooth, white, 
and porcelain-like, they much resemble the type of nutlet prevalent in 
Lithospermum., Unlike the nutlets of the other species of Buglossoides 
those of the present species have a relatively small basal attachment- 
surface which is located not at the center of the nutlet-base but rather on 
its ventral half. For notes on the habit of growth of this species see 
White, Jour. Bot. 22: 74-76 (1884). 

Buglossoides Zollingeri (A. DC.) comb. nov. 
Lithospermum Zollingeri A. DC. Prodr. 10: 586 (1846). 

A plant of Japan, China, and Korea. Leaves usually broadest above the 
middle. Flowering stems arising from procumbent stems persisting from 
the previous season, terminated by a simple unilateral cyme. Corolla on 
inner surface bearing glanduliferous, short-hairy inflexed plaits 4-5 mm. 
long which originate 5—6 mm. above the base of the tube, and also provided 
with short glanduliferous invaginate plaits below the attachment of each 
stamen. Filaments attached 3-4 mm. above the corolla base; anthers 1.5 
mm. long, elongate, apiculate, several times as long as the filaments. Style 
2-4 mm. long, the sterile tips attenuate. Nutlets ellipsoidal, 3-3.5 mm. 
long, smooth, white, back convex, venter obtuse or weakly keeled. 

Collectors appear to have been aware of this plant only in its flowering 
state. Nearly a hundred collections of the species in American and Euro- 
pean herbaria have been examined, but in this large suite only five collec- 
tions show the plant in the fruiting state, and none of them bear nutlets 
that are completely mature. 

Buglossoides calabrum (Tenori) comb. nov. 
Lithospermum calabrum Tenori, Fl. Nap. 3: 174 (1824-29). 

Endemic in southern Italy. Leaves broadest at the middle. Flowering 
stems arising from slender procumbent stems persisting from the previous 
season, terminated by a simple racemose cyme. Corolla with a tube evi- 
dently much surpassing the calyx, inside bearing hairy, sparingly glandu- 
liferous plaits 7-8 mm. long which arise 4-6 mm. above the base of the 
tube, below the filament attachments obscurely if at all invaginate. Fila- 
ments attached 2 mm. above the base of the tube; anthers almost 1.5 mm. 
long, elongate, apiculate, twice as long as the filaments. Style 1-2 mm. 
long, the sterile tips stout and obtuse. Nutlets ellipsoidal, smooth, white, 
3.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. thick, back convex, venter obtuse. 

Buglossoides Gastoni (Benth.) comb. nov. 

Lithospermum Gastoni Benth. ex DC. Prodr. 10: 83 (1846); Bot. Mag. 47: 
t. 5926 (1871). 

Known only from the French slopes of the western Pyrenees. Leaves 
broadest below the middle, lanceolate. Flowering stems clustered, arising 
from a densely branched rhizome, terminated by a crowded densely flowered 
forked cyme. Corolla with hairy and glanduliferous inflexed plaits 3—4 
mm. long which arise 2.5-3 mm. above the base of the tube, bearing no 
invaginations below the filament attachments. Filaments borne 1-1.5 
mm. above the base of the corolla; anthers oblong, less than 1 mm. long, 
weakly apiculate, about as long as the filaments. Style 0.5—1 mm. long, 
the sterile tips stout. Nutlets yellowish, punctate and abundantly rugulose, 
very stout and plump, 4.5 mm. long and nearly as thick, keeled only about 
the sharp apex, attachment broad and basal. 


A very distinct species differing from the other members of its section 
in having small anthers, very congested forked cymes, and very large, 
very plump, short-beaked, yellowish rugulose nutlets. 

9. Stenosolenium Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 13: 253 (1840); DC. 
Prodr. 10: 103 (1846). Type species Anchusa saxatilis Pallas. 

Plant a hispid annual herb with one to many erect or decumbent stems. 
Leaves costate but veinless, lower oblanceolate, the upper ones becoming 
lanceolate. Inflorescence scorpioid, elongate, bracted throughout (lower 
bracts foliaceous), distinctly racemose in age. Calyx short-pedicellate, 
S-fid, hispid; lobes slenderly lanceolate, attenuate, slightly unequal with 
the abaxial one usually the longest. Corolla violet or purple, salverform, 
outer surface with minute, short, usually spreading hairs, inner surface 
with a villulose annulus but otherwise glabrous, bearing no stipitate glands; 
limb spreading, breadth less than the length of the tube, rounded lobes 
slightly broader than long, imbricate in the bud; tube elongate, about 
twice as long as the calyx, subcylindric, upper third to half broadest and 
forming an ill-defined throat, above the base bearing a short thickish 
collar-like villulose annulus; throat unappendaged. Stamens borne at 
unequal heights in the throat, included, the uppermost one usually 
abaxial; filaments slender, a half to a third as long as the anther; 
anthers elongate, laterally compressed, affixed near the middle. Pollen 
elongate with rounded ends, symmetric, constricted at the middle, 38-41 
x 22-25 » (16-20 p» thick at the middle), bearing two rows of 8 or 9 in- 
conspicuous pores one at each end of the grain, polar profile circular. 
Style shorter than the calyx, forked below the apex; stigmas two, distinct, 
compressed, obovate-spathulate. Gynobase flat or concave, with four 
triangular attachment faces, usually maturing four nutlets. Nutlets tuber- 
culate, usually brownish, ascending, supported on a stout, laterally affixed 
inframedial vertical stipe; axial edge angulate, vertical, nearly straight, 
above the middle formed by the short ventral keel on the nutlet-body and 
below the middle by the ventral side of the stipe; seminiferous body of 
the nutlet ovoid, inclined at an angle of 40-45°, its pointed apex held 
above the nutlet-attachment and its rounded base abaxial to it; stipe stout, 
usually partially hollow, expanding abruptly at the base, sides minutely 
verrucose; funicular canal ascending vertically inside the stipe and enter- 
ing the oblique nutlet-body near the middle of its ventral side; ventral 
keel short, supramedial, formed of a usually completely fused ventral 
suture. Seed straight, funicular attachment slightly above the middle. 

A monotypic genus of eastern Asia. In most characters it shows close 
similarities with the Asiatic species of the genus Arnebia and is probably 
most closely related to them. Its fruit, however, is very different, not only 
from Arnebia but from all other members of the Lithospermeae. 

Stenosolenium saxatile (Pallas) Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 13: 
253 (1840). 
Anchusa saxatilis Pallas, Reise 2°; 718, t. “F”, f. 1 (1773). 


Onosma saxatile (Pallas) Lehm. Asperif. 2: 371 (1818). 
Arnebia saxatilis (Pallas) B. & H. ex Forbes & Hemsl. Jour. Linn. Soc. 26: 
155 (1890). 

Ranging from the mountains near Pekin and northwestward across east- 
ern Mongolia towards the Baical region. 

The corolla is 12-19 mm. long in total length and has a spreading limb 
7-10 mm. broad. The tube is 8-12 mm. long and its lower half or two 
thirds averages ca. 1 mm. thick. The upper half or third of the tube, how- 
ever, is perceptibly thicker (ca. 1.5 mm.) and so forms an ill-defined cylin- 
dric throat. This elongate throat bears no hair nor glands on its inner 
surface and no appendages. 

The stamens vary as to their distribution in the throat. In some plants 
they are affixed all at evidently different altitudes in the throat along most 
of its length, while in others they tend to be grouped below the middle 
of the throat, most of them with very slight differences in height of attach- 
ment and only one obviously higher than the others. When the stamens 
are loosely distributed, the uppermost stamen may be affixed 2-3 mm. 
above the lowermost one, but when crowded towards the base of the throat, 
the maximum difference in height of attachment may be reduced to 0.5— 
1 mm. The distribution of the stamens seems best described as spiral. 
Except that the uppermost one always appears to be on the abaxial side 
of the tube, the relative heights of the stamens seem to have no relation 
to any possible plane of symmetry in the corolla. The behavior of the 
androecium is suggestive of that in forms of Arnebia decumbens, cf. Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 33: 322 (1952). In that species the stamens may have a loose 
spiral arrangement in the corolla-throat or be grouped near the summit 
of the tube, sometimes with only one stamen attached obviously lower 
than the others. This grouping, when present, is at the top of the throat 
rather than at the bottom as in Stenosolenium, but the extreme range of 
variation in stamen attachment is otherwise very similar. 

Although there are differences among plants as to the distribution of the 
stamens in the throat, the variation seems to be independent of any dif- 
ferences in style length. The forked style is always short, 3-5 mm. long, 
and reaches up into only the narrow lower half of the corolla-tube. The 
two compressed, somewhat spathulate stigmas are borne, accordingly, al- 
ways well below the level of the lowest stamen. There is no evidence that 
either heterostyly or cleistogamy are ever present. 

The pollen of Stenosolenium is elongate, constricted at the middle, with 
the upper and lower halves similar in size, form, and other details. At both 
ends, where broadest, it is encircled by a set of eight or nine equally spaced 
very conspicuous pores. These elongate, medially constricted, symmetric 
grains with biseriate pores closely resemble those of the species of Arnebia. 
Indeed, the only striking difference appears to be in the number of pores 
in each encircling row, eight or nine in Stenosolenium and four or five in 

The nutlets of Stenosolenium are very distinctive. Viewed laterally, 
their seminiferous body (2 mm. long) is inclined about 45° and is supported 


ventrally by a stout downwardly directed vertical stipe. This stipe is 
affixed obliquely below the middle of the sloping (ventral) under side of 
the nutlet-body and is short-columnar with the base ampliate and flaring. 
In lateral profile the nutlet has a vertical, nearly straight ventral edge 
(2 mm. high) which is formed above the middle by the short vertical 
ventral keel and below the middle by the ventral side of the stipe. Because 
of this the stipe appears to be a downward projection from the base of the 
short supramedial ventral keel. This keel, formed of a prominent fused 
ventral suture, ends abruptly. There is no suggestion of a downward pro- 
longation onto the stipe below it. The stipe is minutely verrucose on all 
sides. Although distinct from the nutlet-body for most of its length, it 
remains close to the latter and its lower attachment end is in the same 
horizontal plane as the lower end of the body. Superficially, at first 
glance, the nutlet seems to have a strongly excentric but still basal attach- 
ment. A study of the course of the funicle, however, proves this is not 
the case. The funicle in its tubular canal is conducted upward from the 
gynobase inside the partially hollow stipe and then through the pericarp 
near the middle of the sloping ventral side of the nutlet-body. The im- 
portant fact here is that the funicle enters the nutlet-body not at the 
base but below its middle on the side. In the strict morphological sense, 
the nutlets of Stenosolenium are laterally attached! Were the stipe on 
these nutlets suppressed and the attachment scar sessile, the latter would 
have a position almost half-way up on the venter of the nutlet. Steno- 
solenium, accordingly, has a character of the Eritrichieae. 

The position of the attachment on the nutlet-body usually has phylo- 
genetic significance and is the most important single character used in 
assigning genera to the tribes of the subfamily Boraginoideae. As an in- 
dicator of natural relationships it is prevailingly satisfactory, but as with 
all single characters, there can be expected to be instances in which its 
indications are not acceptable. Such seems to be the case as regards 
Stenosolenium. Only in the position of its nutlet attachment does that 

Among the Boraginaceae distinctly stipitate nutlets are developed in 
only a relatively few genera, in Stenosolenium and Alkanna of the Litho- 
spermeae, in Caryolopha of the Anchuseae, and in Plagiobothrys § Echi- 
diocarya of the Eritrichieae. Because it is partially hollow and has a dilated 
base, the stipe on the nutlets of Stenosolenium obviously differs in struc- 


ture and appearance from those of the other genera mentioned. Surpris- 
ingly, the closest approximation is found in the obconic obliquely affixed 
attachment on the fossilized nutlets of the extinct Prolithospermum John- 
stonii Elias, Special Paper Geol. Soc. Amer. 41: 105, t. 15, f. 10 (1942) 
and Am. Midland Nat. 36: 374-77, f. 3 (1946). These remarkably pre- 
served nutlets, all that is known of the species, are found in middle Plio- 
cene deposits of Kansas and Nebraska in middle United States. Thanks 
to Prof. Maxim K. Elias of the Nebraska Geological Survey, I have had a 
series of them for close study and comparison. They have a smooth, nearly 
erect, ovoid, slightly asymmetric body 2—2.5 mm. long, and on their con- 
vex side below the middle and above the rounded base bear a short, hol- 
low, downward directed, basally expanding appendage with the attachment- 
surface on its horizontal base. This appendage is structurally similar to 
the stipe on the nutlets of Stenosolenium. Indeed, it differs only in originat- 
ing less high on the side of the nutlet, in being shorter, and in being 
laterally adnate to the nutlet-body rather than free and slightly divergent 
from it. If the appendage on the nutlet of Prolithospermum were free 
rather than completely adnate laterally, it would be shorter, but would 
otherwise closely resemble the stipe in Stenosolenium. The homologies are 
so very clear that I am content to believe that the fossil plant belonged 
in a group ancestral to Stenosolenium and possibly even congeneric with it. 

The nutlets of the extinct Prolithospermum give us an early stage in the 
evolution of the medio-lateral stiped attachment of the nutlets of Steno- 
solenium, and furthermore are suggestive of the manner by which it could 
have been originally evolved from a truly basal attachment on a Litho- 
spermum-like nutlet. The attachment in our plants was probably evolved 
from a broad, horizontal, exactly basal attachment by shifting its center 
first to the ventral side of the nutlet-base and subsequently to a buttressed 
projection on the ventral side of the latter. As the attachment-surface, 
still large and still in relatively the same horizontal plane, became more 
and more to one side of the nutlet-base, the latter would cease to be trun- 
cate and would become more and more convex. The laterally dislocated 
attachment-surface could remain in the same relative plane only by but- 
tressing its support higher on the ventral side of the nutlet-body. The 
combined results would place the attachment at the base of an obliquely 
affixed outgrowth to one side of the rounded base of the nutlet-body, pre- 
cisely as is to be seen in the nutlets of Prolithospermum. A still further 
horizontal shift of the attachment would produce a still higher buttress 
on the nutlet venter and eventually even a “flying buttress’ (i.e., the 
stipe) on the nutlets of Stenosolenium. 

The peculiar feature of this support of the attachment in Stenosolenium 
and Prolithospermum is that it is more or less hollow. It is a tube-like 
or somewhat funnel-like organ which conducts the funicular canal from 
the flat gynobase upward to the point where it enters the nutlet-body. 
Accordingly it appears to be appendicular on the pericarp and not formed 
by constriction of the pericarp above the attachment or by localized gibbose 
prolongations of its walls, as in other stipitate nutlets. In various species 


of Lithospermum and its relatives the attachment scar is surrounded by a 
projecting rim of pericarp. The nutlets of Lithospermum incisum provide 
one of the best examples of this. In that species the abscission is about 
the edge of the collar-like rim surrounding the centrally depressed scar. By 
modification of such a rim attachment the obliquely affixed suprabasal 
attachment support in Prolithospermum and the tubular support in Steno- 
solenium might have been evolved. If the ancestors of these two genera 
had such a rimmed attachment, the attachment, as it was shifted to a posi- 
tion off the nutlet base, could remain in the same horizontal plane by in- 
creasing the height of the rim, particularly so on the off side. Certainly 
the laterally adnate, more or less funnelform support of the attachment 
in Prolithospermum is very suggestive of some such origin. If such is the 
case, then the tubular support of the attachment in Stenosolenium is only 
a more advanced modification by which a rim about an attachment scar 
has become transformed into a hollow stipe. 

The gynobase of Stenosolenium is flat and horizontal, or its four attach- 
ment pads slope slightly towards its center. On this gynobase a basifixed 
nutlet would be erect. A nutlet with a sessile lateral attachment would be 
oblique or horizontal. The peculiarities of the nutlets of Stenosolenium and 
Prolithospermum appear to be those modifications necessary if the large 
attachment on an originally basifixed Lithospermum-like nutlet was shifted 
from the base to a more and more lateral position while at the same time 
the body of the nutlets maintained an erect or nearly erect orientation 
and the flat gynobase continued unaltered. As the attachment shifted, the 
funicular canal within it would also be displaced and would enter the nutlet 
no longer at the base, but laterally. An increasing development of tubular 
stipe would be required for conducting the funicular canal upward from 
the flat gynobase, for the greater the horizontal shift of the actual attach- 
ment, the higher up on the venter of the nutlet body would become the 
point at which the funicular canal pierced the pericarp. 

Change in position of attachment from basal to lateral, and even apical, 
is a progressive evolutionary trend responsible for much of the diversity of 
the fruit in the Boraginaceae. The various stages represent increasing de- 
grees of specialization and in general are associated with the phylogeny 
of the groups in which they are illustrated. The tribe Eritrichieae has nut- 
lets usually with lateral attachments. The fact that it has a higher evolu- 
tionary position than the Lithospermeae is suggested also by its more 
specialized corollas and other floral structures. In the Eritrichieae the 
development of lateral nutlet-attachment has been concomitant with the 
development of a pyramidal, spire-like or columnar gynobase. Steno- 
solenium and Prolithospermum have a funicle that enters the nutlet-body 
laterally, and hence, certainly in a morphological sense, have a lateral 
attachment. This character, however, appears to have had an origin in- 
dependent of that in Eritrichieae, most likely as an aberrant development 
in the genus Lithospermum. It is an example of parallel evolution and 
not an indicator of relationships in the Eritrichieae. Unlike the condition 
in.that tribe, the lateral attachment of Stenosolenium was developed un- 


accompanied by compensating alterations of the gynobase, which has con- 
tinued primitively flat as in Lithospermum. 

10. Arnebia Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 62 (1775). Type species A. tetra- 
stigma Forsk. 
Dioclea Spreng. Syst. 1: 502 and 556 (1825), not HBK. (1823). Type species 
Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. 
Strobila G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4: 327 (1837). A renaming of Dioclea Spreng., 
t HBK. 

Meneghinia Endl. Gen. 648 (1839). A renaming of Dioclea Spreng., not 

Macrotomia DC. in Meisner, Gen. 1: 281 and 2: ae (1840); DC. Prodr. 
10: 26 (1846). Type stg o a (Wall.) D 

Munbya Boiss. Diag. ser. 1, 11: 114 (1849). Based on oe species, the first 
two being forms of See a (Royle) Johnston and the last three 
forms of Arnebia densiflora Lede 

Toxostigma A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 86, t. 77 (1851). Based on T. luteum 
A. Rich. and T. purpurascens A. Rich., both forms of Arnebia hispidissima 
(Lehm.) DC. 

Leptanthe Klotzsch, Ergebn. Reise Prinz Waldemar 95, t. 63 (1862). Type 
dale macrostachya Klotz., a synonym of Arnebia Benthami (Wall.) 

Phan ‘Chiov. Fl. Somala 227, t. 24, f. 1 (1929). Type species Arnebiola 
migiurtina Chiov., a form of Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm. 

Plants annual or perennial, herbaceous. Stems simple or loosely 
branched, arising from a taproot. Leaves all cauline or some in a basal 
cluster, numerous, veinless or in a few species with a few well-developed, 
greatly prolonged assurgent veins that parallel the midrib. Cymes scor- 
pioid, simple or forked, terminal on the main stem and leafy branches and 
frequently also arising directly from the upper leaf-axils along the main 
stem, few to many, loosely to densely disposed, at times aggregated in dense 
corymbose or cylindric thyrsoid clusters terminating the main stems, in 
age remaining densely flowered or becoming loosely flowered. Bracts nu- 
merous, only rarely surpassing the adjacent calyx. Flowers heterostylic 
or monomorphic. Calyx lobed nearly to the base or 5-parted, weakly to 
strongly accrescent, in age sometimes developing a short swollen tube en- 
closing the ripening fruit, persistent or deciduous when the enclosed fruit 
is matured, usually shorter than the corolla-tube; calyx-lobes slender to 
coarse, linear, ligulate, subulate or lanceolate, in age sometimes promi- 
nently and coarsely veined and crested or papillate towards the base. 
Pedicels short, erect. Corolla regular or nearly so, yellow, cream, blue 
or purple, sometimes yellow with the limb conspicuously spotted with blue 
or black, salverform or rarely tubular, outer surface hairy or at least so 
on the outer surface of the limb; tube elongate, gradually ampliate or en- 
larging above the middle to form a cylindric throat; limb. usually well 
developed, flat or broadly funnelform, narrow to broad;. lobes strongly 
imbricate in the bud, usually rounded and about as broad as long, usually 
spreading or widely ascending, entire or sometimes with the margins 


lacerate, erose or crisped; throat inside without hairs or faucal appendages 
and usually without any stipitate glands (stipitate glands when present 
very scattered and few, occurring about the mouth of the corolla, present 
only in some heterostylic species and usually only in the short-styled 
flowers); corolla-tube glabrous within or strigulose or villulose in two 
species only; annulus a papery collar, a thickened ring or completely 
absent, usually hairy. Filaments linear or unguiculate, usually very much 
shorter than the anther but in the short-styled flower of one heterostylic 
species nearly as long as the anther, affixed in the corolla-throat all at 
the same level or in one species at different levels. Anthers oblong to 
narrowly oblong, affixed at or slightly below the middle, in short-styled 
flowers and some monomorphic flowers borne high in the throat and fre- 
quently with their tips exserted, in long-styled flowers usually borne low 
in the throat and deeply included, apex emarginate or rounded or rarely 
acute, base rounded or rarely with the thecae somewhat pointed at the 
lower end, thecae usually joined down to the very base, connective narrow 
to relatively broad, not sulcate. Pollen elongate, 25-75 x 14-43 un, in 
lateral outline oblong with rounded ends, the sides straight or more or 
less strongly incurving and the grains medially constricted, encircled by 
a row of pores at both the upper and the lower end of the grain, upper 
and lower half of the grain equal in size and configuration, polar outline 
circular, pores four or five in each row, obscure; in all heterostylic species 
the grains of long-styled flowers conspicuously smaller and more con- 
stricted medially than those of the short-styled flowers. Style slender, 
simple or simply forked or bis-bifid, included or shortly exserted; stigmas 
two or sometimes four, capitate, oblong or flabellate or rarely cylindric, 
simple or somewhat bilobed, juxtaposed and either strict or divergent at 
the apex of the simple style, or solitary and terminating the individual 
branches of the style. Nutlets one to four developing, erect, gray, brown, 
fulvous, greenish or rubiginous, never white nor porcelain-like, rough, 
never perfectly smooth, usually evidently tuberculate, verrucose, rugose 
or rugulose, surface usually dull, frequently minutely verruculose, papil- 
late or muriculate; body of nutlet usually narrowing and more or less 
rostrate above the middle, sometimes conic-ovoid, conic-lanceolate or lance- 
ovoid and usually broadest below the middle and longer than broad, or 
sometimes more or less dorsiventrally compressed, much broadened below 
the middle and as broad or nearly as broad as long and ovate, triangular- 
ovate, or even cordate in dorsal outline; venter usually decidedly angulate, 
keel well developed or more or less obscure or well developed only above 
the middle of the nutlet; suture usually absent, when present usually ob- 
scure; dorsum frequently carinate above the middle, below the middle 
convex or medially depressed (in one species the dorsum plane or slightly 
concave and the venter convex) ; attachment basal, large, usually flabellate 
or ovate, rarely lobed, horizontal or somewhat oblique, occasionally pro- 
longed upward for a short distance on the venter of the nutlet body, 
plane on the truncate base of the nutlet or sometimes margined by the 
downwardly prolonged pericarpial walls, rarely convex and protrudent 


and visible even when the nutlet is viewed laterally. Gynobase flat or 
broadly pyramidal; attachment surfaces separated by lineate grooves, not 
margined by prominent cartilaginous tissue, plane or somewhat concave 
and sometimes very strongly upcurved ventrally to form a side of a 
frustum-like prominence at the center of the gynobase. 

Arnebia as here defined includes the first fifteen species keyed and de- 
scribed in my recent study of Lithospermum, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 315— 
316 (1952), as well as four others discussed in a supplementary paper, 
op. cit. 34: 10-15 (1953). The well-known garden plant Arnebia Echioides 
(L.) DC. is excluded and assigned to the monotypic genus Echioides. As 
here accepted, therefore, the genus includes most of the species that have 
been traditionally assigned to Arnebia or its segregate Macrotomia. A 
few species of Arnebia extend into the drier portions of northern Africa, 
but most of the species in the genus are confined to Asia. 

Over a year ago Arnebia was considered only in relation to Lithosper- 
mum, and after an evalution of its characters it was merged with that 
genus. Returning to Arnebia and Lithospermum after having critically 
examined all the other genera of the Lithospermeae, I find myself judging 
the two genera not merely by the number and decisiveness of characters 
useful in distinguishing them, but also according to the degree of phyletic 
divergence they represent as compared with that given generic recognition 
elsewhere in the Lithospermeae. It is now apparent that the amplified 
Lithospermum includes greater morphological extremes and is accordingly 
a relatively more comprehensive unit than other genera recognized within 
the tribe. Since I believe that genera within a natural circle of relationship 
should be roughly equivalent in value, it now seems best to abandon my 
broad concept of Lithospermum and reclassify its species under three 
smaller, more homogeneous genera (Lithospermum, s. str., Arnebia, and 
Echioides) that represent units of evolutionary divergence comparable with 
those given generic recognition elsewhere within the tribe. 

Arnebia and Lithospermum are very closely related but evidently repre- 
sent diverging phyletic lines. The characters they share are more numerous 
than their differences. The intimacy of their relationship is evidenced by 
unusual morphological features present in precisely the same form in 
both genera. Especially notable is the heterostyly in many of their species. 
This heterostyly, occurring in diverse species-groups in both genera, is of 
the most advanced sort, involving not merely dimorphy in corolla-form, 
stamen-attachment, anther-size, style-length, and pollen-size, but also pol- 
len-form. The latter feature is unknown in other heterostylic plants and 
may be unique. This unusual development as an indicator of affinity be- 
comes especially significant when it is recalled that heterostyly is un- 
common in the Boraginoideae and that elsewhere in the Lithospermeae 
it is developed in only one other genus, in a very simple form in Litho- 
dora. A minor feature, also rare in this family and among the Lithosper- 
meae, developed only in Arnebia and Lithospermum, is the lobulate, 
Jacerate, or strongly crisped margins of the corolla-lobes. A few very 
dissimilar species in both genera share this character. 


The difficulties in separating Arnebia from Lithospermum have been dis- 
cussed at length, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 310-315 (1952). As has been 
noted, the only decisive character useful in distinguishing them involves 
pollen morphology. Other possible differences have occasional exceptions 
or are difficult to express. The fruit has evolved differently in the two 
genera, but the differences cannot be concisely stated. The corolla-throat 
in Arnebia is never decorated with faucal appendages as is frequently the 
case in Lithospermum, and seldom, and then only very sparingly, does 
it bear stipitate glands comparable to those always present, usually in 
abundance, on the corolla-throat of Lithospermum. Some developments 
present in only some species of a genus are also indicative. The annulus 
inside the corolla, extremely well developed in some species of Arnebia, 
is completely lacking in others. In Lithospermum the annulus, weak to 
moderately well developed, is always present. The forked style, frequently 
present in Arnebia, is unrepresented in Lithospermum. The subterminal 
stigmas, frequent in Lithospermum, do not occur in Arnebia. The evanes- 
cent dark-colored spot on the corolla limb, developed by various yellow- 
flowered species of Arnebdia, occurs also in Echioides but not in Lithosper- 
mum, With only one exception, all species of Lithospermum have corollas 
that are yellow, orange, or white. In Arnebia the corolla has a greater 
range of colors, including not only yellow and orange, but also blue, pink, 
and brown, Seven of the eighteen species of Arnebia are very definitely 
herbaceous annuals. Of the forty-four species of Lithospermum only two 
are plants of short duration, and these may be biennials or very short-lived 

Since I discovered that Arnebia has very different pollen from that of 
Lithospermum, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 308-311, f. 1-32 (1952), I have 
examined the pollen in all the other genera of the Lithospermeae. I am 
now of the opinion that the differences in pollen are much more important 
than previously realized. Pollen of a type similar to that of Arnebia has 
been encountered only in Stenosolenium. It differs from that in all other 
genera of the Lithospermeae in bearing two rows of pores, one at each 
end of the grain. The grains are always elongate and are symmetrical 
with the upper and lower half similar in size and configuration. In all 
other genera of the tribe, including Lithospermum, the pores are in a single 
row and the grains vary from symmetrical to very asymmetrical. The lower 
half of the grain is frequently much larger and more rounded than the 
upper half and hence different in configuration. No evidences of transition 
between the two types have been detected. The pollen in Arnebia (and 
Stenosolenium) has unusual and distinctive features and is the most 
extreme type in the Lithospermeae. 

During my study of the Lithospermeae I have become increasingly im- 
pressed by the prevailing constancy as to type that is exhibited by the 
pollen within the various genera of the tribe. Within a given genus pollen 
may be very uniform in all species or it may present a limited number of 
variations which are all modifications of a single basic type. Closely re- 
lated genera usually show close similarities in pollen. Other than in the 


amplified Lithospermum (including Arnebia), now abandoned, I found a 
single type of pollen or modifications of a single type in all genera except 
Moltkia. In that genus § Echianthus has globose-ellipsoidal grains with 
six to eight equatorial pores. In § Eumoltkia, however, the globose grains 
appear to have about twenty pores, these not lined up about the equator 
but arranged, rather, in a strongly undulate line that crosses the equator 
diagonally at four places. The precise description of the pollen of § 
Eumoltkia is impossible with my technique, but in any case I am sure that 
the pollen in this section differs more from that in § Echianthus than is 
customary within the genera of the Lithospermeae. Even so, the dif- 
ferences are less fundamental than those between the pollen of Arnebia 
and that of Lithospermum. It is therefore not inconsistent to emphasize 
the pollen differences separating Arnebia and Lithospermum and to use 
them in bolstering the less decisive macroscopic differences in justifying 
my present recognition of both these genera. 

The eighteen species of Arnebia have been described and discussed, their 
synonymy listed, and keys provided for their identification, in two previous 
papers of this series, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 315-334 (1952) and 34: 7-16 
(1953). In the reports mentioned the species were treated as members 
of the genus Lithospermum. Their correct names as members of Arnebia 
are given below. 

Section Euarnebia. 

Corolla subtubular; lobes erect, triangular, acute, longer than broad. 
Stigmas four, elongate, cylindrical. Nutlets plano-convex with a cordate 
base, dorsum plane or very slightly concave, venter broadly convex, lack- 
ing a ventral keel; attachment surface three-lobed, the scar of the dorsal 
vascular traces located in the sinus of the cordate nutlet-base much more 
conspicuous than that of the funicular canal. Plants annual. Corolla with- 
out annulus. 

1. Arnebia tetrastigma Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 63 (1775); Johnston 
op. cit. 321 (1952). 
Section Strobilia (G. Don), comb. nov. 

Corolla with a well-developed spreading limb, lobes rounded, spreading, 
about as long as broad. Stigmas usually two, capitate or oblong or flabel- 
late. Nutlets with a rounded back, an angulate keeled venter, and a broad 
base, attachment surface not lobed, the scar of the dorsal vascular traces 
less conspicuous than that of the funicular canal. 

2. Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & a Bull. Soc. Bot. France 
4: 402 (1857); Johnston, op. cit. 322 (1952). 
3. Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. Prodr. 10: 94 (1846); Johnston, 
op. cit. 325 (1952). 


. Arnebia Griffithii Boiss. Diag. ser. 2, 3: 135 (1856); Johnston, 
op. cit. 326 (1952). 



Arnebia fimbriopetala Stocks in Hook. Jour. Bot. & Kew Miscl. 
3: 180, t. 6 (1851); Johnston, op. cit. 7 (1953). 


. Arnebia minima Wettst. in Stapf, Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien 50: 
30 (1885); Johnston, op. cit. 327 (1952). 


Arnebia linearifolia DC. Prodr. 10: 95 (1846); Johnston, op. cit. 
328 (1952). 



Arnebia fimbriata Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. ser. 3, 27: 507 
(1881); Johnston, op. cit. 328 (1952). 


. Arnebia obovata Bunge, Mem. savants étrang. St. Petersb. 7: 407 
(1851); Johnston, op. cit. 329 (1952). 


. Arnebia Szechenyi Kanitz, Pl. Exped. Szecheny 42, t. 5 (1891); 
Johnston, op. cit. 329 (1952) and 8 (1953). 


Arnebia guttata Bunge, Ind. Sem. Hort. Dorpat. p. vii (1840) ; 
Johnston, op. cit. 330 (1952). 


Arnebia Lindbergiana (Rech. f.), comb. nov. 
Macrotomia Lindbergiana Rech. f. Ann, Naturhist. Mus. Wien 58: 58 (1951); 
Johnston, op. cit. 10 (1953). 


13. Arnebia densiflora Ledeb. ex Nordmann, Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. 
2: 312 (1837); Johnston, op. cit. 331 (1952). 

14. Arnebia inconspicua Hemsl. & Lace, Jour. Linn. Soc. 28: 326 
(1891); Johnston, op. cit. 12 (1953). 

15. Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 73: 49 
(1924); Johnston, op. cit. 333 (1952). 
16. Arnebia Benthami (Well. ex G. Don), comb. nov. 

Eichium Benthami Wall. Numerical List no. 931 (1829), nomen; G. Don, 
en, Syst. 4: 333 (1838); Johnston, op. cit. 333 (1952). 

17. Arnebia speciosa Aitch. & Hemsl. Proc. Linn. Soc. 18: 81 (1880) ; 
Johnston, op. cit. 13 (1953). 


Arnebia nobilis Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 58: 58 
(1951); Johnston, op. cit. 14 (1953) 



Echioides Ortega, Tabulae Botanicae 7 (1773); Johnston, Jour. 

Arnold Arb. 33: 314 (1952). Type species, Arnebia Echioides (L.) 

Aipyanthus Stevens, Bull. sa Nat. Moscou 24: 599 (1851). Type species 

Arnebia Echioides (L.) D 
Plant perennial. Stems es erect, simple below the inflorescence. 
Leaves borne along the stem and in basal clusters, uppermost ones with 
rounded or subcordate sessile bases, basal ones oblanceolate; midrib prom- 
inent but veins usually evident only on the basal leaves. Cymes scorpioid, 
simple or forked, terminal on the stems, in age elongating, becoming 
straight and racemose. Bracts numerous and conspicuous, foliaceous, 
usually evidently surpassing the adjacent calyx, lanceolate, asymmetric 
with the base rounded or subcordate. Calyx lobed almost to the base; 
lobes moderately unequal, cuneate-linear to narrowly lanceolate, shorter 
than the corolla-tube, accrescent; pedicels short, stout, erect. Flowers 
strongly heterostylic. Corolla yellow, villulose outside, with an elongate 
cylindric or weakly ampliate tube which towards its summit abruptly 
expands into the short open throat and the spreading limb; limb with a 
diameter about equaling the length of the tube, bearing five evanescent 
brown or blackish spots, one at the base of each sinus; lobes widely 
spreading, rounded, about as broad as long; throat open, shallow, glabrous, 
without stipitate glands or faucal appendages; tube villulose inside, with- 
out glands; annulus absent. Stamens borne in the tube at several super- 
imposed levels, in the long-styled flowers within a zone below the middle 
of the tube and in short-styled flowers in a zone just below the summit 
of the tube; filaments linear, very short, one fourth to one fifth the length 
of the anther; anther narrowly oblong, affixed at or just below the middle, 
emarginate at base and apex, dorsum with a relatively broad connective 
that is sulcate above the middle; thecae separate for a short distance above 
their bases but remaining parallel and juxtaposed. Pollen spherical or 
very slightly longer than broad, bearing nine obscure pores about the 
equator, 30-35 p» in diameter in short-styled flowers and 40-50 » in long- 
styled flowers. Style slender, half as long or as long as the corolla-tube, 
somewhat thickened directly below the terminal stigma; stigma deeply 
bilobed, the lobes joined at the base and becoming divergent. Nutlets 
large, very plump, ovoid or elliptic-ovoid, prominently and narrowly keeled 
on the venter but elsewhere convex, tawny and finely mottled with purple, 
opaque, smooth or sparsely and broadly low-tuberculate, ventral suture 
absent; attachment scar basal, large, plane, usually margined by the 
weakly protrudent pericarpial walls. Gynobase broadly pyramidal, the 
attachment faces flabellate, plane, sloping, margins not upturned nor 
thickened, adjacent faces separated by a groove 

A monotypic genus native to Armenia, the Caucasus, and adjoining 
northern Iran. 

Echioides longiflorum (C. Koch), comb. nov. 

Arnebia longiflora C. Koch, Linnaea 20: 640 (1849). 

Lycopsis Echtoides L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 199 (1762). 

Arnebia Echioides (L.) DC. Prodr. 10: 96 (1846). 

Aipyanthus Echioides (L.) Stevens, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 24: 600 (1851). 
Arnebia cyrousiana Parsa, Kew Bull. 1948: 211 (1948) and Fl. ’Iran 47: 221 

Lithospermum cyrousianum (Parsa) Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb, 34: 7 (1953). 
Lithospermum Tournefortii Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 7 (1953). 

The present plant has been traditionally classified as an Arnebia, this 
with considerable justification, for indeed it does have many similarities 
with that genus. Its pollen, however, differs extremely from that of 
Arnebia, being very similar in type to that characteristic of Lithospermum. 
In this regard the plant destroys the universality of the one set of char- 
acters that might be used in separating Arnebia and Lithospermum in a 
decisive manner. Because decisive characters could not be found, I re- 
cently merged Arnebia and Lithospermum, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 311-315 
(1952). The amplified Lithospermum produced I now recognize is more 
heterogeneous than other genera of the Lithospermeae. In order to re- 
establish Arnebia and have it separated from Lithospermum by at least 
one crucial character, and at the same time have both genera homogeneous, 
it has been necessary to exclude the present plant from both of the genera 
mentioned. . 

Although Echioides shares many characters with Arnebia and Litho- 
spermum it differs from both in the attachment of the stamens in its 
strongly heterostylic flowers. The stamens within a flower are borne at 
several different altitudes above the corolla-base, being irregularly dis- 
tributed within a broad zone inside the corolla-tube. This staminiferous 
zone is located below the middle of the corolla-tube in long-styled flowers 
and just below its summit in the short-styled ones. In Arnebia the stamens 
may be borne at unequal distances above the corolla-base in A. decumbens, 
but that is not a heterostylic species. In both Arnebia and Lithospermum 
the stamens in all heterostylic species are always whorled. In having the 
irregularly distributed stamens confined to a zone on the corolla that varies 
in position according to whether the individual is long- or short-styled, 
the present plant differs from all other members of the Boraginaceae and 
may even be unique among all heterostylic plants. 

The corolla of Echioides as to general form is more suggestive of species 
of Lithospermum than of those of Arnebia. The corolla-tube, in having 
hairy inner surfaces, finds its closest parallel among American species of 
Lithospermum. In having a naked throat the corolla agrees with that of 
Arnebia and is very different from that of Litkospermum, for in the latter 
genus the throat is always decorated with faucal appendages or stipitate 
glands. The complete absence of the annulus is also suggestive of Arnebia. 
The annulus is suppressed in some species of Arnebia but is always present 
in some form in all species of Lithospermum. Most suggestive of Arnebia, 
however, are the five transitory dark spots decorating the yellow corolla- 


limb, a very attractive feature usually present, which Echioides shares 
with only four or five species of Arnedia. 

The large plump nutlets suggest those of Lithospermum in form but 
differ from that genus in their tawny mottled opaque surface. Their 
surface features are more like those of nutlets in Arnebia. The pericarp 
is not dotted with pits, nor does it bear a row of pits and slots paralleling 
each side of the ventral keel. These are features regularly present on the 
nutlets of many species of Lithospermum but never developed in Arnebia. 
The attachment faces on the gynobase are flat and separated by a groove. 
They do not have thickened margins, nor are they separated by prominent 
cartilaginous ridges. The gynobase, accordingly, is of a type universal 
in Arnebia but relatively uncommon in Lithospermum. The pollen grains 
of Echioides are spheric and have nine pores arranged about the equator. 
They are, hence, extremely different both as to form and type from the 
elongate grains with biseriate pores which are universal in Arnebia. Al- 
though much larger than those of any species of Lithospermum, the grains 
of Echioides are the same as to type. In form and general organization 
they are duplicated by several species of Lithospermum. 

12. Lithospermum L. Sp. Pl. 132 (1753) and Gen. Pl. 64 (1754). Type 
species L. officinale L. 
Batschia Gmel. Syst. 2: 315 (1791); Rehder, Kew Bull. 1935: 396 (1935). 
d on Anonymos caroliniensis Walter, Fl. Carol. 91 (1788), which 
represents Lithospermum caroliniense (Walt.) MacMill. 

Cyphorima Raf. Am. Monthly Magazine 4: 191 and 357 (Jan. and March, 
1819) and Jour. de Phys. Chem. Hist. Nat. 89: 98 (Aug. 1918); Merrill, 
Ind. Raf. 202 (1949). “. .. le type du genre est le Lithospermum lati- 
folium de Linné [L. latifolium Michx.!]. Les Batschia longiflora et 
decumbens (Nuttall) doivent peut-étre s’y rapporter?” 

Pentalophus A. DC. Prodr. 10: 86 (1846). Based on L. longiflorum Spreng. 
and L. mandanense Spreng., both forms of L. incisum Lehm. 

Plants distinctly perennial and arising from a strong, frequently dye- 
stained taproot or rarely short-lived and springing from a slender biennial 
or perhaps even annual root. Stems herbaceous or rarely somewhat frutic- 
ulose, simple or more or less branched, hispid, villose or strigose, erect or 
spreading, short to elongate. Leaves usually numerous, sometimes pin- 
nately veined but more commonly veinless, occasionally in a sterile basal 
cluster but usually all cauline. Cymes scorpioid, simple or geminate, few- 
to many-flowered, borne terminal on the stems and branches or sometimes 
also in the uppermost leaf-axils and becoming aggregated into a cylindrical 
thyrse, usually elongating, straightening and becoming racemose in fruit. 
Bracts usually numerous and surpassing the adjacent calyx, foliaceous. 
Calyx 5-fid, the lobes linear-cuneate or lanceolate, short to elongate, 
usually evidently shorter than the corolla-tube, the abaxial one usually 
appreciably the largest; pedicels very short to elongate, strict or ascending 
and rarely decurved. Flowers monomorphic or strongly heterostylic, rarely 
cleistogamic. Corolla regular, yellow, orange, or white (or pinkish or bluish 


to purple-red in one Chinese species), hairy on the outer surface, salver- 
form, funnelform, or cylindric; tube straight, usually elongate, subcylindric 
or gradually ampliate or more commonly enlarging at or above the middle 
to form a differentiated throat; limb usually spreading or broadly ascend- 
ing, small to large, its diameter less than, equal to, or surpassing the length 
of the corolla-tube; corolla-lobes equal, strongly imbricate in the bud, 
usually orbicular to ovate but sometimes semicircular or obovate, spread- 
ing or loosely ascending or rarely strictly ascending and nearly erect, 
margins entire or rarely lacerate, crisped or erose; corolla-throat frequently 
bearing small invaginate pubescent or glanduliferous appendages and 
always bearing some stipitate glands either generally distributed or local- 
ized in a band or in congregations; faucal appendages when present weak 
to well defined, trapeziform, lunate, gibbose, or merely convex; corolla- 
tube glabrous inside or sometimes distinctly hairy; annulus usually evident 
and usually hairy, a tumid band, a narrow ring, or represented by ten 
quadrate or gibbose lobes or rarely reduced to 5 to 10 tufts of hairs. Sta- 
mens arising at or usually well above the middle of the corolla-tube, borne 
below the middle of the tube only in long-styled flowers of some hetero- 
stylic species. Filaments unguiculate or linear, usually half the length of 
the anther or less, longer than the anther in one species only, all affixed 
at the same height above the corolla base, usually hidden behind the 
anther, never exserted, glabrous and glandless or sometimes bearing a few 
glands on the decurrent base. Anthers small, oblong to narrowly oblong, 
usually compressed laterally, included or rarely with the tips exposed in 
the corolla mouth, rounded at both ends or with the tip obscurely apiculate, 
affixed at or near the middle; connective on dorsum usually narrow; thecae 
united to the base or free for only a very short distance above the base, 
parallel and closely juxtaposed throughout. Pollen isodiametric or more 
commonly longer than broad, 13-42 » long and 8—42 ,» broad, spheric or 
barrel-shaped or ellipsoid with the upper and lower halves of the grain 
equal in size and configuration, or ovoid or medially constricted with the 
upper and lower halves very dissimilar in size and configuration, in hetero- 
stylic species grains of long- and short-styled flowers differing in size and 
frequently also in form; pores 6 to 9 but most commonly 8, borne in a 
single row about the equator or about the lower half of the grain where it 
is broadest. Nutlets erect, usually ovoid or ellipsoid and plump, broadest 
at or below the middle, gradually narrowed to the base or sometimes 
suprabasally constricted to form a stout neck just above the broad flaring 
base or sometimes with a thickish collar about the base; apex usually obtus- 
ish, dorsum convex (flattened below the middle in one species) ; venter con- 
vex or somewhat obtuse, its medial keel rarely sharp, usually low and 
rounded and sometimes obscure, the ventral suture lineate or obscure; sur- 
face of nutlet usually polished and porcelain-like, white or somewhat stained 
with brown, rarely verrucose or rugose or tumulose, usually completely 
smooth or smooth with few to numerous punctate depressions, the depres- 
sions sometimes shallow but usually deep and pit-like and frequently on the 
venter of the nutlet elongating to become slot-like, a well-defined row of 


slots or pits or both frequently present on both sides of the ventral keel 
and parallel to it; attachment of nutlet large, basal, plane, convex or in 
one species excavated, horizontal or somewhat oblique, the end of the 
broken funicular canal usually evident near the ventral angle, near the 
middle of the dorsal half of the attachment the ends of the dorsal vascular 
supply marked by a dot, a swelling, or by an erect or ascending subulate 
or peg-like process. Style slender, simple, included in the corolla-tube or 
sometimes exserted; stigmas 2, usually distinct, globose, hemispheric or 
ellipsoid, usually small, terminal and juxtaposed on the tip of the style 
or subterminal and separated by the short, somewhat bilobed sterile tip 
of the style. Gynobase flat to broadly pyramidal, sometimes surmounted 
by a thickened angulate persisting base of the style; attachment faces flat 
or slightly concave (or saucer-shaped or cupulate in one species), hori- 
zontal or ascending, plane or the margins somewhat thickened and promi- 
nent, separated by a groove or by the thickened protrudent angles of the 
gynobasic pyramid. 

In the past the genus Lithospermum has been very broadly defined. As 
one of the relatively few original Linnean genera of the family it early 
became a catch-all for a great variety of plants subsequently recognized 
as generically separable. During the past century its history has been 
one of shrinking limits. As here defined the genus is further shrunk and 
I believe at last reduced to homogeneity. Various diverse elements still 
included in the genus by recent classifiers I have excluded and treated 
under such genera as Buglossoides, Lithodora, Psilolaemus, Moltkia, Molt- 
kiopsis, Mairetis, and Neatostema. Also excluded are Echioides and 
Arnebia, recently included in the genus in my “Survey of the Genus Litho- 
spermum,” Jour. Arnold Arb, 33: 299-363 (1952). My reasons for now 
excluding these two latter will be found discussed under Arnebia. 

Lithospermum, as here accepted, includes forty-three of the fifty-nine 
species treated in my recent paper on the genus. The first fifteen species 
in the ‘‘Survey” are now referred to Arnebia, and species no. 17 (L. Tour- 
nefortii) to Echioides. 'To be added to the forty-three species keyed and 
described in the “Survey” is one other species that was improperly ex- 
cluded. This is L. cinerascens of Peru and Ecuador, which will be dis- 
cussed presently. The genus Lithospermum as now defined contains, 
accordingly, a total of forty-four species. 

The genus is especially notable for its floral dimorphism and its di- 
versity of pollen forms. For a discussion of these and various other details 
the reader is referred to the above-mentioned “Survey.” 

Lithospermum, among all the genera of the Lithospermeae, is the only 
one with representatives on all continents. Of the forty-four species, four 
(L. officinale, L. erythrorhizon, L. tschimganicum, and L. Hancockianum) 
are native to Eurasia, one is confined to the highlands of tropical Africa 
(L. afromontanum), four occur in South Africa (L. papillosum, L. di- 
versifolium, L. cinereum, and L. scabrum), and five are indigenous to the 
highlands of northwestern South America (L. cinerascens, L. Macbridei, 
L. mediale, L. peruvianum, and L. Gayanum). The remaining thirty 


species occur in the United States and Mexico, with the greatest concen- 
tration in the latter country. Among the species in the Old World the 
most distinct is LZ. Hancockianum of southwestern China. The other 
species of the Old World have not only the technical characters, but the 
facies of the species in America, and were they natives of the New World 
would be accepted in Lithospermum without question. The interrelation 
of the species of Europe, Africa, and America is very clear and strong, and 
the genus, despite its wide distribution, is a very satisfactory and natural 

The genus is not only notable for its wide distribution and particularly 
for its occurrence in both Old World and New but also for the number of 
other genera with which it seems to be closely related. It is the only 
genus in the Lithospermeae which has close generic affinities in both 
America and the Old World. The genus has affinity with all the genera 
of the tribe native in America and is very closely related with Macromeria, 
Perittostema, and Psilolaemus. In the Old World its closest affinities are 
with Arnebia, Echioides, and Buglossoides, and perhaps also Lithodora. 
Its affinities with other Old World genera are only very generalized, 
certainly not immediate. 

The wide distribution of the genus and the number and distribution of 
genera Closely related to it suggests that perhaps Lithospermum may be 
a relatively generalized conservative old stock from which many of the 
modern Lithospermeae may have been differentiated. Such a conclusion, 
however, is difficult to reconcile with the fact that Lithospermum in many 
features shows specializations not to be expected in a primitive group. 

he modification of the corolla-throat is noteworthy in this regard. In 
other tribes of the Boraginoideae, all without doubt containing more highly 
evolved plants than the Lithospermeae, faucal appendages, usually in- 
vaginate and frequently very elaborate, are features of the corolla in prac- 
tically all genera. It is interesting to note, therefore, that among the 
twenty-three genera of the Lithospermeae, well-developed faucal append- 
ages are developed only in Perittostema and in various species of Litho- 
spermum. Elongate plaits in the throat, possibly homologous with the 
faucal appendages of other genera, occur only in Buglossoides and Mac- 
romeria, both closely related to Lithospermum. Stipitate glands in the 
corolla-throat, localized and usually abundant, which appear to have some 
relation with the development of faucal appendages in the Lithospermeae, 
occur only in Lithospermum and its close relatives (Macromeria, Lasiar- 
rhenum, Perittostema, Arnebia, and Lithodora). The corollas of most 
genera of the tribe have no faucal appendages and bear no stipitate glands 
in the throat. Among genera evidently related to Lithospermum this is 
also the case in many or all the species of Macromeria, Onosmodium, Psilo- 
laemus, Nomosa, Lithodora, Arnebia, and Echioides. Modifications of 
the corolla-throat are features developed only in Lithospermum or to some 
degree only in genera evidently related to it. As a complex elaboration 
of the corolla, it seems to indicate that the genus is a highly specialized 
member of the Lithospermeae and not a generalized conservative one. 


A high position in the evolution of the Lithospermeae is also indicated 
for Lithospermum by the elaborate development of heterostyly among 
various groups of its species. Heterostyly of a precisely similar sort is 
also present among certain groups of species in Arnebia and in a slightly 
more complicated state in Echioides. Elsewhere in the tribe it is developed 
only in Lithodora, and there in only a very simple form. The condition, 
accordingly, occurs in the Lithospermeae only in Lithospermum and in 
genera evidently related to it. Heterostyly, like the elaborations of the 
corolla, gives reason for believing that Lithospermum is an advanced 
member of its tribe. . 

The nutlets of Lithospermum are prevailingly plump, ovoid or ellipsoid, 
and usually obtusely pointed, and have a convex dorsum and a venter that 
is merely obtusely angled or obtusely angled with a low rounded medial 
keel. Nutlets with a narrow sharp ventral keel occur only in a few species, 
e.g., L. strictum and L. Hancockianum. Only in L. strictum is the dorsum 
of the nutlet distinctly flattened. The surface of the nutlet is prevailingly 
lustrous and porcelain-like, white or somewhat stained with brown. It is 
completely smooth or smooth with scattered pits usually most abundant 
on the ventral surface. Tumulose, rugose, or verrucose nutlets occur only 
in L. papillosum and L. cinereum of South Africa and in L. Parksii and 
L. mirabile of Texas and adjacent Mexico. The only species with smooth 
nutlets that are not lustrous is L. indecorum. 

A distinctive minor feature of the nutlets of Lithospermum, evident to 
some degree in most species of the genus, is the two vertical lines of deep 
pits or deep slots in the pericarp which parallel the ventral keel. One of 
these lines of depressions is usually present along each side of the keel, 
close to its lateral base or only a short distance removed. Outside of Litho- 
spermum the lines of pits or slots associated with the ventral keel have 
been observed only in Psilolaemus and in one species of Onosmodium, 
O. virginianum. Possibly they may also occur on the nutlets of Nomosa 
or Perittostema, but at present the fruit of these genera is unknown. In 
any case they do not occur in Arnebia, Echioides, Macromeria, and Lasiar- 
rhenum. In Buglossoides they are not developed in § Margarospermum, 
though possibly comparable developments may be present in § Eudbuglos- 
soides. Interestingly, they are present in L. Hancockianum, that very 
distinct species of unusual habit native to eastern China, which, of all 
species of Lithospermum, is most suggestive of Arnebia. 

The nutlets usually narrow gradually towards the broad base or towards 
a constriction just above the base. In some species the suprabasal con- 
striction forms a stout neck just above the flaring base of the nutlet. In 
others the suprabasal constriction is weak, but below it the nutlet is 
modified and has a more or less collar-like base. The scar is usually broad, 
distinctly basal, and horizontal or somewhat oblique. Towards the ventral 
edge of the scar the broken end of the funicular canal is usually evident 
either as a pit or as a short section of protruding tube. The lower end of 
the vascular supply to the dorsum of the nutlet may be undifferentiated 
or be marked by a small convexity near the middle of the dorsal half of 


the scar. Commonly, however, the tissue about the ends of the dorsal 
traces protrudes to form a small process on the scar. It is usually ascending 
and subulate in form but sometimes is peg-like and erect. Although in 
various genera related to Lithospermum there is frequently a modest eleva- 
tion of tissue about the dorsal traces, when present it is usually less ex- 
treme than that to be encountered on the base of the nutlets in many 
species of Lithospermum. Indeed, outside of Lithospermum well-developed 
processes were noted only on the nutlets of Macromeria viridiflora. The 
most extreme elevation of tissue about the dorsal traces occurs on the 
nutlet base of L. incisum. In that species the process is relatively coarse, 
peg-like, and vertical, and because the surface of the scar collapses it 
gains in apparent height and becomes conspicuous in the excavated lower 
end of the nutlet. A similar, less extreme development of the peg-like 
process also occurs on the nutlet of the related species L. Parksii. The 
feature is probably a compensatory development associated with the elabo- 
ration of the broad collar-like base distinctive of the nutlet in these species, 
although strangely in L. mirabile, the other close relative of L. incisum, 
the nutlet base is flat and the process is very weak and short. The well- 
developed peg on the nutlet attachment of L. incisum is associated with 
another unusual feature of that species. When the nutlet detaches, the 
withdrawal of its peg leaves a central depression on the attachment face 
of the gynobase. After the fall of the nutlet the attachment face shrinks 
and assumes a cupulate form that is unique in this genus. Although the 
peg on the nutlets of ZL. Parksii is almost as prominent as that in L. 
incisum, its fall leaves no central depression on the attachment faces of the 
gynobase. In L. Parksii the faces remain permanently plane and are similar 
to those of other species in the genus. 

A species deserving of special comment is Lithospermum cinerascens 
(DC.) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 75: 40 (1925), originally described 
as Macromeria cinerascens DC. Prodr. 10: 69 (1846). This plant, a native 
of the mountains of Ecuador and northern Peru, was excluded from Litho- 
spermum in my recent study of that genus. I have subsequently had all 
the representation of the species preserved at Kew and the British Museum 
(collections of Mathews, Jameson, and Lobb) available for close study and 
comparison, and am now of the opinion that the species is closely related 
to L. guatemalense of northern Guatemala and adjacent Mexico, and con- 
generic with it. The South American plant is distinguishable from L. 
guatemalense and all other members of its genus by its elongate filaments, 
these being once and a half to twice as long as the anthers. The corolla 
appears to be rather variable as to size and form. It is 34.5 cm. long. 
The elongate tube is gradually expanded for most of its length or it swells 
and becomes somewhat cylindric above the middle. Just below its summit 
the tube abruptly expands and is there somewhat funnelform. From its 
edges arise the short (3.5—-5 mm.) ovate or ovate-triangular corolla-lobes. 
The lobes are usually ascending, but in one collection of Lobb there is 
indication that they may sometimes be reflexed. The anthers are borne 
in the open funnelform mouth of the tube, their tips barely if at all pro- 


truded from it. The slender filaments, 3-5 mm. long, arise 4-6 mm. below 
the tube summit. The medio-affixed anthers, 2-3 mm. long, are oblong 
and bear a pair of minute tips on their rounded summits. The thecae are 
joined to the very base. The corolla-tube bears scattered stipitate glands 
in a band 2-4 mm. broad just below the tube summit. There are no faucal 
appendages. The annulus consists of ten quadrate glabrous lobes. The 
lustrous white nutlets are sparsely punctate and bear pits and slots in a 
line on both sides of the ventral keel. The stigmas are subterminal and 
are separated by the very short and stout bilobed sterile apex of the style. 
The pollen is broadly ellipsoid, 25-28 22-24 y, and has eight obscure 
pores on the equator. In large-flowered plants the trumpet-shaped corolla 
of the species is suggestive in size and form of that of the genus Macro- 
meria. Though the filaments are more elongate than in all other species 
of Lithospermum, they are definitely included within the corolla-throat, 
as is characteristic in that genus. They are not exserted from the corolla- 
throat, as are the filaments in all species of Macromeria. The anthers 
are also included, or at most have only their tips exserted. The well- 
developed annulus in the corolla is that of Lithospermum and not Macro- 
meria. The nutlets also have features of Lithospermum. They are punc- 
tate and bear pits and slots in a row on either side of the ventral keel, 
which is never the case in Macromeria but is frequent in Lithospermum. 
The plant gives no evidence of being closely related with any particular 
species of Macromeria. It does, however, have an evident ally in Litho- 
spermum in L. guatemalense. Between Macromeria and Lithospermum, 
the plant clearly belongs in the latter genus. 

13. Cerinthe [Tournef.] L. Sp. Pl. 136 (1753) and Gen. Pl. 66 (1754). 
Type species C. major L. 

Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, glabrous or nearly so, sometimes 
glaucescent. Stems leafy, one to numerous, simple or branched, usually 
erect, Leaves all cauline or some in basa! clusters, glabrous or at most 
with very scattered appressed hairs or a ciliolate margin, with inconspicu- 
ous pinnate veins, upper surface usually dotted with pallid groups of 
mineralized cells; lower cauline leaves more or less oblanceolate but usually 
broadened at the very base and usually with a somewhat amplexicaul 
attachment; middle cauline leaves oblong or ovate, sessile, with a broad 
cordate-auriculate amplexicaul base, apex usually obtuse or rounded. 
Inflorescence loosely scorpioid, elongating and unilaterally racemose in 
age; cymes single or geminate at the ends of the stems and branches; 
bracts very well developed, foliaceous, very conspicuous, sometimes pur- 
purescent, usually hiding the calyx, base cordate-auriculate and amplexi- 
caul. Calyx 5-fid; lobes very unequal, strongly imbricate, foliaceous or 
somewhat membranous, glabrous or with margin ciliolate, usually accres- 
cent in age, outermost sepal broadest and usually somewhat cordate at 
base; pedicel slender, glabrous or short hispidulous, in age elongate, as- 
cending or decurved. Corolla yellow or partially purple or violet, com- 
pletely glabrous, coarsely tubular, several times longer than broad, broadest 


at or above the middle, straight and regular or most prolonged on the two- 
lobed adaxial side with the tube ventricose and the limb more or less 
distinctly oblique; throat without appendages, hairs or stipitate glands; 
annulus evident, a narrow thickish glabrous ring or collar; lobes broadly 
to narrowly triangular, very short or as much as two thirds the length of 
the tube, more or less recurved or sometimes erect or even connivent, acute 
or the tip somewhat rounded. Filaments affixed above the middle of the 
corolla-tube, glabrous, usually thickish and narrowed from a broad base, 
equal or within the corolla differing slightly in shape (odd medial stamen 
adaxial), less than a quarter the length of the anther to nearly as long. 
Anther elongate, affixed above the base, included in the throat or more 
than half exserted from it, free or joined only by entangling of the tails 
on the thecae, terminated by an evident gradually narrowed sterile ap- 
pendage; terminal appendage usually with a narrow tip, frequently with 
a denticulate margin; thecae with minutely papillate-ciliolate edges, near 
the base remaining separate and tending to spread and thus form the more 
or less sagittate base of the anther; basal end of theca sometimes with only 
a short stout thickened tip but more commonly with the tip prolonged 
into a slender flexuous barbellate tail; back of anther pale or frequently 
black, more or less coarsely muricate or muricate-papillate, connective 
usually smooth and only moderately prominent. Pollen barrel-shaped or 
ellipsoid to nearly spheric, 18-37 « 15-33 w, polar profile circular or 
somewhat polygonal; pores eight, borne in a well-developed equatorial 
groove, rarely prominent; colpi eight, fusiform or linear. Ovary four-lobed, 
four-ovulate. Nutlets one or two, each two-celled (one-celled or one- 
ovulate only by abortion), smooth, rarely lustrous, usually mottled with 
brown or purple, erect or weakly incurved, more or less broadly ovoid, 
back convex, apex notched and bicuspid, venter flattened and not keeled; 
suture linear-sulcate, evident on the venter of the nutlet and frequently 
also down the dorsum and rarely even across the attachment scar; at- 
tachment broad, basal, plane. Gynobase strongly depressed, when fully 
developed bearing two semicircular to near circular attachment faces which 
are horizontal or are slightly inclined away from the base of the style. 
Style slender, eventually exserted from the corolla, dorsiventrally com- 
pressed at the base; stigmas two, small, terminal, juxtaposed, distinct or 
more or less united. 

A very distinct and readily recognizable genus with representatives oc- 
curring from middle Europe and northwest Africa east to the Caucasus 
and northern Iran. No detailed comprehensive treatment of its species 
has been published. The genus contains at least three or four major 
species and also a goodly number of well-marked geographic varieties that 
are accepted as species by many authors. Cerinthe has its greatest con- 
centration of forms in the western and northern portions of the Mediter- 
ranean area. 

Among the Boraginoideae Cerinthe is notable for its practically glabrous 
herbage, its usually broad leaves and bracts that are cordate-amplexicaul 
at the base, its very strongly unequal broadly imbricate calyx-lobes, and 


especially its bilocular two-seeded nutlets. The plant is obviously a mem- 
ber of the Lithospermeae, and though very highly specialized and distinct, 
probably has its closest affinities with Onosma and related genera. 

In general structure and appearance the corolla and androecium are 
very similar to those of Onosma and Podonosma. The corolla-lobes may 
be short and recurving as prevalent in Onosma or elongate and erect as in 
Podonosma. Although the corolla is completely glabrous and thus different 
from many of the species in Onosma, corollas that are glabrous or very 
scantily pubescent are found in Podonosma and in some species of Onosma. 
The stamens of Cerinthe show a prevailing basic similarity with those of 
Onosma and its relatives. The elongate anthers are terminated by a sim- 
ilar terminal appendage. They are also roughened on the back, and their 
thecae are also free and more or less spreading at the base. The lower 
end of each theca may have a thickened point as in Onosma or, unlike in 
that genus or in any of its allies, may be prolonged into a slender flexuous 
barbellate tail. Unlike in the genera mentioned, the anthers are joined 
neither by coherence at the base of the thecae nor by coherence along the 
margin of the thecae. The anthers of Cerinthe, though regularly free in 
some species and varieties (as in Onosma), in most species are held to- 
gether at the base — not by growing together, but only by the entangling 
of the flexuous tails on the thecae. The synandrium produced, though not 
achieved by adnation, functions exactly like that in those species of 
Onosma which have only the basal tips of their thecae coherent. 

The corolla of Cerinthe may be perfectly regular or have a more or less 
clear bilateral symmetry. In C. retorta Sibth. & Sm., and to a less extent 
in some of the forms of C. major L. and its allies, the corolla may be more 
or less distinctly ventricose, not only above the base on the abaxial side, 
but also above the middle of the adaxial side. When this is relatively well 
developed, as in C. retorta and C. gymnandra var. macrosiphonia Mutb., 
the unilateral swellings can so modify the form of the corolla that it be- 
comes weakly curved in a sigmoid manner. In the two plants mentioned, 
the corolla is slightly prolonged on its two-lobed adaxial side, and the 
upper portion of the tube is somewhat outcurved and the limb is oblique. 
Associated with this zygomorphy of the corolla is also some differentiation 
among the filaments inside. In C. gymnandra var. macrosiphonia, further- 
more, the exserted cone of connivent anthers is not central and vertical in 
the mouth of the corolla, but rather, emerging from the abaxial side of 
the mouth, is directed obliquely upward, with the tip over the opposite 
side of the corolla-limb. The flowers of C. retorta and C. gymnandra var. 
macrosiphonia have an evident bilateral symmetry that has involved not 
only the corolla but also the androecium. Among the many species of 
Onosma the only parallel to the conditions described in these species of 
Cerinthe is that in O. multiramosum H.-M. of China. In that species the 
matured corollas in the bud and the exserted synandrium in the open 
flowers are prolonged on the adaxial side and are strongly out-curved, 
i.e., bent away from the cyne axis in a manner suggestive of the subapical 
out-curving of the corolla observable in Cerinthe. 


The fruit of Cerinthe differs from that of all other Boraginoideae in 
having bilocular two-seeded nutlets and these never more than two in 
number, The two carpels of the fruit, which in other Boraginoideae are 
each divided to form a pair of distinct one-celled one-seeded nutlets, are un- 
lobed in Cerinthe. The nutlets are superficially similar to the two-seeded 
nutlets produced by some species of Heliotropium and are comparable also 
to the two-seeded pyrenes of the drupaceous fruits of some Ehretioideae. 
For the proper interpretation of the fruit of Cerinthe the evolutionary steps 
in the development of fruit within the Boraginaceae should be recalled. The 
fruit in this family has been elaborated from a two-carpellate, two-celled 
ovary bearing four ovules which become four-celled by the development 
of a partition within each carpel, and then, subsequently, become two- 
lobed and then four-lobed, and finally in the Boraginoideae become four- 
parted, with each lobe (the nutlet) unilocular and one-seeded and affixed 
independently about the base of the style. Since the two-seeded nutlet 
of Cerinthe represents a whole carpel, and the one-seeded nutlets of all 
other members of the Boraginoideae only half of a carpel, it is perhaps 
not surprising that the fruit of Cerinthe has been interpreted by some 
authors as being not only the most simply but also the most primitively 
organized within the subfamily, and even as more or less transitional to 
the less highly evolved fruits in the Heliotropioideae and Ehretioideae. 
With such a conclusion, however, I cannot agree. Along with most au- 
thors, I am of the opinion that the two-seeded nutlets of Cerinthe are 
simply single-seeded nutlets which somehow have failed to develop sep- 
arately during ontogeny. Cerinthe, like other genera of the Lithosper- 
meae, no doubt had immediate ancestors with a typical boraginoid fruit 
consisting of four discrete single-seeded nutlets. In the present genus, the 
union of the four nutlets into two double nutlets, although presenting a 
condition suggestive of a primitive one, is actually a late secondary de- 
velopment and accordingly a highly specialized one. 

The ovary of Cerinthe, viewed shortly after anthesis, is distinctly four- 
lobed and is generally similar in appearance to that of most Lithospermeae 
at the same stage of development. The pair of lobes (those derived from 
one carpel) which will develop into a bilocular nutlet are at this stage 
united only below the middle, usually for no more than one third their 
total length. The depth of separation between the lobes within each pair 
is evidently less than that between the two pairs. Serial transverse sec- 
tions through the base of the ovary will show the presence of only a basal 
zone in which the ovarial lobes are united in pairs. Only if in its subse- 
quent development growth is largely confined to this basal zone can the 
ovary of Cerinthe produce bilocular united nutlets. Growth centered above 
this zone would produce single-seeded nutlets as in other Lithospermeae. 
In Cerinthe growth in the upper zones of the ovary is retarded. The free 
tips of the ovarial lobes are represented in the mature nutlets only by the 
bicuspid apex. 

The nutlets of Cerinthe, when perfectly developed, are two-celled and 
two-ovulate. Single-seeded one-celled nutlets may be found, but these 


always show some evidence of being imperfectly developed. In some uni- 
locular nutlets the undeveloped half may be reduced to a narrow longi- 
tudinal ridge, or in others represented only by a discolored spot (i.e., the 
attachment-scar of the suppressed half) at the base of the nutlet. The 
attachment scar of the two-seeded nutlet is symmetrical and evenly 
rounded, but in the one-seeded nutlet it is irregular and somewhat lobed 
on the side of the nutlet with the suppressed cell. There are other indica- 
tions that the nutlets of Cerinthe are duplex. The tips of the united nutlets 
remain free when both are equally developed and form the characteristic 
bicuspid tip to the Cerinthe nutlet. The wall separating the two cells within 
the nutlet is dense and homogeneous. It bears no cavities nor any abscission 
layer, as frequent in comparable partitions in the nutlets of the Helio- 
tropioideae and the Ehretioideae. The endocarp of the united nutlets is 
completely confluent. There are, however, lines of suture on the exocarp 
delimiting the boundaries of the component nutlets. A lineate groove is 
always present down the middle of the flattened venter, from between the 
two nutlet-tips down to the base. This groove may also continue more or 
less clearly down the middle of the convex dorsum and occasionally even 
be traced across the middle of the attachment scar. In the attachment 
other evidence of the duplex nature of the nutlet is evident, for the two 
halves of the nutlet share no vascular supply, both being directly affixed 
to the gynobase, and each supplied directly from it. 

Cerinthe has pollen very different from that of Onosma and Podonosma, 
which is surprising, for the corollas and androecium of the three are very 
similar. The symmetric grains of Cerinthe have eight pores borne in a 
well-marked equatorial groove and associated with eight colpi. T he strong 
equatorial groove distinguishes the pollen from that of all other Litho- 
spermeae, Pollen of Onosma and its allies is uniformly three-porate. In 
number of pores, accordingly, Cerinthe is in very much closer agreement 
with the pollen of Lithospermum and its allies and, interestingly, with 
that of the American genera which most resemble Onosma in corolla and 
androecium. The three natural species-groups within Cerinthe have each 
a distinctive pollen. 

The largest grains (33-37 x 30-33 m) are associated with the well- 
marked species, C. retorta. These are ellipsoid-sphaeric, almost as broad 
as long, and possess a narrow equatorial groove and eight linear (not 
fusiform) colpi which extend well towards the polar areas. The pores are 
unusually large. In C. major L. and its obvious relatives, the pollen grains 
are barrel-shaped. They are distinctly longer than broad and have convex 
or nearly parallel sides and abruptly narrowed ends. They measure 
24-26 K 16-18 p». The grains have a broad equatorial groove and mod- 
erately elongate fusiform colpi. The pores are obscure, but apparently 
always eight in number. C. minor L. and C, glabra Mill. and their varieties 
all have similar ellipsoid grains, 18-22 K 15-18 p, the smallest in the 
genus. In lateral profile the sides are convex or slightly angled. The 
eight pores are associated with an equatorial groove and short fusiform 


14. Podonosma Boiss. Diag. ser. 1, 11: 113 (1849) and FI. Orient. 4: 
178 (1875). Type species Onosma syriacum Labill. 

Plant perennial, herbaceous, or fruticulose at the base, hispid-villose or 
somewhat hispid with integmixed slender gland-tipped hairs. Stems numer- 
ous, simple or laxly branched, loosely spreading or decumbent. Leaves 
numerous, cauline, lanceolate, acute, with evident midrib, obscurely pin- 
nate-veined or veinless. Cymes loosely scorpioid, borne solitary or gemi- 
nate, terminal on the stems and leafy branches, in age elongating and 
becoming unilaterally racemose. Bracts lanceolate, numerous, becoming 
foliaceous and conspicuous in the fruiting inflorescence. Pedicels slender, 
elongating in age and usually becoming decurved in fruit. Calyx lobed 
almost to the base; lobes lanceolate, nearly as long as the corolla-tube, 
equal or nearly so, in fruit accrescent and becoming lance-cuneate with the 
tips connivent and the bases reduplicate. Corolla blue, glabrous, regular, 
inside without faucal appendages or stipitate glands; tube cylindric, 
abruptly narrowed at the base, without a differentiated throat; lobes nar- 
rowly triangular, soon reflexed, twice as long as broad, a quarter to a third 
the length of the tube, sides straight, apex acute; annulus well developed, 
villulose, distinctly ten-lobed. Filaments not half the length of the anther, 
affixed in the upper third of the corolla-tube, compressed, narrowing upward 
from the base. Anthers elongate, becoming half exserted from the corolla 
mouth, laterally coherent below the middle, affixed about one fourth of 
their total length above the base, upper half consisting of a somewhat 
firm stramineaceous appendage which is narrowed to an acute tip, base 
emarginate; thecae spreading only at the very base, their lower end with 
a thickened tip, not coherent; back of anther with a broad slightly promi- 
nent stramineaceous connective, not evidently papillate nor muricate. Pol- 
len globose-ovoid, 18-22 16-20 », broader and more rounded at the 
lower end; pores three, associated with fusiform colpi, submedial, borne 
about the broadest part of the grain. Style filiform, tardily exserted from 
the anther-tube; stigmas united, minute, terminal, Nutlets triangular- 
ovoid, tuberculate, abruptly bent 90° below the middle, the small substipi- 
tate attachment basal on the erect lower third of the nutlet body; ventral 
keel thick and prominent. Gynobase strongly four-lobed; the lobes pale, 
cartilaginous, pulvinate, each bearing a small oblique concave attachment 

A well-marked genus containing two species, P. syriacum (Labill.) 
Boiss., a plant of cliffs, walls, and other rocky places from Syria to Palestine 
and east to Iran, and P. galalense Boiss., said to be a rhizomatous plant of 
eastern Egypt. No material of the latter has been seen. 

In general habit, glanduliferous herbage, form of calyx, decurved fruit- 
ing pedicels, and most important of all, in appearance and structure of 
nutlets and gynobase, Podonosma is extremely similar to Alkanna § Eual- 
kanna. The corolla and androecium of Podonosma, however, is extremely 
different from that of Alkanna. In these floral structures it shows detailed 
similarities with those of Onosma. The similarities with both Alkanna and 
Onosma combined in Podonosma are so striking and involve so many sig- 


nificant details that I am forced to the belief that Podonosma shares a close 
relationship not only with A/kanna but also with Onosma, one possible only 
through a shared common ancestry. 

The corolla and stamens of Podonosma are of the type present in 
Onosma, The most obvious difference in the corolla is in the length of 
the lobes. In our present genus these are elongate (twice as long as broad) 
and reflexed, whereas in Onosma they are practically always short (about 
as long as broad) and erect or only loosely recurved. Indeed in only one 
species of Onosma, O. longilobum Bunge, are the lobes as elongate as in 
Podonosma. The anthers of Podonosma, as in many species of Onosma, 
are united into a tube, but unlike the anthers in the latter genus, those of 
Podonosma cohere only for a limited time and then only along the margin 
of the fertile lower half, and not at the base of the theca nor along the 
margin of the terminal appendage. The terminal appendage is conspicu- 
ously developed as in Onosma, but differs in texture, being pale, firm, 
straw-colored, and opaque. Unlike that in all species of Onosma except 
O. longilobum it narrows to a pointed tip. The back of the anther has 
a well-developed convex stramineous connective, which, unlike the well- 
developed connectives in Onosma, is not evidently papillate nor muricate. 

The pollen is globose-ovoid, 18-22 16-20 un, slightly but distinctly 
longer than broad and with the lower end more broadly rounded than the 
upper. The three pores, in furrows, are usually obscure. They are sub- 
medial and borne about the broadest part of the grain. This pollen is simi- 
lar to that in species of Onosma which have the anthers united into a tube. 
It approaches the isodiametric pollen which prevails among the more 
easterly ranging species of that genus. The poller of Alkanna also has 
three pores and furrows, but is more elongate and is conic-ovoid rather 
than globose-ovoid in form. 

The nutlets of Podonosma are very different from those of Onosma, but 
agree to a remarkable degree with the very unusual nutlets of Alkanna, 
cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 279 (1953). The nutlets are small, 1—1.5 mm. 
long, and below the middle are abruptly bent 90° adaxially. The small 
substipitate attachment scar appears to be superbasally lateral, but mor- 
phologically speaking is actually basal on the short section of the nutlet 
below the bend which remains erect. Dissection of the nutlet reveals that 
the seed has a transverse flexure across the cotyledons. In situ within the 
nutlet the tip of the cotyledons is adjacent and vertical to the portion of 
the pericarp bearing the attachment scar, the proper position in a basifixed 
nutlet. As in Alkanna, but very unlike that in Onosma, the gynobase of 
Podonosma bears four pale cartilaginous cushion-like lobes, each bearing 
a small concave attachment surface on its summit. The attachment sur- 
faces are sloping and the nutlets when affixed to them are accordingly 
ascending with their tips connivent. 

15. Cystistemon Balf. f., Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 12: 82 (1883) and 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 31: 186, t. 56 (1888). Type species C. 
socotranus Balf. f. 

15a. Vaupelia Brand, Fedde’s Repert. 13: 82 (1914); Green, Kew Bull. 
1935: 528 (1935). Type species V. barbata (Vaupel) Brand. 


Material adequate for a survey of Cystistemon and Vaupelia is not 
available. Cystistemon I know only from the original description and il- 
lustration. Of the eight species of Vaupelia I have only two represented 
by specimens suitable for analysis, V. Aispida (Baker & Wright) Brand, 
from 40 mi, s.w. of Norok, Kenya, A. G. Curtis 649, and V. barbata 
(Vaupel) Brand, from betw. Menongue and R. Chimpompo, Angola, M. 
A, Pocock 610. For details concerning the other species of Vaupelia I have 
been forced to rely on original descriptions and upon Brand’s synopsis of 
the genus, Fedde’s Repert. 13: 82-83 (1914). 

Cystistemon has a single species endemic to Socotra and Vaupelia has 
eight described species, one in southern Arabia and the others in tropical 
Africa, where they range from Somaliland to Angola. The two genera are 
immediately and very closely related and probably should be united. Their 
affinity with Onosma is clear. There seems to be every reason for believing 
that they represent a southern derivative of that genus in which the corolla- 
tube has become abbreviated as the corolla-lobes increased greatly in rela- 
tive size and importance. In all species of Onosma, with the single excep- 
tion of O. longilobum Bunge, the tubular portion of the corolla is many 
times longer than the corolla-lobes. In the present genera the lobes, or 
at least the well-developed limb, are one to six times as long as the tube, 
and furthermore are not erect or slightly recurving but spreading. In 
Onosma the throat of the corolla is glabrous or at most only scantily and 
inconspicuously strigose. It is never villose as in some of the species in 
the present genera. 

The anthers are very conspicuous features in the flowers of Cystistemon 
and Vaupelia. They are extremely well developed, much longer than the 
corolla-tube, and borne on short stout variously modified filaments affixed 
near the middle of the short corolla-tube, and are accordingly almost com- 
pletely exserted. The terminal appendage is extremely elongate, and unlike 
that of Onosma usually greatly surpasses the fertile portion of the anther 
in length. Its tip is usually pointed. 

As in some of the species of Onosma, the anthers of the present genera 
are united, but unlike those in Onosma, they cohere not at the base and 
along the sides of the theca but only along the edges of the sterile terminal 
appendages. The back of the anthers has a prominent broad connective 
and a papillate surface, as is common in Onosma. The base of the anther 
is more or less emarginate. The lower end of each theca, unlike in Onosma, 
is completely unappendaged or at most has only an_ inconspicuously 
thickened tip. 

The filaments are of special interest. They are relatively short and stout 
and affixed to the anther only a short distance above its base. In V. hispida 
they are flattened and ovate-lanceolate in outline and ventrally on their 
thickened base bear a small triangular ciliate appendage. In V. barbata 
they are narrow but thick and above their base are nearly encircled by 
a shelf-like ridge ciliate on the margin. Other members of the two genera 
appear also to have comparable appendages associated with the base of 


the filaments. The filaments of Cystistemon are described as ‘‘obcordatis 
expansis inflatis basi annulo villoso cinctis.” Brand in his diagnosis of 
Vaupelia describes the filaments as “brevia basi andropodio globoso piloso 
inserta.”’ The hairy appendages associated with the filament in V. hispida 
and V. barbata are unparalleled in Onosma. If similar structures are asso- 
ciated with the filaments in other members of Vaupelia, they provide a 
character of generic importance. The precise morphological nature of these 
appendages is uncertain. Those in V. hispida and V. barbata I found very 
suggestive of the infrastaminal appendages in Lobostemon, cf. Jour. Arnold 
Arb. 34: 297 (1953). It seems unlikely, however, that the appendages in 
Vaupelia and Cystistemon can be homologized with displaced lobes of the 
annulus as in Lobostemon. The annulus is apparently suppressed or absent 
in V. barbata, but in V. hispida it is represented at the base of the corolla- 
tube by ten very minute tufts of hairs. In some species of Onosma the 
lower portion of the filaments may be decidedly hairy, and the base may 
be decurrent and thickened. Possibly from an ancestral condition of this 
sort the hairy appendaged base associated with the filaments of modern 
Vaupelia could have been elaborated. 

The pollen of V. Aispida is sphaeric, or in polar profile, sometimes ob- 
scurely three-sided. The grains measure 24-26 » in diameter. The three 
pores, in furrows, are equatorial. In V. barbata the grains are globose- 
ovoid, as broad as long (20-23 ,) or at most only very slightly longer than 
broad. In lateral profile the grain is semicircular below the middle, but 
above the middle it is lightly narrowed and tends to be somewhat flattened 
at the upper end. The furrows are deep and rather conspicuous. The three 
pores are slightly inframedial. The pollen, accordingly, is in general agree- 
ment with that of Onosma and particularly with that of its more eastern 
species, and especially those with united anthers. 

16. Onosma L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 196 (1762) and Gen. Pl. ed. 6, 76 (1764). 

Type species O. echioides L. 
Colsmannia Lehm. Mag. Ges. Naturf. Berlin 8: 92, t. 4 (1818) and Asperif. 
2: 356 (1818). Type species C. flava Lehm. [= Onosma sericeum Willd. ]. 

Perennial or biennial, herbaceous or sometimes fruticulose, coarsely 
hispid with the hairs either appressed or spreading or frequently strigose 
or sometimes more or less tomentose, stellate hair-clusters sometimes abun- 
dant. Stems erect or spreading, simple or with leafy branches, arising from 
a taproot or caudex. Leaves with a strong midrib but usually veinless, 
veins when evident pinnate and usually weak; basal leaves clustered, 
usually oblanceolate; cauline leaves usually decreasing in size upwar 
along the stem, usually numerous. Inflorescence simple and consisting of 
single or paired scorpioid cymes terminal on the stem and leafy branches, 
or a thyrse composed of few to many cymes arising along the stem below 
the terminal cyme; cymes distinctly scorpioid or loose and the flowers not 
distinctly biseriate, usually not greatly elongate in fruit. Bracts numerous 
but conspicuous only in a few species, usually shorter than the adjacent 


calyx, sometimes very small and shorter even than the adjacent pedicel. 
Flowers at anthesis borne on strict pedicels on the curved highest portion 
of the cyme, held vertically, horizontally or even pendulous according to 
position on the curve of the cyme. Flowers regular and radially symmetric 
or in one species with the corolla-bud and the anther-tube strongly curved 
abaxially. Calyx usually accrescent, lobed to the base or in a few species 
with a short tube which becomes distended by the ripening fruit; lobes 5, 
equal or practically so, all distinct or rarely two partially united, very 
elongate, linear to lanceolate or oblanceolate or ligulate, separated by 
narrow Closed sinus, erect and parallel or in fruit more or less connivent, 
not imbricate. Pedicels short and stout to slender and elongate, usually 
lengthening in age. Corolla yellow, blue, or rarely white or red, tubular or 
obconic-tubular or rarely ellipsoidal, usually gradually enlarging upward 
from the base or sometimes more strongly ampliate above the middle to 
form a more or less campanulate throat, usually broadest a short distance 
below the base of the lobes but sometimes almost cylindric or less com- 
monly broadest at or near the middle, shorter to much longer than the 
calyx, commonly about twice as long, outer surface glabrous or more com- 
monly evidently puberulent or strigose or hispidulous. Corolla-lobes small, 
as broad or broader than long (or cuneiform in one species), triangular, 
acute or with the tip rounded or short-attenuate, erect or with the tip and 
margins more or less recurved. Corolla-throat without faucal appendages, 
devoid of glands except those sometimes present about the base of the 
filaments, glabrous inside or rarely with some appressed hairs along the 
veins below each corolla-lobe or on and about the bases of the filaments. 
Annulus usually evident, a well-developed ring or collar, usually more or 
less lobed and more or less evidently villulose. Filaments affixed below 
or near or above the middle of the corolla, short to very elongate, shorter 
to longer than the anther, narrowly ligulate or gradually narrowed upward 
or sometimes abruptly narrowed above a broadened base, glabrous or 
rarely hairy or somewhat glanduliferous particularly near the base; base 
frequently decurrent, symmetric or practically so. Anthers elongate, ter- 
minated by a well-developed appendage, usually coherent at the base and 
frequently joined laterally (usually by interlocking of minute marginal 
trichomes) to form a tube, usually affixed distinctly below the middle, in- 
cluded in the throat or partially to completely exserted from the corolla; 

thecae distinct and usually spreading for a short distance above their ap- 
pendaged base, or rarely joined and parallel throughout and their basal 
appendages broadly joined and making a subtruncate or emarginate base 
to the anther; basal appendage usually short and thick, sometimes hardly 
more than a distinctly thickened basal tip of the theca, those of adjacent 
anthers usually coherent but those on the same anther usually distinct. Pol- 
len usually sphaeric to ovoid and as long or longer than broad, 16-25 « 16— 
23 pw, but in one species strongly oblate, transversely elliptic and measuring 


13-14 X 16 »; polar profile circular or more or less three-sided; pores 
three, associated with fusiform furrows, equatorial to suprabasal. Style 
filiform, glabrous or very rarely hairy, usually becoming exserted from the 
corolla and surpassing the anthers, commonly emerging from the corolla as 
the bud unfolds but sometimes emerging precociously from corolla-buds 
which have not yet attained maximum size and in species with united an- 
thers sometimes very tardily emerging from the synandrium, usually persist- 
ing until the fruit is ripened; stigmas two, distinct or partially to completely 
united, usually juxtaposed and terminal on the style, rarely subterminal 
and separated by the very short obtusish sterile tip of the style. Nutlets 
erect, small to large, smooth or less commonly variously tumulose or ver- 
rucose or rugose, lustrous to opaque, gray to olivaceous brown or blackish, 
frequently mottled, never white, somewhat ovoid to broadly lanceolate, 
frequently somewhat rostrate and in one species with terminal and lateral 
cornute appendages; venter usually angled, rarely with a thickened ventral 
keel; dorsum convex or sometimes flattened below the middle; ventral 
suture fused and obscure; attachment scar basal, usually triangular, as 
broad as long, horizontal or somewhat oblique, sometimes green. Gynobase 
pyramidal or flat or even depressed at the center, the attachment faces 
usually distinct, frequently concave. 

A large and variable genus with species occurring from northwest Africa 
and Middle Europe east to southern Siberia and to western China and 
Burma. Stroh, Beiheft Bot. Centralbl. 59B: 430-454 (1939) in a recent 
purely bibliographic listing of the species, enumerates 123 species referable 
to the genus as here accepted. Subsequent to Stroh’s census O. sericeum and 
its allies have been treated by Levin, Not. Syst. Leningrad 12: 228-41 
(1950), and Popov has published a detailed discussion of the genus, 
Proalemy botaniki 1: 70-108 (1950) and also, Not. Syst. Leningrad 14: 
287-304 (1951) a key in Latin as well as in Russian covering the thirty- 
four species accredited to the U.S.S.R. The twenty-nine Chinese and 
Indian species: have been keyed and described by Johnston, Jour. Arnold 
Arb. 32: 201-356 (1951). 

The genus has its closest relatives in Maharanga, Vaupelia, Cystistemon, 
and Podonosma. Other close relations within the Lithospermeae are wit 
Alkanna, Echium, and Cerinthe. American genera, such as Onosmodium 
and Lasiarrhenum, sometimes suggested as relatives of Onosma, appear 
to be more closely related to Lithospermum and are mimics of Onosma 
rather than close relatives of it. 

The corolla is almost always coarsely tubular, from the base moderately 
and gradually expanding for most of its length or becoming more abruptly 
expanded near the middle and differentiated into a stout tube and a more 
or less campanulate throat. Such corollas are broadest a short distance 
below the base of the small, commonly deltoid lobes. A noteworthy de- 
parture from such conventional forms occurs in a few species. In 
pyramidale Hook. of the Himalayas, the corolla has an abbreviated proper 
tube and a large inflated throat. It is ellipsoid in form and hence sugges- 
tive of the corollas of Maharanga. In O. stenosiphon Boiss. of Iran, the 


corolla is scarcely at all ampliate, being very elongate and slenderly cylin- 
drical. The most aberrant corolla is that of O. longilobum Bunge, of north- 
eastern Iran and adjacent U.S.S.R., the only member of the genus with 
the lobes conspicuously longer than broad. It has a gradually ampliate 
tube and throat, together ca. 4 mm. long, and is broadest a short distance 
below the base of the lobes. The erect lobes, cuneate with an attenuate tip, 
are 2 mm. wide at the base and about 6 mm. long, and hence longer than 
the tubular portion of the corolla. They are loosely folded longitudinally 
(conduplicate) and the throat below them is angulate. The tube has five 
elongate invaginations, one below each filament attachment. Inside, the 
corolla is orthodox except for the terminal appendage of the anthers, which 
gradually taper to a slender point. Because the corolla of O. longiloba 
is so aberrant, it is probably inevitable that sooner or later the species 
will be given generic recognition. I have refrained from doing so because 
the plant, in all details other than corolla-form and pollen, is remarkably 
similar to O. stenosiphon Boiss. and O. limitaneum Johnston and appar- 
ently closely related to them. To be sure, these two latter species are not 
conventional members of Onosma, for both have small, unusually slender 
and elongate corollas, and O. limitaneum has somewhat tailed anthers and 
usually rounded, rather than deltoid corolla-lobes. They are, however, 
readily accommodated in Onosma, and O. longilobum, because of its rela- 
tions with them, even though its corolla is aberrant, can be accommodated 
in the genus also. 

The species of Onosma usually have corollas with perfect radial sym- 
metry. Indeed, the only notable departure from this condition is that pre- 
viously reported in Jour. Arnold Arb. 32: 223 (1951) in O. multiramosum 
Hand.-Mazz. of China. In that species the corolla-buds and the anther- 
tube are both conspicuously bent abaxially above the middle. Though 
other species with slender corolla-buds may have an occasional bud show- 
ing a slight subapical bend, in none of these is it so consistent and extreme 
as in O. multiramosa. In the closely related Makaranga the filament-bases 
within each corolla are clearly differentiated into three types, and in this 
respect the androecium has a manifest bilateral symmetry. This is not 
so in Onosma. In the vast majority of species in Onosma the stamens 
within the corolla are indistinguishable. If differentiation of the filaments 
does exist in Onosma, as perhaps very obscurely in O. Waddellii Duthie, 
O. Wardii Johnston, and O. mertensioides Johnston, the difference is very 
slight and difficult to detect. 

Among the most distinctive features of Onosma are its elongate anthers. 
These are almost always coherent, at least at the base, and are always ter- 
minated by an evident sterile appendage. Descriptions of the organ by 
past authors seem to have been largely if not exclusively based upon its 
representation in the species of Europe and the Near East. Among the 
Chinese, Indian, and some of the species of the Middle East, the organ 
shows more variation than is generally recognized. In western species the 
anthers, if joined, are coherent only at the base, but in many of the more 
eastern species they unite laterally to form a tubular synandrium. Simi- 


larly, western species have a terminal appendage that is strap-shaped and 
papery hyaline, whereas among the more easterly ones the appendage on 
the anther is frequently much firmer in texture, dark in color, more attenu- 
ate, and frequently somewhat rostrate in nature. Among the western plants 
the anther averages very much larger than in the east. The connective 
on the back of the anther, conspicuously developed and usually broad and 
prominent in the west, becomes very narrow and inconspicuous in many 
of the eastern species. The back side of the anther usually has its surface 
papillate or muriculate. Among eastern species, however, it may be nearly 
smooth. In most all species the anther has its thecae distinct and more or 
less evidently spreading for a short distance above the base, and the lower 
end of each theca is thickened and more or less prolonged to form a short 
basal appendage. Only in O. limitaneum are the appendages notably 
elongate. In O. multiramosum and to a less extent among other Chinese 
species, the thecae remain joined and parallel for their total length, and 
their broadened and confluent basal appendages form a truncate or weakly 
emarginate base to the anther. 

Pollen of forty-five species of Onosma has been examined. The grains 
have three pores which are frequently somewhat protrudent and are always 
associated with fusiform colpi. In polar profile the grains may be circular 
or more or less three-sided with the angles rounded or emarginate. The 
pollen varies from species to species in lateral profile. All the many inter- 
mediate forms between decidedly ovate and perfectly circular and even 
transversely elliptic are represented. The lateral outline, as in O. echioides 
L., O. arenarium W. & K., and O. dichroanthum Boiss., can be decidedly 
ovate with the length evidently much greater than the breadth (25 X 16— 
20 »). In such grains the pores are borne where the grain is broadest, about 
a third of the length of the grain above its base. In other species the grains 
may still retain a modified ovate outline but show less difference between 
length and breadth. In O. confertum W. W. Sm., for example, the grains 
are equal or practically so in length and breadth (16 ») but are noticeably 
more broadly rounded below the inframedial pores than above them. From 
grains such as these there are many transitions to grains with equatorial 
pores and equal hemispheres, in which the lateral profile is perfectly cir- 
cular or even very slightly broader than long. In O. pyramidale Hook. the 
grains have a polar axis which is obviously shorter than the breadth at 
the equator (13-14 < 16 »). In lateral profile these grains are distinctly 
transverse-elliptic. The pores are equatorial or at most only very slightly 

Most of the species of Europe and the Near and Middle East have 
pollen of the ovoid type, i.e., longer than broad, 20-25 X 16-20 pn, and 
bearing the pores well below the middle, usually ca. 8 » above the base of 
the grain. Among the Sino-Indian species, only seven out of the twenty- 
nine species have pollen of this type, viz., O. chitralicum Johnston, O. 
hispidum Wall., O. khyberianum Johnston, O. barbigerum Johnston, O. 
Griffithii Vatke, O. bracteatum Wall., and O. dichroanthum Boiss. Species 
with grains isodiametric or nearly so (16-26 ») are most abundant in the 


more eastern portions of the range of the genus. There are twenty-two of 
the twenty-nine Sino-Indian species with pollen of this type. Among the 
species of the middle East I have encountered the type only in species 
such as O. stenosiphon Boiss. and O. rostellatum, which appear to be more 
closely related to the Indian and Chinese congeners than to the conven- 
tional Onosmas of Europe and the Near East. Interestingly, similar pollen 
occurs in Vaupelia, a very close relative of Onosma, which has long-exserted 
united anthers, as do many of the eastern species of Onosma. 

17. Maharanga A.DC. Prodr. 10: 71 (1846). Type species Onosma 
Emodi Wall. 

Plants herbaceous, perennial or biennial or perhaps sometimes annual. 
Stems one to several, erect to decumbent, hispid or hispid-villose, simple 
or with strict to ascending leafy floriferous branches, arising from a cluster 
of basal leaves or more commonly from among the remnants of a leaf 
cluster produced the previous season. Leaves very obscurely to evidently 
veined; veins strictly ascending, usually pinnate but frequently with the 
lowest pair most elongate and most prominent; basal leaves usually ob- 
lanceolate; cauline leaves numerous, the middle and upper ones usually 
larger than those near the base of the stem, oblanceolate to lanceolate, 
usually hispid or hispid-villose with the hairs frequently appressed, hairs 
scanty to abundant and those on the upper leaf-face frequently with dis- 
coid bases, stellate hair-clusters present in two species. Cymes usually 
geminate, not clearly scorpioid and forming somewhat glomerate clusters 
broader than long, terminal on the main stem and sometimes also on the 
leafy branches, in fruit loosening to become somewhat corymbose or rarely 
loosely racemose. Bracts small, narrow, not conspicuous, none except the 
lowermost surpassing the adjacent calyx. Calyx with a broad deeply 
saucer-shaped or shallowly cup-shaped tube and ascending lobes; lobes 
cuneate or narrowly triangular, gradually narrowed from a broad base, 
one and a half to three times as long as broad, separated by open angulate 
sinus, tip acute or somewhat attenuate; lobes in fruit becoming loosely 
incurved and the two abaxial ones sometimes slightly larger than the other 
three; pedicels elongating, in fruit usually slender and as long or longer 
than the calyx. Corolla blue, purplish, yellow or white, about twice the 
length of the calyx, outside strigulose or villose-hispidulous, ovoid-ellipsoid 
or obovoid, contracted at both ends, abruptly expanding from a short tube 
into a relatively large inflated throat and at or above the middle contract- 
ing to a small mouth, above the middle usually with persisting narrow 
inflexed vertical plaits and hence appearing sulcate below each sinus, below 
each lobe with an inflated rib that protrudes between the calyx-lobes and 
has an abruptly contracted lower end that: rests chin-like in the broad 
angulate sinus between the calyx-lobes, outside below the middle and 
usually hidden by the calyx-lobes bearing five elliptical glabrous areoles 
which are usually slightly depressed and sometimes invaginate near their 
upper end; mouth of corolla very small; lobes very small, more or less 
deltoid, loosely recurved above the middle, as long as broad or somewhat 


longer than broad, apex acute or rounded; inside of corolla glabrous or 
more or less hairy about the bases of the filaments, devoid of glands or 
faucal appendages; annulus evident, collar-like, more or less _villulose. 
Filaments affixed at base of the throat, abruptly narrowed from a broad 
base, slightly longer than the anthers or distinctly shorter, two filaments 
with a symmetric base, a medial vein and a transverse attachment on the 
corolla, the other three with an oblique or vertical attachment and an 
asymmetric base with an excentric vein. Anthers lanceolate, always in- 
cluded, coherent at the base, affixed below the middle, terminated by a 
usually well developed, firm, gradually attenuate sterile appendage which 
is usually armed with some stout ascending hairs or cuneiform teeth on 
the margin and by a cluster of cuneiform teeth at the apex, base of anther 
with the thecae distinct and somewhat spreading; back of anther very 
obscurely papillate, the connective narrow and neither prominent nor con- 
spicuous. Pollen cylindric or in one species ellipsoidal, pores three, equa- 
torial, associated with fusiform colpi; polar profile circular or three-sided 
with notches at the corners. Style filiform, glabrous, included or short 
exserted, rarely persisting with the fruit; stigmas two, juxtaposed and 
terminal on the style, small, distinct or more or less united. Nutlets slightly 
incurved, brown or olivaceous, dull, tumulose and coarsely rugose with the 
surface very abundantly and densely muriculate or papillate, somewhat 
ovoid, with the venter angulate and provided with a coarse prominent 
ventral keel; ventral suture absent; attachment scar basal, about as broad 
as long. Gynobase broadly pyramidal, the sloping attachment surfaces 
separated by low cartilaginous ridges. 

A group of nine species occurring in the mountains from the middle 
Himalaya east into southwestern China. The genus is obviously related 
to Onosma but is readily distinguishable by its calyx and pollen, as well 
as by the form and structure of its corolla. 

The corolla of Maharanga has a very short proper tube and a relatively 
large, well-developed, much inflated throat, usually broadest near the 
middle. The mouth of the corolla and the base of the tube usually have 
about the same diameter. In Onosma the corolla form of Makaranga is 
closely simulated only by the inflated ellipsoid corolla of O. pyramidale 
Hook, This lacks, however, the characteristic outward features of the 
corolla of Maharanga, such as the narrow, tightly inflexed plaits below 
each sinus and, below each corolla-lobe, the distinctly puffed-out ribs which 
have an abruptly contracted lower end that rests chin-like in the angle 
of the open sinus between the calyx-lobes. Also lacking in Onosma pyra- 
midale is the glabrous elliptical areole on the outside of the corolla 
which is associated with the very different attachment of the filaments in 

The filaments are abruptly narrowed and become more or less linear 
above their broad base. They are affixed directly on the corolla-walls or 
arise from the shoulders of gibbose invaginations. The five stamens within 
the corolla differ in the shape of the filament, in the course of the vein 
within them, and in the orientation of their attachment on the corolla- 


walls. Two filaments have an arcuate attachment oriented transversely, 
and their vein is medial. Two other filaments are obliquely affixed, and 
their asymmetric base has an excentric vein. The fifth stamen (apparently 
the medial adaxial one) is vertically affixed and has a strongly excentric 
vein and a more prolonged and asymmetric decurrent base. Although no 
evidence of it has been detected elsewhere in the corolla, bilateral rather 
than radial symmetry is manifest in the filaments of Makaranga. In 
Onosma the stamens are all similar, or if there is any differentiation among 
them within the corolla it is very obscure. 

The anthers of Maharanga in size and general form are similar to those 
in some species of Onosma (e.g., O. pyramidale Hook. and O. cingulatum 
W. W. Sm.) but differ from those of most species of that genus in their 
smaller size, narrow smoother connective, and firmer dark, beak-like ter- 
minal appendage. Occasionally in Onosma as in the species just mentioned, 
the terminal appendage of the anther may be obscurely papillate on the 
margin and so appear very minutely denticulate. In all species of Mahar- 
anga, except M. bicolor DC., the lateral margins of the appendage bear 
some short, stout, ascending hairs or subulate teeth. The tip of the ap- 
pendage in Onosma may be attenuate, truncate, emarginate, or bidentate. 
In Maharanga the very tip appears to be somewhat thickened and com- 
monly bears a number of cuneiform teeth, sometimes in a more or less 
crown-like arrangement. 

The pollen of Maharanga is 3-porate and 3-colpate as in Onosma but is 
very different from that of Onosma in form. The grains (20-23 % 10-16 
».) are elongate and in most species are cylindric. In lateral profile they 
have abruptly rounded ends and sides that are nearly straight and parallel 
except for a weak constriction at the equator. The pores are equatorial. 
In polar profile the grains are circular or somewhat three-sided with the 
broad corners somewhat emarginate. The only departure from the cylin- 
dric form described occurs in M. bicolor. In that species, aberrant in a 
number of other minor details (included style, relatively large united 
stigmas, and very elongate laterally unarmed anther appendages), the 
pollen grains are distinctly ellipsoid. In lateral profile the sides are rounded 
or slightly angled at the equator where they are broadest and bear the pores, 

The nutlets of Mahkaranga are similar in size and form to those of many 
of the Chinese species of Onosma, and like many of the latter they have 
a rough, tumulose, and rugose epicarp. The distinctive feature of the 
Maharanga nutlet is the surface of the epidermis, which is very abundantly 
and very densely beset with crowded minute papillae or muriculations. 
Only in a very few Chinese and Indian species of Onosma are the nutlets 
provided with comparable minute epidermal roughenings, and even in these 
they are never so well developed and so very abundant as on the nutlets 
of Maharanga. 

The units of the inflorescence are not of the extreme scorpioid type 
prevalent among the species of Onosma. In Maharanga the rhachis of the 
cyme remains relatively slender and is not greatly elongate. The flowers, 
neither extremely numerous nor evidently biseriate, become slenderly ped- 

icellate. Cymes resembling those of Maharanga, however, are developed 
in some Chinese species of Onosma such as O. album W. W. Sm., O. con- 
fertum W. W. Sm., O. cingulatum W. W. Sm., O. exsertum Hemsl., O. 
fistulosum Johnston, and O. paniculatum Bur. & Franch., as well as in 
such congeners from the Middle East as O. stenosiphon Boiss., O. longi- 
lobum Bunge, and O. polyphylium Ledeb. 

The species of Maharanga have been described and distinguished, as 
members of the genus Onosma, in my treatment of the “Sino-Indian Species 
of Onosma,” Jour. Arnold Arb. 32: 206, 356-67 (1951). With the validity 
of the genus Makaranga now recognized, the following new binomials are 

Maharanga verruculosa (Johnston), comb. nov. 
Onosma verruculosum Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 32: 356 (1951). 

Maharanga Borii (Fischer), comb. nov. 

Onosma Borii Fischer, Kew Bull. 1940: 38 (1940). 
Maharanga lycopsioides (Fischer), comb. nov. 

Onosma lycopsioides Fischer, Kew Bull. 1940: 39 (1940). 
Maharanga microstoma (Johnston), comb. nov. 

Onosma microstoma Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb, 32: 360 (1951). 
Maharanga dumetorum (Johnston), comb. nov. 

Onosma dumetorum Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 32: 361 (1951). 
Maharanga egregia (Johnston), comb. nov. 

Onosma egregium Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 32: 366 (1951). 




With one plate 

THIS NOTE is a supplement to my paper (1943) on the genera of the 
subfamily Rhododendroideae of the family Ericaceae. In that paper, the 
genus Kalmiopsis Rehder (1932) was suppressed: its only species, K. 
Leachiana (Henderson) Rehder, an undershrub local on certain summits 
in southwestern Oregon, was transferred to Rhodothamnus. This was done 
without original study of the only previously recognized species of Rhodo- 
thamnus. The latter, R. Chamaecistus (L.) Reichenbach, is local on the 
Alps; under the conditions of the times, it had been impossible to obtain 
material of it. As soon as communication between Germany and America 
again became feasible, Dr. Hermann Sleumer had the kindness to send 
material of R. Chamaecistus fixed for histological study. The material is 
from cultivated plants ex Museo botanico Berolinensi, and was collected 
during and just after flowering, in April and May, 1948. It has been sub- 
jected to the remaining steps of routine microtechnique and duly studied. 
The results permit further discussion of relationships between Kalmiopsis 
and Rhodothamnus. 

Rhodothamnus Chamaecistus is an undershrub with crowded small thick 
alternate leaves. In spring, it produces a few flowers on long pedicels 
arising from between pairs of bracteoles in the axils of leaves near the tip 
of the stem. The growth of the vegetative shoots of the year, terminal 
and axillary, begins at about the same time. 

The flowers (fig. 6) have five narrowly triangular sepals; a pink corolla 
with a brief tube and a rotate limb, 5-lobed, with deep sinuses; ten long- 
exserted stamens; a depressed-globular ovary with five locules opposite 
the lobes of the corolla; and a long style springing from a depression in 
the summit of the ovary, the stigma not expanded. The flower is slightly 
zygomorphic; the median petal is on the lower or abaxial side. The sepalad 
stamens are of greater average length than the petalad stamens, the longest 
stamens of both whorls being on the adaxial side. The anthers (fig. c) 
are elongate. The two terminal “pores” of each anther are actually brief 
slits which gape widely at maturity. 

The leaves, but not the bracteoles, are ciliate with stout gland-tipped 
bristles. Stems, pedicels, and calyces are beset with similar bristles. There 
are simple hairs on stems, pedicels, ovaries, and the bases of the filaments. 

The stems are of the same internal structure as those of other Rhodo- 
dendroideae, being of the type which lack a cylinder of fibers of pericycle. 

The leaves reach a width of about 3 mm. and are about 300 ,» thick 


(fig. a). The epidermis is of large cells with a thick cuticle; the cells are 
larger, and the cuticle is thicker, on the upper side. The stomata are confined 
to the lower epidermis and open at the level of the outer surface. The 
guard cells bear a ridge at the outer opening of the stomatal passage, but 
not at the inner opening. There are two or three layers of palisade cells 
occupying about half of the thickness of the leaf. The veins are not joined 
to the epidermis by flanges of differentiated tissue; they are imbedded 
between palisade and spongy tissue. Each vein contains a conspicuous 
strand of fibers between the xylem and phloem. 

The base of the floral receptacle is impressed. The ten main perianth 
bundles which arise from the stele in this region (fig. d@) are recurved at 
their origin. Theoretically, these bundles are two whorls, but all arise at 
approximately the same level. Five of them are the median bundles of 
sepals. The five which alternate with these undergo forking, each into 
three; the middle branch forks again and supplies a lobe of the corolla; 
the lateral branches are the lateral bundles of the adjacent sepals. There 
are occasional deviations from the typical pattern thus described. The ten 
stamen bundles arise from the upper sides of the main perianth bundles. 
The vascular tissue which continues beyond the departure of the main 
perianth bundles forms for the most part five bundles, fused pairs of ventral 
bundles of adjacent carpels, which ascend the central column of the ovary 
in the planes of the septa to about half the height of the ovary. Each of 
them divides into two branches which run out into placentae in adjacent 
locules. From the bases of the perianth bundles and the carpel ventrals 
small bundles originate, in no evident pattern, and run out into the ovary 
wall. Some distance above the base of the ovary, five of these small 
bundles become recognizable, by their course in the median planes of the 
-carpels, as carpel dorsals. The other small bundles fade out; the carpel 
dorsals ascend the ovary wall to its summit, dip under the depression 
about the base of the ovary, and ascend the style. 

The internal structure of the ovary, the moderately elongate ovule 
(fig. e), and the embryo sac are quite as in other Rhododendroideae. 

Nearly all of the observed characters of Rhodothamnus Chamaecistus 
are those which are to be expected of a plant included in subfamily Rho- 
dodendroideae and tribe Phyllodoceae. Zygomorphy is somewhat more 
evident in the flowers of this plant than in those of other members of the 
tribe, and the rotate corolla with deep sinuses is exceptional. The anthers 
and the vascular system in the receptacle are quite as in Kalmiopsis Leach- 
iana, Kalmia, and Phyllodoce. The anatomy of the leaves is essentially ex- 
actly as in Kalmiopsis Leachiana: Breitfeld (1888) was mistaken (so far 
as the available material shows) in describing the epidermal cells as small 
and the veins as “durchgehend.” Kalmiopsis Leachiana remains different 
from Rhodothamnus Chamaecistus in its larger leaves, its more extensive 
inflorescence, its shallowly indented campanulate corolla, and particularly 
in its peculiar scales, which simulate those of Rhododendron and Ledum 
while not being of the same structure. 

Judgment as to the expedient limits of taxonomic groups is often in- 


escapably subjective. To such judgment it appears, more definitely than 
before, that Kalmiopsis is not to be maintained as a genus. The plant of 
southwestern Oregon is to be called Rhodothamnus Leachianus. As repre- 
sented by the two species here ascribed to it, Rkodothamnus is indeed a 
remarkable example of interrupted distribution. 


1. Breirretp, A. Der anatomische Bau der Blatter der Rhododendroideae in 
Be eziehung zu ihrer systematischen Gruppierung und zur geographischen 
Verbreitung. Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 9: 319-379. 1888. 

2. CopeLanp, H. F. A study, anatomical and taxonomic, of the genera of Rho- 
dodendroideae. American Midl. Nat. 30: 533-625. 1943. 

3. Renper, A. Kalmiopsis, a new genus of Ericaceae from northwest America. 
Jour. Arnold Arb. 13: 30-34. 1932. 







RHODOTHAMNUS CHAMAECISTUS. a, cross section of leaf * 320. b, flower 
X 1.6. c, anther X 8. d, vascular system in the floral receptacle X 40. e, ovule 
X 320. 




DuRING THE STupyY of herbarium specimens and literature related to the 
flora of the Lower Yangtze Valley it has come to the attention of the writer 
that there is confusion in the nomenclature of the species described by 
Hemsley under the name Diospyros sinensis in Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 
71 (1889). 

It appears that this name was earlier ascribed by Naudin to Blume in 
Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris II. 3: 221 (1880) to cover what is probably a 
form of D. Kaki, since Naudin cites D. Roxburghii (Carr. Rev. Hort. 
1872, p. 253, fig. 28-29) as a synonym of D. sinensis, and the figures for 
D. Roxburghii appear very much like a form of D. Kaki. Perhaps Naudin 
had in mind Blume’s D. chinensis (Cat. Gewass. in ’s lands Plantentuin te 
Buitenzorg, p. 110. 1823), which is a synonym for D. Kaki Linn. The 
name now proposed for this species is: 

Diospyros cathayensis nom. nov. 

Diospyros sinensis Hemsl. in Jour. Linn, Soc. Bot. 26: 71 (1889), non Blume 
ex Naudin in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris II. 3: 221 (1880). 

This wild persimmon was well described by Hemsley in Index Florae 
Sinensis (cited above) and was later figured in Hooker’s Icones Plantarum 
29: t. 2804 (1906). It was reported by Rehder and Wilson as “‘a common 
small evergreen or subevergreen tree in the dry valleys of western Szechuan” 
in Pl. Wils. 2: 591 (1916). The type specimen was collected by Faber at 
an elevation of 4000 ft. on Mt. Omei, Szechuan. In addition to other locali- 
ties in Szechuan, the species is now known from stations in Hupeh and 
Yunnan in Western China, and from Chekiang, Kiangsi, Fukien and 
Kwangtung in Central and Southern China. 

Desiring to follow a conservative procedure as to nomenclature in con- 
nection with studies on the flora of the Lower Yangtze Valley, it has seemed 
best to use Satureja Linn. in the broad sense and not to treat Calamintha 
Lam. as a separate genus. Consequently, the following combination be- 
comes necessary: 

Satureja polycephala (Vaniot) comb. nov. 
Calamintha polycephala Vaniot in Bull. Acad. Géogr. Bot. 14: 183 (1904). 










With five plates 


Liatris and Brickellia, the two largest genera of a small subtribe of the 
Eupatorieae, which Robinson (1913) called the Kuhntinae, were ex- 
amined cytologically and found to have the basic chromosome numbers 
of 10 and 9 respectively. Brickellia with approximately ninety species 
(Robinson 1917) has its greatest distribution in Mexico and southwestern 
United States. It extends northward to the Canadian border and south- 
ward into Central America and sparingly into Brazil. The range of Liaérts, 
with thirty-two species (Gaiser 1946), is confined almost entirely to 
southern Canada and the United States, though it just crosses the border 
into Mexico. The remaining seven genera are small. However, their dis- 
tribution in the American hemisphere is interesting in relation to the two 
large genera mentioned. Barroetea is wholly Mexican and Kanimia is 
found only in South America. Two others, Trilisa and Carphephorus occur 
only in southeastern United States while the monotypic genus Garberia 
is limited to Florida. Only the two genera, Kuhnia and Carphochaete 
overlap from United States into Mexico. 

The comparative growth-form of these genera is also a matter of interest. 
Liatris is a genus of perennial herbs with mostly corm-like rootstocks, 
though in the series Punctatae, deeply penetrating roots occur, and the 
singular L. Garberi of the Spicatae, has a tuberous form. By contrast, 
Brickellia consists largely of shrubs or shrubby perennials, of which prob- 
ably the most woody is B. argyrolepis, which attains a height of twelve 
feet and a stem diameter of two inches (Gaiser 1953). It is difficult to 
sharply differentiate between herbs and shrubs in this genus, for the stem 
is often only slightly woody at the base or consists of a woody caudex. 
Others are perennial herbs with only persistent underground parts which 
are fusiform, tuberous or more knobby and rhizomatous. Only one species, 
or possibly two, are annuals. Of the seven species of Barroetea (Robinson 

* Chromosome Studies in the Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae). I. Brickellia. Rhodora 
55: 253-267, 269-288, 297-321, 328-345 (1953). 


1911b), one is known to be a perennial herb, somewhat woody at the base, 
and three are recognized as annuals. Kuhnia species are comparatively 
slender herbs with long somewhat conical roots which have been described 
by Shinners (1946) as irregularly divided at the top and becoming more 
or less ‘‘soft-woody.” Robinson (1911la) described K. adenolepis as hav- 
ing a woody caudex. Carphephorus and Trilisa are true perennial herbs 
having clustered, thick, almost tuberous roots and leafy rosettes. The 
single species of Garberia is definitely a woody shrub attaining a height 
of six to eight feet, while the species of Carphochaete are generally 
spoken of as small branching shrubs 

In the cytological studies of. Liatris, including all the given species 
except L. lancifolia, only the diploid number (2n = 20) was found in 
those of nine series, while polyploidy prevailed in the Punctatae (Gaiser 
1949, 1950, 1951). In one species only the hexaploid number was found, 
in a second, only the tetraploid, in a third, the diploid, while both diploid 
and tetraploid numbers occurred in two others. Further, one of these two 
latter, L. punctata Hook. has the widest distribution of any species in 
the genus, extending the full north-south range from western Canada, 
east of the Rocky Mountains, over the Mexican border. In forty-one 
species of Brickellia examined, representing half of the undoubtedly dis- 
tinct species, and four sections, only the diploid number (2n = 18) was 

On the basis of previous cytological work, it seemed worth while to de- 
termine ? the chromosome numbers in the other genera of this small group 
of the Compositae with the hope that new clues of relationship would 
become evident. From fossil evidence, the family is believed to be of 
recent development. With the two largest genera known to differ by one 
in their chromosome number, questions arose: Was there a smaller basic 
number? If so would it be found in genera limited to the tropics or to 
the more woody forms? Would those that were shrubby have the same 
number as Brickellia and the perennial herbs the same as Liatris? Or 
would there be still further variations in number and if so what relation- 
ship would this bear to the classification? 

There was also the interesting problem of polyploidy, since though 
lacking in Brickellia, it was found in Liatris, a genus limited to the tem- 
perate zone. There have been contributions which fail to confirm but 
also some which give support to Hagerup’s original hypothesis (1932) that 
polyploidy developed under rigorous environmental conditions. In Steb- 
bins’ (1950) discussion on the topic of the polyploid complex and geo- 
graphic distribution he stated that no tropical group was known well 
enough to be included. When undertaking the study of Brickellia, it was 
expected that because of its range into Mexico and Central America it 

‘The author gratefully acknowledges a grant from the Canadian Research Council 
when a beginning was made. Subsequently the project was assisted by a gra ae — 
the American Philosophical Society which permitted the collection of spec of 
Barroetea and Kuhnia as well as Brickellia in Mexico, without which this fin teat 
could not have been completed. 


would include tropical forms. Field experience in the collection of ap- 
proximately two dozen species from Mexico and Guatemala impressed 
upon the author that they were on the plateaus and thus were actually 
existing in a temperate climate. The annual B. diffusa is somewhat ex- 
ceptional for although it occurs on the plateaus too, it is the only species 
to be found throughout the Caribbean. All of the species of Barroetea, 
according to Robinson (l.c.) occur on the plateaus in Mexico, and no 
species has penetrated northward beyond its central zone. There is no 
monograph of Kanimia but the labels on specimens at the Gray Herbarium 
indicate that they have come from regions in the Andes from the Colom- 
bian border to Peru and the province of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Thus there 
are not included in this subtribe, plants of tropical lowlands such as make 
up the genus Anthurium of the Araceae. But we know that polyploidy 
does appear in five of a total of thirty-nine species of that genus examined 
(Gaiser 1927). Stebbins (1950) apparently overlooked this when he made 
the statement cited above. In contrast to one large tropical genus, as 
Anthurium, the Kuhniinae present a challenging succession of related 
forms which appear to have progressed northward from the tropics in 
varying degrees. 


In his key to the Eupatorieae, Robinson (1913) added an additional 
subtribe to those given by Hoffmann (1890), and changed the name of 
the Adenostylinae to Kuhniinae because the assumed type genus Adeno- 
styles did not really belong to the tribe. With its omission from this sub- 
tribe, the other nine genera remain the same. 

Of them the genus Kanimia stands alone in having a definite number 
of phyllaries. Both in the number of florets and phyllaries it is like 
Mikania, from which Hoffmann (l.c.) had stated it was only separated 
by its 8-10 ribbed achene. However, Mikania is placed at the end of the 
previous subtribe Ageratinae. There is no general treatment of Kanimia. 
Thirteen species have been described from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and 
Brazil. Because it is South American, consists largely of vines or woody 
forms, as are included in the much larger genus Mikania and has a definite 
number of florets and phyllaries, a strong link is suggested between the 
two subtribes. Whether the chromosome number would be of any help in 
adjustment of generic segregation, will have to await the procuring of 
cytological materials of Kanimia. 

It is a matter of great satisfaction that of the remainder, the four largest 
genera had been monographed, and two of them by Robinson, whose spe- 
cialty was the Eupatorieae. Thus we have the excellent treatment of 
Brickellia in 1917, following that of Barroetea in 1911, and the key to 
the whole group in 1913. The genus Kuhnia was dealt with by Shinners in 
1946, as had been one series of the genus Liatris, the Scariosae, in 1943. 
The latter genus was in the process of being revised by Gaiser at that 
time and publication followed in 1946. Of the four other genera still 


lacking comprehensive treatments, a brief summation of their status is 
given here. 


Next to the singular Kanimia, Carphochaete stands apart from the rest 
of these genera in the nature of its pappus, which is scale-like and dilated 
at the base, instead of being setose. 

There has been no recent treatment of this genus, which was established 
by Gray (PI. Fendl. 65, 1849). It was based on a somewhat shrubby 
herb from northern Mexico, and named C. Wislizeni for its collector. In 
1852, Gray (Pl. Wright. 89) emended the description of the genus as 
shrubby or herbaceous but shrubby at the base, when describing two new 
species, one Mexican, C. Grahami, and the other from the boundary region 
of Mexico and New Mexico, C. Bigelovii. Since then only one other 
species has been added by Greenman (Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 44: 34, 
1904). It also is Mexican and was considered as an herbaceous perennial 
having a ligneous base. As the author’s description has distinguished it 
from the other Mexican species, chiefly by the leaves and phyllaries, it 
is clear that all four species are similar in their shrubby or near shrubby 
nature. It was possible to include the American species in this study. 


Another shrub of this subtribe is found in the genus Garberia. When 
cataloguing a collection of plants that had come from east Florida, Nuttall 
(Amer. Jour. Sci. 5: 299, 1822) gave a brief Latin description of Liatris 
fruticosa. It was the only species of that genus referred to as fruticose by 
DeCandolle (Prod. 5: 132, 1836) and became the subdivision Suffruticose 
in Torrey and Gray (Fl. N. Am. 2: 76, 1841). This plant, referred to by 
Nuttall in 1841 (Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., ser. 3, 7: 285) as agreeing with 
the genus Liatris in its flowers but not in its habit, was transferred by 
Gray (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 379, 1879) to the new genus Garberia. Thus 
it appears in more recent floras of the South as Garberia fruticosa (Nutt.) 
Gray. The restudy of William Bartram’s plants (Bartr. Trav. 164, 1791; 
ed. 2 162, 1792) by Merrill (Bartonia 23: 24, 1944) called for a new 
combination. After Dr. Francis Harper had covered Bartram’s routes, he 
was Satified that what Bartram had described as Cacalia heterophylla was 
the same shrub. The plant is now known as Garberia heterophylla (Bartr.) 
Merrill & F. Harper. It still is the only representative of the genus. 


The genus Carphephorus was established by Cassini (Bull. Soc. Philom. 
Paris p. 198, Dec., 1816) when naming as C. pseudo-liatris, a specimen 
without locality, seen in the Jussieu herbarium, which for a time was 
thought to be of Siberian origin. In his Dictionnaire, Cassini (Dict. Nat. 
Sci. 7: 148, 1817) explained that it belonged to the natural Tribe Eu- 
patorieae, “section des Liatridees,” in which he was placing it, near Liatris, 
the chaffy receptacle being the chief point of difference. Cassini’s “‘sec- 


tional’? name must be rejected because under the international code a 
section is of infra generic rank, while Cassini applied this term to a group 
of genera. Torrey and Gray (1841) found that the character of the re- 
ceptacle had been overlooked by some in describing other species and 
rightly recognized Carphephorus as an American genus. At that time, 
three other species were transferred from the genus Liatris, L. bellidifolia 
and L. tomentosa (Michx. FI. Bor. 20: 93, 1903) and L. corymbosa (Nutt. 

Gen. 2: 132, 1818). At the same time also the older synonyms were given 

for these four species, as they were given by Gray (Syn. Fl. 1(2): 1886); 

hence they have not been repeated here. They still remain the four ac- 

cepted species of the genus and all have been represented in this study. 
Two Californian plants described as Carphephorus junceus Benth. (Bot. 

Sulph. 21, 1844) and C. atriplicifolia Gray (Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 

5: 1591, 1861) were early placed in the Helanthoideae instead of the Eu- 

patorieae, and assigned to a new genus Bebbia by Greene (Bull. Cal. Acad. 

Sci. 1: 179, 1885). Thus though appearing under the genus Carphephorus 

on page 113 in Gray (Syn. Fl. 1(2) 1886), they are given under Bebbia 

in the supplement of that volume (p. 453). More recently, B. atriplicifolia 

(Gray) Greene has been reduced to varietal rank by I. M. Johnston (Proc. 

Cal. Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 12: 1197, 1924) so that this genus includes one 

species, B. juncea (Benth.) Greene, its variety atriplicifolia (Gray) John- 

ston, and variety aspera Greene (l.c.), all removed from Carphephorus. 
Other excluded names and species are: 

md ete baicalensis Adams in Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscou 5: 115 
(1817); DC. Prod. 5: 132 (1836) = Saussurea ai Ledeb. 
ae to Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. 2: 249 (18 

Carphephorus cordifolius DC. Prod. 7: 267 (1838) = ene cordifolia 
Robinson, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 47: 200 (1911). 

Pee revolutifolin DC. Prod. 5: 132 (1836) according to Benth. 

ook. ae 2: 249 (1873) “certainly from description, expelled 
= the genus.” 

Carphephorus triangularis (DC.) Gray Pl. Wright. 1: 86 (1852), ex 

emsl. Biol. Cent. Am. Bot. 2: 109 (1881); Bulbostylis triangularis 
DC. Prod. 7: 268 (1838) = Eupatorium vitifolium (Sch. Bip.) 
Robinson, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 51: 537-8 (1917), Hebeclin- 
ium vitifolium Sch. Bip. ex Klatt Leopoldina 20: 90 (1884). 
For the genus Trilisa, which Cassini (Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, p. 140, 

Sep., 1818) established two years after the genus Carphephorus, the type 

was Liatris odoratissima Willd. (Sp. Pl. 3: 1637, 1803). Willdenow had 

taken up this name from Walter’s Anonymos odoratissimus Walt. (Flor. 

Carol. 198, 1788), as he had also A. paniculatus, these names being de- 

clared illegitimate by article 33 of the International Code of Botanical 

Nomenclature. In his key of the Eupatorieae, Cassini (Dict. Sci. Nat. 26: 

228, 234, 1823) placed this new genus in his section ‘‘Liatridees”’ between 

Carphephorus and Suprago, a name which has been retained for the plu- 


mose section of Liatris. However, Cassini’s genus was not accepted at 
once. DeCandolle (Prod. 5: 131, 1836) used it as a sectional name of the 
genus Liatris, and this was followed by Torrey and Gray (Fl. N. Am. 2: 
76, 1841). The latter, however, correctly eliminated unrelated species 
and limited it to these two, collecting their older flora- and plate-references 
not included here. Since Bentham and Hooker (Gen. Pl. 2: 248, 1873) 
referred to the incorrect use of Cassini’s generic name for a section, there 
has been no further confusion of this small genus. 

One further species has been added. Small (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 51: 
392, 1924) had described a new plant from Florida under a generic name, 
an anagram of Trilisa which it resembled somewhat in habit, as Litrisa 
carnosa. When Robinson (Contrib. Gray Herb. new ser., 6: 104, p. 49, 
1934) closely compared the plant with Trilisa and Carphephorus, he was 
led to refer it to the former genus. 


The same methods have been employed as were used in the study of 
Brickellia (Gaiser, l.c.). As some of these materials were collected along 
with those of Brickellia, frequently preparations of both were carried along 
together so that there might be as little variation in treatment as possible. 
Whenever seeds were received on herbarium specimens or in packets from 
other collectors,* they were germinated and eventually treated by the 
same variety of techniques and stains. In the preparation of figures of the 
chromosomes, the same photographic and microscopic equipment has been 
used at the same magnification, with the intention of making adequate 
comparisons of the size and morphology of the chromosomes with those 
of Brickellia. Thus not only the same terms are used, but with the same 
connotation of size. The same precautions were taken to study a sufficient 
number of cells so as to be able to choose similar stages for comparison 
of the chromosomes of all species of the different genera. Usually com- 
parable stages of each have been photographed, but where the illustrations 
represent slight variations of condensation, the purpose of the selection has 
been discussed. In this study, use has been made of the photographic lens 
to illustrate the trichomes and epidermal figures, both to elucidate and 
confirm the drawings used for Brickellia. 

In Table I are given the list of accessions of each species received along 
with the place and date of collection and the collector’s name and number.* 
They have been arranged and discussed in the order of a key prepared for 
the genera (see page 124). As it has been impossible so far to obtain seeds 
or any cytological material of even a single species of Kanimia from South 
America, that genus is not included in this key. 

Following the pattern of the investigation made of Brickellia, leaves of 
the species of these genera were similarly cleared for the study of trichomes. 

uthor again a deep gratitude to all contributors. 

ma sh to the numbers of collectors will permit examination of a number of 
specimens in various oes Sata ie or received by the author will be 
deposited in the Gray Herbari 


As stated there, presence or absence of trichomes was not considered im- 
portant for these studies. Attention was given to their form, as that has 
been found to change little, if at all, under varying environmental condi- 
tions. The terms applied in the descriptions and figures 61 to 88 of Brick- 
ellia, have again been used here. The same principle was adopted of obtain- 
ing leaves at the Gray Herbarium of specimens which had been referred 
to by authors so that they would approach the typical. As these genera 
are comparatively small, it was possible to examine one to several leaves of 
almost all the species and their varieties. It must be pointed out that it 
does not represent an examination of leaves of numbers of specimens of 
any species. The difference in upper- and lower-most cauline leaves were 
illustrated for one species, Trilisa paniculata. Changes in the ontogeny of 
the species were not generally studied in detail. 

I. Seedling growth 

Whenever possible, an effort was made to grow some of the germinating 
seeds for a time at least, in the greenhouse. Attempts to bring the plants 
into bloom met with varying success. Of three species of Carphephorus, 
two of Trilisa and the one Garberia none ever produced flowering axes 
under the same conditions which stimulated flowering of more than a dozen 
species of Brickellia, three species of Kuhnia, two of Barroetea and one 
of Carphochaete. At least several plants of Trilisa paniculata were kept 
for more than three years, a period longer than normally would be re- 
quired for a biennial plant to come into flower, and above ground they still 
had only rosettes of leaves. Time and facilities did not permit further 
studies along this line. 

The plantings attracted attention because of the striking differences of 
the seedling conditions. As has been described and illustrated for eighteen 
species of Liatris (Gaiser 1950a), during the first season, while the primary 
root is becoming very much thickened, those seedlings produce only radical 
leaves. As can be seen in figures 42 to 62, the larger ones with a longer 
growing period, have formed quite a rosette. Then in the second season, 
usually a flowering spike is produced. This was also illustrated in the 
progeny of a natural hybrid (Plate II c, Gaiser 1951). Young plants of 
Liatris punctata were here compared with those of the other genera. 

In figures B and C are shown seedlings of Carphephorus pseudo-liatris 
II and Trilisa paniculata VIII, of approximately sixteen and eighteen 
months respectively, in comparison with one of Liatris punctata (Fig. A) 
of approximately two years. The latter is old enough to show the begin- 
ning of a forking and the subsequent elongation into the deeply penetrating 
system which is characteristic of this species. In the Trilisa, the modifica- 
tion to the thickened somewhat tuberous roots is already evident and to 
a lesser extent in the younger Carphephorus also. At maturity, a similar 
thickened fibrous condition would develop, for that is common to all the 
species of the genus. This photograph happens to illustrate the aptness 


c riled aad 





C. bellidifolins 

Chromosome Numbers in the KuAniinae 
Accession Chromosome 
Locality of Collector, Number 
County Collection No. & Date n 2n 
Pima Co., Ariz. Santa Catalina Mts. K. F. Parker 22 
Volusia Co., Fla. North of Ormond Mrs. H. Butts, 20 
Dec., 194 7 
Highlands Co., Fla. |e. of § Sebrin R. Garrett 20 
Arbuckle Creck 11/21/48 
Flagler Co., Fla. i iitns R. B. Miller, 20 
Marion Co., Fla. Ocala As — Miss L. E. Arnold 20 
near ‘Eur 2/2/50 
Putnam Co., Fla. 10 mis. s.e. af iniedachon. W. B. Fox, 20 
Liberty Co., Fla. 3 mis. e. of Hosford on Kurz, 20 
Hwy. #20 —_{tt/s/49 
St. Tammany I mi. fot Slidell on L. Ewan 20 
Parish, La. LaCombe Rd. 19236, 
11/25/49 7 
Wake Co., N.C. 2 mis. s. of Fuquay Springs | R. K. eis & 20 
nU.S. #15 A pa 



AXXX “10A | 

C. tomentosus Perennial I |Pender Co., N. C. 10 mis. s. of Harrel’s R. K. Godfrey 20 
herb store 12/22/51 
C. corymbosus Perennial I Alachua Co., Fla. Gainesville Miss L. E. Arnold 20 
herb II 11/ 19/46 
V_ |Putnam Co., Fla. 10 mis. s.e. of Interlachen |W. B. Fox, 20 
Trilisa paniculata Perennial II | Volusia Co., Fla. n. of Ormond Mrs. H. Butts 20 
herb Dec., 1947 
VIII |Leon Co., Fla. 23 mis. w. of Tallahassee H. Kurz 20 
oe 11/5/49 oe 
IX |Leon Co., Fla. 23 mis. w. of Tallahassee | H. Kurz 20 
er, es Seen 11/5/49 
T. odoratissima Perennial Alachua Co., Fla. Gainesville Miss L. E. Arnold 20 
herb 11/19/46 
IV |Highlands Co., Fla. | Along Jackson Creck, R. Garrett 20 
near Se brin 11/10/48 
V_ {Leon Co., Fla. 23 mis. w. of Tallahassee |H. Kurz 20 
VI |St. Tammany I mi. w. of Slidell L. Ewan 20 
Parish, La. 19237 
T. carnosa Perennial III |Highlands Co., Fla. |w. of Sebring R. Garrett 20 
herb 11/11/48 
IV | Highlands Co., Fla. R. Garrett 20 

wet pinelands 
s. of Sebring 




TABLE I — continued 
Chromosome Numbers in the KuAniinae 

Accession Chromosome 
Growth Locality of Collector, Number 
Name Form No County Collection No. & Date n 
Kuhnia eupatorioides\ Perennial I |Kalamazoo Co., Sect. 29, Schoolcraft C. R. Hanes 18 
var. pyramidalis herb Mich. Twsp. 9/17/47 
II |Clark Co., Ky. 12 mis. e. of Winchester F, T. McFarland 18 
III |Brazos Co., Texas 5 mis. s. of College H. B. Parks 18 
Station 10/20/47 
VII |Kalamazoo Co., Along L.S.M.S. Rwy., C. R. Hanes 18 
Mich. Schoolcraft Twsp. 1648 
K. eupatorioides Perennial I | Dallas Co., Texas 3100 Block on Rosedale L. H. Shinners 9 18 
var. texana erb St., University Park, 11/11/48 
K. eupatorioides Perennial I |Roosevelt Co., Io mis. n.e. of Poplar M. Ownbey 18 
var. corymbulosa herb Mont. 3229 
K. Mosteri Perennial I |Alachua Co., Fla. Gainesville R. Garrett 9 18 
herb 11/3/48 
K. rosmarinifolta Perennial III |Santa Cruz Co., Shaded canyon, Patagonia | D.H. Darrow 9 18 
herb Ariz. & Haskell 
V_ {Apache Co., Ariz. Near cultivated land, K. F. Parker 18 
. John’s 7409 




K. Schaffnert Perennial I Mexico, Mex. Hills of El nw. D. B. Gold & 18 
herb of Huchuet F. Matuda 
ae pil Perennial I jJalisco, Mex. Along rocky cut near top LO; Cae 9 18 
ar. latisqua herb of barranca, Guadalajara 66 
B. sessilifolia Annual I |Puebla, Mex. Riene dy slopes o ae ee L. O. Gaiser 9 18 
Tlacoctli 6 km of 
Izucar de Mec ghers: 10/31/50 
II |Morelos, Mex. From the limestone mt. LO. Gilet 18 
at Yautepec 7] 
eee ee 11/3/50 ae 
III | Morelos, Mex. ca. 23 kms. from Cuerna-_ | L. O. Gaiser 9 18 
vaca on mt. coe on road |77 
to Yaut 11/3/50 
IV |Guerrero, Mex. Ep km +: brow Taxco, ae L. O. Gaiser 18 
Mexico to Taxco Hwy. 
Chromosome Numbers in the Subtribe Ageratinae 
Mikania Vine II |Calvert Co., Plum Point S. F. Blake 38 
scandens Maryland Autumn 
III |Flagler Co., Fla. Haw Creek Region Mrs. H. Butts 38 
Autumn, 1946 
VII | Highlands Co., Fla. | Rich wet soil, Sebring R. Garrett 38 
M. cordifolia Vine I Highlands Co., Fla. | Highlands Hammock, R. Garrett 38 
ate 11/23/48 






of the specific name pseudo-liatris, given by Cassini to his type species of 
the genus. While narrower, linear leaves are found in a number of species 
of Liatris other than L. punctata, this is the only species of Carphephorus 
possessing them. It is obvious that regardless of the shape and the struc- 
ture of the root, development of a rosette of leaves is common to all and 
is of rather prolonged duration. At least under greenhouse conditions, this 
same Trilisa seedling has not varied much in appearance in more than three 

Figures D to G represent comparatively much younger seedlings of 
Carphochaete Bigelovii 11, Barroetea sessilifolia 1, Kuhnia rosmarinifolia 
V and Brickellia adenocarpa III. Only records were kept of the time of 
sowing the seeds, so that from those dates, the Carphochaete is a little 
more than a month old, the Barroetea is less than three months, the Kuhnia 
a little more than two months and the Brickellia less than two months. 
All have developed slender fibrous roots at this time but already show a 
fast growing stem-axis with a number of nodes and internodes. This 
similarity i in seedlings cannot be attributed to any likenesses of their actual 
growth-form, for while this species of Barroetea is an annual and might be 
expected to show very rapid growth, that of the KuAnia is an herbaceous 
perennial, that of the Brickellia a shrubby perennial, and the Car phochaete 
a small shrub. 

The matter of chief interest was that there were two types into which 
all of these seedlings can be classified: the rosette and the non-rosette. 
II. Chromosome Number and Morphology 

Cells of Carphochaete Bigelovii 11 were found to have a noticeably 
ereater amount of chromatin than any of the other genera studied. This 
is due first of all to a larger number of chromosomes (2n = 22) but also 
to the presence among them of a majority of larger ones. While the exact 
size and form of all the chromosomes is not evident in figure 30, among 
the thirteen peripherally arranged units can be distinguished some of the 
long and medium classes.1 The V approximately at the center top and 
the one almost at the center bottom, are designated medium in length 
(Mm). in contrast to the two long V’s along the right (Lm), all of these 
being medianly constricted. The latter two in turn are distinguished from 

“The same abbreviations as have been used in Gaiser (1953) are here applied: 
Using capital letters to express ae long chromosomes with median, submedian 
and subterminal constrictions are represented as Lm, Lsm, ene has sp vias 
chromosomes of median ee similarly constricted as Mm t; 
short chromosomes similarly Sm, Ssm and Sst. The short ene ya became SS: 
when medianly contricted ce and when terminally SSt. 

res pee seedlin oe of various accessions of different dates. Figs. A-C_ photo- 
eraphed 5/9 /51. Figs. ee 26/51 
ris punctata leer B. Carphephorus pseudo- wid : 1/19/50: C. Trilisa 
ae VIII 11/22/49 Pare ichacte Bigelovit II 3/20 rroctea aed 
I 2/26/51. F. Kuhmia ees V 2/15/51. G. Brickellia por rel Il 3/5/51 


two of similar length but having submedian constriction (Lsm), at right 
and left at the top, and a pair along the left side, in slightly lower focus, 
which are subterminally constricted (Lst). With the remaining marginal 
V at the lower left clearly a long chromosome also (Lm), a total of seven 
of the long class have been counted merely among the peripheral ones. As 
frequently occurred, toward the center among others, are six shorter units 
(Sm) of which two can be distingiushed at lower left. In a similar cell 
(Fig. 29) of a Feulgen preparation, only one medium chromosome was 
left with these six, all of which are short V’s and medianly constricted, to 
fill the center around which fifteen long and medium ones were arranged 
marginally. There is a sharper break between the six short ones and the 
remaining sixteen than separates the equal number of long and medium 
ones into which that number has been divided. In the short ones there was 
little doubt that the constriction was median. The eight long chromosomes 
were analyzed as to centromere position with less difficulty, than those of 
medium length where there was some uncertainty. From the study of 
material available of one accession the karyotype has been given in Table 
II as: 2 Lm, 4 Lsm, 2 Lst, 4 Mm, 2 Msm, 2 Mst and 6 Sm. 


This monotypic species, restricted to Florida, was received through five 
different collectors from as many different counties. Excellent material 
was available for study and no variation was found. In a cell (Fig. 28) 
of accession VI from Flagler County, the number of chromosomes can be 
counted (2n = 20) and their morphology is also clearly recognizable. 
Thus, by beginning as at twelve, and proceeding clockwise around the dial, 
the marginal chromosomes represented in succession are as follows: Mst, 
Lst, Sst, Lsm, Mm, Msm, Lm, Lsm, and Sm. In the cell there are a pair 
of each of these classes except Mm, and of that there are three pairs. A 
second cell (Fig. 27) in the same section, shows that two of the shortest 
units, lower left and right margins, are heterobrachial. This was more 
convincing in cells particularly favorabie for study of accession VII, 
though not photographed to much better advantage (Fig. 26, 3rd from 
left at top). By comparison with the cells of Carphochacte there is this 
difference of the fewer (four rather than six) chromosomes of the short 
class, and in their variation from the uniformly similar isobrachial type. 
As for the rest, the same classes are present though not to the same num- 
bers. With one pair of long of each of the three constriction types, rather 
than a total of eight long ones, comes a further reduction in amount of 
chromatin. This karyotype has ‘the sare variety: 2 Lm, 2 Lsm, 2 Lst, 
6 Mm, 2 Msm, 2 Mst, 2 SM, and 2 Sst 


Two of the four species of Carphephorus were examined from at least 
two accessions, while C. tomentosus and C. bellidifolius were limited to 
one each. In all, the 2n chromosome number was found to be 20. 

Of C. bellidifolius there were a number of excellent cells for study. 


From comparisons made with Carphochaete Bigelovii it was observed that 
the chromosomes were all more nearly equal in length. Two pairs of me- 
dium chromosomes one each with medium, Mm, and submedian, Msm, 
constrictions, were almost as long as the long chromosomes. Also the next 
to the shortest pair were not sharply different from the medium in length. 
Frequently when the karyotype was assembled after an analysis of a cell, 
there were odd numbers for these two classes. The slightly more condensed 
chromosomes of figure 22 were well spread. Beginning as at seven and 
proceeding clockwise to four, the marginal ones are: Mst, Mm, Mn, Lst 
(pale, as slightly below focus), Lsm, Mm, Mm, Mst, Lst, Lm, Msm, and 
Msm. The two latter and the pair, Mm, directly opposite, closely approach 
the long ones. In this cell the shortest units are toward the center. 

Preparations from seeds of Carphephorus tomentosus, which had been 
received from North Carolina, were more adequate for study than photog- 
raphy. As in the cell of figure 23, the chromosomes may be spatially 
separated but slight overlapping of the ends confuses the picture. Under 
the studies of this species the note had been made “remarkably few short 

As was customary accompanying the studies of cells, diagrams onc. 
corymbosus V were made and the pairs of chromosomes numbered in suc- 
cession as to their lengths. With a total of twenty chromosomes, the num- 
bers of the shortest pairs were 9 and 10. While the latter was sure to be 
of the class Sm, opposite 9 there was frequently placed the question, “short 
or medium.” In figure 24 for example, along the right side two isobrachial 
chromosomes which are clearly medium in length, alternate with two which 
are heterobrachial. These latter were numbered 9 and 8 respectively, 
meaning that while the bottom one was one of the characteristic medium 
pair with subterminal constriction, Mst, the second from the top was of the 
questionable class. 

Accessions of C. pseudo-liatris from Florida and Louisiana were com- 
pared. Because tips were available from seedlings (see Fig. B) growing 
in a pot, as well as from germinating seeds, the most convincing analysis 
of the morphology of the chromosomes was made of this species. In figure 
25, photographed when one each of the two shortest pairs are in focus, 
a number of the longer chromosomes are foreshortened. Almost at center 
bottom is a short medianly constricted chromosome, Sm, while the second 
from the center top is heterobrachial. Frequent analyses left a question 
concerning the members of this pair, just as had been the case in studies 
of the other species. Certainly no marked difference was noted for any one. 
Therefore one karyotype has been given for the four of them: 2 Lm, 2 
Lsm, 2 Lst, 6 Mm, 2 Msm, 4 Mst, and 2 Sm. This modification of the 
two last classes was made with hesitation but allowing for the factor of 
human error, was accepted on the evidence of the camera. 

Of several collections of Trilisa paniculata, made in South Carolina in 
October, germination of seeds was very poor, though it was possible to 


(Caption at bottom of facing page) 


obtain the chromosome count, 2n = 20. More somatic divisions were ob- 
tained from two accessions from northern Florida in November and a few 
seedlings were grown (see Fig. C). While a majority of longer chromo- 
somes in a peripheral arrangement was the more usual, in figure 19 some 
of the medium and short units are seen in this position. Thus a better idea 
of the comparative lengths of all the classes of units for this species is 
obtained. At the top left corner, two medium chromosomes, the one sub- 
terminally, Mst, and the other medianly, Mm, constricted, lie respectively 

elow and above a long submedian one. The mate for the former appears 
at the opposite right hand corner between two radiating long chromosomes 
of subterminal constriction, Lst. Below these, one each of the longest and 
shortest medianly constricted chromosomes are sharply contrasted and 
followed by a similar one medium in length. The latter is one of the me- 
dium class which approaches the long. Certainly this medium chromosome 
and the long one are more nearly equal than it and the short one. In size 
and form no noticeable variation from the chromosomes of the species of 
Carphephorus was evident. Comparison of this cell with figure 24 of C. 
corymbosus brings the camera’s confirmation. The same question arose 
as to the length of the pair next to the shortest, but they were considered 
to be heterobrachial and not unlike the class Mst. 

Preparations were made from seeds of Trilisa odoratissima, known as 
the Vanilla Plant, from Florida and Louisiana. The long chromosomes 
were more prevalent and of the same form as in the previous species. Also, 
there was no evidence that the medium and short ones differed. Because 
of the abundance of cytoplasmic inclusions in the cells of this species, fewer 
cells were suitable for photography. When the chromosomes were wel 
spread, globules were often overlying. It would have been better to have 
made all preparations by the Feulgen technique. Figure 20 is of a cell 
just back of the meristematic apex and the chromosomes are therefore 
more crowded. One karyotype is believed to be common to these two 
species and it has been found to be indistinguishable from that of Car- 


~7, 9-30, are from near comparable a aa plates in root-tips. Fig. 8 is of an 
ae oer ye plate 1, 2, 3. Barroetea sessilifolia 1. 4, 5. B. subuligera var. pps heise’ i 
. pyramidal as), 9. (II fro 

6-10 = 8. Il fr 

tucky), 10. (VII zen Michigan). 11. K. age wens var. fexana T. T2-aKe baie alias 
var “corymbuora | 13. K. Mosieri 1. 14-16. K. rosmarinifolia; 14, 15. (of accession IIT), 
16. of V. 17, “K. Se haffneri : 19. Trilisa - aniculata VIII. 20. Pai: odoratissima IV. 
21. Mikania oe HT +22. Carphephors bellidifolins Il. 23 tomentosus 1. 24. 
C. corymbosus V. 25. C. pseudo- eet . 26-28. Garberia Lee 26. of accession 
VII, 27, 28. of VI. 29-30. Carphochaete Bigelovi Il. 

Preparations made of sere: taken from plants, I in Belling’s at the same time and 
stained in toto in Feulgen’s, Figs. 5, 11, 12, 25, 29. Root-tips of seeds after Belling’s and 
stained in N.G.V., Figs. 16, 24; after Karpe chen ko’s and stained in Feulgen’s, Figs. 9, 18, 
27, 28. All the rest were of seeds fixed in Karpechen to" s and stained in N.G.V. The photo- 
micrographs were taken with the use Sie a Zeiss microscope and a Homal IV lens. All ene 
2300x. Reduced 1650x in sagt 

The prepara = n of the es a — aided by a grant from The Society of Sigma Xi, 
which the author early ost ot pena It is a pleasure to acknowledge the ee 
of Mr. Paul Brown in the photomicrography. 


The rarer species, Trilisa carnosa, limited to Florida, which had been 
thought to merit new generic rank by Small, was received from the same 
locality near Sebring, three times from October to November, 1948, and 
again in November, 1949. The difficulty of germinating seeds of this 
species was certainly not overcome during the time and with the material 
available. Only a few seeds ever appeared to begin growth and none de- 
veloped very far so that an extremely limited number of mitoses were 
found. The number (2n = 20) and approximately the same kinds of 
chromosomes as found in the other two species were sketched from cells 
not adequate for photography. However, lacking sufficient material for 
careful studies, the karyotype of this species cannot be included at this 


Three of the four American species given by Shinners (l.c.) have been 
available for this study. Accessions had been received of the largest, most 
widely distributed species, K. eupatorioides L. from the states of Michigan, 
Kentucky, Texas and Montana, which, according to Shinners (l.c.) would 
represent all the varieties of that species except ozarkana Shinners. Those 
from the first three sources were variety pyramidalis Raf. and from the 
last, var. corymbulosa T. & G. while Dr. Shinners himself contributed a 
packet of seeds of his variety texana. A glance at figures 6 to 12 of this 
polymorphic species, shows a chromosome plate of 2n = 18, in which there 
are lacking any of the long chromosomes, so characteristic of the genera 
here previously discussed. 

K. EUPATORIOIDES variety PYRAMIDALIS. From preparations of par- 
ticular clarity, stained with Newton Gentian Violet five years ago, the 
sizes of the chromosomes can be shown. At the lower left in figure 6, a 
parallel pair of the shortest and longest units, both medianly constricted 
can be compared with a single chromosome of intermediate length, lying 
almost horizontally above them. The units of this figure are probably all 
a little more condensed than those in figure 7, which is of a cell in a 
similar preparation. In the latter, the two longest chromosomes are at 
outer left and right and are submedianly constricted. From such figures, 
it is clear that the longest chromosomes would have to be placed in the 
medium class, according to the scale of sizes here used. One might then ex- 
pect the shortest chromosomes, since there are units intermediate in length, 
to be two classes removed and to fall into a short short class, as adopted 
for some species of Brickellia (Gaiser 1953). Considerable effort was made 
to decide this question by comparison of various stages and of cells of all 
the accessions. Figure 8 is of an anaphase plate of a recent mitosis as can 
be judged by the parts of two chromosomes outlying in the cytoplasm at 
the right, belonging to the other closely overlying plate. The chromosomes 
are more slender but again they do not cover three distinct classes of 
length. It is considered that the karyotype includes medium to short 
chromosomes, and when there are nine pairs of such closely approximating 
lengths there is difficulty in deciding the boundary between the two classes. 


In figure 8, two chromosomes with very small terminal bodies are seen, 
one at center bottom and the other at center left. More frequently cells 
were found in which only one such satellite was visible, as is shown at the 
end of the curved chromosome at upper right of figure 6 and at the inner 
end of the chromosome stretching toward the center from the left of figure 
7. It is believed these chromosomes are next in length to the two longest 
pairs. By careful analysis of numerous cells of other accessions as well as 
this, next in succession of length are: 2 Msm and 2 Mm, which more 
closely approach the aforementioned three pairs than do the other 4 Mm. 
Whether the latter should be classed as short may be debatable. The four 
shortest are considered 2 Sm and 2 Sst. In preparations of accession II 
from Kentucky (Fig. 9) as well as accession VII from Michigan (Fig. 10) 
this analysis was also favored. 

K. EUPATORIOIDES variety TEXANA. In the second accession from Texas, 
the figures are very much the same. Cells without any visible satellites 
were more frequently found than those showing them even delicately as in 
figure 11 (the second chromosome on the upper left) from a Feulgen 

K. EUPATORIOIDES variety CORYMBULOSA. The western variety was re- 
ceived from Montana. Well spread chromosomes in the plate of such a 
cell as shown in figure 12 help to confirm the previous analyses. At the 
center on the left side is the medium chromosome with a satellite appearing 
knob-like at its inner tip and close to its centrally placed mate. Above 
them, occur one each of the longest of Msm and Mm respectively. The 
curved pair at center bottom are the second pair of so-called Msm while 
the two overlapping as a V at top are second in length of Mm. It is 
evident from such a preparation that no sharp line separates the classes 
of chromosomes. However, on the basis of comparison with those of the 
other genera the karyotype is believed to be: 8 Mm, 4 Msm, 2 M with 
sat., 2 Sm, 2 Sst 

Of the two other American species of Kuhnia included, the first is a 
restricted endemic in lower Florida. Two cells of K. Mosieri Small, 
which the chromosomes were well separated by microscopic pcre, 
could be seen in the field of the microscope at one time. Starting with the 
longest chromosomes, successively those next in size were sketched in 
different colors and the two cells constantly compared. Unfortunately 
they did not photograph as well as it was possible to draw them, to add 
to this interesting exercise. Of course there were points of indecision. 
However, even before it was recognized that in one of these (Fig. 13, 
center left) a chromosome with a satellite was represented, its arrange- 
ment in the order of consecutive chromosome lengths coincided with that 
given to such in K. eupatorioides. The karyotype of these two species 
were found indistinguishable. The second species is commonly known as 
K. rosmarinifolia Vent. Shinners (l.c.) considered this name a “nomen 
confusum” and put it in synonymy with K. chlorolepis Wooton & Stand- 
ley. Blake (1942) did not consider it necessary to adopt this name in his 
treatment of the genus for Arizona and so I have not, as both accessions 


Karyotypes in Species of Genera of Kuhniinae 
Accessions _— __Number of pairseach 
ae Studied | Total M iain 
Number ith 
Lsm |. Lst} Mm} Msm| Mst | sat. | Sm Sst 
Carphochaete Bigelovit II 22 2 I 2 I I 3 
Garberia heterophylla IV V VI VII 20 I I 3 I I I I 
Carphephorus pseudo-liatris II 20 I I 3 I 2 I 1 Mst = S$? 
C. bellidifolius II 20 I I 3 I 2 I 
C. tomentosus I 20 I I 3 I 2 I 
C. corymbosus IV 20 I I 3 I 2 I 
Trilisa paniculata VIII 20 I I 3 I 2 I 1 Mst = S? 
T. odoratissima IVV 20 r | 1 3 I 2 I 
uhnia eupatorioides and 1 Mm the 
var. pyramidalis I I II VII 18 4 2 I I I anes other Msm and 
another Mm next in length. 
K. eles 
var. tex I 18 4 2 I I I 
K. aoe 
var. corymbulosa I 18 4 2 I I I 
K. Mosteri I 18 4 2 I I I 
K. rosmarinifolia IlI V 18 4 2 I I I 
K. Schaffneri I 18 4 2 I I I 
Barroetea —— 
var. latisqua I 18 4 2 I I I Ditto 
B. sessilifolia I III 18 4 2 = I I I 



AXXX “10A | 


here studied came from that state. Of the preparations of K. rosmarini- 
folia III, the same repetition of statements could be made, cells showing 
a small satellite less frequently seen (Fig. 15, at the center top), than those 
without them (Fig. 14). Of accession V of this species, a plate of particu- 
larly condensed chromosomes was photographed (Fig. 16) to show the 
narrow gap between the shortest and longest units. Thus, for example, 
comparison with figures 25 (Gaiser 1953) of Brickellia microphylla where 
the chromosomes were shortened by paradichlorobenzene treatment, or fig- 
ure 42 of B. glomerata, where a similar drastic shortening accidentally 
happened in one cell of a Feulgen preparation, emphasizes that there is 
a greater spread in the species of that genus where the karyotype includes 
long chromosomes. 

One of the three species, which do not occur north of Mexico, K. Schaff- 
neri Gray, was available for this study. Because the type sheet contains 
also a root of some legume, Shinners (l.c.) renamed the species K. micro- 
phylla, but Blake ® considers this unjustifiable. 

In a very clear early metaphase plate (Fig. 17) from a Newton Gentian 
Violet preparation, the range in size of the chromosomes is shown. One 
of the longest chromosomes, submedianly constricted (Msm) is at the 
upper right corner and two of the shortest ones, medianly constricted 
(Sm), can be distinguished as smaller V’s among the central group, almost 
at center top and bottom. At this focus, one arm of several of the marginal 
V’s has been foreshortened. Thus, for example, the chromosome at lower 
right is the other of the longest pair (Msm) and in succession the other 
two at center bottom represent medium chromosomes of the next category, 
Mm and Msm respectively. The straight medium chromosome, which is at 
a slight angle above the latter, is terminated toward the center by a small 
knob and is the equivalent of the chromosome with a satellite. The same 
can be seen in a cell of a Feulgen preparation (Fig. 18) at the tip of the 
chromosome coming into the small central upper space. 

By comparison of figure 17 with that of K. eupatorioides var. corymbu- 
losa (Fig. 12) of a cell similarly prepared, it might appear that the chromo- 
somes of this species are generally longer, but this is merely so because 
it is a slightly earlier metaphase stage. It is worthy of note that in both of 
these cells there is a knob-like body at the end of a pair of the chromo- 
somes. That its appearance cannot be attributed merely to this one kind 
of preparation is proved by the use of the same kind (e.g., Newton Gentian 
Violet) in illustrating K. eupatorioides var. pyramidalis (Figs. 6, 7, 8) and 
K. rosmarinifolia (Fig. 15) where it is seen separated from the chromo- 
some. Yet the same is also visible in Feulgen preparations (see Figs. 11, 
18). In summary, in any kind of preparation of all of the species of 
Kuhnia here studied, this very small terminal body, which has been called 
a satellite, may be found, whereas in similar preparations of the previous 
genera, no evidences of such has ever been seen. No variation from the 

5 In litt. 


karyotype given for K. eupatorioides has been found in the three other 
species studied. 


The one perennial species which is somewhat woody at the base, B. 
subuligera (Schauer) Gray, is known from the northern boundary to 
Hidalgo, a central state in Mexico. The larger variety latisgquama Green- 
man, was described from a specimen collected in Jalisco. A plant of this 
was collected in the barranca at Guadalajara and from seeds of it, a 
seedling was grown for a time in the greenhouse. From pollen mother cells 
as well as root-tips, the chromosome number was found to be the same as 
in the species of Kuhnia studied, n = 9 and 2n = 18 

A comparatively early metaphase of a root-tip cell shows the form of 
sixteen of the chromosomes, but two short ones which were lying one above 
the other, resulted in the oval body at the upper right of the figure (Fig. 
4). One chromosome of greatest length, submedianly constricted, is seen 
at lower right and a second in length, medianly constricted, is plainly 
contrasted at center top with one of the shortest (Sm). By the scale of 
sizes used for the other genera, neither of the former would exceed the 
medium class. Thus the karyotype includes medium to short chromosomes 
only. In this cell a number of the heterobrachial chromosomes are found 
around the periphery and may appear to be more numerous than in a very 
comparable stage of a Kuhnia, e.g., Kuhnia Schaffneri (Fig. 17). How- 
ever, their number is not greater and in other cells where the chromosomes 
are a little more condensed (Fig. 5) no confirmation is found of this differ- 
ence. While no chromosome with a satellite is shown, its equivalent is 
probably represented in one of medium length, subterminally constricted, 
for the free terminal body was seen in some other cells. 

Of the annual species, B. sessilifolia Greenman, seeds were collected 
from four different localities of three of the central states of Mexico and 
from root-tips of each, the chromosome number was found to be the same 
as that of the perennial species, 2n = 18. It was also possible to grow 
seedlings (see Fig. E) from two of these accessions and similar meiotic 
divisions were obtained, n = 9. 

Figure 1 of B. sessilifolia III shows a metaphase stage comparable to 
that of figure 4 of B. subuligera and the sizes of the chromosomes are very 
similar. On one of the longest chromosomes, at upper left, a satellite is 
conspicuous. In cells of slightly more condensed chromosomes the same 
is visible (Figs. 2, 3, lower right). Examination of a number of cells of 
B. sessilifolia I resulted in the same analysis of medium to short chromo- 
somes including one of the former showing a satellite, both in Feulgen 
and other preparations, either in cells of root-tips taken from the plant or 
from germinating seeds. 

From this study of two species of Barroetea, it was found that they were 
more similar to, than different from, the species of Kuhnia seen. The 
points of likeness consist in having: the same number of chromosomes: 
chromosomes which range from medium to short across an indefinite 


boundary, and, one pair of the medium chromosomes showing a satellite. 
Certainly no constant difference in the karyotype was detected. It is given 
as: 8 Mm, 4 Msm, 2 M with satellite, 2 Sm and 2 Sst. 


As summarized in Table II. 

1. Carphochaete is the only genus having 22 chromosomes. 

2. All the species of the three genera, Garberia, Carphephorus and Trilisa 
have 20 chromosomes, in common with a majority of the species of Liatris. 
3. Four of the seven species studied of Kuhnia and two of the species of 
Barroetea have 18 chromosomes, the same number that had been found 
in all of the examined species of Brickellia. 

4. Monotypic Garberia and the one species studied of Carphochaete, are 
both distinct in their karyotypes. The latter has a greater proportion of 
long chromosomes with three pairs of isobrachial short chromosomes, 
while in the former, one of two short pairs are heterobrachial. 

5. Carphephorus and Trilisa could not be distinguished by their karyo- 
types. Yet they varied from Garberia in a closer approach, if not equality, 
of the shortest heterobrachial pair to the medium class. 

6. Long chromosomes are absent in the five species of KuAnia studied, the 
karyotype consisting of medium to short ones. A pair of medium chromo- 
somes have small satellites. 

7. A similar closely graded series of short to medium chromosomes, of 
which one pair bears satellites, makes up the karyotype in the two species 
of Barroetea studied. 

III. Trichomes. 

As the type of B. Pavonii Gray is in the Boissier Herbarium, only six 
of the seven species of Barroetea could be included in this study of the 
trichomes of the leaves. Five were found to vary slightly in the abundance 
of non-glandular trichomes which are uniseriate (Metcalfe & Chalk 1950) 
and of the acuminate type according to the classification of Brickellia 
(Gaiser 1953). The size and the thickness of the wall of the trichome 
vary very little from species to species. Figure 31 represents that of the 
annual B. sessilifolia and fig. 32, generally a slightly larger form, that of 
B. subuligera var. latisquama, the perennial considered somewhat woody 
at the base. The sixth species B. glutinosa Brandegee, with leaves de- 
scribed as densely glandular-puberulent, was found to lack this type of 
trichome but to have the same biseriate glandular form described as being 
common to a number of species of Brickellia. Along the leaf margin these 
might be found from a few to seven or eight cells high (Fig. 33). If seen 
edgewise they appeared as a stipitate somewhat globular organ (Fig. 34). 
When the flat expanse of the leaf was examined, one saw their apices as 
two typical hemispherical cells (Fig. 35) or by focussing a little lower as 
rounded cells above the level of the leaf surface. Figure 36 was taken at 


a still lower focus where the epidermal pattern, including a stoma, became 
evident, but the foreshortened trichome was merely a dark blur. Checking 
leaves of the other species for this type of trichome, it was found only 
very occasionally on the underside of the midrib near the petiolar attach- 
ment. However, the depressed gland, as used also for Brickellia (Gaiser, 
l.c.), and the punctate condition on the lower surface was common to all 
except B. glutinosa where it was lacking on the lower as well as the upper. 
As in Brickellia, this glandular trichome is a longer stalked condition of the 
short form arising from the epidermal layer in depressions below what is 
normally seen as the leaf surface. When a species characteristically de- 
velops the elevated form, none or very few, if any, are seen remaining 
sunken below the leaf surfa ce 

No evidence was seen of ‘the smaller uniseriate capitate glandular 
trichomes in any species of Barroetea. 

All the species of Kuhnia, according to Shinners’ classification, were 
represented and showed a little more variation in trichomes than those of 
Barroetea. On the upper surface of leaves of K. adenolepis they were the 
shortest, consisting of no more than two or three thick-walled cells, arising 
from a very heavily cutinized epidermis (Fig. 37). Those of K. Mosieri 
were comparatively short, but consisted of thin-walled cells, almost uni- 
form in diameter, so that the trichome tapered very little (Fig. 38). On 
K. Schaffneri (Fig. 39) a more attenuate trichome, of approximately the 
same length but with heavier walls, showed a tendency towards the 
moniliform type of rounded bead-like cells. In all those having thick walls 
this character was prevalent as shown in the uneven-walled form of the 
scabroid leaf of K. rosmarinifolia (Fig. 40). All the succeeding longer 
ones have been figured at the same magnification (220 ) just as all 
the shorter ones had, though they were more enlarged (530 *). While 
those of K. eupatorioides var. pyramidalis, taken from our accession from 
Kentucky (Fig. 41) resembled that of K. Mosieri in the thinner and 
straight walls, those of varieties texana, ozarkana and corymbulosa, with 
successively thicker and rougher walls (Figs. 42-44) were attenuate and 
more moniliform. Those on the scabroid leaves of K. leptophylla var. 
mexicana (Fig. 45) and K. oreithales (Fig. 46) did not differ much from 
the latter. In these two species an occasional cell filled with an aggregate 
crystal was more commonly seen than in any other species. In all of them 
the apical cell is longer than the rest but would not be recognized as a cap 
cell, as in some species of Brickellia. 

On no leaf preparation examined of any of the species of Kuhnia was 
evidence seen of the biseriate glandular trichome. By contrast the de- 
pressed gland and punctate condition was common to all species except 
K. adenolepis, and to ite surfaces of the leaf, though generally it was 
less abundant on the u 

What in Brickellia had oe called uniseriate capitate glands, on stalks 
only a few cells in height, prevailed in all species. Generally they were 
small as in that genus, requiring a larger magnification for observation as 
well as photography as shown in Figure 47, 1100 *, of K. Mosieri. An 


exception to the general was found in K. adenolepis. This species had been 
distinguished by Robinson (1911b) because of its unique glandular cili- 
olate phyllaries, the glands being described as subsessile and black. The 
leaves had been described as “‘puncticulatis’” on both surfaces. Very short 
trichomes have been described for the upper surface (Fig. 37). Examina- 
‘tion of a cleared preparation of the type specimen revealed more abun- 
dantly on the lower surface, a gland that is a little larger than the previous 
(Fig. 48, 530 >) and distinctive for its dark apical cell when the leaves 
of all species had been cleared similarly. It is possible that the apical or 
secretory cell in this species has a different content, as not only was it 
dark but as shown in the figure some of its secretion had plugged and 
darkened some of the sunken stomata, from which it had not completely 
dissolved. From the very evident secretory function of the apical cell of 
this uniseriate small type of trichome, which is so similar in form to 
that seen in Brickellia (Fig. 87, 88, Gaiser 1953), I have considered them 
glandular trichomes in these two genera as did also G. Fischer (according 
to Solereder 1908, original thesis not seen). Vuillemin (1884) had done 
likewise in Cynara and Echinopus, though there are no figures of those 
for comparison. They are quite unlike the bladder-like trichomes observed 
by Volkens (1887) in Zollikoferia nudicaulis, which are considered to be 
full of cell sap (Solereder 1908, Fig. 103E). In form, they resemble some- 
what more the capitate hairs described by Rosenthaler and Stadler (1908, 
Fig. 28) for Cnicus benedictus, consisting of six to twelve cells, with an 
elongated terminal cell which were said to differ from the non-glandular 
hairs in having a richer content. 

Two genera, Garberia and Carphochaete had been established as having 
entire leaves. Neither the single species of the first nor any of the four 
of the latter had trichomes comparable to those illustrated for the pre- 
vious genera. They both had a more slender filamentous form somewhat 
prostrate over the surface of the leaf. 

When Bartram first described Garberia under the name Cacalia hetero- 
phylla (see p. 90), he wrote of the fleshy leaves: ‘“‘of a pale whitish green, 
both surfaces being covered with a heavy pubescence and vescicular, that 
when pressed feel clammy and emit an agreeable scent.’’ It was no sur- 
prise then when both surfaces gave the familiar appearance of the punctate 
condition at a focus when stomata were clearly visible (Fig. 49) and of 
the paired hemispherical cells of the depressed gland (Fig. 50) by sub- 
surface focusing. In addition, very narrow delicate filaments which ta- 
pered slightly if at all, and had cross walls at rather long intervals, lay 
twisted over the epidermis and proved difficult to follow to their origins. 
When the margin of this thick, entire leaf was examined it was possible 
by careful focusing to follow the epidermis as it alternately rose and fell 
into small pocket-like areas. In each depression was a tiered organ, two 
cells wide and approximately six cells high (Figs. 51, 52) familiar as the 
glandular trichome seen upon the leaf-surface of Barroetea glutinosa (cf. 
Fig. 33). In Garberia these arose in the epidermal layer from smaller 
cells which were clearly differentiated by their size. The first cells above 



Figs. 31, 32, 37-46, 44-53, 56, 73. Non-glandular ne aoe Figs. 3s 36, 66. Glandular 

bee a Seah s. Figs. 47, 48. Non-glandular uniseriate trichom 
31. Barroetea ge ay B. subulger var. 5. latequama 33- 36. B . glutinosa. 33, 34. 
Along the leaf ia | surface. 36. At the epidermal surface. 
37. path dence pps 38 ert, Scha ffnert. 40. K. rosmarinifolia. 41-44. 
K. eupatorioides. 41. of fae byramidalis, 42. 3 var. texana, 43. : var. ozarkana, 44. of 
var. beth losa 45. K. leptophylla var. mexicana. 46. K. oreithales. 47. K. Mosteri 
ss - ade nolepis. 56. iis a acai corymbosu 66, Trilisa pani 73. T. carnosa. 
1 these — crographs were made from ge ae leaves a Zeiss microscope 

ee a Homal IV lens, oo. sa 32, which is r10x. Figs. 38— 4 56, 66, ea 85x. Figs. 31, 
33-37, 48, 200x. Fig. 47, 4 




ET ; , 
“i ~. 

Se oy Sey 5 

@ roe # : fom S y 

ay : Five ry snk $3 Be ey io FP 3 Kile ave ro 


oy Sysell ni V :t 

Figs. 49, 53, 57, 61, 64, 67, 69, 70, 74, by focusing at the epidermal ser See 50, 
54, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 68, 71, 75, by ‘fo ocusing below the epidermal surface. eS E52; 
55, 59, 72, lateral view seen along the margin o yi epidermal surface 

49-52. Garberia heterophylla. 53-55. Carphoch S Hees ovil. 57-60. mee ephorus to- 
biat ins 63-65. C. corymbosus. 61, 62. C. blll 67, 68. Trilise paniculata. 69. 

T. odoratissima. 70-72. T. carnosa. 74, 75. Liatris p 

“All these arti were made from icine 1 vase by use of a Zeiss microscope 
and a Homal IV lens. 


these had thicker walls which generally reflected the light more than the 
thinner-walled upper cells. Alongside such a trichome frequently a slender 
filament could be traced until it pushed up to the leaf surface. In Figure 
52 part of such a filament is recognizable. after it emerged above the leaf, 
though it is seen less clearly along the right wall of the small depression. 
Closer microscopic observation of the surface of the leaf then made in- 
telligible what had been baffling in several other genera as well. In addi- 
tion to the paired hemispheric cells seen when focusing below the surface, 
an additional small round cell (shown at the bottom in figure 50) ac- 
counted for the delicate emerging filament seen on the surface. Thus they 
are really very delicate uniseriate trichomes of long, narrow, thin-walled 
cells growing from the sunken epidermal layer alongside the biseriate 
glandular trichomes. 

Volkens (1890) described scattered groups of trichomes consisting of 
five or six which were uniseriate with whip-like tips, surrounding one cen- 
tral unstalked, biseriate, bladder-like gland (Pl. 8, Fig. 1) on the upper 
surface of the leaf of a plant labeled “Baccharis Richardifolia.’’ A second 
species of the Astereae, Olearia Hookeri, was said to be very similar while 
on the other Compositae that he examined, the uniseriate elements were 
increasingly fewer. In two genera representing the Eupatorieae, Eupato- 
rium and Symphyopappus, these trichomes might occur occasionally but 
lacked the characteristic thread at the tip. From his figure 4a, showing 
two hemispherical cells of Symphyopappus, it appears that the biseriate 
gland was depressed with only the uniseriate emerging above the surface. 
Thus while the latter (Fig. 4b) appears more torulate, the grouping might 
be similar to that described here for Garberia. 

Carphochaete Bigelovii had been described by Gray (see p. 90) as 
puberulous and resinous punctate. On first examination of the leaf prepa- 
ration with lower magnification, very numerous depressed areas were seen 
which were not all equal in size. Closer examination of one of the smaller, 
revealed besides the two large appressed hemispherical cells, several 
accompanying small round ones as the one seen in Garberia. The deli- 
cate filaments, of which the latter are the bases, were not as long and 
therefore did not appear as abundant over the surface. The larger areas 
might merely show central cells of a greater diameter but frequently they 
were the result of the confluence of two pairs (Fig. 54). In this figure 
there are in addition, the bases of three filaments, two of which are seen 
at the surface in figure 53. Since the leaves of this species are small but 
rigid it was possible again by focusing along the margin of a prepared 
leaf to obtain a lateral view of the gland (Fig. 55). Only the lowermost 
pair of cells were thick-walled in comparison with the several in Garberia. 
The walls of the cells immediately above were very thin and made it 
difficult to show that there was but one intermediate pair. It was clear 
that the uppermost secretory cells were very much expanded, thus con- 
tributing to their larger surface-appearance. 

Although one of the four known species, C. Wislizeni, had been de- 
scribed as “not sprinkled with resinous dots,” a leaf of a Pringle specimen 


(#765) from the mountains near Chihuahua, where the type was col- 
lected, was found to be very similar to C. Bigelovii. All four species 
might differ slightly in the abundance but not in the form and the kind 
of contents in the depressions. 

The species of Carphephorus may have the small, upper cauline leaves 
pubescent when the lower and radicle leaves are nearly glabrous. This 
is not a character peculiar to the genus, Solereder (1908) having general- 
ized that in many genera only the youngest leaves, branches and leaf 
petioles are covered with glandular trichomes. Thus much would depend 
upon the choice of leaf for preparation. Of Carphephorus, in common 
with the other genera, lower larger leaves were ee leaving to 
Trilisa paniculata the comparison of lower and upper ones. 

orm, the non-glandular trichomes on the ee and along the 
margin of the basal leaves of each of the four species of this genus were 
of near uniform type, of broader cells than seen in species of Kwuhnia. 
Though they varied in length and to a minor degree in thickness of wall, 
being thickest in C. tomentosus, the cylindrical shape of the component 
cells was remarkably constant. One of medium length of C. corymbosus 
is illustrated (Fig. 56). 

It was in the punctate condition of the leaf that a greater difference 
was noted, as is reflected in the descriptions given by Torrey and Gray 
(1841): C. tomentosus, punctate; C. pseudo-liatris, sparsely punctate; 
C. bellidifolius, punctate with scattered impressed dots; C. corymbosus, 
sometimes obscurely punctate. From these phrases it was not clear 
whether the difference was merely one of abundance. Examination of 
these leaf preparations showed a considerable difference in glandular 

On either surface of a lower cauline leaf of C. tomentosus, the paired 
cells characteristic of the depressed gland were seen abundantly when fo- 
cusing below the surface (Fig. 58) in contrast to the craters seen when 
stomata are in view (Fig. 57). As described in Garberia heterophylla, the 
two hemispherical cells were accompanied by small marginal circular cells 
which had been recognized as the median optical view of delicate filaments. 
Frequently two or three were found and since they appear in figure 57 
they obviously reach the surface though none were found spreading over 
the epidermal cells. Looking along the margin of one of these lower nearly 
glabrous leaves which is entire, the lateral view of the biseriate trichome 
with accompanying filaments at the side was seen in the depressed areas 
(Fig. 59). To this species then, the term punctate, as understood for the 
previous genera, could certainly be applied. The depressions were con- 
spicuous macroscopically and that may be facilitated by their greater size 
for it was found that often two glandular trichomes, each with several 
laterally placed filaments were within the margin of one depression (Fig. 

In the preparation of the other three species the surface pattern ap- 
peared quite different. In a similar leaf of C. bellidifolius there was no 
sign of the depressed gland of paired cells. Instead, one circular cell, 

Types of Trichomes and Glands in the Epidermis of Leaves of Genera of Kuhniinae 


Barroetea sessilifolia 
B. subuligera var. latisquama 

. corymb 
K. a 
. Mosteri 

K. Schaffneri 
K. oretthales 
K. — var. mexicana 

C arphochaete Bigelovit 
. Wishize 
C. Graham 
C. Schaffneri 
Garberia heterophylla 
. corym 

orus tomentosus 

C. bellidifolius 
Trilisa at 
- — bate 

Elevated above the surface 


Depressed (i.¢., punctate) 






nearly uniform 
attenuate towards 


scabroid moniliform 

slightly moniliform 

scabroid moniliform 
scabroid moniliform 
very short 

Xx 2xXX MK 


nearly uniform 
nearly uniform 

nearly uniform 


upper lower 

on upper cauline 

eo is Biseriate er uMiseriate 
Biseriate uniseriat er in groups I to 4 
upper lower upper lower upper lower upper lower 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
i. 7 x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x x 
x 4 a 
x x 
x x - 
x x 

(but not punctate) 







a as trichomes as sccn by microscopic examination of cleared Icaves from annotated herbarium specimens at the Gray Herbarium. > indicates presence of. 


larger than those accompanying the gland in C. tomentosus, appeared en- 
circled by other leaf cells (Fig. 62). By focusing exactly on the surface, 
when stomata are visible, there was again a crater-like appearance in its 
place (Fig. 61). This gave confirmation that we were seeing the punctate 
equivalent for this species which had been characterized as “compressed 
dots,” likely because they are smaller. 

In C. corymbosus a similar arrangement of cells was characteristic but 
the center was usually composed of more cells. Figure 63 shows a fre- 
quent linear arrangement of three. When there were four such cells they 
conformed to the arrangement common to four spheres and the surround- 
ing leaf cells had a circular form (Fig. 65). At the epidermal level with 
stomata visible, this also had the appearance characteristic of a punctate 
condition (Fig. 64). 

In several preparations of C. pseudo-liatris the little evidence seen of 
glandular punctation indicated similarity to C. corymbosus. 

Thus all four species are punctate, indicating the presence of a depressed 
gland or short glandular trichome. In C. bellidifolius there was a single 
or uniseriate condition while in C. corymbosus and C. pseudo-liatris there 
might be from one to a group of four of the uniseriate form. In C. toment- 
osus there was the familiar biseriate trichome accompanied by the uni- 
seriate similar to Garberia. 

From the time of Walter’s original descriptions of the two species of 
Anonymos (see p. 91), Trilisa paniculata has been distinct from T. odora- 
tissima in having a viscidly pubescent stem and upper cauline leaves. For 
this reason some of the latter as well as the lower glabrous leaves and in 
addition phyllaries of the inflorescence of this species were cleared. On 
both the phyllaries and small leaves, typical biseriate glandular trichomes 
were found (Fig. 66) very comparable to that figured for Barroetea gluti- 
nosa. Examination of either surface of a basal nearly glabrous leaf showed 
neither these glandular trichomes nor any trace of the typical depressed 
gland of two hemispherical cells. Instead rosette-like arrangements around 
a central cell were seen when viewed at a sub-surface focal level (Fig. 68). 
This figure does not appear unlike that of Carphephorus bellidifolius (sec 
Fig. 62). However, when viewed at the surface the epidermal cells clearly 
adjoin the specialized cell (Fig. 67). This is confirmed in figure 69 of 
T. odoratissima, photographed at the surface and showing more clearly 
the secretory droplets. There is no indication of any marked depression 
in the epidermis of either species. This explains the inclusion of “not 
punctate with impressed dots” in the description of section Trilisa Cass. of 
Liatris by Torrey and Gray (l.c., p. 76) since they included only these 
two species at that time. At the surface the specialized cell hardly ap- 
pears to be free from the surrounding cells of the epidermis. However, 
the fact that a central cell remains in focus from that layer through the 
next below, which shows distinct encircling cells, indicates that it is a 
secretory organ with a greater depth than one epidermal cell. None of 
these distinctive cells was found close to the thin margins of the leaves 
of these two species and so could not be studied laterally as was possible 


in the preparations of Garberia, Carphochaete and Carphephorus toment- 

Trilisa odoratissima, commonly named the Vanilla Plant for the fragrance 
of the crushed leaves, has been used in the tobacco industry and is included 
in lists of drug plants. Therefore references ® to the study of the structure 
of its leaves have been found in pharmaceutical journals. 

Paschkis (1879) was probably the first to study the leaves microscop- 
ically. He described the upper and lower epidermis as including yellow 
spots, .015 mm. in size, which were surrounded by regular small epidermal 
cells. From tranverse sections he found these to be glands, in small clefts, 
consisting of a basal stalk cell wedged in between the two adjacent epi- 
dermal cells, and three to four additional ones. These rise just to the level 
of the other epidermal cells. He makes a point of their close envelopment 
by the thick cuticle of .008 mm., and as his figures show, the small de- 
pression in the epidermis is closely filled. This undoubtedly explains my 
failure to see any crater-like opening over the gland in surface view. The 
secretion, which is of such a pleasant odor when expressed, is due to 
cumarin. The diagram in Higley (1893) is very similar to the above de- 
scription as is also the figure in Hanausek (1912) who called it a glandular 
trichome. From the relation to the leaf surface it has its origin as a de- 
pressed form. Among the multiple types found in these genera it is here 
termed uniseriate and not punctate. 

In the leaves of the recently added third species, T. carnosa, the fre- 
quent appearance of a single central cell was again replaced by the two 
characteristic of the depressed biseriate gland (Fig. 71). By focusing on 
the surface when stomata are in view, the crater-like appearance of the 
punctate condition was again shown (Fig. 70). By carefully following 
around the margin of the leaf for any traces of the gland, only near the 
apex where it was thicker, a lateral view of one was seen (Fig. 72) giving 
evidence of at least an occasional uniseriate gland such as found in the 
previous genera. Certainly when examined microscopically the large basal 
leaf of Trilisa carnosa appears very different from those of its two con- 
geners. However, in a similar way the biseriate glandular condition of 
one Carphephorus species, C. tomentosus, distinguished it from the other 

No non-glandular trichomes were found on the lower leaves of the first 
two species and only an occasional short one near the petiole of T. carnosa. 
They were very similar to those of Carphephorus (Fig. 73). 


With the help of table IIT, the observations on trichomes and glands on 
basal cauline leaves can be summarized. 
1. Non-glandular, uniseriate trichomes are lacking in Garberia and Car- 
phochaete and show very little variation within three genera, being 

°T am indebted to Prof. G. N. Hocking for these references. 


acuminate in Barroetea and nearly uniform in Carphephorus and Trilisa. 
In Kuhnia, the largest of these genera, they may vary from being nearly 
filamentous or uniform to slightly tapering or attenuate. The thicker 
walled forms of the latter suggested the moniliform. 

2. The elevated biseriate glandular trichome, comparable to that forming 
the indumentum in a number of species of Brickellia, was found only in 
one species of Barroetea. 

The same structure sunken below the leaf surface, the depressed bi- 
seriate glandular trichome, was common to all the other species of Bar- 
roetea and to all species of KuAnia and one of Trilisa. 

4. In Garberia and one species of Carphephorus the same biseriate gland 
was accompanied in the depression by uniseriate but non-capitate gland- 
ular trichomes while in all four species of ances the same grouping 
occurred but the biseriate gland was different in 

5. In the other species of Carphephorus kee ‘glandular a 
were depressed either singly, in one species, or grouped, in two othe 

6. The two other species of Trilisa were characterized by amen de- 
pressed, uniseriate, secretory glands. 

7. The small uniseriate capitate glands were observed only on species of 

8. As the punctate condition results from a depressed gland or glandular 
trichome it was found in all genera and all species except Trilisa odoratis- 
sima and T. paniculata. 

9. While in representatives of each genus, the depression contained the 
biseriate glandular trichomes, in three species of Carphephorus there were 
uniseriate trichomes singly or in groups. Thus the punctate condition 
accompanies different glandular contents in these genera. 

A very reticulate pattern is evident in the distribution of the glandular 
trichomes. Though some form is found in every species, the same is not 
necessarily common to all those of any genus. 

IV. Pappus 

In the key to his treatment of this group of genera, Hoffmann (1890) 
made use of differences in the length of barbules of the pappus, besides 
the singular scale-like nature of that of Carphochaete. Thus Kuhnia was 
distinguished by plumose pappus from Brickellia and Barroetea. Illustra- 
tions of Kuhnia eupatorioides and Brickellia californica A. Gray (Fig. 81 
B & C) were drawn to scale and indicate that for these two species, the 
barbules of the former are at least four times as long as the latter. 

Robinson made little use of the pappus in the classification of Brickellia 
because he found that as well as in barbule-length, the number of setae 
varied widely from species to species. As pointed out (Gaiser 1953), 
Robinson did include its plumose nature under the sectional heading of 
Steviastrum and elsewhere only in the species-descriptions of B. brachy- 
phylla and B. monocephala. Lactic acid mounts have confirmed a wide 
variation in the length of barbules of more than six times from these two 


SSS SST SE SSS a ee ees SS 
oe 0 epee tne gO 




which are the longest, to the shortest. Generally in any species the bar- 
bules become a little longer away from the tip of the seta. However, their 
arrangement in this genus seemed distinctive from that seen in Liatris. 
The generally flattened appearance along the greater length of the seta 
in many species resolved itself as a distichous arrangement of the barbules 
along the axis, as shown for B. Nelsonii Robinson (Fig. H). In other 
species, e.g., B. Coulteri where the barbules were only about half as long, 
their arrangement along the mid-portion of the seta approached the mar- 
ginal appearance of the serrulate-paleaceous type of Small (1919, fig. 17H). 
However, the central axis in all the specimens seen did not broaden greatly, 
showing an increase in diameter of not more than twice with an elongation 
of barbules of three times or more than that amount. Brickellia diffusa 
and B. filipes, the two annuals, appeared exceptional in having the bar- 
bules arranged in three rows or tristichously. Always at the apices, the 
barely emerging barbules came in less regular arrangement and for this 
reason the illustrations include an apical as well as a median portion of a 
seta. In some species having short barbules, the irregularity persisted 
further along the axis. 

Comparison of similar mounts of species of all of these genera here 
studied was therefore included. In contrast to the very large genus Brick- 
ellia, the smaller genera showed a greater uniformity in the nature of the 

In Barroetea the length of the barbules varied little in the six species 
examined, being about equal to the shortest in Brickellia. Their arrange- 
ment also was uniform so that the seta had the appearance of a four-angled 
structure, due apparently to a tetrastichous arrangement of the barbules. 
In figure I, the row of barbules in the center below were not included. No 
exact equivalent for this was found in Small’s figure 17 of pappus forms in 
the Compositae. 

The plumose pappus of species of Kuhnia varied distinctly from Bar- 
roetea not only in the length of the barbules but also in the longer spaces 
between the points of their emergence from the axis and in their flat, 
distichous arrangement (Fig. J). In the latter they resembled Brickellia. 
In comparison with the plumose pappus of a species of Liatris (Fig. K) 
the barbules are slightly more slender and appear much less abundant 
because they do not extend from the mid-axis. Although the tips of emerg- 
ing cells can be seen over the center region, they do not project laterally. 


All figures are of pappus from specimens in the Gray Herbarium and will be referred 
to by the collector’s number, except Figs. M and N, Teh paniculata and T. carnosa which 
were of accessions studied eicloaicaily, from Sebring, Highlands Co., Fla., Ray Garrett, 

rickellia Nelsoniit, Nelson 4449. Fig. 1. Barroetea brevipes, Nelson 1520. Fig. J. 
lee ae aC Pringle 2933. Fig. K. Liatris squarrosa var. glabrata, Rydberg 1505. 
Fig. L. Liatris ligulistylis, Nelson 1651. Fig. O. Carphephorus tomentosus var. Walteri, 
Fernald and Long ee Fig. P. Garberia heterophylla, Nuttall. Fig. Q. Carphochaete 
Schaffneri, Schaffner, 24 
The author is pre indebted to Dr. B. G. L. Swamy for these figures, drawn X 45. 


This is indicated in another illustration of Kuhnia eupatorioides (Hoff- 
mann 1889, Fig. 60D) where it can also be compared with Liatris pyc- 
nostachya Michx. (Fig. 60B), which has a barbellate pappus. At least 
five of the seven species of Kuknia had barbules of approximately the 
same length, while those of K. leptophylla var. maxima and K. adenolepis 
were from half to three quarters as long. In length the barbules of this 
majority are somewhat intermediate between that of Liatris squarrosa 
(L.) Michx. var. glabrata (Rydb.) Gaiser, belonging to section Euliatris 
with plumose pappus and L. ligulistylis (Nels.) K. Sch., of section Suprago 
in which it is barbellate. 

While it is difficult, when the barbules are as long and as abundant as 
in the plumose pappus of L. sqguarrosa (Fig. K) to illustrate their points 
of emergence even at the apex, when they are shorter as in the barbellate 
type of L. ligulistylis (Fig. L), their general disposition all around the 
axis is evident. This is similarly shown in the figure of L. pycnostachya 
of Hoffmann (l.c.). The projecting barbules are not limited to two sides 
and give no suggestion of a flattened appearance. They emerge somewhat 
spirally as shown also for this type (Small fig. 17D). This same arrange- 
ment was seen in the mounts of species of Trilisa (Figs. M & N), Car- 
phephorus (Fig. O) and Garberia (Fig. P) all of which have barbellate 
pappi with barbules shorter than those of Liatris ligulistylis though equal 
to those of some other species, e.g., L. gracilis Pursh. Except for slight 
variations in the length of the barbules, the similarity of the pappus from 
genus to genus, as well as of the species within a genus was too great to 
allow any differences of classificatory value for Trilisa, Carphephorus and 

Of course, Carphochaete with its paleaceous pappus is quite distinctive 
from all the others (Fig. Q). It is dilated and scale-like at the bottom 
and for this reason the figure of this form includes a basal portion in addi- 
tion to the median and apical. Carphochaete Schaffneri, the species illus- 
trated, has the shortest free barbules at the apex of any of the four. The 
two other Mexican species are very similar to it, while in C. Bigelovii they 
are almost twice as long. 


This study of six genera indicates a relationship with the two others 
previously studied, Brickellia and Liatris. With the exception of Kanimia, 
of which it has been impossible to include cytological examination and 
therefore discussion has been omitted, there is support for the taxonomic 
grouping of the subtribe Kuhniinae. Kanimia will have to be compared 
cytologically with Mikania, the genus of the previous subtribe Ageratinae, 
with which it may well be a connecting link — of the several technical 
characters which the two genera have in comm 

Furthermore, some points of relationship ant the subtribe have been 


added to those noted by earlier authors. These have served as a guide in 
the preparation of a key (see p. 124) which attempts to more nearly ap- 
proach a natural classification. It has already been pointed out that when 
Cassini established each of the two new genera, Carphephorus and Trilisa, 
he placed them next to Liatris. Also because of the strong similarity of 
the flowers, Nuttall first described Garberia as a shrubby Liatris. With 
the additional evidence gained from the study of seedlings, trichomes, 
pappi, and chromosome numbers, it is proposed to refer to these four 
genera as Group I. 

Likewise there is sufficient evidence to warrant a second grouping. When 
Gray (1879) established the genus Barroetea, he began the description 
“TInvolucrum (15-25) flores KuAniae et Brickelliae.” Hoffmann (1890) 
in his introduction to the subtribe also referred to Barroetea as approach- 
ing Brickellia in all else except the nature of the fruit. Robinson, who 
monographed both these genera, re-emphasized their strong similarity in 
habit and involucre, giving the flattened achene and sharply toothed 
leaves as the chief points of difference. To separate Kuhnia from Brickel- 
lia, the same author referred to its less strongly imbricated phyllaries and 
plumose pappus. For Shinners (l.c.) these technical characters were not 
completely satisfactory, as was also an additional one, the nature of the 
root system. His conclusion was that though separately imperfect they 
were “strengthened by the obviously close relationship of the species of 
Kuhnia to each other, making a closeknit and recognizably distinct 
group.” The association of these three genera will be continued as 

differences were noted which distinguish the two groups. Those of species 
representing Group I, had a rosette of leaves which persisted without 
production of a flowering stem for a longer period than would necessarily 
be required for a biennial. In seedlings of Garberia, the one shrub of the 
group, this stage did not last as long and then a central leafy stem began 
to appear though it never flowered. However, species of Group IT, in- 
cluding representatives of all three growth-forms, e.g., annual herb. per- 
ennial herb, and shrub, produced elongating central axes almost at once 
and these flowered before the end of a year. The seedlings of Carphochaete 
Bigelovii resembled the members of this latter group. 

It was felt by Shinners that in distinguishing Kuhnia undue reliance 
had been placed on the plumose pappus because it might not be the ex- 
clusive type of a genus, e.g., Liatris. From an examination of the pappus 
of these genera by lactic acid mounts, it was found that the arrangement 
of the barbules differed in these two. Further, though the barbules were 
longer in Kuhnia than in species of Brickellia, their lateral arrangement 
was more nearly like the distichous pattern found in the majority of the 
species of that genus. In two species of Brickellia, the three-sided or 
tristichous arrangement suggested a mid-way condition between that of 
the others and that typical of Barroetea where it was four-sided or tetra- 



Anther apex having an ovate or oblong membranaceous appendage, achenes 
10-20 (rarely 6-9) ribbed, phyllaries indefinite in number. 

(a) Pappus squamiform, dilat ed at the base, small shrubs, leaves opposite, 
young plants without rosettes, corolla rose-colored or white, chromosome 
number n=11......... i Loe ata ats 6 oq eha ae Carphochaete. 

(a) Pappus setose. 

(b) a not conspicuously striate, leaves alternate, young plants with 
osettes, corolla rose-colored, rarely white, barbules of pappus in- 
anne arranged along the axis, chromosome numbern=10....... 

OE eT Ee ET CT ET ee ree Seer errr ee UP I 
(c) Woody shrubs, leaves alternate obovate, rosette-form not persisting 
long, phyllaries herbaceous, pappus barbellate ..... Garberia. 

(c) Perennial herbs, leaves linear to lanceolate, ae form persisting. 
(d) Receptacle chaffy, phyllaries subequal pappus prhewe - 
ET Oe ee Tee ee ee re re eT eee ee arphephorus. 
(d) Receptacle naked. 
(e) ie arising from thickened ea root-system, phyl- 
laries 2-3 seriate se barbellate .......... Trilisa 
(e) =e arising from a corm-like or pane penetrating sok 
itera phyllaries cae herbaceous or colored or 
ous, pappus barbellate or plumose ........ Liatris. 
Phyllaries ae gern scarcely herbaceous, leaves alternate or opposite, 
young plants without rosettes, corolla ochroleucous to yellow, rarely 
rose-colored, barbules of peppis tend to be in linear arrangement along 
the axis, chromosome numbern=9.................. GROUP II 

Achenes nen or rounded. 

(g) Phyllaries imbricate in several series, shrubs and 
perennial, rarely annual, herbs, pappus tends to 
be arranged distichously, rarely aanre - 
Leudala dain ny ace ae sibs ve cele pe aa Brickellia. 

(g) Phyllaries 2-3 seriate, perennial herbs from long 
conical roots, pappus plumose, barbules arranged 

istichously ................... uhnia. 
(f) Achenes ee annual and perennial herbs, 
barbules of pappus arranged tetrastichously 

Side edt Artun ds & Suotahocesduh 4.6 Gok fd(s w Gate ohn ae Barroctea. 

Y i,’ 

stichous. Thus in the pappus of the two smaller genera, in comparison 
with Brickellia, the arrangement of barbules alone differentiates Barroetea, 
and arrangement in addition to length, Kuhnia. While interspecifically 
Brickellia shows considerable variation in length of barbules, the species 
have the same basic linear arrangement which adds support to the place- 
ment of these three genera in one group. Similarly the four genera of 
Group I resemble one another in a less definite, somewhat spiral arrange- 
ment of the short barbules as is shown in figures of setose pappus. 

In addition to the characters in prevalent use by taxonomists, it has 
been noticeable that in the Eupatorieae, it was necessary to pay consider- 

7 Exclusive of Kanimia. 


able attention to glandular structures. Robinson had established species 
as well as varieties on the presence of glands on the phyllaries, e.g., KuAnia 
adenolepis, Brickellia adenocarpa var. glandulipes, etc. Likewise Brande- 
gee (1908), who described two of the seven species of Barroetea, found 
B. glutinosa ‘‘differing from the others of the genus” because of the gland- 
ular leaves. Also, the common use in manuals, as well as descriptive 
treatises, of the term punctate and puncticulate in some species, left open 
the question of general application for all of each genus. As explained 
under Brickellia, there was the need for interpretation of the overlapping 
use of the various terms applied to the depressed glands and the punctate 
condition. A more detailed comparison than had been possible by macro- 
scopic examination, has helped to clarify. 

From the reticulate pattern of glandular trichome distribution in six 
genera, summarized in Table III, and of Brickellia (Table III, Gaiser 
1953), it was seen that some form was represented in each species. Liatris 
also can come in this inclusive statement. In the introduction to the treat- 
ment of that genus, it was stated that small sunken resinous glands were 
generally found in the leaves of species. Examination of cleared leaves of 
at least several species have given confirmation of the presence of the 
depressed biseriate trichome in connection with the punctate condition, 
as shown for L. punctata (Figs. 74, 75). A closer analysis of these tables 
gives indication of some intergeneric similarities. 

In several species of Brickellia, the pubescence consisted almost entirely 
of the biseriate glandular trichome. That, of all the species of the other 
five genera examined, only puberulence of one species of Barroetea was 
composed of this form, is another point to add to the number in which 
that genus strongly resembles Brickellia. However, in the thick leaf of 
Brickellia glutinosa, a similar shorter biseriate trichome was shown to 
make up the depressed gland which gives a surface appearance of only 
two hemispherical cells as seen in species of Kuhnia, as well as the other 
species of Barroetea and Brickellia. The conclusion was reached from the 
range of variation seen in the extent to which the biseriate gland rose 
above the surface in different species of Brickellia, that the superficial 
glandular trichome was an elevated expression of the depressed gland. 
With the additional evidence in the fleshy leaves of the other genera of 
the heights it may attain and still remain macroscopically subsurface, 
there is no reason to doubt the generality of the statement. It is as under- 
standable that the height of this small organ should vary in leaves of 
different species as that non-glandular trichomes should vary in length. 
More important than the variation from a depressed to an elevated con- 
dition may be the uniformity of this biseriate glandular organ. While these 
three genera of Group ITI have in common this single, similar content in 

seriate, or single uniseriate without correlation to the punctate condition. 
Examining this apparent diversity, there is a link with the previous 
three genera in Garberia and one species of Carphephorus having this 


same biseriate form in the grouping along with the uniseriate. To these, 
the other Carphephorus are tied in having only uniseriate trichomes and 
Carphochaete, in having uniseriate with a different form of biseriate tri- 
chomes. Likewise in the two species of Tvilisa the uniseriate trichome, 
though not accompanied by leaf punctation, appears similar in form to the 
depressed of Carphephrous bellidifolius, while Trilisa carnosa has the de- 
pressed biseriate resembling those of Group II. Thus while there is greater 
uniformity in the three genera of Group II, those of the other group seem 
to have a similitude in intra-generic variations. The particular form of the 
biseriate depressed gland of Carphochaete is individual among them. 
While its difference sets it apart from the genera of both groups, the true 
significance of this variation may be better understood when further 
knowledge is obtained of the forms in the many genera of other subtribes. 

Further emphasis on relationships by glandular structures in these 
genera was found in the fact that there was a smaller, uniseriate, capitate 
trichome, which would not be readily observed without a microscope, along 
the veins and under surface of leaves of species of Brickellia. The only 
other genus of the subtribe studied to which it has been found common is 
Kuhnia. A slightly enlarged form apparently became the specialized type 
of K. adenolepis. 

From a consideration of the non-glandular trichomes * the largest genus 
has the widest variety. Comparable preparations of other genera con- 
tributed no distinctly new type, though in Carphephorus, Trilisa, and one 
species of Kuhnia, they were more nearly uniform in diameter and tapered 
a little less than the attenuate form shown for Brickellia. That all the 
types seen in that genus were not represented in the smaller genera could 
be explained probably by the smaller total of species. However, in Brickel- 
lia considerable variation was found in the size of chromosomes and in 
some subsections a correlation with the types of trichomes 

Cytological evidence has been obtained of some species of each of the 
genera of the Kuhniinae except Kanimia. Though incomplete, it supports 
the conclusions obtained from other sources. The basic number of chromo- 
somes is 10 in the four genera of Group I, 9 in the three genera of Group IT 
and 11 in Carphochaete. While no other genus of the subtribe has the 
same number as Carphochaete, the fact that the three basic numbers vary 
only by one, may be taken as further indication of a fairly close relation- 
ship of the members of this subtribe. This seems more significant when the 
number of species examined for the several genera to which the same num- 
ber is common, totals forty-seven with n = 9, and thirty-nine with n = 10. 
Of course these two chromosome numbers are represented many times in 
genera of the Compositae as can be seen in Darlington and Ammal (1945, 
p. 220) where the basic numbers of the tribes of the Compositae are given. 
When turning to the reports for the tribe Eupatorieae, of which there have 
been few so far, the number 11 does not appear. The recent addition by 

® Gaiser (1946) in haha to pubescence as being of little use for species differen- 
easy in rae ris, had not made microscopic analyses and there has not been time 

to do so fax hae sie 


Grant (1953) of numbers for at least thirty-two species of Eupatorium 
from the temperate zone, give 10 and 17 as the lowest numbers, and 9 for 
one tropical species of Vernonia. The number 11 does not appear. This 
does present a challenge to investigate Kanimia. Also it raises the question 
of possibly finding the same number in a genus of another subtribe which 
perhaps may show further intertribal relationships with Carphochaete. 

Of two species of Mikania, the genus of the previous subtribe A geratinae, 
which has characters in common with Kanimia, it was possible to obtain 
some seeds (see Table I). The somatic chromosome number of three ac- 
cessions of Mikania scandens Willd. and one of M. cordifolia (L.) Willd. 
was found to be 2n = 38 (Fig. 21), which is quite different from that in 
any of the Kuhniinae investigated. Thus it seems quite probable that 
cytology might give the deciding evidence for or against the segregation 
of these two genera within the same subtribe. 

No lower basic number was found among these genera than had been 
found in Brickellia and Liatris, or had been known previously among the 
Eupatorieae. These numbers, 9 and 10, are higher than have been found 
in a number of the other tribes of the Compositae, e.g., Chichorieae with 
3, Heliantheae and Astereae, with 4, /nuleae and Senecioneae with 5, etc., 
but this may find its explanation in the few genera studied. Of the 
KuAniinae, the genera of Group II with Mexico as their geographic center 
of distribution, have the lower number 9, while those of Group I, which 
are to the north of the Mexican boundary have 10. At this time there is 
no evidence of the origin of these divergent genetic lines. So far, the most 
northerly genus, Liatris, and in that only the Punctatae series, remains 
the only one in which polyploidy has been found. The tetraploid, L. punc- 
tata, reaches the most northerly latitude of any species of that or any 
other genus of the subtribe and so exemplifies Hagerup’s theory. Since 
the same species reaches the southern extremity of the range for the genus 
along the mountains and the diploid is found on the plains in between it 
also provides an example of the polyploid occupying a wider area than the 
diploid. Miintzing (1936) believes that the extensive range is the com- 
bined result of polyploidy and polymorphism which has enabled adapta- 
tion to a wider range of habitats some of which may be unfavorable. Of 
all the other genera of the Kukniinae few include any species of verv 
extensive range and none which is exactly comparable to L. punctata. 
Kuhnia eupatroioides is the only polymorphic species of that genus, occur- 

introduction, Robinson referred to Brickellia grandiflora and B. californica 
as the two most widely distributed and variable species. Both were found 
to be diploid in these studies which included a generous representation of 
thirteen accessions of the latter species. The former species like two others 
studied, B. microphylla and B. oblongifolia reach the northern limit for 
that genus in Washington State, but they also were diploid. 

Excepting the species of Brickellia in Brazil, the most southerly one 
from Costa Rica, B. argyrolepis, was also a diploid. For the discussion 


of the polyploid complex and tropical plants, as pointed out in the intro- 
duction, this genus is somewhat exceptional since though within the trop- 
ical latitudes the species live on higher altitudes. Of Barroetea, which at 
similar altitudes does not extend north of Mexico, neither of two species 
were polyploid. Also one speices of Kudnia from the southerly limits for 
that genus was diploid like the three congeners from the United States. 
The conclusion from this discussion still remains that for these closely 
related genera, as they have been represented from Central America north- 
ward, polyploidy was not prevalent and occurred only in the most northern 
genus of Group I. However, variation in the size of the chromosomes was 
noticeable and the karyotypes of the shorter units occurred only in the 
genera of the more southern group. 

This does not mean that we should not expect polyploidy in genera of 
the tropics. For comparison, in the tropical genus Anthurium, of which 
thirty-seven of four hundred and eighty-six species (Engler 1905) were 
examined from plants as they grew mostly in the New York Botanical 
Garden, the situation is quite different. While many additional species 
have also been added since Engler’s monograph of the genus, there is 
indication that polyploidy is not singular and occurs in species of both 
limited and wide distribution (Gaiser 1927). With 30 as the lowest so- 
matic number found, at least two other numbers of a polyploid series 
were represented, two species with ca. 50 and three with ca. 60. The five 
polyploids were distributed to as many different sections, some nearly 
monotopic and others, the largest of the genus, e.g., Urospadix with ninety- 
five species. Anthurium radicans which belongs to the section, Chamae- 
repium, comprising two species, is limited to east Brazil, and A. Wallisii 
of section Polyneurium of thirty species had been reported as having been 
collected only once in Colombia. In comparison with tetraploid A. cras- 
sinervium, from Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Tobago Island, nine 
other diploid species of the second largest section Pachyneurium with 
fifty species were found to be fairly restricted. Two species of section 
Urospadix, very similar to the polyploid A. digitatum from Venezuela and 
Tobago Island, had been collected from comparable areas. However, the 
fifth, 4. scandens, is the most variable species in the genus, including five 
varieties and is known in one of its forms wherever Anthuriums grow. 
With even but fractional representation studied cytologically, all the 
complexities of polyploidy in percentage of incidence, different multiples 
of numbers and correlation of geographic distribution occur in that genus. 
Also, since Grant (l.c.) found fifteen polyploids (almost fifty percent) 
among the northern Eupatoriums examined, others might be expected 
among the many more tropical species of that large genus. 

While the studies of Liatris were of a different time and were not all 
accompanied by exactly comparable photographic figures, chromosomes 
of the series Spicatae (Gaiser 1949) were considered to be the longest 
and to show greater variation than those of the series Graminifoliae (ibid. 
1950a) and Punctatae (ibid. 1950b). Reference to the analysis of the 
morphology of the chromosomes of L. pycnostachva (1949 p. 127) gave 


two pairs of long chromosomes in the karyotypes of 2 Lm, 2 Lst, 4 Mm, 
4 Msm, 2 Mst, 4 Sm, 2 Sst. In the more recent comparisons the few species 
of the smaller genera of Group I varied little if at all from species to 
species. Also, the generally similar karyotypes of Trilisa and Carphe- 
phorus, including three pairs of long chromosomes, were found to vary 
somewhat from Garberia only in the types of the short and medium 
chromosomes. By comparison, Carphochaete Bigelovii was the only spe- 
cies to have a greater number of long chromosomes, four pairs rather 
than three. 

Brickellia with the greatest number of species, had a great variation in 
chromosome sizes. Of thirty-four species in which the karyotypes were 
carefully analyzed, nine had only short and medium chromosomes, while 
in all the others there were also long ones. From the analyses of species 
of all these genera, only those of KuAnia and Barroetea had such a karyo- 
type of the two classes of shorter units. Thus not only have these three 
genera the same number in common but like a minority of the species of 
Brickellia, the species studied of the two smaller genera, have chromosomes 
representing an amount of chromatin less than is found in any of the others. 

While too few species of Barroetea have been examined to draw conclu- 
sions regarding that genus, more than half of those of KuAnia, including 
all but one variety of the polymorphic species K. eupatorioides have been 
included. The great homogeneity in the karyotype as well as chromosome 
number for all of these, shows a genetic basis for the close relationship of 
species of KuAnia to each other, pointed out by Shinners. By contrast the 
great diversity in chromosome length found in species of Brickellia accom- 
panies a diversity of growth from woody shrubs to herbaceous annuals. 
None of the genera of Group I can compare with this. In Liatris, the 
largest of them, all the species are herbaceous perennials of a fairly similar 

In the discussion of Brickellia, it was pointed out that a minority of the 
species examined, nine out of thirty-four, had a complement of shorter 
chromosomes. The species at the opposite extreme having the longest 
chromosomes, B. monocephala and B. grandiflora, were considered by 
reason of their modified underground structure, etc., as belonging to a spe- 
cialized group of that genus. Others next to them, also having a greater 
total of chromatin material by reason of longer chromosomes than in the 
major group, included shrubs and herbs native to Costa Rica, Guatemala 
and Mexico. With the most woody species from Costa Rica among these, 
and the one annual examined, in the first group, there was some ground 
for considering that evolution had gone on in conjunction with reduction 
in chromatin in that genus. It is of interest therefore that the only other 
genus including annuals, Barroetea, also had short chromosomes in the 
two species examined. The genus includes no true shrubs and only one 
perennial variety of a species that has been described as being somewhat 
woody at the base. Kuhnia, too, is a genus consisting entirely of perennials 
and in it there was found a similar karyotype of the two shorter classes of 
chromosomes. While it is impossible to trace the steps of evolution from 


one genus to another with certainty, it is indicated from the present evi- 
dence that the direction at least, was from Brickellia to the two other 
genera through some form, not necessarily extant today, having a com- 
plement of shorter chromosomes. Whether this happened in two successive 
steps or at one time remains a question also, The fact that both genera still 
include few and, for the most part, less variable species indicates that they 
are more recent than Brickellia. The repeated reference to the close simi- 
larity of Barroetea and Brickellia, especially as seen in both including 
annual species, suggests that there are possibly blocks of genes common 
to these two and this could have been one mutation. Also the indecision 
regarding basic differences between Kuhnia and Brickellia gives weight to 
the probability that this might have come as another step. The similarities 
of each of the two smaller genera to Brickellia appear closer than the 
interdependence of all three. Yet, as has been pointed out, from karyo- 
logical studies, the six species of Kuhnia and two of Barroetea had karvo- 
types consistently represented by a pair of satellite chromosomes. Only 
in three, of about half of the species of Brickellia examined, was this tvpe 
of chromosome regularly visible. Two of these were xerophytes, B. incana 
and B. Greenei, very restricted in distribution and remarkable for their 
large heads and seeds which are distinctive. The third was B. Coulteri, 
from Baja California, the only species examined of subsection Brachiatae. 
Most of the other seven species have been reported but once and from 
widely separated regions in Mexico and certainly should be compared cyto- 
logically. Without complete representation of a genus, the species not 
studied may be the ones which withhold the most significant truths. Per- 
haps the best that can be expected is to gain at least a point of vantage 
from which to envision the horizons for further efforts in a project. 

It is difficult to extrapolate true phylogenetic relationships within Group 
I. In all four genera the karyotype is made up of more closely approxi- 
mating units than were seen within the one genus Brickellia. Some varia- 
tion has been reported in the species of five series of the genus Liatris ° 
but is not as striking as has been found in Brickellia. There was no evi- 
dence of marked morphological changes or reduction in size of the chromo- 
somes. Also there is a general similarity of karyotype in the two smaller 
genera Trilisa and Carphephorus, including three pairs of long chromo- 
somes, From these, Garberia was found to vary only in the medium and 
short chromosomes. Likewise, except for this one shrub Garberia, there 
is a greater homogeneity in the growth-form represented by each of the 
three genera. They are herbaceous perennials, provided with excellent 
modified storage rootstocks, mostly corm-like in Liatris and more tuber- 
ous in Trilisa and Carphephorus. From the discussion pertaining to 
growth-forms in Brickellia, just such as these were considered to repre- 
sent a form of specialization and, these may very well be from a more 
primitive type now extinct. In the one living species of Garberia may lie 

*A chromosome list will shortly be forthcoming for species of the other series 
except the Squarrosae, which Dr. Pauline Snure will contribute. 


the hint of another more woody progenitor for the other three genera. 

The dissimilarity of the karyoytpe of Carphochaete Bigelovii to the 
species of Group I lay in the fact that it was the only species to have two 
additional chromosomes, four long chromosomes instead of three and three 
short ones rather than two. These factors contributed to its having the 
greatest content of chromatin in any of the genera studied. Comparison 
of it with the unusually long chromosomes of Brickellia monocephala (see 
Fig. 30, Gaiser 1953) is favorable except for the extra pair of chromo- 
somes. The singularity of its karyotype, supported by the distinct form 
of the biseriate depressed gland and the individuality of its pappus, is 
sufficient to set it apart from the genera of both Groups I and II. Yet the 
prime reason for its inclusion in the subtribe Kuhniinae, the similarity of 
its anther and achenes, also gains weight in a proximal chromosome number 
and karyotype to that of Group I and in the actual presence of a depressed 
biseriate gland. 

Without examining other genera having paleaceous pappi for comparison 
with Carphochaete, it would be premature to generalize on the evolution 
of pappus forms. That this small group of related genera may contribute 
to the overall study is indicated by the variety shown in the barbule-ar- 
rangement especially in the three genera of Group II. In Barroetea and 
Kuhnia there is near uniformity for the species of each genus, while in 
the more numerous species of Brickellia there is a variety of almost im- 
perceptible changes. The general tendency is for a flattened, lateral ar- 
rangement of barbules in two rows. While the significance of their quad- 
rate. linear arrangement in Barroetea is not clear, it may be but one of 
nature’s experiments and so also the tristichous disposition in Brickellia 
diffusa and B. filipes may be a further shuffling of genes. However, since 
the latter species are annuals and since Barroetea is the only other genus 
including annual species, it would be in agreement with phylogenetic evi- 
dence to assume that the change in Brickellia was in the direction away 
from the flat or distichous arrangement. And if so, the latter referred to 
as bearing a marginal resemblance to the serrulate-paleaceous, could have 
been derived from the paleaceous or more foliar by reduction. This would 
be in agreement with the conception of Babcock and Stebbins (1937) for 
genera of the Cichorieae rather than the alternative hypothesis of Small 
(1916), that the paleaceous types result from the fusion of the simple 
scabroid setose which constitute the primitive type. 


Bascock, E. G. and Steppins, G. L. 1937. The Genus Youngia. Carneg. Inst. 
Wash. Publ. 484: 106 pp. 

BLAKE, S. F. 1942. Compositae. In Flowering Plants and Ferns of Arizona by 
T. H. Kearney and R. H. Peebles. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Bull. 423: 869- 

DariincTon, C. D. and JANAK1 AMMAL, E. K. 1945. ee Atlas of 
Cultivated Plants. George Allen and Unwin, London. 397 pp. 

ENGLER, A. 1905. Das Pflanzenreich. Araceae — Pothoideae. 21: (IV. 23B): 


Gatser, L. O. 1927. Chromosome Numbers and Species Characters in An- 
thurium. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. Ser. III, 21: sect. V. 137 pp., 11 plates. 
1946. The genus Liatris. Rhod. 48: 165-183, 216-263, 273-326, 331-382, 

1949. Chromosome Studies in Liatris. I. Spicatae and Pycnostachyae. 
Amer. Jour. Bot. 36: 122-135. 
1950a. Chromosome Studies in Liatris. II. Graminifoliae and Pauci- 
florae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 37: 414-423. 
1950b. sa Studies in Liatris. III. Punctatae. Amer. Jour. 
Bot. 37: 763-77 
1951. A ae Hybrid of Liatris (< L. Weaveri Shinners). Amer. 
Midl. Nat. 45: 750-763. 
1953. Chromosome Studies in Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae) I. Brickellia. 
Rhod. 55: 253-267, 269-288, 297- 321, 328-345. 
Grant, W. F. 1953. A Cytotaxonomic Study i in the Genus Eupatorium. Amer. 
Jour. Bot. 40: 729-742. 
Gray, A. 1879. Botanical Contributions. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 15: 

HAGcerRvup, O. 1932. Uber pe ara in Beziehung zur Klima, Okologie und 
Phylogenie. Hereditas 16: 1 

HANAUuSEK, T. F. 1912. Zur Gs ca des eo und seiner Beim- 
ischungen. Archiv. f. Chemie u. Mikroskop. 5: 65-7 

Hictey, W. K. 1883. Microscopical Examination of iy Leaves of Liatris 
odoratissima Willd. New Remedies 260-261. 

HorrMann, O. 1889. Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfam. IV, 5: 6-8, 81-128. 

1890. Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfam. IV, 5: 9-11, 129-176. 

Mercatre, C. R. and Cwatk, L. 1950. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. II. Claren- 
don Press, Oxford. 1500 

Munrzine, A. 1936. The Evolutionary Significance of Autopolyploidy. Hered- 
itas 21: 263-378, 

Pascukis, H. 1879. Blatter Par ras odoratissima Willd. Zeitschr. Allg. 
Oesterr. Apoth. Ver. 17: 

Roprnson, B. L. 191 1a. I. a ae Cascio of Certain Eupatcrieae. Proc. 
Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 47: 191-2 

1911b. II. Revision of the ne Barroetea. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 

& Sci. 47: 202-206. 
1913. A Generic ek to the Compositae — Eupatorieae. Proc. Amer. 

Acad. Arts & Sci. 49: 429-437. 

1917. A pedal of the Genus Brickellia. Mem. Gray Herb. 1: 
151 pp. 

ROSENTHALER, L. and Srapier, P. 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie von Cnicus 
benedictus L. Arch. Pharmazie 246: 436-466. 

SHINNERS, L. H. 1943. A Revision of the Liatris scariosa Complex. Amer. 
Midl. Nat. 29: 27-41. 

1946. Revision of the Genus Kuhnia L. Wrightia 1: 122-144. 

SMALL, J. 1917, 1918, 1919. The Origin and Development of the Compositae. 
New Phytol. 16: 157-177, 198-221, 253- 276; 17: 13-40, 69-94, 114-142, 
200-234; 18: 1-35, 65-89, 129-176, 201-234. ‘New Phytol. Reprint no. 11, 
334 pp. 1919 


SOLEREDER, ee 1908. Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Translated bv 
L. A. Boodle and F. E. Fritsch, I & II (with addenda). Clarendon Press. 


STEBBINS, G. L. 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants. Columbia Univ. 
Press. 643 pp. 

Torrey, J. and Gray, A. 1841. A Flora of North America II. 1-184. 

VOLKENS, C. 1887. Die Flora der Aegyptisch-Arabischen Wiste. Borntraeger. 
Berlin. 156 pp., 18 pls 

1890. Uber Pflanzen mit lackirten Blattern. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 
8: 121-126, a 

VUILLEMIN, P. 1884. De la valeur des caractéres anatomiques au point de vue 
= ae des végétaux. Tige des Composées. B. Balliére, Paris. 



With one plate 


Ficus porteana Regel, Gartenfl. 11: 280. ¢. 372. 1862; Gagnep. in Le- 
comte, Fl. Gén. Indo-Chine 5: 774. 1928. 

Ficus Hacienda Warb. in Perk. Fragm. Fl. Philipp. 196. 1905; aie Leafl. 
Phili 1: 192. 1906; Merr. Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2: 56. 923. 

Ficus pare ty Elm. Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4: 1250. 1911 

My attention was called to Ficus porteana Regel by Gagnepain’s refer- 
ence of certain Indo-Chinese material to it and by his reduction of Ficus 
malunuensis Warb. to it as a synonym. Regel’s species, entirely overlooked 
by me when engaged in the preparation of the Philippine enumeration, was 
based on specimens cultivated in Moscow, grown from seeds secured by 
Mr. Porte in the Philippines (Luzon) in 1861. Regel’s description is based 
on sterile material and from his figure, a somewhat juvenile form, for the 
large leaves are shown as having a fairly large lateral lobe on each side, 
a character that is lost in mature specimens. There is not the slightest 
doubt as to the identity of Warburg’s species, also based on Luzon mate- 
rial, with the form characterized forty-three years earlier by Regel. There 
is some doubt in my mind as to whether or not the Indo-Chinese specimens 
referred here by Gagnepain actually represent the same species as the 
Philippine form. Its general alliance seems to be with Fictus callosa Willd. 

Ficus pyriroia Burm. f, Fl. Ind. 226, 1768 = Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm. 
f.) Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40: 564. 1926; Rehd. Man. Cult Trees 
Shrubs ed. 2, 404. 1940 

This reduction was made on the basis of an examination of Burman’s 
specimens in the Delessert herbarium at Geneva; there are three sheets, 
all sterile, from the vicinity of Nagasaki, collected by Kleinhof; these, 
according to Nakai, represent the ordinary Japanese sand pear, which by 
various authors has been placed under P. sinensis auctt., P. serotina Rehd., 
and P. montana Nakai. Nakai attempted to define a number of minor 
forms of this cultigen, but no botanist has, as yet, clarified its relationships 
with the Chinese forms of the sand pear. In my treatment of Burman’s 
species, Philipp. Jour. Sci. 19: 346. 1921, working solely from Burman’s 
descriptions, I suggested that Ficus pyrifolia Burm. f. might prove to be 
the same as Ficus erecta Thunb., the type of which was from Japan, but 
this is an error. In recent years the Burman name has been attached to 
some Chinese collections of Ficus erecta Thunb. 



Laportea peltata Gaudich. Freyc. Voy. Bot. 498. 1830, nomen nudum, et 
ex Decaisne, Herb. Timor. Descr. 162. 1835, descr.; Wedd. Arch. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. 9: 126. 1856 (Monog. Urt. 126), et in DC. Prodr. 
16(1): 80. 1869, cum syn.; J. J. Sm. ex Koord. & Val. Meded. Dep. 
Landb. 10: 678. 1910 (Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java 12: 678); Koord. & 
Val. Atlas Baumart. Java 4: fig. 796. 1918. 

Urtica peltata Blume, Bidjr. 496. 1825. 

MINDANAO: Cotabato, Nutol, Bur. Sci. 84935, 84941, Ramos & Edano, 
March, 1932, a tree 8 m. high in rather dry forests at low altitudes. Java, Timor, 
and probably in other parts of the Malay Archipelago; new to the Philippines. 

Both of the above cited specimens agree very closely with authentically 
named Javan specimens collected by Koorders, one having been distrib- 
uted as representing the very different Laportea crassifolia C. B. Rob., 
and the other as L. mindanaensis Warb. It seems to be apparent that 
Gaudichaud did not know of the published description of Urtica peltata 
Blume, Bijdr. 496. 1825, for his original publication of the accepted bino- 
mial was simply a nomen nudum and a new name for Urtica atrox Leschen., 
also a nomen nudum. Therefore the authority should not be cited as 
“(Blume) Gaudichaud,” but merely as Gaudichaud. The first description 
of the species under Laportea was that prepared by Decaisne, and he also 
cited only Urtica atrox Lesch. as a synonym, Weddell in 1856 first, and 
apparently correctly, associated Blume’s earlier name with that so casually 
published by Gaudichaud and later validated by Decaisne. 

Laportea elliptica sp. nov. 
Laportea peltata sensu Merr. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15: 50. 1929, non Gaudich. 

Species L. peltatae Gaudich. affinis, differt foliis majoribus, ellipticis, 
haud molliter pubescentibus sed subscaberulis et secus costam nervosque 
pilos urentis numerosos ferentibus, nervis primariis utrinque circiter 15. 
Arbor, trunco 30-45 cm. diametro, ramulis ultimis plus minusve incras- 
satis, siccis circiter 8 mm. diametro, pubescentibus, cicatricibus ad 8 mm. 
diametro notatis, partibus junioribus dense subadpresse hirsutis; foliis 
longe (8-13 cm.) petiolatis, perspicue peltatis, basi late rotundatis, 
ellipticis vel subobovato-ellipticis, chartaceis, 15-30 cm. longis, 11-15 cm. 
latis, apice breviter acuminatis, margine breviter dentatis vel denticulatis, 
dentibus inter se 1.5-3 mm. distantibus, siccis olivaceis, supra minute 
albido-verruculosis, secus costam pubescentibus et pilos urentis ferentibus, 
subtus scabridulis, paullo pallidioribus et nervis reticulisque exceptis 
glabris vel subglabris; nervis primariis utrinque circiter 15, perspicuis, 
subtus elevatis, curvato-patulis, secus marginem arcuato-anastomosantibus, 
reticulis distinctis, elevatis et cum costa nervisque plus minusve pubescenti- 
bus et pilos brevis numerosos urentis ferentibus; inflorescentiis longis, laxis, 
paniculatis, usque ad 45 cm. longis, plus minusve pubescentibus et pilis 


numerosis urentibus instructis, ramis primariis 4-8 cm. longis; floribus 
@ sessilibus, in ramulis ultimis brevibus flabellatim dispositis, sessilibus, 
capitulis 5—9-floris, calycis segmentis acuminatis, vix 0.5 mm. longis; 
acheniis compressis, glabris, subovatis, 2 mm. longis, acuminatis, stylis 
persistentibus gracilibus, ad 3 mm. longis, leviter patule hirsutis; floribus 
é numerosis, calycis segmentis subellipticis, 1.5-2 mm. longis, filamentis 
3 mm. longis. 

BRITISH NORTH BORNEO: Tawao, Elmer 21472 (2), 11433 (4), Octo- 
ber 1922 to March 1923. 

When the Elmer collections were being studied at the University of 
California, these specimens were referred, on the basis of published descrip- 
tions only, to Laportea peltata Gaudich, and were reported as such: but it 
was then noted that they differed from Gaudichaud’s species in certain 
striking characters. Now that it is possible to make direct comparisons 
with authentically named Javan specimens of the Koorders collections, it 
becomes evident that there is really little in common between this Bornean 
form and Laportea peltata Gaudich., except in the conspicuously peltate 
leaves of both. The indumentum of the two species, as well as the leaf 
shape and size, and the more numerous lateral nerves in the present species 
are very different. In Gaudichaud’s species the lower surface of the leaves 
is very densely and softly cinereous-pubescent, the indumentum entirely 
covering the parenchyma; in Laportea elliptica the midrib, and to a limited 
degree the nerves, are pubescent, but these and the reticulations bear many 
short, stiff, stinging hairs; yet the parenchyma within the ultimate reticula- 
tions is glabrous. In the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum the pistillate 
type was found under no, 21172, Madhuca elmeri Merr., apparently some 
error having been made by Mr. Elmer in completing the labels, which 
makes me suspect that the same situation may exist elsewhere. The correct 
number is 21472, for 21172 is the Madhuca and 21472 the Laportea. 

Crudia cauliflora sp. nov. 

Arbor parva, foliis 1-foliolatis et ramulis glabris, fructibus caulinis, 
breviter denseque pubescentibus; ramis ramulisque teretibus, ultimis 1 
mm, diametro; foliolis subcoriaceis, oblongo-ellipticis, 15-18 cm. longis, 
6-7 cm. latis, basi late rotundatis, apice distincte sed obtuse acuminatis, 
siccis subtus brunneis, supra subolivaceis, subopacis; nervis primariis 
utrinque circiter 7, subtus paullo elevatis, laxis, patulis vel subpatulis, 
inter se 1.5—2.5 cm. distantibus, 1-1.5 cm. a margine arcuato-anastomo- 
santibus, reticulis primariis laxis, ultimis subconfertis; petiolo cum peti- 
olulo circiter 1 cm. longo; racemis caulinis, solitariis, vetustioribus glabris 
vel partibus ultimis breviter obscure pubescentibus, saltem 10 cm, longis 
(floribus ignotis) ; fructibus solitariis, compressis, oblongo-ellipticis, leviter 
inaequilateralibus, 8 cm. longis, 4 cm. latis, extus pallide brunneis et dense 
breviterque pubescentibus, seminibus 2 vel 3. 


PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Siargao: Ramos & Pascasio, Bur. Sci. 34921, 
June 1919, the only known collection, TypE in the herbarium of the Arnold Arbo- 

This was designated many years ago by me as new in the genus Sindora, 
but was never described, probably because I later realized that it could 
not represent any Sindora, and I had hoped that flowering specimens would 
eventually be received. It resembles several Malaysian species, such as 
Crudia bantamensis (Hassk.) Benth., C. beccarii Ridl., C. curtisii Prain, 
C. reticulata Merr., and even C. subsimplicifolia Merr. From all of these 
it is distinguished by its simple leaves being broadly rounded at the base; 
and from all described species of the genus it is distinguished by its solitary 
cauline racemes. None of De Wit’s descriptions of the 18 Malayan species 
which he recognized in 1950 seems to apply to this species.* 

Pithecellobium splendens (Miq.) Prain, Jour. As. Soc. Bengal 66(2): 
516. 1897 (Novic. Ind. 350. 1905), Pithecolobium in nota. 

Albizzia splendens Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 280. 1861. 

Pithecolobium confertum Benth. Trans. Lin. Soc. 30: 577. 1875; Bak. in Hook. 
f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 204. 1878; Prain in King, Jour. As. Soc. Bengal 66(2): 
264. 1897 [Mater. Fl. Malay. Penin. 3 (no. 9): 264], op. cit. 508; Rid. 
Fl. Malay Penin. 1: 661. 1922. 

Malay Peninsula, Sumatra. 

Prain’s new binomial does not appear in Index Kewensis nor in any of 
its supplements to date, yet the publication of it is valid. From his own 
statement it is clear that he did not intend to replace Bentham’s binomial 
by the one based on the earlier Albizzia splendens Migq., as he stated that it 
did not appear to him to be necessary or just, to rename Bentham’s species 
because Miquel’s description was based on leaf specimens only. 


ai macrantha Merr. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15: 114, 1929 
(April 10). 

Glycosmis oliveri Stapf ex Ridl. Kew Bull. 1930: 80. 1930, syn. nov. 

The types involved are Beccari 2595 from Sarawak, for Stapf’s species, 
and Elmer 12134, 21456, 21528 from British North Borneo, on which the 
earlier published G. macrantha Merr. was based. The only reason for 
publishing this note is the fact that Tanaka has added annotations to some 
of the Elmer numbers accepting Stapf’s specific name. It is unfortunate 
that Stapf did not publish his new species at the time he studied Beccari 
2595, for in publishing its first description, Ridley’s work was antedated 
nearly a year by the publication of G. macrantha Merr. The two species 
are identical. 

*De Wit, H. C. D. The genus Crudia Schreb. (Leguminosae) in the Malay 
Archipelago south of the Philippines. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. III. 18: 407-434. 
fig. 1-3. 


Aglaia heterobotrys sp. nov. § Euaglaia. 

Species A. shawianae Merr. affinis, differt foliis paullo minoribus, flor- 
ibus breviter sed distincte pedicellatis, sepalis oblongis. Frutex vel arbor 
parva, foliis stricte 1-foliolatis, ramulis teretibus, pallidis, glabris, novellis 
circiter 2 mm. diametro, decidue breviter stellato-pubescentibus, indu- 
mento ferrugineo; foliis oblongo-ellipticis, chartaceis, 14-20 cm. longis, 
4-7.5 cm. latis, basi late acutis vel subrotundatis, apice tenuiter acumi- 
natis, acuminibus 1.5—2.5 cm. longis, obtusis, utrinque glabris, siccis pallide 
olivaceis, subnitidis; nervis primariis utrinque circiter 20, utrinque dis- 
tinctis, elevatis, ad marginem arcuato-anastomosantibus; petiolo cum 
petiolulo 2—2.5 cm. longo, glabro; inflorescentiis in axillis superioribus, 
breviter stellato-pubescentibus, indumento ferrugineo, inferioribus sim- 
plicibus, ad 16 cm. longis, elongatis, floribus in partibus superioribus 
racemose dispositis, superioribus paniculatis, ad 14 cm. longis, peduncu- 
latis, ramis primariis inferioribus 2.5 cm. longis, superioribus gradatim 
brevioribus, floribus racemose dispositis, pedicellis 0.5-1 mm. longis, 
bracteolis anguste lanceolatis, stellato-pubescentibus, ad 1 mm. longis; 
sepalis liberis vel subliberis, ad 1 mm. longis, oblongis vel anguste oblongis, 
obtusis vel subacutis, stellato-pubescentibus, 1 mm. longis; petalis 5, 
glabris, liberis, oblongo-obovatis vel late oblanceolatis, obtusis, 2 mm. 
longis, 0.6-1 mm. latis; tubo glabro, libero, 1.8 mm. longo, antheris 5, 
0.4 mm. longis, inclusis, ovario dense pubescenti. 

SUMATRA: East Coast, Kota Pinang District, Si Mandi Angin on the Soengei 
Kanan, topographic sheet 41, southeast corner, Rahmat Si Toroes 4197, April— 
May, 1933, with the local name kajoe piran. 

The alliance of this species is clearly with that small group of simple- 
leaved species of which the Bornean Aglaia triandra Ridl., A. odoardoi 
Merr., A. matthewsii Merr., and A. shawiana Merr., as well as the Siamese 
A. meliosmoides Craib, are typical. It is distinguished by its vegetative 
and other characters, and particularly by its always racemosely arranged, 
shortly but distinctly pedicelled flowers. The inflorescences in the lower 
leaf axils are greatly elongated simple racemes, the flowers borne only 
along the upper 2 to 3 cm., but the uppermost inflorescence is a normal 

Walsura monophylla Elm. Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 9: 3391. 1937, descr. 

Arbor 5.5 m. alta, inflorescentiis obscure pubescentibus exceptis glabra, 
foliis omnibus 1-foliolatis. Ramulis teretibus, glabris, lenticellatis, ultimis 
circiter 2 mm. diametro; foliolis oblongo-ellipticis, coriaceis, 11-28 cm. 
longis, 4-8 cm. latis, subtus pallidis, brevissime et acute acuminatis vel 
acutis, basi plerumque obtusis, nervis primariis utrinque 10-15, subpatulis, 
curvatis, arcuato-anastomosantibus, subtus distinctioribus; petiolo 1-2 cm. 


longo; inflorescentiis terminalibus, anguste paniculatis, circiter 7 cm. 
longis, obscure pubescentibus, ramis primariis 1-1.5 cm. longis, patulis; 
floribus inter majores, flavido-albidis, circiter 4 mm. longis, 5-meris; 
sepalis triangulari-ovatis, acutis, obscure pubescentibus; petalis oblongis, 
obtusis vel subacutis, glabris, 4 mm. longis, 2 mm. latis; filamentis pubes- 
centibus, tubo deorsum utrinque glabro; fructibus junioribus 5-8 mm. 
longis, breviter ellipsoideis vel subovoideis, pubescentibus. 

A second Philippine collection of this species is Ebalo 556 from Mount 
Langogan, near Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Feb. 23, 1940; the type is 
Elmer 12903 from Brooks Point, Palawan. The above Latin description 
has been prepared to validate Elmer’s binomial. The striking character 
of the species is its strictly 1-foliolate leaves, all other known species of 
the genus havirig pinnate leaves. It has long been known that Aglaia, 
another genus of the family, does contain a fair number of species with 
strictly simple leaves, although in the vast majority of its species the leaves 
are pinnate, and in all the known species of Vavaea the leaves are strictly 
simple. This reduction of pinnate leaves to simple ones in certain species 
of Aglaia is now paralleled in Walsura. 

Aporosa cardiosperma (Gaertn.) comb. nov. 

Croton cardiospermum Gaertn. Fruct. . oe ie 107. fig. [11]. 1791. 

Agyneia latifolia Moon, Cat. Pl. Ceyl. 6 

Aporosa latifolia (Moon) Thwaites, ails Pl, Ceyl. 288. 1864; Trimen, 

Hand-book Fl. Ceyl. 4: 39. 1898; Pax & Hoffm. Pflanzenr. 81 (IV. 147 
XV): 96. 1922 

A species known only from Ceylon. The identity of Gaertner’s species 
with that later described as A. latifolia (Moon) Thwaites was determined 
by Hallier f., Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 15: 35. 1918. According to Thwaites 
the native name kebella, cited by Gaertner, belongs with the distinctly 
different Aporosa lindleyana Baill., but the characters as described by 
Gaertner and the details of his figure are those of the Thwaites, not of the 
Baillon species. 

At the end of volume two of his De fructibus et seminibus plantarum, 
Gaertner assembled under a center heading Barbarae nine alphabetically 
arranged taxa which he described and figured under their native names 
(Ceylon and Java), Fruct. 2: 485-488. pl. 180. 1791. Hallier f., op. cit., 
gave some attention to the identity of these, although the descriptions were 
manifestly not intended to represent new genera, nor are any binomials 
used. They are merely casual names for those fruits that Gaertner had 
which he could not refer to any described genus. A very few of these names 
have appeared in taxonomic literature as if genera were intended, and in 
two cases binomials are involved, although the latter were not originated 
by Gaertner. Hence, the identification of these old Gaertner taxa in terms 
of the binomial system is of only slight academic interest, as they scarcely 
bear on problems of nomenclature. The entries are as follows: 


“Balangue. E. madagasc.” 
This is the whole basis of Balangue gaertneri DC. Prodr. 8: 316. 1844. 
It is possibly some rhamnaceous plant. 

“Cucumeroides. Ex Japonia.” = Trichosanthes. 

“Edokke zeylonens.” = Chaetocarpus castanocarpus Thwaites. 

“Giek zeylonens.” = Odina wodier Roxb. = Lannea  coromandelica 
(Houtt.) Merrill, Jour. Arnold Arb. 19: 353. 1938, cum syn. 

““Zoon zelonens.” = Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken, Allgem. Naturgesch. 
3(2): 1341. 1841; Merr. Interpret. Herb. Amb. 337. 1917, Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 31: 284. 1950. (Schleichera trijuga Willd.). 

This in earlier years, was referred to the menispermaceous Pachygone 
ovata (Poir.) Miers, and appears as a synonym of that species in the 
latest monographic treatment of the family, Diels, Pflanzenr. 46(IV. 94): 
343. 1910, where it does not belong. The binomial K. zeylanicus is cur- 
rently credited to Gaertner, but he did not originate it. The earliest 
reference to it that I have located is in the synonymy of Miers’ species, 
Hooker f. & Thomson in Hook. f., Fl. Ind. 1: 105. 1872. 

“More zeylonens.” = Euphorbia longana Lam. 
“Pite-heddija javan.” = ? 
“Terme javan.” = Acronychia? 

“Wal-tiedde & Keipisan Zeylonens.” = ? 
Apparently some menispermaceous plant, perhaps Tiliacora, is repre- 


Parishia maingayi Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 30. 1876; King, Jour. As. 
Soc. Bengal 65(2): 493. 1896 (Mater. Fl. Malay. Penin. 2: 779); 
Rid]. Fl. Malay Penin. 1: 535. 1922. 

Parishia elmert Merr. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15: 168. 1929, syn. nov. 

I am now convinced that Parishia elmeri Merr. (1929), type from British 
North Borneo (Elmer 21662) belongs with Hooker’s species and it is ac- 
cordingly reduced to the latter. This gives its range as the Malay Penin- 
sula, Sumatra, Riouw, and Borneo, a very natural one. The Sumatran and 
Riouw specimens that I have seen are sterile. 

Parishia malabog Merr. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 7: Bot. 281. 1912, Enum. 
Philipp. Fl. Pl. 2: 472. 1928. 

Spondias romblonensis Elm. Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 10: 3683. 1939, descr. angl., 

syn. nov. 

The type of Elmer’s species, now reduced, is a staminate specimen, his 
number 12164 from Romblon. See the note at the end of my original de- 
scription of 1912. Luzon (Tayabas), Mindoro, Ticao, Masbate, Sibuyan, 
Tablas, Romblon, Cebu, and Sibutu Islands. Endemic. 


Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Sp. Pl. 1: 1125. 1798. 

Alsodeia glabra Burgersdyk in Miquel, Pl. Jungh. 122. 1852; Mig. Fl. Ind. 
Bat. 1(2): 116. 1858; Oudem. Arch. Néerl. 2: 199. pl. 9. 1867, syn. nov. 

Rinorea glabra O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 42. 1891, syn. nov. 

The type of Alsodeia glabra Burgersdyk, a fruiting specimen, was col- 
lected in Sumatra by Junghuhn. I had suspected from Oudeman’s excellent 
illustration, because of the terminal panicle (in fruit) and other characters, 
that a Celastrus was represented and not a representative of the violaceous 
Alsodeia = Rinorea. Accordingly, while in Leiden I looked up the type 
and found that Hallier had already made the transfer to Celastrus in the 
herbarium but that he considered that a valid species of that genus was 
represented; I can find no record of his having published this conclusion. 
To me the Junghuhn specimen represents a form of the widely distributed 
Celastrus paniculatus Willd., type from India, the species, as currently 
interpreted, extending to Ceylon, Burma, Siam, Indo-China, southeastern 
China, the Philippines, Malay Peninsula (and now Sumatra), Java, and 
Timor. I have seen no specimens from Borneo, although it is to be ex- 
pected there, as well as in Celebes and the Moluccas. Koorders, who in 
1909 studied the type of Fliiggea ? serrata Miq. (1858) from Java, cor- 
rectly reduced that species to Celastrus, and further to C. paniculatus 
Willd. Other synonyms currently placed here are: Celastrus alnifolius 
D. Don, C. dependens Wall., C. multiflorus Roxb., C. rothianus Roem. & 
Schult., C. metzianus Turcz., C. polybotrys Turcz., Ceanothus paniculatus 
Roth., Scutia paniculata G. Don, and Diosma serrata Blanco. 

Kurrimia robusta (Roxb.) Kurz, Jour. As. Soc. ee ay 73. 1870; 
Pitard in Lecomte, Fl. Gén. Indo-Chine 1: 893. 

Celastrus robustus Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2: 395. 

Bhesa moja Ham. ex Arn. Edinb. ae Philos. en 16: 315. 1834. 

Rhesa moja Walp. Repert. 1: 538. 1 

Kurrimia pulcherrima Wall. List no. yer 1830, nom.; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. 

Brit. Ind. 1: 622. 1875, descr. 
Nothocnestis sumatrana Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 531. 1862. 
Sarcosperma tonkinense H. Lecomte, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 24: 534. 
Fl. Gén. Indo-Chine 3: 914. 1930, syn. nov. 

In their critical treatment of the Sarcaspermataceae, Lam and Varos- 
sieau, Blumea 3: 198. 1939, who had seen Lecomte’s type, a fruiting speci- 
men, correctly eliminated Sarcosperma tonkinense H. Lecomte from the 
genus and family and concluded that it was probably not even a sapo- 
taceous plant; no identification of it was suggested. While in Paris in 
August 1950, I examined the type and at once the problem resolved itself. 
Manifestly Lecomte’s type, Bon 3974, represents a species of the cela- 
straceous Kurrimia, not a Sarcosperma. Direct comparisons then made 
showed that it was a fruiting specimen of the rather common and widely 


distributed Kurrimia robusta (Roxb.) Kurz, which extends from Khasia 
and Silhet to Burma, Siam, and Indo-China southward to Singapore and 
Sumatra. I think that Nothocnestis sumatrana Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 
531, 1862, is correctly placed as a synonym of Roxburgh’s species, for 
although I have not seen its type I take Netherl. Ind. For. Serv. 31688, 
32124 from Palembang, Sumatra, the type locality of Miquel’s monotypic 
genus, to represent it, and I refer these two modern collections to Kurrimia 
robusta (Roxb.) Kurz. 

Ventilago gamblei nom. nov. 

Ventilago lanceolata Gamble, Kew Bull. 1916: 134. a Alston in Trimen 
Hand-book FI. Ceyl. Suppl. 49. 1931, non Merr. (1915). 
A new name is needed for this species of southern India and Ceylon, as 
the one selected by Gamble in 1916 had been used by me for a different 
Philippine species one year earlier. 


Elaeocarpus tectorius (Lour.) Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 2: 704. 
1812, excl. fruct.; Merr. Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. II. 24(2) : 256. 1935. 

Craspedum tectorium Lour. F]. Cochinch. 336. 1790, i eee 411.1793. 

Dicera craspedum J. F. Gmel. ex DC. Prodr. 1: 520. 

Elaeocarpus robustus sensu Merr. Jour. Arnold . ee 189. 1951, excl. syn. 

plur., non Roxb. § Chascanthus. 

This is an endemic species of Indo-China erroneously placed as the 
equivalent of Elaeocarpus robustus Roxb., the type of which was from 
Silhet, India. In the rather extensive synonymy cited by me in 1951 only 
Craspedum tectorium Lour. and Dicera craspedum J. F. Gmel. actually 
belong with the Loureiro Elaeocarpus species above cited. Loureiro’s genus 
and species were based on specimens from the vicinity of Hue, Indo-China. 
Clemens 3688 (in flower) and 4156 (in fruit) were collected near Tourane, 
which is about 100 kilometers south of Hue. Clearly most of the Cochin- 
chinese species characterized by Loureiro were observed in the vicinity 
of Hue, where he lived for many years. Both the Clemens’ numbers are 
in the Paris and the University of California herbaria, and the first is also 
at Kew and the Arnold Arboretum. In 1951 I very critically compared the 
Kew specimen with the Loureiro one at the British Museum, and surely a 
single species is represented. Clemens 3688 is with mature flowers: the 
Loureiro specimen has very immature buds. 

The Loureiro original description is ample and well prepared. He un- 
fortunately “guessed” at the fruit characters in his generic description of 
Craspedum, and for this reason Corner illogically refused to recognize 
Craspedum tectorium Lour. as worthy of consideration. I disagreed with 


him then as I do now, for all one has to do is to exclude the description 
of the fruit in Loureiro’s generic account of Craspedum; the specific de- 
scription was wholly based on a flowering specimen. 

Dr. Gagnepain in 1943 (Not. Syst. 11: 1-14) increased the number of 
Indo-Chinese species of Elaeocarpus by describing twelve new ones. He 
did not indicate the sections in accordance with Schlechter’s scheme of 
classification, but no less than eight of them belong in Chascanthus by the 
indicated number of ovary cells (3) and the number of ovules in each 
cell (2). 

This note is prepared to correct my error of 1951 when I misinterpreted 
Loureiro’s species by reducing it to Elaeocarpus robustus Roxb. I add 
brief descriptive data based on the Loureiro specimen in the British Mu- 
seum and Clemens 3688, 4156 from near the type locality. Dr. Gagnepain 
left the two Clemens collections in the Paris herbarium without comment 
under the binomial Elaeocarpus tectorius (Lour.) Poir. which I assigned 
to them when the identifications were made by me and the sets of dupli- 
cates were distributed in 1927-28. I can only assume he approved of my 
identifications. I am indebted to Dr. Tardieu-Blot for checking the 

Leaves nearly or quite glabrous, 7-13 cm. long and 3—5.5 cm. wide; 
lateral nerves 7 to 9 or 10 pairs; petiole 2—3.5 cm. long; flowers about 
1 cm. in diameter, the petals 20—-30-laciniate; ovary hairy, 3-celled, cells 
2-ovulate. Fruit ellipsoid, sharply apiculate, practically glabrous, the bony 
endocarp very rugose. A photograph of the Loureiro specimens, a carbon 
rubbing of a full-grown leaf, and extensive notes are in the Arnold Arbo- 
retum herbarium; this was a second and later collection by Loureiro, sent 
by him as representing his species. The specimen is not the actual type. 

Saurauia costata Reinw. ex de Vriese, P]. Ind. Bat. Or. 56. 1856. 

Saurauia warburgii Koord. Meded. Lands Plant. 19: 354, 644. 1898, Suppl. 
Fl. Celeb. 2: pl. 80. 1922 (poor), 3: 39. 1922, syn. nov. 

Reinwardt’s species was based on material collected by him in October 
1821 on Mount Sempo, Celebes, there being three sheets of this collection 
in the Rijksherbarium, Leiden. It is suspected that Koorders did not see 
these specimens, for otherwise he would scarcely have proposed S. war- 
burgiit Koord. as new in 1898. The latter was based on Koorders 18954, 
19283, from Minahassa Province, northeastern Celebes. The several sheets 
representing the two supposedly different species are so similar that all 
might have been taken off the same plant or stand of plants. 

De Vriese, in publishing Reinwardt’s description, noted that this Celebes 
form resembled a Philippine collection, Cuming 455, which de described, 
l.c., as Saurauia exasperata De Vr.; this is, however, Saurauia latibractea 
Choisy (1854) as I understand that species, one that clearly is not closely 
allied to S. costata Reinw. Koorders stated that his new species was allied 


to the Philippine Saurauia elegans (Choisy) F.-Vill. (S. rugosa Turcz.), 
and Stapf had noted on one of the Reinwardt sheets that it was “very near 
S. rugosa Turcz.” In the latter species, which occurs in most provinces in 
Luzon and in Mindoro, the lax, long-peduncled, many-flowered inflores- 
cences are up to 16 cm. long and 10 to 12 cm. wide, while its smaller leaves 
are, as Koorders noted, rounded, not cordate, at the base. He described 
the inflorescences of FE. warburcii Koord. as only 2.5 cm. long. Although 
the vegetative characters of the two species are suggestively similar, I do 
not think that they are closely allied. 

Saurauia lanceolata DC. Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genéve 1: 421. 
1821, quoad descr., excl. 44 4; DC. Prodr. 1: 526. 1824; De Vriese, 
Pi. Ind. Bat. Or. 39, 18 

This is a very curious case. It is suspected that most authors have 
interpreted De Candolle’s species from his distinctly good plate. His 
technical description was based wholly on a Javan specimen, Leschenault 
643, the type being in the Paris herbarium. An excellent photograph of 
this type, kindly supplied by Madame Tardieu-Blot, is before me, includ- 
ing even the supplementary sheet with sketches of the flower and dissection 
notes. As will be seen from the photograph, the Leschenault specimen 
(no. 643) has only slightly developed inflorescences. This type should be 
compared critically with that of Saurauia micrantha Blume from Mt. Gede. 
Although no exact locality in Java is given for S. lanceolata DC., it would 
have to be from a readily accessible place, such as Mt. Gede. 

The strange thing is how De Candolle’s plate became associated with 
the Javan species. Zollinger, Syst. Verzeichn. 148. 1854, noted the great 
similarity of illustration to the South American S. ruiziana Steud., stating: 
“S. lanceolata DC. Mem. t. IV tam similis est S. Ruizianae Steud. 
(Ap[ateria] lanceolata D.C) ut nullomodo distincta videatur quamvis 
petalis basi coalitis. An de patria error quisdam in herbario Parisii adfuit?” 
Madame Tardieu-Blot says: “Le type est glabre (photo) et correspond 
a la description. Au contraire, la figure (Pl. IV) est trés differente (velue) 
et cadre trés bien avec S. Ruiziana.’’ De Candolle’s specific epithet has 
priority over any other designating a plant with which this tvpe can be 


Calophyllum rotundifolium Ridl. Jour. Fed. Malay States Mus. 5: 22. 
1914; Fl. Mal. Penin. 1: 188. 1922 

British North Borneo, Mount. Kinabalu, Clemens 30984, 31428, 35038, 
40705, 50316. The altitudinal range is indicated on two labels as 4,000 
and 5,000 ft. I cannot distinguish this strongly marked species from 
Ridley’s type at Kew. The sessile, broadly cordate, suborbicular to broadly 
ovate leaves vary in length from 2 to 7 cm., their apices rounded or very 
broadly rounded occasionally slightly retuse. Malay Peninsula (Selangor), 
alt. 5000 ft. New to Borneo. 


Rinorea lanceolata (Roxb.) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1: 42. 1891. 

Vareca lanceolata Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2: 446. 1824, ed. 2, . is 1832. 

Celastrus pauciflora Wall. in Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2: 400. 1 

Pentaloba lanceolata Wall. List no. 4023. 1830, nom. 

slr ll p ie Jack ex Griff. Calcutta a Nat. Hist. 4: 195. 

rie ae Oudem. Arch. Néerl. 2: 196. pl. 6. 1867; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. 
Ind. 1: 188. 1872; King & Gamble, Jour. As. Soc. Bengal 58 Aye 404. 1889 
(Mater. FI. Malay. Penin. 1: 48); Ridl. Fl. Malay Penin. 1: 131. 1922. 

For a rather sharply characterized species known only from Penang 
Island, this has accumulated a considerable synonymy. My attention was 
called to it through an attempt to place the generally ignored binomials 
Pittosporum ? serrulatum Jack and Celastrus pauciflora Wall., both based 
on Penang material. Jack sent a copy of his description to Wallich, who 
realized at once that no Pittosporum was represented, and, as he says he 
had no specimens from Jack, he apparently surmised from the description 
that Celastrus might be the proper place for it and so described it as his 
own species, although stating that the description was from Jack. Griffith, 
who edited the Calcutta reprint of Jack’s plant descriptions in 1843, says 
that his data were from Jack’s MS., yet these are the same as those pub- 
lished under Celastrus pauciflora Wall. It is suspected that Jack did send 
a specimen to Wallich which the latter failed to associate with Jack’s man- 
uscript description. Under Vareca lanceolata Roxb. Flora Ind. 2: 446. 
1824, Wallich states: “I have specimens belonging probably to this plant, 
which were collected at Pinang by W. Jack, who in a Mss. note says: 
‘I am at a loss what to make of this shrub. I thought it might be a Vareca 
(according to Roxburgh) but the capsule is one-celled, three-valved, with 
parietal placentae.’”’ There is a specimen of Wallich 4023, type collection 
of Pentaloba lanceolata Wall. which, as far as the record goes, was not 
based on Vareca lanceolata Roxb., and two modern collections of the 
species from Penang in the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum. As far as 
the two somewhat generalized descriptions of Jack and of Wallich are 
concerned, they agree in all respects with the characters of Rinorea lanceo- 
lata (Roxb.) O. Kuntze, the type of which was from Penang. 

Rinorea semigyrata (Turcz.) J. J. Sm. in Koord. & Val. Meded. Dep. 
Landbouw 18: 73. 1914 (Bijdr. Boomsoort. Java 13: 73). 

Pentaloba semigyrata Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 27 (2): 342. 1854. 

Alsodeia disticha Zoll. ex Teysm. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bogor. 183. 1866, nom., 
et in Miq. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 4: 216. 1869, mom., syn. nov. 

Alsodeia semigyrata Turcz. ex Jacks. Ind. Kew. 1: 93. 1893. 

Alsodeia paradoxa Blume ex Oudem. a Folge 2: 204. pl. 15. 1867, et in 
Miq. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 71. 1867. 

Rinorea paradoxa J. J. Sm. in Koord. . Val. op. cit. 67; Van Ooststr. in 
Backer Beknopte Fl. Java 4a (1): Fam. 48. 3. 1942. 


Turczaninow’s specific name is apparently the oldest valid one for this 
rare, or perhaps even extinct Javan species. His type was Zollinger 2979, 
and a duplicate of this collection is in the herbarium of the Arnold Arbo- 
retum, acquired in 1941 from the Boston Museum of Natural History, 
having originally been in the private herbarium of John Amory Lowell. 
The original description is short and unsatisfactory, leading J. J. Smith, 
who reproduced it in 1914, to think that perhaps some genus other than 
Rinorea was represented; yet he actually effected the transfer of the 
specific epithet to Rinorea. Van Ooststroom in 1942 apparently saw only 
the Blume material at Leiden, there being at least four sheets labeled by 
Blume as Alsodeia paradoxa; these specimens came from the Salak and 
Boerangrang Mountains, western Java. The region has been very inten- 
sively explored in the past century. He noted that the species had ap- 
parently not been collected since Blume’s time. I cannot distinguish 
Zollinger 2979 from these Blume specimens, its label merely indicating 
that it was collected in Java. It also bears an unpublished Zollinger bino- 
mial in Jmhofia. This leads me to reduce, without question, the nomen 
nudum, Alsodeia disticha Zoll., as this specific epithet is the one that ap- 
pears on our Zollinger specimen sub Jmhofia. It is suspected that at first 
Zollinger thought that he had a representative of a new genus and then 
found that the generic name originally assigned to his number 2979 was 
a preoccupied one. Teijsmann and Binnendijk, who first printed the Zol- 
linger binomial, merely indicate the species as being from “Ind. or.’’ Some 
of the higher numbers of the Zollinger collection distributed under Java 
labels were actually from Sumatra. 

I note that although Rinorea semigyrata J. J. Sm. was legitimately 
published in 1914, it was overlooked by the compilers to the supplements 
to Index Kewensis. Further I note that the binomial Alsodeia semigyrata 
was not actually published by Turczaninow, Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 36(1): 
559. 1863, as currently accepted. All that he stated was that his three 
species of Pentaloba (P. corylifolia, P. fasciculata, and P. semigvrata) 
represented species of Alsodeia, but he made no actual transfers. 

Lagerstroemia speciosa (Linn.) Pers. (L. flos-reginae Retz.) 

I have always been impressed by the apparent reluctance of certain 
taxonomists to accept changes in the accepted names of plants on the basis 
of the priority rule, no matter what the evidence is, and no matter what 
botanist upset the use of a generally accepted binomial strictly in accord- 
ance with the Code. A case in point is the very common and widely dis- 
tributed Lagerstroemia speciosa (Linn.) Pers. versus the later L. flos- 
reginae Retz. When Koehne’s monograph of the Lythraceae appeared 
(Pflanzenreich 17 (IV. 216): 1-326. fig. 1-59. 1903) he correctly ac- 
cepted the Linnaean specific epithet, and as he was known to be a very 
critical worker, I did not hesitate to accept his conclusions. The species 


extends from northern India southward and eastward through Malaysia 
to New Guinea and northeastern Australia, and is, I suppose, one of the 
most frequently collected of the arborescent species because it is so com- 
mon and so conspicuous, when in flower, in most parts of its very wide 
range. From Koehne’s references it is manifest that he had checked the 
first publication of the name-bringing binomial. I was therefore somewhat 
surprised to note that Mr. Corner, Gard. Bull. Straits Settl. 10; 272. 
1939, rather curtly rejected ZL. speciosa (Linn.) Pers. and accepted the 
later L. flos-reginae Retz. He rested his case on King’s statement, Jour. 
As. Soc. Bengal 67(2): 9. 1898, and manifestly did not check the original 
documents. King’s whole argument is merely that the acceptance of the 
Linnaean specific name of 1771 was inadmissible, as ‘‘he describes 
M{unchausia| speciosa as a shrub [which is true, as Linnaeus does say 
“arbuscula”; he had a plant grown in a greenhouse in Germany], whereas 
this plant [L. flos-reginae Retz.| is a large tree; moreover the rest of the 
description would apply to various other species of Lagerstroemia.” The 
last part of this statement is true, for the Linnaean description of 1771 is 
very short and very unsatisfactory. Yet the species is by no means always 
a large tree; I have seen immature plants in full flower on Luzon that 
were not more than 2 m. high. But what Koehne did not overlook, as did 
both King and Corner, is that the original description of Munchausia 
jpeg Linn. was published in Muenchhausen’s Der Hausvater 5: 357. 
pl. 2. 1770. This description is not only an ample one, but it is accom- 
ne by a really excellent plate; and the plant described and illustrated 
is in all respects L. flos-reginae Retz. = L. speciosa (L.) Pers. Yet Corner 
would maintain Retzius’ specific name even at this late date. The descrip- 
tion. according to Muenchhausen’s own statement, was prepared by Lin- 
naeus. in spite of the fact that a year later Linnaeus credited it to Muench- 
hausen. The specimens on which the description and the illustration 
were based were from a plant cultivated in the Botanical Garden at 
Goettingen, the source of it being stated as Java, and at the same time the 
common Javanese name dboengoes was listed, the modern boengoer which 
is widely used in western Java. Muenchhausen said Java and China, — 
Linnaeus only China. 

Turning to the Linnaean herbarium, a set of photographs of all the 
sheets being available at the Arnold Arboretum, there are three sheets in 
the Munchausia cover, none of them actually named by Linnaeus; but two 
of these are manifestly this very common Lagerstroemia, and for the most 
part the plate illustrating the species might have been drawn from these: 
and in Linnaeus’ handwriting on one of these is the name boengoes. 

We who attempt to apply the approved rules of nomenclature in the 
determination of the oldest valid specific name for this or that species are 
always subject to criticism on the part of those who apparently abhor 
changes in names of well-known species. Generally speaking it will prob- 
ably be admitted that those who make changes try to do the best that 
they can with the data which are available to them. We all make mistakes, 
but that is no reason why we should be tacitly condemned merely because 


we do, on occasion, correctly interpret a Linnaean type. There is no ap- 
proved method whereby the oldest specific name can be abandoned in 
this case. 

Ardisia oligocarpa nom. nov. 

Ardisia oligantha Elm. Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 4: 1496. 1912; Merr. Enum. Philipp. 
Fl. Pl. 4: 260. 1923, non Baker (1885), nec Mez (190 2). 

The type and only known collection is Elmer 12310 from Sibuyan, the 
flowers unknown. The species belongs in the subgenus Pyrgus in the alli- 
ance with Ardisia perrottetiana A. DC. and A. serrata Pers., but has much 
smaller, differently shaped, entire or nearly entire leaves, and short in- 
fructescences with very few fruits and apparently with very few flowers. 

Ardisia diversifolia Koord. & Val. Meded. Lands Plant. 33: 249, 1900 
(Bijdr. 5: 249). 
Ardisia oligantha Mez, Pflanzenr. 9 (IV. 246): 134. 1902, syn. nov. 
Ardisia javanica A. DC. var. oligantha Blume ex Scheff. Comm. Myrsin. 
Archipel. Ind. 74. 1867. 

The Mez binomial was based on a single Reinwardt specimen from 
Mount Salatta, Java, in the Rijksherbarium, Leiden. It is not accounted 
for in Backer’s recent treatment of the Myrsinaceae of Java, Beknopte 
F]. Jav. VIIB Myrsinaceae 1-20. 1948. I do not see how this can be 
distinguished from the Koorders and Valeton species, of which Mez saw 
no specimens. He placed the latter next to his new one, stating “ex de- 
scriptione sequenti [A. oligantha Mez] peraffinis’; and in his key to the 
species on page 73 he apparently could discover no characters by which 
the two could be distinguished, merely inserting the Javan A. diversifolia 
Koord. & Val. between A. verrucosa Presl, a Philippine species. and 4. 
oligantha Mez of Java, but indicating no separating characters 

Ardisia taytayensis nom. nov. 

Ardisia pachyphylla Merr. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 12: Bot. 157. 1917. Enum. 
Philipp. Fl. Pl. 3: 261. 1923, non Dunn (1912). 
A species known from Palawan and Balabac, Merrill 9188, 9216, Escritor 
Bur. Sci. 21613. 

Discocalyx papuana (S. Moore) comb. nov. 

Embelia papuana S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II. 9: 106. 1916. 

The type and only known collection is a Boden-Kloss specimen, Wol- 
laston expedition from Camp VIb Mt. Carstensz, New Guinea, alt. about 
1200 m. This is clearly a small erect shrub, not scandent as are all repre- 
sentatives of Embelia; Moore did not indicate its habit, and there are no 

Embelia cotinoides (S. Moore) comb. nov. 
Maesa cotinoides S. Moore, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II. 9: 103. 1916. 

The type of this in the herbarium of the British Museum is an excellent 
specimen collected by C. Boden-Kloss at Camp Vla Mt. Carstensz alt. 
940 m. on the Wollaston expedition to New Guinea, 1912-13. It is in all 
respects an Embelia of the subgenus Evembelia in the general alliance 
with Embelia sarasinorum Mez of Celebes and the more widely distributed 
Malayan F. coriacea Wall. but is very distinct from both. 

EMBELIA ? LUCIDA Wall. List no. 2315. 1830, nom. nud., et ex A. DC. in 
Trans. Linn. Soc. 17: 134. 1834, descr., Prodr. 8: 87. 1844 = Anti- 
desma coriaceum Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ITI. 15: 204. 1851, non 
Antidesma lucidum Merr. (1906). 

When a species is described as new but placed not only in the wrong 
genus but in a family remote from the one to which it belongs, it is some- 
times worth while to prepare a record when a correct reduction can be 
made, Although Mez saw the holotype in the De Candolle herbarium, he 
was unable to place the species, merely indicating that it did not belong 
in the Myrsinaceae. At my request Mr. Burkill examined Wallich 2315 
at Kew, the type collection from Singapore, and reported to me that, al- 
though no flowers are left on the specimen (it was apparently pistillate, 
judging from De Candolle’s description), Embelia ? lucida Wall. is safely 
the same as Antidesma coriaceum Tul. Other synonyms are Antidesma 
fallax, Muell.-Arg. (1865) and A. pachyphyllum Merr. (1916). Wallich’s 
name cannot be used in Antidesma because of the different Antidesma 
lucidum Merr. (1906). Penang, Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Borneo; 
planted at Bogor, Java, fide Pax & Hoffmann. 

Maesa megaphylla Merr. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 12: Bot. 158. 1917, Enum. 
Philipp. Fl. Pl. 3: 255. 1923. 

Maesa lobuligera Mez, Repert. Sp. Nov. 16: 310. 1920. 

Maesa megalobotrys Merr. op. cit. 20: 422. 1922, syn. 

Maesa celebica Koord. ex Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verseich. Herb. Koord. 3: 

100. 1914, nom. nud., syn. nov. 

The type of Maesa megaphylla Merr. was Wenzel 1510 from Leyte, 
that of M. lobuligera Mez, Foxworthy Bur. Sci. 727 from Palawan, that 
of M. megalobotrys Merr., Merrill 9176 from Palawan, and that of M. 
celebica Koord., Koorders 18174 from Minahassa, northeastern Celebes. 
Had Koorders published a description of the latter, then his specific name 
would be the accepted one for this rather strongly marked species. The 
specimen of Koorders 18174 at the Rijksherbarium, which I have seen, 
is fragmentary and sterile, consisting of a branchlet and two large glabrous 
detached leaves, these about 15 to 18 cm. long and 9 to 12 cm. wide. It 
is suspected that the reason why Koorders published no description is that 
he had only sterile material. In such a critical genus as Maesa, where 


species are often distinguished by very slight characters, some might 
hesitate in reducing a binomial to synonymy where only vegetative parts 
are known, but the agreements in this case are so close, and the flora of 
northern Celebes is so similar to that of the Philippines, that I do not 
hesitate to place Koorders’ name in synonymy. It is perhaps unreason- 
able to discuss the reduction of a mere nomen nudum in detail. Actual 
specimens now available to me are: Leyte, Wenzel 1275, 1510, 1627 (two 
of these distributed under another binomial invalidated by Maesa platy- 
phylla Elm.); Bohol, Ramos Bur. Sci. 43324; Dinagat, Ramos & Con- 
vocar Bur. Sci. 84657; Celebes, Minahassa, Koorders 18174. No specimen 
of Merrill 9176 is at present available to me. From the description I had 
surmised that Maesa megalobotrys Merr. was not distinct from M. mega- 
phylla Merr., and Dr, E. H. Walker, after examining an isotype of the 
former in the U. S. National Herbarium, confirms this reduction of it. 
It is also recorded from Palawan and from Mindanao. 


Ligustrum robustum (Roxb.) Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1: 313. 
1850; Mansf. Bot. Jahrb. 59: Beibl. 132: 44. 1924, cum syn. 

Phillyrea robusta Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1: 101. 1820. 
Olea puberula Ridl. Jour. Straits Br. Roy. As. Soc. 59: 128. 1911, Fl. Malay 
Penin. 2: 318. 1923, syn. nov. 

In checking certain types of Olea at Kew in 1950 I noted a duplicate 
type of Olea puberula Ridl., ie., Ridley 15223 from Perlis, Malay Penin- 
sula, and although the specimen is a poorly prepared one, manifestly 
Ligustrum rather than Olea is represented; this might be suspected from 
Ridley’s description of his species as having terminal panicles. The note 
made at the time is to the effect that it was apparently a form of Ligustrum 
robustum (Roxb.) Blume with inflorescences narrower than in the typical 
form. As Roxburgh’s species is currently interpreted, it extends from 
Nepaul, Silhet, Assam, and Bengal to Chittagong, Burma, Siam, Indo- 
China, and Sumatra, so that this extension of range to the Malay Penin- 
sula is not surprising. For the present I prefer thus to dispose of Ridley’s 
species, rather than by transferring his specific name to Ligustrum; in any 
case this is the first record of the genus Ligustrum for the Malay Peninsula. 

Linociera pachyphylla sp. nov. 

Arbor glabra, inflorescentiis parcissime pubescentibus exceptis, ramulis 
ultimis subpallidis, teretibus, consperse lenticellatis, 3-4 mm. diametro, 
nodis superioribus plus minusve compressis; foliis crasse coriaceis, rigidis, 
siccis utrinque brunneis vel castaneis, subconcoloribus vel subtus paullo 
pallidioribus, supra nitidis, oblongis vel oblongo-ellipticis, 18-27 cm. 
longis, 7-9 cm. latis, breviter subobtuse acuminatis, basi late acutis, nervis 
primariis utrinque 10-12, supra impressis, subtus elevatis, perspicuis, 
circiter ad marginem valde curvatis, fere anastomosantibus, reticulis pri- 


mariis laxis, obscuris, secundariis obsoletis; petiolo crasso, 1.5-2 cm. 
longo; inflorescentiis axillaribus, solitariis, breviter pedunculatis vel e basi 
ramosis, 6—7 cm. longis, ramis primariis patulis vel adscendentibus; flor- 
ibus numerosis, breviter pedicellatis, bracteis inferioribus crassissime 
coriaceis, ovatis, concavis, circiter 3 mm. longis, superioribus brevioribus; 
petalis fere liberis, loriformibus, obtusis, 5 mm. longis, basi circiter 1.5 mm 
latis, sursum vix 1 mm, latis; antheris 1.1 mm. longis. 

BORNEO: Sarawak: Native collector 584, notes lost. 

This was distributed as representing Linociera callophylla (Blume) 
Knobl., but it proves to be remote from the species that Blume character- 
ized. It belongs in the group with Linociera pluriflora Knobl., differing in 
its very rigid, thickly coriaceous leaves and shorter inflorescences. Other 
species in this assemblage are L. nitens Koord. and L. verruculosa Merr., 
but here again the vegetative characters alone separate this proposed new 

Linociera stenura sp. nov. 

Arbor glaberrima, ramulis ultimis gracilibus teretibus, 1 mm. diametro; 
foliis coriaceis, in sicco pallidis, vix vel obscure nitidis, utrinque sub- 
concoloribus, lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, basi acutis, 11-15 cm. 
longis, 2-4 cm. latis, ab infra medium sursum gradatim angustatis, apice 
longe graciliter caudato-acuminatis, acuminibus 1-2 cm. longis, obtusis; 
nervis primariis utrinque circiter 12, inter se plerumque 1-— 1.5 cm. dis- 
tantibus, patulis, obscuris, 2-3 mm. a margine confiuentibus, reticulis 
laxissimis, obscuris vel subobsoletis: petiolo 2.5 mm. longo; inflorescentiis 
axillaribus, solitariis, brevibus paucifloris, circiter 8 mm. longis, glabris; 
floribus usque ad 9, plerumque 3-5, breviter (1-1.5 mm.) pedicellatis, 
4-meris, petalis linearibus, circiter 5 mm. longis, deorsum leviter ampliatis 
sed basi vix 0.5 mm. latis. 

CELEBES: Malili District, G. Kjellberg 2120, August 19, 1929, a tree with 
white flowers on riverbank at Waraoe, altitude 50 m., TYPE in the Stockholm 
herbarium, a fragment in the recoil of the Arnold Arboretum. 

A species strikingly characterized by its distantly and obscurely nerved 
leaves which are very slenderly caudate-acuminate, gradually narrowed 
upward from below the middle, the obscure nerves spreading at nearly 
right angles and anastomosing with the equally inconspicuous and some- 
what arched submarginal nerves 2-3 mm. from the leaf margin, the reticu- 
lations very lax, obscure or even subobsolete. Its few-flowered, axillary, 
solitary racemes are less than 1 cm, in length, even including the 5 mm. 
long very narrow petals. 

Linociera ridleyi nom. nov. 

Linociera ee Ridl. Jour. Fed. Malay States Mus. 8 (4): 61. 1917, 
non Knobl. 


The type of Ridley’s species is a specimen collected on Korinchi Peak, 
Sumatra, at an altitude of about 7300 ft. He stated that it is allied to 
Linociera montana (Blume) DC. of Java. 

Linociera sp. 

Microtropis ? lanceolata Boerl. & Koord. in Koord.-Schum. Syst. Verzeich. 
Herb. Koord. 2: 33. 1911 

The type of this species is Koorders 10283 from Sumatra, a fruiting 
specimen which in 1940, on the basis of an actual examination of the type 
in the Bogor herbarium, we could not place other than as a species of 
Linociera, perhaps allied to L. oligantha Merr.; see Merrill & Freeman, 
“The Old World species of the celastraceous genus Microtropis Wallich,”’ 
Proc, Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 73: 307. 1940. It seems as unwise now to pro- 
pose a new name for this imperfectly known species in Linociera as it 
did to us in 1940, However, to call attention to this misplaced entity, it 
has been considered desirable to make a record of it in the family and 
genus to which the species manifestly belongs. Linociera lanceolata Knobl. 
(1933), the name of a Santo Domingo species, invalidates the use of the 
epithet of Boerlage and Koorders in Linociera. 


Micrechites micrantha (Miq.) Hallier f. Jahrb. Hamb. Wissensch. 
Anstalt. 17: 156. 1899 (1900), im nota; Bakhuizen v. d. Brink in 
Backer, Beknopte Fl. Jav. 7B: Apoc. 32. 1948, Blumea 6: 389. 1950. 

Otopetalum micranthum haps Fl. Ind. Bat. 2: 400. 1857, Versl. Meded. Kon. 
Akad. Wetensch. 6: 191. 1857. 
Ecdysanthera schrieckii v: Huerck & Muell.-Arg. Obs. Bot. 191. 1870 
Micrechites schrieckii Rolfe, Jour. Bot. 23: 214. 1885: be Phan. ‘Cuming. 
Philipp. 126. 1885; Merr. Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 3: 332. 
Micrechites polyantha sensu King & Gamble, Jour. As. ei “Bengal 74 (2): 
504. 1907 [ Mater. Fl. Malay. Penin. 4 (no. 19): 714], non Miquel. 
Trachelospermum philippinense Elm. Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 2: 488. 1908. 
Micrechites furcata Ridl. Jour. Roy. As. Soc. Straits Br. 79: 95. 1918, Fl. 
Malay Penin. 2: 368. 1923 
This adjustment in the nomenclature of Micrechites schrieckii Rolfe, 
long considered to be a Philippine endemic, is necessary. Hallier f. in 1900, 
on the basis of a critical examination of its type specimen, determined the 
status of Otopetalum micranthum Miq. Miquel’s description of its fruits 
s “Bacca corticata, semina intra pulpam fibrosum recepta (adhuc valde 
immatura),” and again in the species description as “baccae globosae 
ovoideae” is, of course, an impossible one for Micrechites, the fruits of 
which are slender follicles; what he actually mistook for immature fruits 
were corolla tubes deformed by insects. Boerlage, Handl. Fl. Nederl. Ind. 
2: 379-380. 1899, had discussed this case previous to Hallier’s extensive 
consideration of it. The latter actually utilized nearly six pages of print 


in his greatly detailed study of the problem, and even then succeeded in 
burying his new binomial in the text (p. 156) as “Micrechites micrantha 
m.” where all bibliographers overlooked it for nearly half a century (it 
still is not listed in Index Kewensis); and at the same time its name- 
bringing synonym is equally buried in the text on page 152. I suspect that 
even Bakhuizen van den Brink might have overlooked this strangely 
published new binomial but for the fact that Hallier had added a reference 
on the type sheet to “Kautsch, Lianen p. 156. 1900”; this I noted, in the 
herbarium, and this it was that led me to Bakhuizen van den Brink’s 1948 
consideration of the case. I accept the synonymy as given by him, and add 
several other binomials. 

The species, as I now understand it, extends from Siam and the Malay 
Peninsula (Maingay 1081) to Sumatra, Java, and also occurs more or 
less throughout the Philippines. There are, however, available for study 
only comparatively few collections except for the Philippine area, where 
about twenty are available. Among the previously unlisted ones are 
McGregor Bur. Sci. 47371 from Tayabas Province, Luzon, Ebalo 940 from 
Basilan, and Wenzel 3403 from Surigao Province, Mindanao. There are 
in the Leiden herbarium certain Javan collections named by Blume as 
representing Tabernaemontana polyantha Blume which actually represent 
Micrechites micrantha (Miq.) Hall. f., but there are also other specimens 
which represent Micrechites polyantha (Blume) Mig. as currently under- 
stood, I follow Bakhuizen van den Brink in his interpretation of M. mz- 
crantha (Miq.) Hall. f. 

Clerodendron fortunei Hemsl. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 259. 1890. 
srcesicls simile Merr. Govt. Lab. Publ. 35: 64. 1906, non Pearson (1901), 

Pe pon 6 ie mindorense Merr. oe Jour. Sci. Bot. 7: 342. 1912, Enum. 
Philipp. Fl. Pl. 3: 404. 1923, syn. 

Hemsley’s description of thea fortunei was based on two sheets 
of a Fortune collection merely indicated as coming from China. I had 
seen the type in 1935 and was then impressed with its close resemblance 
to certain Philippine forms. In September 1950 I again examined the 
type and compared it with specimens representing several Philippine 
species. I am now convinced that the Fortune specimens were taken from 
cultivated plants in China, for nothing like it has appeared in the very 
large collections made in southeastern and eastern China in the past thirty 
vears. I do not hesitate to reduce the Philippine C. simile Merr. = C. 
mindorense Merr. to C. fortunei Hemsl. Hemsley described the corollas 
as 2 in. long; the longest one I observed was 4 cm. in length. Those of 
C. mindorense Merr. are 3 to 4 cm. long (original description 3 cm.). An 
allied form is C. klemmei Elm. from medium and higher altitudes in 
northern Luzon, but its corollas are 6 cm. in th. 

Chinese associations with the Philippines have extended over a period 


of about 2000 years. It is well known that they introduced into the Archi- 
pelago various economic plants, for a considerable number of these exotics 
are still known in the Philippines only by their Chinese names. Occasion- 
ally they also introduced an ornamental or merely curious species, as 
exemplified by Vidal’s collection of the bignoniaceous Markhamia cauda- 
felina (Hance) Craib in Albay Province, Luzon; see Sprague in Kew Bull. 
1919: 310. 1919. The associations between Amoy and Manila were pecul- 
iarly close, and it may be that the Fortune collection came from plants 
cultivated at Amoy. On the other hand it is more than possible that they 
were taken from plants cultivated in the Fatee Gardens, across the river 
from Canton, which Fortune visited in 1843 and described the next year, 
Gard. Chron. 1844: 590. 1844. The Fatee Gardens still exist, being a 
series of nurseries on Lingnan Island where ornamental plants are prop- 
agated and sold. In the Philippines the species occurs at low altitudes, 
extending from northern Luzon to Mindoro, Semerara, Negros, and Min- 
danao. Additional collections at Kew are Cuming 1475 from Batangas 
Province, Luzon, Vidal 3453 from Laguna Province, Luzon, and Loker 
4414 from conten Luzon. There is a photograph of Hemsley’s type in the 
herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum. 

Clerodendron cyrtophyllum Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 36(1): 
222. 1863. 
Clerodendron amplius Hance, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V. 5: 233. 1866. 
Clerodendron formosanum Maxim. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 31: 85. 1886, 
Mél. Biolog. 12: 519. 1886. 

Cordia venosa Hemsl. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 143. 1890. 

My interest in looking up Hemsley’s type in 1950 was inspired by the 
same motives as was the case with Clerodendron fortunei Hemsl.; that is, 
that in the Boraginaceae nothing appeared in the very large modern col- 
lections from Chekiang that have passed through my hands in the past 
thirty years that even suggested the species Hemsley characterized. The 
actual type of Cordia venosa Hemsl. is a fruiting specimen from Ningpo. 
A casual examination of the type in August 1950 indicated what the diffi- 
culty was, for it represents the very common Clerodendron cyrtophyllum 
Turcz., Hemsley having erred in placing his fruiting specimen in the boragi- 
naceous genus Cordia; as the type specimen was mounted one would con- 
clude from a casual examination that its leaves were alternate; on the con- 
trary they are opposite. Rehder had added to the sheet ‘“‘cf. Clerodendron,” 
and later, Jour. Arnold Arb. 12: 76. 1931, had actually reduced Hemsley’s 
species to Clerodendron cyrtophyllum Turcz. This very common and char- 
acteristic species is now represented in the herbarium of the Arnold Arbo- 
retum by approximately a hundred individual collections, twenty-five of 
which are from Chekiang. Other areas represented are Anhwei, Hunan, 
Kiangsu, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Fukien, and Kwangtung provinces, For- 
mosa, Hainan, and Indo-China. There is a photograph of Hemsley’s type 
in the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum. 



Canthium tavoyanum (Parker) comb. nov. 

Plectronia tavoyana Parker, Kew Bull. 1925: 429. 1925. Burma. 

This change is made for the obvious reason that the generic name 
Plectronia Linnaeus has been misapplied by many modern botanists. The 
Linnaean type is a representative of the oliniaceous genus Olinia Thunberg. 
See Merrill, Philipp. Jour. Sci. 35: 7. 1928. 

Dentella serpyllifolia Wall. ms. “in sched. in Herb. Wall. sub 6206G.” 
1832, nom. nud.; Craib, Fl. Siam Enum. 2: 27. 1932, nom. subnud.; 
Airy-Shaw, Kew Bull. 1932: 289. 1932, descr. 

LUZON: ae Province, ae Sci. 1398, August 1906, distributed as Dentella 
repens J.R . Forst 

Curiously Wallich’s sine name does not appear in his lithographed 
List (generally cited as Catalogue), but Airy-Shaw apparently found it 
on a subsidiary label in the master set at Kew. The entry in the distrib- 
uted lithographed List is under Dentella repens Forst., 6206’G? Ripa 
Irawaddi ad Henzada — 1826. (F[l]os distincta).” The species is now 
known to extend from Assam and northern Bengal to Burma, Siam, Lom- 
bok, Java, Mauritius, Luzon, and Guam (Fosberg). Curiously Dentella 
repens J. R. & G. Forst. has also been found in Guam, an intermediary 
stop, and at Acapulco, the terminus of the Manila-Acapulco galleon line 
(1565-1815). Both species are ruderals probably in part distributed by 
migratory birds, partly by man. This species is otherwise recorded from 
Polynesia only from the Marquesas Islands. 

Ophiorrhiza sarawakensis nom. nov. 
Ophiorrhiza reticulata Ridl. Sarawak Mus. Jour. 1 (2): 32. 1912, non Korth. 

A new name is needed for the Bornean species characterized by Ridley 
in 1912. 

Psychotria polytricha Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 2: 287. 1857. 

Psychotria rufipila Val. Ic. Bogor. 3: 253, pl. 291. 1909, syn. nov. 

Psychotria trichophlebia Merr. Mitt. Inst. Bot. Hamburg 7: 295. 1937, syn. nov. 

I now think but a single species is represented here. Miquel’s species 
was based on Korthals specimens from Sumatra and Borneo; that of Vale- 
ton on Bornean specimens, Teysmann 8000 and Jaheri 509; and that of 
myself on Winkler 1571, from Borneo. I have seen none of the cited 
specimens representing Valeton’s species, but my concept of its limits is 
gained from his excellent illustration and ample description. Beccari 822, 
from Sumatra, in fruit, is currently referred to this species. There are 


several old sheets at Leiden where the original records were lost or con- 
fused, labeled “Sumatra,” “Moluccas” (this scratched), and “Java” (this 
very doubtful). I suspect that these were all from Sumatra or Borneo. 

Psychotria sangeana (Miq.) comb. nov. 

Chasalia sangeana Mia. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 546. 
— rhodocarpa Teijsm. & Binn. Nat. oe Nederl. Ind. 27: 30. 

The type of Miquel’s species was a Teysmann specimen from Sumatra. 
On the basis of the material in the Rijksherbarium representing two sup- 
posedly distinct species in different genera, both sent by Teysmann, I see 
no tangible differences and, although fruits are absent, I believe Psychotria 
to be its proper generic designation. Apparently at one time Valeton 
thought that Uragoga was represented, and later that the plant might be 
a small form of Psychotria expansa Blume. Miquel’s older name is 
here adopted. 



(Type, Leschenault 643) 




IN THE PREVIOUS PAPERS Of this series the genera composing the tribe 
Lithospermeae have been redescribed and individually discussed, Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 34: 258-299 (1953) and 35: 1-81 (1954). The tribe having 
been surveyed, we are now prepared to present a new key to the twenty- 
three genera concerned, and also some general observations concerning the 
tribe as a whole. Listed alphabetically the twenty-three genera of the 
Lithospermeae are as follows: Alkanna, Ancistrocarya, Arnebia, Buglos- 
soides, Cerinthe, Cystistemon (includes Vaupelia), Echioides, Echium, 
Halacsya, *Lasiarrhenum, Lithodora, Lithospermum, Lobostemon, *Ma- 
cromeria, Maharanga, Moltkia, *Nomosa, Onosma, *Onosmodium, *Perit- 
tostema, Podonosma, *Psilolaemus, and Stenosolenium. Six of the twenty- 
three genera are endemic to America (those marked with the asterisk), 
and sixteen are endemic to the Old World. Only one genus, Lithospermum, 
has species present in both the Old and the New World. 

To be excluded from the Lithospermeae are a number of genera which 
at one time or another have been referred to it. These include Moritzia, 
Thaumatocaryon, Antiphytum, Amblynotopsis, Amphibologyne, Sericos- 
toma, Echiochilon, Megastoma, Mvyosotis, Mertensia, Trigonotis, Pul- 
monaria, Bothriospermum, Moltkiopsis, Mairetis and Neatostema. Of 
these genera, Pulmonaria is best referred to the Anchuseae and Bothrio- 
spermum to the Cynoglosseae, and the remaining fourteen to the Eri- 

As to habit the Lithospermeae are prevailingly herbaceous perennials. 
Species having only an annual duration are relatively few and occur only 
in Buglossoides, Arnebia, Stenosolenium, Cystistemon (including Vau- 
pelia), Echium, and Cerinthe. The cymes are abundantly bracted and 
usually conspicuously so in all members of the tribe except Ancistrocarya. 
Floral dimorphy in several forms is present in five genera within the tribe. 
Heterostyly in a very elaborate form is present in Lithospermum, 
Echioides, and Arnebia, and in a simple form in Lithodora. Elsewhere 
among the Boraginoideae heterostyly is reported only among species of 
Anchusa and Pulmonaria of the Anchuseae, among Mertensia, Crvptantha, 
and Amsinckia in the Eritrichieae, and in one species of Paracaryum in 
the Cynoglosseae. Gynodioecism is widespread within Echium. Outside 
the Lithospermeae it is known only in a few species of Mvyosotis and 
Lindelofia. Cleistogamy is developed in some species of Lithospermum and 
elsewhere in the subfamily is known only in Neatostema, Cryptantha and 


Deviations from radial symmetry in the flower are more common and 
widespread in the Lithospermeae than in any other group within the 
family. The corolla becomes distinctly zygomorphic in Echium, Lobo- 
stemon, Halacsya, Alkanna, and Macromeria. In addition, zygomorphy 
less evidently developed is also present in corollas of some species of 
Cerinthe and Onosma. Deviations from radial symmetry in the androecium 
occur in many Lithospermeae. Within the corolla the individual filaments 
may differ from one another in length, or in the form of their attachment, or 
in the height at which they are affixed to the corolla. Androecia deviating 
from radial symmetry occur in Echium, Lobostemon, Alkanna, Moltkia, 
Lithodora, Maharanga, Cerinthe, Echioides, Arnebia, Stenosolenium, and 
Macromeria. Outside the Lithospermeae decidedly zygomorphic corollas 
occur only in Echiochilon and Lycopsis. Differentiation among the mem- 
bers of the androecium, within the corolla, occur outside the Lithospermeae 
in Echiochilon, Moltkiopsis, Lycopsis, Caccinia (includes Heliocarya) and 

The frequency of yellow or orange as a corolla-color among the Litho- 
spermeae is also noteworthy. Orange, yellow, or decidedly yellowish co- 
rollas occur in Moltkia, Halacsya, Alkanna, Onosma, Podonosma, Cerinthe, 
Lithospermum, Echioides, Arnebia, Psilolaemus, Perittostema, Onosmo- 
dium, and Macromeria. Within the tribe blue or bluish or pink corollas 
occur in Echium, Lobostemon, Alkanna, Moltkia, Lithodora, Maharanga, 
Onosma, Cystistemon, Podonosma, Cerinthe, Arnebia, Stenosolenium, 
Buglossoides, and Ancistrocarya. White corollas are normal in species of 
Lithospermum, Buglossoides, Lasiarrhenum, Nomosa, and Onosmodium. 
Blue, pinkish, or white corollas predominate in the other tribes of the 
Boraginoideae. Orange, yellow or yellowish corollas, however, are de- 
veloped in other tribes by only a relatively few species of Nonnea, Sym- 
phytum, Anchusa, Neatostema, Cryptantha, Hackelia, Amsinckia, Rindera, 
Lindelofia, and Cynoglossum. 

The corolla has an unappendaged throat in seventeen of the twenty- 
three genera of the Lithospermeae. Within the tribe there are only six 
genera in which intrusive faucal appendages are developed, viz. Litho- 
spermum, Buglossoides, Macromeria, Perittostema, Halacsya and Alkanna. 
In the three other tribes of the Boraginoideae, however, the corolla is 
almost always provided with faucal appendages. Indeed, within the 
Anchuseae, Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae there are only eight genera, out 
of more than sixty, in which the corolla is devoid of faucal appendages in 
all or nearly all of the species, i.e., Moltkiopsis, Mairetis, Neatostema, 
Echiochilon, Sericostoma, Amphibologyne, Amsinckia and Trichodesma. 
In the other genera in these three tribes the faucal appendages are well 
developed or are weak or absent only in a few species in which the corolla 
is much reduced in size, e.g., Cryptantha, Plagiobothrys, and Pectocarya. 

The corollas of the Lithospermeae, unlike those in other tribes of the 
family, may bear stipitate glands on their inner surfaces, particularly so 
those in and directly below the corolla-throat. Stiped glands, sometimes 
in considerable abundance, are a feature inside the corollas of some or all 


species of Lithospermum, Macromeria, Lasiarrhenum, Perittostema, Ar- 
nebia, Buglossoides, Lithodora, and Alkanna. 

The corolla-throat in Ancistrocarya and in one species of Lithodora is 
densely strigose, a condition paralleled outside the tribes only in Seri- 
costoma and Echiochilon. The corolla-tube (as distinguished from the 
corolla-throat) is hairy in species of Lithospermum, Macromeria, Echioides, 
and Arnebia. Outside of the Lithospermeae I know of a comparable con- 
dition only in the flowers of species of V eatostema, Mertensia, Amsinckia, 
and Rochelia. 

The stamens in the Lithospermeae show a number of unusual features. 
In Cerinthe, Podonosma, Cystistemon, Onosma, and Maharanga, the 
anthers are connivent and become joined, in Cerinthe by the entangling of 
the caudate bases of the thecae, and in the other genera by lateral cohesion 
of the anthers. Outside of the Lithospermeae this condition is most closely 
approximated in Borago and Trichodesma. In these two genera the 
anthers are connivent, but in Borago they remain distinct, while in Tricho- 
desma they become joined by the entangling of their contorted tips. 

The anthers are terminated by an elongate sterile appendage in Cerinthe, 
Podonosma, Onosma, Cystistemon, Maharanga, and Nomosa, Outside of 
the present tribe only in Trichodesma of the Cynoglosseae does a com- 
parable very elongate appendage terminate the anther, Small appendages 
terminate the anther in Halacsya, Onosmodium, Lastarrhenum, and Bu- 
glossoides. Outside the tribe I know of such moderately appendaged 
anthers only in Myosotis and Rochelia. 

In Lasiarrhenum, Nomosa, and one species of Macromeria the connec- 
tive on the dorsum of the anther is hairy, and in Halacsya the margins 
of the thecae are densely short-ciliolate. These conditions appear to be 
unique in the family. 

The filaments within the individual corolla are not whorled but affixed 
at different elevations above the corolla-base in species of Lithodora, 
Alkanna, Echium, Lobostemon, Macromeria, Stenosolenium, Arnebia, and 
Echioides. This unusual behavior is duplicated outside of the Lithosper- 
meae only in Echiochilon, Lycopsis, and Amsinckia. The five filaments 
within the corolla are of different lengths in species of Arnebia, Moltkia, 
Alkanna, Echium, and Lobostemon. Outside of this tribe I know of this 
latter condition only in Moltkiopsis, Echiochilon, and Caccinia. 

Although the pollen of the Boraginaceae, outside of the Lithospermeae, 
has not been systematically studied, there have been enough random ex- 
aminations to indicate that the pollen of the Lithospermeae is notable 
for a high frequency of asymmetric types. Such pollen has the upper and 
lower halves of the grain differing in size and configuration. In lateral 
outline the grain may be ovate, conic-ovate, oblong-ovate, or be con- 
stricted above the pores and approach the outline of an hour-glass or a 
shoe-print. It is encircled by a row of pores, not about the equator, but 
below it, where the grain has its maximum diameter. Pollen of this sort is 
developed in Alkanna, Echium, Lobostemon, Macromeria, Onosmodium, 
Nomosa, Lasiarrhenum, Ancistrocarya, Lithospermum, Podonosma, Cysti- 


stemon, and Onosma. At present this type of pollen is known only in 
genera of the Lithospermeae. 

The style in the Lithospermeae may be short to elongate and be either 
included in the corolla or exserted from it. In Arnebia it may be simple, 
bilobed, forked, or bis-bifid. It is simply forked in Echium and Stenoso- 
lenium and frequently bilobed in Lithodora and Alkanna,. The forked or 
bilobed style is not duplicated in other tribes of the Boraginoideae. Each 
lobe of the forked style is usually terminated by a stigma. When the style 
is simple it commonly bears two stigmas juxtaposed and terminal on its 
summit. In some genera, however, the two stigmas are separated and 
frequently over-topped by a bilobed sterile apex of the stylar column. In 
such cases the stigmas assume a subterminal position on the style and may 
become evidently lateral on it. 

The subterminal stigmas are best developed in species of Buglossoides 
and Lithospermum. Unless the peculiar stigma of Myosotis proves to be 
similar, subterminal stigmas are well developed in other tribes of the 
Boraginoideae only in the genus Sericostoma. In most genera of the 
Lithospermeae the style is terminated by a pair of juxtaposed stigmas. 
Within the tribe the two stigmas usually remain distinct. In other tribes 
of the subfamily they are prevailingly united. 

The nutlets of the Lithospermeae are prevailingly straight, erect, and 
basifixed, and in form are either ellipsoidal (and usually plump) or they 
are ovoid with the venter tending to be angulate and the apex coarsely 
beaked. Nutlets that are strongly compressed dorsi-ventrally, though fre- 
quent in the Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae, are rare in the Lithospermeae 
and indeed are practically restricted to a few species of Arnebia. The 
ventral keel in various degrees may be obscure, broad and rounded, or 
narrow and prominent. There may be no evidence of a ventral suture or 
the suture may be marked only by a line that may be indistinct or some- 
times interrupted. The suture is always tightly closed with its margins 
usually fused or firmly joined and never overlapping. 

Several genera of the tribe have nutlets sufficiently unusual to be de- 
serving of special comment. The 2-celled, 2-seeded nutlets of Cerinthe are 
well known. They apparently represent the congenital union of a pair of 
single-seeded nutlets. The condition is unique in the Boraginoideae. Also 
unique is the form of the nutlets of Ancistrocarya. From just above the 
broad base these gradually narrow into a very prolonged, slender, curved, 
sword-like beak which is hamate at the apex. The beak, which is nearly 
as long as the fertile portion of the nutlet, is a sterile prolongation of the 

The bent nutlets of Moltkia, Halacsya, Alkanna, Podonosma, and some 
insular species of Echium represent another very unusual form of nutlet. 
Outside the tribe it is weakly represented only in Neatostema and some 
species of Plagiobothrys. In the Lithospermeae mentioned, the nutlets are 
basally affixed to the gynobase but only the lower half of the nutlet is 
erect. Above their middle they are bent 30-130° towards the ventral side. 
The seed within the nutlet is also bent. The cotyledons are vertical to 


the attachment-end of the nutlet and the tip of the cotyledons is directly 
above the nutlet-attachment, the proper relation in a basifixed nutlet. In 
Alkanna and Podonosma the nutlet-body is so strongly curved that the 
attachment actually has the appearance of being lateral. 

The nutlets of the Boraginoideae characteristically have a more or less 
convex dorsum and a usually angulate or medially carinate venter. An 
extreme departure from this conventional form is found in the nutlets of 
Arnebia tetrastigma. In that species, the sole member of Arnebia § 
Euarnebia, the nutlet has a plane or even slightly concave dorsum and a 
venter that is broadly convex with the ventral keel only very obscurely 
developed. The nutlets are also aberrant in having a cordate base and a 
T-shaped scar. 

The nutlet of Stenosolenium bears its attachment-scar not sessile on the 
base of the nutlet-body but rather ventral to the proper base of the nutlet 
at the lower end of a downwardly directed hollow stipe originating high 
up on the ventral side of the nutlet. In all other genera of the Litho- 
spermeae the attachment is on the base of the nutlet-body. It is small, 
short and substipitate in Alkanna and Podonosma but is relatively large, 
sessile, and commonly flabellate or ovate in other genera, The attachment 
is usually restricted to the base of the nutlet. In Arnebia guttata and 
A. tetrastigma, however, it has a noticeable prolongation upwards for a 
short distance above the base on the nutlet-venter, As a consequence it 
becomes somewhat T-shaped, especially in A. tetrastigma. 

The attachment-scar is usually not only basal on the nutlet but also 
horizontal. When oblique it usually slopes upward only towards the ven- 
tral side of the nutlet-body and commonly only slightly so. A basal at- 
tachment-scar sloping upward, not towards the venter of the nutlet but 
rather towards the dorsum, is present only in Buglossoides § Eubuglos- 
soides and perhaps in Ancistrocarya. The attachment of the nutlets in 
Lithodora is anomalous. The true base of the nutlet is permanently affixed 
to the gynobase, the nutlet being freed along a new plane of abscission 
developed a short distance above the morphological base of the nutlet. 

The nutlets of the Lithospermeae may be smooth, verrucose, tumulose, 
or rugose, and the epidermis lustrous or opaque and smooth and shiny 
or minutely muriculate, verruculose, or papillate. The smooth, lustrous, 
pallid, porcelain-like nutlets characteristic of most species of Lithosper- 
mum occur elsewhere in the tribe only in Macromeria, Onosmodium. Las- 
iarrhenum, Psilolaemus, Ancistrocarya, and Buglossoides § Margarosper- 
mum. Roughened or at least opaque nutlets prevail in other genera o 
this group. In other tribes of the Boraginoideae the nutlets may be armed 
with numerous glochidiate subulate appendages, or the back of the nutlet 
may bear a coroniform or annulate appendage, or it may be encircled by 
an entire, toothed or lobed, spreading or upturned margin. Among the 
genera of the Lithospermeae, however, only a few species, in Onosma, 
Echium, and Ancistrocarya, have appendaged nutlets. Those of Onosma 
tricerospermum Lag., of Spain, bear three conspicuous spreading rigid 
subulate spines on the dorsum. The nutlets of all other species of Onosma 


are unappendaged. In some of the Canary Island species of Echium (cf. 
Webb. & Berth., Phytogr. Canar. t. 146, 1844), the pericarp develops a 
few very exaggerated protuberances that give the nutlet the appearance 
of being coarsely lobed. The slenderly rostrate nutlets of Ancistrocarya 
have already been described. The nutlets of the Lithospermeae (like those 
of the Anchuseae) never bear glochidiate appendages nor epidorsal annu- 
late or coroniform crests, nor is the back ever encircled by a differentiated 

My observations as to the orientation of the zygomorphic corollas in 
the Boraginoideae do not accord with the much quoted classical statements 
of the matter by Doll, Fl. Baden 2: 775-6, 778 (1859) and Eichler, 
Blithendiagramme 1: 197 (1875). The calyx lobes of the boraginaceous 
flower are numbered by Eichler in the following order, 1, 3, 5, 2, and 4. 
Lobe no. 2 is identified as the one at the rear of the flower and as having 
a position opposite the rachis of the scorpioid cyme. This order appears 
to be correct, for in those flowers having very unequal calyx-lobes (e.g., 
Cerinthe) the largest outermost lobe, i.e., no. 1 according to Eichler, is 
always one of the two lobes on the shawl or front side of the flower. 
With the calyx-lobes recognized as serviceable points of reference, it can 
be stated that according to Eichler the axis of the irregular corolla of 
Echium passes between the corolla-lobes alternating with calyx-lobe no. 
4 and through the middle of the corolla-lobe alternating with calyx-lobes 
nos. 3 and 5. This gives the flowers of Echium a very strongly oblique 
plane of symmetry and places the 2-lobed lip of the corolla on the adaxial 
side of the flower. 

In my study of herbarium material, I have found in Echium, Lobo- 
stemon, Halacsya, Alkanna, Lycopsis, and Amsinckia, that the axis in the 
bilaterally symmetrical corolla is oriented in such a manner that the 
2-lobed lip of the corolla is abaxial and the 3-lobed lip adaxial. In these 
genera the plane of symmetry is only weakly oblique. It passes through 
the middle of the rear corolla-lobe (that alternating with calyx-lobes nos. 
4 and 2) and between the corolla-lobes alternating with calyx-lobe no. 3. 
This is the same orientation that prevails in the zygomorphic corollas of 
the Solanaceae, It represents a deviation of only 36° from a truly medial 
orientation, not 72° as called for by Eichler. 

Only in Macromeria, Echiochilon, and Heliocarya have I found in the 
Boraginaceae zygomorphic corollas with medial orientation, that is to say, 
so oriented that the rear (adaxial) lip was 2-lobed and the abaxial lip 
3-lobed. In the flowers of these genera the axis apparently passes between 
the two rear corolla-lobes (those alternating with calyx-lobe no. 2) and 
also through the middle of the forward corolla-lobe, that alternating with 
calyx-lobes nos. 1 and 3. Medial orientation similar to this prevails in the 
corollas of the Verbenaceae and Labiatae. It represents an angular devia- 
tion of 36° from the axis of symmetry in Echium 

Enough evidence has accumulated from the study of herbarium specimens 
to cast considerable doubt on the accuracy of accounts in the books con- 
cerning the orientation of the bilaterally symmetric flowers of the Bora- 


ginoideae. What is now needed is observations of flowers in the fresh state. 
The orientation should be determined not merely in the flowers having 
evidently zygomorphic corollas, but also in those in which the corolla may 
be only very obscurely bilateral or which depart from radial symmetry 
only in the androecium. Studies of symmetry are especially needed in 
Lithodora, Moltkia, Stenosolenium, Arnebia, Echioides, Cerinthe, Onosma, 
Podonosma, and M oltkiopsis. The orientation in the corolla of these 
genera needs to be determined not only in relation to the axis of the cyme, 
but also in relation to calyx-lobe no. 1, and particularly so when the latter 
is distinguishable by its size. 


Pollen bearing only 3 pores, grains in polar profile usually distinctly 3-sided 
Pollen-grains evidently colpate; thecae not ciliate; flowers not precociously 

Nutlets strongly incurved, near the middle bent 90-130°, the attachment 
small and substipitate, appearing to be lateral but actually basal on the 
short erect lower section of the nutlet; herbage usually glanduliferous. 

Corolla-lobes narrowly triangular, acute, soon reflexed: corolla-throat 
glabrous and devoid of faucal appendages and stipitate glands; 
anthers partially exserted. ........................, odonosma. 

Corolla-lobes rounded, spreading; corolla-throat usually bearing stipitate 
glands; stamens and faucal appendages borne low in the corolla-throat 

ence deeply included. ....................... Alkanna. 

Nutlets straight (or rarely bent in Echium); herbage not glanduliferous. 

Anther lacking a prolonged sterile tip, remaining distinct; corolla usually 
evidently zygomorphic. 

Annulus borne 1 mm. or less above the base of corolla-tube, composed 
of a minute collar or a ring of 5-10 minute sparingly hairy lobules ; 
style almost always 2-lobed. ...................... 

Annulus developed 1.5-6 mm. above the corolla-base, represented by 
5 evident densely villous swellings or 5 squam ose appendages 
borne below the attachment of each stamen; style simpl 
PEMA T ES Re Rede eee RI IAG ¢ dnd ank REM a aes tle £44 Lo bostemon. 

Anther narrowed into a prolonged terminal appendage, commonly adnate 
at the base or along the sides to form a synandrium; corolla regular 
or practica 

Corolla-lobes well developed, as long as or much longer than the corolla- 

than the theca; filaments very short and usually bearing a 
thickened hairy basal appendage; tropical Arabia and Africa. . 

Ab Rae hans OPE Ete hd oA Cystistemon and Vaupelia. 

cae lobes short, commonly about as long as broad, conspicuously 

uch shorter than the tubular portion of the corolla: anthers 

male coherent at the base and frequently also along the margin 

of the thecae and even along the margin of the terminal appendage, 

appendage usually shorter than - theca; filaments usually 

elongate, not appendaged at the bas 
Calyx-lobes narrow, elongate, more or less parallel, separated by a 


very narrow usually closed sinus; corolla without ribs projecting 
outward between the calyx-lobes; pollen ovoid to sphaeric or 
strongly oblate Onosma. 
Calyx-lobes more or less triangular, separated by an open triangular 
sinus; corolla with puffed-out ribs that project outward between 
the calyx- lobes; pollen cylindric or vertically ellipsoid. Himalaya 
and southwestern China ...................... Maharanga. 
Pollen-grains not at all colpate; anthers with thecae margined by a ciliate 
fringe of short stout crowded hairs; flowers precociously sexual, style and 
stamens exserted while the corolla is still incompletely developed: nutlets 
OIE: aie eee eae o etal ee 465k. 3. 4s EO Bee Halacsya. 
ae bearing 6 to many pores; grains circular or somewhat polygonal in polar 

Nutlets united in pairs, each nutlet 2-locular - 2-seeded; pollen ana 
Ipate; leaves cordate-amplexicaul at base ................ 
Nutlets ne ‘united, each one 1-celled and 1- oe pollen obscurely if 2 : all 
; leaves not cordate-amplexicaul. 
Pole ee bearing 2 rows of pores, one at each end of the elongate grain. 
Nutlet-attachment at the base of a downwardly directed stipe originating 
on the ventral side of the ascending nutlet-body ... Stenosolenium. 
Nutlet-attachment on the base of the nutlet-body Arnebia 
Pollen bearing only a single encircling row of pores. 
utlets circumscissile above the base, their major seminiferous portion 
falling away leaving the short basal section persisting as a usually 
cupu is te appendage permanently affixed to the gynobase . . Lithodora. 
Nutlets detaching at the very base 
Throat of corolla glabrous and also devoid of stiped glands and faucal 


Nutlets evidently bent at or near the middle; corolla blue or purple, 
or (in one species) yellow, filament evidently eee from 
corolla-throat except in one species Moltki 

Nutlets straight. 

Corolla ee the broad spreading yellow limb usually 
d ted with 5 evanescent black or purplish spots; stamens 
. at unequal — in the corolla-tube; Armenia, 
Caucasus and Azerbaijan .................... Echioides. 

Corolla tubular, white or oe bearing no dark evanescent spots, 
lobes erect or ascending; stamens all arising at the same height 
in the corolla-throat ; American: 

Filaments about half the total length of the corolla, arising well 
below the middle of the corolla, base of filaments ren 
with slender multicellular gland- tipped hairs Nom 

Filaments about one tenth the length of the corolla or ieee 
arising above the middle of the corolla, glabrous sigh 

Corolla-lobes narrow, acute or acuminate, very owly 
imbricate in the bud, sinus between lobes nee pir i! 

a oe at base; pollen ovoid; leaves coarsely 

TINCT ons 5 scan 028 Onosmodium. 
Corolla- lobes ovate, broadly imbricate in the bud, sinus be- 
tween lobes not plicate nor inflexed nor thickened at base; 
pollen ellipsoidal; leaves veinless or nearly so 


Throat of corolla decorated with appendages, stipitate glands or abun- 

ant hairs. 
Nutlets gradually narrowed into a very prolonged beak, conspicuously 
rostrate with the tip hamate; cymes bractless above e 
base; corolla-throat abundantly villose-strigose .. Ancistrocarya. 
Nutlets not conspicuously rostrate, not hamate at the apex; cymes 
bracted throughout; corolla-throat not conspicuously hairy. 
Filaments broadening upwards from the aia above the 
middle evidently broader than at the bas 
Anthers conspicuously hairy on the back; “ee oblanceolate; 
corolla lacking faucal appendages; leaves broad and con- 
spicuously veined ...................... Lasiarrhenum. 
Anthers glabrous, filaments deltoid to obovoid; corolla with 
faucal appendages; leaves very narrow, veinless .......... 

Filaments linear or subulate or unguiculate. 
Anthers completely exserted from the corolla-throat; corolla 
ree, 39-90 mm. long, trumpet-shaped; filaments 6-70 mm 
QUE 5.55645 coe nein na cnet iseuee eid Macromeria. 
SS completely included or only partially exserted from the 
orolla-throat; corolla usually less than 40 mm. long, 
oe. funnelform or subtubular; filaments 0.5-5 mm. 

Corolla-throat decorated inside with 5 well-developed shale 
lines of hairs and stiped-glands ........ Buglossoides. 

Corolla-throat lacking very well developed vertical (es of 
hairs and stiped glands, bearing localized faucal append- 
ages or bearing scattered or localized ey toons of 
stiped glands... ospermum. 




With eight text-figures 


DURING THE PAST FEW DECADES, the traditional and complacent notion 
that genetic differences within tree species are nonexistent or negligible has 
been gradually discarded. Most silviculturists are no longer content with 
the assumption that diversity within tree species can be adequately ex- 
plained in terms of environment alone. Such a fundamental revision in 
biological theory has, quite naturally, produced a marked impact on 
silvical research methods and silvicultural practice. 

The limitations, for example, of the descriptive method as a means of 
analyzing intraspecific diversity have become increasingly apparent. Al- 
though field observation and description of phenotypes and environment 
provide useful and essential preliminary data for the analysis of observed 
diversity, the method provides no means for determining the relative 
amounts of environmental fluctuation and genetic variation involved. 

The solution of such silvical problems is, however, possible by transplant 
methods that have been perfected by various workers (Turesson, 19; 
Turrill, 20; Clausen, Keck and Heisey, 2; and others). One application 
involves the transplantation of different genetic types into a uniform 
environment, Under such conditions the effects of differences in habitat on 
the phenotype are eliminated, and the genotypes of different individuals of 
the group under investigation may be compared directly. For information 
on the rigidity or plasticity of genotypes, wild representatives of the species 
may be propagated vegetatively, and the clonal lines thus established may 
be planted under different environmental conditions, Both methods have 
been used in the photoperiodic studies here reported, and form one of the 
approaches to silvical problems currently under investigation by the Cabot 

Source of Material 

Initial sampling of wild populations in Populus species native to North 
America was begun in the fall and winter of 1947-48, and has been con- 
tinued annually since that time. During the period 1947-50 principal em- 
phasis was placed on obtaining representatives of P. trichocarpa (western 
balsam poplar or so-called “northern black cottonwood”’), native of the 

2 Lecturer on Forest Genetics and Geneticist to the Maria Moors Cabot Foundation 
for Botanical Research, Harvard University, Petersham, Mass. 
2 Assistant Professor, School of Forestry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 


Pacific coast region, and the P. deltoides complex (eastern cottonwood) of 
the eastern United States. These collections were all in the form of branch 
or stem cuttings taken from what were determined to be average, healthy 
specimens growing under natural conditions at the various collection points. 
The use of cuttings was designed to insure that the clonal lines represented 
were derived from individuals known to be capable of survival in their 
native habitat. Since species in the section TACAMAHACA (balsam poplars) 
are uniformly good rooters from plants of any age, there was no need to 
restrict selected individuals of P. trichocarpa to the younger age classes. 
On the other hand, because of the poor rootability of cuttings from old 
trees, almost all of the P. deltoides clonal lines established were started 
from cuttings taken from plants 2 to 6 years of age. 

The photoperiodic studies here reported are primarily concerned with 
clones of P. trichocarpa and the P. deltoides complex collected during the 
period 1947-50; but reference is also made to clonal line collections of 
P. tacamahaca (balsam poplar) made during the same period, and to col- 
lections of various other Populus species acquired in the spring of 1950 and 

Approximate ranges of P. trichocarpa and P. deltoides and the locality 
of origin for the various clonal lines of these species used in the photo- 
periodic studies are shown in Ficure 1. 

Although a portion of the field collection was done by the senior author, 
the bulk of the material was made available through the generous assistance 
and cooperation provided by numerous state and federal forestry agencies 
in the United States, and similar provincial and dominion organizations in 
Canada. Especially extensive contributions have been made by the U. S. 
Forest Service, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Dominion Forest Service, 
and many state and provincial conservation departments within the ranges 
of the species concerned. 

Experimental Areas 

The principal propagation and test plantation site utilized by the Cabot 
Foundation is located in the town of Weston, Middlesex County, Massa- 
chusetts, about 10 miles west of Boston. The area is part of the former 
Case Estate, given to the Arnold Arboretum about a decade ago. The 
portion of several acres which has been allocated to the Cabot Foundation 
was formerly used as a pasture or mowing. The soil is, in general, uniform 
and the surface flat. The elevation is 200 feet, and lies somewhat lower 
than most of the surrounding area. For this reason temperature inversions 
in early fall may result in a somewhat shorter frost-free season than the 
average of 148 days for the Weston area as based on records of the Weston 
Weather Bureau Station (located ca. 2 miles northwest of the Case Estate 
at an elevation of 224 feet). 

A portion of the Weston tract has been devoted to the propagation of the 
clonal lines assembled since the 1947—48 season, while the remainder of the 
area has been set aside for the establishment of permanent test plantations. 



Approximate range boundary, 
Pet & 

+ trichocarp ; ee “I 2 
Sy ? : 
Approximate range boundary, les 
10] ae P, deltoides 

i ss e fe 
© Collection point (5 - 10 clones) 

120 10 

tet Lomorruoe 

Fic. 1. Approximate ranges of P. trichocarpa and P. deltoides and collection 
points for clones used in this study. 


Although two such plantations were established in 1950 and 1951, observa- 
tions at Weston on the date of cessation of height growth for the various 
clones concerned in this study were all made in the propagation area, here- 
after referred to simply as the ‘“‘Weston area.” 

The combined experimental facilities of the Arnold Arboretum and the 
Bussey Institution, located in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, a part of 
greater Boston (ca. 10 miles southeast of Weston), have also been used in 
this study. The outdoor long-day and normal-day plots used in the 1951 
experiments were set out in a portion of the experimental plots used jointly 
by these institutions, and located on a flat gravelly knoll in the first range 
of hills south of the Boston basin. The soil, thanks to continuous enrich- 
ment and good management, is highly fertile and uniform. 


Biologists, as well as most primitive peoples, have long recognized the 
indispensable nature of solar energy in the biological scheme. But only 
within the past thirty years have botanists recognized the notable signifi- 
cance to plant growth and development that is associated with the periodic 
manner in which this energy is supplied to the earth’s surface. 

Within the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, there is little 
change in the length of the daylight period throughout the year; but outside 
these regions, marked seasonal differences occur. At the latitude of Boston 
(ca. 42° N.), for example, the length of the daylight period on the shortest 
day of the year is ca. 9 hours, and on the longest day ca. 15 hours, i.e., a 
difference of 6 hours (Fic. 2). With increases in latitude the annual varia- 
tion in day-length is greater. Thus, at the latitude of Juneau, Alaska (ca. 
58° N.), day length at the time of the winter solstice is ca. 6.5 hours as 
compared with ca. 18.5 hours on the day of the summer solstice, a differ- 
ence of 12 hours. The above day lengths are based on the time of sunrise 
and sunset. Actually, the effective photoperiods at all latitudes are some- 
what greater due to the effects of the morning and evening twilight periods 
(Fig. 2). 

Flowering Response 

The response in growth and development exhibited by plants in relation 
to the length of the daily light period (i.e., photoperiod) is called photo- 
periodism. The earlier and, indeed, most of the later investigations con- 
cerned with this phenomenon have centered on the flowering response of 
various herbaceous plant species and varieties when exposed to photoperiods 
of varying length. 

First recognition of the influence of day length on reproductive devel- 
opment in plants was made by Garner and Allard (3) in 1920. These 
workers observed that Maryland Mammoth tobacco, which normally does 
not flower in the field during the summer season at the latitude of Wash- 
ington, D. C. did, nevertheless, flower profusely when grown in a green- 



t t 

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Fic. 2. Seasonal variation in day length at various latitudes: equator, 42° 20’ 

N. and 58° 20’ N. 


house at the same latitude during the winter. The dissimilar reproductive 
development observed led to the hypothesis that day length was a con- 
trolling environmental factor, the relatively short photoperiods of winter 
apparently favoring flower production in this variety. Subsequent con- 
firmation of this hypothesis was made through the use of carefully con- 
trolled experiments by these and numerous other workers. 

The significance of the photoperiodic influence on flowering is obviously 
a matter of much practical concern in the case of cultivated crops grown 
for their fruit or seeds. Many of the grains, for example, require long days 
to flower, and for this reason long-day varieties cannot be successfully 
moved to southern latitudes. Other long-day plants grown for the food 
stored in their vegetative organs, such as spinach, lettuce, and radish, 
must be grown as spring or autumn crops in regions where the long days of 
summer would otherwise cause them to “bolt.” 

In order for such short-day plants as the Biloxi soy bean and numerous 
ornamentals (cosmos, aster, chrysanthemum, etc.) to flower, they must be 
grown either in the low latitudes or in the short days of spring or autumn 
in the higher latitudes. Many short-day ornamentals native of the tropics 
are, of course, grown successfully in greenhouses under the short-day 
regime of the winter months in northern latitudes. 

Plants indeterminate with respect to their photoperiodic requirements 
for flowering, such as tomato, cotton, buckwheat, and sunflower, may be 
grown successfully over a wide range of latitudes. 

Vegetative Response 

Although major interest in the photoperiodic studies involving herbaceous 
plants has centered on the influence of day length upon reproductive de- 
velopment, most workers have also noted marked effects on vegetative 
growth as well. Most plants exhibit much better vegetative development 
when exposed to long photoperiods than to short ones, regardless of the 
fact that they may be classified as “‘short-” or “long-day” types with respect 
to flowering. Maryland Mammoth tobacco, for example, when grown 
under the long days of summer at the latitude of Washington, D. C., by 
Garner and Allard (3), attained heights of 10-15 feet; whereas, when 
greenhouse grown in the short days of winter, it did not exceed five feet. 

Conversely, movement of long- or short-day flowering types into natural 
or artificially created shorter days usually results in marked reduction in 
vegetative development 

Photoperiodic studies of woody plants have for the most part involved 
seedlings, and consequently little is known of the influence of day length 
on reproductiveness. These investigations have, however, demonstrated 
that variation in day length is a factor of marked importance in the annual 
vegetative growth cycle of many woody species, particularly as it relates 
to the control exerted over the timing of physiological processes concerned 
in the onset of dormancy. 

In common with techniques used in the investigation of photoperiodic 


responses in herbs, studies of woody plants have involved the testing of 
various species in a day-length regime different from that prevailing in their 
native habitat. Whether such tests have involved actual movement of the 
plants north or south into a new natural day-length pattern, or if short or 
long days have been artificially created at any particular latitude, the re- 
sults have been the same. In general, movement from the latitude of the 
natural habitat northward (i.e., into longer days) prolongs the active 
period of growth; and movement southward (i.e., into shorter days) 
shortens it. Such modifications in the length of the active growth period 
normally result in marked differences in total seasonal increment and frost 
hardiness. Thus, movement of plants into a day-length regime longer than 
that of the native habitat characteristically gives increased height growth 
accompanied by decreased resistance to early autumnal frosts; whereas 
movement into a short-day regime results in dwarfing, associated with in- 
creased frost resistance. 

Similar photoperiodic growth responses have been, with but few excep- 
tions, demonstrated by Moshkov (12, 13, 14) and Bogdanov (1) to charac- 
terize the behavior of various species in the following genera: Acer, 
Aesculus, Ailanthus, Alnus, Caragana, Corylus, Fraxinus, Juglans, Larix, 
Phellodendron, Pinus, Prunus, Rhus, Robinia, and Ulmus; by Kramer (8) 
and Jester and Kramer (6) in North American species of the following 
genera: Acer, Fraxinus, Fagus, Robinia, Liriodendron, Liquidambar, 
Quercus, and Pinus; by Sylvén (18) in the European aspen (P. tremula) ; 
by Johnsson (7) in Betula; by Langlet (9) in Scotch pine; and by Olmsted 
(15) in sugar maple. 


First suggestions of photoperiodic sensitivity among the clones in the 
propagation area at Weston appeared during the first (1948) growing 
season. Asa result of early height growth cessation and consequent dwarf- 
ing, P. trichocarpa ecotypes from high latitudes stood out in sharp contrast 
to those of more southerly origin. 

Interclonal Responses to a Uniform Day Length 

Precise measurements of height increment by the use of auxanometers of 
various design have been made by several workers. By their use the time of 
terminal growth cessation could doubtless be pinned down to a certain hour, 
or at least to a particular day. Such methods are not, however, practical 
for the measurement of large numbers of individuals in the field, since the 
cost would be prohibitive. 

In the present studies total height measurements were taken to the 
nearest centimeter at 7-day, 5-day or 3-day intervals by direct measure- 
ment with meter sticks or tapes. Although lacking a high degree of pre- 
cision, the technique is sufficiently accurate for determining comparative 


differences in growth cessation which are spread over a period of several 
weeks or months. The error occurs during the period immediately preced- 
ing the time of actual height growth cessation. The increments between 
measurements during this period may be so small that the actual day of 
growth cessation is indeterminable. Depending upon the interval between 
measurements and other variables, deviations in the date of recorded 
growth cessation probably vary in the order of 3 to 7 days before and after 
the actual date of growth cessation. In general this method tends to en- 
courage a later recording of growth cessation. 

First systematic recording of the time of height growth cessation in the 
Populus collections was made during the 1950 season in the propagation 
area at Weston. Relatively small samples of tacamahaca and deltoides 
clones were included in the study, the majority being trichocarpa. All were 
derived from cuttings which had been planted in the spring of 1948 or 1949 
and were thus in their second or third growing season. Measurements of 
total height for each of the clones included in the study were taken at 
weekly intervals from June 27 to November 7 

Active terminal growth in the group of tacamahaca clones measured was 
observed to occur over a period of about 158 days (April 14 to Septem- 
ber 19) ; in the deltoides clones over a period of about 178 days (April 20 to 
October 15); and in the trichocarpa group over a period of about 197 days 
(April 14 to October 28). Although the first killing frost of autumn at 
Weston occurred the night of September 24-25, the growing season was 
by no means ended. Plants still in active height growth at that time 
(deltoides and trichocarpa of southern origin) suffered some damage to the 
young unfolding leaves near the growing point, but continued in active 
height growth thereafter. Subsequent light frosts in October (on the 6th, 
8th, 16th, and 21st) caused similar damage; but height growth persisted 
in some clones until the first heavy frosts of October 26 and 27. These 
frosts were apparently of sufficient severity to kill all meristematic tissue 
in the growing points of the plants still active at that time. 

The recorded dates of height growth cessation for the various taca- 
mahaca clonal lines ranged from about June 20! to September 19, a period 
of 91 days, representing 58 percent of the growing season. Among the 
deltoides group, cessation of height growth occurred between August 15 
and October 18, a period of 64 days, or 31 percent of the growing season. 
The time of height growth cessation in the trichocarpa clones was consid- 
erably more widespread: first terminal growth cessation was recorded 
about June 20,1 and the last on October 28, a period of 130 days, or about 
two-thirds of the growing season. 

Since this considerable intraspecific diversity in time of terminal growth 
cessation occurred under the essentially uniform environment prevailing in 
the propagation area at Weston, the conclusion is inevitable that the vari- 

Measurements were started on June 27. This date proved too late to record the 
cessation of height growth of certain tacamahaca and trichocarpa clones of high latitude 
origin. Subsequent observations in 1951, 1952, and 1953 have confirmed that height 
growth in these clones stops ca. June 2Q 


ous clones within the species observed are genetically diverse in this char- 
acter. That this diversity is not randomly distributed throughout the range 
of each species, but is inversely correlated with latitudinal distribution, is 
revealed by the scatter diagrams that result when latitude of origin for 
each clone of each species is plotted over the corresponding date on which 
height growth ceased at Weston (Fics. 3, 4 and 5). The correlation co- 
efficients for these diagrams are all high (r = —.893, —.706, and —.823 
respectively), and all exceed the 1 percent level of significance. 

bore a Lat. of origin / date of 
+ Ht. growth cessation 
Weston, Mass., 1950 
50 = . . 
. e 
5 45 
oH e- 
r-e 0893 
30 } | { ! ! | 
June July Aug Sept Oct 
Fic. 3. 

The trend of the gradient revealed by these diagrams clearly indicates 
a tendency for clones of high latitude (long-day) origin to cease terminal 
growth early, and clones of low latitude (short-day) origin to stop terminal 
growth late when grown under the mid-latitude day-length regime prevail- 
ing at Weston. These results are in agreement with the photoperiodic 
growth reactions which characterize the behavior of European aspen 
(Sylvén, 18) and species in other genera when subjected to day-length 
regimes differing from those in their native habitats. As previously pointed 
out, various workers have demonstrated that the movement of plants from 
native habitats of long day into short day is normally characterized by 
earlier height growth cessation; whereas movement from short day into 
long day results in delayed growth cessation. As a working hypothesis it 
therefore appears tenable to conclude that the inverse correlation between 
latitude of origin and time of terminal growth cessation for the ecotypes 

of the Populus species here concerned is the result of similar photoperiodic 
reactions between the various genotypes of the ecotypes represented and 
the uniform day-length regime to which each was exposed at Weston. 

Lat. of origin / date of 
Ht. growth cessation 
oe Weston, Mass., 1950 
50 F- 
fof : 
Hw e 
& ° 
Re «= 
40 + e:* 
. «7 *% 
355 *s 
“. 7 : r=- 0706 
30 N ! t es 4 i 
June July Aug Sept Oct 
Fic. 4. 

Although the clinal nature of the variation is sufficiently well-defined in 
these diagrams to support the above hypothesis, there is ample evidence to 
suggest that the relationship between time of height growth cessation at 
Weston and latitude of origin of the various clones is not necessarily simple 
and direct, The spread in dates of growth cessation from mid-July to late 
October among the trichocarpa clones native of latitudes between 40° and 
50° (Fic. 5), for example, indicates that a pronounced local diversity in 
photoperiodic response exists, apparently quite independent of latitudinal 

That diversity in photoperiodic response may occur locally within a 
species population under essentially uniform day-length conditions leads to 
interesting speculation. There can be little doubt, in the first place, that 
height growth cessation in Populus signals the onset of initial physiological 
processes culminating in winter dormancy. The time during the growing 
season at which terminal growth cessation occurs thus assumes a role of 
critical survival value. Through the selective pressure exerted by the first 
killing frosts of autumn, only those genotypes capable of terminating 
height growth at a sufficiently early date to escape such frosts are capable 
of survival. Within any uniform day-length zone, therefore, where the 
growing season varies considerably in length, due to topography or other 
factors, the hypothesis may be made that adaptation to any particular 

length of growing season is effected through the selection of those geno- 
types having a suitable photoperiodic response to the prevailing day-length 
regime of that latitude. 

60 ab Lat. of origin / date of 
e . ° Ht. growth cessation 
a . ny e 
Weston, Mass., 1950 
55 . 
50 i e 
e oe :° e 
? - ts te 
B 45 e : oh 4 t + 7 $ 
| - ° 
e e 
J ‘ 
rs=e 823 
30 I ! | ] ] een 
June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 
Fic. 5. 

The group of clones originating between 40° and 50° (Fic. 5), referred 
to above, represents a case in point. This group is actually composed of a 
broad longitudinal sampling of trichocarpa ecotypes, extending from the 
Pacific coast to western Montana, and with a vertical dispersion from 
near sea level to ca. 5000 feet elevation. Since the length of the frost-free 
season in this latitudinal zone is, in fact, known to vary widely within 
comparatively short distances, due to elevation, the nature of the topog- 
raphy, etc., the considerable diversity in time of height growth cessation 
for clones native of the zone might be satisfactorily explained on the basis 
of the above hypothesis. 

A direct test of the hypothesis may, of course, be made by determining 
the degree of correlation, if any, that may exist between the lengths of the 
growing season at the points of origin for clones native of a narrower 
latitudinal band (i.e., having an essentially uniform seasonal day-length 
regime) and the dates of height growth cessation for the same clones as 
recorded at Weston. 

Although precise data on the average length of the growing season for 
the native habitats of each of the clones represented in our collections is 
for obvious reasons unavailable, reliable estimates nevertheless can be 


made for those native to areas in the vicinity of U.S. Weather Bureau 
Stations (21). 

FicuRE 6 shows the scatter diagram resulting when the length of 
the average growing season for those clones native only of the 2° lati- 
tudinal zone (45° to 47°) is plotted over the date of height growth ces- 
sation at Weston. The regression path here defined appears sufficiently 
uniform in trend (r = +.7891) to confirm further the hypothesis that 
trichocarpa populations are capable of adaptation to growing seasons of 
varying length within uniform day-length zones by selection of those 
types having a suitable photoperiodic response. 

Av. Growing Season of origin / 
Date of Ht. Growth Cessation 
Clones from 45° - 47° N. Lat. 
200 |- Weston, Mass., 1950 
7° s . 
vw) o 
4 S 
F 150 
° * 
3 . ° 
§ a 
100 } 
r = + .789 
80 i ! +. 
July August Sept Oct 
Fic. 6. 

Intraclonal Responses to Diverse Day-length Patterns 

During the 1950 and 1951 seasons, tests of photoperiodic sensitivity as 
revealed by influence on time of height growth cessation were made in about 
100 clonal lines within the following species: P. trichocarpa, P. tacamahaca, 
P. angustifolia, P. deltoides, and various hybrids of P. tremuloides « P. 
tremula. The tests of 1950 were made in a greenhouse at the Arnold 
Arboretum with potted propagules of 45 clonal lines grown under short-, 
normal- and long-day photoperiods. Results of these observations have 
been previously published (Hoffmann, 4). 

* Exceeds the 1 percent level of significance. 


Similar tests of the same clonal lines, and about 55 additional, were 
made outside during the 1951 season in portions of the Bussey Institution 
nursery. Ramets of the various clones in these studies were exposed only 
to the natural-day pattern prevailing at the latitude of Boston (ca. 42° 20’ 
N.) and a long-day regime corresponding to that at Juneau, Alaska 
(ca. 58° 20’N.). 

Flood lights and reflectors for the long-day plot were so arranged as to 
obtain complete coverage of the area with a minimum ground surface light 
intensity of 1.5 foot candles. Since the work of Withrow and Benedict 
(22), Matzke (10), and others demonstrates that light intensities of less 
than 1 foot candle are capable of producing photoperiodic responses, twice 
the duration of civil twilight was added to the ‘“‘sunrise to sunset” day 
length (Fic. 2). According to Humphreys (5), light intensity at the be- 
ginning of civil twilight (morning sun 6° below the horizon) is 0.4 foot 
candle with a clear sky, and quickly rises above 1 foot candle. 

Supplemental light was supplied the long-day plot by means of an auto- 
matic time switch in the morning and evening. Adjustment of the switch 
settings was made every third day to conform to the natural day at 
Juneau. Use of the lights was discontinued on September 30, when the 
photoperiod of Boston became greater than that of Juneau. Thereafter 
both experimental plots received the normal day length of Boston. 

The variable responses in terms of height growth cessation to different 
day-length regimes that were observed added further confirmation of the 
presumed photoperiodic sensitivity in Populus, and also demonstrated the 
apparent similarity of this response to that exhibited by other tree genera 
of the temperate zone. 

Detailed tabulation of the data recorded in these studies cannot, in the 
interest of brevity, be included in the present paper. However, a sample 
of the records on height growth cessation for P. trichocarpa clones of 
various origins when grown under the normal Boston-day and the artificial 
long-day regimes at the Arnold Arboretum during the 1951 season are 
shown in TaBLE 1 (Columns 7 and 8). Differences in time of growth 
cessation are noted in Column 9. Included also are recorded dates of height 
growth cessation of the same clones under normal-day conditions at 
Weston in 1950 and 1951 (Columns 5 and 6). 

As these data indicate, diversity of intra-clonal response to normal- and 
long-day regimes was most pronounced in those clones (981 and 984) from 
high latitude habitats. The net phenotypic disparity in height and leaf 
development between ramets of such northern clones when grown in the 
long-day regime to which they are adapted and the shorter-day regime of 
Boston is most striking (Fic. 7). 

Similarly, marked intra-clonal differences in time of height growth 
cessation characterize those clones adapted to the high-elevation (short 
growing season) habitats in the lower latitudes when grown in the normal- 
and long-day regimes (clones 1047, 1485, and 1239, Tasre 1). In con- 
trast, intraclonal diversity in response to normal- and long-day photoperiods 
demonstrated by those clones originating in the low-elevation (long grow- 

ing season) habitats of the lower latitudes is characteristically small (clones 
895, 899, 825, and 957, TABLE 1). 


P. trichocarpa 

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6) (7) (8) (9) 
Origin Date of Ht. Growth Cessation | 
Normal Day |Long D al D 
Clone Lat. Long. Elev. Weston —_|Arn. Arb. | Arn. Ar (days) 
No.|  (N) (W.)  (Ft.) | 19501951} 1951 | on (8)—-(7) 
981 60-37 149-30 1300 6/25 6/20 8/28 69 
984 60-19 149-21 ...2 6/19 = 6/20 8/19 60 
1147. 48-30 =.115-55 =1850) §=8/29 8/28 8/28 10/3 36 
1151 48-25 114-30 2100 8/29 8/28 9/12 9/27 15 
1565 48-10 114-10 8000 8/1 7/31 8/28 9/27 30 
1029. 47-30 123-55 250 9/19 9/21 10/5 14 
1047. 47-35 115-25 2400 9/12 8/29 9/28 30 
895 46-10 122-55 30 9/26 9/18 10/3 10/12 9 
1485 46-20 112-15 5000 8/15 8/7 8/10 9/13 34 
899 «945-35 =: 122-35 25 9/26 9/18 10/7 10/12 5 
1324 45-15 117-45 3400 9/5 8/28 9/18 10/3 15 
825 44-30 123-25 200 9/19 9/18 10/5 10/11 6 
1239 44-30 114-15 5200 8/29 8/28 8/31 10/3 Be] 
957 43-25 123-25 500 9/26 9/18 10/6 10/11 5 
1137. «43-35 = =—-:114-25 55300) Ss 8/29) 8/28 —s 8/31 9/27 27 

* Height growth cessation occurred prior to June 27, 1950. 

A point of considerable physiological interest is suggested by the results 
of the normal- and long-day tests. Theoretically, the net superiority in 
height shown by ramets of those clones grown in the long-day environment 
may be attributable to the combined influence of two causes: (1) the 
longer season of growth; and (2) the longer daily light period. Although 
the tests were not designed to analyze quantitative growth differences, the 
available data suggest that the longer daily light period did not materially 
contribute to the net seasonal height increment of plants grown in the 
long day. The superiority in the height of plants given the long-day treat- 
ment appears, thus, to have resulted solely from their longer growing 

Other oe Factors Influencing Time of Height 
Growth Cessa 

In general, a —e was noted in the time of height growth cessa- 
tion among ramets of the various clones when grown under the influence of 
the same day-length regime during the same or even succeeding seasons 


(TaBLE 1). Most minor fluctuations (1 to 10 days) may doubtless be 
attributed to inaccuracies inherent in the measurement technique em- 
ployed. Others, demonstrating fluctuations of a higher order, such as the 
21-day difference in date of height growth cessation of clone 1324 (TABLE 1) 
as recorded at Weston and the Arnold Arboretum in 1951, suggest the 
modifying influence of other factors on the photoperiodic reaction. 


Fic. 7. Diversity in phenotype demonstrated by ramets of P. trichocarpa 
clone No. 984 when grown in the normal day-length regime of Boston (left); 
and in an artificially created long-day regime approximating that of its native 
Alaskan habitat (right). Height growth ceased in the ramet exposed to Boston 
day length on June 20, 1951; that exposed to the long-day regime stopped growth 
60 days later (August 19, 1951). Scale is in feet. 

That other environmental factors should serve to modify the photo- 
periodic response is by no means unusual. Among the factors most suspect 
is temperature. Garner and Allard (3) observed modification in the 
photoperiodic requirement for soy beans when grown in different tempera- 
tures, and similar reports have been made by other workers (Roberts and 
Struckmeyer, 17; and Parker and Borthwick, 16). Since most differences 
in time of height growth cessation between ramets of the same clone 


grown at Weston and the Arnold Arboretum were due to earlier cessation 
of growth at Weston, the uniformly lower temperatures of that locality 
may have been responsible. (Differences in the natural day length of the 
two localities is negligible, since they are separated by only ca. 2 minutes 
of latitude.) 

On the basis of experiments currently in progress, there is evidence that 
ramets of a clone grown in sod may be induced to stop height growth at an 
earlier date than those grown in cleanly cultivated soil. 

There is some indication that excesses of available nitrogen in the soil 
(Kramer, 8) delay the onset of dormancy in apple trees, and this factor 
may thus influence time of height growth cessation. 

In addition to the above factors, the quite empirical conclusion may be 
drawn that an apparent intraclonal diversity in physiological functions 
may frequently develop among ramets of a clone. Such differences appear 
to be associated with mechanical injury or attack by disease or insects. 


Break of Dormancy and Early Seasonal Growth 

Although light exerts a profound influence on growth activity during a 
large portion of the growing season in Populus, neither light nor its period- 
icity appears to be directly concerned in the break of dormancy. 

In the propagation area at Weston, marked intra- and interspecific dif- 
ferences in time of leaf flushing are annually observable in early spring; 
but preliminary results of forcing studies made in 1950, 1951, and 1952 
indicated that such differences reflect a diversity in response to prevailing 
temperatures, apparently acting quite independently of the light environ- 
ment. In order to test more adequately for a possible light influence on 
dormancy break, ramets of various clones and sibs of several progenies 
representing species in all sections of Populus were grown in continuous 
light, natural day, and continuous darkness for a period of ca. three 
months in the late winter and early spring of 1953. The three compart- 
ments were maintained at as uniform a temperature as the facilities avail- 
able permitted (ca. 70° F.) 

Significantly, break of dormancy was negotiated without apparent 
incident by all plants in the dark compartment.! Within those clones and 
seedling families which broke dormancy early, little disparity (0-2 days) 
in date of dormancy break between compartments was noted. Within the 
late-breaking clones and seedling families, there were, however, marked 
divergencies (3-9 days); but there was no indication that complete ab- 

"So-called “break of dormancy” in these studies was based on observed separation 
of bud scales. As Populus buds swell, the imbricate bud scales separate, revealing the 
transparent portion of the underlying scale. Examination of the plants in the dark 
compartment was effected by use of weak yellow light which, in addition to the green 
portion of the spectrum, is reported to be photoperiodically ineffective, at least in the 
flowering response (Miller, 11). 


sence of light was more inhibiting to the break of dormancy than continuous 

Date of appearance of the first unrolled leaf was also recorded in these 
studies. In most cases the flattening process was not complete in the plants 
subjected to the dark treatment. 

Subsequent growth of the plants in darkness gave rise to the typical 
morphological modifications associated with etiolation, i.e., reduction in 
leaf size, marked elongation of the shoot with the development of a hook 
at the end, inhibited diametral growth, and loss of the erect habit (Fic. 8). 

Fic. 8. l-year seedlings of P. trichocarpa grown for 5 weeks in normal day 
(left): continuous light (center); and continuous darkness (right). All plants 
were dormant at the start of the experiment and all broke dormancy 8 to 10 
days later. 

Results of these studies appear to confirm the conclusion that the photo- 
period is ineffective in the break of dormancy or early growth in length of 
Populus. Later, however, a stage in the annual growth cycle is reached 
when the day length must be greater than a certain minimum in order for 
height growth to continue. As has been demonstrated, high latitude clones 
of P. trichocarpa, when grown in the natural-day regime at the latitude of 
Boston, cease height growth on or about the time of the summer solstice. If, 
however, the photoperiod is lengthened by the addition of artificial illumi- 
nation, they continue to grow, ceasing only when the day length again 
falls below the critical minimum. The role of the photoperiod in the annual 
growth cycle of Populus thus appears to be primarily effective in the timing 
of phvsiological processes concerned in the onset of dormancy. 

Diametral Growth Cessation 

On the basis of weekly recordings of height and diametral increment 
made on representatives of various Populus species in the plantations at 
Weston and elsewhere during the 1952 season, it is clear that diametral 
growth is always terminated after height growth ceases. Interclonal differ- 
ences in the length of time between height and diametral growth cessation 
ranged from ca. 10 to 30 days; but there appears to be little evidence from 
these data to suggest that diametral growth cessation is independently 
controlled by the photoperiod. A more likely explanation seems to be that 
cessation of growth in diameter is simply one of the final, and perhaps 
more or less automatic, steps in the dormancy process. 


The broad and continuous range in time of height growth cessation 
which characterizes the behavior of the various ecotypes in these studies, 
suggests that a large number of genes are involved in the photoperiodic 
reaction. Further indications of multiple factor inheritance are contained 
in the records on height growth cessation for the offspring and parents of a 
north-south cross included in the 1951 studies. Under the influence of 
either the normal- or long-day regime, the progeny ceased height growth 
at a time intermediate to that of their parents (Table 2 


ROGENY (1599 AND 1600) 

Lat. of _ Date of Height Growth Cessation, 1951 
Clone No. origin | Normal-day Plot | Long-day Plot 
183A 58-30 8/10 9/15 
118 46-50 9/12 10/3 
1599 8/25 9/21 
1600 8/24 9/20 


Seed Source 

Although it would be unwise on the basis of our present limited knowl- 
edge to extend the results of these studies to all ligneous species, several 
practical generalizations concerning the aad ooairaa response in trees 
and its importance in seed source problems may be no 

(1) The utilization of seed from northern long- pins races for planting in 


southern latitudes of long growing season will result in early seasonal 
growth cessation and consequent dwarfing. Such seed sources should obvi- 
ously be avoided for the establishment of forest plantations from which 
maximum production of wood or fiber is desired. On the other hand, such 
seed sources might prove suitable for the establishment of protection forests 
in short growing season habitats at high elevations in southern latitudes. 
The typically small annual increment of northern races when grown in a 
short-day environment might even make them suitable for special horti- 
cultural uses. 

(2) Seed derived from ecotypes native of the short growing season, 
high-altitude habitats of mountainous areas in the low latitudes may be 
expected to react in a manner similar to northern long-day types and should 
therefore be avoided as seed sources for forest plantations at the same or 
more southern latitudes. Such sources of seed may, however, prove highly 
desirable for introduction into certain long-day environments in northern 
latitudes having suitably long growing seasons. Support for this generaliza- 
tion is attested by the long history of successful North American tree in- 
troductions into the maritime countries of Europe. Conversely, movement 
of long-day races of native European species into the United States has not 
met with notable success. 

(3) Ecotypes native of long growing season habitats in any particular 
latitude should be avoided as seed sources for short season habitats at the 
same latitude because of their susceptibility to early autumn frost damage. 
For the same reason, such seed sources cannot be successfully moved 
northward into a long-day environment. 

The problem of selecting suitable seed sources of any species for intro- 
duction into another environment must obviously take into consideration 
numerous other environmental factors and genetic characteristics. The 
above recommendations may be found useful, therefore, only to the extent 
that they may contribute to limiting the field of search for desirable 
genotypes. Final decisions on adaptability of the proposed introduction to 
the new habitat must be based on the observed interaction that results be- 
tween the introduced genotype and all the factors of its new environment. 


Because of its fundamental role in the vegetative growth cycle, the 
photoperiodic response should obviously be a matter of primary concern 
to the tree breeder. As a means of increasing the net yields of wood or 
fiber, gene combinations nicely adapted for full utilization of the growing 
season in a particular habitat, may well prove to be quite as promising as a 
search for heterotic hybrids. 

In view of the probably high genetic diversity of the photoperiodic re- 
sponse in wild tree populations occupying a wide diversity of habitats, 
initial concern should be directed to the selection of suitable parental 
materials. This is especially true in F; breeding programs and may, to a 
large extent, explain the unsatisfactory results that have been obtained 


by various workers through the selection of parental stocks based on their 
taxonomic identity and availability, rather than their genetic quality. 

Since the photoperiodic response appears to be controlled by a large 
number of factors, the production of a wide-ranging, transgressive series 
of photoperiodic types may be expected in F. populations. Theoretically, 
by the initial use of parental ecotypes which give reactions approaching 
the extremes in day-length response, an F» will result which may be ex- 

ected to contain gene combinations adaptable to almost any growing 
season length at any latitude. 


For the purpose of studying ecotypic variation in Populus, a living 
collection representative of the ranges of various species in this genus was 
undertaken in 1947 by the Maria Moors Cabot Foundation for Botanical 
Research. The studies here reported are concerned primarily with the in- 
fluence of the photoperiod on time of height growth cessation as observed 
in the various test areas located in the vicinity of Boston, Massachusetts. 

Marked variation in the time that height growth stopped was observed 
between clonal lines of single species when grown in the same day-length 
regime and otherwise uniform environment. Analysis of these data re- 
vealed that the time of height growth cessation was inversely correlated 
with the latitude of origin of each clone. Among clones native of uniform 
day-length zones, the time at which height growth ceased was directly cor- 
related with the length of the frost-free season prevailing in the native 
habitat of each clone. On the basis of these observations, the conclusion is 
made that adaptation of Populus species to various habitats differing in 
length of frost-free season is effected by a genetic mechanism which con- 
trols the duration of their seasonal period of growth. The photoperiod, 
which is the only factor of the environment with a uniform seasonal varia- 
tion that is constant from year to year, functions as the timing device for 
this mechanism. 

Modifications in time of height growth cessation were effected by expos- 
ing ramets of various clones to artificially lengthened or shortened photo- 
periods in otherwise uniform environments. The time of height growth 
cessation was thus demonstrated to be the result of an interaction between 
the individual’s genotype and the photoperiod. Also observed were other 
intraclonal modifications in time of height growth cessation that could not 
be attributed to photoperiodic response. Differences in temperature, avail- 
able nitrogen, intensity of cultivation, and various other factors are be- 
lieved to exert a modifying influence on the time that height growth ceases. 

Hybrids between clones of northern and southern origin gave a photo- 
periodic response intermediate to the responses of the parents. These re- 
sults, and the widely varying photoperiodic responses shown by the various 
ecotypes used in these studies, indicate that the number of genes involved 
in the photoperiodic reaction is large. 


Experiments on the break of dormancy in the spring indicated that temp- 
erature rather than photoperiod is the major factor controlling the initiation 
of new growth after the period of winter dormancy. 

Several practical generalizations concerning the photoperiodic response 
in trees and its importance in seed source problems and in breeding are 


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23 (2): 479-510. 

13. ————.. 1932. “Photoperiodicity of trees and its practical importance” 
(in Russian). Bull. App. Bot. Genet. and Pl. Breeding, Ser. A, Soc. 
Plant Ind. 2: 108-123. U.S. Forest Service Translation No. 195, 1935. 

14, ————— . 1935. Photoperiodismus und Frostharte ausdauernder Gewachse. 
Planta 23: 774-803. 

15. Oxmstep, C. E. 1951. Experiments on photoperiodism: Dormancy and 
leaf age and abscission in sugar maple. Bot. Gaz. 112: 365-393. 

16. PARKER, M. W., AND H. A. BortHwicx. 1939. The effect of variation in 
temperature during photoperiodic induction upon initiation of flower 
primordia in Biloxi soy bean. Bot. Gaz. 101: 145-167. 



. Roperts, R. H., AnD B. E. STRUCKMEYER. 1938. The effects of temperature 
and other environmental factors upon the photoperiodic responses of some 

of the higher plants. Jour. Agric. Res. 56: 633-677. 

. SyLvEN, N. 1940. Lang- och kortdagstyper av de svenska pares 

Svensk Papperstidning 43 (17): 317-324; (18): 332-342; (19): 


. Turesson, G. 1922. The species and the variety as ecological units. 

. TurRRILL, W. B. 1940, Experimental and synthetic plant taxonomy. In 
J. Huxley, ed., The New Systematics: 1. 

+ WS, Department of Agriculture. 1941. Climate and Man. Yearbook of 
Agriculture. U. S. Government Printing Office. 1248 pp. 

. WirHrow, R. B. AND H. M. Benepict. 1936. Photoperiodic responses of 
certain green annuals as influenced by intensity and wave length of arti- 
ficial light used to lengthen the daylight period. Plant Phys. 11: 225-249, 


With two plates 

CRITICAL NOTES on ambiguous binomials concerning the Chinese flora, 
additional information regarding certain Chinese plants, and the proposal 
of eight new species, four new varieties, and two new combinations are 
presented in this paper. Unless identified by (G), indicating that the 
material is deposited in the Gray Herbarium, all the specimens cited are 
to be found in the Herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum. 

Clematis angustifolia Auct. 

Jacquin in 17621 published the species Clematis angustifolia, from the 
coast of southern Europe. According to his description the species was a 
glabrous vine with pinnate leaves and linear leaflets. Pallas in 1776 de- 
scribed Clematis hexapetala, an erect plant with tomentose perianth from 
eastern Siberia in the regions of the Argun and Onon Rivers. In 1786 
Jacquin, probably on account of the shape of the leaf segments, doubtfully 
amalgamated these geographically widely separated and morphologically 
manifestly different species. In the discussion of his Clematis angustifolia 
he wrote as follows, expressing his doubt: “An haec eadem cum Am- 
maniana planta, a Pallasio citata, sit, dubito, quum nostra sit glabra tota, 
Ammanius vero dicat caules superius lanuginosos . . .” In the same year, 
under the name Clematis angustifolia, he published a colored plate illus- 
trating a plant which he described as erect and with pinnate recurved 
leaves and linear-lanceolate leaflets. Judging from this illustration and 
description, Jacquin’s concept of his own Clematis angustifolia had, by 
this time, changed from a climbing glabrous vine growing on the coast 
of southern Europe to an erect pubescent plant occurring in the mountains 
of central Siberia, for in the Gray Herbarium there is a specimen collected 
by Schschukin in Irkutsk which matches Jacquin’s illustration in every 
respect. This illustration of Jacquin’s has been very misleading, for in the 
last two centuries botanists who named plants by matching them with 
illustrations have identified all members of that heterogeneous group of 
erect herbaceous perennial Clematis from North China, Manchuria, Korea, 
and Eastern Siberia as Clematis angustifolia Jacq. Meanwhile most au- 
thors who have published accounts of the flora of eastern and northeastern 
Asia have indiscriminately applied such identifications. Now, both in the 
herbaria and the literature, we have this oriental taxon carrying an occi- 
dental binomial. As Jacquin’s species was first published as a climbing 

’ Enumeratio yond ce ita i quae Sponte Crescunt in Agro Vindobonensi, 
Montibusque Confinibus 


plant growing on the coast of southern Europe, the application of that 
binomial should be limited to plants of that region, in spite of the fact 
that Jacquin later changed the concept of his species. A. P. De Candolle 
in 1817 (Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturelle 134, 154) treated Clematis 
maritima Linn. as a variety of Clematis flammula Linn. var. maritima (L.) 
DC. in one place and later used it again as a synonym of Clematis angusti- 
folia Jacq. In so doing, he seems to have given us a hint that Jacquin’s 
original Clematis angustifolia might have been a Clematis flammula Linn. 
var. maritima DC., since Clematis flammula Linn. is a vine with pin- 
natisect leaves, and the variety, C. flammula Linn. var. maritima (L.) 
DC., has linear segments. This vine habit and the pinnatisect leaves with 
linear segments are distinguishing characters which Jacquin at first ascribed 
to his C. angustifolia. In the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum there is 
a collection from Yeste, Spain, labeled C. flammula Linn. var. maritima 
(L.) DC. This specimen represents a glabrous vine with pinnatisect leaves. 
The linear segments of these leaves appear similar to those of some form 
of the Chinese elements. It is very likely that this represents the true C. 
angustifolia Jacq., which is very different from the taxon of northeastern 
Asia, which should be designated as Clematis hexapetala Pallas. 

Hayata in 1913 overlooked Jacquin’s binomial and published a Clematis 
angustifolia from Formosa. This species was originally described as 
Clematis leschenaultiana DC, var. angustifolia Hayata in Jour. Coll. Sci. 
Univ. Tokyo 30: 16. 1911. It represents a vine with densely tomentose 
stems and leaves. The leaves are trifoliate with ovate or oblong-lanceolate 
leaflets which are remotely serrate. The achenes of this species are fusi- 
form. Clematis leschenaultiana DC. was originally described from Java. 
It has been recorded from the Philippines, Formosa, and the warmer re- 
gions of the Chinese mainland, as well as from the western Malaysian area. 
After comparing specimens collected within this wide range I have de- 
cided that the Formosan material is not specifically distinct. 

Clematis hexapetala Pallas, Reise 3: 735, pl. Q, fig. 2. 1776, et Voy. 4: 
701, pl. 14, fig. 3. 1793. — Komarov & Schischkin, Fl. URSS 7: 318. 
1937. — Kitagawa, Lin. Fl. Mansh. 217. 1939. — Nakai in Jour. Jap. 
Bot. 20: 191. 1944. 

Clematis i a Jacq.. Ic. Pl. Rar. 1: 11, pl. 104. 1786 (non Jacq. 1762). 
. sy 153. 1817, et Prodr. 1: 7.1824.— Bunge in Mém. Div. 

ae Acad. 7 St. Pétersb. 2: 75 (Enum. Pl. Chin. Bot.). 1833. — Ledeb., 
Fl. Ross. 1: 2. 1841.— Maxim. in Mém. Div. Sav. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 
9: 468 (Ind, Fl. Pekin.). 1859, et Enum. Pl. Mongol. 2. 1889.— Franch. 
in Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris II. 5: 166 (Pl. David 1: 14). 1882.—Hemsl. 

: . . ; ] 
Tokyo 26: 11 (FI. Kor. 1: 11). 1909, et 31: 426 (FI. Kor. 2: 426). 1911. — 
Cowdry in Jour. Roy. As. Soc. N. China 53: 160 (Pl. Peitaiho). 1922 
—Limpricht, Bot. Reis. Hochgeb. Chin. Ost-Tib. 374. 1922.— Rehder 
in Jour. Arnold Arb. 4: 185. 1923.— Komarov, [Fl. Manchzh.] 2: 288. 

Clematis pallasii Gmel. Syst. 873. 1791. 


Clematis recta Linn. var. angustifolia (Jacq.) Kuntze in Verh. Bot. Brand. 
26: 112. 1884. 

Clematis angustifolia Jacq. var. breviloba Freyn in Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 45: 
59. 1895, et 51: 374. 1901. 

Clematis angustifolia Jacq. var. dissecta Yabe, Higasi-Moko Syokubutsu 
Mokuroku 14. 1917. 

Clematis angustifolia Jacq. Spey dissecta (Yabe) Kitagawa in Rep. First 
Sci. Exped. Manch. IV. 4: 17, 3 

Clematis hexapetala Pallas a dissecta (Yabe) Kitagawa, Lin. Fl. Mansh. 

217. 1939. 

Clematis er Pallas forma breviloba (Freyn) Nakai in Jour. Jap. Bot. 
20: 191. 194 

CHINA: Chili [Hopei]: Hsiao-wu-tai shan, T. N. Meyer 92; Peking, S. W. 
Williams, Aug. 1876 (G); Hsing-lung shan, J. C. Liu 622. 

EASTERN SIBERIA ann MANCHURIA: Kirin, F. H. Chen 182 age 
Dairen, Chinchou, P. H. Dorsett & W. J. Morse 5937 (G); Harbin, P. H. 
J.H. Dorsett 3292 (G); Nertschinsk [Nerchinsky], F. Karo (Plantae “ee 
152c (1soTyPE of Clematis angustifolia Jacq. B breviloba Freyn); Blagowjest- 
schensk, F. Karo 113b; Chabarovsk [Khabarovsk], V. Komarov 706; Khingan- 
skia, D. Litvinow 326, 1015; [Ta-ho-shang shan], K. Kobayashi, June 19, 1933; 
Suifenho, B. V. Skvortzov, ‘July 10, 1926; Greater Khingan, 2 ia BY. 
Skvortzov, July 27, 1938. Mukden [Moukden], E. H. Wilson 8 

Pallas was the first post-Linnaean botanist who described and illustrated 
the northeastern Asian erect herbaceous perennial Clematis and named it 
C. hexapetala. The leaf of his plant is ‘per caulem opposita, adscendentia, 
pinnata: foliolis duris venosis, marginatis, acutis, imi paris ramoso-quad- 
rifidis, superioribus lanceolatis bifidisque, terminali tripartito.” The seg- 
ment of the perianth is “oblonga, extus tomentosa.” Plants so charac- 
terized had been recorded from Manchuria, northern Korea, and the North 
China Highlands extending from Long. 108° E. and Lat. 34° N. north- 
eastward to Long. 122° E. and Lat. 40° N. Unfortunately, on account of 
Jacquin’s changed concept of his European species of C. angustifolia and 
his misleading illustration of 1776, this taxon has appeared as C. angusti- 
folia Jacq. in botanical literature, especially in that concerning the flora 
of North China. 

Clematis hexapetala Pallas is essentially an upland species growing on 
grassy mountain slopes. Its distribution is very interesting. So far as our 
material and records show, it has never been collected west of Long. 103° 
E. nor south of Lat. 34° N. Its range forms a U-shaped area on the map, 
with Khabarovsk and northern Korea on the curve, northern Manchuria, 
Dahuria, and the Lake Baikal area on the northern arm, and with southern 
Manchuria and the North China Highlands on the southern arm. 

The material collected within this range exhibits a definite pattern of 
variation in the size and shape of the ultimate segment of the pinnatisect 
leaves. Some of these are linear, measuring up to 5 cm. long and 5 mm. 
wide in the middle, while others are lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long and 10 
mm. or more wide in the middle. Since 1895 many trinomials have been 


proposed for the different forms of this variation. Although in the original 
description the measurements of the ultimate segments of the leaves of 
typical C. hexapetala Pallas were not given, and the type material is not 
accessible to me for comparison, from Pallas’ illustration I am inclined 
to think that he definitely had a narrow-segmented form with segments 
2.5—5 cm. long and 3-5 mm. wide at the middle, and acute at the apex. 
When Freyn described his varieties, he stated for C. angustifolia Jacq. 
a longiloba, “Die Blatter doppelt gefiedert, mit lineal-lanzettlichen Ab- 
schnitten; letztere 8-10 mal linger als breit (4-6-10 mm.). Die Bliiten 
bis 5 cm. im Durchmesser, die jungen Sepalen aussen dickt filzig wollig.”’ 
For his C. angustifolia Jacq. B breviloba he gave no measurements but 
simply added, “wie vorige, aber die Blattabschnitte bei gleicher Breite viel 
kurzer.” Here in the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum there is an iso- 
type, F. Karo 152c, for the latter variety. The size and shape of the ulti- 
mate segments of the pinnatisect leaves are identical with those shown in 
Pallas’ illustration. Freyn probably did not realize that Nerchinsky, the 
locality where Karo 152c was collected, lies between the rivers Argun and 
Onon, the type locality of C. hexapetala Pallas. The morphological iden- 
tity and the geographical coincidence lead me to decide that Freyn’s C. 
angustifolia Jacq. 8 breviloba is identical with the typical C. hexapetala 
Pallas. The trinomials proposed by the Japanese botanists have been in- 
terpreted as synonyms of C. angustifolia Jacq. B breviloba Freyn by 
Nakai. They are here treated as synonyms of C. hexapetala Pallas. 
Pritzel in 1900 recorded this species under the name of C. angustifolia 
Jacq. from T’ai-pa-shan of southwestern Shensi, as represented by Giraldi 
865. If his identification is dependable, this collection marks the southern- 
most limit in the range of distribution for the species. As I have not seen 
Giraldi’s specimen, I am not sure whether it actually belongs here or not. 

Clematis hexapetala Pallas var. longiloba (Freyn) comb. nov. 
Clematis angustifolia Jacq. q longiloba Freyn in Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 45: 59. 

CHINA: Chili [Chihli, Hopei]: Peking, Western Hills, P. H. Dorsett & 
W. J. Morse 7035; same locality, Bretschneider in 1881 (ex Herb. F. B. Forbes 
1807); Kiang-hsuai ho, T. F. King 171: San-tun-ying, F. N. Meyer 91; Hsiao- 
wu-tai shan, F, N. Meyer 1352; same locality, C. W. Wang 61450; Wei-chang, 
Wm. Purdom 44; without precise locality, Father Chanet 28. Shansi: cen- 
tral part of the province, Lu-yah shan, H. Smith’s collector, Lao Ch’in 8147. 

EASTERN SIBERIA orn MANCHURIA: Zejshaja Pristan am Zeaflusse, F. 
Karo 334, July 1899; Blagovesczensk, F. Karo, July 16, 1904; Amur, super et 
medius, Korskinsky in 1891 (G); Ircutsk [Irkutsk], Schschukin (G); Moukden, 
J. Webster in 1887 (G); Dahuria, Turczaninow 8, Nov. 1859 (G). 

KOREA: Pyengyan, Mrs. R. K. Smith, July 5, 1937. 

This variety is characterized by the larger leaf segments, which are 
10-15 mm. wide, attenuated at both ends, acute, rarely obtuse at the apex, 
sparsely villose on the principal nerves, especially beneath, glabrescent 


later in the season. This variety has been introduced into cultivation. I 
have seen material from Jewell Nursery, Lake City, Minnesota, which is 
identical with our spontaneous collections. In North China the plant grows 
on grassy slopes along the dry hillsides. Its white flowers appear in June 
and July. The obovate achenes are 5 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, compressed, 
villose, and with a persistent densely villose curved style up to 3.5 cm. long. 

Clematis hexapetala Pallas var. smithiana var. nov. 

Herba erecta perennis, 20-30 raro usque 60 cm. alta; foliis pinnati- 
sectis, segmentis ultimis lanceolatis, 1.5-3 cm. longis, 3-7 mm. latis, apice 
obtusis apiculatisque, subtus villosis, inflorescentiis subpaniculatis, peri- 
anthiis lanatis, segmentis oblanceolatis, 1 cm. longis, 3 mm. latis, antheris 
oblongis, 1.5 mm. longis, carpellis albo-villosis. 

CHINA: Shansi: Yin-ch’eng, Chung-t’iao shan, H. Smith 6039 (TYPE); 
Huo hsien, T. Tang 1010. 

This is a dwarf variety which is usually 20-30, rarely up to 60 cm. high 
at the flowering stage. It can easily be distinguished from all other vari- 
eties of this species by its villose lower leaf-surface. It occurs in southern 
Shansi at an altitude of 1850 meters. The white flower appears in July. 

Clematis hexapetala Pall. var. tchefouensis (Debeaux), comb. nov. 

Clematis angustifolia Jacq. var. tchefouensis Debeaux in Act. Soc. Linn. Bor- 

deaux 31: 117 (Fl. Tché-fou 22). 1877. 
Clematis angustifolia sensu Faber in Denkschr. Entwickel. Kiautschou 31. 
98.— sensu Rehder in Jour. Arnold Arb. 4: 185. 1923, pro parte, non 
Jacquin, 1762. 

CHINA: Shantung: Tche-fou [Chefoo, Chih-fou, Yen-t’ai], 0. Debeaux 
(1soTyPE of Clematis angustifolia Jacq. var. tchefouensis Debeaux); Tsingtao, 
Li-chuan, C. Y. Chiao 2979; near coast, A. Jacot, July 1, 1927; Lao shan, 33 
miles south of Tsaingtao, C. Y. Chiao 2691. 

This variety was originally described on the basis of material collected 
from the north shore of the Shantung Peninsula. Additional material has 
proved its rather extensive range, extending to the southern end of the 
peninsula. It can be distinguished from typical Clematis hexapetala Pall. 
by its subglabrous perianth, which is 2—2.5 cm. in diameter at anthesis. 

Clematis hexapetala Pall. var. insularis, var. nov. 

Herba erecta, caudicibus 1 m. altis, 4 mm. crassis, foliis pinnatisectis, 
segmentis lobatis vel partitis, ultimo lanceolato, 3—6 cm. longo, 8-13 mm. 
lato, apice obtuso mucronatoque; floribus subpaniculatis, pedicellis 5-8 cm. 
longis, perianthiis glabrescentiis, 2.5 cm. diametro. 

CHINA: Shantung: Tsingtao, Tsingtao Island, C. Y. Chiao 2521 (TYPE). 

This erect, herbaceous, broad-segmented variety is endemic to a small 
island on the southern coast of the Shantung Peninsula, where it grows on 
sandy slopes at sea level. Its white flowers appear in mid-June. Its leaf- 


segments resemble those of C. hexapetala Pall. var. longiloba (Freyn) 
S Hu, but the latter taxon can easily be distinguished by its white 
lanate perianth and sparsely villose nerves on the lower surface of the 
leaves, while the perianth of this variety is glabrescent and the leaves 
entirely glabrous, 

Clematis hexapetala Pall. var. elliptica var. nov. 
Clematis angustifolia sensu Finet & Gagnepain, Contrib. Fl. As. Or. 1: 21. 
1905, pro parte. — sensu Loes. in Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37 (Abt. 2): 112. 
1919, non Jacquin, 1862. 

Herba erecta perennis; foliis pinnatisectis, praeter nervos subtus glabris, 
segmento ultimo lanceo-elliptico, 1.5-3 raro usque 5 cm. longo, 4—5 raro 
usque 8 mm. lato, apice obtuso mucronatoque; perianthiis glabrescentiis. 

CHINA: Shantung: Tsingtau [Tsingtao], Zimmerman 205 (tvPE), 448. 

This variety can be distinguished by its very deeply cut lanceo-elliptic 
segments of the leaves which are obtuse at the apex. In general appearance 
it resembles C. hexapetala Pall. var. smithiana S. Y. Hu of southern Shansi, 
but the latter variety has a lanate perianth and villose lower leaf surfaces. 

Freyn in 1895, on the basis of F. Karo 1256 collected from Nertschinsk 
| Nerchinsky], described a form which he named forma stenophylla. Ac- 
cording to his description, the segments of the leaves are up to 6 cm. long 
and only 1 mm. wide. In the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University 
there is a fruiting specimen, 7. Y. Cheo & L. Yen 98, collected from Fei- 
hsien of Shantung Province, of which the segments of the leaves are 5—9 
cm. long, 3 mm. wide. Flowering material of the narrow-segmented form 
from the latter region is awaited for its identity. 

Tinospora craveniana sp. nov. (Pl. /, fig. 6). 
Frutex scandens, ramis striatis sulcatisque, 2-3 mm. diametro, hor- 
notinis hirsutis, internodiis 7-10 cm. longis; foliis tenuiter chartaceis, 

stitio inter apices auricularum 1.5—2.5 cm. longo, apice acuminatis, acumine 
5-8 mm. longo, integris, praeter nervos glabris, nervis primariis 5, pal- 
matis, nervis secundariis laxe reticulatis, utrinque prominulis, petiolo 2.5— 
3.5 cm. longo, hirsuto; inflorescentiis racemosis; ¢ racemis fasciculatis, 
pedunculis gracilibus, 15 mm. longis, hirsutis, rhachibus 4 cm. longis, 
bracteis lanceolatis, 1-2 mm. longis, pedicellis 12-30 mm. longis, sparse 
hirsutis, prophyllis 1 vel 2; floribus 3-meris, sepalis 6, glabris, extimis 
oblongis, 2 mm. longis, intimis lineari- -oblongis, 4—5 mm. longis, 1 mm. 
latis, apice acutis; petalis 6, carnosis, apice suborbicularibus, basi cunea- 
tis, 2 mm. longis; staminibus 6, 3 mm. longis, thecis oblongis, 1 mm. longis, 
unite lateralibus dehiscentibus; ovario rudimentario minuto, globoso; 9 
racemis solitariis, pedunculis as cm. longis; floribus ignotis; fructibus 
sa gaa 9-10 mm. diametro, endocarpiis osseis, subhemisphaericis, 
7-8 mm. diametro, ventro lene dorso lineis obsoletis inconspicuis 
cise as 


CHINA: Kiangsi: Hwang-kong shan, Y. K. Hsiung 6402 (type, fruit). 
Szechuan: Mt. Omei, 7. T. Yii 563 (TYPE, staminate flower). 

The outline of the anterior portion of the leaf of this species appears 
to resemble that of JT. malabarica (Lam.) Miers., but the base of the leaf 
of the latter species is cordate, not sagittate. The indumentum on the 
nerves of the lower surface and the sagittate leaf-base of T. craveniana 
suggest relationship with 7. sagittata (Oliver) Gagnep., but the latter 
species has linear-lanceolate leaves, smaller flowers with the sepals measur- 
ing only 2.5—3 mm. in length, obtuse or rounded at the apex, and sub- 
orbicular anthers. 

This species is named in honor of Miss Mary G. Craven, who retired in 
January 1953 after forty-eight years of service in the Herbarium of the 
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Her skillful handling of the 
specimens has established a monument to her care of the material as well 
as to her friendship and association with all who have done taxonomic 
research in this herbarium, from the days of its founder, Charles S. Sargent, 
up to the present. 

Tinospora imbricata sp. nov. (PI. /, fig. 2). 

shia dik capillipes sensu Chun in Sunyats. 4: 176, fig. 1940. — sensu 
moto in Taiwania 1: 32. 1948, pro parte, non Ae ers 1908. 

Frutex scandens, ramulis striatis, 2.5 mm. diametro, sparse ee 
internodiis 7-13 cm. longis; foliis chartaceis, ovato-oblongis, 12—14 
longis, 44.8 cm. latis, basi cordatis, lobis auriculatis, imbricatis, ace 
caudatis, acumine 2 cm. longo, supra glabris, subtus praeter nervos glabris, 
nervis primariis 7, palmatis, utrinque elevatis, nervis secundariis laxe 
reticulatis, utrinque conspicuis; petiolo 7 cm. longo, hirsutis, basi tortile; 
floribus ignotis; infructescentiis subracemosis, pedunculis 3.5—9.5 cm. 
longis, glabrescentibus, pedicellis 9-12 mm. longis, stipite ovarii 2-5 mm. 
longo; fructibus rubris, subglobosis, 8-9 mm. diametro, endocarpiis per- 
gameis, 7 mm. longis, 8 mm. latis, ventro excavatis, dorso lineis obscuris, 
ceterum inconspicuo-rugosis. 

CHINA: Kwangsi: Yao-shan, C. Wang 40521 (TYPE). 

This species occurs along the streams in central Kwangsi at altitudes 
of about 1300 meters. Its red fruits remain on the vine in December. 
Gagnepain in 1908 described J. capillipes on the basis of Balansa’s collec- 
tion from Tonkin. 

The type of 7. capillipes represents a staminate plant which has pu- 
bescent sepals. I have seen no specimen of this species. Judging from 
Gagnepain’s illustration (Fl. Gén. Indo-Chine 1: 133. fig. 14, 11. 1908), 
that species is characterized by its ovate leaves with sagittate bases. The 
basal lobes are rounded and are far apart. Chun in 1940 interpreted C. 
Wang 40521 as T. capillipes Gagn., but Wang’s collection has ovate-oblong 
leaves with imbricate basal lobes and represents a taxon very different 
from Gagnepain’s species. Yamamoto did not see Wang’s collection. In 


recording the occurrence of T. capillipes Gagn. in Kwangsi he simply 
adopted Chun’s interpretation. 

Tinospora intermedia sp. nov. (Pl. J, fig. 5). 

Frutex scandens, ramulis vetustioribus longitudinaliter rimulosis, hor- 
notinis hirsutis; foliis chartaceis, sagittato-oblongis, raro sagittato-ovatis, 
7-11 cm. longis, 3.5-4.5 cm. latis, basi sagittatis, interstitio inter apices 
auricularum 3.5 cm. longo, apice acuminatis, acumine 6-8 mm, longo, 
apiculato; inflorescentiis staminatis fasciculatis, pedunculis 2-3.5 cm. 
longis, bracteis ovatis, ciliatis, 1-1.5 mm. longis, pedicellis 1-1.5 cm. 
longis, prophyllis 1 vel 2, ovatis, apice ciliatis, cum pedunculis glabres- 
centibus; sepalis 6, glabris, extimis ovatis, 1-2 mm. longis, intimis oblanceo- 
latis, 3 mm. longis, petalis 6, carnosis, suborbicularibus, apice truncatis; 
staminibus 6, petalis longioribus, antheris subglobosis, 0.5 mm. diametro; 
infructescentiis paniculatis, pedunculis 9 cm. longis, fructibus ellipsoideis, 
8 mm. longis, 7 mm. diametro, apice apiculatis, endocarpiis pergameneis, 
ventro excavatis, dorso ceterum lineis conspicuo-tuberculatis. 

CHINA: Szechuan: Mt. Omei, C. Y. Chiao & C. S. Fan 263; same 
locality, C. L. Chow 5777; W. P. Fang 16320 Sees, staminate aati 17522 
(type, fruit); W. K. Hu 8803 (sterile); T. T. Vii 

The leaves of this species appear to resemble those of 7. craveniana 
S. Y. Hu in size and texture, but the basal lobes of the latter species point 
backward and its fruit has a bony rugose endocarp, while the basal lobes 
of this species all point outward and the endocarp is pergameneous and 
conspicuously tuberculate. The fruit characters suggest relationship with 
T. szechuanensis S. Y. Hu. Occasionally a few leaves of certain specimens, 
such as Chiao & Fan 263, are short and broad, appearing sagittate-ovate. 
This character suggests some relationship with T. capillipes Gagnepain, 
which has pubescent sepals. On account of its resemblance to several 
species in different respects, it is here treated as an intermediate species. 

Tinospora szechuanensis sp. nov. (PI. /, fig. 1). 

Frutex scandens, ramis striatis et sulcatis, 2.5-3 mm. diametro, horno- 
tinis hirsutis, internodiis 6-7 cm. longis; foliis subcoriaceis, integris, sagit- 
tatis, 10-13 cm. longis, 4—4.5 cm. latis, basi sagittatis, interstitiis inter 
apices auricularum 5.5 cm. longis, apice acuminatis, acumine 15-20 mm 
longo, cuspidato, supra glabris, subtus praeter nervos glabris, nervis pri- 
mariis 5, palmatis, utrinque elevatis, nervis secundariis laxe reticulatis, 
supra obscuris, subtus prominulis; petiolo 5.5—6 cm. longo, glabrescente; 
floribus ignotis; infructescentiis paniculatis, pedunculis 9 cm. longis, axibus 
secundariis 10-15 mm. longis, pedicellis 5-10 mm. longis, cum pedunculis 
hirsutis; fructibus ellipsoideis, 11 mm. longis, 7-8 mm. diametro, stigmatis 
subapiculatis, endocarpiis pergameneis, subellipsoideis, 8 mm. longis, 7mm. 
latis, ventro excavatis, dorso lineis conspicuo-tuberculatis. 


CHINA: Szechuan: Hung-ya, Wa-wu shan, E. H. Wilson 3528 (TYPE, 

This species is characterized by its subcoriaceous sagittate leaves with 
the auricles pointing outward, paniculate infructescence with peduncles 
9 cm. long, and ellipsoid drupes with conspicuously tuberculate parchment- 
like endocarp. It is closely related to T. sagittata (Oliver) Gagnepain, but 
the leaves of the latter species are linear-lanceolate, sagittate, with the 
auricles pointing backward, the infructescences are racemose with the 
peduncles 4-6 cm. long; and the fruits are subspherical with bony endo- 
carp inconspicuously tuberculate (Pl. /, fig. 3). 

Tinospora yunnanensis, sp. nov. (Pl. /, fig. 4). 

Frutex scandens, ramulis striatis et sulcatis, vetustioribus tuberculatis, 
lenticellis conspicuis, orbiculatis, elevatis, hornotinis hirsutis vel glabres- 
centibus; foliis subcoriaceis, sagittato-ovatis, 12-14 cm. longis, 4.5-5.5 
cm. latis, basi cordato-sagittatis, auriculis rotundatis, interstitia inter apices 
auricularum 1.5-2.5 cm. longa, apice acuminatis, acumine 11-13 mm. 
longo, apiculato, utrinque rugosis, praeter nervos subtus glabris, nervis 
primariis 7, utrinque evidentibus, reticulatis obscuris; inflorescentiis 
staminatis, ramis vetustis positis, racemosis, racemis solitariis vel fascicu- 
latis, pedunculis 4-5.5 cm. longis, glabrescentibus, bracteis lanceolatis, 
2 mm. longis, apice ciliatis, pedicellis 7-10 mm. longis, pilosis; sepalis 6, 
extimis ellipticis, 1.5 mm. longis, 0.75 mm. latis, intimis unguicularibus, 
2 mm. longis, 1.5 mm. latis, glabris; petalis 6, suborbicularibus, basi cunea- 
tis; staminibus 6, filamentis petalis subaequalibus; ovario rudimentario 
globoso; floribus pistillatis fructibusque ignotis. 

CHINA: Yunnan: without precise locality, H. T. Tsai 53100 (TyPE). 

This species is closely related to T. capillipes Gagnepain, but the latter 
species has villose sepals, while those of this species are glabrous. 

Chimonanthus salicifolius, sp. nov. 

Frutex, ramulis subteretis, puberulis; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, 3-9 cm. 
longis, 1-3 cm. latis, basi obtusis, apice obtusis vel acutis, subcoriaceis, 
supra glabra, paulum nitidis, subtus opacis, hirsutis, costa utrinque elevata, 
nervis lateralibus 5 vel 6 paribus, reticulatis; floribus solitariis, axillaribus, 
pedicellis brevissimis, 4 mm. longis, bracteolis imbricatis, ovatis, puberulis; 
perianthiis exterioribus rotundatis, puberulis, interioribus ignotis. 

CHINA: Kiangsi: Hsiu-shui, Y. K. Hsiung 5489 (TYPE). 
This species is closely allied to C. mitens Oliver, but the latter species 
has glabrous ovate-elliptic leaves with a long acuminate apex. 

Euonymus orgyalis W. W. Smith in Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 13: 161. 

INA: Yunnan: Si-chour hsien, Faa-doou, K. M. Feng 12044; same 
district, Ma-chia, K. M. Feng 12502; Mar-li-po, Huang-jin-in, K. M. Feng 


13067; Mengtze, A. Henry 11404; Ping-pien hsien, H. T. Tsai 55328, 55345, 
60197, 60967, 61020, 61395, 61744, 61778, and 62446. 

The description of this species was based on a flowering specimen col- 
lected by A. Henry (10661) in southeastern Yunnan at an altitude of 
2100 meters. The largest leaf of that material measures only 9 cm. long 
and is rounded at the base. Additional material from the same general 
area exhibits variations in the size and shape of the leaves and in the habit 
of the plant. As we now know it, the larger leaves of this species measure up 
to 15 cm. long and 7 cm. wide and are oblong-elliptic in shape. Tsai 55328, 
also a flowering specimen, even possesses an evergreen habit. In south- 
eastern Yunnan the plant occurs at altitudes as low as 1300 meters, in 
ravines, on rocky crevices, or along the streams of the mixed forest zone. 
It is usually a shrub 2-3 m. high but occasionally appears scandent. The 
green flowers appear in late May. The specimen collected in early Sep- 
tember has very small young fruit, the one collected in mid-October has 
fruit reaching mature size, and that collected in November has fruit de- 
hiscent by apical slits. The mature fruit is globose, 12 mm. in diameter, 
with a rough and woody pericarp. 

Craibiodendron kwangtungense, sp. nov. 

Craibiodendron stellatum sensu Merrill in Lingn. Sci. Jour. 7: 319. 1931, non 
(Pierre) W. W. Smith 1914. 

Arbor sempervirens, 10-12 m. alta, ramulis glabris, lenticellis obscuris; 
foliis alternis, coriaceis, olivaceo-brunneis, supra nitidis subtus opacis, 
ellipticis vel lanceolatis, 6-8 cm. longis, 1.8—3 cm. latis, integris, utrinque 
attenuatis, basi acutis vel cuneatis, apice acutis, obtusis, raro breviter 
acuminatis, costa supra impressa, subtus elevata, nervis lateralibus 18-22 
paribus, supra evidentibus, subtus prominentibus, margine anastomosanti- 
bus, reticulatis distinctis, stipulis obsoletis, petiolo 8-10 mm. longo; in- 
florescentiis racemosis simplicibus, axillaribus, rhachibus 4-5 cm. longis, 
minute puberulis, bracteis lanceolatis, 2 mm. longis, ciliatis, deciduis; 
pedicellis 2-3 mm. longis, furfuraceis puberulisque, prophyllis 2, submedio 
instructis; calycibus cyathiformibus, 2-3 mm. diametro, sparse puberulis, 
lobis 5, rotundatis, ciliatis; corolla breviter campanulata, glabra; stamini- 
bus 10, inclusis, filamentis glabris, antheris basi subsaccatis, dorso muticis; 
ovario globoso, 1 mm. longo, 5-loculari, stylo columnari, 2 mm. longo; 
capsulis depresso-globosis, 14 mm. longis, 18 mm. diametro, profunde 5- 
angulatis, pericarpiis ligneis; seminibus in loculo quoque 12-14, sub- 
ovoideis, leviter compressis, 2 mm. longis, 2 mm. latis, alis obliquis, 10 mm. 
longis, 8 mm. latis, rugosulo-striatis. 

CHINA: Kwangtung: Ting-wu-shan, Y. Tsiang 792 (TYPE, flower), 
1533, 1547; Kwangsi: south of Nan-ning, Seh-feng-dar shan, R. C. Ching 
§293 (TYPE, fruit). 

Craibiodendron kwangtungense is a tree 14 meters high with a trunk 
30 cm. in diameter. It occurs in southwestern Kwangtung and southeastern 
Kwangsi at an altitude of six hundred meters. By the lanceolate leaves, 


attenuated at both ends, and the glabrous corolla, it can be distinguished 
from C. stellatum (Pierre) W. W. Smith, which has oblong leaves rounded 
at the apex, and pubescent corolla. It is also related to C. henryi W. W. 
Smith, which has long acuminate leaves, paniculate racemes, smaller fruits 
which are only 8 mm. long and 10 mm. in diameter. 

Craibiodendron kwangtungense var. frutescens, var. nov. 

Frutex 2-3 m. altus, ramulis puberulis; foliis oblongo-ellipticis, 5-6 cm. 
longis, 2.5—3.5 cm. latis, apice obtusis vel abrupte brevi-acuminatis, racemis 
puberulis simplicibus, axillaribus. 

CHINA: Kwangtung: Ting-wu-shan, W. Y. Chun 6363. Kwangsi: 
Shang-sze, Shap-man-taai shan, W. T. Tsang 22252 (TYPE). 

This variety differs from the typical C. kwangtungense in habit, being 
a shrub 2-3 meters high; also it has broader leaves and more pubescent 

Ligustrum subsessile, sp. nov. 

Frutex, ramulis robustis, teretis, cineraceis, triannis 5 mm. diametro, 
longitudinaliter minute rimulosis, lenticellis orbicularibus, cicatricibus 
foliorum semicircularibus, elevatis, hornotinis 2-3 mm. diametro, inter- 
nodiis 2-3 cm. longis, + striatis, in triis sparse pilosis, ceterum glabris, lenti- 
cellis conspicuis; foliis subsessilibus, integerrimis, subcoriaceis, ovato-ob- 
longis vel oblongis vel raro suborbicularibus, utrinque rotundatis, 4—9 cm. 
longis, 34.5 cm. latis, glabris, subtus punctatis, costa supra plana, subtus 
leviter elevata, nervis lateralibus 4 usque 9 paribus, supra obscuris, subtus 
evidentibus, petiolo 1-2 mm. longo, glabro; floribus ignotis; infructescentiis 
paniculatis, paniculis compactis, subcylindraceis, 4-6 cm. longis, 2—4 cm. 
diametro, pedunculis 1.5—2 cm. longis, sparse puberulis, rhachibus sub- 
quadrangularibus, in striis sparse puberulis, axibus secundariis 5-15 mm. 
longis, sparse minute puberulis, pedicellis 1-2 mm. longis, glabris; sepalis 
persistentibus 3 mm. diametro, lobis 4, rotundatis, glabris; fructibus 
oblongo-subglobosis, 5-7 mm. longis, 4-6 mm. diametro. 

CHINA: Kiangsi: [Hsiu-shiu], Hwang-lung shan, Nung-lung temple, Y. 
K. Hsiung 5629 (TYPE). 

This species has been reported to be a common shrub in thickets along 
the streams of the Kiangsi-Hupeh-Hunan border. The specimen cited 
above was collected in late August. The fruits are still too young for the 
study of the seed characters. I have not been able to match it with any 
Ligustrum in our collection. The general appearance of the compact in- 
florescences and of some of the smaller leaves resembles that of those 
shown in Hooker’s illustration (Bot. Mag. 123: pl. 7519. 1897) for Ligus- 
trum coriaceum Carriére, a species published on the basis of cultivated 
plants introduced to European gardens by Robert Fortune, reportedly from 
Japan. But specimens from European and Japanese gardens (such as those 
from Hort. Vilmorin of France, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in Eng- 


land, and the Botanical Garden of Tokyo) which match Carriére’s and 
Hooker’s descriptions and illustrations, all have smaller leaves, the smallest 
ones being 1.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, and the largest ones being 4 cm. long, 
3 cm. wide. They all have comparatively longer petioles which are 3—7 mm. 
long. In comparing them with Hsiung’s collection from Kiangsi, I conclude 
that the latter, with its subsessile large leaves, is specifically distinct. 




Fic. 1. A habit sketch of a fruiting branch of Tinospora szechuanensis show- 
ing the basal lobes of the leaf pointing outward. Fic. 2. A habit sketch of a fruit- 
ing branch of Tinospora imbricata showing the imbricate basal lobes of the leaf. 
Fic. 3. A habit sketch of a staminate flowering branch of Tinospora henryi with 
a separate flower enlarged 5 times. Fic. 4. A habit sketch of a leafy branch of 
Tinospora yunnanensis and a staminate flowering branch showing the inflores- 
cences on old growth, with a separate staminate flower and a smaller outer and 
a larger inner sepal enlarged 5 times. Fic. 5. A habit sketch of a fruiting branch 
of Tinospora intermedia with a separate staminate flower enlarged 5 times. 
Fic. 6. A habit sketch of a fruiting branch of Tinospora craveniana with a sep- 
arate staminate flower enlarged 5 times. 


Fic. 1. A habit sketch of Craibiodendron kwangtungense showing solitary 
axillary racemes. Fic, 2. A flower after anthesis (X 10). Fic. 3. Two anthers, 
dorsal and sublateral view (x 18). Fic. 4. A fruit (X 1%). Fic. 5. A seed 
(X 5). 




Jour. ARNoLD Ars. VoL. XXXV Prate II 





VoL. XXXV Jury 1954 NUMBER 3 



With one plate and two text-figures 

THIS PAPER COMPLETES the account of the specimens collected by Mr. 
L. J. Brass during the Archbold Expeditions between 1933 and 1939. As 
in the previous contributions (Jour. Arnold Arb. 28: 99-116, 207-229. 
1947; 29: 90-102. 1948), some other specimens are cited. To the ac- 
knowledgements made in earlier contributions, I wish to add my thanks to 
Prof. H. Humbert, Dr. O. Hagerup, Dr. A. Hassler and Dr. H. J. Lam 
for the loan of types and other material from the herbaria of Paris, Copen- 
hagen, Lund and Leiden respectively, and to Mr. R. a a for the 
loan of all specimens of Scleria in the Sydney Herbar 

The genera treated here are Scirpus, Fimbristylis, "Scleria, Diplacrum 
and Uncinia, and there are some additional notes on genera previously 
treated. The treatment of the different genera is somewhat unequal, par- 
ticularly as to the citation of synonyms, but in all cases it is based on 
fairly extensive revisional work on the Malaysian and Australasian species. 
The delayed appearance of this paper is due partly to the necessity of 
examining certain types before some groups of species could be deter- 
mined satisfactorily. 

Herbaria are indicated by the following abbreviations: Brisbane, BRI; 
Canberra, cANB; Copenhagen, c; Leiden, L; Lund, tp; Melbourne, MEL; 
Paris, P; Sydney, Nsw. 

Scirpus Linnaeus 
Scirpus ternatanus Reinw. ex Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3: 307. 1859; Kikenth. 
Bot. Jahrb. 69: 259. 1938; Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 204. 1942 
Scirpus chinensis Munro in Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald 423. 1857; Valck. 
Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 705. 1912; Ridl. Trans. Linn. Soc. Il. Bot;. 9: 
242. 1926; non Osbeck 1753. 

* Botanical oe of the Richard Archbold Expeditions. See Jour. Arnold Arb. 
29: 90-102. 194 


NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Bele R., 18 km. NE. of Lake Hab- 
bema, Brass 11472, Nov. 1938, alt. 2200 m., large clumps in moist situations 
on grassy, formerly cultivated slopes; Balim R., Brass 11677, Dec. 1938, alt. 
1600 m., colonizing loose sand and stones from a landslip; 9 km. NE. of 
Lake Habbema, Brass 10993, Oct. 1938, alt. 2650 m., plentiful in Equisetum 
cover on landslips, large clumps + 75 cm. high; 9 km. NE. of Lake Habbema, 
Brass 10883, Oct. 1938, alt. 2650 m., open banks of a stream in forest. 

The range of this species extends north and west through Malaysia to 
India, China and Japan 

? Scirpus strobolinus Roxb. Hort. Beng. 6. 1814, nomen nudum, FI. 
Ind. ed. Carey & Wall. 1: 223. 1820, Fl. Ind. ed. Carey 1: 219. 1832. 
PUA: Western Division: Gai Lower Fly R. Sag bank), Brass 

8304, Nov. 1936, loose sand on open esa, not comm 

The specimens are in flower only and the identification is rather uncer- 
tain, though they appear to belong here rather than to S. maritimus L., 
S. fluviatilis A. Gray or S. paludosus A. Nels. Scirpus strobolinus is other- 
wise known from different parts of Asia, extending south to Assam and 

Scirpus mucronatus L. Sp. Pl. 50. 1753; K. Schum. in K. Schum. & 
Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Stidsee 195. 1901; Valck. Suring. 
Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 704. 1912; Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 51. 1924, 
69: 259. 1938. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Balim R., Brass 11804, Dec. 1938, 
alt. 1600 m., occasional in ditches and grassy pools. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Junction of Black and Palmer Rivers, 
Brass 6943, June 1936, common on silt-covered gravel banks in river (det. 
Uittien). Central Division: Urunu, Vanapa Valley, Brass 4810, July- 
Aug. 1933, alt. 1900 m., plentiful in small swamps on open slopes of valley; 
Koitaki, Carr 12283, May 1935, alt. 1500 ft., swamp in open savannah land, 
c. 4 ft. tall (herb. Canberra). 

A species widely spread over the warmer parts of the Eastern Hemis- 

Scirpus clemensiae (Kukenth.) Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 203. 1942. 
— clemensiae (Kiikenth.) Kiukenth. Mitteil. Thuring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 

Scirpus ‘sieves L. subsp. clemensii Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 259. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Lake Habbema, Brass 9069, August 
1938, alt. 3225 m., plentiful in sandy marginal shallows of lake, tufts 40-60 
cm. high; Lake Habbema, Brass 9439, August 1938, alt. 3225 m., abundant 
in marginal shallows of lake. 

Known also from North-East New Guinea, whence it was originally de- 


scribed. The binary combination was made independently by Ohwi and 
Kiikenthal. Ohwi spelled the epithet Clemensii, as published in the ternary 
combination. When Kiikenthal made the binary combination, he cited 
“Scirpus Clemensiae Kiikenth., comb. nova. — Sc. mucronatus L. subsp. 
Clemensii Kiikenth. in Bot. Jahrb. 69.2. (1938) 259.” It would appear 
that the spelling Clemensii in the first paper was “an unintentional ortho- 
graphic error” which was corrected in the later paper, as permitted by 
Art. 70 of the International Rules, and I have adopted the emended spell- 
ing. The plant was evidently dedicated to Mrs. M. S. Clemens. 

Scirpus validus Vahl, Enum. 2: 268. 1806. 

PAPUA: Western Divison: Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 
8305, Nov. 1936, gregarious on open sandy foreshores. 

New for Papua; widely spread in the countries around the Pacific Ocean 
and in the Americas generally. Specimens from New Guinea were formerly 
identified with the Eurasian S. Labernaemontani Gmel. by Kikenthal in 
Engl. Bot. Jahrb, 59: 51. 1924, and by Ohwi in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 203. 
1942. I have accepted Beetle’s arrangement of this group of species in 
Amer. Jour. Bot. 28: 691-700. 1941. 

Scirpus grossus L. f. Suppl. 104. 1781; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 
$3 705. 1912: 

PAPUA: Western Division: Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 
8311, Nov. 1936, co-dominant with no. 8312 ( = Cyperus malaccensis Lam.) 
in extensive sedge communities on open sandy foreshores (det. Uittien). 

New for Papua. The species ranges from India to NE. Queensland, and 
in New Guinea was previously known only from Netherlands New Guinea. 

Scirpus crassiusculus (Hook. f.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 326. 1878; 
Kikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 258. 1938. 

Isolepis crassiuscula Hook. f. Fl. Tasm. 2: 86, ¢. 143. 1860. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Lake Habbema, Brass 9324, Aug. 
1938, alt. 3225 m., gregarious on sand bars in grassland stream; Mt. Wil- 
helmina, 4 km NE. of top, Brass & Meyer-Drees 9984, Sept. 1938, alt. 
3660 m. " submerged green masses in shallows of a lake. 

PUA: Central Division: Mt. Albert Edward, Brass 4300, May-July 
1933, alt. 3810 m., submerged in large masses on shallows of an alpine lake. 

New for both Netherlands New Guinea and Papua. Recorded by Ku- 
kenthal, l.c., for North-East New Guinea, but he credited the authorship 
of the combination under Scirpus to Hooker f., l.c. Bentham, l.c., also 
credited the combination to Hooker. The species is elsewhere known from 
SE. Australia (including Tasmania) and New Zealand. 

The sheet seen of Brass & Meyer-Drees 9984 has but one spikelet, too 
immature for dissection, but the facies of the plant is of this species. 


Scirpus merrillii (Palla) Kikenth. ex Merr. Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 1: 
117. 1925; S. T. Blake, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 58: 38. 1947. 
Schoenoplectus merrillii Palla in Kneucker, Cyperaceae (excl. Carices) et 
er teiigsy oo 8: mr. 223. 1911, in Allgem. Bot. Zeitschr. 17: 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Lake Habbema, Brass 9238, Aug. 1938, 
alt. 3225 m., associated with mosses, etc., on open seepages. 

PAPUA: Central Division: . Albert Edward, Brass 4364, May-July 
1933, alt. 3680 m., plentiful on wet es of a small alpine stream; Murray Pass, 
Wharton Range, Brass 4725, June—Sept. 1933, alt. 2840 m., common, wet banks 
of grassland streams. Eastern Division: Mt. Dayman, W. Armit in 1894 

New for New Guinea, though it is very likely this species which has 
been recorded as S. inundatus (R. Br.) Poir. by Kukenthal, Bot. Jahrb. 
69: 258. 1938, from North-East New Guinea and by Ohwi, Bot. Mag. 
Tokyo 56: 203. 1942, from Netherlands New Guinea. It differs from the 
polymorphic S, inundatus by the constant development of a filiform 
branched rhizome, well-developed leaves often overtopping the culm, more 
or less emarginate glumes nearly as broad as long and scarcely if at all 
mucronate, and with the nut nearly as long as the glume; also it is almost 
invariably a much smaller, very slender, more or less mat-like plant with 
mostly only one, rarely twe or three spikelets, and the involucral bract is 
commonly elongated. I have seen other specimens from the Philippine 
Islands including an isotype (Merrill in Kneucker Cyperaceae et Juncaceae 
exsiccatae 8, nr. 223), south-east Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, 
Tasmania and New Zealand. 

Scirpus clarkei Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. II, Bot. 4: 244. 1894. 

Scirpus pulogensis Merr. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 5 (C): 333. 1910; syn. nov. 

Scirpus pakapakensis Stapf, Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 42: 174. 1914; syn. nov. 

Scirpus subcapitatus Thw. var. triangularis Kikenth. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. 

sér. III, 16: 301. 1940; syn. nov 

Scirpus subcapitetus Thw. forma iia Kikenth., , syn. no 

— clarkei asa var. pakapakensis (Stapf) Beetle, Amer. a Bot. 33: 

946; syn. 

PAPUA: Central Division: Mt. Albert Edward, Brass 4315, May-July 
1933, alt. 3680 m., forest glades and grassland slopes, common, few plants fertile; 
Mt. Knutsford, W. MacGregor in 1889 (BRI, MEL); summit of the Owen Stanley 
Ranges, W. MacGregor in 1889 (MEL). 

New for New Guinea; elsewhere known from the Philippine Islands, 
Borneo and Sumatra 

F. Mueller, sti Roy. Soc. Vict. n.s. 1 (2): 35. 1889, referred Mac- 
Gregor’s specimens to S. cespitosus L. (as S. caespitosus) with the remark: 
“Should nevertheless this plant, as a variety or perhaps even as a species, 
require separation from the genuine S. caespitosus, then the name heleo- 
charoides would be an apt one.”’ Some of the specimens are labelled in 


Mueller’s handwriting: Scirpus caespitosus Linné var. heleocharoides. This 
ternary combination has never been validly published, for the phrase 
quoted cannot be taken as constituting publication of any combination. 

The specimens from New Guinea do indeed closely resemble specimens 
of S. caespitosus L., but the leaf-sheaths are fewer, tighter and more rigid, 
the hard culms are more or less trigonous and less furrowed, the two lower- 
most glumes are much shorter and more rigid than the others and only 
shortly pointed, and the nut is narrower. Occasionally also the inflores- 
cence consists of two spikelets. They also resemble some from the Philip- 
pine Islands (1soTyPE of S. pulogensis), Borneo (Mt. Kinabalu, the type- 
locality of S. clarkei and S. pakapakensis) and Sumatra (general locality 
of the types of S. subcapitatus var. triangularis and S. subcapitatus forma 
rigidus). Scirpus clarkei will probably prove to be conspecific with S. 
subcapitatus Thw. from Ceylon and southern India; of this I have seen 
only one sheet, an isotype, but it is in flower only. 

Beetle, in the paper quoted above, recognised five taxa in a group which 
he described as Scirpus sect. Paucispicatae Beetle, 1.c., 664. He distin- 
guished S. clarkei from S. subcapitatus on differences in the number of 
spikelets and scabridity of the mucro to the leaf-sheaths and lowermost 
glumes. Scirpus pakapakensis was distinguished as a variety of S. clarkei 
by the spikelet not solitary and the stems more or less triangular. He also 
saw only a single sheet in flower (an isotype) of S. subcapitatus. The num- 
ber of spikelets and shape of the culms are certainly variable, but on the 
material seen the character of scabridity seems constant. I have not seen 
material of the other species admitted by Beetle. 

F. Mueller, ].c., remarked that ‘Another Scirpus is contained in the col- 
lections, as gathered on Mt. Knutsford and Mount Musgrave; it is an 
aged state of fructification, and may perhaps belong to the variety fluvia- 
tilis of S. maritimus.”” These specimens are of Mapania Moseleyi C. B. 

Fimbristylis Vahl 

No satisfactory account of this genus as a whole has ever been pub- 
lished. The latest account which has any claim to be considered as a 
general treatment of the genus is Boeckeler’s uncritical descriptions of. the 
forms represented in the Berlin Herbarium in Linnaea 37: 2—56. 1871, 
38: 384-398. 1874. In Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8: 107-109. 1908 is a list of 
species as accepted and arranged by C. B. Clarke, but one of the tragedies 
in botany is that his extensive manuscript on the family was never pub- 

The study of the New Guinea collections, the results of which appear 
on the following pages, was based chiefly on the revision of the Australian 
species which I commenced in 1932, but which is not yet completed, owing 
to the numerous difficulties involved, due partly to the need of critically 
comparing some Australian forms with others described from other parts 
of the world, of which types were not readily accessible. Little was previ- 


ously known of the Fimbristylis-flora of southern New Guinea, to which 
Mr. Brass has added a remarkable number of Australian forms. 

For convenience, I have arranged the species under the four sections 
proposed by Bentham, FI. Austral. 7: 298-9. 1878, an arrangement which 
has been fairly generally followed. The type-species of the genus, F. 
dichotoma (L.) Vahl, was arranged under Dichelostylis Benth., |.c., 299, 
but Boeckeler, op. cit. 3. 1841, had previously proposed the name Exufim- 
bristylis for the section containing this species. 

Sect. Heleocharoides Benth. 

Fimbristylis setacea Benth. Lond, Jour. Bot. 2: 239. 1843; Valck. 
Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 702. 1912. 

Fimbristylis acuminata (Retz.) Vahl var. minor Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3: 314. 1859. 
shell a acuminata (Retz.) Vahl var. setacea (Benth.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 

Pimbrisi aged Seen bs var. setacea (Benth.) Kukenth. Bot. 
Jahrb. 59: 47. 1924, 69: 257. 

Tsolepis Bein Steud. Synops. ae 100. 1855. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7531A, August 1936, savannahs, abundant on hard-pans and swamp margins 
(det. Kikenthal as Fimbristylis acuminata (Retz.) Vahl var. setacea Bth.); 
Daru Island, Brass 6245, March 1936, abundant in flattened tufts on damp soil 
in savannah-forests 

New for Papua. The species ranges from Tropical Asia to northern 
and north-eastern Australia. Kiikenthal, 1924, l.c., made a new combina- 
tion F. acuminata (Retz.) Vahl var. setacea (Benth.) Kiikenth., evidently 
overlooking Bentham’s much earlier combination. But if this form is 
treated as a variety of F. acuminata, then the legitimate trinomial would 
be F. acuminata var. minor Migq., |.c. The species is very close to F. acu- 
minata, differing chiefly in being smaller in all its parts. 

Fimbristylis nutans (Retz.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 285. 1806. 
Scirpus nutans Retz. Observ. 4: 12. 1786. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7843, 
Sept. 1936, common on wet grass plains; Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 5750, Jan- 
March 1934, alt. 10-30 m., very plentiful on open savannah. 

Not previously recorded for New Guinea, though the species is known 
to extend from northern and north-eastern Australia to Malaya and China. 

Fimbristylis tetragona R. _ ta 226. 1810; Kukenth. Mitteil. 
Thuring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 50: 

Fimbristylis cylindrocarpa Kunth, Enum. 2: 222. 1837. 
Fimbristylis arnottii Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 348. 1864. 


Fimbristylis xyroides Arnott ex Thw., l.c., in syn., nomen nudum. 

Fimbristylis abjiciens Steud. Synops. Cyper. 107. 1855. 

Scirpus tetragonus (R. Br.) Poir. Encycl. Suppl. 5: 98. 1817. 

Mischospora efoliata Boeck. Flora 43: 113. 1860. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7844, 
Sept. 1936, tufted on wet grass plains, plant bluish (det. Svenson). 

New for New Guinea; also in southern and eastern Asia and northern 

Fimbristylis dictyocolea sp. nov. (Sect. Heleocharoides Benth.). Fic. 1. 

Herba perennis, caespitosa, circiter 20-40 cm. alta, fere aphylla. Culmi 
stricti, erecti, setacei, pluristriati, obscure quinquangulares, glabri, laeves 
vel minute asperuli, basi haud incrassati. Folia basalia perpauca, setacea, 
triquetra, lateraliter compressa, glabra, laevia, brevia vel culmum fere adae- 
quantia; folia caulina basi culmi inserta, ad vaginas arctas ore oblique 
sectas antice late hyalinas tandem reticulatim fissas redacta. Inflorescentia 
unispiculata, quasi ebracteata. Spicula erecta, pallida, oblonga vel ellip- 

imbricatae, oblongae, apice obtusa rotundatae, muticae, omnino glabrae, 
dorso late coriaceae uninerves nec carinatae, lateribus membranaceae cel- 
lulis parvis breviter oblongis, marginibus etiam apice hyalinae, 4-5 mm. 
longae, 1-3 imae vacuae crassiores. Stamina 3; antherae lineares, promi- 
nule apiculatae, circiter 2 mm. longae. Stylus tenuis, complanatus, basi 
dilatatus, marginibus minute ciliolatus, circiter 3-3.5 mm. longus; stig- 
mata 3, brevia. Nux straminea, jneidule obovoidea, late umbonulata, vix 
stipitata, trigona, leviter tricostulata, minute reticulata verrucosaque cellu- 
lis extimis minimis distinctis hexagonis, 1 mm. longa, 0.7 mm. lata. 






ans > 

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Fic. 1. Fimbristylis dictyocolea S. T. Blake: a. upper part of culm with 
spikelet, X 3; b. middle part, and c. upper part of leaf-sheath, & 3; d. glume, 
~ 10: €; ae of side of glume, < 40; f. style, X 10; g. nut, * 10: h. trans- 
verse section of nut; i. surface of nut, X 40. Figures from type. 


PAPUA: Western Division: Tarara, Wassi Kussa R., Brass 8400, Dec. 
1936, abundant on gray soil flat, savannah-forest; Mabaduan, Brass 6553 (TYPE), 
April 1936, common in shallow rain-pools in savannah-forests. 

Brass 6553 had been determined by Svenson as F. pauciflora R. Br., 
while both it and Brass 8400, which is in flower only, were cited by Kuken- 
thal, Mitteil. Thiring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 50: 9. 1943 as F. cardiocarpa F. 
Muell. The species is certainly allied to F. pauciflora R. Br., and but for 
the larger size resembles it rather closely in the nut and style. It differs, 
however, in the coarser habit, the leaf-sheaths disintegrating into fine 
reticulate fibres, the larger and relatively much broader spikelet, and the 
rather larger, more oblong, more obtuse single-nerved muticous glumes. 
It is also allied to the Australian F. simplex S. T. Blake, but the latter has 
rather prominently swollen culm-bases, sheaths splitting into straight 
fibres, 3—5-nerved brownish glumes, entirely glabrous rather stout style 
and more shining nut cuneate at its base. On the other hand F. cardio- 
carpa F, Muell. is an entirely different plant, differing in almost every 
respect except for the solitary spikelet and three stigmas. 

Fimbristylis pauciflora R. Br. tt 225. 1810; Kukenth. Mitteil. 
Thuring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 50: 9. 
Fimbristylis filiformis (Nees) Kunth, Enum. 2: 221. 1837. 
cirpus pauciflorus (R. Br.) Poir. Encycl. Suppl. 98. 1817. 

Trichelostylis filiformis Nees in Wight, Contrib. 102. 1834. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7531, August 1936, savannahs, abundant on hard-pans and swamp margins; 
Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 8357, Nov. 1936, covering patches of 
sour soil in savannah-forest (det. Uittien); Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 5817, Jan— 
March 1934, alt. 10 m., plentiful, shaded ground on a clearing in savannah, flat 
spreading and rather fleshy. 

Brass 7531 was recorded by Kukenthal, l.c., as new for New Guinea; 
previously known from northern and north-eastern Australia, other parts 
of Malaysia, and southern and eastern Asia. 

Brass 5817 represents what appears to be the usual state in which 
three stigmas are present. In Brass 7531 some flowers have two stigmas 
only, and flowers with two stigmas are the rule in Brass 8357. Nuts pro- 
duced from flowers with three stigmas are always finely 3-ribbed and + 
trigonous, though at times distinctly compressed. Three-ribbed nuts have 
also been observed produced from flowers with two stigmas, though bi- 
convex two-ribbed nuts are more usual. Both trigynous and digynous 
flowers have been observed on a collection from Johore, Ngadiman in 
Singapore Field No. 36784. 

Fimbristylis pumila Benth. Lond. Jour. Bot. 2: 239. 1843, from Am- 
boina, was later referred by its author in Fl. Austral. 7: 303. 1878, and 
by C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 633. 1893, to F. pauciflora. 
It was described as having a glabrous style with two stigmas and one- 
nerved oblong glumes, features which do not well accord with F. pauciflora. 


Of the latter I have examined twelve good sets of specimens ranging from 
south-east Queensland to the Malay Peninsula, and in all these I find 
the style minutely ciliate and the glumes three- to seven-nerved and as 
much ovate as oblong. Bentham may have overlooked the minute sparse 
ciliation of the style, while the lateral nerves are often close to the keel 
of the glume. 

Fimbristylis pauciflora is rather \easily recognised by its small, un- 
usually narrow, relatively few-flowered spikelets. 

As a general rule in Fimbristylis, the number of stigmas is very constant 
in each species. Fimbristylis pauciflora shares with F. tetragona R. Br. 
the peculiarity of having either two or three stigmas. In F. cymosa R. Br., 
three stigmas occur in the lower part of the spikelet, but in the upper 
flowers there are often only two. 

Fimbristylis recta F. M. Bail. 3rd Suppl. Syn. Ras: Fl. 80. 1890; 
S. T. Blake, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 58: 44 
Fimbristylis xyridis R. Br. var. rigidula Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 307. 1878. 
Fimbristylis stricticulmis Domin in Biblioth. Bot. 20 (85): 452. 1915. 
Western Division: Tarara, Wassi Kussa R., Brass 8714, Jan. 
1937, savannah-forests, common in grass on ridges 

A distinctive species known previously only from northern Australia and 
Hammond Island in Torres Strait. It was discussed in some detail by 
S. T. Blake, l.c. 

Sect. Eufimbristylis Boeck. 

paar he ferruginea (L.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 291. 1806; K. Schum. 
. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 2: 98. 1898; in Schum. & Lauterb. 

Fl. oe Schutzgeb. Suidsee 197. 1901; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. 
Bot. 8: 702. 1912; Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 48. 1924, 69: 258. 1938. 

Fimbristylis brevifolia R. Br. Prodr. 228. 1810. 

Scirpus ferrugineus L. Sp. Pl. 74. 17 

Scirpus brevifolius (R. Br.) Poir. Ency cl. Suppl. 5: 99. 1817. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 
8308, Nov. 1936, common on open sandy foreshores; Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east 
bank), Brass 8313, Nov. 1936, common on sandy foreshores; Upper Wassi Kussa 
R. (left branch), Brass 8642, Jan. 1937, abundant in brackish swamp; Daru 
Island, Brass 6212, Feb. 1936, gregarious in limited pure stands, associated with 
Zoysia pungens on saline marshy ground; Daru Island, Brass 6286, March 1936, 
scattered in marginal shallows of large swamp. Central District: Kerema, 
Brass 1224, March 1926, on banks of tidal creeks; Arva R., Carr 11436, Feb. 
1935, sea-level, marshy places near beach, about 18 in. tall (CANB; very young!). 

Brass 1224 and Carr 11436 are cited by Kiukenthal, 1938, l.c.; Brass 
8313 was received as having been determined by Kukenthal as F. ferru- 
ginea Vahl var. tristachya (R. Br.) Domin. It represents a not uncom- 
mon state of the species with the inflorescence reduced to one or two 
spikelets, commonly seen on young or small plants. It seems pointless to 


give such reduced states taxonomic status. I doubt very much whether 
it truly represents F. tristachya R. Br., and in any case, if this be re- 
garded as a variety of F. ferruginea, the legitimate ternary combination 
would be F. ferruginea (L.) Vahl var. foliata Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 312. 
1878, the epithet foliata having priority in the required position. The other 
specimens were received as having been determined by Uittien. The 
species is widely spread in the warmer parts of the wor 

Fimbristylis marianna Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. 413. 1826. 

Fimbristylis maxima K. Schum. in Hollr. Fl. Kaiser Wilhelmsl. 24. 1889, in 
Schum. & Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzg an Siuidsee 196. 1901; Valck. 
Suring. Nova. Guin. Bot. 8: 702. 1912; syn. n 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake as ule: Middle Fly R., Brass 

7847, 7878, Sept. 1936, common on wet grass plains (both det. Kiikenthal) ; 
Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 5734, Jan—March 1934, alt. 10-30 m., common all 
through savannahs. 

ORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA: Augusta R., Hollrung 836, in 1877 (MEL; 
duplicate TYPE of F. maxima). 

New for Papua; elsewhere known from North-East New Guinea, Mari- 
anne Islands and Philippine Islands. I have relied on Kiikenthal’s deter- 
mination of Brass 7847 and 7878 for my concept of the species and the 
consequent reduction of F. maxima to synonymy. 

Fimbristylis aestivalis (Retz.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 288. 1806. 
Fimbristylis aestivalis (Retz.) Vahl f. glabra Kikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 49. 
1924; syn. nov. 
Scirpus aestivalis Retz. Obs. 4: 12. 1786. 
PAPUA: Western Division: Penzara, between Morehead and Wassi 
Kussa Rivers, Brass 8438, Dec. 1936, wet shaded banks of a permanent water- 
hole (det. Kiikenthal). 

Brass’s plant, representing the usual pubescent state, forms the first 
record of the species for Papua. Kukenthal, l.c., records as f. glabra a 
glabrous form from North-East New Guinea. Elsewhere the species is 
known from Australia to southern and south-eastern Asia. 

Fimbristylis annua (All.) R. & S. Syst. 2: 95. 1817. 

Scirpus annuus All. Fl. Pedem. 2: 227. 1785. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 6069, Jan— 
March 1934, alt. 30 m., uncommon tufted species on savannah; Daru Island, 
Brass 6248, March 1936, common on damp soil in savannah-forest (det. Kiiken- 
thal as F. diphylla [Retz.] Vahl f. tomentosa [Vahl] Kiikenth.); Daru Island, 
Brass 6369, March 1936, plentiful in drainage ditches in savannah-forest. 
Central Division: Baroka, Nakeo District, Brass 3732, April 1933. 
alt. 30 m., common, damp savannah flats, plant grayish. 

For discussion, see under F.. dichotoma. 

Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 287. 1806. 

Fimbristylis diphylla (Retz.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 289. 1806; K. Schum. in Warb. 
Bot. Jahrb. 13: 265. 1891, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 1: 47. 1895, 
2: 97. 1898, in Schum. & Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Siidsee 196. 
1901; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 702. 1912; Ridl. Trans. Linn. 
Soc. II, Bot. 9: 242. 1916. 

Fimbristylis polymorpha see ae 37: 14. 1871, in Engl. Forschungsr. 
= azelle 4 (1): 17 

Fimbasiytie novae- ae ed Bot. Jahrb. 5: 93. 1884, in Engl. For- 
schungsr. S. M. S. Gazelle 4 (1): 11. 1889; K. Schum. Bot. Jahrb. 9: 195. 
1888, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 2: 97. 1898, in Schum. & Lauterb. FI. 
Deutsch. ee Sudsee 196. 1901; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 
8: 703. 1912 

ae annua (All.) R. & S. var. diphylla (Retz.) Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 
9: 1924, nomen ex C. E. C. Fischer, Fl. Pr. Madras 1658. 1931. 

ce ee NEW GUINEA: Balim R., Brass 11731, Dec. 1938, alt. 
m., common on grassy deforested slopes (leaves ae hairy!) ; 
ate R., Brass 11816, Dec. 1938, alt. 1600 m., common on sandy, long-de- 
forested slopes, erect tufts 60-80 cm. high (leaves hairy!) ; Bele R., 18 km. 
. of Lake Habbema, Brass 11489, Nov. 1938, alt. 2200 m., common on 
grassy, ies: cultivated slopes, small clumps 60-80 cm. high (leaves gla- 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7927, Sept. 1936, savannah, abundant on seepage area (plant almost entirely 
glabrous!; det. Uittien as F. annua | All.] R. & S.); Lake Daviumbu, Middle 
Fly R., Brass 7521, August 1936, savannah hard-pans (almost entirely glabrous! ; 
det. Uittien as F. annua [All.] R. & S.); Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank) 
Brass 8265, Nov. 1936, open savannah-forest, plentiful in firm-set soil, inflores- 
cence dark brown (leaves slightly hairy!; det. Uittien as F. annua [All.] R. & 
S.); Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 8307, Nov. 1936, plentiful on 
open sandy Sees (almost glabrous!; det. Uittien as F. annua [All.] R. & 
S.). Central Division: Kanosia, Carr 11034, Jan. 1935, sea-level, open 
places ae light shade (glabrous!); Huia, Brass 524, October 1925, coast 
sand hills (nearly glabrous!); Baroka, Nakeo District, Brass 3729, April 1933, 
alt. 30 m., common, damp savannah flats (nearly glabrous!); Mafulu, Brass 
5480, Sept.—Nov. 1933, alt. 1250 m., common on roadside (leaves + hairy!); 
Mafulu, Brass 5328, Sept—Nov. 1933, alt. 1250 m., grassy seepages on road- 
side, uncommon, plant bluish green, inflorescence erect (leaves distinctly hairy!) ; 
Mafulu, C. T. White 600, July-August 1918, alt. ca. 1200 m. (leaves distinctly 

Fimbristylis annua (All.) R. & S., F. diphylla (Retz.) Vahl and allied 
forms have been a fertile source of difficulty since the time of Linnaeus. 
According to C. B. Clarke in Thistleton-Dyer, Fl. Trop. Afr. 8: 416. 1902, 
“some closely allied plants, esteemed mere forms of F. diphylla by Kunth 
and Boeckler, are here regarded as distinct; even thus narrowed down, 
our F. diphylla has 140 names. It should, moreover, be understood that 
F. diphylia is so close to the preceding F. dichotoma that different cyperol- 
ogists sort the material, as between these two, differently.” On the pre- 


ceding page Clarke cites Scirpus annuus All. (which is Fimbristylis annua 
[| All.] R. & S.) as a synonym. 

According to C. E. C. Fischer, Kew Bull. 1935: 149-50. 1935, the type 
of Scirpus diphyllus Retz. and consequently of Fimbristylis diphylla 
(Retz.) Vahl is identical with the type of Scirpus dichotomus L., so that 
the plant which has been called F. diphylla (Retz.) Vahl must be called 
F. dichotoma (L.) Vahl. Another name thus has to be applied to the 
plant which has been passing under the name of F. dichotoma (L.) Vahl, 
and according to Fischer, l.c., p. 149, the legitimate combination is Fim- 
bristylis bisumbellata (Forsk.) Bubani.* 

To my mind, F. annua (All.) R. & S. is conspecific with F. depauperata 
R. Br., and I have suggested previously, Univ. Queens]. Papers Dept. Biol. 
1(13): 3. 1940, that this is specifically distinct from F. dichotoma (F. 
diphylla), differing in the constantly annual habit, the softer and softly 
hairy leaves and bracts, the more or less hairy culms and rays, the glumes 
often minutely ciliolate at the upper edge, the cells composing the glumes 
less distinctly oblong (more nearly square) in shape, and in the relatively 
shorter and broader style. Fimbristylis dichotoma has sometimes hairy 
leaf-blades and more rarely hairy culms, but the hairs are more rigid 
and the blades stiffer than in F. annua. In this restricted sense, F. annua 
seems to have been previously unknown from New Guinea. 

Fimbristylis dichotoma, or allied forms, has been reported under other 
names from New Guinea, apart from those recorded in the synonymy 
above. Of some of these I am uncertain of the taxonomic status, and some 
seem to be invalid names. 

Fimbristylis dipsacea (Rottb.) C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 

Scirpus pied Rottb. Descr. et Ic. 56, ¢. 12, fig. 1. 1773; F. Muell. Pap. 
Fi: 2 

ee dipsaceum (Rottb.) Desv. tie 1: 21, ¢. 1. 1808. 

Isolepis dipsacea (Rottb.) R. & S. Syst. 2: 119. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Strickland R., Bdaduerlen in 1885 (prt, 

This collection, the only one recorded for New Guinea, was recorded by 
Mueller, l.c., as Scirpus dipsaceus. The formal transfer of the species to 
Fimbristylis was made by C. B. Clarke, l.c., though this author there 
cited Benth. in Gen. Pl. 3: 1049. Bentham gave reasons why it should 
be placed under Fimbristylis, but did not make the transfer. 

Sect. Trichelostylis (Lestib.) A. Gray 
Fimbristylis signatus nom. nov. 

* From Fischer’s data, it is doubtful if this combination was validly published by 
Bubani; I have not seen the publication. 


Fimbristylis debilis F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 1: 198. 1859, non Steud. 
Syn. Cyper. 109. 1855. 
Iriha debilis (F. Muell.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 753. 1891. 
PAPUA: Western Division: Daru Island, Brass 6250, March 1936, 
frequent on damp soil in res forest. 

New for New Guinea; previously known only from northern Australia. 

Fimbristylis eragrostis (Nees & Meyen) Hance, Jour. Linn. Soc. 
Lond. 13: 132. 1873; Ktikenth. Mitteil. Thiiring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 50: 

Abildgaardia eragrostis Nees & Meyen in Wight, Contrib. 95. 1834. 
PAPUA: Western Division: Tarara, Wassi Kussa R., Brass 8405, 

Dec. 1936, savannah-forest, common on sour gray soil; Wuroi, Oriomo R., 

Brass 5706, Jan—March 1934, alt. 10-30 m., common on lower savannah ridges. 

Central Division: Astrolabe Range, W. E. Armit in 1894-5 (MEL). 

South-Eastern Division: Sud-est Island, W. MacGregor in 1889 (MEL). 

Brass 8405 was cited by Kiikenthal, l.c., as new for New Guinea. The 
species extends northwards to China and southwards to Queensland. 

Fimbristylis globulosa (Retz.) Kunth, Enum, 2: 231. 1837; Kukenth. 
Bot. Jahrb. 59: 49. 1924, 69: 258. 1938; Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 
S07.20e, .ote: 

Scirpus globulosus Retz. Obs. 6: 19. 1791. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R., Brass 
14087, April 1939, alt. 50 m., on thick beds of floating grass (Leersia) in a 
lagoon, erect in large clumps about 1.2 m. high 

PUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 

7604, August 1936, occasional on floating islands of swamps and lagoons. 

New for Papua. Previously known from Netherlands New Guinea 
(Ohwi, l.c.), North-East New Guinea, New Ireland, Micronesia, Philip- 
pine Islands, Malaya and India. 

Fimbristylis insignis Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 349. 1864. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Mai Kussa R., W. MacGregor in 1890 

New for New Guinea. Originally described from Ceylon and since re- 
ported from China, Borneo and Queensland. MacGregor’s specimen was 
written up by F. Mueller simply as “Fimbristylis.” 

Fimbristylis complanata (Retz.) Link, Hort. Berol. 1: 292. 1827; 
Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 703. 1912; Palla in Rechinger, 
Denkschr. Math.-Naturw. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 89: 498, 1913. 

Scirpus complanatus Retz. Obs. 5: 14. 1789. 


Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. var. complanata (Retz.) Kikenth. Bot. 
Jahrb. 59: 50. 1924 
PAPUA: Central Division: Port Moresby, C. T. White 4, July- 
August 1918. 

New for Papua, but known from most of the warmer parts of the Old 
World. It is probably this species which was recorded as Fimbristylis 
autumnalis (L.) R. & S. by Warburg, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 186. 1893 
and by K. Schumann and Lauterbach, Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Stidsee 
196. 1901. 

Fimbristylis microcarya F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 1: 200. 1859. 
Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. var. microcarya (F. Muell.) Kikenth. 
Bot. Jahrb. 69: 258. 1938. 
PAPUA: Central Division: Port Moresby, Carr 11847, April 1935, 
open savannah land by the sea (CANB). 

This collection was cited by Kukenthal, l.c., as F. autumnalis (L.) R. 
& S. var. microcarya (F. Muell.) Kukenth., comb. nov. It is the only 
specimen I have seen from outside Australia, though according to C. B. 
Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 646. 1893 (where it is treated as a 
variety of F. complanata |Retz.| Link) the species extends to India. My 
reasons for regarding F. microcarya, F. complanata, and F. autumnalis 
as distinct species are given in Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 48: 93. 1937. 

Fimbristylis salbundia Kunth, Enum, 2: 230. 1837. 

PAPUA: Central Division: Urunu, Vanapa Valley, Brass 4805, July- 
August 1933, alt. 1900 m., common species in small swamps on grass country. 

New for New Guinea; known previously from Assam and Burma. C. B. 
Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 647. 1893 and ex Domin, Biblioth. 
Bot. 85: 463. 1915, recorded it from Australia. Domin quoted a col- 
lection from the Victoria R., F. Mueller, but the specimens belong to F. 
trachycarya F. Muell., a species discussed by me in Proc. Roy. Soc. 
Queensl. 48: 92. 1937. Brass’s specimen agrees with pieces of Wallich 
3526 ex herb. Berlin and ex herb. Kew, cited in the original description 
and by C. B. Clarke, l.c. 

Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl, Enum. 2: 287. 1806, quoad basonym. 

Scirpus miliaceus L. Syst. Veg. 10: 868. 1759. 

Isolepis miliacea (L.) Presl. Rel. Haenk. 1: 188. 1830. 

Trichelostylis miliacea (L.) Nees in Wight, ae 1834, quoad basonym. 

Triha miliacea (L.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 7 

Scirpus bengalensis Pers. Syn. 1: 68. 1805. 

Fimbristylis ? bengalensis (Pers.) R. & S. Syst. 2: 94. = 

Scirpus quinquangularis Vahl, Enum, 2: 279. 1806; syn. 

oe pic a (Vahl) Nees in Wight, ‘Cone: 104. 1834; 
syn. n 


Fimbristylis quinquangularis (Vahl) Kunth, Enum. 2: 229. 1837; syn. nov. 
Triha quinquangularis (Vahl) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 752. 1891; syn. nov. 
Scirpus pentagonus Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1: 229. 1820; ed. Carey 1: 218 (1831); 
syn. nov. 

Isolepis ? pentagona R. & S. Syst. Mant. 2: 69. 1824; syn. nov. 

Fimbristylis boeckeleri Steud. Syn. Cyp. 113. 1855; syn. nov. 

PAPUA: Central Div Baroka, Brass 3733, April 1933, alt. 30 

m., common on damp pny vn plant pale green. 

A widely spread species not previously recorded for New Guinea. The 
application of the name is explained under the following species. 

Fimbristylis littoralis Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. Bot. 413. 1826. 
Scirpus tetragonus Poir. Encycl. 6: 767. 1804, nec ae Poir. Encycl. 
98. 1817, nec Fimbristylis hihi R. Br. 
Scirpus tetragonus Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1: 232. 1820; ed. ae i 228. 1832. 
Isolepis ? tetragona R. & S. Syst. Mant. 2: a 
Fimbristylis tetragona A. Dietr. Sp. Pl. 2: 152. 1833, non R. Br. 1810. 
Fimbristylis flaccidula Zoll. Syst. Verz. Ind. Archip. 2: 61. 1854 
Fimbristylis flaccida Steud. Syn. Cyp. 113 
Fimbristylis quadrangularis A. Dietr. ex Steud. Sk Cyp. 114. 1855. 
NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R., Brass 
13780, April 1939, frequent on logs floating in lagoons and backwaters at 50 m. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Palmer R., 1 mi. above junction with 
Black R., Brass 6946, June 1936, abundant on silt-covered gravel banks; Strick- 
land R., W. Bauerlen 22, July 1885 (Bri, MEL); Strickland R., W. Bauerlen 
529, Nov. 1885, on river banks (MEL); Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), 
Brass 8310, Nov. 1936, common on open sandy foreshores: Daru Island, Brass 
6042, March 1934, very common on swampy savannahs. Central Divi- 
sion: Thu, Vaitata R., Brass 1016, Feb. 1926, in the sago swamps; Laloki 
ty eee i White 173, July ~August 1918, 

This is the widely spread plant commonly called Fimbristylis miliacec 
(L.) Vahl; Brass 6946, 8310 had been so determined by Uittien, and the 
species has been recorded for New Guinea under this name by F. Muell. 
Pap. Pl. 2: 35. 1886; K. Schum. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin 2: 98. 
1898, in Schum. & Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Siidsee 197. 1901: 
Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 703. 1912; and Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 
59: 50. 1924; also-F. miliacea forma tenerrima Valck. Suring., ].c., Kii- 
kenth., l.c. 

C. B. Clarke, Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. 30: 312. 1894, stated that the type 
of Scirpus miliaceus L. is a plant of Fimbristylis quinquangularis (Vahl) 
Kunth. Through the kindness of Dr. E. D. Merrill and Dr. L. M. Perry, 
I have seen a small photograph of the Linnaean type, but unfortunately 
the photograph is not sufficiently sharp for critical comparison with 
specimens. Through the courtesy of the Director of the Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Kew, Mr. E. Nelmes kindly compared some Australian speci- 
mens with the Linnaean type. Mr. Nelmes reported as follows: 


I have examined the “type” specimen of Scirpus miliaceus in the 
Linnaean herbarium and agree with C. B. Clarke that it represents the 
species generally known as Fimbristylis quinquangularis (Vahl) Kunth. 
It is a good match of Mr. S. T. Blake’s specimen, no. 11319. 

Linnaeus has written “‘miliaceus” on the sheet, and I think the speci- 
men may be accepted as his type. There is, however, another Linnaean 
specimen, placed next after the type, which has some bearing on this 
matter, because it is the species which has always been known as 
Scirpus miliaceus L., agreeing well with Mr. Blake’s nos. 7818, 8195, and 
8784. C. B. Clarke . . . . does not mention this second sheet, probably 
because it bears no inscription by Linneaus. .. . 

The combination Fimbristylis miliacea based on Linnaeus’ name must 
be restricted to the species represented by Linnaeus’ type, i.e., to the plant 
commonly called F. quinquangularis; no other course can be taken that 
would be in accord with the International Rules of Nomenclature. C. B. 
Clarke’s suggestion, l.c., that Linnaeus would surely have esteemed the 
two as one species, does not warrant the deliberate continuance of the 
misapplication of the name. N. L. Burman, FI. Ind. 22, ¢. 9, fig. 2. 1768, 
seems to have been the first to misapply Linnaeus’ name, and since then 
the misapplication has been scarcely questioned. 

Several names have been applied to one or other of the two species 
commonly known as F. miliacea and F. quinquangularis. Of these only 
Scirpus miliaceus L., Scirpus bengalensis Pers., Scirpus quinquangularis 
Vahl, Scirpus pentagonus Roxb., Fimbristylis boeckeleri Steud., Fimbri- 
stylis flaccida Steud., and Fimbristylis flaccidula Zoll. were based on 
specimens, and they are the basonyms of the remaining names. I have 
seen types of a portion thereof of S. bengalensis (L), S. quinquangularis 
(c), F. littoralis (p) and F. flaccida (v). Fimbristylis flaccida and F. 
flaccidula were probably based on the same collection, but I have not 
been able to verify this. Scirpus tetragonus Poir. and S. tetragonus Roxb. 
were described quite independently of each other; from the descriptions 
and specimens from the type-localities there seems no doubt as to the in- 
terpretations of these names or of F. boeckeleri. 1 am not so sure of S. 
pentagonus, though the description applies well enough to the leafless 
states of the species commonly called Fimbristylis quinquangularis. Blake 
11319, matched with the type of S. miliaceus, also matches the type of 
S. quinquangularis. 

Another name must be found for the species commonly called Fimbri- 
stylis miliacea. The earliest epithet in the required position is in the 
combination Scirpus tetragonus Poir. Encycl. 6: 767. 1804, but this is not 
available under Fimbristylis because of F. tetragona R. Br. and upon 
which Poiret’s later homonym was based in 1817. The next is in Fimbri- 
stylis littoralis Gaud., and this appears to be the correct name for the 
species. Scirpus bengalensis Pers. has been generally referred to this 
species, but Persoon’s description (“‘involucro tetraphyllo spiculis. .. . 
Ovatis (minutis): squamis concavo-carinatis mucronatis”’) agrees better 


with true Fimbristylis miliacea; a recent examination of the type (L) con- 
firms this. 

Two other names require mention. ‘“Fimbristylis angularis Steud.” 
Syn. Cyp. 116. 1855 has been referred to F. miliacea (F. quinquangularts ) 
by some. Steudel’s combination was based on /solepis angularis Schrad. 
ex R. & S. Syst. Mant. 2: 69. 1824, which appears to have been based on 
Fimbristylis angularis Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. 1: 289. 1821, so that 
Steudel’s transfer was quite unnecessary. Boeckeler’s description (Lin- 
naea 37: 30-31. 1871) of what appears to be Link’s type refers to some 
other species, particularly as to the long bracts, relatively large spikelets 
and sometimes bifid styles. Fimbristylis trachycarya F. Muell. Fragm. 
1: 199, 1859, sometimes referred to F. littoralis, belongs to an endemic 
Australian species which has been discussed elsewhere (S. T. Blake, Proc. 
Roy. Soc. Queens]. 48: 92. 1937). 

Fimbristylis littoralis and F. miliacea do not differ greatly in spikelet 
structure, though the more or less globular, very obtuse, scarcely at all 
angular spikelets of the former with their muticous and more or less con- 
cave glumes are, with a little experience, readily enough distinguished 
from the ovoid, less obtuse, more distinctly angular spikelets of the latter 
with their rather prominently keeled, more or less distinctly apiculate 
glumes. The foliage of the two species is markedly dissimilar, but is some- 
times poorly developed. The leaves of F. littoralis are vertically flattened, 
finely striate without prominent veins, with rather thin edges, and are 
usually borne as distichous, more or less flabellate tufts between the culms. 
The leaves of F. miliacea are of the usual Fimbristylis type, dorso-ventrally 
flattened with a prominent midrib and rib-like margins. The revised 
synonymy of the two species is given above. 

Fimbristylis furva R. Br. Prodr. 228. 1810. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Mai Kussa R., W. MacGregor in 1890 

Previously known only from Queensland, including islands in Torres 

Fimbristylis pycnocephala Hillebr. Fl. Haw. Isl. 473. 1888. 
Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. var. capitato-umbellata Hillebr. Fl. Haw. Isl. 
473. 1888; syn. nov. 
Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. var. subcapitata C. B. Clarke ex Hemsl. Jour. 
Linn. Soc. Lond. 30: 197. 1894. 
Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. var. aN a (Hillebr.) Kikenth. in Cristo- 
phersen, Bull. Bishop Mus. 128: 20. 
SOLOMON ISLANDS: Ulawa, Brass 2990, October 1932, ocean foreshore, 

New for the Solomon Islands; previously known from the Hawaiian 
Islands (!), Tonga (!), New Caledonia and Samoa. 


In this species, the spikelets may all be aggregated in a single dense 
head or clustered on the rays of an umbel-like inflorescence; all inter- 
mediate states occur. Hawaiian plants with the looser inflorescences were 
referred by Hillebrand to F. cymosa R. Br. and F. cymosa var. capitato- 
umbellata, but all states of F. pycnocephala may be distinguished from the 
Australian F. cymosa as follows: 

Spikelets + oblong; broad, hyaline margins of glumes loosely reticulate; nut 
somewhat shining, smooth or minutely striate only, the epidermal cells minute, 
square or nearly so, arranged in fairly regular vertical series but the transverse 
arrangement + irregular. .......... F. pycnocephala. 

Spikelets ovoid; broad, hyaline margins of glumes not pinenste reticulate, 
the cells composing them very small with inconspicuous margins; nut some- 
what roughened, rather indistinctly striate vertically and haaraliber the 
minute epidermal cells transversely paid sible, a regularly in 
both vertical and horizontal series ._.. F. cymosa. 

Sect. Abildgaardia (Vahl) Benth. 

Fimbristylis cinnamometorum (Vahl) Kunth, Enum. 2: 229. 1837: 
Kikenth. Mitteil. Thiiring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 50: 

Scirpus cinnamometorum Vahl, Enum. 2: 278. 1806. 

Fimbristylis cyperoides R. Br. Prodr. 228. 1810. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Tarara, Wassi Kussa R., Brass 8408, 
Dec. 1936, savannah-forest, abundant on wet flats; Lake Daviumbu, Middle 
Fly R., Brass 7876, Sept. 1936, occasional in small erect tufts on wet grass 
plains; Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 8262, Nov. 1936, plentiful on 
hard soil in open savannah-forests. 

These are the only collections known from New Guinea, though the 
species is known to range from NE. Australia to Ceylon and SE. Asia. 

Fimbristylis cinnamometorum and F. cyperoides have sometimes been 
treated as distinct species on the grounds that the former (from Ceylon, 
Pegu and China) is an annual, while the latter (from Australia to the 
Philippine and Caroline Islands) has a prominent rhizome. But the type 
of Scirpus cinnamometorum (c) is from a perennial plant and is well 
matched by many Australian specimens; the degree of development of a 
rhizome depends on the age of the plant and varies greatly in herbarium 

Fimbristylis stenochlaena Kiikenth. Mitteil. Thiiring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 
50: 11. 1943. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7840, Sept. 1936, very abundant on wet grass plains, leaves of young plants 
arranged spirally in a flat rosette (TYPE collection). 

The plants seen by me appear to be somewhat larger than those seen by 
Kukenthal, 30-50 cm. high, with asperulous many-ribbed rather than 
smooth obsoletely pentagonal sulcate culms, with 9 or 10 (not 4-6) 


-rayed inflorescences with rather longer and broader mature spikelets 
9-11 mm. long and 2—3 mm. wide (described by Kukenthal as 8-9 mm. 
long and 1.5-2 mm. wide). I find the glumes acute and more or less 
cuspidulate rather than long acuminate, and the nuts (five examined) 
obovoid, not at all pyriform, 0.8 mm. long, 0.55 mm. wide. 

Fimbristylis fusca (Nees) C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 
649. 1893. 

Abildgaardia fusca Nees in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 95. 1834. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Balim R., Brass 11744, Dec. 1938, alt. 
1600 m., common among the grass on long-deforested slopes. 

New for New Guinea; previously known from India and the Philippine 
Islands to Java and the Moluccas. The plants are glabrous. 

Clarke, l.c., cites “Benth. in Gen. PI. iii. 1048” as the author of the 
combination, but Bentham here merely reduces the genus Abildgaardia 
to a section of Fimbristylis. In Index Kewensis, Suppl. 4: 92. 1913 the 
author of the combination is given as “Benth. ex C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. 
Fl. Brit. Ind. vi. 649 (1893).” 

Fimbristylis fimbristyloides (F.,Muell.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. Club 
Brit. Isles 1916: 623. 1917 
Abildgaardia fimbristyloides F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 8: 273. 1874. 

PAPUA: Central Division: Rona, Laloki R., Brass 3576, April 1933, 
alt. 450 m., common, wet places on open grassy hillsides. 

New for New Guinea; previously known only from northern Queens- 

Fimbristylis intonsa sp. nova (Sect. Abildgaardia). Fic. 2. 

erba annua, usque ad 16 cm. alta. Culmi fasciculati, setacei, stricti, 
erecti, quinquangulares angulis angustis elevatis sursum scabris. Folia 
pauca, usque ad 5 cm. longa, , cu Imi te rtiam partem raro adaequantia, 1—2 

orificem pubescens, ceterae glabrae; laminae lineares, sursum admodum 
angustatae, apice obtusae vel acutae, falcatae vel tortuosae, planae vel 
incurvae, coriaceae, haud carinatae, paucinerves, marginibus leviter in- 
crassatae sursum scabrae, supra prominule subtus indistincte celluloso- 
reticulatae, eae foliorum caulinorum saepe multo breviores angustioresque. 
Anthela simplex vel composita, 2—7-radiata, laxa. Bracteae 1—2 infimae 
subfoliaceae usque ad 12 mm. longae, vel omnes setaceae, saepe minimae; 
bracteolae minimae. Radii setacei, compressi, scabri, usque ad 2.5 cm. 
longi; radioli suberecti, usque ad 7 mm. longi. Spiculae oblongae, acutae, 
compressae, saepe tortae, 5-8 mm. longae, 1.5—1.8 mm. latae, multi- et 
densiflorae; rhachilla excavata alata. Glumae distichae vel sursum specie 
laxe spiraliter dispositae, brunneae vel ferrugineae, latissime ovatae, 


obtusae, mucronatae, l-nerves, carinatae carina curva sursum valida 
excurrente, fere omnino albo- -pubescentes, marginibus vix hyalinis ciliatae, 
1.7-1.8 mm. longae, cellulis minutissimis; 1—2 infimae vacuae minores. 
Stamina 3; antherae lineares, apiculatae, 0.5 mm. longae; filamenta lata. 
Stylus pro ratione robustus, triquetrus, basi latiuscule pyramidatus, omnino 
glaber, 1 mm. longus; stigmata 3, stylo breviora. Nux albida, obovoidea 
fere ellipsoidea, utrinque rotundata apice leviter umbonulata, minime 
stipitata, obtuse trigona angulis haud prominulis, lateribus convexulis, 
verrucosa, 0.7 mm, longa, 0.5 mm. lata, cellulis extimis hexagonis parvis 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7841, Sept. 1936, very common on wet grassy plains (TYPE). 

This collection was labelled ‘“‘Fimbristylis disticha Boeck. (det. Kiiken- 
thal).” It is certainly allied to F. disticha Boeck., but to judge from the 
piece of the type of this species in herb. Brisbane ex herb. Berlin, it differs 
in the broader, more coarsely keeled, prominently mucronate and densely 
pubescent glumes and the broader, more ellipsoid nut not cuneate but 
rounded at the base, less distinctly ribbed at the angles and with hexagonal 
rather than oblong external cells. According to C. B, Clarke in Hook. f. 
Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 651. 1893, the glumes of F. disticha are minutely ciliate 
at the margins, but I find them glabrous. Kiikenthal, Bot. Jahrb. 59: 50. 
1924, and 69: 258. 1938, has recorded F. disticha from North-East New 
Guinea, but I have not seen these specimens. 

The species of sect. Abildgaardia discussed may be distinguished as 

Leaves setaceous, at least half as long as culm, more or less distichous; basal 
sheaths + horny; glumes scabrous with reddish glands; nut (0.8-1 mm. 
long) with the external cells transversely oblong. .... F. cinnamometorum. 

Leaves flat, at least 1 mm. wide, less than half and sometimes scarcely one 
quarter as long as culm, spirally arranged, often falcate; basal sheaths not 
horny, prominently nerved; glumes not (or in F. fusca very rarely) glandu- 
lar, usually pubescent (except in F, disticha); nut (0.6-1 mm. long) with 
the external cells hexagonal, not or but slightly elongated transversely. 

Glumes 3—5 mm. long, the upper ones somewhat spiral; style 3-4 mm. long, 

3-6 times as long as the obovoid nut; perennial (? always). 

al & 

Fic. 2. eee’ — S. T. Blake: a. inflorescence, & 1; b., c. spike- 
lets, X 3; d. e, 5; e. flower, X 15; f. nut, X 15; g. transverse section 
of nut; h. aes of nut, X 40. Figures from type. 


Glumes about half as wide as long, 4-5 mm. long; style 4 mm. long; 
culms many-ribbed; leaves 1.5-4 mm. wide; spikelets 2-3 mm. wide. 
slate nae Gao eee aaa eds 4s VO eee eee F. stenochlaena. 

Glumes more than half as wide as long, 3-4 mm. long; style about 3 mm. 
long; culms 5-ribbed; leaves 2 mm. wide; spikelets 1.5-2 mm. wide. 
Be ee eran tle Gites ee en id Ss aS Se ere oo F, fusca. 

Glumes up to 2.5 mm. long, regularly distichous, but the whole spikelet some- 
times twisted; style 1-1.3 mm. long, less than twice as long as nut; an- 
nual plants. 

Glumes glabrous, muticous or nearly so, acute, the keel slightly curved, 
1.6-1.7 mm. long; nut narrowly obovate, cuneate to a very narrow 
base, audit 0.6% 0.05 WM, occu dss se dowee rig eee ies F. disticha. 

Glumes puberulous or rarely glabrous, acute, mucronulate, the keel straight 
or nearly so, 2-2.5 mm. long; nut broadly obovate, somewhat attenu- 
ate above the broad truncate base, about 0.75 X 0.55 mm........... 
it. 5. p52 4.454 bee k oe pS F. fimbristyloides. 

Glumes densely pubescent with ciliolate scarcely hyaline margins, very 
road and very obtuse, rather coarsely mucronulate, the keel curved, 
1.7-1.8 mm. long; nut obovate, rounded to the base, 0.7 % 0.5 mm. 
ee eee aera a eA ek ea ee asad Se eae F. intonsa. 

Scleria Bergius 

There is no recent general account of the species of Scleria in the Malay- 
sian-Australian region. A revision of the Australian species was commenced 
some years ago and has been intensified and expanded more recently to 
include the Malaysian species. The following account of the Brass collec- 
tions is really a preliminary revision of all the species known from New 
Guinea. It would seem that a large number of names for alleged new 
species have been based on far too scanty material, and that very little 
attention has been paid to individual variation. Misapplications of names 
have been fairly frequent; it would appear that some early botanists did 
not see the types of the names proposed by their predecessors (which are 
frequently scrappy in any case), and their often faulty identifications were 
blindly accepted by later botanists, possibly for want of better evidence. 
I have been fortunate in seeing types or isotypes of a goodly proportion of 
the names mentioned in this paper; of others I have seen topotypes — 
specimens from the type-locality which agree with the original description. 
Although an extensive series of specimens from Australia, Malaysia and 
elsewhere has now been examined, study of further material, particularly 
from India, may demand modifications of some of the conclusions pub- 
lished in this paper. 

A curious fact is that there appears to be no endemic species in New 
Guinea. Of the thirteen accepted species, all but one (S. polycarpa) occur 
elsewhere in Malaysia and all but two or three (S. pergracilis, S. motleyi 
and, perhaps, S. tessellata) occur in Australia, some of them extending 
further eastward. 


Scleria pergracilis (Nees) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 2: 354. 1837. 
Hypoporum pergracile Nees, Edinb. New Philipp. Jour. 17: 267. 1834. 

NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA: Kani Hills near Ongoruna (Unguruna) Vil- 
lage, Lane-Poole 635, Feb. 1924 (has as strong a lemon-verbena scent as to make 
a whole hill- tg perfumed); Partep, Commonwealth Nutritional Survey N.S. P. 

New for New Guinea; previously known from Tropical Africa, India 
and Ceylon. 

—o lithosperma (L.) Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occid. 18. 1788; Boeck. 
n Engl. Forschungsr. S. M. S. Gazelle 4 (1): 18. 1889; K. Schum. & 
twee Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Siidsee 60. 1905; Valck. 
Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 711. 1902; Kiikenth. Bot Jahrb. 59: 58. 
1924; Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 212. 1942. 

Scirpus lithospermus L. Sp. Pl. ed. 1: 51. 1753. 

Schoenus lithospermus (L.) L. Sp. Pl. 2: 65. 1762. 

Scleria tenuis Retz. Obs. 4: 13. 1786. 

Scleria capillaris R. Br. Prodr. 240. 1810. 

Scleria wightiana Steud. Syn. Cyp. 176. 1855. 

Hypoporum lithospermum Nees in Mart. Fl. Brasil. 2 (1): 172. 1842. 
Hypoporum capillare (R. Br.) Nees, Linnaea 9: 303. 1834 

NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA: New Britain, Parkinson in 1885 (MEL). 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lower Fly R., east bank opposite Sturt 
Island, Brass 8059, Oct. 1936, rain-forest, tufts 60-80 cm. high, forming a 
scant ground cover on dry ridges: Daru Island, Brass 6259, March 1936, com- 
mon along edge of rain-forest. Eastern Division: Lower Mori R., Brass 
1634, June 1926, on rain-forest floor. 

Cosmotropical. Further synonyms are listed by Core, Brittonia 2: 27-8. 
1936. Brass 6259, 8059 had been determined by Kiikenthal. 

Scleria roxburghii (C. B. Clarke) Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 85: 487, 1915. 

Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw. var. B Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 354. 1864. 

Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw. var. roxburghii C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. 
Brit. Ind. 6: 686. 1894. 

Scleria lithosperma (L.) Sw. var. linearis Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 430. 1878. 

a roxburghiu (C. B. wr Domin var. australiensis Domin, Biblioth. 

5: 487. 1915; syn. n 

repec neh roxburghi Nees, ex C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 
686. 1894, i 

Hypoporum an Nees ex Boeck. Linnaea 38: 452. 1874, in syn. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Tarara, Wassi Kussa R.. Brass 8504, 
Dec. 1936, rain-forest, dense tufted ground cover 50-60 cm. high, in partial 
shade. Central Division: Baroka, Nakeo district, Brass 3774, April 1933, 
alt. 30 m., common in brushy rain-forest and on garden clearings; Port Moresby 
to Kalo, MacGregor in 1889 (MEL). 


New for New Guinea. Known elsewhere from Queensland, Philippine 
Islands, India and Ceylon. 

Scleria motleyi C. B. Clarke, Philipp. Jour. Sci. 2 (C): 104. 1907; 
Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 213. 1942 

Scleria motleyi C. B. pie var. densi-spicata C. B. Clarke, Philipp. Jour. 
Sci. 2 (C): 104. 1907; syn. n 

ae eon Ridl. ae Str. Branch Roy. As. Soc. 46: 228. 1906, 

. Fl. Malay. Pen. (Monocot.) 3: 110. 1907; non Steud. 1855. 

Scleria ae Wee Philipp. Jour. Sci. 8 (C): 363. 1913. 

Scleria gonocarpa Ridl. Fl. Malay Pen. 5: 177. 1925; syn. nov. 

Scleria ee Elmer ex Merr. Enum. Philipp. Fl. Pl. 1: 134. 1922, in 
obs. .; Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 10: 3541. 1938, descr. anglice. 

Ses paved Elmer, Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 10: 3542. 1938, in obs., pro 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Hollandia and vicinity, Brass 8870, 
June-July 1938, alt. 100 m., rain-forest, tufted floor plant on sharp ridge 

Previously recorded by Ohwi, l.c., for Netherlands New Guinea; else- 
where known from Malaya, Borneo and Philippine Islands. 

Scleria tessellata Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 315. 1805; K. Schum. in Warb. Bot. 
Jahrb. 13: 267. 1891; Valck. abe Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 1912. 

Scleria parvula Steud. Syn. Cyp. 174. 1855. 

Scleria uliginosa Hochst. ex Boeck. de 38: 471. 1874. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7527, August 1936, sporadic on savannahs; Lake Dav viumbu, Middle Fly R., 
Brass 7875, Sept. 1936, sporadic on wet grass plains, erect in small tufts; Lake 
Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7963, Sept. 1936, rain-forest, common in 
semi-shade on shores of lake. 

New for Papua; known to extend in an apparently sporadic manner 
north and west to India and Ceylon. Some of the records of this species 
from Mayalsia belong to the closely allied S. biflora Roxb. The Australian 
plants referred to it by Bentham, Fl. Austral. 7: 430. 1878 belong to 
other species. 

Scleria novae-hollandiae Boeck. Flora 58: 120. 1875. 
Scleria merrillii Palla, Allgem. Bot. Zeitschr. 17: Beil. 8. 1911; syn. nov. 
PAPUA: Western Division: Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 6012, Feb—- 

March 1934, alt. 50 m., on a savannah ridge; Daru Island, Brass 6427, April 1936, 
gregarious on wet soil in savannah forest. 

New for New Guinea; previously known from northern and north- 
eastern Australia and the Philippine Islands. 

This species was referred by Bentham, FI. Austral. 7: 428. 1878 to 
S. laxa R. Br., and in this he was followed by later authors. I have dis- 
cussed these species as to their occurrence in Australia in Proc. Roy. Soc. 


Queensl. 58: 48-9. 1947 and 60: 52-3. 1949. I have now seen the type 
and an isotype of S. novae-hollandiae, a photograph and a fragment of the 
type of S. axa and isotypes of S. merrillii. The species is well distinguished 
from other small annual species by the dull white, nearly smooth surface 
of the more or less oblong nut and the small thin tightly appressed disc 
-with broadly rounded lobes and shallow sinuses. The chalky appearance 
of most nuts is very distinctive. Kikenthal determined Brass 6427 as 
S. tessellata, which has an ellipsoid, shining, prominently tessellated nut 
and a larger, thicker, more deeply divided disc with rather acute lobes and 
sinuses. To judge from his remarks on the disc, the specimen upon which 
Kiikenthal based his record for New Guinea of S. browni Kunth, Bot. 
Jahrb. 70: 464. 1940 may also belong here. 

Scleria rugosa R. Br. Prodr. 240. 1810. 

Scleria lateriflora Boeck. Linnaea 38: 455. 1874; syn. nov. 

Scleria pubigera Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 27: 55. 1913; syn. nov. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7532 A, August 1936, savannahs, gregarious in flat tufts on hard-pans and 
swampy margins; Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 5868, Jan—March 1934, alt. 30 m., 
rare, gray soil on low savannah ridge; Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 6013, Feb. 
March 1934, alt. 30 m., damp slopes of a savannah ridge, uncommon. 

New for New Guinea; previously known from northern and_north- 
eastern Australia and New Caledonia northwards and westwards to Ceylon 
and Japan. Specimens from Ceylon (S. lateriflora Boeck.) were referred 
to S. zeylanica Poir. by Thwaites and others, but Poiret’s original descrip- 
tion refers to a large plant which, from the examination of an excellent 
piece of the type loaned from herb. Paris, proves to belong to the species 
previously described by Retz as Scleria levis and later described by Nees 
as Scleria hebecarpa. Apparently little attention has been paid to the 
extensive description in French following the brief Latin diagnosis. The 
references to S. zeylanica in Malaysian and New Caledonian literature 
really belong to S. rugosa. I have seen excellent isotypes of S. rugosa and 
S. lateriflora, but the interpretation of S. pubigera Makino is based chiefly 
on specimens so labelled from Taiwan in herb. Melbourne. Brass 7532 A 
was determined by Kikenthal as Scleria tessellata Willd. var. debilis 
Benth.; the latter is a common Queensland plant differing from S. rugosa 
in habit and the shape of the nut and disc. 

Scleria levis Retz. Obs. 4: 13. 1786. 

Scleria zeylanica Poir. Encycl. Meth. 7: 3. 1806; syn. 

Scleria hebecarpa Nees in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. "MT. 1834; Valck. Suring. 
Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 1912; Palla in Rechinger, Denkschr. Math.-Naturw. 
Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 89: 500. 1913; saosingas Bot. Jahrb. 59: 58. 1924; 
Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 212. 1942; syn. 

Ge hebecarpa Nees var. ee (Steud) C. B. Clarke in Hook f. FI. 
Brit. Ind. 6: 689. 1894; syn. n 

Scleria hebecarpa Nees forma pilosa Valck. Suring., Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 
2: nov. 

Scleria neesiana Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beechey Voy. 229. 1841; syn. nov. 

Scleria pubescens Steud. Syn. Cyp. 168. 1855; syn. nov. 

Scleria japonica Steud. Syn. Cyp. 169. 1855; syn. nov. 

Scleria vestita Boeck. Linnaea 38: 482. 1874; syn. nov. 

Scleria dietrichiae Boeck. Flora 58: 121. 1875; syn. nov 

Scleria wichurai Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 510. 1884; syn. nov. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7877, Sept. 1936, occasional on wet grass plains (clumps 80 cm. high Lake 
Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7691, Sept. 1936, savannahs, common on 
swamp margins; Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), Brass 8264, Nov. 1936, 
open savannah-forest, plentiful on hard soils; Tarara, Wassi Kussa River, 
Brass 8715, Jan. 1937, common grass associate, ’savannah- forest ridges; Dagwa, 
Oriomo R.., a 5996, Feb.—March 1934, alt. 40 m., amongst grasses on a 
savannah ri 

This ee has not previously been recorded for Papua, though it is 
widely spread from Queensland and New Caledonia to India and Japan. 
It is the species commonly known as Scleria hebecarpa Nees, but examina- 
tion of the type of Scleria levis Retz. (Lp) and of a piece of the type of 
Scleria zeylanica Poir. (P) has shown that these three names are synony- 
mous. For some inexplicable reason, Poiret’s name has been almost in- 
variably associated with S. lateriflora Boeck. (which is S. rugosa R. Br.) 
in spite of the fact that Poiret’s description refers to a much larger and 
otherwise different plant (see also under S. rugosa). The name Scleria levis 
(the epithet of which is often spelled /aevis) has been commonly applied to 
specimens of S. terrestris (L.) Fassett on which the fruits are somewhat 
depressed due to imperfect development. 

Brass 8264 had been determined as Scleria hebecarpa Nees by Kiikenthal. 
Brass 7691, 8715 represent the more or less hairy form described as S. 
hebecarpa Nees var. pubescens (Steud.) C. B. Clarke (and were determined 
as such by Kiikenthal), S. pubescens Steud. and S. vestita Boeck. 

Scleria ciliaris Nees in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 117. 1834. 

Scleria chinensis Kunth, Enum. Pl. 2: 357. 1837 

Scleria bancana Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 602. 1860; Valck. Suring. Nova 
Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 1912; Kanehira, Jour. Dept. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 4: 282. 
1935; Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 69: 261. 1938; Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 
212. 1942; syn. nov. 

Scleria malaccensis see se 38: 507. 1874; K. Schum. in Warb. Bot. 
Jahrb. 13: 266. 1891: 

PAPUA: Western Ree ion: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 
7670, Sept. 1936, rain-forest, occasional clumps 1.2-1.5 m. high, along matein 
of lake (det. Uittien as S. hebecarpa Nees); Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), 
Brass 8252, Nov. 1936, common grass associate in savannah forests (det. 
Uittien as S. hebecarpa Nees); Wuroi, Oriomo R., Brass 5808, Jan.—March 
1934, alt. 10 m., amongst tall grass on edge of rain-forest. Gulf Division: 
Kerema, Brass 1207, March 1926, open grassland near coast, in clumps | m. 


high. Central Division: On range between Sogere and Javararie, White 
317, July-Aug. 1918; Astrolabe Range, White 218, July-August 1918, in grass- 
land; Astrolabe Range, Armit (MEL). Eastern Division: Cloudy Mts., 
Chalmers (MEL). 

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Mariga Island: N’Gela, Brass 3486, Jan. 1933, 
small sedge on grasslands. 

New for Papua and the Solomon Islands; extends from northern Queens- 
land northwards and westwards to Ceylon, India and China. 

One state of this species has been generally called Scleria chinensis since 
the time of Kunth. Kunth proposed this name to replace Scleria ciliaris 
Nees “‘because of the earlier name of Michaux.” But the name for the 
American species proposed by Michaux is Scleria ciliata. The suffixes -tus 
(-ta, -tum = provided with) and -ris (-re = of or belonging to) have 
quite distinct meanings, so that the two epithets ciliata and ciliaris (and 
consequently the names of which they form part) must be treated as 
distinct (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, Art. 82, and 
Rec. 821); they are not orthographic variants. Kunth’s action was there- 
fore unjustified and merely created a superfluous name. The name pro- 
posed by Nees is the correct one. 

Scleria malaccensis is the same form as S. bancana and has usually 
been distinguished on the grounds that the leaves of S. ciliaris (S. chinen- 
sis) are scattered and have more or less distinctly winged sheaths while 
S. bancana has the middle leaves approximated in pairs with usually un- 
winged sheaths, even though S. bancana was originally described as having 
winged sheaths, The specimens cited above show a continuous series 
between the two extremes. 

I have not been able to identify Scleria chinensis Kunth var. biauriculata 
C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 690. 1894. The description could 
refer to members of the series just mentioned; the synonym cited, S. 
exaltata Boeck., belongs to S. terrestris; one of the two collections cited 
is also cited as belonging to the typical form of S. chinensis and the other 
may or may not be Boeckeler’s type. 

Scleria macrophylla Presl has been referred to S. chinensis by some 
authors, but this name refers to an American species (Core, Brittonia 2: 
37-8. 1936). 

Scleria terrestris (L). Fassett, Rhodora 26: 159. 1924. 

Zizania terrestris L. Sp. Pl. ed. 1: 991. 175 

Diaphora cochinchinensis Lour. FI. Cocltiah. 578. 1790. 

Olyra orientalis Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 552. 1790. 

Scleria elata Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 353. 1864; K. Schum. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. 
Mus. Berlin 2: 98. 1898; Lam, Nat. Tijds. Nederl. 88: 194, 203, 207. 1928. 

Scleria melanostoma Nees ex Boeck. Linnaea 38: 514. 1874 

Scleria exaltata Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 511. 1884; syn. nov 

Scleria hasskarliana Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 511. 1884; syn. nov. 

Scleria haematostachys Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 512. 1884; syn. nov. 

Scleria doederleiniana Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 512. 1884; syn. nov. 


Scleria ploemii Boeck. Bot. Jahrb. 5: 513. 1884; syn. nov. 
Scleria luzonensis Palla, Allg. Bot. Zeitschr. 13: 49. 1907; syn. n 
Scleria cochinchinensis (Lour.) Druce, Rept. Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4: 
646. 1917 
Sclerta chinensis Kunth var. luzonensis (Palla) Uitt. Rec. Trav. Bot. Neéer- 
land. re 1935 et Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 17: 201. 
1935; sy 
Scleria pice Kunth var. luzonensis (Palla) Uitt. forma pilosa Uitt. 
syn. nov. 
NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: 4 km. SW. of Bernhard Camp, eames 
R., Brass 13480, March 1939, alt. 850 m., one clump on an open landslip 
NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA: Morobe District: Belung R. to Sara- 
waket, J. & M.S. Clemens 4875, Jan. 1937. 

PAPUA: Central Division: Port Moresby, Lawes in 1884 (MEL); 
Sogere, White 308, July-Aug. 1918; Urunu, Vanapa Valley, Brass 4779, July- 
Aug. 1933, alt. 1900 m., in clumps amongst tall weed grass on old garden land, 

New for Papua; extends from Queensland to India and southern China. 

This is the species commonly known as Scleria elata Thw. The name 
Scleria terrestris is based on Zizania terrestris L., which is based on Katu- 
Tsjolam Rheede, Hort. Mal. 12: 113, ¢. 60. 1703, and this evidently refers 
to a Scleria; C. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 6: 685-694. 1894 
recorded only S. elata Thw. and S. hebecarpa Nees from the region covered 
by Rheede, and Rheede’s figure could only refer to S. elata. Sclerta 
cochinchinensis is based on Diaphora cochinchinensis Lour., the type of 
which was seen by Merrill (see Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n.s. 24: 89. 1935). 
Olyra orientalis Lour. is referred here on Merrill’s suggestion, l.c., 90. I 
have seen syntypes of Scleria elata (MEL), S. hasskarliana (MEL), S. 
luzonensis (BRI, NSW, L) and possibly of S. ploemii (L). Thwaites 3031, 
cited by Boeckeler as the type of S. exaltata, is represented at Melbourne, 
but the specimen differs considerably from Boeckler’s description in being 
much smaller and having differently shaped disc-lobes; it belongs to S. levis 
Retz. (S. hebecarpa Nees). 

Scleria scrobiculata Nees & Meyen in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 117. 

34; K. Schum. & Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Suidsee 198. 

1901 (at most only partly); Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 

1912 (at most only partly); Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb, 59: 58. 1924, 

partly; ? Kanehira, Jour. Dept. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 4: 282. 1935; 
(?) Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 212. 1942. 

Scleria timorensis Nees, Linnaea 9: 303. 

Scleria purpureovaginata Boeck. Bot. Tk 5: 513. 1884; K. Schum. in 
Warb. Bot. Jahrb. 13: 266. 1891; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 713. 
1912; syn. nov 

Scleria keyensis K. Schum. in Warb. Bot. Jahrb. 13: 267. 1891; Valck. Suring. 

ova Guin. Bot. 8: 713. 1912. 
Scleria suffulta C. B. Clarke, Kew Bull. Add. Ser. 8: 58. 1908; syn. nov. 


PAPUA: Western Division: New Guinea, near Dutch boundary, Mac- 
Gregor in 1890 (MEL); Fly R., D’Albertis (MEL); Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly 
R., Brass 7715, Sept. 1936, mixed with grass fringing shore of savannahs, clumps 
2-2.5 m. high (det. Kiikenthal); Daru Island, Brass 6244, March 1936, common 
with grasses on damp soil of savannah forests (det. Kiikenthal as Scleria chinen- 
sis Kunth). Central Division: Port Moresby, Goldie (MEL): towards 
Owen soa Range, Goldie in 1878 (MEL); Astrolabe Range, Armit in 1883, 
scrubs (MEL) 

New for Papua, and perhaps for New Guinea. The species is widely 
spread in Malaysia, extending into Queensland and apparently to China. 
At least some of the records of this species for New Guinea belong properly 
to Scleria polycarpa (see under this species), but I have not seen many 
of the specimens on which the records are based. 

Scleria polycarpa Boeck. Linnaea 38: 508. 1874. 

Scleria deh grea Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 312. set aes in Gibbs, Phyt. FI. 
Arfak Mts. 200. 1917; non Gaertn. 1788; 

Scleria graeffeana Boeck. Flora 58: 121. pie K. ae in Warb. Bot. Jahrb. 
13: 266. 1891; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 712. 1912; Palla in seb 
Denkschr. Math. -Naturw. Kais. Akad. Wien 89: 500. nie cicoey 

Scleria ternifolia Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 85: 490. 1915; 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Bernhard ne Idenburg R., Brass 
13937, April 1939, alt. 50 m., abundant in sago and other is swampy 
forest of river plain, 2-3 m. high 

NORTH-EAST NEW GUINEA: New Ireland: W. coast, Bradtke 125, 
May 1917, Om. (Nsw). Duke of York Island, Bradtke 185, May 1917, 
secondary bush, grassfields (Nsw). Morobe District: Augustusfluss 
(= Sepik R.) Hollrung 815 (mex, 1); Huon Gulf, Lauterbach 1185 (MEL). 

PAPUA: Western Division: New Guinea, near Dutch boundary, Mac- 
Gregor in 1890 (MEL); Fly R., Baéuerlen 514, Nov. 1885, on red clay banks; 
Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R.,, Brass 7590, Aug. 1938, forming dense thickets 
2.5-3 m. high, in edge of forest along lake shores (det. Kiikenthal as S. scrobi- 
culata Nees); Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7663, Sept. 1936, savan- 
nahs, scattered clumps 1.5 m. high on swamp margins (det. Kiikenthal as Scleria 
chinensis Kunth); Lower Fly R., east bank opposite Sturt Island, Brass 8115, 
Oct. 1936, tufted in semi-shade on edge of sago =r (det. Kikenthal as 
S. scrobiculata Nees). Gulf Division: Ghu, Vaitata R., Brass 938, Feb. 
1926, rain-forest borders, small clumps 2-3 ft. high. Central Division: 
Boku, Schlenker 9, July 1909; Deva Deva, White 588, alt. about 1200 m., 
July-August 1918 (large sedge about 6 ft. high); Kubuna, Brass 5563, Nov. 
1933, alt. 100 m., common amongst ferny ground cover in rain- forest; Astrolabe 
Range, White 359; Sogere, White 370, July-August 1918; Bisiatabu, ‘Bras ss 584, 
Nov. 1925, alt. 1500 ft., banks of streams; Owen Stanley Range, between Mts. 
Brown and Clarence, Brass 1479, May 1926, alt. 4000 ft. Eastern Divi- 
sion: Fife Bay, Turner 95, Sept. 1930 (plant about 4 ft. high); South Cape, 
Chalmers Sonne “south-east New Guinea,” Chalmers in 1878; Samarai, Fitz- 
gerald 7, common (more or less caespitose, 1-3 ft. high); Dixon’s Bay, Rossel 
Island, ages "S Bridge, Jan. 1885; islands near the south-east coast, Armit 
in 1 


SOLOMON ISLANDS: Without definite locality, Wernhem, Jan. 1911 
NEW HEBRIDES: Without definite locality, Haer 65 in 1902 (Nsw). 

Widely spread from New Guinea and Queensland through Melanesia 
to eastern Polynesia. Not previously recorded from the Solomon Islands. 

This species has usually been called Scleria margaritifera Willd., which 
is a later homonym of Scleria margaritifera Gaertn., a name that has been 
overlooked by most botanists and by the compilers of Index Kewensis. 
Gaertner gave a good account and figure of a portion of the inflorescence, 
spikelets and fruit. He cited several synonyms, including Carex litho- 
sperma L. and Scleria flagellum-nigrorum Berg. Core, Brittonia 2: 87. 
1936, referred Gaertner’s name, figure and description to S. flagellum- 
nigrorum Berg., which would seem to be its correct disposition; it is 
accordingly a superfluous name for this species. Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 4: 312. 
1805, cited S. margaritifera Gaertn. as one of the synonyms of “Scleria 
flagellum Sw.,” but on the next page deliberately used the same name for a 
species which he described as new from a specimen collected by Forster 
on the island of Tanna. Hence Scleria margaritifera Gaertn. and Sclerta 
margaritifera Willd. are quite distinct names, and both of them are illegiti- 
mate under any circumstance. 

I have not seen the types of S. polycarpa, S. graeffeana or S. ternifolta, 
but I have seen specimens from the type-localities of each that agree with 
the original descriptions. The species is closely allied to S. scrobiculata 
Nees, differing from it chiefly in the narrower partial panicles with fewer 
and less spreading branches, the inconspicuous bracteoles shorter than the 
spikelets, the relatively inconspicuous male spikelets, the more evenly dis- 
tributed fertile spikelets, the nut more gradually narrowed to the tip and 
nearly smooth to slightly rugulose at maturity, and the less deeply divided 
disc with more prominently denticulate margins; the nuts are frequently 
bright blue with red discs. The leaf-sheaths in both species may be broadly 
or narrowly winged or quite wingless on different individuals. Both species 
are robust plants with the middle leaves in false-whorls of three, relatively 
numerous partial panicles, medium-sized nuts which are also more or less 
hirtellous, and rather short discs. 

The following references to Scleria scrobiculata belong wholly or in part 
to S. polycarpa: K. Schum. & Hollr. Fl. Kaiser Wilhelmsl. 25. 1889; K. 
Schum. & Lauterb. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Siidsee 198. 1901; F. M. Bail. 
Queensl. Agr. Jour. 23: 220. 1909; Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot. 8: 
712. 1912; Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 58. 1924. 

Scleria poaeformis Retz. Obs. 4: 13. 1786. 
Scleria oryzoides Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1: 201. 1830; F. Muell. Pap. Ph. 2-51; 

A: Western Division: Fly R., Bauerlen 562, Nov. 1885 (MEL); 
Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7855, Sept. 1936, in dense pure stands 
dominating many large swamps on savannahs; Gaima, Lower Fly R. (east bank), 


Brass 8261, Nov. 1936, swamps in savannah forest area; Wuroi, Oriomo R., 
Brass 5748, Jan—March 1934, alt. 10-30 m., in dense formation in a small 
swamp; Daru Island, Brass 6338, March 1936, forming pure stands, 1.5 m. tall, 
in shallow open swamp in savannah forest 

Bauerlen’s specimens were cited by F. Mueller, l.c.; Brass’s specimens were 
received determined by Kikenthal as S. oryzoides Presi. My recent congo 
of the type of S. poaeformis (Lp) confirmed the opinion expressed by C. E. C. 
Fischer in Kew Bull. 1931: 265. 1931 that this name and S. oryz sites are 
synonymous. The species extends from northern Queensland northward and 
westward to India 

Besides the species mentioned in the foregoing pages, the following have 
been recorded for New Guinea, based on specimens that I have not seen: 
Scleria hookeriana Boeck.; Kikenth. in Eng. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 59. 1924. 

Scleria levis Retz. forma villosa Valck. Suring. Nova Guin. Bot, 8: 712. 
912; Kukenth. Bot. Jahrb. 59: 58. 1924; Ohwi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 
56: 212-3. 1942. 

Scleria brownii Kunth: Kiikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 70: 464. 1940. 

The record of S. brownii is very likely based on specimens of S. novae- 
hollandiae (see under this species) ; the other records may also be based on 
specimens of species discussed elsewhere in this paper. 

The following key will serve to distinguish the species seen from New 

Spikelets — at least the fertile ones — androgynous; disc reduced to an indis- 

tinct al rim or (in S. motleyi) more or less cupshaped and thin; nut 

Annual, lemon-scented; spikelets in small distant clusters along a simple 

common axis without prominent bracts... ergracilis. 

Perennial; inflorescence of terminal and axillary partial aie with promi- 
nent bracts, the partial panicles sometimes spike-li 
Disc seh saa nut glabro 

Nut quite smooth, even when young.................. S. lithosperma. 
Nut rugose, even at extreme maturity.................. S. roxburghii. 
Disc cup-shaped; nut hirtellous with ferruginous hairs. oo ..... S. motleyt. 

Spikelets unisexual, the females commonly with one or more empty glumes above 
the flowers; disc always present, shallowly to deeply 3-lobed; nut not dis- 
tinctly angular. 

Annual plants inieed up to 50 cm. high; culms about 1 mm. wide or less; 

eaves 1-3 mm. 

Nut ellipsoid or ‘cylindroid. Ati prominently apiculate; terminal partial 
panicle longer than the oth 

Disc deeply divided with ely separate ovate to sited more or less 

acute lobes; nut deeply tessellate, more or less shining .. _S. tessellata. 

Disc small and thin, shallowly lobed with broadly rounded — nut 

dull, smooth or somewhat verrucose or somewhat reticulate...._... 


Nut globular, A piiopiecaiay apiculate, at first reticulate, finally often smooth 
except for a few tubercles on the upper part; disc thick, shallowly lobed; 
partial eee SU SEARED oes ha Suk eee 828 ee mee S. rugosa. 

Perennials up to 3 m. high or more with prominent rhizomes; culms at least 
mm. wide and usually wider; leaves 4-20 mm. wide. 

Spikelets mostly in pairs, the lower one of most ats fertile; inflorescence 

of 3-8 partial panicles, the lower ones from long, leaf-like bracts; leaves 

long-tapering to a narrowly a or filiform tip; rhizome more or less 

knotty with approximated culm 

Ligule longer than (usually 2-3 oe as long as) wide; bracteoles un- 

usually prominent and long exserted from the dense partial panicles 


Ligule ne (usually much shorter) than wide; bracteoles usually less 
t, or setaceous; partial panicles looser- flowered or subspici- 

Leaves all about equally distributed along the culm; bracteoles prom- 

Disc-lobes lanceolate, more or less acute, more or less toothed .... 

Fe eo 5 8 oe ea ob eee es levis. 
Disc-lobes broadly rounded, entire ................. S. terrestris. 
Leaves clustered in groups of 3 mee 2) at the base of and below the 

Bracteoles wee! as long or as long as the more or less spreading 
s of the partial panicles; nuts borne chiefly towards 
the fuer of the branches, abruptly rounded below the mucronate 
tip, commonly deeply scrobiculate and white... S. scrobiculata. 
Bracteoles inconspicuous, much shorter than the more or less erect 
b hes of the more or less spiciform partial panicles; nuts 
evenly distributed throughout the partial panicles, rather grad- 
ually narrowed to the mucronate tip, rugulose smooth at 
maturity, often tinged blue; disc often red... ... S. polycarpa. 
Spikelets not paired, evenly distributed along the branchlets, the fertile 
ones restricted to the lower part of the lower branches; inflorescence 
of a pues pedunculate compound compact terminal panicle; leaves 
broad, scarcely tapering to the obtusely rounded tips; rhizome elongated 
Wilh tater -Cistant CUNMS~ 2.5 so-<s44 4 sas Soumeeee ent S. poaeformis. 

Diplacrum R. Brown 

Diplacrum caricinum R. Br. Prodr. 241. 1810. 

Scleria caricina (R. Br.) Benth. Fl. Austral. 7: 426. 1878; Kukenth. Bot. 

Jahrb. 69: 261. 1938. 

Scleria axillaris Moon, Catal. Pl. Ceylon 62. 1824, nomen nudum. 

Diplacrum tridentatum Brogn. Duperr. Voy. Bot. ¢. 26. 1826. 

Diplacrum zeylanicum Nees in Wight, Contrib. Bot. Ind. 119. 1834. 

Olyra malaccensis Wall. ex Kunth, Enum. PI. 2: 360. 1837, pro syn. 

PAPUA: Western Division: Lake Daviumbu, Middle Fly R., Brass 7842, 
Sept. 1936, common on wet plains, also in edge of Tristania forests. 

New for Papua; widely distributed in Malaysia, extending into Ceylon, 
India, South China and Queensland. 


The limits of Diplacrum and Scleria have been variously circumscribed 
and the two groups have often been treated as congeneric. A few American 
species have sometimes been referred to Diplacrum, but they are best 
treated as a separate genus, Peteroscleria Nees. The more important 
characters differentiating the three genera are as follow: 

Scleria: Male spikelets (or male portion of androgynous spikelets) borne 
above the female; stamens commonly 3, Female spikelet: glumes 3-6 
below the flower and usually one or more reduced ones above, 1- 
nerved, the keel not winged, entire at the tip, permanently mem- 
branous, persistent after the fall of the ripe nut. Nut smooth or 
variously reticulate or tuberculate or transversely rugose, the trans- 
verse ribbing at least as prominent (usually more prominent) than 
the vertical. Outer disc usually present. Leaves in the middle of the 
stem much the longest, the uppermost (bracts of partial panicles) 
gradually much shorter and narrower, the lower ones gradually re- 
duced to bladeless sheaths. Partial inflorescences in the upper part of 
the stem, or inflorescence entirely terminal. 

Diplacrum: Male spikelets borne below the female: stamen commonly 
one. Female spikelet: glumes 2, 3—7-nerved, keeled but the keel not 
winged, more or less 3-lobed or 3-toothed, hardened at maturity and 
commonly falling with the ripe nut which they enclose; no glumes 
above the flower. Nut tending to be heavily ribbed vertically, trans- 
verse ribs less pronounced or irregular or absent. Outer disc absent. 
Leaves or bracts all very similar, all or nearly all with axillary heads 
of spikelets, 1 or 2 basal ones sometimes reduced to sheaths. 

Pteroscleria: Male spikelets below the female; stamens commonly 3 in 
the lower flowers. Female spikelet: glumes 2, the keel prominently 
winged, otherwise nearly nerveless, entire at the tip, not hardened at 
maturity (?), persistent (?); no glumes above the flower. Nut tend- 
ing to be ribbed vertically, but the ribbing faint or obscure. Outer 
disc absent. Leaves dissimilar, only the upper ones with axillary 
heads of spikelets. 

As thus delimited, Diplacrum comprises a group of about five small 
slender annual species of the Old World Tropics. Diplacrum caricinum 
is the type-species and is the most widely spread. Endemic species occur 
in Malaya (D. reticulatum Holttum), Africa (D. africanum C. B. Clarke) 
and Australia (D. pygmaeum |R. Br.| Nees ex Boeck. and another). 

Uncinia Persoon 

Uncinia riparia R. Br. Prodr. 241. 1810. 

NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA: Mt. Wilhelmina, 7 km. NE. of Wil- 
helmina-top, Brass & Meyer-Drees 9847, Sept. 1938, alt. 3560 m., common in 
weak clumps on mossy floor of subalpine forest. 


PAPUA: Central Division: Mt. Albert Edward, Brass 4415, May-July 
1933, alt. 3680 m., sporadic on floor of forest. 

New for New Guinea; previously known from New Zealand, Tasmania 
and the mountains of the extreme SE. Australian mainland. 

The previous records of Uncinia riparia from New Guinea refer to other 
species. That of F. Mueller, Trans. Roy. Soc, Vict. 1 (2): 36. 1889 and 
of Kikenthal, Pflanzenr. 4 (20), 38: 63. 1909 and Bot. Jahrb. 59: 59. 
1924 refer to specimens of U. sclerophylla Nelmes, Kew Bull. 1949: 143. 
1949. According to Nelmes, l.c., pp. 142-5, Kiikenthal’s reference in Bot. 
Jahrb. 69: 261. 1938 was based on collections in which U. sclerophylla 
Nelmes, U. subtrigona Nelmes and perhaps another species are represented. 
The Clemens collections are so badly mixed and sometimes so poor that it 
is very risky to interpret references by the examination of alleged dupli- 


In a parcel of old specimens from New Guinea received for determination 
from the Melbourne Herbarium there were found a specimen of an un- 
described species of Hypolytrum and a specimen of a species of Cyperus 
previously unrecorded from New Guinea. They are discussed here, to- 
gether with other corrections and additions to the previous contributions. 

Hypolytrum L. C. Richard 
Hypolytrum microcarpum sp. nov. PLATE I. 

Culmi e rhizomate brevi caespitosi, circa 50 cm. alti, 2 mm. crassi, 
triquetri, lateribus concavis striati, angulis anguste obtusis prope apicem 
scaberuli, ceterum laeves. Folia basalia linearia, chartacea, 6—9 mm. lata, 
usque 37 cm. longa, basim versus complicata haud vel vix angustata, apice 
acutata, prope apicem marginibus nervoque mediano scabra, ceterum 
laevia; folia caulina 2, conspicue vaginantia, summum inflorescentiam 
superans, basalibus simillima nisi basim versus angustata. Bracteae in- 
feriores foliiformes, inflorescentiam superantes. Inflorescentia suboblonga, 
subcorymbosa, circa 5 cm. longa lataque, multiflora; axis communis 
angulosa scabra; rami divaricati, usque ad 22 mm. longi, compressi, scabri, 
prope apicem corymboso-ramosi ramulis nonnullis eodem modo divisis; 
ramuli ultimi (pedicelli) usque ad 5 mm. longi, filiformes. Spiculae fusco- 
brunneae obovoideae vel oblongae, 3.5—4 mm. longae, sub flore circa 2 mm. 
sub fructu circa 3 mm. latae, pauciflorae. Glumae (explanatae) orbiculari- 
obovatae, muticae, brunneae, marginibus (apice ipso excepto) subscariosae, 
1.3-1.5 mm. longae. Flores 1.3 mm. longi; squamellae more generis 2, 
liberae, carina parce ciliatae, explanatae lanceolatae obtusae, circa 1.3 mm. 
longae. Nux subglobosa, leviter compressa, circa 1.4—1.5 mm. longa, 1.3— 
1.4 mm. lata, brevissime umbonato-rostrata, bicostulata, irregulariter laxe- 
que ruguloso-reticulata, dilute flavo-brunnea sed creberrime  rubro- 

Jour. ArNoLp Ars. VoL. XXXV PLATE I 



PAPUA: Eastern Division: Cloudy Mountains near South Cape, 
Chalmers & Bridge in 1884 (TYPE in MEL). 

The description is based on a single specimen consisting of a fruiting 
culm and two innovation-shoots all attached to the rhizome. It has the 
habit and general appearance of H. Jatifolium L. C. Rich., H. scirpoides 
(Presl) Merr. (H. philippense C. B. Clarke), H. scabrum Uitt. and H. 
vitiense C. B. Clarke, but it differs from all of these in the much smaller 
spikelets, glumes, flowers and nuts and the nearly globular nut with its 
beak reduced to a very small umbo. The nearly smooth leaves and stem 
further distinguish it from H. scirpoideum and H. scabridum and the 
wrinkling on the nut from H. vitiense. It must also be closely allied to 
H. minus Ridl.; I have seen no specimen of this species, and although 
Ridley’s description leaves much to the imagination, the stress placed on 
the scabrous margins of the much broader leaves suggests that it is closer 
to H. scirpoideum or identical with this, as suggested by Kukenthal, Bot. 
Jahrb. 59: 53. 1924. 

Cyperus Linnaeus 
Cyperus cinereobrunneus Kiikenth. Mitteil. Thiiring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 
50: 3. 1943; Kiikenth. ex S. T. Blake, Jour. Arnold Arb. 28: 216. 
I had not seen Kiikenthal’s paper when I published his name in 1947. 

Cyperus globosus All.; S. T. Blake, Jour. Arnold Arb. 28: 220. 1947. 
Cyperus globosus All. var. oblonginux Kikenth. Mitteil. Thiiring. Bot. Ver. 
N. F. 50: 7. 1943. 

I had mentioned (l.c.) that, in the determination on the label, Kikenthal 
had distinguished Brass 8309 as a variety; I had not then seen the des- 
cription, These plants seem to be no more than an individual variation. 

Cyperus fulvus R. Br. var. confusus (C. B. Clarke) Kukenth. Pflan- 
zenr. 4 (20), 101: 456. 1936 

Mariscus fulvus (R. ne) ie B. Clarke var. confusus C. B. Clarke ex Domin, 
Biblioth. Bot. 85: 444. 

PAPUA: Central Division: Quaipo, MacGregor in 1889 (MEL). 

The species is new for New Guinea, but is common and widely spread 


Hypolytrum microcarpum S. T. Blake. Type specimen X about % with 
analytical drawings. Fig. 1. Glume. Fig. 2. Nut. Fig. 3. Transverse section of 
nut. All figures X about 10. Analytical drawings by S. T. Blake, photography 
by G. Cripps, Photographic Section, Department of Agriculture and Stock, 


in NE. Australia. Although quite variable, it is doubtful how much im- 
portance can be assigned to the varieties that have been described. 

Schoenus Linnaeus 

Schoenus maschalinus R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2: 77, 1817; S. T. Blake, 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 60: 47. 1950. 

Schoenus foliatus (Hook. f.) S. T. Blake; S. T. Blake, Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 
93. 1948. 

Later botanists have overlooked the fact that Roemer and Schultes cor- 
rectly gave a new name to Chaetospora axillaris R. Br. when this was 
transferred to Schoenus. An extensive and complicated synonymy has be- 
come associated with the species, which has been discussed in my papers 
cited above. 

Rhynchospora Vahl 
Rhynchospora triflora Vahl; S. T. Blake, Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 101. 

Rhynchospora triflora Vahl var. papuana Kikenth. Bot. Jahrb. 74: 427. 1949. 

Rhynchospora triflora var. papuana was founded entirely upon Brass 
8356; I cannot distinguish our specimen of this from our specimen of 
Henderson in Singapore Field no. 24101 which Kikenthal cited under 
R. triflora. 

Carex Linnaeus 

Several emendations to my determinations in Jour. Arnold Arb. 28: 
99-116. 1947 appeared in a paper by E. Nelmes in Kew Bull. 1949: 
378-386. 1949. This was followed by a revision of the Malaysian species 
in Reinwardtia 1: 221-450. 1951. As pointed out in the introduction to 
my paper, I had to place considerable reliance on descriptions only; Mr. 
Nelmes has had a much wider experience in this genus, and his opinions 
should have preference. 




With two plates 

Tue Rocky MounrTAIN ASPEN (Populus tremuloides Michx., var. aurea 
Tidestrom) dominates more mountainous terrain in Utah at elevations 
between 7,000 and 10,000 feet than any other forest species. Several 
features of its growth-form, together with its peculiar autecology and 
synecology, make this species a very conspicuous forest type. Unlike all 
other prominent forest species with which it may be associated, such as 
Douglas fir, white fir, alpine fir, blue spruce, Engelmann spruce, ponderosa 
pine and lodgepole pine, the aspen is deciduous in habit. 

Often the aspen occurs in almost pure stands, which may vary in size 

from a few square rods to several square miles of solid forest. But 
whether small or large, the aspen stands are sharply discontinuous, single 
aged and usually dense. The shiny green leaves of summer, the multi- 
colored shades of yellow in autumn, and the slender, straight, white boles 
at all seasons of the year are features of the aspen that set it apart in 
contrast to all contiguous association types, whether mountain conifers 
or wse. 
But the contrast that exists between the aspen stands and other moun- 
tain vegetation types is often exceeded, in early spring at least, by striking 
differences in the time of leafing within the aspen groves themselves. This 
phenomenon is widespread throughout the mountains of Utah and neigh- 
boring states. In early spring almost any aspen forest shows sharply 
discontinuous colonies of trees that attain full leaf two or three weeks 
earlier than the major surrounding stand in which at any other time they 
are likely to remain unnoticed except by the critical observer. 

At mid-elevations these colonies of prevernal aspen are usually small 
in comparison with the forest as a whole, and their outline is variable. 
Frequently they assume a circular shape, but they may be seen as a 
narrow, serpentine band bisecting large groves. In general, the position 
of these prevernal colonies seems to have no correlation with slope, ex- 
posure, soil, altitude, or sex of trees, but wherever they occur or whatever 
shape they may assume, the line that separates them from the retarded 
major population of trees is sharp, and rarely do the two forms intermingle 
as individuals. 


For years the author has been intrigued with the causes underlying 
the prevernal leafing of aspen colonies and surprised at the lack of text- 
book reference to this phenomenon. But few facts of aspen ecology 


escaped the critical eye and pen of F. S. Baker, who in 1921 wrote an 
excellent description of the prevernal leafing of aspen colonies with special 
reference to the Wasatch Plateau of central Utah. His paper (4), en- 
titled ‘‘Two Races of Aspen,” points out certain taxonomic differences be- 
tween early- and late-leafing stands and concludes: “The writer confesses 
an entire inability to explain the causes of these two widely distributed and 
closely intermingled races of aspen.” Yet throughout the article Baker 
implies that the causes, whatever they may be, are genetic and never 

There can be little doubt that at least two and probably several races 
of aspen exist that show striking differences in time of leafing. Evidence 
of these strains is seen in the variable combinations of certain morphologi- 
cal characters often associated with the physiological functions that 
regulate leafing response. These morphological characters are sufficiently 
distinct and constant as to enable one to distinguish the races at the 
seasons of the year when leaf color and size no longer offer safe clues to 
their identity. For example, Baker pointed out that in the Wasatch 
Plateau area boles of the early variety are yellow-green in color in contrast 
to the powdery-white appearance of the late-leafing variety. The writer 
has found no exception to this phenomenon throughout the northern half 
of Utah. This bole color difference is due to the failure of the early-leafing 
form to produce the usual copious bloom on the bark exterior character- 
istic of the late-leafing variety. 

Another character generally useful in distinguishing the leafing strains 
of aspen is the pruning habit of the trees. In central and northern Utah, 
early-leafing aspens in general fail to prune themselves of the lower, small, 
dead branches on the trunk, thereby presenting an appearance of low vigor 
and untidiness entirely foreign to the late-leafing strain. (Careful observa- 
tion, however, discloses that this lack of vigor is more apparent than real.) 

Thus, in central and northern Utah, prevernal leafing of aspen is as- 
sociated with the apparently genetic characters of yellow boles and poor 
pruning. However, on the Aquarius Plateau of south central Utah, the 
early-leafing character is associated with white boles and clean pruning, 
while the late-leafing trees are yellow-boled, non-pruning, a complete 
reversal of genetic alignment of the northern form. 

In distribution within the aspen belt, early-leafing varieties dominate 
the higher elevations only. At the upper limits of the belt, aspens exist 
mainly as dwarfed thickets, which are always of the early-leafing forms as 
distinguished, of course, by the bole color and pruning habit. Conversely, 
the lower limits of the aspen belt are dominated by late-leafing varieties. 
Thus the contrast between early- and late-leafing aspens is most pro- 
nounced in the spring at mid-elevations, where the two forms are often 
intermingled as colonies. Here also is found the greatest contrast in 
autumn, for the early-leafing forms, as a rule, maintain their green color 
several days longer in the fall than do the late-leafing varieties. 

For several years the writer has observed a few areas where contiguous 
colonies of early- and late-leafing aspen fail to present the morphological 


differences mentioned above. In all of these exceptions the boles of both 
aspen groups are white and well pruned, yet the length of the leafing time 
differences is the usual two to three weeks. One such area is located at 
the head of South Willow Creek Canyon in the Stansbury Mountains, 
approximately fifty miles west of Salt Lake City. Another is found in the 
Abajo Mountains west of Monticello in southeastern Utah. Both areas 
occur at an elevation of about 7,500 feet. 


The Stansbury group appears at the bottom of an east-west canyon at 
a point where the generally straight canyon forks abruptly. The major 
fork heads south and in a circuitous manner drains the summit of the 
10,000 foot range. The minor fork proceeds west for approximately one 
mile where it ends more or less abruptly, forming a sort of ‘‘boxed”’ seg- 
ment rather well protected from air drainage from the summit above. 
Each spring in late May, aspens in this box canyon may be seen in almost 
full leaf with a sharp line scarcely more than a rod wide bisecting the 
grove and separating those in leaf from a half mile area of leafless aspens 
lying at and below the confluence of the major south fork. 

Here there is an anomalous condition in which a grove of aspens leaf 
out considerably before their neighbors two to three hundred feet below 
them in elevation. In order to ascertain whether temperature might be a 
controlling factor in this phenomenon, a transect of four stations (two 
above and two below the leafing line) was established. Recording thermo- 
graphs, fastened to the aspen branches ten feet above the ground and 
protected by white canvas tents, were used in this preliminary experiment, 
as well as in others to be reported below. Readings were begun May 7 and 
terminated May 19, 1951. During this period neither group of aspen had 
progressed beyond the swollen bud stage. Figure I shows the daily mini- 
mum, maximum and mean temperatures in both aspen groups over this 
period of 13 days. 

The comparative summaries given in Figure I leave little doubt that 
these two major stands of aspen, showing marked differences in the time 
of leafing, exist under strict temperature controls and are not separate 
races. Considering the fact that the early-leafing aspen while occupying 
the higher elevations show a daily mean temperature two to three degrees 
greater than the late-leafing stands, these temperature differences seem 
highly significant. Translated into altitudinal effects, the temperature 
difference between these two aspen groups is equivalent to approximately 
1000 feet in elevation. Furthermore, observations in this area in early 
June, 1951, disclosed several typical prevernal colonies of genetically con- 
trolled aspen within the major retarded zone of lower temperature. These 
small isolated colonies of yellow-boled aspen came into leaf at approxi- 
mately the same time as the large stand of white-boled aspen of the higher 
temperature area. 



Circumstances prevented the writer from visiting the prevernal leafing 
aspen colonies of the Abajo Mountains of southeastern Utah until August, 
1951. With the aid of kodachrome pictures taken in May, 1950, the exact 
position of these colonies was ascertained. Comparative temperature records 
were taken for a period of four days. No significant temperature differ- 
ences between the early-leafing and late-leafing stands were found, The 
uniformity of the topographical features suggests, moreover, that there 
should be none. While considerably more temperature data are needed 
for this area, the evidence points to the probability that early-leafing and 
late-leafing colonies of aspen here represent different strains un- 
associated with observable bole and pruning charact 

Continuous temperature data from June 1 to Sa abe 30, 1951, 
except for two interruptions of four days each, were secured from con- 
tiguous colonies of prevernal and late-leafing aspen at Mt. Timpanogos 
located in the Wasatch Range 30 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. These 
colonies, occupying mid-altitudinal positions of about 8,000 feet, all 
showed the morphological differences described earlier, as well as the 

FicurE I 
952 | 7 8 9 10 { UI i2 | 13 | 14} 18 | 16 | 17 | 18 | I9 
--7T , Zé iY . 
55 - ~ | RA 
, a 
y 45—< ‘\ 4 
S } 
Ww I i : 
> / 
= & —— 
< 50 ae oes 8 
a aN aa 
% Le IN “ 
Wl 40}-—>++ = se 
oO ay ee ee oad 
Ww . Le 
Q 30 fa reten 
40 a Z 
| ders, a te 
ae: be el 
30 Prat ard KL L— | 7 - 
iis i. dl as al | 
----- LATE 

1G. I. Temperature phenomena of adjacent stands of early- and late- aaa 
aspen, eee Mountains, Utah. Solid lines early. Broken lines late 


conspicuous differences in leafing time. Figure II represents weekly sum- 
maries of the averages of temperature data for two stations each in a pair 
of contrasting colonies selected for their apparent uniformity of soil and 
topographical features. Intermittent data from two other pairs of con- 
trasting colonies were also secured throughout the summer. These con- 
firmed the results shown in Figure II 

The data in Figure II reveal that the maximum weekly temperature 
averaged slightly higher and the minimum temperature averaged slightly 
lower in the late-leafing colony than in the early-leafing stand, although 
the mean weekly temperature averages were essentially similar in both. 
These slight temperature differences may be accounted for by the fact that 
the late-leafing stand, being slightly more open than the early-leafing colony, 
allows more sun on the tents by day as well as more effective air circula- 
tion by night. However, no aspect of these temperature phenomena is 
sufficient to account for the great discrepancy of leafing time for these 
colonies, and the conclusion seems justified that the cause of prevernal 
leafing lies outside of environmental controls. 

Ficure II 
| | T 
1-8| 8 mie 22| 27-4) 8-15] 15-22) 22-29 29-5 | 5-12!) 12-19 9-2426-2| 2-9 9-16} 16-23) 23~ 
7 a hos ay, IN Z ~ 
72 NS oa Fee ey oe ee 
60 sta 
Ee eo t 
r eae) | 
« ; 
= a, ee oa 
qt 60 — ">>> y Peek 
w len Tg Sco chee i 
iW 5D PA | 
ce 7 Rey T T 
a 40 | 
50 lS re eagle Bre 
a ee TI AO 
Aa a = hy a 
40 2 > as 
=—— EARLY 

Fic. Il. Temperature phenomena of adjacent stands of early- and late-leafing 
aspen, Mt. Timpanogos, Utah. Solid lines early. Broken lines late. 

In order to test the hypothesis that the two distinct leafing forms of 
aspens possessing recognizable morphological differences at Mt. Timpano- 
gos are true genetic races, other methods of approach seemed desirable: 
First, the transplanting of aspens from one colony to another, as well as 


to a common habitat; second, investigations on the clonal features of the 
aspen; and third, cytological studies. 


Eight aspen sprouts from three separate pairs of colonies were trans- 
planted in the fall of 1951, thereby introducing into prevernal colonies 
twelve late-leafing saplings and into late-leafing colonies an equal number 
of early-leafing saplings. Despite the fact that care was exercised to locate 
the transplants on the edge of the colonies where competition for light and 
moisture could be reduced to a minimum, none of the aspen sprouts 
survived the winter and summer of 1952. 

In this experiment it was recognized that several years must elapse 
before conclusive results might be expected, assuming successful trans- 
plantings were possible, because observations have disclosed the fact that 
aspen sprouts must attain considerable height before they acquire either 
the morphological characters or the leafing peculiarities of the mature 
stand. The retarding of the leafing time of the sprouts in prevernal 
colonies is especially noticeable and may be accounted for by the fact that 
leafing of the mature trees is generally well advanced before the snow pack 
has disappeared from the stand. Obviously the close proximity of the 
snow to the sapling buds has a retarding effect on leafin 

In addition to these transplantings in the field, four saplings from late- 
leafing aspen stands and four saplings from early-leafing colonies were 
removed to the University of Utah campus, where previous transplantings 
of aspen sprouts have proved successful. These transplants were made in 
late May, 1952, to a favorable situation where nearly uniform factors of 
soil, water and light were maintained for all saplings. 

Three saplings from the late-leafing variety and two from the early sur- 
vived the summer of 1952 and the winter of 1953. In the spring of 1953 
both early-leafing sprouts came into leaf more than two weeks before the 
late-leafing transplants. Thus the leafing character of the two mountain 
strains was maintained under totally different environment, and the hy- 
pothesis of genetic controls received considerable support. 


It was assumed that if the present strains of aspen had their origin in 
seed mutation, contiguous colonies of early- and late-leafing forms should 
show no clonal connections, although such connections might be expected 
to exist between trees within the same colony. To determine the nature 
and extent of aspen esere connections, at Mt. Timpanogos radioactive 
phosphorus was employe 

Selected for radioactive a treatment was a white-boled, late- 
leafing tree which occupied a position between closely contiguous colonies 
of distinct strains of aspen. On one side the branches of this tree inter- 

* The writer is indebted to the Research Committee, University of Utah, for 
supplying the necessary radioactive phosphorus used in this experiment; to Dr. Robert 
C. Pendleton for oe the tree; and to Dr. John D. Spikes for monitoring the 
laboratory specimens 


mingled with those of early-leafing trees and on the other with branches 
of late-leafing individuals. The nearest bole of the late-leafing variety was 
7 feet 6 inches distant, and the nearest bole of the early variety was 6 
feet 6 inches. There were six early-leafing trees and seven late-leafing ones 
within a radius of 17 feet. Near the tree selected for labeling, a trench 
was excavated exposing the roots, one of which was severed about three 
feet from the bole. The cut end of this root was inserted into a gallon 
jar of water containing 40 millicuries of radioactive phosphorus (P-32). 

Within 36 hours most of the radioactive phosphorus solution had been 
absorbed by the tree. The tube of a Geiger counter was placed in a 
rectangular hole cut breast high in the bark of the labeled tree, thereby 
exposing the cambium. The counter showed a radioactivity of 60,000 
counts per minute. No other tree of either variety in the vicinity of the 
labeled tree showed radioactivity above background. In subsequent days 
portions of the roots, cambium, wood and leaves of the labeled tree and 
of the early- and late-leafing trees surrounding it were removed to the 
laboratory. These specimens were ashed and tested with a standard scaler 
provided with a thin-end, window Geiger tube. All ashed samples from 
the labeled tree gave more than 50,000 counts per minute. No radio- 
activity above background was found in the samples of any other tree. 
Excavations around the labeled tree showed that all roots belonging to 
the labeled tree were radioactive, but that the radioactive substance had 
not passed to the roots of neighboring trees of either strain 

The results of this experiment are indeed surprising, for they suggest 
complete separation of the aspen sprouts from the parent clone before or 
soon after maturity. Considerably more investigation is necessary to 
establish the clonal characteristics of the aspen. 


The field of cytogenetics should offer an interesting and possibly 
a fruitful approach to the problem of the leafing strains of aspen. So 
far, however, the writer has encountered perplexing delays in securing 
suitable tissue for study. Because of the unreliability of aspen seed pro- 
duction, and the major difficulties of securing pollen smears from the 
remote and snow-bound experimental area, it was assumed that cuttings 
would provide the most feasible source for securing tissue in active cell 
division. Numerous greenhouse attempts have been made to root aspen 
cuttings without a single positive result to date. Additional effort to 
secure root tips for study is currently in progress. 

Positive miscroscopic evidence of chromosome aberrations would, of 
course, establish the validity of these genetic strains, but negative evi- 
dence would not necessarily preclude it, for mutations may be the result 
of one or a few unobservable gene changes 


Whether cytologically demonstrable or not, the fact or the assumption 
that these readily distinguishable forms of early- and late-leafing aspen 


represent mutant strains presents problems of origin and subsequent 
distribution both interesting and perplexing to the ecologist. For no fact 
of aspen ecology, in Utah at least, seems more certain than that aspen 
trees in general, despite occasional abundant viable seed production, 
reproduce only through vegetative means. They do this because aspen 
seeds must germinate within a few weeks after ripening in early June. 
Under present climatic conditions precipitation in Utah is invariably 
scant and irregular during the summer months. Thus the wide and spotty 
distribution of aspen throughout Utah today must have been attained 
under climatic patterns of more abundant and more evenly distributed 
summer precipitation. Such conditions are postulated by geologists for 
the Great Basin region during the pluvials associated with the extensive 
Pleistocene glaciations (1, 2 & 3 

After the onset of the Postpluvial climate in the Great Basin area, which 
Antevs estimates at approximately 8,000 years ago, it is likely that aspen 
ceased its reproduction by seeds. Since then migration has been through 
clonal reproduction only, and exceedingly slow, but sufficient to effect 
the mergence of many previously separated colonies and to extend the 
upper altitudinal limits of the aspen belt. Conversely, the increased 
temperature and lower summer precipitation of the Postpluvial may have 
caused considerable retreating migration from lower limits of the Pluvial 
aspen distribution. There are examples of the complete disappearance of 
aspen colonies at lower elevations during historical times, but grazing 
influence may have been a contributing cause. 

Any proposed hypothesis to explain the origin and present-day distribu- 
tion of early- and late-leafing aspens must account for the following facts: 
1. The predominance of late-leafing forms at low and mid-elevations. 

2. The predominance of early-leafing aspen at higher elevations. 
3. The widely intermingled colonies of the two forms at mid-elevations, 
their sharp discontinuity and the purity of their stands. 

Assuming that mutations have occurred within the sex cells and there- 
fore have involved successful seedling establishment, it must follow that 
the mutant strains date back to Pluvial times. Since the altitudinal 
migration of aspen in Postpluvial times has been mainly upward, and 
since the late-leafing strain dominates the — aspen elevations today, 
the late-leafing form must be the parent ty 

It seems obvious that a longer cherie: period (upwards of three 
weeks) acquired by the mutant strains would give them distinct physi- 
ological survival advantages over the parent form, particularly at higher 
elevations where the frost-free period is short, provided, of course, that 
they also possessed adaptive resistance to lower temperatures. The ability 
of the early-leafing form to withstand frost in spring is apparent because 
banks of snow are frequently present beneath the aspen canopy when 
these trees come into leaf. Temperature records in the early-leafing experi- 
mental colony at Mt. Timpanogos, with no snow on the ground in 1951, 
showed night temperatures of 30° F. or below for a period of approximately 


nine hours duration each for June 1, 2 and 3. On the night of June 1, 
1951, the minimal temperature of 26° F. prevailed for approximately 
three hours. The aspen leaves in the early-leafing colony at this time were 
about one half mature size, while the adjacent late-leafing trees were still 
in the bud stage. 

Whether or not this insensitivity to mild freezing temperature is merely 
another expression of the same mutation that produced early leafing 
would be difficult to determine, but certainly the prevernal appearance 
of aspen leaves would be impossible without this adaptation. That the 
same degree of frost resistance is not possessed by the late-leafing form 
is suggested by its apparent inability to invade the upper limits of the 
aspen belt, by its failure to produce leaves at mid-elevations until the 
frost period is over and by its habit of dropping leaves earlier in the fall 
than the early-leafing varieties growing in similar habitats. 

At mid-elevations it is apparent that both strains of aspen successfully 
established seedlings at the close of Pluvial times after these mountain 
areas had been cleared of the receding ice. It is probable that at lower 
elevations, high temperature and drought were more limiting as factors of 
successful aspen establishment than a longer photosynthetic period. Also, 
suitable sites for aspen were already occupied by the late-leafing parent 
type. Assuming that neither strain had significant advantage at mid- 
elevations, the preponderance of seed of the late-leafing strain would 
account for the dominance of the late-leafing form at mid-elevations 
today. Clonal reproduction over the centuries of Postpluvial time from 
trees of these two strains as loci for vegetative migration has, in many 
instances, brought about the mergence of these two contrasting leafing 
forms into a single forest stand. 

A critical test of this hypothesis awaited the experiment using radio- 
active phosphorus to trace the clonal relationship of the two strains. It 
was postulated that a solution of radioactive phosphorus applied to the 
roots of an aspen of either strain, situated at the line of contact of the 
diverse colonies, should, according to the hypothesis, pass freely through 
the root connections to neighboring trees of its own strain, but never to 
the trees of the opposite strain regardless of their proximity to the labeled 
tree. The one experiment performed thus far is therefore disappointing 
as evidence for or.against the hypothesis in that it suggests that mature 
aspen trees in a colony sever their clonal connections. 


1. Almost any aspen forest in early spring in Utah and neighboring states 
shows sharply discontinuous colonies of trees that attain full leaf two to 
three weeks earlier than the major stand that surrounds them. The colonies 
of prevernal aspen are usually small in comparison with the forest as a 
whole, and in general they are most pronounced at mid-elevations of the 
aspen belt. 

2. Extensive data secured with recording thermographs show that one 
segment of an aspen forest exhibiting prevernal leafing, is a response to 


temperature controls, but that in general the early-leafing colonies of 
aspen represent distinct genetic strains in which temperature is not a 

3. As a rule the leafing habit of the various aspen strains is associated 
with morphological characters by which they may be identified at all 

4. Saplings of early- and late-leafing strains of aspen transplanted to the 
University of Utah campus at an elevation of 4,500 feet exhibited the 
same time difference in leafing as their parent colonies at 7,800 feet. 

5. An hypothesis proposed to explain the origin, present distribution and 
nature of prevernal aspen colonies postulated the following: 

(a) Sexual mutations of the late-leafing parent type occurred in 

Pluvial times. 

Migration to and establishment of these strains at higher elevations 

followed the disappearance of mountain ice and snow packs. 

(c) Early-leafing forms dominate the upper limits of the aspen belt 
because of their longer photosynthetic period and their physiolog- 
ical adaptations to lower temperatures. 





Clonal reproduction over the centuries of Postglacial time from 
seed-established trees as loci for vegetative migration has produced 
the mergence of these contrasting leafing strains into single forest 




. ANTEvS, ERNST 1948. Climatic oo and pre-whiteman. The Great Basin. 
Bull. lini. Utah 38 (20): 168-19 

2. 1952. Cenozoic climates ms the Great Basin. Geologischen Rundschau 
40 (1): 94-108. 

3. 1952. Univ. Calif. Archaeol. Surv. Reports, No. 16, p. 23. 

4. BAKER, F. S. 1921. Two Races of Aspen. Jour. Forestry 19 (4): 412-413. 


Typical stands of early- and late-leafing aspens, mid-elevation (7800 feet). 
t. Timpanogos, Utah. In the right mid-ground is seen the protective tent 
covering for one of the recording thermographs used to compare atmospheric 
temperature phenomena of the contiguous aspen strains. 
Late-leafing aspens (foreground) have white, well-pruned boles in northern 
Utah, while the early-leafing forms (background) are yellow-boled and poorly 

Jour. ARNOLD Ars. VoL. XXXV 

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Jour. ARNoLD Ars. VoL. XXXV 


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With one plate 

THE NATURE OF SAP MOVEMENT, nutrient transport and stem polarity 
in plants has long been known. Thomas Andrew Knight reporting in the 
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London in 1822 observed 
that ‘the vessels of plants are not equally well calculated to carry their 
contents in opposite directions” and that ‘‘the true sap of trees is wholly 
generated in the leaves, from which it descends through their bark to the 
extremities of their roots, depositing in its course the matter which is 
successively added to the tree.” Thus Knight recognized polarity in the 
transport of elaborated nutrients down the phloem based upon his experi- 
ments with inverted cuttings and the effect of girdling the bark of fruit 
trees. He observed that “it had long been known to gardeners, that taking 
off a portion of bark round the branch of a fruit-tree occasions the pro- 
duction of much blossom on every part of that branch in the succeeding 
season.”’ He concluded that the effect of dwarfing stocks in promoting 
early fruiting and restricting tree growth was similar in nature to the 
effect of girdling the bark and attributed both effects to the “obstruction 
of the descending sap.” 

Phloem blocks induced by killing the stem with steam were used by 
Dixon (8) and others in their studies on the ascent of sap. The fact that 
the sap passed up the xylem of the dead stem provided evidence for the 
“mechanistic” rather than the ‘‘vitalistic’ theory of the ascent of sap. 
More recently it has been shown that phloem blocks, induced by killing 
a section of the stem with heat, prevent the downward movement of vita- 
mins, organic carbohydrates and growth-regulators (Crafts 1951). Bonner 
(4) girdled the stems of tomato plants with a jet of superheated steam 
which killed all living tissue. In a few days he found an accumulation of 
thiamin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, sucrose and nitrogen 
above the girdle. Rabideau and Burr (11) killed sections of bean stems 
with hot wax and used radioactive carbon to trace the flow of photosyn- 
thetic products down the stem. Most of the elaborated organic material 
accumulated at the dead segment. A phloem block in Phaseolus also 
checked the movement of growth-regulators such as 2,4-D as shown by 
Weintraub and Brown (15). 

It is, however, unnecessary to kill a segment of the stem in order to 
induce a phloem block. Christensen (5) found that irradiation of a stem 
segment with X-rays was followed by a swelling of the stem above the 
irradiated section, and after four or five weeks the swollen area developed 
roots if the stems were kept moist. The minimum dosage required for 
such a response was 1500 r for Xanthium. Similar results were obtained 


with Nicotiana at 6000 r, Lycopersicum at 24,000 r, and Phaseolus at 
16,000 r, but the minimum dosage required to induce a response was not 
determined in these genera. The phloem block induced by irradiation 
checked the flow of organic materials and auxin down the phloem without 
killing the stem segment. 

It is also possible to impose a phloem block without killing the stem by 
inverting the scion or by inverting a ring of bark. This technique is based 
upon the polarity of phloem transport. The botanical studies of stem 
polarity date back to the work of Véctung and Sachs with their description 
of ‘“root-pole” and ‘‘shoot-pole.”” The role of polarity in grafting was 
probably known by horticulturists for hundreds of years. It was de- 
scribed by the botanist Strasburger (14) as follows — “Unlike poles of a 
plant may readily be induced to grow together, while like poles may only 
be brought to do so with difficulty and then do not develop vigorously.” 
This conclusion has been confirmed repeatedly. The inversion of the 
rootstock has, however, been used to stimulate rooting at the base of the 
scion in order to get varieties of apple trees on their own roots. Kerr (10) 
found that such an inverted graft would survive long enough to permit 
scion rooting above the graft union, due presumably to the accumulation 
of auxin at the junction of the ‘‘root-poles” of stock and scion. 

The induction of a phloem block by inverting a ring of bark was reported 
in 1935, but it is probable that it was also used by the early horticulturists 
of Europe. According to Roberts (12) the inverted rings checked the 
growth of the tree, but without the deleterious effect resulting from girdling. 
Apparently this work was not continued by Roberts. 

It is also known that certain incompatible combinations of stock and 
scion check tree growth as a result of a phloem block induced by an im- 
perfect graft union (2). In some cases, however, the graft union appears 
to be normal yet there is considerable overgrowth of the scion accom- 
panied by dwarfed growth and precocious fruiting. In these cases per- 
haps the stem of the scion can utilize the organic carbohydrates from its 
leaves more effectively than can the stem of the rootstock. 

There is some evidence that the dwarfing effect of certain Malling apple 
rootstocks may be due to a retardation of phloem transport. Dr. F. R. 
Tubbs, Director of the East Malling Research Station, writes that: ‘We 
do not know of any dwarfing apple rootstock that does not induce the for- 
mation of a bulge” (personal communication). This swelling of the stem 
of the rootstock or the section of the interstock could be attributed to the 
retardation of the downward flow of elaborated organic nutrients and 
growth stimulants, as suggested by Knight, thus promoting more rapid 
growth of the Malling rootstock or interstock stem. The fact that a long 
dwarfing interstock is more effective than a short one, and that certain 
rootstocks are more dwarfing if budded high on the stem than if budded 
near the ground, would seem to support the above interpretation (13). 

It is known that the dwarfing effects of certain rootstocks are due to 
factors other than the blocking or retardation of phloem transport. Colby 
(6) has suggested that the extreme dwarfing effect of the Malling IX 


apple rootstock may be due to early suberization of the young roots. There 
is also evidence that growth can be suppressed, quite independently of the 
nature of the graft union, by an interaction between the scion variety and 
the root system of the stock (Sax, Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., in press). 

During the past five years a study of the effect of inverting rings of 
bark has provided some information on the mechanism of phloem trans- 
port and has provided another method for dwarfing fruit and ornamental 
trees. We began with the inversion of a single ring of bark about an inch 
long on the stems of one- and two-year-old apple trees. The cuts through 
the bark were made as parallel as possible, sometimes by using a double 
bladed knife — in other cases by using a strip of metal tape as a guide. 
The bark was removed, inverted and wrapped tightly with a rubber band, 
until the bark had healed onto the stem — a period of a week or ten days. 

The inverted bark made little or no growth, but there was a swelling of 
the stem above the inverted bark and to a lesser extent at the upper edge 
of the inverted section of bark. At the vertical seam of the inverted ring 
there was regeneration of tissue and after several months this area had 
made considerable growth, and after several years it had so dominated 
the inverted area that the dwarfing effect was largely lost. Apparently 
there is normal polarity of phloem transport in this regenerated area and 
it grows rapidly. 

In order to effect a more permanent phloem block it was necessary to 
invert two rings of bark, one directly above the other, and orient the 
vertical seams on opposite sides of the stem. There is some phloem 
regeneration at the seams, but any downward transport through the 
seam of the upper inverted ring is checked when it reaches the intact 
edge of the lower inverted ring with its vertical seam on the opposite side. 
A Cortland apple whip was treated in this way five years ago. It has made 
almost no growth in trunk diameter and has increased in height only about 
six inches during the past five years, but it has borne several fruits during 
each of the past two years and appears to be healthy. 

In 1953, a group of Baldwin apple trees, budded on a semi-dwarfing 
rootstock, were used for a bark inversion test. A single ring of bark was 
inverted on eight two-year-old trees, and above the vertical seam a square 
of bark was inverted to prevent transport down the regenerated tissue. 
In the eight controls a ring of bark was removed and replaced in the 
normal position. In both the bark inversion series and in the controls 
there was some early sucker growth below the rings, and the first growth 
of suckers were removed. Subsequent sucker growth was limited almost 
entirely to the trees with inverted bark. At the end of the growing season 
the trunk diameter below the bark ring was measured, together with tree 
height and total length of the branches developed below the inverted 
bark rings. The results are shown in Table 1, and photographs of a 
control and of an inverted bark tree are shown in Figures 1 and 2 

The data show that the inversion of the ring of bark reduced the 
growth of the trees both in trunk diameter and in height. It also promoted 
the growth of buds below the phloem block, indicating that the auxins 


which normally suppress bud development at the base of the trunk had not 
passed through the inverted ring of bark in sufficient quantities to suppress 
bud growth. Most of the trees with the inverted bark have flower buds 
while no flower buds were observed on the control trees. The inverted 
bark remains alive, so far as can be determined by its appearance, yet 
growth is suppressed and earlier fruiting is induced. 

Bark inverted June 1, 53. Measured Oct. 6, ’53. 

8 Controls 8 Inverted 
runk Height Sucker Trunk Height Sucker 
Caliper cm. Feet Growth ft. Caliper cm. Feet Growth ft. 
2.0 4.5 0 1.5 3.8 4.1 
1.7 ee 0 1.1 Xe | 4.2 
1.9 4.6 0) 1.4 3.2 4.5 
2.1 4.9 0) 1.4 3.2 5.1 
1.9 4.5 6) 1.4 3.1 4.9 
1.9 4.0 6) 1.6 3.5 2.1 
1.6 4.2 0.5 1.5 55 3.2 
2.1 4.1 0) 1.5 3.6 4.7 
Ave. 1.9 4.5 —Q,1 1.4 3.4 4.1 

It should be possible to modify the bark inversion phloem block to 
permit the desired amount of growth of the tree. A method developed 
several years ago appears to meet this need. Baldwin two-year-old trees, 
budded on Malus sikkimensis rootstocks, were used. Two bark inversions 
were made with eight-inch strips of normal bark on opposite sides of the 
trunk, and the inverted rings were separated by a short segment of normal 
bark of half an inch to one inch in length. The downward movement 
through the phloem was limited to the slender strip of normally oriented 
bark. After passing down the first ring the flow must pass laterally before 
it can pass down the normal strip of bark in the second ring. Although 
lateral phloem transport is restricted some material does get through as 
is evident from the growth shown in Figure 4. It is probable that a short 
section of normal bark between the inverted rings would have a greater 
restriction on phloem transport than a long one, so that the degree of 
dwarfing could be regulated to some extent by varying the length of the 
central segment between the inverted rings. Thus by adjusting the width 
of the normal strips of bark in the inverted rings and by varying the 
length of the normal central segment, it should be possible to obtain any 
desired degree of dwarfing. 

All of these treated trees flowered and several bore fruit the following 


year. One of these trees, bearing abundant flower buds as it begins its 
fourth season’s growth, is shown in Figure 3. The details of the double 
bark inversion are shown in Figure 4. The growth of the normally polar- 
ized strips of bark in the inverted rings may eventually result in a direct 
line of phloem transport through the normal ring of bark between the 
inverted segments, and the dwarfing effect will be reduced and finally lost. 
In order to maintain a permanent dwarfing effect the inverted bark tech- 
nique may have to be repeated, but when a tree reaches the desired size a 
double inversion with only a very narrow ring of bark (or none at all) 
between the inverted rings, should insure permanent dwarfing. Since the 
bark inversion may have to be repeated, this technique for dwarfing trees 
is not likely to be of much value to the commercial nurseryman. The 
average back yard horticulturist should, however, have no trouble in using 
this technique. 

In a few cases we have put double upside-down adjacent rings on 

and fruiting. These trees have been treated only for one growing season, 
and at least several years must elapse before we can recommend such a 

The inactivation of the phloem by ionizing radiation is comparable in 
several respects to the effects of inverting a ring of bark. The phloem 
block is induced without killing the bark, swelling of the stem occurs 
above the treated area and bud growth is stimulated below the phloem 
block just as it is by inverting the bark. On July 27 the stems of a clonal 
line of young poplar trees were irradiated with 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 
roentgen units of X-rays respectively. A lead plate with a 1.5 inch slit was 
placed over the stems to limit the radiation to the short stem segment. 
After several weeks the swelling above the irradiated areas became evi- 
dent particularly at the higher doses. On Oct. 6th the six trees receiving 
2500 or 5000 r were all alive, but at 10,000 r four of five treated trees 
were dead above, at, and for some distance below the irradiated segment. 
This higher dosage may have killed the tissue completely, followed by the 
separation of the bark from the xylem as a result of the overgrowth of the 
stem above the irradiated area, as shown in Figure 3. The inverted bark 
produced a similar overgrowth, but without pulling the bark from the stem 
in the treated segment. At the lower doses of X-rays there was evidence 
of a phloem block with no death of the stem at the irradiated area. 

It is evident that it is possible to produce a phloem block without 
killing the stem by inverting a ring of bark or by non-lethal exposure of 
a stem segment to X-rays. In both cases the growth of the treated area is 
restricted or suppressed. The suppression of growth may be the cause of 
the phloem block in these cases. According to Abbe and Crafts (1) —‘‘It 
is characteristic of the sieve tubes of all plants, that, after a brief function- 
ing period — consisting of from a few days in the case of protophloem 
sieve tubes to a single season in most woody plants — the elements col- 
lapse, and death occurs.” 


The X-ray induction of a phloem block without killing the tissue is 
apparently due to nuclear injury which prevents continued cell division 
without killing the cytoplasm. It is known that the cytoplasm is very 
much more resistant to injury from X-rays than is the nucleus. Thus the 
sieve tubes already formed could continue to function, but no new ones 
would be formed to augment and replace those present at the time of 

The bark inversion also seems to produce a phloem block by the inhibi- 
tion of cell division. The suppression of growth in the inverted bark rings 
is apparently due to the inability of nutrients and auxins to move freely 
against the reversed polarity. There is usually a slight swelling of the 
top of the inverted bark ring, indicating some diffusion of nutrients, but 
there is little or no growth of the inverted segment as a whole. Thus the 
inversion of the bark may check growth by the failure of nutrients to 
move freely through the inverted phloem tissue. 

The new phloem produced at the vertical seam in inverted bark segments 
appears to be normally polarized since this tissue grows rapidly. Any 
new phloem tissue produced within the inverted ring of bark should 
eventually also be normally polarized, but the fact that growth does not 
occur indicates that few or no sieve tubes are produced, presumably due 
to the checking of nutrient flow through the inverted segment. The fact 
that bark inversions made early in the growing season do not survive as 
well as those made in June and August suggests that some active sieve 
tubes are needed even though the inverted polarity checks the passage of 
nutrients and auxins down the stem. Since a tree has lived for five years 
with a double inverted ring of bark, some material must be transmitted 
either through the inverted bark or through some other part of the stem. 


A phloem block can be induced without killing the stem tissues by ex- 
posing stem segments to X-rays sufficient to suppress cell division or by 
inverting a ring of bark. The phloem block induced by irradiation appears 
to be due to the failure of renewal of phloem elements. The reversed 
polarity of the inverted ring of bark also prevents renewal of phloem 
elements, presumably by preventing the adequate movement of nutrients 
and auxins into the inverted phloem cells. The inversion of rings of bark 
may be modified to produce the degree of dwarfing desired in fruit and 
ornamental trees. 















Aspe, Lucy B. and Crarts, A. S. Phloem of white pine and other conifer- 
ous species. Bot. Gaz. 100: 695-722. 1939. 

Arctes, G. K. Stock-scion incompatibility in sin trees. Imp. Bur. 
Fruit Production. East Malling, Kent, England. 1 

BipputpH, O. and Marpte, J. Translocation of oer in the 
phloem of the cotton plant. Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 65-70. 1944. 

BoNnNER, JAMES. Accumulation of various substances in girdled stem of 
tomato plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 31: 551-555. 1944. 

CHRISTENSEN, Eric. Root production in plants following localized stem 
irradiation. Science 119: 127-128. 1954. 

Cotsy, H. L. Stock-scion chemistry and the fruiting relationships in 
ae trees. Plant Physiol. 10: 483-98. 1935. 

Crarts, A. S. Movement of assimilates, viruses, growth regulators, and 
chemical indicators in plants. Bot. Rev. 17: 203-284. 1951. 

Dixon, H. H. Transpiration and the ascent of sap in plants. Macmillan 
& Co. Ltd. London. 1914. 

Esau, KATHERINE. Development and structure of phloem tissue. Bot. Rev. 
16: 67-114. 

Kerr, W. L. A simple method of obtaining fruit trees on their own roots. 
Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 33: 355-357. 1935 

_ Rapiweau, G. S. and Burr, G. O. The use of C!8 isotope as a tracer for 

transport studies in plants. Amer. Jour. Bot. 32: 349-356. 1945. 

_ Roserts, R. H. A further trial of ring grafting to produce stock effects. 

Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 33: 358-359. 

. Roperts, R. H. Theoretical aspects of eanage Bot. Rev. 15: 423-463. 

STRASBURGER, E. et al. A Textbook of Botany. Macmillan and Co. Ltd. 
London. 1898 

Wewaghes, R. L. and Brown, J. W. Translocation of exogenous growth- 
regulators in the bean seedling. Plant Physiol. 25: 140-149. 1950. 



Fic. 1. Baldwin tree, 2 years old, on semi-dwarfing rootstock. A ring of bark 
was removed and replaced in the normal position on June 1, 1953. This control 
tree has made considerable growth in a single season 

Fic. 2. Baldwin tree, 2 years old, on semi-dwarfing rootstock. A ring of bark 
was inverted June 1, 1953. Note dwarfing effect in a single season, and the pro- 
duction of flower buds. The suckering below the inverted ring of bark indicates 
the checking of auxin flow. 

Fic. 3. Baldwin on M. sikkimensis, 3 years old, dwarfed by double inverted 
ring with a slender strip of normal bark on the opposite side of each of the two 
inverted rings. A short section of normal bark was left between the two inverted 
rings. This tree bore Stauth in Si third growing season and bears many flower 
buds as it begins its fourth y 

Fic Details of dea ‘bok inversion show how phloem transport is 
checked. “The swelling of the upper end of the inverted ring of bark suggests 
some nutrients and auxins may flow into the inverted bark by diffusion, but 
active ni transport is blocked by the reversed polarity of the inverted 
siege tis 

Fic. vi ‘Sie stem with inverted ring of bark, showing swelling of the 
stem phe the phloem block imposed by reversed polarity of the phloem. 

Fic. 6. A poplar stem exposed to 10,000 r of X-rays. Note the similar 
swelling of the stem above, and the suckering below, of the irradiated section of 
s The X-rays impose a phloem block by preventing cell division and the 
renewal of phloem cells. In this case the bark was killed and is pulled away 
from the wood by the expansion of the stem above the irradiated area. but it is 
possible to impose a phloem block with X-rays without killing the tissue. 

Photographs by Heman Howard. 

Jour. ARNoLp Ars. VoL. XXXV PLATE I 




P. Brissy 


Camptochaete brisbanica (C. M.) Broth., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 43: 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20058, 20155, Sept. 1948, alt. 850 m 
on branches in rain-forest undergrowth; Mossman River las Brass 18173, 
Mar. 1948, alt. 150 m., plentiful on eranite rocks in rain-fores 

Not compared with the type, but agreeing well with material so named 
in the National Herbarium of Victoria. 
Eriopus sp. (aff. E. apiculatus |Hk. f. & W.| Mitt.). 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20097, Sept. 1948, alt. 1040 m 

., trunk 
of a tree in high mountain forest. 

Very close to and probably identical with E. apiculatus (Hk. f. & W.) 

Mastigophora Nees 
Mastigophora diclados (Endl.) Steph., Spec. Hep. 4: 38. 1909. 
QUEENSLAND: Leo Creek, Upper Nesbit River, Brass 19957, Aug. 1948, 
alt. 420 m., cushioned on trees on bank of creek in rain-forest. 
Bazzania S. F. Gray 
Bazzania adnexa (L. & L.) Mont., Voy. au Pole Sud. 243. 1842-45. 
QUEENSLAND: Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, Brass 18227, Mar. 1948, alt. 

1000-1100 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest; Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit of south 
peak, Brass 18288, Apr. 1948, alt. 1550 m., on trees of low forest 

Bazzania Novae-Zelandiae (Mitt.) Kuntze, Gen. Plant. 832. 1901. 

* Determined by J. H. Willis. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20144, Sept. 1948, alt. 1140 m., on 
bark of a tree in high mountain scrub. 
Lepidozia Dumort. 
Lepidozia capilligera (Schwaegr.) Lindenb., Syn. Hep. 204. 1844. 
QUEENSLAND: Iron Range, Brass 19051, June 1948, alt.°20 m.. on a 
decaying log in floodplain in rain-forest. 
Chiloscyphus Corda 
Chiloscyphus argutus (R. B. & N.) Nees, Syn. Hep. 183. 1845. 
QUEENSLAND: Iron Range, Brass 19052, June 1948, alt. 20 m., on decaying 
logs in floodplain rain-forest. 
Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. 
Anastrophyllum piligerum (Nees) Spruce, Jour. Bot. 14: 33. 1876. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit of south peak, Brass 18286, 
Apr. 1948, alt. 1550 m., abundant on trees of low forest. 
Chandonanthus Mitt. 
Chandonanthus hirtellus (Web.) Steph., Spec. Hep. 3: 643. 1909. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit of south peak, Brass 18283, 
Apr. 1948, alt. 1550 m., on a tree in low forest. 
Plagiochila Dumort. 
Plagiochila abietine * (Nees.) Lindenb., Mon. Hep. Gen. Plag. 134. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20141, Sept. 1948, alt. 1140 m., shrub- 
beries of the summit. 

This constitutes the first record of this species on the Australian main- 
Plagiochilon Hattori 
Plagiochilon oppositus (R. B. & N.) Hattori, Biosphaera 1: 7. 1947. 
Plagiochila opposita (R. B. & N.) Dum., Rec. d’obs. 15. 1835. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, growing with Sticta, Brass 20095, Sept. 
1948, alt. 1100 m., on mossy rocks in high mountain. 

Not previously reported on the Australian mainland. 

* Determined by Th. Herzog, Jena. 

Schistochila Dumort. 
Schistochila cristata Steph., Hedw. 28: 274. 1889. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20089, ia 1948, alt. 1100 m., very 
abundant on rocks (granite) in high mountain fore 
Radula Dumort. 
Radula acutiloba Steph., Hedw. 28: 271. 1889. 

QUEENSLAND: Leo Creek, Upper Nesbit River, Brass 19954, Aug. 1948, 
alt. 420 m., on dead twigs in rain-forest undergrowth. 

Radula buccinifera (Hk. f & Tayl.) Tayl., Syn. Hep. 261. 1845. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20094, Sept. 1948, alt. 1100 m., on 
leaves and branchlets of undergrowth in high mountain forest. 
Radula reflexa Mont., Ann. Sc. Nat. 19: 255. 1843. 
QUEENSLAND: Mossman River Gorge, Brass 18177, Mar. 1948, alt. 150 m., 
moist shady granite rocks in rain-forest. 
Pleurozia Dumort. 

Pleurozia articulata (Linb.) Schiffn., Engl. Pflanzenfam. I. 3: 115. 1895, 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20142, Sept. 1948, alt. 1140 m., 
living twigs in shrubberies of summit; Mt. Bellenden- Ker, summit of er 
peak, Brass 18287, Apr. 1948, alt. 1550 m., hanging from dead twigs in low 

Frullania Raddi 
Frullania Johnsonii Steph., Hedw. 33: 163. 1894. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Bellenden- i summit of south peak, Brass 18289, 
Apr. 1948, alt. 1550 m., on dead twig 
Frullania sp. 
QUEENSLAND: Summit of Mt. Tozer, Tozer Range, sche 19497, July 
1948, alt. 540 m., living branches of Casuarina in scrub of summ 
Drepanolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. 
Drepanolejeunea Micholitzii Steph. var. genuina Herz. Ann. Bryol. 
7: 80. 1934. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20098, Sept. 1948, alt. 1040 m., on 
leaves of undergrowth in high mountain forest 


Drepanolejeunea obliqua Steph., Hedw. 35: 82. 1896. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, associated with Brass 20144, Sept. 1948, 
alt. 1140 m., on bark of a tree in high mountain scrub. 

Drepanolejeunea tenuis (Nees) Schiffn., Consp. Hep. Arch. Ind. 280. 

QUEENSLAND: Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, associated with Brass 18227, 
Mar. 1948, alt. 1000-1100 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest 

Physocolea Spruce 
Physocolea trichomanis (Gott.) Steph., Spec. Hep. 5: 912, 1916. 
Cololejeunea trichomanis (Gott.) Steph., Hedw. 28: 168. 1889. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, west slopes, Brass 20054, Sept. 1948, alt. 
850 m., on leaves of an undergrowth tree in rain-forest. 

Sphaerophorus Pers. 
Sphaerophorus compressus Ach., Meth. Lich. 135. 1803. 

QUEENSLAND: Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, Brass 18234, Mar. 1948, alt. 
950-1000 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest. 

Coenogonium Ehrenh. 
Coenogonium implexum Nyl., Ann. Sc. Nat. 16: 92. 1861. 

QUEENSLAND: Speewah, Upper Clohesy River, Brass 18209, Mar. 1948, 
alt. 450 m., trunk of a tree in rain-forest. 

Cladonia Hill. 
Cladonia aggregata (Sw.) Ach., Vet. Acad. Nya Handl. 16: 68. 1795. 

QUEENSLAND: Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, Brass 18232, Mar. 1948, alt. 
950-1000 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest; summit of Mt. Tozer, Tozer Range, 
Brass 19495, July 1948, alt. 540 m., in shelter of boulders on exposed granite 
rock faces; Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit of south peak, Brass 18290, April 1948, 
alt. 1550 m., on peaty ground of a small clearing. 

Cladonia verticillata Hoffm. var. cervicornis (Ach.) Flot., Linnaea 22: 
380. 1849. 

Seagate Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, Brass 18233, Mar. 1948, alt. 
950-1000 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest. 



Pannaria Del. 
Pannaria myrioloba Muell.-Arg., Bull. d’Herb. Boiss. 4: 92. 1896. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit of south peak, Brass 18291, 

April 1948, alt. 1550 m., on bark of living tree in low forest; Mt. Bellenden-Ker, 
summit of south peak, Brass 18292, April 1948, alt. 1550 m., on dead twigs in 
low forest. 
Pannaria sublurida Nyl., Ann. Sc. Nat. 11: 256. 1859. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Bellenden-Ker, summit hus south peak, Brass 18293, 
April 1948, alt. 1550 m., growing on bryophyte 

Leptogium S. F. Gray 

Leptogium phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont. var. isidiosum Nyl., Syn. 
Meth. 1: 130. 1858. 

QUEENSLAND: Mossman River Gorge, Brass 18168, Mar. 1948, alt. 
150 m., on rocks on edge of a rain-forest stream. 

Sticta Schreb. 
Sticta aurata Ach., Meth. Lich. 277. 1803. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20359, Sept. 1948, alt. 910 m., on 
living bark of an exposed branch in high mountain forest. 
Sticta Sayeri Muell.-Arg., Flora 71: 23. 1888. 
QUEENSLAND: Lamb’s Head, Lamb Range, Brass 18235, Mar. 1948, alt. 
950-1000 m., sunny rocks in rain-forest. 
Sticta sulphurea Schaer., Moritz. Verz. 127. 1846. 
QUEENSLAND: Mt. Fin ce an slopes, Brass 20059, Sept. 1948, alt. 
850 m., on a rotting log in rain-fore 
Sticta sp. 

QUEENSLAND: Mt. Finnegan, Brass 20095, Sept. 1948, alt. 1100 m.,, 
abundant on mossy rocks in high mountain forest. 

Parmelia Ach. 
Parmelia latissima Fee forma sorediata Nyl., Syn. Meth. 1: 380. 1858. 

QUEENSLAND: Tozer Range, north end, Brass 19369, June 1948, alt. 300 
m., exposed granite rocks on summit. 


Dictyonema irpicinum Mont., Ann. Sc. Nat. 10: 119 


Dictyonema Agardh 

420 m., on a mossy log in rain-fores 



Pra ramimnte os Leo Creek, oan = River, Brass 19958, Aug. 1948, 


SouTH Y. 




With one text-figure 

THE PAPER on New Caledonian Nothofagus by Dr. M. Baumann- 
Bodenheim alluded to in my revision! was preceded by a preliminary 
note.” Also after a personal interview at Leyden, May 12, 1953, when 
we again interchanged data, Baumann-Bodenheim still cherished the idea 
that the New Caledonian representatives of Nothofagus, as well as some 
of those from New Guinea, belong to a distinct genus, Trisyngyne Baill., 
on the single evidence that these species should have “branched caducous 
é inflorescences,’ though he later admitted these ‘inflorescences’ were 
short-twigs. The confusion arises through the fact that the leaf-blades at 
the base of the flush are often reduced and both the ¢ triads and cupules 
appear clasped between the stipules. Such a lateral twig in flush may 
give the superficial impression of an “inflorescence.” Morphologically it 
remains a twig with lateral inflorescences. Whether these short twigs fail 
to develop further into persistent branches is entirely irrelevant. In the 
New Guinean species the flowering twigs are usually persistent and not 
caducous. For these reasons I maintain that the five perfectly good species 
described by Baumann-Bodenheim belong to Nothofagus sect. Calusparas- 
sus subsect. Bipartitae series Triflorae Steen. 

The following transfers are therefore necessary: 

Trisyngyne Baill. Adansonia 11: 136. 1873, syn. nov. 
Nothofagus codonandra ( Baill.) comb. nov. 
Trisyngyne codonxandra Baill. Adans. l.c.; Baumann-Bodenheim, Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris II, 25: 420. 1953. 
Nothofagus baumanniae (Baum.-Bod.) comb. nov. 
Trisyngyne baumanniae Baum.-Bod. l.c. 420. 
Nothofagus balansae ( Baill.) comb. nov. 
Trisyngyne balansae Baill. l.c. 137; Baum.-Bod. l.c. 420. 
Nothofagus discoidea (Baum.-Bod.) comb. nov. 
Trisyngyne discoidea Baum.-Bod. l.c. 420. 
Nothofagus aequilateralis (Baum.-Bod.) comb. nov. 
Trisyngyne aequilateralis Baum.-Bod. l.c. 421. 

‘Van Steenis, Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 308. 1953. 
*Baumann-Bodenheim, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 25: 419-421. 1953. 


Mainly through the generous assistance of Dr. F. Kausel, Santiago de 
Chile, I obtained some valuable additional material which enabled me to 
complete my former paper! with some interesting illustrations of the 

Ficure 1. Nothofagus glauca (Philippi) Krasser. a. Cupule with two lateral 
nuts, of the central nut only the scar of its attachment is visible. b. A single nut. 

* 4 (KauseL 2303).— Nothofagus resinosa Steen. f. Mature nut with re- 
duced cupular valve, X 4 (WomersLEY N.G.F. 5134). 

cupules of the inadequately known NV. alessandri Espinosa (fig. 1 e) and 
N. glauca (Phil.) Krasser (fig. 4 ad). 

Another interesting figure is that of the mature nut of NV. resinosa Steen. 
from New Guinea, for which I have to thank Mr. J. S. Womersley, Lae. 
This shows that the reduced elamellar cupule of this species is not ap- 
preciably enlarged in fruit. 

1 Van Steenis, Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 308. 1953. 




With one plate 

is that formed by the native conifers, which are to be found in almost 
every scrub and forest community from North Cape to Stewart Island. 
They are no longer to be found, however, on the outlying islands. There 
are twenty species, all endemic, distributed among three families in five 
genera. In size they range from the pygmy pine (Dacrydium laxifolium), 
the world’s smallest conifer, which may bear cones at a height of eight 
centimeters (cf. Cheeseman 1925), to giant kauris and podocarps well 
above thirty metres. A height of nearly sixty metres has been reported 
for kahihatea (Podocarpus dacrydioides — Entrican and Reid. 1949), 

A detailed discussion of the taxonomic features of each species would 
be superfluous here, since a number of adequate descriptions are already 
available. These are located in the works of Kirk (1889), Cheeseman 
(1925), Allan (1929), Cockayne and Turner (1939), Laing and Black- 
well (1940), and Dallimore and Jackson (1948). Instead, the relevant 
literature will be briefly reviewed, although this account does not pretend 
in any way to be an exhaustive one. 

An anatomical basis for taxonomic studies has been adopted by several 
workers. Seward and Ford (1906) and Eames (1913) have contributed 
to the knowledge of the Araucariaceae in general and of Agathis australis 
in particular; Eames from a morphological standpoint, the former authors 
making a broader phylogenetic approach. An early investigation of leaf 
anatomy of New Zealand conifers was made by Griffin (1907). More 
recently, a detailed survey of leaf anatomy in Podocarpus has been 
attempted by Buchholz and Gray (1948), and Gray and Buchholz (1951). 
These authors place the South Pacific species P. Spicatus and P. ferrugineus 
in a new subsection (Euprumnopitys) of the section Stachycarpus. The 
new subsection, Euprumnopitys, is distinguished by the absence of 
idioblasts (i.e. sclerids) in the mesophyll of leaves. Except for Podocarpus 
dacrydioides in the section Dacrycarpus, the remaining New Zealand 
species fall into subsection D of Eupodocarpus, based on the absence of 
accessory transfusion tissue. Geographic distribution of Podocarpus has 
been studied by Foweraker (1934), and later by Buchholz and Gray 
(1948). The latter regard the Wegener theory of continental drift as the 
only feasible solution to distribution problems in this genus. There is 
some evidence from leaf anatomy that migration between Australia-New 
Zealand and South-Central America may have taken place in both direc- 
tions (Buchholz and Gray, op. cit., p. 61). Eupodocar pus is regarded as the 
most advanced section because of the hypostomatic leaves (stomata con- 


fined to the under surface), and the usually prominent accessory trans- 
fusion tissue. This feature is lacking, however, in subsection D, which 
contains the New Zealand species. In the section Stachycarpus, Podocarpus 
spicatus has the most primitive known arrangement of female cones. 

With a view to practical application, Orman and Reid (1941, 1946) 
have investigated wood anatomy in the genus Dacrydium. These workers 
have constructed a key for the native Dacrydium species, using diagnostic 
features of wood structure. An informative series of bulletins has been 
published by the New Zealand Forest Service (Ward and Reid, 1949, 
Entrican and Reid, 1949) on properties and uses of six of the major 
timber-producing trees in the country (Dacrydium cupressinum, Podocar- 
pus ferrugineus, P. spicatus, P. totara, and Agathis australis). 

Not the least interesting feature of the New Zealand conifers is the 
prevalence of distinct juvenile leaf forms (Cockayne, 1932). These occur 
in all species save a few of the podocarps (P. totara, P. hallti, P. nivalis 
and P. acutifolius). Epharmony, too, may cause plants of the same species 
to have a very dissimilar appearance when grown under different habitat 
conditions. For example, Podocarpus nivalis, a medium-sized bushy shrub 
in shade and shelter, is reduced to a prostrate shrub with much smaller 
leaves in direct sunlight (Cockayne, op. cit.). 

Hybrids, although not as common as in angiosperm genera like Hebe 
and Coprosma, are known or suspected between the following species: * 

Podocarpus acutifolius xX nivalis Dacrydium bidwillii * laxifolium 

Podocarpus hallii X nivalis Dacrydium bidwilli > biforme? 

Podocarpus hallii < totara (=P. Dacrydium biforme X laxifolium? 
loderi Cockn.) Phyllocladus glaucus X_ trichomanot- 

Podocarpus hallii X acutifolius? des? 

Podocarpus ferrugineus > totara? Libocedrus bidwillii * plumosa? 

Podocarpus spicatus X totara? 

Ecological studies are more restricted in number, centering mainly 
about the kauri (Agathis australis). Cranwell and Moore (1936) drew 
attention to modified growth forms of kauris growing above a height of 
660 metres on Te Moehau (Coromandel Peninsula), a refuge of both alpine 
and subtropical remnants. Further autecological notes have been made by 
McKinnon (1937, 1940-41), McKinnon and Dumbleton (1935), Harrison- 
Smith (1938), and Foley (1950). Recently Mirams (1948, 1951, unpubl.) 
has analysed in detail the environmental factors responsible for growth 
and regeneration of the kauri. Root nodules of New Zealand conifers were 
investigated by Yeats (1924). 

n important contribution is that of Cranwell (1940), who has de- 
scribed and figured pollen grains of all the New Zealand species, as well 
as formulating distinctive generic and specific characters according to the 
peculiarities of each type of pollen grain. Her work indicates that 
Dacrydium bidwillii and probably also D. biforme and D. kirkii are rightly 

* See Cockayne 1932, Cockayne and Allan 1934, Cockayne and Turner 1939. 


placed in a group apart from Podocarpus, where Sahni and Mitra (1927) 
would put them, on the basis of the structure of female cones alone. 
Cranwell (1938) had previously attempted a partial solution of post- 
glacial vegetation problems through an analysis of pollen from South 
Island peat beds. Three main periods are recognised: 

1. A grassland period correlated with quite uniformly harsh climatic 

2. A warmer and wetter podocarp period: 

A mosaic of grassland and beech (Nothofagus) forest resulting from 

local climatic differentiation. 

The role played by conifers in New Zealand’s past geological time has 
been clarified still further through the work of Harris, Fergusson and 
Couper (1951). It appears that a number of extinct species, including at 
least seven podocarps, dominated forest communities between early 
Cretaceous and Upper Eocene times. Of the present-day species, Podocar- 
pus dacrydioides dates from the Oligocene, and Phyllocladus is known 
even earlier from Upper Cretaceous beds. 

The following is an outline classification of the New Zealand species. 

A revised key to the species and genera occurring in this country has been 
published previously (Hay and Dellow, 1952). 

Agathis Salisb. 

Agathis australis Salisb. Kauri 

Libocedrus Endl. 
Libocedrus plumosa (Don) Sargent ( = L. doniana Endl.) Kawaka 
Libocedrus bidwillii Hook. f. Kaikawaka, mountain cedar 


Podocarpus L’Hérit. 
Section: Stachycarpus 
Subsection: Euprumnopitys 

Podocarpus spicatus R. Br. Matai, black-pine 

Podocarpus ferrugineus D. Don. Miro, brown-pine 
Section: Dacrycarpus 

Podocarpus dacrydioides A. Rich. (Fic. 1). Kahikatea, white-pine 
Section: Eupodocarpus 
Subsection: D 

Podocarpus totara D. Don. Totara 


Podocarpus hallii T. Kirk. Hall’s totara, thin-bark totara 
Podocarpus acutifolius 'T. Kirk 
Podocarpus nivalis Hook. Alpine totara 

Dacrydium Soland. 

Dacrydium cupressinum Soland. Rimu, red-pine 
Dacrydium kirkii F. Muell. Monoao 

Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilger. Pink-pine 
Dacrydium bidwillit Hook. f. Bog-pine, mountain pine 
Dacrydium colensot Hook. Silver-pine 

Dacrydium intermedium T. Kirk. Yellow silver-pine 
Dacrydium laxifolium Hook. f. Pygmy pine 

Phyllocladus L. C. Rich. 

Phyllocladus trichomanoides Don. Tanekaha 
Phyllocladus glaucus Carr. Toatoa 
Phyllocladus alpinus Hook. f. Mountain toatoa 


ALLAN, H. H. 1929. New Zealand trees and shrubs and how to identify them. 
Wellington, N. Z., 188 pp., figs. 1-28. 

BucHuotz, J. T. and N. E. Gray, 1948. A taxonomic revision of Podocarpus. 
I. The sections of the genus and their subdivisions with special reference 
to leaf anatomy. Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 49-63 

CHEESEMAN, T. F. 1925. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. 2nd. ed., 1163 pp. 

CocKAyYNE, L. 1932. Polymorphy in New Zealand conifers and its relation to 
horticulture. Conifers in Cultivation. Royal Horticultural Society. 151-164, 
gs. 38-51. London 

Cockayne, L., and H. H. ALian, 1934. An sari list of groups of wild 
hybrids in fhe New Zealand flora. Ann. Bot. -55. 

CocKAYNE, L., and E. P. TurNER, 1939. The trees a e Zealand, 176 pp., figs. 
1-126. Wellington. 

CRANWELL, L. M. 1938. Fossil pollens. N. Z. Jour. Sci. & Tech. 19: 628-645. 
figs. 1-9 

CRANWELL, L. M. 1940. Pollen grains of we New Zealand conifers. N. Z. Jour. 
Sci. & Tech. 22 B: 1 B-17 g 

CRANWELL, L. M., and L. B. Nee. fae, The occurrence of kauri in montane 
forest on Te Moehau. N. Z. Jour. Sci. & Tech. 18: 531-543 

DALLIMorE, W., and A. B. JAcKson, 1948. Handbook of Coniferae. 3rd ed., 
682 pp. 39 pls., 120 figs. London. 

EaMEs, A. J. 1913. The morphology of Agathis australis. Ann. Bot. 27: 1-38. 

ENTRICAN, A. R., and J. S. Rerip, 1949. Properties a uses . Miro, Matai, 
Kahikatea, Totara, renee N. Z. Forest Serv. Inform. ser. 3—7. Wellington. 

Fotey, T. A. 1950. Rate of fall of Kauri (Agathis Bs vee in quiet air, 
Forest Research Notes 1: 32-40. 


FowerRAKER, C. E. 1934. The distribution of the Podocarpaceae. N. Z. Jour. 
For. 3: 160-165. 

Gray, N. E., and J. T. BucHuHowz, 1951. A taxonomic revision of Podocarpus. 
V. The South Pacific species of Podocarpus: Section Stachycarpus. Jour. 
Arnold Arb. 32: 82-92, pls. 1-4 

GriFFIN, E. M. 1907. The devout of some New Zealand conifer leaves with 
regard to transfusion tissue and to adaptation to environment. Trans 
N. Z. Inst. i 43-72, pls. VII-X. 

Harris, W. F., G. J. FeErcusson and R. A. Couper, 1951. Unravelling forest 
history in ‘New Zealand —a symposium. N. Z. Sci. Rev. 9: 5-14. 

oe J. L. 1938. The kauri as a host-tree. N. Z. Jour. For. 4: 

Hay, J. A., - U. V. DELLow, 1952. New Zealand Conifers. Tuatara 4: 108- 
117, pls. I-III. 

Kirk, T. 1889. The forest flora of New Zealand, 345 pp., pls. 1-142. Wellington. 

Lainc, R.M., and E. W. BLackwe LL, 1940. Plants of New Zealand, 4th ed., 
499 pp., 191 figs. Auckland, London. 

McKinnon, A. D. 1937. On the regeneration of kauri (Agathis eae 
Collection and germination of kauri (Agathis australis) seed. N. Z. Jou 

For. 4: 128-129. 
McKinnon, A. D. 1940-41. On kauri growth and yield. N. Z. Jour. For. 4: 

McKinnon, A. D., and L. J. DumBLETon, 1935. The rate of growth of some 
native trees. N. Z. Jour. For. 3: 224-225. 

MrraMs, R. V. 1948. Some observations on the regeneration of Agathis oe 
Salisb. (Kauri). M.Sc. thesis unpubl. in Auckland Univ. Coll. libra 

Mrirams, R. V. 1951. A study of some of the factors concerned in ie as 
regeneration of the Kauri (Agathis australis). Ph.D. thesis unpubl. in 
Auckland Univ. Coll. library. 

OrMAN, H.R., and J. S. Rew, 1940-41. Dacrydium. N. Z. Jour. For. 4: 366-367. 

OrMAN, H.R., and J. S. Rep, 1946. Wood anatomy of New Zealand Dacrydium 
species. N. Z. Jour. For. 

SAHNI, B., and A. K. Mitra, 1927. Notes on the anatomy of some New Zealand 
species of Dacrydium. Ann. Bot. 41: 75-89, pl. VII, figs. 1-4. 

SewaArp, A. C., and M. F. Forp, 1906. Araucariae, recent and extinct. Trans. 
Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B, 198: 305-411, pls. 23 & 24, figs. 1-28. 

Warp, W. C., and J. S. Rem, 1949. The properties and uses of Rimu. N. Z. 
Forest Serv. Inform., Ser. No. 2. Wellington 

Yeats, J. S. 1924. Root nodules of New Zealand pines. N. Z. Jour. Sci. & 
Tech. 7: 121-124. 


Podocarpus dacrydioides A. Rich. growing in beech (Nothofagus) forest about 
620 metres above sea level, near Lake Waikaremoana, New Zealand. 








With six plates 


Philadelphus is geographically one of the most widely distributed 
genera in nature, ecologically one of the most varied groups in habitat, 
and horticulturally one of the most popular shrubs in our gardens. Its 
slightly discontinuous distribution forms a belt girdling the temperate 
zone of the northern hemisphere, extending to the higher altitudes in the 
tropics in North America. The early inhabitants of Asia Minor, Eastern 
Asia and Central America, centers where different culture patterns origi- 
nated, have independently discovered its merits and have brought under 
cultivation many species for their showy flowers, their enticing fragrance, 
or for their medicinal value. In ancient times the Parthians employed the 
flowers in the preparation of hair perfume, and the advanced people of 
Mexico, and apparently those of Central America, used the flowers for 
making garlands, and the leaves for medicine. By the early part of the 
eleventh century, the Chinese garden forms had developed to such a 
degree of excellence that they were presented by the people of Szechuan 
as special tributes to the emperor in Peking. Due to their hardiness, their 
ability to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions, their ease 
of propagation, and their flowering late in the spring season, the species of 
Philadelphus have become garden favorites, especially in the northern 

By the latter part of the nineteenth century, forms of both Asiatic and 
American origin were established in various European gardens. Much 
was written about them, and very many binomials based on these exotic 
forms were published. Sometimes several or even up to a dozen different 
names were assigned to specimens taken from plants of the same origin. 
Some of the individual authors had only limited material for purposes 
of comparison, and others lacked specimens from the type localities. Thus 
it was inevitable that specific names were multiplied and much confusion 
resulted. In addition, clerical errors in recording names and in labeling 
living plants and preserved material provided further complication. In 


some cases proposed new species were accredited to regions remote from 
their actual place of origin. Naturally different names came into use for 
species which not even a specialist could distinguish, and at the same time 
a single name may have been applied to very different species. Both 
botanists and horticulturists have complained of this nomenclatural con- 
fusion, yet since 1896 there has been no monographic work for the clari- 
fication of the entire group. Only scattered papers treating selected 
species or isolated groups from certain areas have been published. Ac- 
tually, the lack of uniformity in selecting diagnostic characters by different 
authors has created further confusion. Thus it is that a practical scheme 
for the classification of the numerous species in the light of modern 
taxonomic knowledge and under the regulations of the accepted code of 
nomenclature is an urgent need. 

Unaware of the difficulties in identifying species of this genus, I tried 
to name some unstudied Chinese material in the Arnold Arboretum 
herbarium. To my surprise, I was unable to find a workable key which 
could enable me to distinguish the Asiatic forms. After studying all the 
original descriptions I found myself even more confused for most of them 
are so meagre and the characters indicated are so generalized that one 
description often applies to any one of a number of obviously different 
species. I ttirned to more experienced taxonomists and horticulturists for 
advice and was warned that the species of Philadelphus have long been 
a botanical problem, and it would be wise for me to leave them alone. 
Though inexperienced in the group and perplexed by the confusion, I had 
the conviction that the man-made disturbances in the classification of 
the group could be solved when a real knowledge of the plants themselves 
had been acquired. I thus commenced an intensive study of the genus 
involving both living and herbarium material. My hope was that by 
careful examination of a large number of herbarium specimens collected 
from various centers of the natural range of the species supplemented 
with firsthand observations on the living plants cultivated in the Arnold 
Arboretum, the general pattern of the evolution of the genus might be 
discovered, and a natural order of relationship of the diversified taxa 
within the genus might be outlined. Besides the material deposited in 
the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum (A) and the Gray Herbarium 
(G) of Harvard University, large loans were obtained from the Bailey 
Hortorium of Cornell University (BH), the Chicago Natural History 
Museum (F), the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), the New York 
Botanical Garden (NY), the University of Tennessee (TENN), and the 
United States National Herbarium (US). In September 1952, after the 
annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists which 
took place at Cornell University, I examined the Philadelphus collection 
of the Wiegand Herbarium of that University (CU) and incorporated 
the notes in my manuscript. With these specimens, vegetative as well as 

studied. Variations in each character were plotted with due allowance 


for changes that may be caused by the age and vitality of the plant as 
observed in cultivated forms. The more constant characters were distin- 
guished from the variable ones, and thus what I believe to be the funda- 
mental morphological characters essential to proper specific diagnoses 
were ascertained. At the same time due attention was also given to 
those characters which might be used to advantage in defining categories 
above or below the specific level. By using these categories as standards 
of differentiation, various components of the geographically distinct groups 
were again investigated. Taxa of the same level were placed in what I 
assume to be their proper status, and thus a simple scheme of classifica- 
tion expressing the phylogenetic relationship of different groups was 
constructed on the basis of morphological characters and geographic 
distributions. It is hoped that this scheme will not only illustrate certain 
principles in the evolution and distribution of the genus, but also be of 
some service to horticulturists and to botanists who are concerned with 
the identification of their Philadelphus material, and to cytogeneticists 
who are interested in the chromosome numbers and behaviors of the various 
forms of this genus. 

In this study the determinations of the taxa are made by comparing 
the specimens with the types as far as they are available. Since over 
40% of the binomials pertaining to this genus were based on cultivated 
forms with no type ever designated, and sometimes with no actual speci- 
mens preserved, material annotated by their authors or specimens pre- 
pared from plants cultivated in the gardens indicated in the original 
publication are used to substitute for the types. In cases like P. inodorus 
Linn. where the taxon was based entirely on a previously published plate 
and a pre-Linnaean description, specimens from the type locality which 
best matched the illustration and agreed with the description were selected 
for identification purposes. 

My thanks are due not only to the curators of the herbaria mentioned 
in the foregoing paragraph for the use of the facilities in their herbaria 
and libraries or for generous loans of material, but also to Dr. D 
Merrill for patiently going over a large part of the manuscript with many 
valuable suggestions, to Dr. C. E. Kobuski for helpful criticisms and sug- 
gestions, to Dr. I. M. Johnston for assistance in locating literature regard- 
ing North American species, to Dr. K. Sax for consultations on cyto- 
genetic and hybridization problems, to Dr. D. Wyman for the unselfish 
sharing of his profound knowledge of the living plants as well as the 
records of the cultivated forms on the grounds of the Arnold Arboretum. 
to Miss E. E. Upham for her patience in answering my numerous 
questions concerning both English and Latin, and to Mr. H. Howard for 
the photographs. I am also indebted to Dr. G. Taylor, Keeper of Botany 
at the British Museum and Dr. Charles Baehni, Director of the Con- 
servatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Genéve. With the help of Mr. Exell, 
the former gave me a detailed description of the nature of the pubescence 
on the hypanthium, disk and style of the type of Philadelphus coronarius 
Linn. in the Linnaean Herbarium. Through Professor E. D. Merrill, the 


latter sent me the photographs of Schrader’s manuscript and drawings 
together with the photocopies of the types of Schrader’s species as pub- 
lished in De Candolle’s Prodromus. 


The first written account of a plant belonging to Philadelphus is found 
in a Chinese poem of the eleventh century describing the fragrance, color 
and contrast of the white flower with the green foliage, thus: ‘Herbs for 
color, trees for shape; None in fragrance to this [Philadelphus| compare. 
Like white foam in a sea of green, Unique among the shrubs it has been.” 
Although this passage, like those of Gerarde, Clusius, Bauhin and other 
pre-Linnaean authors pertaining to the plant, is nomenclaturally of no 
importance to modern taxonomists, it nevertheless indicates the antiquity 
of man’s knowledge of the Philadelphus. 

By the time of Linnaeus, Philadelphus had already become a widely 
cultivated plant in European gardens. In pre-Linnaean literature it ap- 
peared as Syringa Tournefort, Frutex coronarius Clusius, or Philadelphus 
Athenaci et Rivinii. Linnaeus established the genus in 1737 and validated 
it in 1753. He recognized two species, P. coronarius and P. inodorus, and 
distinguished them by their leaf margins. Accordingly, the former species 
is characterized by its subdentate leaves and the latter by its entire leaves. 
The fresh material in the gardens of Clifford and Uppsala provided 
Linnaeus firsthand information about P. coronarius. Judging from the 
material preserved in the Linnaean Herbarium, he correctly identified it 
as representing Clusius’ Frutex coronarius. Of the second species, he saw 
no specimen. His binomial was based wholly on the Catesby description 
and plate which in turn was based on material observed at the Savannah 
River region on the border of South Carolina and Georgia. 

From the time of Linnaeus to that of A. P. de Candolle, botanists who 
were interested in Philadelphus had their studies limited to the few 
species of European and American origin, especially the cultivated forms. 
Miller in 1768 added one dwarf species and a variety with variegated 
leaves. As he had a larger collection of the living plant belonging to this 
genus, he perhaps acquired a more intimate knowledge of the group. He 
had seen sterile specimens of P. inodorus Linn. which he raised from cut- 
tings sent him by Dale from Carolina. As these plants were killed by 
frost when two years old, his records on the height of the plant, the color 
of the flower and the size of the fruit were probably abstracted from 
Catesby’s accounts. Willdenow in 1809, on the basis of material cultivated 
in the Botanical Garden of Berlin, described P. grandiflora, distinguishing 
it from P. inodorus Linn, by its prominently toothed leaves. About that 
time, P. inodorus Linn. was also in cultivation in a few gardens in England. 
Sims in 1812 on the basis of a specimen sent him by Whiltey of the 
Fulham Nursery prepared a colored plate and a description for that 

During this period, with the exception of Nuttall and Michaux, authors 


on American flora had a very dim concept of the published species of 
American Philadelphus. Walter (1788) in the Flora Caroliniana pre- 
sented a very general account of P. inodorus Linn. After comparing his 
statements about this species with that of Linnaeus, one has a feeling 
that he had never seen a specimen of it for he used even the same wording 
as Linnaeus. Michaux, being a true field naturalist, had seen the plant 
and in his Flora Boreali-Americana published in 1803 he used hitherto 
unknown characters about the long acuminate sepals, suboval petals and 
elongated undivided style for distinguishing P. inodorus Linn. Pursh in 
1814 recognized four species, one of which, P. lewisii, was new. According 
to the material he cited, he probably had not seen any P. inodorus Linn. 
in America. His description was based on Sims’ illustration and the 
cultivated material in England. Elliott in 1821 admitted that he had 
seen no specimen of P. inodorus Linn. in the various collections of dried 
plants which he had examined. He further stated that the plant was so 
rare in nature that no botanists in his day had seen it in the woods. 

Nuttall in 1817 described P. hirsutus on the basis of his own collection 
from the bank of the French River near Warm Springs, Tennessee. His 
description of the species indicates that he was a man of keen and accurate 
observations and consequently his treatment gives the truest picture of 
the genus up to his time. He recognized four species. As three of them 
were American in origin, he was led to conclude that Philadelphus is “a 
North American genus, with the exception of P. coronarius.” With our 
present knowledge of the genus, there is a great deal of truth in this state- 
ment, for not only the largest numbers of species of the genus occur in 
North America, but the principal morphological changes of the group 
are also found here. 

Schrader was the first man who attempted to study the entire genus 
extensively. His dissertation on Philadelphus with illustrations which has 
been cited by De Candolle and Loudon has never been published. The 
manuscript is preserved in the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Geneve. 
Part of it was incorporated by De Candolle (1828) in his Prodromus III. 
After Schrader’s death, in the “Reliquiae Schraderianae” published in 
Linnaea (1838), an improved form of that dissertation appeared again, 
but without illustration. In the manuscript as well as the latter paper he 
included nine species and four varieties of Philadelphus. Unfortunately 
his material was largely limited to the forms then cultivated in European 
gardens. Having no access to specimens representing species already 
described by American botanists, he created several synonyms. More- 
over, he accepted garden sports or hybrids as representing species and thus 
created additional confusion. He divided the then known species into 
two sections on the basis of the habit and the inflorescences, but assigned 
no sectional names to them. In the section ‘‘Caulibus crassioribus strictis. 
floribus racemosis” he recorded five species and three varieties. The rest 
were placed in the section “Caulibus tenuioribus virgatis laxis, floribus 
solitariis ternisve.” Schrader’s conclusions, whether correct or incorrect, 


were followed by European botanists and horticulturists for over half a 

De Candolle in 1828, using Schrader’s manuscript as a standard, pub- 
lished a comprehensive treaty on the genus. He recognized eleven species 
and three varieties. For the three extra American species not included in 
Schrader’s manuscript, he simply annexed them to Schrader’s order and 
placed them all in the slender-stemmed and solitary-flowered group. This 
represents a very indiscriminate treatment, for closely related species like 
P. coronarius Linn. and P. lewisii Pursh, which are alike in their habit 
and inflorescences, were placed in separate sections. 

Loudon in 1833 in Arboretum et Fructicetum Britannicum gave en 
illustrated comprehensive account of the genus. He recognized ten species 
and four varieties, placing them in two sections. In the “Stems stiff and 
straight. Flowers in Racemes” section he included six species and four 
varieties and in the “Stems more slender, rambling, twiggy and loose. 
Flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 together” section he had four species. In this 
classification what we now interpret as inseparable entities, like P. inodorus 
Linn. and P. grandiflorus Willd., were placed in different sections. 

Philadelphus from Asia and Central America did not appear in botanical 
literature until the eighteen thirties. Wallich was the first person to dis- 
cover a species of Philadelphus from Asia. In 1831 he named the speci- 
mens procured from Gossainthan, Sirmore and Kamaon as P. tomentosus 
and P., triflorus. G. Don in 1832 validated the first binomial by giving it 
a description and Royle in 1839 prepared a colored plate for this 
Himalayan taxon. 

Schlechtendal in 1839 on the basis of Schiede’s collection from Jalapa 
and Ehrenberg’s collection from Carmen described P. mexicanus, the first 
species of Philadelphus from Central America. About the same time, 
Bertoloni (1840) published an illustrated account of a Guatemala species 
under the name P. myrtoides, a species which marks the southmost limit 
of the spontaneous distribution of the genus. 

A. Gray in 1849 on the basis of Fendler’s collection from Santa Fe 
Creek, New Mexico, published P. microphyllus, the first known xerophytic 
species. The plant was introduced to Europe in 1883 and hybridists there 
took advantage of its low habit and very agreeable fragrance and in the 
autumn of 1887, the Lemoine Nursery of Nancy, France, put into com- 
merce a novelty under the name, P. /emoinei, which was announced to be 
the result of a cross between the American small-leaved species, P. micro- 
phyllus Gray and the much cultivated European species, P. coronarius. 

Lindley and Paxton in 1852 published P. satsumi Sieb., the first known 
species of Philadelphus from Eastern Asia, on the basis of both living 
material introduced and the herbarium specimens prepared by Siebold 
from Japan. Ruprecht in 1856, in a paper of Maximowicz on the im- 
portant trees and shrubs of the Amur Region, described P. tenutfolius, 
the first known species of Philadelphus from the Eastern Asia mainland. 
A year later in a discussion about P. tenuifolius he accidentally published 
P. pekinensis which became the first known Chinese species in the genus. 


By the middle of the nineteenth century Philadelphus introduced from 
America and Asia were cultivated under thirty odd names in European 
gardens. Botanists and growers began to be conscious of the confusion 
and tried to clarify the nomenclature and to identify the plants. The 
general tendency shows a lumping effort. Koch in 1859 in an article 
titled, “Notes on the Genus Philadelphus,” first published in Germany 
and then translated by De Borre into French, recognized 16 species. 
Ten years later, in his Dendrologie he reduced the number to 11 species. 
His species concept was rather vague and he clearly erred in making 
species of American and Asiatic origin conspecific entities. His work 
created confusion rather than clarification. Maximowicz in 1867, in a 
“Revisio Hydrangearum Asiae Orientalis,” treated all the species of 
Philadelphus that had racemose inflorescences, including those from Eu- 
rope, Caucasus, Himalayan Regions, eastern Siberia, northeastern China, 
Japan and North America, as varieties of P. coronarius and thus created 
a large number of synonyms. 

Koehne was the best authority of the group, and he was careful and 
keen in his observations. Unfortunately the diagnostic characters he chose 
to delimit subsidiary groups between the species and the genus do not at 
all well cover the characters of the species involved, and his arrangement 
proved to be impracticable. In 1893 he selected the exfoliation of the 
bark as the most important character for distinguishing major groups. He 
divided the genus into the Corticatae, including those species with closed 
bark and the Decorticatae containing those with exfoliate bark. Realizing 
this character to be unreliable and the scheme not workable, three years 
later, he selected the size of the stigma as the distinguishing character for 
dividing major groups. On this basis he proposed two sections, the 
Poecilostigma and the Stenostigma. His section Poecilostigma repre- 
sents a conglomeration of phylogenetically unrelated species. This section 
was subdivided into three subsections, the Gemmati with exposed buds, 
the Microphylli containing species with inclosed buds, small leaves and 
united and more or less separated stigmas; and the Speciosi including 
species with inclosed buds, large leaves and separated broad stigmas. His 
section Stenostigma represents species with inclosed buds and separated 
narrow stigmas. This was subdivided into four subsections; the Paniculati 
with paniculate inflorescences, the Gordoniani with racemose inflores- 
cences, decorticate branchlets and late flowering individuals, the Satsu- 
mani with racemose inflorescences, decorticate branchlets and early bloom- 
ing individuals, and the Coronarii with racemose inflorescences, corticate 
branchlets and usually early flowering individuals. In this classification 
Koehne failed to give a single character which holds true for the Poeci- 
lostigma as a section, and for the demarcation of the Stenostigma he gave 
two characters, that is, the narrow stigmas and the inclosed buds. At 
first his statement seems to be acceptable. But as one examines the species 
that Koehne placed in the Stenostigma section, one finds that this sec- 
tion cannot stand as a taxonomic unit, for the first listed species P. calt- 
fornicus Benth. has exposed axillary buds, a character which is not 


supposed to exist in the section. Moreover, the differences in the size 
and shape of the stigmas between species of this section is just as great as 
are those in Poecilostigma. As to the characters he chose for distinguish- 
ing subsections they are not strong enough even for delimiting species. 
The manner of the peeling of the bark and the time of blooming are sub- 
jected so much to the environmental changes that they are not of much 
value except for distinguishing closely related garden forms planted in 
similar conditions. Although Koehne’s system of classification has been 
followed by many authors including Engler in his treatment of the genus 
in the second edition of Die Natiirliche Pflanzenfamilien, it is not 
adopted in this study, for it represents a more artificial and less 
phylogenetic system. 

The beginning of the twentieth century seems to mark a new tendency 
in the study of Philadelphus. Botanists began to show interest in the 
group on a regional basis. Beadle in 1902 concentrated in a study of 
Philadelphus of the southeastern United States and proposed three new 
species and one new variety from the homeland of P. inodorus. His find- 
ings were the basis for the treatment of the genus in Small’s Flora of the 
Southeastern United States (1903, 1913) and the Manual of the South- 
eastern Flora (1933) of the same author. He introduced the shape of the 
base of the capsules for distinguishing species. Thus he characterized 
P. inodorus as a species in which the base of the fruit attenuates into the 
pedicel and distinguished his new species, P. gloriosus from P. inodorus 
by the abruptly contracted fruit base. This character has never been used 
by any other botanist in the classification of Philadelphus. As the shape 
of the base of the capsule in this genus depends upon the fullness of the 
fruit which in turn depends partially upon the environmental conditions 
and partially upon the time when the specimens are collected, it has little 
value for specific identification. 

Rydberg in 1905 prepared a comprehensive treatment of the genus for 
North America. The principal diagnostic characters he used were the 
presence or the absence of hairs on the style and disk which he called the 
upper free part of the ovary, the number of flowers on a flowering branch 
and the size of the leaf. He recognized 36 species, 10 of which were new. 
In the key, he grouped those species into six subdivisions, the Californici, 
Coronarii, Grandiflori, Hirsuti, Microphylli and Mexicani. His work in- 
dicates his ability in recognizing differences, and most of his species are 
good ones. Although some modern botanists may prefer to place the taxa 
he recognized in subspecific rank, that is only a matter of opinion which 
does not affect those taxa being distinct entities. 

Nakai in 1915 considered the species of Japan and Korea, recognizing 
seven species, two of which were new. On the basis of bark characters 
of the second year’s growth, whether closed or exfoliate, he raised two of 
Koehne’s subsections into sections. In Satsumani he aaa a single 
species, P. satsumi and in Coronarii he placed all the other spec 

Rehder (1920, 1927, 1940, 1949) considered chiefly the erated 
species and varieties. a 1927 he subdivided the genus into six groups: 


1. Gordoniani, 2. Sericanthi, 3. Coronarii, 4. Speciosi, 5. Microphylli and 
6. Gemmati. Later (1940) he definitely designated these groups as Series. 
The characters he employed in the key were the number of flowers on a 
flowering branchlet, the pubescence on the hypanthium, the color of the 
calyx, etc. He was at times inconsistent when, as an example, he separated 
a group of species by the pubescence on their hypanthia, yet under certain 
species of this category he recognized varieties with glabrous hypanthia. 
as in the case of P. pubescens Loisel. var. intectus (Beadle) Moore. The 
diagnostic characters for a series do not always agree with his key char- 
acters, as in the case tof P. purpureo-maculatus Rehd. In the text, he 
placed this species in series Microphylli which is characteristically a taxon 
with hidden buds while in the key it is placed under the category of 
exserted buds. His series concept impresses me as rather vague for in 
some cases a series consists of species different from each other in many 
respects. Thus in Series Gordoniani, he placed P. californicus Benth. with 
paniculate inflorescence, glabrous hypanthium and exposed buds as well 
as P. pubescens Loisel. with racemose inflorescence, pubescent hypan- 
thium and inclosed buds; and in Series Sericanthi he placed P. sericanthus 
Koehne with pubescent hypanthium and also P. delavayi L. Henry with 
glabrous hypanthium. Moreover, in some cases morphologically insepar- 
able and geographically closely affiliated taxa like P. tomentosus Wall and 
P. delavayi L. Henry are allotted to different series. Rehder’s identifica- 
tion formed the basis for Bangham’s chromosome count of the genus, and 
his taxonomic units were adopted by Janaki Ammal in her discussion on 
the classification and geographical distribution of Philadelphus. Rehder’s 
material was restricted to the cultivated species of the temperate regions. 
This geographical limitation combined with the short-comings of his clas- 
sification consequently affected the value of the conclusions drawn by the 

Hitchcock in 1943 studied the American xerophytic species. His work 
contributes materially to an understanding of the group. He considered 
four species and thirteen subspecies, all placed in what he called the 
ecumeae group. According to him, these small-leaved species, “As a 

. are readily distinguished from all other North American species 
Be propre yet it is quite apparent that they have been derived 
from, and are very closely related to, certain species of the Mexicani.” 
I hive carefully examined all the taxa that Hitchcock considered as rep- 
resenting a single group, and I can only conclude that this “group” 
includes heterogeneous elements. The small leaved character impresses me 
as being misleading. The comparative study of the morphological char- 
acters and geographical distribution of all the species of the genus 
indicates that the elements native of the region considered by Hitchcock 
are end products of evolution stemming from two or three directions. It 
is true that three of the four species in Hitchcock’s treatment, P. ser- 
pyllifoltus Gray, P. purpusii Brandeg. and P. mearnsii Evans are related 
to the Mexican elements. But P. microphyllus Gray and its related taxa 
are surely distant from them in their phylogenetic relationships. In my 


judgement his conclusion on P. microphyllus Gray being a derivative of 
P. purpusii Brandeg. is too arbitrary. Before me there are several speci- 
mens from the Northern Rocky Mountains, chiefly Montana, with char- 
acters intermediate between P. /ewisit Pursh and P. microphyllus Gray. 
The size, form and texture of the leaves and the size of the flowers of 
these specimens are typical of P. microphyllus Gray, but some, or rather, 
most flowering branchlets possess five flowers which is characteristic of 
P. lewisii Pursh. These spontaneous intermediate forms are good evidence 
of the origin of P. microphyllus Gray and its related species. Nevertheless, 
Hitchcock’s paper takes high rank among all those published on the 
genus. I believe that it was unfortunate that his studies were limited to 
the small-leaved forms, for leaf size is indeed an unreliable character, and 
generalizations can scarcely be made except on the basis of a critical 
study of all species of the genus. 

From the late 1920s up to the present the discoveries of botanists in 
fields other than taxonomy have broadened our knowledge of Philadelphus. 
Bangham in 1929 ' published the result of his observation on the chromo- 
some number of the genus. Janaki Ammal in 1951 ° treated the subject 
in greater detail and discovered triploid and aneuploid individuals in 
garden forms. These findings will eventually help breeders to obtain better 
garden forms, for by suitable mating of parents of known chromosome 
compositions, better hybrids with triploid, or perhaps tetraploid or aneu- 
ploid chromosome makeups can be induced. As in many ornamental 
plants some extra chromosomes often enhance their horticultural merits. 

Chaney in 1939 and Condit in 1944* confirmed the occurrence of 
fossil Philadelphus in the middle upper Miocene. The fossil P. nevadensis 
(Knowlton) Chaney resembles the leaves of P. lewisii Pursh which now 
occurs in northwestern United States. This discovery advances our under- 
standing of the present distribution of the species in this genus. 


In the historical review of PAiladelphus studies I have noted that the 
habit of the plant, the color and exfoliation of the branchlets, the position 
of the buds, the size, texture, dentation and indumentum of the leaves, 
the inflorescences, and the floral parts have all been used either as major 
or minor diagnostic characters in the classification of the species of the 
genus. Individual authors have stressed different points and consequently 
their systems of classification lack uniformity. In the following discussion 
an attempt is made to evaluate characters stressed by others as well as to 
add certain fruit and seed data. 

The Chromosomes of Some Species of the Genus Philadelphus. Jour. Arnold 
Arb. 10: 167-169. 1929. 

*Chromosomes and the evolution of Garden Philadelphus. Jour. Royal Hort. 
Soc. 76: 269-275. 1951. 

. W. Cuaney, Pliocene Floras of California and Oregon, Carnegie Inst. Wash- 
ington Publication 553. p. 79. pl. 16. fig. 2. 1944. 


Habit: The habit was used as a principal criterion for separating 
major groups by early authors like De Candolle and Schrader. As our 
knowledge of the genus increased, the importance of the habit in the 
classification of Philadelphus gradually decreased. Judging from plants 
cultivated in the Arnold Arboretum, there seems to be no correlation 
between the habit of the plant and the other morphological characters 
such as the position of the buds, or the number of the flowers. Moreover, 
the habit is often affected by the environmental conditions and the age 
and vitality of the plant. Possibly the habit, such as upright tall stiff 
shrub, low widely spreading shrub with twisted branchlets, low compact 
shrub with upright branches or moundlike tall shrub with arching branch- 
lets, may be used for recognizing special horticultural forms, varieties or 
even species, but it should not be used for distinguishing taxa above 
these ranks. 

Branchlets: In general practice, a few branchlets constitute the only 
material a herbarium taxonomist may have for purposes of study and 
identification. Regarding the branchlets of Pinlagel pus, my discussion 
will be carried on under the headings of the second year’s growth, current 
year’s growth, the axillary buds, and the adventitious growth. 

The color and exfoliation of the bark of the second year’s growth. 
whether closed or exfoliate, has been employed by Koehne, Rehder and 
others for distinguishing species or even taxa of higher rank. It is true 
that the bark of certain species such as P. pubescens Loisel. and its related 
forms are prevailingly gray. But that of the other species is of various 
shades of brown, from ash-brown to reddish chestnut. In some species 
the bark exfoliates in sheets. In others they slowly wear off. It seems to 
be apparent that the size and the age of the shoot, the rainfall of the 
growing season, and the amount of snow in the preceding winter are all 
contributing factors effecting the exfoliation of the bark. Often different 
shoots on the same plant differ in the degree of exfoliation. As the 
herbarium specimens represent only very small portions of an individual 
plant, the actual selection of specimens may govern the evident exfolia- 
tion and bark color very materially. When only a few specimens are avail- 
able, one may interpret the bark color and exfoliation of the second 
year’s growth as forming a definite criterion for species delimitation, but 
when many specimens from the same general area are examined, the 
intergradations in color and exfoliation should convince any one that these 
characters are of little value in recognizing species. 

The current year’s growth of all species of Philadelphus are of two 
kinds, the sterile shoots bear leaves only, and the flowering shoots each 
of which bears one to three (or very rarely more) pairs of leaves and a 
terminal flower or a cluster of flowers. The sterile shoots are more vigor- 
ous and their leaves are larger and comparatively more dentate than are 
those of the flowering branchlets. The bud position on these shoots is 
very constant. 

In one group, the buds are hidden in nodal pouches at the ends of the 
petioles (Pl. I, fig. 3). When the leaves fall, these buds are covered by 




the abscission layers (PI. I, fig. la, 1b, & 2). As these buds unfold, they 
burst open the abscission layers (PI. I, fig. 4) which persist for a long 
time at the base of the new branchlets. All the plants with such hidden 
axillary buds bear no terminal buds. Their shoots are determinate. All 
the Old World species of Philadelphus and many of those of the New 
World are characterized by such hidden buds and determinate branchlets. 

In contrast, other species bear prominent conical axillary buds on their 
sterile and flowering shoots at anthesis (PI. I, fig. 7, 8). In general, nodes 
bearing these buds are strongly curved below the insertion of the leaves, 
while those with hidden buds are but slightly curved. It is doubtful if 
latitude and temperature have any effect on the production and size of 
the exposed buds. Thus, P. Airsutus Nutt. is a native of the southern 
Appalachian Mountains, but when cultivated in Boston, which is nearly 
seven degrees higher in latitude than the original home of the species and 
Boston has an average annual minimum temperature 10—15 degrees lower 
than Nashville where the plant grows wild, its axillary buds at anthesis 
are just as prominent as are those on the Tennessee specimens. Moreover, 


1. Shoot apex of the determinate type (x 4, from fresh material collected 
in the Arnold Arboretum, Jan. 20, 1952). la. P. coronarius with the lateral 
buds completely covered by the abscission layer. 1b. P. microphyllus with 
the lateral buds more or less unfolding, the dead terminal portion of the 
branchlet is more prominent here. 2. Node of P. delavayi after the leaves 
have fallen, showing the lateral buds covered by the abscission layer (x 4, 
Rock 16637). 3. Node of P. maculatus with the ends of the petioles attached, 
showing prominent nodal pouches containing the buds; the curves below the 
insertion of the leaves are gentle (* 4, Mueller 2213). 4. Node of P. delavayi 
with the axillary buds unfolding and each abscission layer has burst open (X 3, 
Rock 16173). 5. Node of a sucker; A, with two branches B, developed from 
normal axillary buds and six branches developed from adventitious buds. Five 
of the six are flowering shoots C. and one is a vegetative shoot C’. 6. Shoot 
apex of the indeterminate type, P. hirsutus, with a large terminal bud and two 
small lateral ones (X 4, from fresh material collected in the Arnold Arboretum 
on Jan. 20, 1952). 7. Node of P. texensis with the petioles on, showing the 
exposed axillary buds, the curves below the insertion of the leaves are sharp. 
(x 4, Reverchon 1523). 8. Node of P. hirsutus after the leaves have fallen, 
showing two lateral buds exposed (> 4, fresh material collected in the Arnold 
Arboretum, Jan. 20, 1952). 9. Node of P. mearnsii after the buds are unfolded. 
The unfolding of the buds does not affect the leaf-scars (* 5, Palmer 11492). 
10. Longitudinal section of a fruit of P. inodorus, 1 week after anthesis, show- 
ing the attachment of the placentas which are above the insertions of the sepals 
(X< 10). 10a, 10b, 10c, and 10d are transverse sections of the above cut through 
the points 1, 2, 3, and 4. 10d appears 8-locular. 11. Longitudinal section of a 
fruit of P. microphyllus, 2 months after anthesis, showing the attachment of 
the placentas which are about the same level as the insertions of the sepals 
(xX 10). 12. Longitudinal section of a mature fruit of P. Airsutus showing the 
attachment of the placentas which are below the insertions of the sepals ( 10). 


such plants often bear strong terminal vegetative buds (PI. I, fig. 6), 
therefore their shoots are indeterminate. All the species with exposed 
buds occur in the New World. 

The presence or absence of exposed buds is not only constant, but the 
buds are also very easy to detect. As long as the leaves are mature, no 
matter whether the branchlets be sterile or fertile, the buds are evident. 
The morphological constancy and the geographical coincidence indicate 
that the position of the buds whether hidden or exposed, is a very good 
character for separating major groups in Philadelphus. Accordingly, in 
this study I take this character as one of the key categories for delimi- 
ting the subgenera of the genus. 

All species of Philadelphus produce adventitious buds at the basal por- 
tions of their principal stems or along the upper parts of their branches. 
In the first case, the buds develop into strong sterile shoots which give 
rise to flowering branchlets in the following year. In the second case, the 
buds may develop into a weaker sterile shoot (PI. I, fig. 5, c’), or usually 
they form weak flowering branchlets, (PI. I, fig. 5, c). The leaves of such 
shoots are generally smaller and the flowers fewer than are those de- 
veloped from normal buds. The presence of a number of such small 
flowering branchlets gives the stem somewhat the appearance of a brush. 
A branch with multiple branchlets at its nodes should always be taken as 
a sign of old age and reduced vitality in the plant. 

Leaves: Authors of the first few species of Philadelphus relied chiefly 
on leaf characters for distinguishing them. Thus Linnaeus distinguished 
P. inodorus from P. coronarius by its entire leaves and Willdenow distin- 
guished his P. grandiflorus by its dentate leaves. When only a few speci- 
mens are compared, there may be seemingly marked differences in the 
size, shape, texture, venation and margin of the leaves. But when a large 
number of specimens are available for comparative study, the gradual 
changes exhibited in these respects prove that what various authors such 
as Schrader, Koch, Maximowicz, and Rydberg accepted as differential 
specific characters are not constant. In fact, there is little difference in 
the size and shape of the leaves of the species of Philadelphus of any 
single area, and also often even between species from distant regions with 
similar climatic conditions. The differences that existed in the size, shape, 
texture and margin of related species may also occur as modifications 
among representative specimens from the same species differing only in 
age and vigor. Therefore the size and shape in the leaves can only be 
used as supplementary criteria for distinguishing varieties or garden 
forms and occasionally even species when it is correlated with characters 
furnished by flowers and fruits. 

The leaves on the sterile shoots and those on the flowering shoots of 
an individual plant differ in size, shape, apex and margin. In general the 
leaves on the sterile shoots are larger, more acuminate at the apex, more 
coarsely dentate at the margin, more pubescent on the surface and even 
broader at the base than are those on the flowering shoots. Yet, leaves 
of a flowering shoot developed from an adventitious bud are always much 


smaller, more acute, more subentire and more glabrous than are those 
developed from normal buds. One judges that the age of the plant, the 
vigor of the shoot, the available water supply may be reflected in the 
leaves of Philadelphus. For this reason, leaf characters based on these 
aspects should not be employed for the delimitation of taxa above varieties 
or garden forms. 

The nature and the density of the indumentum on the leaf surfaces are 
rather constant as to leaves on comparable shoots of a species. They 
usually correlate with certain flower characters, therefore may be used 
as auxiliary criteria for distinguishing species or categories of even 
higher rank, such as section and series. 

Inflorescences: Philadelphus as a genus is characterized by determi- 
nate terminal inflorescences, each with 1 or 3 flowers at the last node, and 
none, one, rarely two single flowers, or very rarely a cyme in the axil of 
a bract or a leaf on each side of the succeeding nodes. When the succeeding 
node bears no flower, the branchlet has solitary or ternate flowers. When 
the succeeding nodes bear flowers the plant has racemose or paniculate 
inflorescences, depending on the number of flowers in the leaf axils. In 
many species the bracts are small and caducous. Since De Candolle in 
1828 used the term raceme to describe P. coronarius Linn. and its related 
species, it has been used in reference to those species with a terminal 
cluster of flowers in all major treatments of the genus. But actually when 
the order of blooming is taken into consideration, none of the Philadelphus 
species really bear true racemes. In this genus, the first opened flower 
always prohibits the elongation of the flowering shoot and limits the for- 
mation of more flower buds. The figures on Plate II actually represent 
the number of flowers and their relative developments on the branches of 
P. californicus Benth., P. pubescens Loisel., P. lewisii Pursh, P. pekinensis 
Rupr., P. inodorus Linn., P. microphyllus Gray, P. falconii Sarg., P. kar- 
winskyanus Koehne, P. myrtoides Bertol., P. mexicanus Schlecht., P. hir- 
sutus Nutt. and P. serpyllifolius Gray. In each case the flowers at each 
node behave as an independent unit. In cases where many flowers are 
formed at the end of the flowering branch the terminal one always opens 
first. Such inflorescence is a determinate raceme or a panicle. 

Philadelphus inflorescences may be roughly arranged in six general 
types, the paniculate, the determinate-racemose, the pauciflorous, the 
ramiferous, the mexicanus, and hirsutus types. The paniculate type in- 
cludes inflorescences composed of simple or more or less compound cymes 
(Pl. II, fig. 1). It is represented by P. californicus Benth. and P. cordi- 
folius Lange. The determinate-racemose type is the commonest type of 
inflorescence in the genus. It is best represented by P. pubescens Loisel. 
and P. lewtsiit Pursh in the United States, P. satsumi Sieb. of Japan, 
P. tenuifolius Rupr. of the Amur Region, P. pekinensis Rupr. and all the 
other Chinese species, P. tomentosus Wall. of the Himalayan Regio and 
P. caucasus Koehne and P. coronarius Linn. of Caucasia and southwestern 
Europe. It consists of 3, or very rarely 1, or occasionally in P. coronarius 
Linn. 5, terminal flowers and several pairs of axillary ones at the suc- 

Jour. ARNOLD Ars. VoL. XXXV PiaTeE IT 



ceeding nodes (PI. II, fig. 2-5). Sometimes, as in P. coronarius Linn., a 
pair of flowers may appear in a single leaf axil. The upper axillary flowers 
are often subtended by bracts which fall early in the flowering season. 
The lower axillary flowers are in general subtended by normal leaves. 
Great variations exist in the number of flowers in a cluster, the length 
of the central axis and the size of the bracts in specimens representing a 
species or sometimes even from a single plant. This is especially true in 
P. lewisii Pursh and P. pekinensis Rupr. It seems that the age and vitality 
of the shoots which give rise to the flowering branches are the controlling 
factors for such modifications. There are certain garden forms character- 
ized by a predominantly short flowering axis. In such cases the clusters 
appear rather compact (PI. II, fig. 4, 5). There are certain species which 
bear loose determinate-racemes. In such cases the lower two pairs of 
flowers are borne in the axils of normal leaves (PI. II, fig. 2, 3); the 
inflorescences of P. pubescens Loisel. and P. intectus Beadle are typically 
of such form. 

The pauciflorous type consists of inflorescences with one or three ter- 
minal flowers on shoots devoid of exposed axillary buds. This type is best 
illustrated by P. inodorus Linn. and P. microphyllus Gray (PI. II, fig. 6, 
7) and their related species. In certain garden forms, the lateral flowers 
of this type may be replaced by two cymes with elongated peduncles. In 
such cases, a true dichasium is formed (PI. I, fig. 8). 

The ramiferous types of inflorescences are depauperated panicles. They 
may appear as racemes or panicles, but each individual flower is on a short 
pedicel jointed to a woody axis. Thus each flower stalk is morphologically 
composed of a peduncle and a pedicel. In P. myrtoides Bertol. the pe- 
duncles of the lower flowers are as long as those of the upper one and 
the inflorescence appears more or less racemose, but the individual pedicels 
are jointed (PI. II, fig. 10). In the more ramified form, as represented by 
P. karwinskyanus Koehne, the inflorescence is composed of elongated 
lower branches (PI. II, fig. 9) and shorter upper ones, and it appears like 
a panicle. Some of the lower branches even bear axillary buds on their 
basal nodes. 

The mexicanus type has one or three terminal flowers on short but 
aided a stalks, as found in P, mexicanus Schlecht. Such an inflorescence 


type, P. californicus (Abrams 4649). 2-5, The DETERMINATE-RACEMOSE TYPES. 
2. P. pubescens (AA 2221). 3. P. lewisii with 3 terminal flowers (Thompson 
10522). 4. P. lewisii with 1 terminal flower (Engberg, June 19, 1905). 5. P. 
pekinensis (Hers 2515). 6 & 7. The PAUCIFLOROUS TYPE. 6. P. inodorus (AA 
4159-1). 7. P. eee (Fendler 266). 8 True picHastum, P. falconert 
(Hu, June 14, 1951). 9 & 10, The RAMIFEROUS TYPE. 9. P. karwinskyanus 
(FGW 872). 10. P. myrtoides (Carlson 435). 11. The MEXICANUS TYPE, 
P. mexicanus (Standley 65124). 12. The H1rsutus TYPE, P. hirsutus (Palmer 
35517). 13. The SERPYLLIFOLIUS TYPE, P. serpyllifolins (Cary 9435). 


is probably a reduced or simplified compound inflorescence with the 
portion above the bracts representing the pedicel and the portion below 
the joint, the peduncle. 

The hirsutus type, as represented by P. Airsutus Nutt. and P. mearnsii 
Evans, has inflorescences of solitary or ternate flowers on short flowering 
branches with exposed axillary buds (PI. II, fig. 12, 13). Such inflores- 
cence often develops from a terminal bud. 

The type of inflorescence in Philadelphus is a definite and easily recog- 
nizable character. When correlated with the position of the buds, the 
form of stigma, the shape of fruit, and the appendages of the seed, the 
type of inflorescence can be employed as a very useful device for distin- 
guishing sections of the genus as well as for assisting in placing the species 
in its phylogenetic position. In using the inflorescence in the classification 
of Philadelphus several essential points should be observed. (1) All the 
inflorescences of Philadelphus, no matter whether they are composed of 
a single flower, or three or five up to 20 flowers in simple or ramified 
branches, are borne at the end of current year’s growth. In other words, 
they are all derivatives of individual buds which are usually axillary. (2) 
All of them are determinate inflorescences; that is, the terminal flower 
in each type opens first and they thus limit the elongation of the floral 
axis. (3) The type of inflorescence of a species is definite, but the number 
of flowers on each flowering branch is variable. A species with pauciflorous 
type of inflorescence may have some branches with a single flower, some 
with three and others with a true dichasium of seven or nine flowers. 
This variation seems to be a reflection of the environmental condition of 
the plant as well as the physiological state of the particular flowering 
branch. In the cultivated Philadelphus, good soil, sufficient water supply, 
proper pruning, vigor of the plant and the bearing year always induce a 
large number of flowers on a branch. In case of the determinate-racemose 
type of inflorescence the floral axis is always lengthened. 

Rickett in 1944 discussed the inflorescences of Philadelphus at length. 
He used P. coronarius Linn., P. californicus Benth., P. lewisii Pursh. P. 
argenteus Rydb. and P. hirsutus Nutt. to illustrate a hypothesis that the 
terminal dichasium is ancestral in Philadelphus. He maintained that this 
primitive type can be found in P. Airsutus Nutt., and suggested that the 
present forms of the inflorescences of Philadelphus are evolved through 
the reduction of the terminal dichasium to a single flower as found in 
P. argenteus Rydb. Further reduction of the lateral flowering branches 
leads to the production of axillary flowers of P. coronarius Linn. This 
condensation is accompanied by a lack of dormancy in the new axillary 
buds, which open the same season as the leaves which subtend them. 
From flowering branches formed in such a way, derived the floral arrange- 
ment as seen in P. /ewisii Pursh and also the thyrse of P. californicus 
Benth., the latter represents a condensation of the second order, that is. 
not only are a number of the original flowering branches laterally disposed 
on a central rachis, but several groups thus constituted are similarly 
disposed on the main axis of the thyrse. According to this hypothesis the 


evolution of the inflorescences of Philadelphus has been brought about 
merely by reduction and condensation of the flowering branches. As I 
understand the morphology of Philadelphus, certain assumptions accepted 
by Rickett apparently do not conform to what are found in nature. First 
he selected the inflorescence of P. Airsutus Nutt. to represent the ancestral 
form, but this species is morphologically highly specialized and its low 
point of placentation and its ecaudate seeds all indicate its advanced posi- 
tion in the evolution of the genus. Secondly, he maintained that the in- 
florescence of P. argenteus Rydb. is a derivative of that of P. hérsutus 
Nutt., but these two species are phylogenetically very remote. They 
belong to different subgenera. Thirdly, the condensation processes that 
he assumed to take place between P. argenteus Rydb. and P. coronartus 
Linn. and between P. lewisii Pursh and P. californicus Benth. involve 
more than a single year’s growth. The plant part he took from P. ar- 
genteus Rydb., or P. lewisii Pursh to illustrate his principle represents 
two year’s growth with twigs bearing buds on part of old wood and what 
he took from P. coronarius Linn. or P. californicus Benth. represent a 
single year’s growth, originated from a single winter bud. When he as- 
sumed that the branch of P. lewisii Pursh with a number of flowering 
branches laterally disposed to be condensed on a central rachis to form 
an inflorescence corresponding to those of P. californicus Benth., he over- 
looked the age differences of the two elements involved. It is not possible 
within the organization of the plant to attain such assumed condensation. 
Moreover a shoot of P. lewisii Pursh that bears laterally disposed flower- 
ing branches never possesses a terminal bud, so that it is impossible for 
that shoot to be condensed on the main axis of the thyrse to form a 
paniculate inflorescence of P. californicus Benth. which ends with a ter- 
minal flower. Moreover, P. coronarius Linn. and P. lewisii Pursh have 
the same determinate-racemose type of inflorescence. When one takes 
into consideration all factors, it is unnecessary to invoke imagination to 
explain the evolution of the inflorescences of Philadelphus. Rickett was 
perhaps right in assuming the terminal dichasium as the ancestral type. 
He was partly correct in recognizing reduction and condensation as a 
process that brings about the various forms of inflorescences in Philadel- 
phus but unfortunately he chose the inflorescence of P. Airsutus Nutt. to 
represent the primitive model. The most primitive type of inflorescence 
in Philadelphus is the pauciflorous type as found in the true terminal 
dichasium of a healthy vigorously growing flowering branch of P. imodorus 
Linn. Normally such dichasia may be reduced to three or a single ter- 
minal flower. The solitary or ternate terminal flower of P. microphyllus 
Gray and all its related species represents a comparatively stable stage 
of development of such reduced form. The reduction in the height of the 
plant, the size of the leaves, the number of stamens, the length of style 
and the size of the stigma all conform with the fact of such reduction in 
number of flowers. Multiplication as well as reduction, and some times 
a combination of both processes may have taken place in the evolution 
of the Philadelphus inflorescences. The multiplication in the number of 


flowers which are produced in the leaf-axils of the succeeding nodes below 
the terminal one, gives rise to the determinate-racemose type, and further 
multiplication which involves the branching of the flowering pedicels 
gives rise to the paniculate type. The mexicanus type is another primitive 
model which is closely related to the pauciflorous type. The multiplica- 
tion in the number of flowers and the ramification of the flowering 
branches of this type give rise to the ramiferous type. The hirsutus type 
is remote from all other types of Philadelphus inflorescence. Its slender 
pedicels with median or super median bracts, its irregular way of branch- 
ing, and its appearance remind one of the inflorescence of certain Deutziae. 
It is probably derived from some form very remotely related to the mex- 
icanus type but the linking form is not known in our present flora. 

Pedicels: The length of the pedicels in Philadelphus varies consider- 
ably. The general tendency is, in the determinate-racemose type, the 
lower ones are longer than the upper ones, or in the pauciflorous types, 
the lateral ones longer than the central one. As a criterion for classifica- 
tion, this character has little value. Nevertheless, most species have 
pubescent pedicels. The nature and density of the trichomes on the 
pedicels of closely related species are sometimes employed as auxiliary 
characters for recognizing species or varieties. 

Hypanthia: Part of the ovary of Philadelphus is fused to the recep- 
tacle. In this paper the term hypanthium is used to cover that part called 
the calyx tube by some authors. For the visible top portion of the ovary 
the term disk is used. 

At anthesis, there is no appreciable difference in the shape and size of 
the hypanthia of closely related species. But the nature and density of 
the indumentum which persist in the fruit are very useful for specific 
identifications, or even for the delimitation of series. Most Philadelphus 
species have yellowish green hypanthia. Certain Chinese species have 
purplish ones. In such case, color may be used as a handy auxiliary 
character for identifying species or varieties. 

Sepals: The sepals of Philadelphus are ovate, rarely deltoid, 4-20 mm. 
long, acuminate (rarely acute) at the apex. The relatively shortest sepals 
occur in P. Airsutus and the longest ones in P. inodorus and P. mexicanus. 
The length, shape and apex of the sepals have been employed by various 
authors for distinguishing morphologically similar and geographically 
intermixed species. The study of a large amount of material in this genus 
reveals that the natural population of any general area belonging to the 
same section exhibits very little variation in the size and shape of the 
sepals, Thus, in my opinion, they have no specific significance. 

Corolla and petals: Characters of the corolla and the petals have 
been little used in the classification of the genus. One Central American 
species has been recognized for its pubescent petals, while another species 
of northwestern United States has been characterized by its pointed petals. 

In shape and size the petals of various species are rather constant. They 
may be oblong, elliptic, suborbicular or lanceolate. The variations in the 
shape and size of the petals give the different appearance of the flowers. 


Thus P. inodorus var. laxus (Schrader) S. Y. Hu has oblong petals, and 
its flowers are distinctly cruciform when fully open (PI. III, col. 3). The 
petals of P. inodorus Linn. var. grandiflorus (Willd.) Gray are sub- 
orbicular, and consequently its flowers appear disciform (PI. III, col. 1). 
is an important aspect for distinguishing varieties and garden forms, the 
of Philadelphus. It shows a considerable difference in the size, shape and 
appearance of the corollas in the genus. As the appearance of flowers 
is an important aspect for distinguishing varieties and garden forms, the 
size and shape of the petals may eventually have a more important role 
in demarcating entities subordinate to the species. 

Stamens: There is noticeable variation in the number of stamens not 
only between different species or different plants which clearly represent 
a single species, but also between different flowers of the same plant. The 
forms possessing the most stamens are found in P. inodorus Linn. and 
its varieties where as many as 90 stamens have been observed. The 
smallest number of stamens observed is in P. mearsnit Evans where as few 
as 13 stamens have been counted. But variations in the number of stamens 
between different flowers on the same plant do exist. With the first cited 
example as few as 60 stamens and with the second species as many as 
20 stamens have been observed. For demarcating morphologically closely 
related and geographically inseparable species the number of stamens 
does not seem to have much significance. But there apparently exists a 
general pattern of stamen number between morphologically different and 
geographically widely separated groups. Thus the native population of 
Philadelphus of the Southern Appalachian region with pauciflorous in- 
florescences have the highest stamen count which is between 60 and 90; 
the xerophytic plants of the southern Rockies with the pauciflorous type 
of inflorescences have an average count of 30 to 40, rarely as low as 24 or 
as high as 50 stamens; the native species of Central America with rami- 
ferous inflorescences have 40 to 50 stamens and those with the mexicanus 
type of inflorescences have 36 to 44 stamens. The Old World species with 
racemose inflorescences generally have 25 to 35, rarely to 50 stamens. 
Garden hybrids usually have low stamen counts, and many of them are 
sterile, with the exception of one form, which has up to 60 stamens, they 
have 20 to 29, rarely up to 40 stamens. The species with the hirsutus 
type of inflorescences have the lowest stamen count, ranging 13 to 33. 
Such a general pattern when correlated with the form of buds, the type 
of inflorescences and the shape of fruits and the tails of the seeds, may 
serve as auxiliary criteria for characterizing sections or series of the 

Hitchcock was the first person who observed the tendency of the union 
of the lower portions of the filaments of several adjacent stamens into 
bundles in P. argenteus Rydb. (Pl. IV, fig. 8c), and used this character 
for distinguishing that xerophytic taxon. Normally the filaments of 
Philadelphus are separated. They are always shorter than the petals. 
With the exception of the extreme xerophytic dwarf forms like P. ser- 
pyllifolius Gray or P. mearnsii Evans, which has very small flowers and 




short stamens, the length of the filaments in Philadelphus is rather con- 
stant, with the longest outermost ones being 6-9 mm. long and that of 
the shortest innermost ones 2-3 mm. long. In the xerophytic forms, the 
filament of the outer stamens measures up to 4 mm. long and the inner 
ones 2 mm. long. So far as I know, the longest filament of Philadelphus 
is found in a garden form called P. ‘“slavini” hort ex Wymn. with the 
inner filaments 7 mm. and the outer ones 12 mm. long. The filaments of 
Philadelphus have not and very likely never will furnish outstanding 
canis for distinguishing taxa of any rank in the classification of the 


The mane of Philadelphus are generally oblong, being 1—-1.2 mm. 
long, 0.9 mm. wide. The xerophytic species like P. serpyllifolius ci 
has Snleboe anthers, 0.5 mm. in diameter. There are a few natur 
populations occurring in Central China and western North America ie 
hair-like processes occur on the thecae of the anthers (PI. IV, fig. 8c). 
This is probably an expression of an unusual mutation which Poatally 
may lead to speciation. 

istil: A normal pistil of Philadelphus is composed of four carpels. 

Occasionally few 5-carpelled or very rarely some 3-carpelled pistils may 
occur in a garden form, Characters furnished by the parts of the pistil, 
ovary, style, and stigmas, have been employed for distinguishing taxa 
of various rank in Philadelphus. Schrader recognized P. speciosus for its 
8-loculed fruit. Pursh distinguished his P. /ewisii for its relatively long 
and much divided style. Koehne subdivided the major groups of the 
genus on the basis of the size of the stigma. Ruprecht, Koehne and 
many others have proposed species because of the presence of hairs on the 
style, or disc, or both. Nevertheless, due to our limited knowledge of the 
pistil in PAiladelphus unnecessary binomials have been created. A normal 
Philadelphus ovary has four locules and an axile placentation. In each 
locule there are a pair of more or less fused auricular placentas projecting 
from the upper portion of the central column (PI. I, fig. 10-12). The 
superior lobes of these placentas are much shorter than the inferior ones, 
the latter are so pressed together that they appear as one organ in cross 
sections (Pl. I, fig. 10B). In P. inodorus Linn., its varieties, and its re- 
lated species, the inner wall of the roof of each locule, which corresponds 



1 a og Weenie! ‘e ”P. grandiflorus, P. caucasicus, P. coronarius “spe- 
ciosissimus,”’ P. coronarius, var. primulaeflorus, P. coronarius; COLUM 
insignis (?), P. incanus, P. falconeri, P. floridus, P. delavayi, P. “Cole aileadtl 
CoLtumn 3. P. “Belle Etoile,” P. satsumanus, P. lemoinei, P. laxus, P. ma 
dalenae, P. splendens; CoLUMN 4. P. maximus, P. sericanthus, P. tenuifolius, 
P. pekinensis, P. nepalensts, P. “bicolor”; CoLuMN 5. P. “Favorite,” P. vir- 
ginalus, P. “Norma,” P. zeyheri, P. domentosud, P. purpurascens. 


to the upper portion of the middle of the carpel, grows down and projects 
between the superior lobes of the placentas in such a manner that it 
appears like a false septum separating those lobes. Thus the cross sections 
made through the upper portion of a normal 4-locular ovary of such species 
appear 8-chambered (PI. I, fig. 10D). This was perhaps what Schrader 
saw in P. speciosus. The position of the attachment of the placentas on 
the central column affects the shape of the fruit and the length of the 
tail of the seed. In P. inodorus Linn. the placentas are attached above 
the insertion of the sepals. Consequently the fruits are ellipsoid with 
circumferential sepals. These fruits have long-tailed seeds (PI. I, fig. 10). 
On the other hand, the placentas of P. microphyllus Gray are attached 
about the same level as the insertion of the sepals (Pl. I, fig. 11). The 
fruits are ellipsoid with supermedian persistent sepals, and the seeds are 
short-tailed. In P. hirsutus Nutt. the placentas are attached below the 
insertion of the sepals (PI. I, fig. 12). The fruits are obconic with apical 
persistent sepals and the seeds are ecaudate. This correlation of the at- 
tachment of the placentation, the shape of the fruits and the length of 
the tails of the seeds indicate that the position of the placentas can be 
used as auxiliary criteria for the delimitation of subgenera or sections 
of Philadelphus. 

The length and the degree of the union of the style, the number and 
shape of the stigma and the indumentum of the style and disc have all 
been used in the classification of Philadelphus. Michaux in 1803 in dis- 
tinguishing P. inodorus Linn. from P. coronarius Linn. introduced the 
relative length of the style and the stamens and the degree of union of 
the style. Since then Pursh has characterized P. lewisii as a species with 
three stigmas and a 3-parted style as long as the stamens, and Nuttall 
has characterized his P. hirsutus as a species with clavate undivided 4- 
grooved stigma and a style shorter than the stamens. Fortunately the 
species that Michaux, Pursh and Nuttall dealt with each represents a 
phylogenetically unrelated group, and incidentally the character holds 
true for distinguishing them. Later authors including Rydberg and 
Rehder have used the same character for delimiting closely related 
species, varieties and garden forms which present varied degrees in the 
union of the styles. Philadelphus microphyllus Gray has been treated as 
a species with united stigma. But flowers of different collections exhibit 
varied degree of the union of the styles. Some are completely united, some 
are partially united and others are completely separated (PI. IV, fig. 8a, 
b, e, f). This happens also in P. argyrocalyx Wooton (PI. IV, fig. 9 A-b). 
So far as I know there is a variation in the degree of the union of the 
style in every natural population. For this reason such characters fail to 
be of value for distinguishing species or taxa of lower ran 

There are certain morphological differences existing in the styles and 
stigmas of geographically separated groups, which, when correlated with 
characters as the position of buds and the type of inflorescences, may be 
used as auxiliary criteria for demarcating series or sections. The styles 
of the southern Mexican species may be long or short, but they all have 


elongated cristate stigmas with the fertile papillose surfaces situated 
largely on the elevated abaxial sides (Pl. IV, fig. 13-15). The styles of 
the southern Appalachian species with pauciflorous inflorescences are rela- 
tively long. They carry oar-shaped stigmas with adaxial as well as abaxial 
fertile papillose surfaces, the latter though definite in outline, are shorter 
(Pl. IV, fig. 12). The styles of the Old and the New World species with 
determinate-racemose inflorescences are comparatively long with clavate 
or linear stigmas. The fertile surfaces of these stigmas, with the exception 
of some Yunnan and Japanese species, are longer on the adaxial sides 
than on the abaxial sides (Pl. IV, fig. 1-6). The styles of the New 
World xerophytic species with pauciflorous inflorescences are relatively 
short with linear stigmas, the fertile surfaces of which are largely on the 
abaxial sides (Pl. IV, fig. 8-9). The styles of the New World species 
with the hirsutus type of inflorescences are columnar with subcapitate 
4-grooved stigmas (PI. IV, fig. 16-17). 

The presence or absence of on the disc and style is a definite and 
easily recognizable character which may safely be used in the identification 
of species. Ruprecht in 1857 first used such a character for P. schrenkit, 
Koehne later described P. lancifolius from Sikkim, P. karwinskyanus 
from Mexico, P. subcanus from Central China and P. caucasicus from 
western Asia on the strength of the same character. Rydberg in 1905 
employed this character as the principal criterion in his key. But as 
abundant material is available for a comparative study of the natural 
populations of various regions this character is probably not as important 
as earlier taxonomists considered it to be. In nature among closely related 
taxa in all regions, there are paired species which differ chiefly in the 
absence or presence of hairs on the style, disc or both. For example, there 
are the P. coronarius and P. caucasicus in southern Europe and western 
Asia, P. tenuifolius and P. schrenkii in northeastern Asia, P. subcanus and 
P. incanus in Central China, P. satzumi and P. lasiogynus in Japan, P. 
lewisti and P. gordonianus in northwestern United States, P. stramineus 
and P. pumilus in southwestern United States, P. pubescens, and P. 
gattingii in southeastern United States, and P. coulteri and P. asperi- 
folius in Mexico, It is not impossible that such phenomena merely 
represent an expression of normal Mendelian inheritance of one char- 
acter. But our knowledge of the genetics of these groups is lacking. For 
the present, and in the absence of cytogenetic information, the presence 
or absence of hairs on the disc, style, or both is retained for the purpose 
of distinguishing certain manifestly closely related taxa. 

Capsules: The fruit of Philadelphus has not been used to any extent 
in the classification of its various taxa. The material that I have ex- 
amined apparently presents subgeneric or at least sectional differences in 
the shape of the capsules and the position of their persistent sepals. The 
southeastern Mexican species all possess ellipsoid or obovoid fruits with 

ellipsoid fruits and median persistent sepals while the species of the same 




area possessing the hirsutus type of inflorescences have obconic fruits with 
apical persistent sepals (Pl. IV, fig. 25). The position of the persistent 
sepals may be used as a satisfactory auxiliary criterion in distinguishing 
morphologically close but geographically remote species. Philadelphus 
lewisii Pursh and P. pekinensis Rupr. both have pseudoracemose inflores- 
cences and glabrous hypanthia. Besides the geographical separation, the 
subapical sepals attached to the fruit of the former and the apical ones 


THE STYLE AND STIGMA OF Philadelphus (all X 2%). 1. P. coronarius, the 
stigmas slightly enlarged, the abaxial surface definite, shorter than the adaxial. 
2. P. caucasicus-with pubescent style and disk. 3. P. coronarius var. duplex 
(Kew 1307); the stigmas broadened. 4. P. tomentosus, the adaxial surface split 
into two. 5. P. pekinensis, the abaxial surfaces much shorter than the adaxial. 
6. P. kansuensis, the stigmas often 3, the disk with few hairs, the abaxial sur- 
face much longer than that of P. pekinensis. 7. P. delavayi, a. and c. from 
Yunnan (Feng 1012), b. from Latong, Tibet (Younghusband). 8. a—b and d-f. 
P. microphyllus with the styles separated in various degrees, the fertile surface 
of the stigma abaxial (a. Ellis 107, b. Eggleston 18654, d. Heller 3792 and f 
Alexander-Kellogg 1785). 9. P. argyrocalyx with the stigmas separated or 
united (a. Eggleston 14541, b. Wooton in 1895). 10. P. argenteus with the 
style slightly separated (Mearns 1617). 11. P. inodorus with oar-shaped 
stigmas, the abaxial surfaces broadened, shorter than the narrow adaxial sur- 
faces (AA15347). 12. P. “bicolore” with elongated style and enlarged stigmas 
(Hu in 1951). 13. P. affinis, the style long and hairy, the stigmas elongated 
with few hairs on the sterile portion (Berlandier 333). 14. P. calcicolus with 
the stigmas more or less united, broadened and cristate, the style short, glabrous 
(Meyer & Roger 2662). 15. P. karwinskyanus with the stigmas cristate and 
hairy on the sterile portion, the style short and pubescent. 16. P. hirsutus 
with the style comparatively long, the stigmas clavate and undivided, the 
stigmas on 4 ridges. 17. P. serpyllifolius with the style short, the stigmas 
undivided and subcapitate. 

eee . Philadelphus (X 1). 18. P. tenuifolius with the apical end rounded 
(Cen. 263). 19. P. tomentosus with the apical end pointed and the persistent 
calyx ae circumferential (Parker, in 1919). 20. P. sericanthus with the 
apical mn rounded, the lower portion pubescent. (Steward, Chiao & Cheo 
609). P. pekinensis with very small fruit (King 626). 22. P. inodorus 
with oe fruit. 23. P. argyrocalyx with subglobose fruit, the lower por- 
tion lanate (Rehder 315). 24. P. hirsutus with flat apical end (Biltmore 
Herb. 4333). 25. P. hitchcockianus with very small top-shaped fruit which is 
broader than long (Moore 3477). 26. P. sargentianus with subglobose fruit 
(Pringle 2094). 27. P. karwinskyanus with ellipsoid fruit pointed at both ends 

Rose & Hough 4412). 28. P. mexicanus with obovoid fruit the lower portion 
4-angled. 29. Cross-section of the fruit of P. mexicanus, one third from the base. 

SEEDS oF Philadelphus (X 10). 30. The short-caudate seed of P. pekinensis 
with round-lobed crown. 31. The long-caudate seed of P. inodorus with pointed- 
lobed crown. 32. The short-caudate seed of P. californicus. 33. The ecaudate 
seed of P. hirsutus. 

So NUSUAL STAMENS OF Philadelphus. 8c. Stamens with fused filaments 
(Eggleston 18654). 8g. Stamen with hirtellous anther (Abram 7200). 


to the fruit of the latter are outstanding characters for distinguishing these 

Seeds: Seeds are minute in all species of Philadelphus. Each indi- 
vidual seed consists of a small ellipsoid body about 1-2 mm. long wrapped 
in a thin testa extending towards both ends. The large portion of this 
small body is the copious oily endosperm which imbeds the microscopic 
embryo. The hypocotyl and the radicle constitute two-thirds of the 
embryo proper. The cotyledons and the epicotyl are very minute. The 
testa is reticulate, light brown, castaneous, or rarely black. It extends into 
an irregular collar-like crown at the proximal end and a tail-like wing 
at the distal end. The crowns of the seeds of different species vary in 
shape. That of the seed of P. pekinensis Rupr. has more or less rounded 
lobes (PI. IV, fig. 30), that of the seed of P. inodorus Linn. has pointed 
lobes (PI. IV, fig. 31), and that of the seed of P. hirsutus Nutt. is very 
minute and inconspicuous (PI. IV. fig. 33). The length of the seed-tail 
varies as well as the shape of the crown. Philadelphus inodorus Linn. 
has a long-tailed seed, P. pekinensis Rupr. has a short-tailed seed and 
the seed of P. hirsutus Nutt. has no tail. Seed characters have never been 
used in the classification of Philadelphus. The shape of the crown and 
the length of the tail of the seed correlate with the position of the buds, 
the type of the inflorescence, and the form of the stigma. In my opinion 
they are characters of subgeneric or sectional importance. In some cases 
they can be used to distinguish intricate species. For example, because 
of the superficial similarities of the leaves and the corollas of P. lewisii 
Pursh and P. californicus Benth. and also because of their overlapping 
geographic distribution, some botanists have placed the latter as a variety 
of the former. As P. lewisii Pursh has long-tailed seeds and P. californicus 
Benth. has short-tailed seeds (PI. IV. fig. 32), and as this character is asso- 
ciated with the difference in the inflorescences, P. californicus Benth. 
should be considered as a good species. 

n summarizing the study of the gross morphology of Philadelphus, it 
seems legitimate to conclude that characters such as the dichasial inflores- 
cence, large number of stamens, elongated stigma with enlarged papillose 
fertile surface, high insertion point in the placentation, ellipsoid fruit with 
circumferential calyx lobes, and long-tailed seed can be interpreted as 
primitive ones, while in contrast, characters like solitary flower, the 
racemose or paniculate inflorescence, the small number of stamens, the 
reduced length of the stigma, the low point of insertion in the placentation, 
the obconic fruit with apical persistent sepals and the short-tailed seed 
can be a as representing more advance stages in the evolution 
of the genus. 


Based on the data found in the position of the buds, in the type of 
inflorescences, in the form of stigmas, in the shape and position of the 
persistent sepals on the fruits, and the nature of the seeds, I am arranging 


the species of Philadelphus into four subgenera and nine sections. The 
characters of these taxa are stated in the following synopsis. 

SupcENuS I. Gemmatus: This subgenus includes all the species with 
exposed buds; depauperate paniculate inflorescences, one or three ter- 
minal flowers with jointed pedicels or many flowers in ramified branchlets; 
stamens 40—60; semi-inferior ovary, enlarged and often cristate, separated 
stigmas; obovoid-ellipsoid or subglobose fruits with circumferential sepals; 
and long-caudate seeds. It contains 14 species in two sections. 

SecTION 1. Poecilostigma: Inflorescences compound, I- up to many- 
owered; stamens 40 to 50; stigmas elongated and cristate; 
fruits obovoid-ellipsoid; southeastern Mexico, Guatemala to 
Costa Rica. 

Section 2. Coulterianus: Inflorescences with solitary flowers, rarely 
3-flowered: stamens 30—44; stigmas elongate, not cristate; 
fruit subglobose; northeastern Mexico. 

SusBcENus II. Euphiladelphus: This subgenus includes all the 
species with enclosed buds, determined branches, determinate-racemose or 
pauciflorous inflorescences, large or medium number of stamens, clavate 
or oar-shaped or linear stigmas, and long- or short-tailed seeds. It com- 
prises 41 species in three sections. 

Section 3. Pauciflorus: Inflorescences true dichasial cymes, often re- 
duced to one or three flowers; stamens 60-90; stigmas oar- 
shaped; fruit ellipsoid with circumferential sepals; seeds 
long-tailed with pointed lobes on the crown; two species, 
native of the Southern Appalachian region of the United 

SecTION 4. Stenostigma: Inflorescences determinate-racemose; — sta- 
mens 25-35, rarely over 40; stigmas clavate or linear; fruit 
ellipsoid with subapical persistent sepals; seeds long- or short- 
tailed, the crown with pointed or rounded lobes; 30 species 
in both the Old and the New Worlds. 

SecTION 5. Microphyllus: Inflorescences pauciflorous; stamens 25—40, 
rarely up to 50, stigmas linear; fruit ellipsoid with circum- 
ferential or subapical persistent sepals; seeds short-tailed 
with rounded lobes on the crown; 11 species, Colorado 
Plateau, Mexican Highland, and northern Mexico. 

SuBGENUS III. Marcrothyrsus: This subgenus includes species with 
exposed buds; determined branches, paniculate inflorescences; medium 
number of stamens; clavate stigmas, and short-tailed seeds. It has one 
section including three species, native of California. 

SecTIon 6. Californicus: Characters as the subgenus. 


SUBGENUS IV. Deutzioides: This subgenus includes all the species 
with exposed buds, and indeterminate branches; solitary, rarely ternate 
flowers; 13-35 stamens; inferior ovary, and columnar or subcapitate 4- 
grooved stigmas; turbinate or subglobose fruits with apical persistent 
sepals, and ecaudate seeds. It comprises eight species in three sections. 

SECTION 7. Hirsutus: Flowers ternate; mesophytic plants; leaves ser- 
rate, hirsute, hairs all straight, style 4 mm. long; two species, 
Tennessee, Alabama. 

SEcTION 8. Pseudoserpyllifolius: Flowers solitary; xerophytic, dwarf 
ants, leaves entire, strigose or strigose-villose, hairs all 
straight: style up to 1 mm. long; four species, Texas, New 

Mexico, and Northern Mexico. 

SECTION 9. Serpyllifolius: Flowers solitary; xerophytic, dwarf plants, 
eaves entire, lanate and hirsute beneath, trichomes dimor- 
phous; two species, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Northern 


The interrelationship of the subgenera and sections is indicated graph- 
ically in the following figure. 

In this classification primitive characters such as enlarged stigmas, high 
point of attachment in the placentation and long-tailed seeds are found 
both in the section Pauciflorus of the subgenus Euphiladelphus and the 
section Poecilostigma of the subgenus Gemmatus. The true dichasial in- 
florescences and the very large number of stamens of sect. Pauciflorus 
indicate that species in this section retain more primitive characters than 
those of sect. Poecilostigma which has apparently reduced compound in- 
florescences and moderate number of stamens. Yet the exposed buds of 
sect. Poecilostigma and the elongated cristate stigmas of many of its 
included species show that this section is more primitive in these respects. 
Morphological evidences, obviously suggest that our present species of 
Philadelphus seem to express two lines of evolution. They probably have 
originated from a common stock with exposed buds, dichasial inflores- 
cences, exceedingly large number of stamens, and elongated cristate 
stigmas. Such a hypothetical ‘“Protophiladelphus” does not exist in our 
present flora. The species of the section Pauciflorus occur in the meso- 
phyllous forest of the southern Appalachian region, and those of the sec- 
tion Poecilostigma are associated with vegetations constituting the same 
type of forest in Mexico.' Apparently species in these two sections have 
existed for millions of years with very little changes.* They both represent 
very ancient stocks in the development of the genus. 

TA. J. Suarp, selena of the Vegetation in Certain Temperate Regions of 
Eastern a logy 31: 313-333. 1950 
*S: he Ter rtiary Character of ‘the Cove Hardwood Forests of the Great 
Smoky sane National Park. Bull. of the Torrey Bot. Club 70: 213-235. 1943; 
d A. J. Su ser es relation of the Eocene Wilcox Flora to some Modern Floras. 
Evolution 5: 1 



Species of the sect. Stenostigma share the character of enclosed buds 
with the sect. Pauciflorus. This section with its determinate-racemose in- 
florescences, moderate number of stamens and some long-tailed but largely 
short-tailed seeds seems to have derived from the sect. Pauciflorus, the 
direct link seems to be from the P. inodorus type of plant to the P. lewisi 
type of plant. In this process of evolution, the changes involved are: (1) 
the suppression of the branching of the rachis of the lateral flowers of the 
true dichasia of the sect. Pauciflorus, thus prohibiting the formation of 

{ e 
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t NX ‘ 
CORONARII a a ay = 








e subgenera and sections of Philadelphus as 

Fic. 1. Relationships of th 
by morphological similarities. The solid lines indicate relative close 

relationships while the broken lines indicate lesser affinities. 

the lateral cymes, (2) certain genetic modifications which promotes the 
differentiation of the tissue in the shoot apex, so that flower primordia are 
formed not only at the terminal nodes, but also in the axils of the leaf 
primordia, and consequently the determinate-inflorescences of the sect. 
Stenostigma are developed, (3) the reduction of the number of stamens, 
(4) the narrowing of the stigmatic surfaces, and (5) the lowering of the 
point of attachment in the placentation. The shortening of the seed-tails 
represents a more advanced stage of evolution in this section. These 
changes must have taken place before the Miocene period of geological 
time for fossil species of Philadelphus resembling the present small-leaved 
forms of P. lewisii Pursh existing in the Upper Miocene have been dis- 
covered by Chaney in Oregon and Colorado. It is very probable that 
during the Eocene period when North America, northern Asia and north- 


ern Europe supported a temperate and subtropic flora, the species of the 
section Stenostigma were so well established and so widely distributed on 
the American and Eurasian continents that they had a holarctic distribu- 
tion and a transcontinental range. The present disjuncted Old World and 
New World distribution represents its disturbed range and the existing 
species of this section may hence be considered as “living fossils’ corre- 
sponding to the situation of Sequoia and Metasequoia. 

The section Microphyllus culminates the Euphiladelphus line of descent. 
Its species share the characters of narrow stigmas and short-tailed seeds 
with the section Stenostigma. The majority of them have small leaves 
and pubescent hypanthia, characters common to xerophytic species. In 
the course of the evolution of these species the changes involved are chiefly 
in the development of the dwarf habit of the plant, in the reduction of the 
size and the increase in the thickness of the leaves, the formation of dense 
indumentum and in the suppression of the formation of the axillary 
flowers. These changes must have taken place at or after the end of the 
Eocene period when America saw the elevation of the Rocky Mountains. 
The consequent aridity necessitated such adaptation for xerophytic living. 

The subgenus Macrothyrsus, though small in constitution, has a peculiar 
position in the classification and evolution of Philadelphus. On one hand 
it shares the moderate number of stamens, the clavate stigmas, the me- 
dianly attached placentation and the short-tailed seeds with species in the 
Stenostigma section of the subgenus Euphiladelphus but on the other 
hand its exposed buds link it to the subgenus Gemmatus. In addition to 
this peculiar combination of characters its paniculate inflorescence is 
very unique. It is probably most closely related to the subgenus Euphila- 
delphus. The general habit, the leaves and the appearance of the indi- 
vidual flowers of its included species, P. californicus Benth., resemble 
those of P. lewisit Pursh, a species of the section Stenostigma of the 
Euphiladelphus, so much that it has tempted botanists to treat it as a 
variety of the latter species. Apparently this stock has originated from 
the subgenus Euphiladelphus with a tenuous influence of the section 

The species of the section Coulterianus share the exposed buds and 
the long-tailed seeds with the Poecilostigma. Apparently this section 
represents a continuation of the Gemmatus line of evolution. In this stock 
a general tendency in the adaptation for a more xerophytic habitat is very 
prominent. It is shown both in the reduction of the size of the leaves and 
in the increased thickness of the indumentum. The stigmas of this section 
are elongate but not as a rule cristate, and the fruits are more ur less 
globose in outline. In the size of the leaves, the pubescences of the hy- 
panthia and in the form of the fruits, some species of this section, such as 
P. sargentianus S. Y. Hu express a strong resemblance to P. argyrocalyx 
Wooton of the section Microphyllus of the subgenus Euphiladelphus. 
These similarities are rather superficial. The gap between these species is 
wide for they differ in the fundamental criteria as to the position of the 
buds and the nature of the seeds. 


Morphologically the subgenus Deutzioides is only remotely related to 
Philadelphus. In the low point of attachment of the placentation, the 
obconic fruit and the tailless seeds, this subgenus shows a close affinity to 
the Asiatic genus Deutzia. In fact, the appearance of a branch of P. 
hirsutus Nutt., the type species of the section Hirsutus, resembles that of 
a branch of Deutzia grandiflora Bge. of West China (Szechuan and Yun- 
nan) more than it does of any American species of Philadelphus. Never- 
theless, the species of this subgenus should not be separated from PAztla- 
delphus because of the indefinite number of unappendaged stamens and 
the simple straight hairs. In Deutzia the stamens are usually 10 and are 
always appendaged, that is, the filaments are winged. The trichomes of 
Deutzia are all stellate. The point of origin of this line of evolution in 
Philadelphus is not clear, but evidently it was not from the stock which 
gave rise to the Euphiladelphus species. The exposed buds of this sub- 
genus indicate its faint affinity with the subgenus Gemmatus. Yet its 
ecaudate seeds, the columnar styles, and the coalescent stigmas imply a 
wide gap between them. It seems apparent that in the course of the evolu- 
tion of Philadelphus, there has been a tendency towards the production 
of Deutzia-like plants. It appears that in the New World the process 
stopped in the subgenus Deutzioides, while in the Old World the change 
was more abrupt, the resulting genus, Deutzia, once established, diver- 
sified more rapidly than Philadelphus, and consequently occupies a wider 
area than Philadelphus. This conforms with Professor Sax’s finding in 
the chromosome numbers of the two genera.' Accordingly, the basic 
chromosome number of Philadelphus and Deutzia are the same, n = 13, 
but in Deutzia, many species are polyploids. The xerophytic taxa of the 
subgenus Deutzioides may have the appearance of some species of the 
section Microphyllus. For example, P. mearnsii Evans of the section 
Pseudoserpyllifolius resembles P. pumilus Rydb., and P. texensis S. Y. Hu 
of the section Serpyllifolius has the appearance of P. microphyllus Gray. 
But these resemblances are superficial. Philadelphus mearnsii and P. 
serpyllifolius have exposed axillary buds, columnar styles, and ecaudate 
seeds and P. pumilus and P. microphyllus have enclosed buds, divided 
styles and short-tailed seeds. These superficially resembled species are 
developed from different stocks, the separation of which occurred in re- 
mote geological times. The exposed buds and the large serrate leaves of 
P. hirsutus Nutt. resemble those of P. mexicanus Schlecht. But the low 
point of attachment in the placentation, the columnar styie and the 
ecaudate seeds of the former species indicate its advanced position on the 
genealogical tree of the genus. It is legitimate to assume that the repre- 

into the present forms. The species of the section Pseudoserpyllifolius are 
pygmies of this line of development and come about through the reduction 
in the size of the leaf to meet changed climatic and topographic require- 

“K. Sax, Chromosome numbers in the Ligneous Saxifragaceae. Jour. Arnold Arb. 
12: 198-204, 1931 


ments characteristic of a xerophytic environment. They are intermediate 
forms between members of the sections Hirsutus and Serpyllifolius. In 
indumentum they resemble the former and in size and general appearance 
they resemble the latter. The species of the section Serpyllifolius repre- 
sent the climax of this line of evolution. 


Investigations of the cytology of PAiladelphus have been undertaken 
by W. Bangham in Boston and Janaki Ammal in London. Bangham in 
1929 ! examined the pollen mother cells of 37 species, hybrids and varieties 
of Philadelphus grown in the Arnold Arboretum and concluded that there 
‘is no marked difference in the chromosome groups among those taxa. He 
reported that each species had a diploid chromosome count of 26. He 
observed that the chromosomes of the hybrids were perfectly compatible 
and there was no evidence of lagging and other aberrant behavior. His 
observation on the chromosome behavior of a garden form of P. pubescens 
Loisel., which was then assumed by Rehder to be a cross between P. 
tomentosus Wall. of the Himalayan Region and P. pubescens Loisel. of 
southeastern United States, led him to conclude that there must have been 
very little change in the chromosome makeup of P. tomentosus Wall. and 
P. pubescens Loisel. in the millions of years that they, or their ancestors, 
have been separated. 

Janaki Ammal in 1951 studied the chromosome number and behavior 
of Philadelphus grown at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the gardens 
of the Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley, England. She confirmed 
Bangham’s findings that the natural species are diploids with the chromo- 
somes 2n = 26. But her observation of the chromosome behavior of the 
hybrids differs from that of Bangham. She reported that lagging and 
other types of aberrant behavior are generally associated with hybridity 
in Philadelphus and consequently give rise to high pollen sterility. In 
the case of the trispecific hybrids, P. purpureo-maculatus Rehd., the 
chromosome behavior is so irregular that it causes the production of un- 
reduced germ cells. By the fertilization of an unreduced egg cell with a 
normal pollen, triploid garden forms resulted. She found that P. “Sybille,” 
P. “Belle Etoile” and P. “bicolor” are all triploids. She also observed a 
newly produced hybrid, P. “Beauclerk,” with tetrasomic diploid chromo- 
some composition, 2n = 28. She thus concluded, ‘though differences in 
chromosome number do not exist in nature, there are differences in mor- 
phology of the chromosome which interfere with pairing in their hybrids 
between widely separated species . .. for the first time since Eocene 
times polyploidy has been induced in a genus which has remained diploid 
for millions of years in nature, by the bringing together under cultivation 

*The Chromosomes of Some Species of the Genus Philadelphus. Jour. Arnold Arb. 
10: 169. 1929. 

*Chromosomes and the evolution of Garden Philadelphus. Jour. Royal Hort. 
Soc. or 269-275, 1951. 


and the consequent hybridization of races widely separated geographically.” 

Bangham worked on plants cultivated in Boston and Janaki Ammal’s 
material was grown in London. These two cities are located out of the 
natural ranges of the genus Philadelphus. The climate of these cities only 
supports the outdoor growth of a few species and their forms. A close 
examination of the lists of species studied by Bangham and Janaki Ammal 
reveals that they covered very limited portions of the geographically widely 
spread and morphologically much diversified genus. Thus it appears to 
me that the cytological investigation of the natural species is not inclusive 
enough for any cytologist to draw a conclusion as to whether differences 
in the chromosome number of Philadelphus do exist in nature or not. A 
large scale transplanting of natural species from southeastern and western 
United States and Central America into gardens situated in areas warmer 
than Boston or London, such as the United States National Arboretum in 
Washington, D. C. or the Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum for 
the study of the drought resisting species, will doubtlessly provide better 
opportunities for more exhaustive cytological studies of the genus and 
advance our knowledge of the cytotaxonomy in this group. 


The subgenus Gemmatus with its exposed axillary buds, simple, reduced 
or ramiferous thyrse, high point of attachment in the placenta, broadened 
usually cristate stigma and long-tailed seeds, represents morphologically, 
I feel, the more primitive elements of the genus. The species are largely 
subtropical or tropical in distribution. They are limited to the New 
World, with eastern Mexico being its center of concentration. The range 
extends ten degrees toward the north and the south of the Tropic of 
Cancer. The effect of rainfall, temperature, altitude and latitude on the 
distribution of the different species of this subgenus in Mexico is very 
evident. Philadelphus karwinskyanus is found only on the Great Cross 
Range and hence westward along the Pacific Coast at lower altitudes 
where the climate is warmer. In the warm and humid section of the Sierra 
Madre Oriental, one finds P. affinis with its subglabrous hypanthium. At 
higher altitudes of the same range grows the small-flowered P. asperifolius. 
Hence northward into the arid northeastern Mexico, occur various ‘en- 
demic species belonging to the Section Coulterianus. In the neighbor- 
hood of the Tropic of Cancer at high altitude where the rainfall is low, 
P. maculatus, a small-leaved form with reddish purple spot at the base 
of each petal, grows. 

The true P. mexicanus with its solitary or ternate flowers and pubes- 
cent petals occurs only on the Sierra Madre del Sur, the southern area 
of the Sierra Madre Oriental, and in Chiapas, hence southwestward to 
Guatemala. In southern Mexico and Guatemala, a species with pubescent 
petals and ramiferous inflorescences, P. myrtoides, occurs. This species 
extends southward to the Province of Chiriqui in Panama, the southern 
limit of the range of distribution in the genus. 


The subgenus Euphiladelphus includes geographically the more widely 
distributed elements. Its representatives occur in Europe, Caucasus, the 
Himalayan region, China Proper, Manchuria, Japan, a large part of the 
United States, and adjacent southwestern Canada and northeastern Mex- 
ico. It is an assemblage of species adapted to the climatic conditions of 
the North Temperate Zone, between latitudes 25—50° N. in both the Old 
and the New World. 

In the Old World, the subgenus is rather stable. Radical changes did 
not occur in the course of its evolution. All the Old World species belong 
to one section, Stenostigma. In Europe, it is represented by P. coronarius 
which occurs, according to Hegi, spontaneously in Romania, Austria and 
southern Germany. In the Caucasus Mountains, it is represented by 
P. caucasicus, a species which differs from P. coronarius only in its pubes- 
cent discs and styles. The eastward distribution of the section is inter- 
rupted in Central Asia. No species is met with until it reaches the 
Himalayan Mountains. There the species concentrate in Sikkim, Nepal 
and eastern Punjab where it is represented by P. tomentosus and its re- 
lated forms. In China more marked morphological changes were involved 
in the course of the evolution of this group. There the section can be 
subdivided into several series. The Tsingling Range seems to provide a 
central stage from where the different lines of evolution in the species can 
be traced. At the western end of this mountain range occurs P. kansuen- 
sis, a species having the leaf character of P. pekinensis, a North China 
element, the pubescent disc of P. subcanus, a Central China element and 
the pubescent hypanthium of P. Aenryi, a southwestern China element. 
At the eastern end of this mountain range, occurs P. sericanthus and its 
related forms. South of this range grows P. purpurascens, an interme- 
diate form between the Tsingling and the Yunnan species, P. delavayi. 
The latter species morphologically and geographically links the Chinese 
and the Himalayan elements. North of the Tsingling Range in Shansi, 
Shensi and Kansu occurs P. /axiflorus, a species morphologically and geo- 
graphically intermediate between P. pekinensis and P. sericanthus. The 
northernmost limit of the distribution of this section in the Old World is 
the wooded valley of the Amur River and its tributaries, the Sungari and 

P. schrenkti. These species also occur in Korea. In Japan this subgenus 
is represented by P. satsumi and its related forms. 

The distribution of Philadelphus in Eastern Asia presents a very in- 
teresting phytogeographic phenomenon, that is, the complete absence of 
the genus from the flora of Taiwan (Formosa). It is a well known fact 
that Taiwan and Yunnan have very pronounced floristic affinities. Many 
species as well as genera that occur in one province are also present in 
the other. But in the case of Philadelphus, the genus is abundant in 
northwestern Yunnan and is completely absent from Taiwan. This fact 
may be taken as an indicative factor for confirming our belief as to the 
origin of the genus and for explaining the pattern of its distribution in 
Eastern Asia. The genera and species that are common to Taiwan and 


Yunnan are of Old World origin. Philadelphus is obviously of New World 
origin, and its distribution in Eastern Asia seems to have been southward 
in direction. Apparently neither the Japanese elements nor the continental 
Chinese elements of this genus reached Taiwan in their migration. 

In the New World, the subgenus Euphiladelphus is much more diver- 
sified, and consequently three sections are represented, Two of these three 
sections, Pauciflorus and Microphyllus, are endemic to the United States. 
Few species of the section Microphyllus also occur at the northern border 
of Mexico. The third section, Stenostigma, America shares with Europe 
and Asia. In North America the species of the section Stenostigma can 
be subdivided into two series the Gordoniani and the Pubescentes. Species 
belonging to the Gordoniani series occur along the Snake and Columbia 
Rivers, hence southward reaching the mountains of the California Coast 
Range. Among the wild population, there seems to be two elements, P. 
lewisii with a glabrous hypanthium and P. elleri with a slightly pubescent 
hypanthium. Morphologically there seems to be little distinction between 
them, other than the presence or absence of the hairs on the hypanthium, 
but ecologically there are certain differences. In the natural population 
of the general area considered, I have examined 292 individual collections 
totaling 361 sheets. Of these, 177 have glabrous hypanthia and 115 have 
slightly pubescent ones. After plotting the localities of these collections 
on a map and then superposing this figure on Rehder’s map of climatic 
zones,! a rather striking fact is revealed. Over 77% of P. lewisii occur 
in zones where the average annual minimum temperature is — 10 
— 5° F. while over 47% of P. helleri occur in zones where the average 
annual minimum temperature falls to — 20° to 10° F. The checking 
also indicates that the center of distribution of P. lewisii is in the lower 
valley of the Columbia River and in the northern portion of the Pacific 
Border Province while P. helleri occurs largely in the intermontane basin 
and the deeply dissected mountain uplands of the northern Rocky Moun- 
tains. Species belonging to the series Pubescentes occur in the Ozark 
Plateau and the Arkansas Valley of the Interior Highlands and the Interior 
Low Plateau region of Tennessee, Kentucky, and southern Ohio. 

The section Pauciflorus with dichasial inflorescences, very large number 
of stamens, enlarged stigmas, and high point of attachment in the placen- 
tation and long-tailed seeds, retains all the primitive characters of the 
genus. Species of this section concentrate in the mesophyllous forest of the 
southern Appalachian region with the periphery of their range reaching 
the Coastal Plain region along the borders of Georgia and Alabama in the 
south. It seems that species of this section are rather inactive geograph- 
ically and stable morphologically, for with all the material I have exam- 
ined, there are very slight variations. 

The section Microphyllus includes the xerophytic species. Its range 
covers the southern Rocky Mountains in Central Colorado, the Colorado 
Plateau in western Colorado, Utah, northern New Mexico and Northern 
Arizona, the Sonoran Desert region in southern Nevada and southeastern 

Man. Cult. Trees, Shrubs pp. xii—xiii, 1940. 


California and the Mexican Highland in Eastern Arizona, southwestern 
New Mexico and western Texas, and the adjoining Mexico. In this large 
semidesert or desert area the populations are localized and isolated. There 
are many endemics 

The subgenus Deutzioides is strictly a North American taxon. Its three 
sections occur in two different floristic provinces. The section Hirsutus, 
as represented by P. hirsutus Nutt. and its related forms, concentrates in 
the mesophyllous forests of the Southern Appalachian Mountain areas 
with the Tennessee River and its tributaries being the center of its range. 
The other two sections, Pseudoserpyllifolius and Serpyllifolius, are con- 
stituted of xerophytic species which occur in southwestern Texas, New 
Mexico, southern Arizona, and northern Mexico. It seems that the Mex- 
ican Highland is a meeting ground of different elements, the subgenera 
Euphiladelphus from the north, Deutzioides from the east and Gemmatus 
from the south. 


ae Linn. Sp. Pl. 470. 1753; et Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 211. no. 540. 
— Miller, Dict. Gard. ed. 8, 834. 1768.— Willd. Sp. Pl. 2: 
oe 1800. — Michx. Fl. Bor. re 1: 283. 1803.— Pursh, Fl. Am. 
Sept. 1: 329. 1814. — DC. Prodr. 3: 205. 1828. — Schrader in Lin- 
naea 12: 388. 1838. — G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 807. 1832. — Schlecht. 
in Linnaea 13: 418. 1839. — Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Am. 1: 594. 1840. 
— Endl. Gen. Pl. 1187. 1841.— Walp. Rep. 2: 151. 1843. — Koch 
in Woch. Gartn. Pflanzenk. 2: 229. 1859.— Rupr. ex Maxim. in 
Bull. Phys.—Math. Acad. St. Pétersb. 15: 133. 1856; 15: 365. 
1857. — Benth. & Hook. f., Gen. Pl. 1: 642. 1865.— Maxim. in 
Mém. Acad, Sci. St. Pétersb, VII. 10(16): 35 (Rev. Hydrang. As. 
Or.). 1867. — Koehne, Deutsche Dendr. 178. 1893; in Gartenfl. 45: 
450. 1896; et in Mitt. Deutsche Dendr. Ges. 1904(13): 76. 1904. — 
Rydb. in N. Am. FI. 22: 162. 1905. — Schneider, Il. Handb. Laubh. 
1: 1905. — Syereistchikof, Il. Fl. Mosc. 2: 220. 1907. — Nakai in 
Bot. Mag. Tokyo 29: 61. 1915.— Moore in Bailey, Stand. Cycl. 
Hort. 5: 2579. 1916.— Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs 270. 1927, 
ed. 2, 264. 1940; et Bibliogr. Cult. Trees Shrubs 191. 1949. — 
Engler, Pflanzenf. III, 2a: 69. fig. 36. A-G. 1891: ed. 2. 18a: 190, 
fig. 110. A-G. 1930. — Hitchcock in Madrofio 7: 35. 1944, — Bean, 
Trees Shrubs ed. 7, 2: 410. 1950; et in Chitt. Dict. Gard. 3: 1545. 

Syringa Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 244. 1763. — Moench, Meth. Pl. 678. 1794, non 
Linn. 1753 
TYPE SPECIES: P. coronarius Linn. 
Flowers solitary, ternate, in determinate racemes or in depauperate 
panicles, generally fragrant. Calyx-tubes turbinate or subcampanulate, 
adnate to the ovary forming the hypanthia, glabrous or pubescent, the 


sepals 4, rarely 5, ovate, acute or acuminate; corolla white, rarely with 
purplish center, the petals 4, rarely 5, in cultivated forms often doubled; 
stamens 13-90, epigynous, the filaments subulate, free, rarely several 
united at the base, the anthers oblong, rarely subglobose, glabrous, rarely 
pilose; ovary inferior or semi-inferior, 4-, rarely in anomalous forms 5- 
locular, the styles 4, rarely 3 or 5, entirely connate, partially free or rarely 
in some cultivated forms entirely free, the stigmas free and linear, clavate, 
oar-shaped, cristate, or coherent and columnar or subcapitate; placentas 
auriculate, projected from the upper portion of the central axis; ovules 
numerous, multiseriate, imbricate, pendulous, Capsules ellipsoid, tur- 
binate, hemispherical or subglobose, corticate, the cortex chartaceous, the 
pericarp cartilaginous, loculicidal. Seeds oblong-subcylindric, the testa 
brown or nigrescent, membranous, reticulate, generally extending ante- 
riorly into a fimbriate white crown and posteriorly into an obtuse or 
acuminate tail, the funiculus nigrescent, persistent, the embryo minute, 
embedded in the carnose and oily endosperm. Shrubs, erect, arching, sub- 
scandent or rarely subspinescent; branchlets opposite. Leaves opposite, 
deciduous, rarely evergreen, serrate or entire, triplinervate or quintupli- 
nervate, glabrous or pubescent, the hairs simple, rarely evergreen, exstipu- 
late; axillary buds exposed or enclosed. 

The generic name, Philadelphus, is derived from the Greek root ¢:Aos 
meaning love, SeAdos meaning brother. It was originally used by the 
ancient Greeks, said to be named for Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of 
Egypt, 283-247 B. C., for some plant the identity of which is now un- 
known. Many pre-Linnaean authors called the plants which we now 
ascribe as Philadelphus, “Syringa alba.” Clusius ' named his illustration 
of the plant Frutex coronarius. Bauhin was the first man who interpreted 
the pre-Linnaean “Syringa alba” as the Philadelphus of the Greeks." 
When Linnaeus established the genus, he adopted Bauhin’s concept. The 
vernacular names occurring in various literatures are enumerated in the 
following list: 

English: Syringa; common syringa; mock-oranges (for the 
odor of the flower); pipe tree; pipe privet 

French: Syringa odorant 

German: Pfeifenstrauch; wilder jasmin; falscher jasmin 

Dutch: Witte syring 

Chinese: T’ai-ping-hua = flower of peace; san-mei-hua = 
mountain mume flower; Mi-tsai = rice fuel. 

Spanish: Geringuilla 

Russian: Tschubuschnik ; pustoryl 

Central American: Mosqueta; Acuilotl = water vine; cozticacuilotl; 

cozticacuilotl xochitl; azahar 

1 Rariorum Plantarum Historia 1: 55. 1601. 
* Pinax Theatri Botanici 399. 1623. 



A. Axillary buds exposed. 
. Seed long-caudate; stigmas free, broadened, usually cristate; flowers 
solitary, ternate, or in depauperate panicles: fruit obovoid or subglo- 
bose, with circumferential persistent calyx. Subg. I. GEMMATUS. 

C. Leaves acuminate, rarely acute; flowers in a depauperate panicle, 

- up to many-flowered, each on a pointed pedicel; the stigmas 
broadened, cristate; fruits obovoid-ellipsoid 

elongate but in general not cristate; fruit subglobose 

thyrsus; fruit ellipsoid with subapical persistent calyx. 
bbs eee bas oo wees a Subg. III. MACROTHYRSUS 

BBB. Seeds ecaudate; stigmas connate, columnar or subcapitate; flowers 
solitary or ternate; fruit turbinate or subglobose, with apical per- 
sistent calyx... are Subg. IV. DEUTZIOIDES. 

C. Leaves hirsute or strigose, all hairs straight. 
D. Style 3-4 mm. long; subscandent shrubs; leaves serrate 
ect ey YR ae Em & PATEP ALG a bas 4k Sect. 7. Hirsutus. 
DD. Style 1 mm. long; subspinescent shrubs; leaves entire 
tb peewee - Sect. 8. PSEUDOSERPYLLIFOLIUS. 
CC. Leaves strigose and lanate beneath; style 1-2 mm. long; sub- 
spinescent or small slender shrub... Sect. 9. SERPYLLIFOLIUS. 

AA. Axillary buds enclosed . ; - Subg. I]. EUPHILADELPHUS. 

B. Flowers solitary, ternate or in dichasial cymes. 
C. Large arching shrubs; stamens 60-90: stigmas free, oar-shaped; 
leaves 4-10 cm. long. a ..... Sect. 3. PAucIFLoRus. 
CC. Erect low shrubs of compact growth or spinescent xerophytic 
bushes; stamens 35-50: stigmas free or partially connate, linear; 
leaves 0.5-2.5, rarely up to 3 cm. ong. . ere . 3 
eet Tee ere - Sect. 5. MICROPHYLLUS. 

BB. Flowers in determinate racemes __ _ Sect. 4. STENOSTIGMA. 

Subgenus I. Gemmatus (Koehne), stat. nov. 

Philadelphus subg. I. Gemmatus (Koehne), stat. nov. 

Philadelphus Reihe 4. Decorticatae pauciflorae Koehne, Deutsche Dendr. 180, 
184. 1893, pro parte. 

Philadelphus sect. 1. Poecilostigma subsect. 1. Gemmati Koehne in Gartenfl. 
45: 450. 1896, pro parte; et in Mitt. Deutsche Denar. Ges. 1904(13): 77. 
1904. — Engler, Pflanzenf. ed. 2, 18a: 191. 1930. 

TYPE SPECIES: P. mexicanus Schlechtendal. 

Flowers solitary, ternate, or in depauperate panicles; hypanthia ob- 
conic, or subglobose, generally dense pubescent: stamens about 40, rarely 
more or less; ovary semi-inferior, the stigma distinct, broadened or cris- 


tate; capsules obovoid-ellipsoid or subglobose, the persistent calyx cir- 
cumferential or subcircumferential; seeds long-caudate, the crowns with 
pointed lobes, erect or subscandent shrubs or vines; leaves evergreen or 
deciduous, remotely denticulate or serrate, triplinervate or quintuplinerv- 
ate; petioles often twisted; axillary buds exposed. 

This subgenus is strictly a Central American taxon. In the southern 
portion of its range there are several widely spreading species, and in the 
northern portion, the species are largely endemic to limited areas. It 
contains two sections including fourteen species. Their geographical 
distributions are as illustrated in Map 1. 

Section 1. POECILOSTIGMA Koehne 

Philadelphus subg. I. Gemmatus sect. 1. Poecilostigma Koehne in 
Gartenfl. 45: 450. 1896: et in Mitt. Deutsche Dendr. Ges. 1904(13): 
77. 1904, pro parte. 
Philadelphus sect. Poecilostigma Koehne, — Engler, Pflanzenf. ed. 
2, 18a: 191. 1930. 

Philadelphus Mexicani Rydb. in N. Am. Fl. 22: 164. 1905, in clavis, s. stat. 

rae a ser. Gemmati (Koehne) Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs ed. 
1940; et Bibliogr. Cult. Trees Shrubs 194. 1949, pro parte. 

Type spEciIES: P. mexicanus Schlechtendal. 

Arching shrubs or vines, the current year’s growth pubescent and usu- 
ally verrucose, the axillary buds exposed; leaves remotely denticulate or 
serrate, the base rounded, 3- or 5-nerved, the apex acuminate, rarely acute; 
inflorescences depauperate panicles, or flowers solitary, the bracts linear 
or lanceolate, foliaceous; hypanthia subglobose or cyathiform, the sepals 
foliaceous, (5—) 8-20 mm. long; corolla usually disciform, often pubes- 
cent; stamens 40-50; disc conic, style (3—) 4-7 mm. long, the stigma 
broadened and cristate; fruit obovoid-ellipsoid; seeds long-caudate. Seven 
species, Mexico to Panama. 


A. Flowers many on ramified branches; hypanthia subglobos 
B. Inflorescences loose, paniculate, the secondary axis _ unequal length, 
4-30 mm. long, the lower ones longer 
C. Hypanthia glabrous or with few weak pilose hairs; oo of the hairs 
on the stem not thickened; axillary buds subglobos 

eee enn eee ET eae eo ee ee a Pe affinis. 

Cc, Hypanthia pubescent; base of the hairs on the ‘stem thickened; 

D. Hypanthia lanate, the underneath tissue Nanay: inside of the 

petals glabrous P. karwinskyanus. 

DD. Hypanthia villose. ‘the underneath ae Ena petals 

pubescent on the apical ends 3: P. pueblanus. 

BB. hie compact, raceme-like, the “secondary axis equal 
length, 2-4 mm. long, the flowers crowded at the end of elongated 
leafy branches . buestyak ha dam aoh MSMR 25 $6 48 dans 4. P. myrtoides. 


AA. Flowers solitary or ternate; hypanthia cyathiform or obconic (except P. 
glabripetalus ) 
B. Petals pubescent on both surfaces; hypanthia sparsely villose or pilose. 
C. a and disc pubescent; ei ry buds conic; leaves large, 5-11 
m. long, the petioles 8-10 mm. long | 5. P. mexicanus. 
cc. “Style and disc glabrous; axillary buds aia leaves small, 
1-3.5 cm. long. the petioles 2-3 mm. lon 
SebeesaWhaekane gaedh ears e245 ‘6. P. austro-mexicanus. 
BB. Petals nan at least on the inside: hypanthia lanate 
1 #: glabripetalus. 

AR affinis 1P asperifolius 

BP. austro-mexicanas t P. caleico/us 

o PF glabripefalas ¢ P coulters 

a P karwinskyanus —& =P. oblongifolius 
e P mexicanus 6a PR osmanthus 
4 PR myrtoides x PR pringks 

+ P. pueblanus SP. sargentianus 

Map 1. Geographical distribution of the species and sections of Philadelphus 
in the subgenus Gemmatus 

1. Philadelphus affinis Schlecht. in Linnaea 13: ia 1839. — Walp. 
Rep. 2: 151. 1843.— Hemsl. in Biol. Centr. Am. 1: 383. 1879. — 
Koehne in Gartenfl. 45: 487. 1896; et in Mitt. ace Dendr. Ges. 
1904(13): 78. 1904. — Schneider, Il]. Handb. Laubh. 1: 362. 1905. 
— Rydb. in N. Am. FI. 22: 171. 1905. — Standl. in Contr. U. S. Nat. 
Herb. 23: 511. 1922. — Engler, Pflanzenf. ed. 2. 18a: 191. 1930. 

Philadelphus zeyhert sensu Hemsl. in Biol. Centr. Am. 1: 384. 1880, non 
Schrader ex DC. 1828 

Type: Ehrenberg, Barranca de la Hacienda Del Carmen, S. Mexico. 
An arching shrub or vine up to 4 meters high, the flowering branches 

slender, 10-20 cm. long, bearing 3 to 5 pairs of leaves, sparsely pilose, the 

base of the hairs not thickened; axillary buds subglobose, pubescent. 

Leaves ovate rarely ovate-elliptic, 4.5-8 cm. long, 2.5-4.5 cm. wide, 

rounded, rarely subcordate at the base, 5-nerved, acuminate at the apex, 

remotely serrate, each side with 2 to 5 teeth, subglobose or very sparsely 
strigose on both surfaces, more so on the principal nerves beneath, reticu- 
lations obscure above, conspicuous beneath, petioles 3-10 mm. long, 
pilose. Inflorescences depauperated panicles (Pl. V fig. 1) with 5-, rarely 

3-, 1-, or 11-flowers, the woody part of the stalk 1-3 cm. long, pubescent 

as are the branchlets, bracts linear, the pedicels 2-3 mm. long, glabrous, 

after fruit up to 6 mm. long; hypanthia subglobose, 6 mm. in diameter, 

glabrous or with few weak pilose hairs, the sepals ovate, acuminate, 10 

mm. long, 4-5 mm. wide, glabrous or very sparsely pilose; corolla sub- 

disciform, 3.5—5 cm. across, the petals obovate to suborbicular, 1.3—-1.8 

cm. in diameter, glabrous, the apex round; stamens about 50, the longest 

three-fourths the length of the petals; disc subconic, glabrous; style 7 mm. 

long, undivided or the upper one-fifth separated, hirsute, the stigmas 

broadened, cristate, the abaxial surfaces broader and longer than the 
adaxial ones, the sterile portion hirsute (Pl. V fig. 1a). Capsules ellipsoid, 
the persistent calyx circumferential, the seeds long-tailed. 

MEXICO: ae Zacualtipan, P. Maury 5826 (NY), same locality, 
H. E. Moore 3238 (BH, G); in a barranca below Trinidad Iron Works, C. G. 
Pringle 8833 (F, G, MO. NY, US); Atotonilco, Schiede, June 1830 (A, US); 
Bluff above Cuera Humada, A. J. Sharp 4618 (TENN.). Tamaulipas: 
Tampico, Real del Monte, M. Berlandier 333 (F, MO, US). Without precise 
locality, Herb. Dendrol. Schneider (A). 

The type not being available, this interpretation is made on the basis 
of Schlechtendal’s original description and Koehne’s supplementary re- 
marks. Schlechtendal characterized the inflorescences as 5-flowered ra- 
cemes, the peduncles and calyces smooth and glabrous. Unfortunately he 
did not mention the pubescence of the style. For this character I rely 
upon Koehne who certainly had access to the now destroyed type. Ac- 
cording to Koehne the style of this species has loose stiff hairs. I therefore 
place the Mexican material with 5-flowered depauperate panicles, more or 
less glabrous hypanthia and calyces, and pubescent styles with P. affinis 
Schlecht. Hemsley in 1880 doubtfully published Berlandier 333 from 
Tampico as P. zeyheri Schrad. In this he mistook the material of a spon- 
taneous Mexican species, P. affinis Schlecht., for a garden form cultivated 
in European gardens. 

The ovate leaves, the subglobose glabrous hypanthia, the large foli- 
aceous sepals with acuminate apices, the large number of stamens, the 
broadened stigmas and the ellipsoid capsules with circumferential persist- 
ent sepals of this species all suggest relationship to P. inodorus Linn. of 
the southern Appalachian region of the southeastern United States. As 


the latter species has enclosed buds and this one has exposed buds their 
separation must have taken place far back in geological time. 

In Mexico this species occurs on the Sierra Madre Oriental at altitudes 
of 1852-2000 meters, in regions where the annual rainfall attains at least 
80 inches per year. Its white fragrant flowers appear from April to June. 
The specimens collected in July are with fruits. 

2. Philadelphus karwinskyanus Koehne in Gartenfl. 45: 486. 1896; 
et in Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 1904(13): 1904. — Schneider, 
Ill. Handb. Laubh. 1: 362. 1905.— Rydb. in N. Am. FI. 22: 170. 
1905. — Standley in Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23: 311. 1922. 

Philadelphus scandens Moore in Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 5: 2582. 1916. 

Type: Karwinsky, Tolotapa, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

A subscandent shrub up to 4 meters high, branchlets slender, the flower- 
ing ones over 50 cm. long, much ramified, terete, striate, villose, the base 
of the hairs thickened; axillary buds conic, villose. Leaves ovate, 4—7.5 
cm. long, 2—3.5 cm. wide, rounded at the base, acuminate at the apex, 
5-nerved, reticulations conspicuous beneath, remotely sharp serrate, 5—8 
teeth on each side, sparsely strigose on both surfaces; petiole 5-10 mm. 
long, attached on cushion-like projections of the node. Inflorescences with 
5-31 flowers, in a loose depauperate panicle, the woody portion below the 
pedicel 4-20 mm. long, pubescent, the pedicels 2—5 mm. long, thickly 
strigose and lanate; hypanthia subglobose, 4 mm. in diameter, strigose- 
lanate, the sepals ovate, 5-8 mm. long, densely lanate, the hairs entirely 
obscuring the tissue beneath; corolla 2.5—3 cm. across, the petals obovate- 
suborbicular 0.8—13 mm. in diameter, sparsely pubescent along the me- 
dian dorsal line, glabrous on the ventral side, the apex rounded; stamens 
about 45, the longest half as long as the petals; disc subconic, pubescent, 
stigmas 2.5-3 mm. long, enlarged cristate, the sterile portion pubescent, the 
abaxial surface with 2 papillose ridges. Capsule and seed not known. 

MEXICO: Oaxaca: Tepascolula, Loesener 1421(G); Huitzo, L. C. Smith 
807(G). Vera Cruz: Orizaba, F. Miiller, Jan. 1853(NY). Sinaloa: 
Mazatlan, J. G. Ortega 6770(F). Without precise locality, Ortega 7342(F). 

UNITED STATES: Cultivated in California: Altadena, F. W. 
Peirson 79(BH); San Diego, F. G. Woodcock 870(F), 871(BH), 872(A, 
BH); Santa Monica, L. H. & Ethel Bailey 7804(BH); Los Angeles, L. H. & 
Ethel Bailey 9117( BH). 

A great altitudinal variation is reported for this species. In Oaxaca it 
has been collected 2000 meters above the sea level and in Sinaloa, it has 
been reported from humid lowlands almost at sea level. It is an evergreen 
shrub, flowering all year around. In California where it is an introduced 
and cultivated species, flowering records cover August, October, December, 
January, February, March, April and May. 

3. Philadelphus pueblanus, sp. nov. 

Frutex subscandens, usque 4 m. altus, ramulis floriferis, 20-40 cm. 
longis, teretibus, striatis, 2-4 mm. diametro, dense pilosis et sparse stri- 
gosis, pilis basi incrassatis, gemmis axillaribus breviter, villosis; foliis 
ovatis, 4-7 cm. longis, 2—3.5 cm. latis, basi rotundatis, raro obtusis, quin- 
tuplinerviis, apice acuminatis, serratis vel subintegris, dentibus utrinque 
1, 2 usque ad 5, utrinque strigosis, petiolo 5-10 mm. longo; inflorescentiis 
ramosis, 5- usque 31-floribus, pedunculis 4-20 mm. longis, pedicellis 3—6 
mm. longis, villosis, verruculosis, hypanthiis subglobosis, 4 mm. diametro, 
villosis; sepalis ovatis, caudatis, 10 mm. longis, 4-5 mm. latis, sparse 
villosis; corolla disciformii, 4 cm. diametro, petalis oblongo-suborbicu- 
latis, 2 cm. longis, 1.5 cm. latis, partibus medianis extus hirsutis, apice 
rotundatis et retusis; staminibus ca. 40; disco subconico, medio hirsuto; 
stylis 6-7 mm. longis, columnaribus indivisis; pubescentibus; stigmatibus 
cristatis, 2-3 mm. longis, partibus sterilibus hirsutis; capsulis et seminibus 

MEXICO: Puebla: vicinity of Puebla, Bro. G. Arséne (Bro. Nicolas) 
171 (A, TyPE; G, MO, NY, US isotypes); aoe Bro. G. Arséne 
10136(US); Ixtaccihuatl, C. A. Purpus 169(MO, US); Com. Geogr.-Expl. 
Rep. WMewcans 102Z20NY) = Evexcala: Tlaxcala, E. A, Balls 4906(A). 
SanLuis Potosi: Santa Barbara, Bro. G. Arséne 10093 (US). Mexico: 
Par Nicolas, M. Bourgeau 995(US); Temascaltepec, Rincon, G. B. Hinton 
2362(A), 5032(BH, NY, US). Michoacan: Zitacuaro, G. B. Hinton 
13342(G, NY, US). Morelos: near oe ae J. N. Rose & W. Hough 

This species is intermediate between P. affinis Schlecht. which has 
glabrous or subglabrous hypanthium and P. karwinskyanus Koehne in 
which the hypanthium is thickly lanate with the indumentum entirely 
covering the epidermal tissue. In Puebla it occurs at altitudes between 
1700 and 2194 meters as semiscandent shrubs in thickets and among trees 
in ravines. Its pale yellow sweet-scented flowers appear from March to 

—Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. 1: 383. 1879. — 
ae in Gartenfl. 45: 487. 1896. — Rydb. in N. Am. FI. 22: 170. 
1905.— Engler, Pflanzenf. ed. 2, 18a: 192. 1930.— Standley in 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Bot. Ser. 18: 474 (Fl. Costa Rica). 1937. 

eter trichopetalus Kornicke in Gartenfl. 16: 73. 1867.— Koehne in 
45: 487. 1869; et in Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 1904(13): 78. 
cea in Pittier, Prim. Fl. Cost. II. 1: 90. 1898. — Schneider, III. 
Handb. Laubh. 1: 364. 1905.— Engler, Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 18a: 192. 1930. 

4. ace myrtoides Bertol. Fl. Guatim. 21. pl. 7. 1840. — Walp. 
Rep. 151. 1843. 

ee mexicanus sensu Moore in Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 5: 2582. 
6, pro parte. — Standley & Calderon, Pl. Salv. 88. 1925, non Schlech- 


Philadelphus sempervirens Hort. ex. Moore in Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 5: 
2582. 1916 
Philadelphus matudai Lundell in Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 4: 6. 1940. 

Type: Botanical Garden of Bologna, Italy. 

An arching shrub, 2—4 m. high, flowering branches slender, 21-50 cm. 
long, with 14 or more pairs of leaves, longitudinally striate, rather densely 
villose, the trichomes slightly enrled. their base more or less thickened; 
buds small, rounded, densely brown villose. Leaves ovate, 3-4 cm., rarely 
up to 5.5 cm. long, 1-2.8 cm. wide, sparsely strigose above, more so 
beneath, the hairs glandular at the base, rounded or rarely obtuse at the 
base, acuminate at the apex, subentire, or remotely denticulate, with 2 to 
6 sharp teeth projecting outward on each side, triplinervate or quintupli- 
nervate, reticulations obscure on both surfaces; petioles 6-9 mm. long, 
strigose. Flowers 5, rarely 1, 3, or 7, crowned at the end of long slender 
branchlets, the woody portions below the pedicels uniformly short, 2—4 
mm. long, the bracts linear, 5-13 mm. long, the pedicels 3-4 mm. long, 
white lanate; hypanthia subglobose, 5 mm. in diameter, densely lanate: 
sepals ovate, acuminate, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, lanate; corolla disciform, 
3—4 cm. in diameter, the petals suborbicular-ovate, 1.2-1.8 cm. long, 
1.1-1.7 cm. wide, slightly hirsute along the median longitudinal line on 
both surfaces, the apex rounded; stamens ca. 44, the longest half as long 
as the petals; disc subconic, pubescent, the style 3-4 mm. long, pubescent, 
the stigmas 3 mm. long, enlarged, cristate, the abaxial surface as long as 
the adaxial, the sterile portions hirsute; capsules and seeds not known. 

MEXICO: Chiapas: V —o Tacana, E. Matuda 2791 (1sotyee of 
P. matudai Lundell, A, F, G. NY, U 

GUATEMALA: Alta Vera Paz: Vicinity of Coban, P. C. Standley 
92452(F). Guatemala: near Finca La Aurora, Ignacio Aguilar 82(F). 
Huehuetenango: near Chiantla, P. C. Standley 82517(F). Sacate- 
péquez: near Antigua, P. C. Standley 60316(F); S. Hayes (G). Quezal- 
tenango: P. C, Standley 86561(F, US). Suchitepéquez: vicinity of 
Finca Alvidas, J. A. Steyermark 35458(F). 

EL Sag ape ten San Salvador: S. Calderén 687 (F, G, US, MO, 
NY); M. C. Carlson 435(F). Ahuachapan: near Ataco, P. C. Standley 
o VE. ep 2726(F). 

HONDURAS: M orazan: Tegucigalpa, J. V. Rodrigues 3173(F). 

COSTA RICA: Cartago, Cervantes, A. Tonduz 10444(US):; San José. 
Tonduz 1492(US); Las Céncavas, P. C. Standley 36006(US); Tapisca de 
Zaruro, Austin Smith 185(US). 

PANAMA: Chiriqui: vicinity of Bajo Mona and Quebrada Chiquero, 
R. E. Woodson & R.W. Schery 588(MO). 

CULTIVATED: California: Santa Barbara. E. P. Bradbury, Oct. 10, 

The identification of this species is based on Bertoloni’s description and 
illustration. In his illustration he characterized P. myrtoides as a plant 


with rather small ovate-elliptic leaves on the flowering branches which 
terminate with crowded cluster of several flowers each in the axil of a 
reduced leaf. Among the available collections of Guatemalan Philadel- 
phus, Bertoloni’s description and illustration conforms in all respects to 
Standley 60316, 82417 and Steyermark 35458. It is also well represented 
by Calderén 687 from El Salvador, Matuda 2791 represents the northern 
limit of the range of the species. Bradbury’s collection from Santa 
Barbara, in Bailey Hortorium, was identified as P. sempervirens Hort. 
This specimen was probably Moore’s material basis for the publication of 
his P. sempervirens. 

Although 110 years have elapsed since P. myrtoides was published, it 
has not been well understood. K6rnicke was probably not aware of 
Bertoloni’s species when he published P. trichopetalus from Costa Rica. 
According to his description the Costa Rica plant has flowers clustered 
at the end of a branchlet, and the petals of the flowers are softly pilose. 
I have not seen Kornicke’s type. But judging from the Costa Rica and 
Panama collections I have examined and by our present knowledge of the 
distribution of the various species of Philadelphus in Central America, 
P. trichopetalus Kornicke and P. myrtoides Bertol. are conspecific. 

Philadelphus myrtoides is the most southern species of the genus. It 
has been collected on the high mountains from Chiapas in Mexico through 
Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras south to Costa Rica and Panama. In 
Guatemala it occurs in cypress groves at altitudes ranging from 1200 to 
1930 meters. Standley suggested the possibility of it being introduced 
and cultivated in Costa Rica. Some of the El] Salvador collections were 
from gardens. Apparently this species has been widely cultivated in 
Central America where it flowers from January to August. The creamy 
white fragrant flowers are sold in the markets for decorative purposes 
under the name ‘“‘Mosqueta.” 

Philadelphus myrtoides is closely related to P. karwinskyanus Koehne 
but the latter species can be distinguished fer its elongated peduncles and 
its petals being glabrous on the inner surface. 


Philadelphus mexicanus Schlecht. in Linnaea 13: 418. 1839. — 
Walp. Rep. 2: 151. 1843.— Hemsley in Biol. Centr. Am. 1: 384. 
1879, excl. spec. Seemann, Coulter, Ghiesbreght. —W. G. Smith in 

: 753, fig. 123. 1883.— Burbidge in Gard. 
Chron. IIT. 34: 218, fig. 89. 1903. — Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. 124: pl. 
7600. 1898.— Koehne in Gartenfl. 45: 487. 1896; et in Mitt. 
Deutsch. Ges. 1904(13): 78. 1904.—  Wittmack in Berl. Gartenz. 
1883: 528. fig. 91. 1883. — Dippel, Handb. Laubh. 3: 335. 1893. — 
Schneider, Ill. Handb. Laubh. 1: 362, fig. 234 b-b.? 1905. — Rydb. 
in N. Am. FI. 22: 170. 1905. — Standley in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 
23: 311. 1922.— Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs 280. 1927, ed. 
2, 275. 1940; et Bibliogr. Cult. Trees Shrubs 195. 1929. — Hansell, 
Mexico Pl. 162. 1935.— Bean, Trees Shrubs ed. 7, 2: 419. 1950; 
et in Chitt. Dict. Gard. 3: 1546. 1951. 



A scandent evergreen shrub to 5 meters high with long drooping 
branches, the second year’s growth 3-4 mm. in diameter, castaneous, 
rugose, the bark closed, longitudinally rimulose, the current year’s growth 
1.5—-2 mm. in diameter, hirsute, the trichomes with more or less thickened 
bases; axillary buds conic, the first few below the flowers often developing 
into virgin shoots. Leaves ovate, 5-11.5 cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, very 
sparsely strigose on both surfaces, rounded or obtuse or subcordate at the 
base, 5- or rarely 3-nerved, acuminate at the apex, subentire or with 1 to 
6 tooth-like projections on each side, reticulations obscure above, con- 
spicuous beneath, the petioles 8-10 mm. long, strigose. Flowers solitary, 
yellowish white, very fragrant; pedicels hirsute, 1-3 mm. long, bracts 
lanceolate, 1-2 cm. long; hypanthia cyathiform, sparsely villose, the 
trichomes slightly curly; sepals foliaceous, ovate, long acuminate or 
cordate, 10-20 mm. long, 7 mm. wide, sparsely villose, the hairs tending 
to curl slightly; corolla 3—4 cm. across, the petals suborbicular, hirtellous 
on both surfaces; stamens ca. 40, the anthers oblong; disc subconic, 
hirsute at the center, the styles 3 mm. long, pubescent, the upper half 
divided, the stigmas 3 mm. long, cristate, the abaxial surface much longer 
than the adaxial one, the sterile portion often hairy. Capsules obovoid- 
ellipsoid, the lower portion near the base quadrangular, about 12 mm. 
long, 10 mm. in diameter, the persistent calyx subcircumferential. Seeds 

MEXICO: Mexico: Amecameca, G. L. Fisher on July 29, 1924(F, MO, 
US); Federal District, A. J. Sharp 445 (A,TENN); Mts. of Toluca, Halstead 
(NY). Guerrero: Omiltemé, A. J. Sharp 441551 (A, TENN). Mich- 

Cerro de San Felipe, C. Conzatti & V. Gonzalez 471(G); H. Galeotti 
2850(US); E. W. Nelson 1398(G,US). Chiapas: Siltepec, E. Matuda 
1701(A,MO,US). Vera Cruz: Jalapa, S. Schiede(G.NY, ISOTYPES) ; Orizaba, 
Botteri 1105(G, US). Puebla: Cero Guadelupe, Nicolas, June 10, 1909(F). 

GUATEMALA: Huehuetenango: San Juan Ixcoy, A. J. Sharp 
4616(F); definite locality not given, J. D. Smith, April 9, 1896(G):; Cerro 
Canana, Sierra de los a ep J. Az Steyermark 49059(F); Aguacatan, 
F.. G, ‘Standley 91218(F). Quezaltenango: Volcan de Santa Maria, 
P. C. Standley 83535(F); J. A. Pipa 33985(F); Palestina, P. C. Stand- 
ley 84230(F); Santa Maria de Jesus, P. C. Standley 84860(F); above Mujuli, 
P. C. Standley 85608(F, US); Zunil, P. C. pa: 85647(F); Volcan Santo 
Tomas, J. A. Steyermark 34952 (F). Quic : O. F. Cook 31(US); San 
Miquel Uspantan, Heyde & Lux (distributed se J. D. Smith) 3046(G, NY, 
US); Chajul, A. J. Sharp 4681(F). Sacatepequez: Volcan de Auga, 
P. C. Standley 65124(F). Chimaltenango: Santa Elena, D. S. Johnson, 
Aug. 10, 1932(F); A. F. Skutch 335 (A, US). SololaA: Volcan San Pedro, 
J. A, Steyermark 47253(F, US); Volcan Atitlan, J. A. Steyermark 47527(F). 
San Marcos: Volcan Tajumulco, J. A. Steyermark 35661(F). Without 
precise locality, F. C. Lehmann, June 1882(US). 

CULTIVATED: California: Berkeley, in the garden of A. Blake, N. F. 
Bracelin, 1354( BH) 


As the natives of Mexico had cultivated species of Philadelphus from 
early times it is inevitable that certain garden forms had been produced 
by them. It happened that the first published Mexican species was based 
on a double flowered form. Schlechtendal cited three specimens, Schiede 
from Jalapa, Mihlenpfordt from Oaxaca and a specimen from Mexico 
in Herb. Lehmann. Of these I have seen only the duplicates of Schiede’s 
collection, which agree with Schlechtendal’s description. Thus the double 
flowered form typifies the species. Apparently this form is found only or 
chiefly in the states of Vera Cruz and Puebla where the mean annual 
temperature is between 62—67° F. and the mean annual rainfall is 40-80 
inches. The Bracelin collection is the only specimen from a cultivated 
plant outside of Mexico that I have seen. It has been reported that the 
cultivated plants climb to 12 meters and their flowers are yellowish or 
deep cream white. 

Specimens collected from the wild population all have simple flowers. 
Compared with the isotypes of typical P. mexicanus Schlecht., I can 
detect no other characters from the above cited specimens to distinguish 
them as a form besides their possession of the simple flowers. Like the 
double-flowered form, their petals are pubescent on both surfaces, the 
disc and style are pubescent, and the hypanthium is sparsely villose with 
the trichomes slightly curled. In general, their leaves are larger and more 
prominently quintuplinervate than the double flowered form. But this 
5-nerved condition is also true with the large leaves of the cultivated 
specimens. It seems that with both the wild and the cultivated material, 
at the base of each leaf, there is a pair of small nerves originated from the 
petiole and running along the basal portion of the margin. When the leaves 
are small, these nerves are so closely pressed against the margin that they 
appear inconspicuous. 

In Mexico this species occurs at altitudes of 2280-3000 meters in 
Oaxaca. In Huehuetenango, it has been recorded at altitudes of 1950— 
3160 meters on steep limestone slopes of damp oak forests. In Quezal- 
tenango it occurs at altitudes of 1500-3000 meters in sunny thickets, 
damp sandy hillside forests or in wet brushy ravines as subscandent 
shrubs. In Solola it occurs in damp cloud forests. 

The vernacular names reported are “Mosqueta” and “Azahar,” the 
former more widely applied. Hernandez (1651) in “Nova Plantarum 
Mexicanorum Historia” discussed and illustrated a plant with opposite 
leaves and a cluster of two simple flowers under the name, Acuilotl or 
Volubili Aquatica. He mentioned it as growing in wet places, creeping 
on the ground or scrambling up trees. This record has been regarded by 
Schlechtendal, Lindley, Hooker and many modern authors as represent- 
ing P. mexicanus Schlecht. To the Mexican Indians this species is eco- 
nomically rather important. They employ the flowers both in preparing 
perfume and for making garlands. The leaves are taken in wine for the 
relief of colic, or crushed and applied as a plaster to ease strained members 
and dissolve tumors. 

The pubescent petals and simple flowers of this species resemble those 


of the flowers of P. myrtoides Bertol. But the latter species can be readily 
distinguished by its clustered flowers and densely lanate hypanthium. 

6. Philadelphus austro-mexicanus, sp. nov. 

Philadelphus mexicanus sensu Decaisne in Rev. Hort. III. 1: 381. fig. 20. 
1852. non Schlechtendal. 1839. 

Frutex ramosissimus, ramulis floriferis brevibus, ca. 3 cm. longis. 1 mm. 
diametro, castaneis, rugoso- strigosis, pilis basi incrassatis, gemmis axil- 
laribus subglobosis, pilosis; foliis ovatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, 1-3.5 cm 
longis, 0.5—1.5 cm. latis, basi subrotundatis, triplinerviis, apice subacumi- 
natis vel acutis, serratis, utrinque 1- usque 5-serratis utrinque sparse 
strigosis vel praeter nerviis subglabris, petiolo 2-3 mm. longo: floribus 
solitariis, pedicellis 2 mm. longis, strigosis; hypanthiis obconicis, 3 mm. 
longis, 4 mm. diametro, sparse pilosis; sepalis ovatis, 9-11 mm. longis, 
caudatis, sparse pilosis vel subglabris; corolla disciformi, 3.8-4 cm. di- 
ametro, petalis obovatis, 1.5—-1.7 mm. longis, 1.3 mm. latis, utrinque in 
partibus medius hirsutis: staminibus ca. 52, disco glabro, stylis 4 mm. 
longis, glabris, partibus superioribus liberis, stigmatibus dilatatis, cris- 
tatis; capsulis et seminibus ignotis. 

MEXICO: Chiapas: Dr. Ghiesbreght 813 (G. type; F, MO, 1sotypEs; 
A. fragment of ISOTYPE). 

The rugose branchlets, the dentation of the leaves, the large sepals, the 
pubescent petals, the numerous stamens, the divided style and the dilate- 
cristate stigmas of this species all suggest a close relationship to P. mexi- 
canus Schlecht. But it can be readily distinguished by its small leaves, 
very sparsely pilose hypanthium and sepals and its glabrous styles. 

Decaisne’s figure represents a plant with small leaves. His concept of 
Schlechtendal’s species was apparently based on a Ghiesbreght collection, 
very likely a part of the same collection of which three specimens are 
available to me. All of them have small leaves and glabrous styles. 

7. Philadelphus glabripetalus, sp. nov. 
Philadelphus mexicanus sensu Lindl. Bot. Reg. een 37. 1840; et 28: 
; .— sensu Hemsl. in Biol. Centr. Am. 1: 384. 1879, pro parte, 
non Schlechtendal, 1839. 

Frutex ramosissimus, ramulis floriferis 5-15 cm. longis, 1-1.5 mm. 
diametro, rugoso-hirsutis, pilis basi incrassatis: foliis ovatis vel ovato- 
lanceolatis, 1.5—6 cm. longis, 1—2.5 cm. latis, basi rotundatis. triplinerviis, 
apice acuminatis, subintegris vel serratis, dentibus utrinque 1 vel 2, raro 
4. supra subglabris vel sparse villosis, subtus sparse villosis: petiolo 3—5 
mm. longo, villoso; floribus solitariis vel raro ternatis, pedicellis 3—5 mm. 
longis, dense villosis, hypanthiis subglobosis, 5 mm. diametro, lanatis: 
sepalis ovatis, 10-15 mm. longis, 5 mm. latis, acuminatis: corolla 2.5—3 
cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, vel suborbicularibus, 1-1.3 cm. longis, 
9-10 mm. Latics utrinque glabris, vel extus hirsutis, staminibus ca. 60; 


disco medio hirsuto, stylis glabris vel basi hirsutis, 3-4 mm. longis, stig- 
matibus cristatis, 4 mm. longis, supra liberis; capsulis et seminibus ignotis. 

MEXICO: Federal District: Sierra de Ajusco, C. G. Pringle 6311(A, 
type; G, MO, NY, US, tsotypes). Puebla: Moria, Nicolas, in February 
1908(F). Without precise locality, P. Maury 3158(NY), 3822(NY). 

The shape of the leaves, the solitary flowers and the glabrous petals 
suggest a relationship to P. osmanthus S. Y. Hu, but the latter species 
has strigose lower leaf-surfaces and hypanthia, and short styies while the 
present species has villose lower leaf-surfaces, lanate hypanthium, and 
styles 3-4 mm. long. It differs from P. mexicanus Schlecht. in having 
glabrous petals and smaller leaves. Its solitary or ternate flowers also 
suggest relationship with P. coulteri S. Wats. but the latter species has 
densely villose hypanthia with the epidermis entirely obscured. In the 
Federal District, this species occurs at altitudes 2400-2470 meters. It 
climbs among shrubs up to 5—7 meters high. Specimens collected from 
June to September all bear flowers. This suggests that like many other 
Mexican Philadelphus, this species has a very long flowering period; of 
course, local climatic conditions may be involved. 

Judging by the figures and the descriptions given by Lindley (1842), 
his material which was introduced by Hartweg from the Hacienda del 
Carmen, could not be the true P. mexicanus Schlecht. for it has small 
leaves and a glabrous style while Schlechtendal’s species has large leaves 
and a pubescent style. As Lindley described the hypanthium and calyx 
of his material as densely pubescent, this eliminates the possibility of it 
being P. austro-mexicanus S. Y. Hu which is another small-leaved Mex- 
ican species, for the latter has more or less glabrous hypanthium and 
calyx, and pubescent style. By the process of elimination, one may log- 
ically come to the conclusion that the material Hartweg introduced to 
the European gardens belongs here. 

Section 2. Coulterianus, sect. nov. 
Philadelphus subg. I. Gemmatus sect. Coulterianus, sect. nov. 

Type sPEcIEs: P. coulteri Wats. 

Frutex erectus vel subscandens, ramulosis hornotinis pubescentibus, 
plerumque verrucosis, gemmis axillaribus expositis; foliis integris, raro 
denticulatis vel inconspicue serratis, basi rotundatis vel obtusis, raro 
acutis, triplinerviis; apice acutis vel obtusis; floribus solitariis vel raro ter- 
natis; hypanthiis subglobosis, pubescentibus; sepalis ovatis, 3-8 mm. 
longis, corolla cruciformi vel disciformi; staminibus 30 usque ad 44; disco 
plano, stylo 1-3 mm. raro 4 mm. longo, stigmatibus noncristatis; capsulis 
subglobosis; seminibus longo-caudatis. 

Seven species, all in northeastern Mexico. 


A. Lower leaf-surface pilose or strigose; stems rugosely hirsute, the base of the 
trichomes thickened. 


B. es pilose, the epidermal tissue visible; the lower pio surface 
ROG co o8 so 44.s GA Fahd Khe E ee RA eae EY OAS Gaye BS 8. P. osmanthus. 
BB. Scanie densely villose, the epidermal tissue obscure; ae lower 
leaf-surface strigos 
C. Leaves oblong; peieen 5-8 mm. long; petals aa at the 

| + a ee ec er ee 9. oblongifolius. 

CC. Leaves ovate: pedicels > 3 mm. long; petals one at the 

D. Style hag center of disc pubescent; leaves on pee shoots 

2-3 cm. long ...... 10. P. coultert. 

DD. Style and center of disc glabrous; ‘leaves on ee ern 

1-2 cm. long. 11. P. asperifolius. 

AA. Lower leaf-surface densely villose; stem pilose, the base of the trichomes 
not thickened 
B. Leaves subcoriaceous, hispid above, densely villose and appearing white 

C. Style pubescent .....12. P. sargentianus. 
CC. Style glabrous... 13. P. pringlet. 
BB. Leaves characeous, weakly pilose. above, very sparsely villose be- 
neath; style glabrous... ....s.................... 14. P. calcicolus. 

8. Philadelphus osmanthus, sp. nov. 

Frutex subscandens, 1.3 m. altus, ramosissimus; ramis robustis, 3—5 
mm. diametro, fumeis, longitudinaliter rimulosis, bienniis mm. crassis, 
castaneis, striatis, rugoso-hirsutis, corticibus siaaa: hornotinis 1-1.5 mm 
diametro, pilis basi incrassatis, gemmis conicis, strigosis, pilis luteis; foliis 
ovatis, raro ovato-lanceolatis, 2—6 cm. longis, 0.8 cm. latis, basi obtusis, 
apice acutis vel obtusis, apiculatis, integris vel utrinque 1 vel 3 serrulatis, 

longis, cum hypanthiis et calycibus incano-pilosis, hypanthiis subglobosis, 

—7 mm. diametro; sepalis ovatis, acuminatis, 7-8 mm. longis; corolla sub- 
cruciformi, 2.5—3.2 cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, apice emarginatis, 1.2— 
1.5 cm. longis, 0.7—1.2 cm. latis; staminibus ca. 36; disco medio piloso, 
stylo brevissimo, 1 mm. longo, vix hirtello, stigmatibus 3 mm. longis, 
cristatis, supra divisis; capsulis ellipsoideis vel subglobosis, 6-8 mm. di- 
ametro, calycibus persistentibus supra medium affixis; seminibus longo- 

MEXICO: Hidalgo: Jacala, V. H. Chase 7310(NY. type; A, F, G, MO, 

This species occurs in woods in deep ravines at an altitude of 1525 
meters. Unlike other species of the genus, the lateral buds on the branch- 
lets of this one are suppressed from normal development. Thus its flower- 
ing shoots are largely developed from the terminal buds, a very unusual 
character in Philadelphus. The thickened base of the epidermal hairs on 
the branchlets, the elongate stigmas and the pubescent disc of this species 
suggest relationship to P. coulteri Wats. The latter species can be dis- 


tinguished by the thickly villose hypanthium. The subentire leaves 
sparsely strigose and the long-tailed seeds of this species also suggest a 
remote relationship with the southern Appalachian species P. inodorus 
Linn. which has enclosed axillary buds. The very short style conforms 
to Kornicke’s description of P. asperifolius, a species with glabrous style 
and disc. 

9. Philadelphus oblongifolius, sp. nov. 

Frutex ramosissimus, ramis cinereis, ramulis gracilibus, bienniis 1—1.5 
mm. crassis, brunneis, verrucoso-hirsutis, hornotinis 1 mm. iametro, pilis 
basi incrassatis: foliis oblongis, raro oblongo-ovatis, 1.3-2.5 cm. longis, 
4-8 mm. latis, utrinque obtusis, apice apiculatis, margine integerrimis, 
utrinque strigosis, pilis subtus longioribus et densioribus, petiolo 3 mm. 
longo; floribus solitariis, pedicellis 6-8 mm. longis, incanis, hypanthiis 
calycibusque incanis; sepalis ovatis, 6 mm. longis, 2.5—-3 mm. latis; corolla 
cruciformi, 3.5 cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, apice emarginatis, 1.6 cm. 
longis, 1.1-1.4 cm. latis; staminibus ca. 30; disco praeter medio glabro, 
stylo 5 mm. longo, supra diviso, basi dense hirsuto, stigmatibus 2 mm. 
longis. Capsulis ignotis. 

MEXICO: San Luis Potosi: Minas de San Rafael, C. A. Purpus 
53686 (A, fragment of TYPE; F, Type; MO. NY. ISOTYPES ). 

Through its strigose trichomes on the leaves, and pubescent styles this 
species is closely related to P. Coulter Wats. It can be distinguished from 
P. coulteri by its slender branchlets, oblong leaves, long pedicellate flowers 
with emarginate petals and 5 mm. long styles. 

10. Philadelphus coulteri Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 472. 1887. 
Philadelphus purpusii Brandegee in Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 4: 270. 1912. 

Tyre: Dr. Coulter 77, Zimapan, Mexico (Gray Herbarium). 

A subscandent shrub, the branches ferrugineous, the second year’s 
growth 2-3 mm. in diameter, the bark rugose, closed, slightly longitudi- 
nally rimulose; the current year’s growth rugose and hirsute, the trichomes 
with thickened bases. Leaves ovate, or ovate-elliptic, subentire, obtuse 
or acute, apiculate, rounded or rarely obtuse at the base, strigose on both 
surfaces, more so beneath, those on the flowering branches, 1.5-3 cm. 
long, 1-1.5 cm. wide, the petioles 3-4 mm. long. Flowers solitary, rarely 
ternate, the pedicels 2-3 mm. long, thickly villose and white like the hy- 
panthia and calyx, the sepals ovate, 5-6 mm. long; corolla disciform, 
2.5-3 cm. across, the petals orbicular-obovate, rounded at the apex; 
stamens 34-38; disc pubescent at the center, the style 2-3 mm. long, the 
upper half divided, the stigmas 2—2.5 mm. long, the abaxial surface pap- 
pilose, 2 mm. long, the adaxial surface half as long. Capsules and seed 
not known. 


MEXICO: Hidalgo: Zimapan, Dr. Coulter 77(G, type); woods above 
Minas Viejas between Zimapan and Jacala, H. E. Moore, Jr. 2767(G, BH); 
Atotonilco, Schiede, June 1830(NY). San Luis Potosi: Minas de San 
Rafael, C. A. Purpus 4910(MO), 5368(F, G, MO, US isotypes of P. purpusii 
Brandegee; A, photo and fragment). Tamaulipas: near Frank Harrison’s 
“Rancho del Ciel” in Sierra de Guatemala above Gomez Tarias, Sharp, Shank, 
Wolfe & Hernandez 52201 (A, TENN), 52060 (A, TENN). 

Philadelphus coulteri Wats. was essentially based on Coulter 77 col- 
lected from Zimapan. In publishing the species Watson also cited C. S. 
Sargent’s collection from Monterey. As the species was named after 
Coulter, his number 77 in the Gray Herbarium should be the actual type 
of the species. Sargent’s material is specifically distinct. It differs from 
the type of P. coulteri in having smooth pilose branchlets, leaves hispid 
above and densely long villose beneath and a very short style. In 1888 
Watson published an illustrated account of P. coulteri. As Coulter’s collec- 
tion is rather fragmentary, that illustration was unfortunately drawn from 
Sargent’s material. This publication has an out-reaching misleading effect 
in the identification of the true P. coulteri among botanists as well as 
horticulturists and consequently cytogeneticists. 

Philadelphus coulteri Wats. was first collected in Zimapan, Additional 
material extends its range northward to Gomez in the State of Tamaulipas. 
At this area, the southeastern end of the Mexican Central Plateau, the 
plant grows, according to Moore, as a shrub a little over a meter high and 
its flowers are white, and fragrant. The standard reference books on 
cultivated shrubs have recorded this species as having purple-centered 

owers. This is apparently incorrect. 

Watson published this species in 1887 on the basis of a herbarium 
specimen. He did not know the flower color, nor did he indicate it in the 
description. The next year an illustrated account was published in Garden 
and Forest. Here no flower color was mentioned either. Three years 
later, Burbidge wrote Hemsley from Dublin, Ireland, saying, “Can you 
kindly give me the name of the enclosed? I cannot find it in the books. 
It exists in one or two old gardens here, where it is called Rose Syringa. 
Its sweet fragrance and purple-centered flowers are remarkable.” What 
Hemsley reported we do not know, but this was later referred to P. 
coulteri. Meanwhile, Nicholson in the Supplement to the Garden Dic- 
tionary incorporated Watson’s review of P. coulteri from the Garden and 
Forest. At the end of his summary Nicholson put down 1888, the year 
when his source material was published, as the year of the introduction 
of the plant into cultivation. Burbidge got this reference and in 1903 he 
published a note saying “There is a variety of P. mexicanus called P. M. 
Coulteri, introduced, it is said in Nicholson’s Supplement, as recently as 
1888; but probably this is a mistake as the shrub has existed for 
many years in old Irish gardens, where it is known as the “Rose Sy- 
ringa” . . . and it differs from all other species or varieties . . . each of 
its four white petals has a purplish blotch at its base.” This is a mis- 
interpretation of Watson’s figure and description and also a misidentifica- 


tion of the Irish “Rose Syringa.” But since that time in all major works 
on cultivated shrubs and even in books dealing principally with the flora 
of Mexico, the error in the flower color of P. coulteri Wats. has been 

Claims have been made by hybridizers and cytogeneticists that P. 
coulteri Wats. is a grandparent of the triploid garden hybrids, “Belle 
Etoile,” “Sybille” and “bicolor” which are segregates of P. purpureo- 
maculatis Lemoine.! There seems to be no record that true P. coulteri has 
ever been introduced into cultivation, thus it is impossible for it to have 
been a parent of P. purpureo-maculatus Lemoine. The above mentioned 
claims do not seem to have any material support. The Monterey region is 
better known botanically than Zimapan, the type locality of P. coultert. 
Consequently the Philadelphus that Sargent collected is much better rep- 
resented in American herbaria than is true P. coulteri. It was almost 
inevitable that these specimens should have been mistaken for P. coulteri. 
When typical P. coulteri Wats. was again collected by Purpus in 1911, 
Brandegee was misled into creating a new binomial, for P. pur pustt 
Brandegee is the genuine P. coulteri Wats. Purpus 5368, the type number 
of P. purpusii Brandegee represents an aggregate of three elements, prob- 
ably three separate collections combined under one number of which I 
have examined five sheets. The element with glabrous disc and style be- 
longs to P. asperifolius Kornicke. The two other elements both have a 
pubescent disc and style. One of them has ovate leaves and styles shorter 
than the stigmas. This one agrees with Brandegee’s description orf. 
purpusii, and is identical with the type of P. coultert Wats. The other 
element has small oblong leaves and elongated style which is longer than 
the stigmas. It becomes the type of P. oblongifolia S. Y. Hu. 



Philadelphus asperifolius Kornicke in Gartenfl. 16: 73. 1867. — 
Koehne in Gartenfl. 45: 487. 1896; et in Mitt. Deutsche. Dendr. 
Ges. 1904(13): 78. 1904. — Schneider, Il. Handb. Laubh. 1: 364. 
1905. — Rydb. in N. Am. Fl, 22: 171. 1905.— Standl. in Contr. 
U.S. Nat. Herb. 23: 310. 1922. 

Type: Karwinsky July 1842, Hacienda Santyaguillo, Mexico (Herb. 
Hort. Petropol.). 

An elegant shrub, 2-3 meters high, branchlets rigidly hirsute, the 
second year’s growth gray, longitudinally rimulose, the bark closed, the 
current year’s growth brown, pubescent, the hairs with thickened bases. 
Leaves ovate, those on the vegetative shoots up to 3 cm, long, 1.3 cm. 
wide, those on the flowering shoots 1.3—1.7 cm. long, 0.5 cm. wide, rounded 
at the base, obtuse and apiculate or subacute at the apex, both surfaces 
sparsely covered with rigid, straight appressed white hairs, the petioles 
1-2 mm. long. Flowers solitary, subsessile, the pedicels 1-3 mm. long, 
canescent as are the hypanthia and the calyx, the sepals ovate, 3 mm. 
long; corolla disciform, 1.5-2 cm. across, the petals obovate, rounded at 

1. K. JANAKI AMMAL in Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 76: 272. 1951. 


the apex, twice the length of the sepals; stamens 30-38; disc glabrous, 
the style short, about 1.5 mm. long, undivided, glabrous, the stigmas 
separated, 2 mm. long, the abaxial surface twice as broad and as long 
as the adaxial one. Capsules subglobose, 6-7 mm. long, 7 mm. diameter, 
the persistent calyx subapical. Seeds long-tailed. 

MEXICO: San Luis Potosi: Minas de San Rafael, C. A. Purpus 4910 
(A, F, G, US), 5368a(G, MO, NY, US). 

Unable to examine the type, the identification of this species is based 
on the original detailed description published by Kornicke and the diag- 
nostic characters supplemented by Koehne who probably saw the type 
or an isotype. Kornicke described the species as having ovate or broad- 
elliptic leaves which are obtuse and apiculate or subacute at the apex, 
and about 3 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide on sterile shoots. He did not 
mention the nature and position of the buds and the presence or absence 
of hairs on the style. For these characters we have to rely upon Koehne’s 
observations. In his latest synopsis of the genus, under the subsection 
Gemmati which was characterized as having a smooth almost obsolete 
and glabrous style he placed P. asperifolius and P. serpyllifolius Gray. 
Judging from the style of the latter species, the type of which is before 
me, Koehne’s characters indicate a species in which the styles are short 
but definitely present, 0.5—1.5 mm. long. By inference, Kornicke’s de- 
scription, which calls for no style and the stigmatic column thick and 
subsessile, may also be interpreted to apply to flowers with short but 
definite styles. One of the elements of Purpus 5368, which I have in- 
dicated as 5368a, has small ovate leaves, 0.5-1.7 cm. long, 0.4—0.7 cm. 
wide on the flowering shoots, and glabrous styles. These characters con- 
form to Kornicke’s description of the leaves and Koehne’s diagnosis of 
the style of P. asperifolius, thus I interpret that element as representing 
Kornicke’s species. Purpus 4910 is a poorly selected fruiting specimen. 
With the exception of one, all sheets I have examined are sterile, and the 
only fertile specimen has just one fruit with a broken top. The branching 
is much looser than is that of Purpus 5368a. The leaves seem to fit 
Kornicke’s description of those on the vegetative shoots. The small part 
of the disc left on the broken fruit appears to be glabrous. 

The ovate shape of the strigose leaves, the densely villose hypanthia 
and the very short pedicel of the flower of this species suggest a very close 
relationship with P. coulteri Wats. Yet it can be readily distinguished 
from Watson’s species by its glabrous disc and style and its rather small 
leaves on the flowering shoots which are only 1—2 cm. long. Philadelphus 
coulteri Wats. has a pubescent disc and style, with the leaves on the 
flowering shoot 2—3 cm. long. The fragrant white flowers of this species 
appear in June. 

12. Philadelphus sargentianus, sp. nov. 

Philadelphus coulteri Wats. in Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 472. 1887, pro parte 
(quoad col. Sargent, excl. Coulter 77); et in Gard. Forest 1: 232, fig. 40. 


1888. — Nicholson, Suppl. Dict. Gard. 594. 1900.— Rydberg in N. Am. 
Fl. 22: 170. 1905. — A. H. Moore in Bailey, Stand, Cycl. Hort. 5: 2582, 
fig. 2905. 1915.—Standl. in Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23: 311. 1922.— 
Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs 280. 1927; ed. 2. 275. 1940; et Bibliogr. 
Cult. Trees, Shrubs 159. 1949. 

Frutex usque 2.3 m. altus, ramis robustis, bienniis 3 mm. diametro, 
brunneis, longitudinaliter rimulosis, hornotinis 1.5 mm. diametro, dense 
hirsutis, pilis basi haud incrassatis, gemmis axillaribus conicis, strigosis, 
pilis luteis; foliis ovatis vel ovato-ellipticis, 2.5—4.5 (raro 5) cm. longis, 

latis, supra hispidis, subtus dense argenteo-villosis, 3- vel 5-nerviis, 
margine inconspicue serrulatis, dentibus utrinque | usque ad 5, minutis, 
petiolo 3-5 mm. longo; floribus solitariis, pedicellis brevissimis, 2—3 mm. 
raro ad 6 mm. longis, cum hypanthiis calycibusque dense albo-villosis; 
hypanthiis subglobosis, 5 mm. diametro, pilis longioribus et brevioribus 
intermixtis; sepalis ovatis, acuminatis, 8 mm. longis, 4-5 mm. latis; corolla 
usque 4.5 cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, 2 mm. longis, 1.6 cm. latis, apice 
erosis; staminibus ca. 40, antheris 2 mm. longis; disco medio piloso, stylo 
brevissimo, 1 mm. longo, stigmatibus 4 mm. longis, liberis; capsulis sub- 
globosis, 1 cm. diametro; seminibus longe caudatis. 

MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: Monterey, Sierra Madre Mts., Diente Canyon, 

_H. & M. T. Mueller 544(A, F); C. G. Pringle 2094(A, NY, US); C. S. 
Sargent in April 1887(A Type; G, originally placed under P. coulteri); Cerro 
de la Silla, S. S. White 1470(G). 

In the publication of P. coulteri, Watson cited two collections, Coulter 
77 from Zimapan and Sargent s.n. from Monterey. Watson’s species was 
published in 1887. Sargent’s specimen was collected in April of that 
year. It is highly possible that Watson had prepared the description of 
P. coulteri before he saw the Sargent specimen. When Sargent sent him 
his Monterey collection, Watson simply incorporated it in his new species. 
As the species was named for Coulter, his collection naturally becomes the 
type of P. coulteri Wats. But Sargent’s collection is definitely different 
from the type of P. coulteri Wats. which has the rugose branchlets and 
strigose leaves, characteristic of species like P. mexicanus Schlechtendal. 
Sargent’s material has villose branchlets and leaves hispid above and 
densely white villose beneath, a type of pubescence characteristic to the 
northern element like P. madraensis Hemsl. Yet Sargent’s specimen is not 
Hemsley’s species because of its exposed buds, and it is thus described 
as new here. 

Philadelphus sargentianus is endemic to Monterey where it grows at 
altitudes of 1500-1600 meters, where the mean annual temperature is 
62°-67° F. and the mean annual rainfall is limited to 30-40 inches. 
There its fragrant white flowers appear from early April to July. As far 
as I know this species has never been introduced into cultivation. Un- 
fortunately misled by the publication of an illustration drawn on the 
basis of the Sargent collection, several authors of standard references on 


the cultivated trees and shrubs had misinterpreted this species as P. 

13. Philadelphus pringlei, sp. nov. 
Philadelphus coulteri sensu Brandegee in Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 4: 270. 1912, 
non Wats 

Frutex, ramis brunneis, bienniis 2 mm. crassis, longitudinaliter rimu- 
losis, hornotinis 1.5 mm. diametro, dense hirsutis, pilis basi incrassatis, 
gemmis axillaribus conicis, pilosis; foliis ovatis, raro lanceolatis, 2.4—5 
cm. longis, 1-1.8 cm. latis, basi rotundatis, obtusis, raro acutis, incon- 
spicue triplinerviis, apice acutis, breviter acuminatis vel raro obtusis, 
apiculatis, inconspicue serratis, serrulis utrinque 2 usque ad 5, minutis 
argutisque, supra hispidis, subtus dense argenteo-villosis, petiolo 4-5 mm. 
longo; floribus solitariis, pedicellis 2-4 mm. longis, cum hypanthiis calyci- 
busque dense albo-villosis; hypanthiis subglobosis, 5 mm. diametro; 
sepalis ovatis, 8 mm. longis, 5 mm. latis, acuminatis; corolla cruciformi, 
—5 cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, 2 cm. longis, 1.5 cm. latis, apice ro- 
tundatis; staminibus 40 usque ad 44, antheris oblongis, 2 mm. longis; 
disco glabro, stylo 4 mm. longo, glabro, supra diviso, stigmatibus 3-3.5 
mm. longis; capsulis subglobosis, immaturis 7 mm. diametro. 

MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: Sierra Madre, above Monterey, C. G. Pringle 
10174 (A, type; F, G, MO, US, tsorypes); Diente Canyon, about 12 miles 
south of Monterey, Ci & M. T. Mueller 261(A, F); Waterway below 
Alamar, about 15 miles southwest of Galeana, C. H. & M. T. Mueller 656(A, 
F, NY). 

Geographically this species has the same range as P. sargentianus S. Y. 
Hu and morphologically they are very similar except P. sargentianus 
has a pubescent disc and style, while this species has glabrous ones. Ac- 
cording to the collectors, this taxon is abundant in the open woods and 
shrub zones of the Sierra Madre Oriental in the state of Nuevo Leon. Its 
white flowers appear in April and May. 

14. Philadelphus calcicolus, sp. nov. 

Frutex usque ad 5 m. altus, ramulis teretibus, cinereis, bienniis 1.5 mm. 
crassis, corticibus clausis, hornotinis brunneis diametro, pilosis, 
gemmis terminalibus conicis, strigosis, pris luteis; foliis serratis, lanceo- 
latis vel ovatis, 2.5-5 c m. longis, 1—2 cm. latis, basi acutis vel obtusis, 
trinerviis apice chicintaae, et apiculatis vel acutis, supra in sicco 
nigrescentibus, pilosis, subtus olivaceis, sparsissime villosis, petiolo 5-8 

mm. longo; floribus solitariis, pedicellis 3-6 mm. longis, incanis, hypan- 
thiis subglobosis, 6 mm. diametro, dense tomentosis, argenteis; sepalis 
ovatis, acuminatis, 7 mm. longis, basi 4.5 mm. latis, argenteis; corolla 
3 cm. diametro, petalis obovatis, apice emarginatis, 1.5 cm. longis, 1.3 cm. 
latis; staminibus ca. 40, antheris sagittatis, 2 mm. longis; disco glabro, 
stylo brevissimo, 1.5 mm. longo, stigmatibus 4 mm. longis, cristatis, 



coalescentibus; capsulis ellipsoideis, 8 mm. diametro, sepalis persistentibus 
Y% apicem insertis: seminibus breviter caudatis. 

MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: Dulces Nombres, F. G. Meyer & D. J. Roger 
2662 (TYPE, MO; fragment A); Canyon above Linare toward Galeana, A. J. 
Sharp 45787 (TENN. A, sterile). Tamaulipas: Road above Cindad Vic- 
toria toward Jaumave, dry canyon slope below 3000 ft., Sharp, Shanks, Wolfe 
& Hernandez T3006 (A, TENN). 

This species grows on dry limestone cliffs above a dry stream bed at 
an altitude of 1300 meters. The white flowers appear in June. It is a very 
interesting plant for most of the lateral buds on the branchlets are weak, 
as a rule not visible, and do not develop in the following year. Often only 
those situated near the apices of the shoots, either the apical alone or the 
two axillary ones, develop into flowering or vegetative shoots. In this 
respect as well as by its short styles with long cristate stigmas, emargi- 
nate petals, and slender petioles this species resembles P. osmanthus S. Y 
Hu. The latter species can be distinguished by its pubescent disc, less 
canescent hypanthium and calyx, and hairs with thickened bases on the 
stem. Its smooth appressed white indumentum on the hypanthium and 
calyx and its hairs on the stem not thickened at the base also suggest a re- 
lationship with P. argenteus Rydb., in the section Microphyllus of the sub- 
genus Euphiladelphus. Rydberg’s species can be distinguished by the en- 
closed buds and small entire leaves which are densely white pubescent be- 
neath. The coalescent stigmas and the short caudate seeds also suggest 
some relationship with the southern Appalachian species P. hirsutus Nutt., 
but the latter species can be distinguished by its prominent axillary buds, 
the style longer than the stigmatic column, and the ecaudate seeds. 

(To be concluded) 



Hatiy J. Sax 

THE RosAcEAE have drawn the attention of investigators because of 
the variety and beauty of their flowers and fruits as well as their horticul- 
tural value. They are a large and varied family with a wide distribution. 
Many examples of polyploidy and apomixis have been reported in this 

Of the four subfamilies of the Rosaceae, the Pomoideae are of special 
interest because of their allopolyploid origin. The basic chromosome 
numbers of the other subfamilies, the Rosoideae, Prunoideae and Spi- 
roideae, are 7, 8, and 9. The basic chromosome number of the Pomoideae 
is 17, derived from primitive ancestors by hybridization followed by 
chromosome doubling. 

The eighteen genera of the Pomoideae are rather closely related, as is 
shown by the fact that many generic hybrids occur in nature. Their close 
relationships are further supported by the readiness with which most of 
the genera can be intergrafted. 

Many of the genera of the Pomoideae are characterized by secondary 
polyploidy, that is, the chromosome number in many cases has doubled 
again, this time probably by autopolyploidy. Secondary polyploidy is 
common in Malus and Crataegus. 

The genus Cotoneaster is less well known than Malus and Crataegus 
of the same subfamily. In his “Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs” 
Rehder (56) notes that there are about 50 species of Cotoneaster in the 
temperate regions of Europe, N. Africa and Asia (except Japan, where 
there are no native species). These are mostly shrubs, rarely small trees, 
with some beautiful prostrate forms among them. Their fruit is especially 
attractive: red, black, purple and a few orange pomes. They are planted 
often because of their brightly colored fruits as well as the flowers, which 
are in many cases small, white to pinkish and of many-flowered corymbs. 
There are also some evergreen and partly evergreen varieties, both up- 
right and prostrate forms, which are very beautiful with the brilliantly 
colored fruit. 

Plant collectors have brought many species of these Cotoneasters into 
cultivation. Their size, variety, and adaptive qualities make them desir- 
able as ornamental plants. The relationship of these species is not very 
easily determined, and the Cotoneasters have been considered a difficult 
genus by the taxonomist. 

The characteristics often show differences in size, hairiness, etc., but 
mostly intensification of some character predominating over that in an- 
other species, and often that is the only difference. In reading over the 
descriptions of the many species and varieties, as well as observing them 


in the field, it becomes apparent why Cotoneaster is a difficult genus for 
the taxonomist. In describing C. francheti var. sterneana, W. B. Turrill 
(74) in 1950 remarks, “While we have not sufficient information to give 
full reason for this, since we do not know how far hybridization happens 
in the wild, how plastic are individual plants, or how much intraspecific 
genetic variations occur, there results frequent difference of opinion be- 
tween ‘lumpers’ and ‘splitters.’ Splitters have been carried too much.”’ He 
cites Crataegus and appeals to the cytogeneticist to study Cotoneaster. 


Doubling of the chromosome number at the time of union of the egg 
and male nuclei followed by a reduction to half the number at the time 
the spore mother cells divide to form the megaspores and microspores 
is general throughout the plant kingdom. Asexual methods, such as root 
or stem cuttings, leaf and axillary bulbs, budding, etc., also occur, but 
these do not involve a doubling and reduction of the chromosome number; 
the offshoot carries the chromosome number of the organ from which it 
comes, while in sexual reproduction there is an alternating cycle between 
the haploid and the diploid number of chromosomes. 

Many instances of changes, modifications of the usual behavior, or 
abnormalities have been found to occur in the development of the egg and 
male nuclei and in the development of the spores to form the gametophytes 
which produce the eggs and the male nuclei. Some of these, such as the 
functioning of a cell or cells of the integument of the ovary to form the 
embryo, or the direct development of a megaspore mother cell without 
reduction to form the spores, the development of an unreduced egg cell. 
do not involve a change in the chromosome number, These various sub- 
stitutions for fertilization and meiosis are classified under the term apo- 
mixis. Parthenogenesis, apospory, apogamy. and vegetative buds are all 

No attempt will be made to review all the literature on the subject of 
apomixis. The earlier work has been reviewed by several investigators, 
Ernst, 1918 (16) and others including Rosenberg (58) in 1930, who gave 
a summary of the work up to that time. Steil in 1939 (70) reviewed the 
literature on ferns. Then Stebbins (68) brought the review up to 1941 
in his discussion on ‘““Apomixis in the Angiosperms.” The subject again 
underwent a thorough review by Gustafsson (31) in 1947. Subsequently 
many instances of apomixis have been reported, especially in connection 
with polyploidy. This work, as well as the extensive literature on poly- 
ploidy, will be discussed here only in sail with the work on the 
Rosaceae, of which Cotoneaster is a mem 

The role of polyploidy and apomixis in ees evolution and geo- 
graphical distribution is well illustrated in many genera of the Rosaceae. 
In general there is much variation in the appearance of apomixis and a 
relatively high frequency of polyploidy. 

Much of the early work on polyploidy in relation to speciation was done 


with the genus Rosa by Blackburn and Harrison (4) in 1921, Tackhohn 
(71) in 1922, and Hurst (36, 37, 38) in 1925, 1928, and 1932. A wide 
range of polyploidy was found, and Hurst attempted to classify the species 
of Rosa into five basic genomes. Crosses between the basic diploid species 
gave rise to the complexities of the polyploid species. Later cytological 
studies of this same group by Gustafsson and Hakensson (32) and Gus- 
tafsson (29) gave further information indicating that the cytogenetic rela- 
tionships of the Rosa species are more complex with both auto- and alloploid 
as well as intermediate complexes. Fagerlind (18, 20) goes even further 
and suggests that segmental interchange between the chromosomes of the 
basic genomes leads to complex pairing relationships in triploids. Both 
Gustafsson and Fagerlind concluded that apomixis in Rosa was a species 
trait present in diploid species, and that the present association between 
polyploidy and apomixis is secondary. 

Many of the North American species of Rubus were found to hybridize 
by Brainerd and Peiterson (5) in 1920 and Peiterson (52) in 1921. In 
the experiments, hybrids between different sexual species of Rubus 
(Peiterson, 52) and other genera have in no instances shown any clear 
indication of apomictic reproduction, even though the parental species are 
closely related to apomictic forms. Longley (43) in 1924 suggested that 
apomictic forms existed. In 1930 Gustafsson (25) reported unreduced 
pseudogamy in a species of Rubus. In some cases of pseudogamy the 
number of apomictic and sexual offspring vary according to the chromo- 
some number of the pollen parent. Darrow and Waldo (11) 1933, re- 
ported that the fertilization of a tetraploid species of Rubus with pollen 
from a diploid species yielded a majority of sexual offspring; but it and 
other tetraploid apomicts produced few or none with pollen from tetraploid 
species. Crane (7) obtained similar results when using pollen from a 
diploid form of R. idaeus on an octaploid species of R. vitifolius: only 
pentaploid hybrids were produced. When he used pollen from the tetra- 
ploid form of the same parent, hybrids and matriclinous octoploid offspring 
resulted. Pollen from the hexaploid R. loganobaccus (2 n = 42) pro- 
duced only hybrids. Petrov (53), using pollen of the hexaploid R. logan- 
obaccus on a triploid with unreduced eggs, obtained hexaploid hybrids; 
but using pollen of a triploid, R. idaeus, only triploid pseudogamous 
progeny result. 

Although polyploidy is common in the genus Rubus, Gustafsson (27, 
28) found apomixis was confined to only one section. As in Rosa, many of 
the species are facultative apomicts. 

Many of the facultative apomicts are heterozygous, and Haskell (34), 
1953, has suggested that another factor in the variation of Rubus mav be 
crossing over at meiosis in the production of an unreduced egg cell. In 
Rubus crosses between two facultative apomicts give sexual progeny. 

The genus Potentilla has also provided evidence regarding the role of 
polyploidy in evolution and speciation (Claussen, Keck and Hiesey 6), 
1940, and the role of apomixis. Potentilla species (Miintzing 46 and 47) 
showed variation in the development of the microspore mother cell, Meio- 


sis was regular in the microspore mother cell of P. argentea but irregular 
in P. collina and P. hirta. Potentilla argentea is apomictic through faculta- 
tive apospory. The embryo may develop autonomously. Similar results 
were reported by Popoff (55), Gentcheff (23) and Gentcheff and Gus- 
tafsson (24). The genetic studies of Mintzing and Miintzing (49) on 
reproduction between sexual and apomictic forms indicate that apomixis 
is controlled by multiple factors. 

Among the Prunoideae the genus Prunus has been studied extensively. 
Meurman (45) in 1929 reported a high polyploid species, Prunus lau- 
rocerasus L. with eighty-eight chromosomes. Polyploidy is common in 
Prunus, and the allopolyploid origin of P. domestica was determined by 
Rybin (59) in 1936. According to Almeida (1), P. lusitanica is an octo- 
polyploid with 2 n = 64, an allopolyploid of ancient origin behaving like 
a diploid. Cytological work by Schelhorn (65) showed great irregularity 
in the nuclear divisions and tetrad formation in a triploid of P. avium, 
which the author believes arose by the fertilization of an unreduced 
sexual cell of P. avium with a sexual cell, and not as a cross of P. avium 
and P. cerasus. 

The basic diploids show considerable stability of the genome, as is 
evidenced by the regular meiosis and high fertility of the hybrid between 
P. tomentosa from China and P. besseyi from Central North America 
(Sax unpublished). Apomixis has not been found in this subfamily. 

Little cytological work has been done on the Spiroideae, but both 
autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy have been found in Spiraea, Sax (64). 
Polyploidy appears to be related to geographical distribution, since the 
Old-World species are largely diploid while most of the American species 
are late-flowering tetraploids. 

The Pomoideae are unique in that the subfamily is of allopolyploid 
origin. Secondary polyploidy is common in most of the genera, and trip- 
loids play an important role in both natural and cultivated species. 
Polyploidy has complicated the genetic and taxonomic variation of most 
of the genera and in a few cases is related to geographic distribution. 

The first extensive work on the genera of Pomoideae was done by 
Longley (42) in 1924. He determined the chromosome number in eighty 
species of Crataegus from the collection in the Arnold Arboretum. He 
found thirteen diploids, sixty-seven triploids, and ten tetraploids. 

The chromosome relationship in the Pomoideae was studied by Sax 
(62 and 63). In the Rosaceae the subfamilies, the Rosoideae, Prunoideae 
and Spiroideae, have basic chromosome numbers 7, 8 and 9, while the 
Pomoideae have 17 as the basic chromosome number. The close rela- 
tionship among them suggests that they originated as a cross between 
primitive ancestors of the other Rosaceae. 

Dermen (12) in 1936 discovered in Malus hupehensis a delayed de- 
velopment of the embryo from the unreduced egg after the flower opened. 

Johansson (39) suggested that there were four places of fruit origin: 
the Caucasian region, the Turkestan region, the East Asiatic region in- 


cluding East Siberia, and North America. The new varieties arose through 
crossing, mutation, and doubling of the chromosome number. 

Polyploidy in Malus has been studied by several workers, Einset (13, 
14) found spontaneous polyploids among apple seedlings. Einset and 
Inhofa (15) also described periclinal chimeras; partly diploid, partly 
tetraploid, in apples. Hemming (35) discusses the origin of apples and 
the relation of diploid, triploid, and tetraploid species. 

Some correlation has been shown between geographical distribution and 
polyploidy. Hagerup (33) in 1931 postulated an increase in the frequency 
of polyploidy with the increase in latitude. The results of studies by 
Tischler (73) of the frequency of polyploids at different latitudes in Sicily, 
Schleswig-Holstein, the Faeroes and Iceland supported that hypothesis. 
Further corroboration came from Flovik (22) in his investigations of the 
flora of Spitzbergen, all glacial survivors. 

Gustafsson (26), Babcock and Stebbins (2), and Stebbins and Bab- 
cock (67) have found apomicts to be excellent material for studying the 
effect of environment on the genotype and the tracing of plant migrations. 
The distributional center of the American Crepis complex was found in 
northeastern California. Fernald (21), followed by Babcock and Stebbins 
(2), also considered the Appalachians to hold the ancient American An- 
tennaria complex. Gustafsson (28) has made similar studies of Taraxa- 
cum and Rubus in Scandinavia. Curtis (9) also used apomicts in Taraxa- 
cum in England for the study of the effect of environment on the genotype. 

Other literature on the subject of plant distribution was reviewed by 
Love and Love (44) in their work on “The Geographical Significance of 
Polyploidy.” They conclude that polyploidy increases with the increase 
in latitude or the extremeness of the Pleistocene or post-glacial climate. 
The estimated frequency of polyploidy in the temperate zone is 30 per 
cent or lower. 


In the present work the chromosome numbers of most of the species 
in the genus Cotoneaster were studied. It was hoped that this would show 
something concerning the relationships of some of the species, whether or 
not the species were polyploid, and give evidence as to whether there 
existed in this genus some of the irregularities in reproduction found in 
other genera of the Rosaceae as in Malus and Crataegus. 

The presence of apomixis was also tested. Each season the flowers on 
some of the branches of a few species were destyled and emasculated 
while in the bud on some of the plants to see if they would produce fruit 
without fertilization; and if, as has been found in the apples, the develop- 
ment of the embryo could take place independently of fertilization by 
development from some part of the ovule. There are only a few species 
in which this work was done. Since only positive results were conclusive 
because in a few cases no fruit was set on the controls or occasionally 
on the entire plant, these results will be mentioned in connection with the 


Seed from some of the species were planted to compare the progeny 
from the same seed source, to observe their resemblance to the parent 
plant, and to determine the proportion of hybrid plants occurring in 
natural populations. 

The Cotoneasters in the Arnold Arboretum are all introduced species 
from Europe, Asia, and Africa. A few of these species were obtained from 
crosses made in cultivation; others were collected and brought into cul- 
tivation. The source of the species was usually known, especially the im- 
mediate place from which it was introduced. In most cases the plants 
came directly from their place of origin. The Arnold Arboretum’s own 
collector, Ernest Wilson (75) brought seeds and plants from Asia directly 
to the Arnold Arboretum. Many of them bear the authority of Rehder 
and Wilson. In other cases seeds have come from well-known plant ex- 
plorers in England, France, Germany, Holland, China, and India, and 
other equally familiar sources elsewhere and in the United States. 

The material for the present work was collected during the spring and 
summer of the years 1950 through 1954 and was confined to the species 
available in the Arnold Arboretum. This included most of the well-known 
species, as may be noted from the list given in the table (Tab‘e I), al- 
though not all the varieties of each species were studied. There were a few 
plants labeled “C, sp.” denoting the difficulty in naming them, and as 
mistakes in labeling may occur in the best collections, the number on the 
metal label on each specimen was copied for further tracing if necessary. 
All were checked with the specimens in the herbarium of the Arnold 

The Cotoneasters blossom over a fairly long period in the spring, but 
it is necessary to obtain the dividing microspore mother cells at the right 
stages in division. During a particularly warm day most of the buds on 
a plant might pass through the division stages. In some species where new 
buds are produced over a longer period, material is more easily obtained. 
The difficulties of fixing such a large number of varieties in a short time 
meant that some were missed some years. In some rare cases the plants 
were not in flower every year or they were newly planted. The size of 
the flower bud when the divisions occurred differed in the various species. 
However, most of the available species, though not all, were obtained 
when the divisions were in progress each season, and the results were 
determined and checked. All those reported were checked at least two 
seasons, and many were studied four or five seasons. 

The buds were fixed in alcohol acetic solution twenty-four hours, then 
changed to 95% alcohol. These were left under refrigeration until aceto- 
carmine smears of the pollen mother cells could be made and studied. 

The chromosomes in the Cotoneasters are small, but there was an 
abundance of material and in practically all cases it was possible to ob- 
tain well-fixed material at all stages. 

In the study of the chromosome numbers it was noticeable that the 
chromosome pairing was quite characteristic for any given species. In 
many of the species there was a tendency for the sets of chromosomes to 


adhere strongly in the late prophase and metaphase, and at these stages 
in many cases the count would be 17 or thereabout even when the form 
was triploid or tetraploid except for a few univalents. The chromosomes 
in these cases would appear unusually large for Cotoneaster. However, 
as the chromosomes separated and were counted in the anaphase stage, 
it was apparent that the species were often triploid or even tetraploid. 

The diploids are very regular in their divisions. The 17 small chromo- 
somes pass to the poles and are easily counted. The polyploids were not 
so easily counted in all cases, but they had a very characteristic appear- 
ance. The chromosome complex was larger and the pollen mother cells 
were usually so much larger that they suggested polyploidy after one be- 
came familiar with them. This did vary somewhat, but in all the diploids 
studied the pollen mother cells were smaller than in most polyploids; 
exceptions were noted in the polyploids. 

Univalents were very often present in the dividing nuclei of the poly- 
ploids. The triploids showed chromosome bridges and other irregularities. 
The chromosome count varied according to the closeness of adherence of 
homologous pairs. Often pieces of chromatin, even whole chromosome 
bridges were left outside in the cytoplasm. As many as twelve such chro- 
mosome remnants were counted, but usually two to six were found outside 
in the cytoplasm. These were visible after the daughter nuclei had rounded 
up in the later stages. Tetraploids were less irregular, although univalents 
were often present. The number was obviously larger, and when they 
separated the counts showed the tetraploid number. At time some of the 
univalents were lost in the cytoplasm. 

The counting of the chromosomes in the polyploids is complicated by 
an early loosening of the arms of the V-shaped chromosomes as they near 
the poles, which makes it appear as a larger number of chromosomes if 
the two arms are counted separately. 

In every species the counts were checked from the same slides by 
Professor Karl Sax, to whom I wish to express my thanks. 

The results of these studies are given in Table I. The species are listed 
in alphabetical order. 


Species and Variety Habitat Zone Number 
C. acuminata Lindl. 226-39 * Himalayas 5 2n 
C. acutifolia Turcz. 15686 N. China 4 2n 
C. acutifolia ? 2291 Tao Basin 3n 

C. acutifolia var. villosula Rehd. 
& Wils. 13165B Cent. & W. China 5 4n 

* Numbers refer to Arnold Arboretum accession numbers. 


Species and Variety Habitat Zone Number 
C. adpressa Bois 7951 W. China 4 3n 
C. adpressa hessei 813-41 3n 
C. adpressa var. praecox (Vilm.) 

Bois & Berthault. 134-18 3n 
C. affinis var. bacillaris (Lindl.) 

Schneid. 17806-A & B Himalayas 7 4n 
C. ambigua Rehd. & Wils. 134-22 W. China 5 3n 
C. apiculata Rehd. & Wils. 7275 W. China 4 3n 
C. bullata Bois 861-—32A W. China rs) 3n 
C. bullata f. floribunda (Stapf) 

Rehd. & Wils. 6685-2 W. China 3n 
C. bullata var. macrophylla Rehd. 

& Wils. 13426 W. China 3n 
C. conspicua Marquand 1019-36C W. China i? 2n 
C. dammeri Schneid. 137-51 Cent. China dP 2n 
C. dielsiana Pritz. 686-33 Cent. & W. China 5 3n 
C. dielsiana Pritz. 134-28A & B 3n 
C. divaricata Rehd. & Wils. 6587C Cent. & W. China 5 3n 
C. foveolata Rehd. & Wils. 

13431A & B Cent. Chin 4 3n 
C. francheti Bois 130-32D W. China 6? 4n 
C. frigida ? Lindl. 191-40 Himalayas 7 2n 
C. froebelli Vilmorin 757-30B Cult. 3n 
C. glabrata Rehd. & Wils. W. China | 2n 
C. glaucophylla Franch. 571-36 W. China 7? 3n 
C. henryana Rehd. & Wils. 

223-07 Cent. China 7? 2n 
C. horizontalis Decne. 45-34 W. China 4 3n 
C. horizontalis var. perpusilla 

Schneid. 7157A W. China 3n 
C. horizontalis var. prostrata 

1070-38 3n 
C. integerrima Med. 1776-3, 

1766B Europe, N. Asia to 

Altai 5 3n 
C. lindleyi Steud. 372-37-A Himalayas 6? 3n 
C. lucida Schlecht. 3284A & B N. China, Mongolia 

Altai Mts. 4 oi 
C. melanocarpa Lodd. 6679-1 Europe to Cent. & 

N.E. Asia 4 4n 
C. melanocarpa var. commixta 

Schneid. 656-33 4n? 
C. melanocarpa var. laxiflora 

(Lindl.) Schneid. 13490-1A Cent. Asia 3n 
C. microphylla Lindl. 22906 Himalayas 5 2n 

. moupinensis Franch. 13497A 

& B W. China 6? 3n 

C. multiflora Bge. 21976, 14916 W. China 5 4n 

Species and Variety Habitat Zone Number 
Cc. eta var. calocarpa Rehd. 
& Wils. 6679-1 & 2 W. China 3n? 

C. multiflora var. granatensis 

(Boiss.) Wenz. Spain 6 3n 
C. nitens Rehd. & Wils. 6681 W. China 4 3n 
C. obscura Rehd. & Wils. 6686-1 W. China 5 3n 
C. obscura var. cornifolia Rehd. 

& Wils. 11261A & B W. China 3n 
C. racemiflora var. desfontaint 

(Reg.) Zab. 389-34 S. Eur., N. Afr., W. 

Asia to Himalayas 
and Turkestan 4 3n 

C. racemiflora var. soongorica 
(Reg. & Herd.) Schneid. 16428. 
21846 W. China 3 3n, 4n 

C. racemiflora var. veitchii Rehd. 

ils. 20075 Cent. China 3n 
C. rosea Edgew. 44939 N.W. Himalayas, 

Afghanistan 5 3n 

C. rotundifolia Lindl. 405-36A Himalayas 6? 3n 
C. rubens W. W. Sm. 21991B W. China 6? 3n 
C. salicifolia Franch. 434-33A W. China 6? 
C. salicifolia var. rugosa (Pritz.) 

Rehd. & Wils. 458-36-A Cent. China 5 3n 
C. schneideri 574-38-B 4n 
C. simonsiit Bak. 596-33 N.W. India, Khasia 5 3n 
C. sp. H. Hesse 13492 3n 
c. D524. 30A & B 3n 
C. sp. 114-36B China (Lu Shan Arb.) 3n 
C. tenuipes Rehd. & Wils. 

7276A-—C W. China 5 3n 
C. tomentosa Se Lindl. 

23-42-4A, 13507-1 S.E. Europe, W. Asia 4 3n 
C. wardi W. W. aa 659-33 S.E. Tibet 7? 3n 
C. zabeli Schneid. 7019B Cent. China 4 3n 
C. zabeli var. miniata Rehd. & 

Wils. 7343D, 156-85 China 3n 

Triploid and tetraploid Cotoneasters are apt to be more vigorous than 
the diploids — but there is much variation among these; some are less 
vigorous. Often the main differences given in Rehder’s Manual between 
some of the species and varieties is in vigor, intensity of color, size of 

tions existing between known diploid and triploid or polyploid species 
derived from them. 

Cotoneaster acuminata Wallich is one of the first species described 
(Flora, 1823). It is a diploid species from Zone 5 in Nepalia in the 


Himalayas (Table I.) A natural hybrid between this species and C. 
acuminata was collected by R. N. Parker. Cotoneaster acuminata is found 
along the Himalayas to Calcutta. 

According to the table (Table I) the chromosome count for Cotoneaster 
acutifolia Turcz. is 17. The pollen mother cells were small. It is a diploid 
and its natural habitat is N. China. It has been found on a mountain 
near Peking by Bretschneider. Specimens in the herbarium from various 
localities in northwest China at high altitudes are labeled C. acutifolia 
Turcz. Wilson (75) says there is no typical acutifolia in China proper, 
but in Mongolia, but that there are two well-marked varieties in central 
and west China. 

Another plant labeled C. acutifolia (?), carrying a different number, 
was grown from seed collected by Joseph F. Rock in the Tao River Basin, 
Kansu Province, China. It is obviously a different variety with a triploid 
chromosome count and lagging chromosomes. This is a triploid probably 
derived from C. acutifolia Turcz. 

One of the varieties, C. acutifolia var. villosula Rehd. & Wils., is found 
in Central and West China. This is a polyploid and was recognized as a 
new variety by Rehder and Wilson (56). It is described as ‘“‘densely 
villous beneath, somewhat larger; calyx tube more densely villous; fruit 
thinly pubescent.” From the chromosome counts this was considered a 
tetraploid, although there was some irregularity. 

Closely related to C. acutifolia Turcz. is C. ambigua Rehd. & Wils. 
from West China which, according to Rehder’s Manual of Cultivated 
Trees and Shrubs (56), “differs chiefly in its slightly pubescent or nearly 
glabrous calyx tube and subglobose fruit with three to four nutlets.” 
Cotoneaster ambigua is a coarser plant in general and more rigid in ap- 
pearance than C. acutifolia Turcz. and bears a closer resemblance to C. 
acutifolia var. villosula Rehd. & Wils., but on comparison of the two 
plants side by side in the field they appeared sufficiently different to be 
separate species. In Plantae Wilsonianae, Wilson (75) makes the remark, 
“In speaking of ambigua, it is noted that all acutifolia like specimens are 
grown in the arboretum and later it may be possible to determine their 
relation to each other.” Cotoneaster ambigua is a triploid. The divisions 
of the nucleus in the pollen mother cells are irregular with bridges still 
holding at anaphase and scattered univalents. The homologues show 
some tendency to adhere. The pollen mother cells often did not finish 
dividing but decomposed at some stage in their development. There was 
also much variation in the stages in an anther and much decomposition in 
the pollen mother cells. Cotoneaster ambigua produced fruit. The speci- 
men in the Arnold Arboretum was heavily fruited in 1953, suggesting 
apomixis in such an irregular triploid. 

Cotoneaster tenuipes Rehd. & Wils. is also noted as a species closely 
related to C. acutifolia Turcz. It has a very graceful fine slender develop- 
ment throughout and would not be mistaken for either C. acutifolia var. 
villosula or C. ambigua. It is less coarse even than the diploid species C. 
acutifolia Turcz. Cotoneaster tenuipes is a triploid form which has smaller 


chromosomes and pollen mother cells like those of the diploid, but the 
chromosome number is higher than the basic number for the genus. There 
were chromatin bridges and fragments in the cytoplasm at anaphase. 
Although the pollen grains were smaller, like those of a diploid, it was 
obviously a triploid or aneuploid. There was little mature fruit on the 
plant in the years 1950-1952, but it was well fruited in 1953. It is 
probably apomictic. 

Cotoneaster tenuipes Rehd. & Wils. grew in West China, as did C. 
ambigua Rehd. & Wils. and C. acutifolia var. villosula Rehd. & Wils., 
the latter extending into central China. The two former are triploids, the 
latter a tetraploid. They grew in Zone 5 (i.e. Rehder’s Map of Climatic 
Zones), while C. acutifolia Turcz. was found in Zone 4 and in North 

There must be some relationship between them, as they have similarities 
that the systematist recognizes. There is the possibility that the triploids 
just mentioned came from a cross in which C. acutifolia was one of the 
parents, or that the chromosome number of C. acutifolia had doubled in 
number, forming a tetraploid (var. villosula) and then back-crossed with 
C. acutifolia or another diploid, giving triploids. Their distribution would 
support this assumption. 

Cotoneaster lucida Schlecht. was once labeled C. acutifolia Lindl. (not 
Turcz.). It came from the Altai Mountains in Mongolia, Zone 4 (North 
China). It is quite different from C. acutifolia Turcz. Cotoneaster lucida 
has larger glossy and lustrous leaves. It is a triploid. It may be that this 
species has some relationship to C. melanocarpa as well as C. acutifolia. 

Cotoneaster foveolata Rehd. & Wils. is represented by two vigorous 
specimens in the Arboretum grown from the same collection of seeds. 
They are alike. Cotoneaster foveolata is a large stiff shrub with large 
leaves. It is a triploid with much irregularity in the nuclear divisions of 
the pollen mother cells. Pieces of chromatin are left out in the cytoplasm 
after the dividing nuclei are formed. Cotoneaster foveolata comes from 
central China, Zone 4. 

Cotoneaster moupinensis Franch. is a large stiff shrub which, like C. 
foveolata, has a rigid appearance. Rehder describes it as “similar to 
C. bullata but with black fruit.” It comes from western Szechuan, West 
China, at 1300-2000 m. altitude. It is common in woods and thickets. It 
is a triploid. Wilson comments about the series as follows: “It must be 
confessed, however, that there is a great similarity between all these 
black fruited Cotoneasters from China.” He noted that there were only 
slight variations between these acutifolia-like species and that they could 
be arranged in a gradual series. He believed that since they are all 

affinities and find the relations of the acutifolia-like ones. 

Cotoneaster bullata Bois and its variety C. bullata var. macrophylla 
Rehd. & Wils. are among the most attractive shrubs in the Arboretum in 
the autumn because of their large clusters of abundant brilliant red fruits 
and very healthy dark green leaves. The macrophylla variety is especially 


striking, having a larger leaf and inflorescence. Wilson says that C. bullata 
is a comparatively rare plant, though scattered over wide areas in 
Szechuan. It is found in open conifer forests in southeastern Tibet at 
9000-10000 feet, inhabiting Zone 5—a zone adjacent to that of C. 
moupinensis, which is in Zone 6 in that same area. Cotoneaster bullata 
Bois is a triploid. The division of the nuclei of the pollen mother cells 
was very irregular, with twenty-two to twenty-eight chromosomes, de- 
pending on the looseness of pairing. There were chromosome bridges and 
many univalents, up to as many as twelve in one anaphase. 

The variety C. bullata var. macrophylla Rehd. & Wils. is also a triploid; 
univalents, bivalents, and trivalents are present. It is very irregular, with 
chromosome bridges at anaphase. 

Another form, C. bullata f. floribunda (Stapf) Rehd. & Wils. is very 
attractive. It also has a triploid number with univalents and lagging 
chromosomes, but its homologues seem to be more closely paired. Under 
his remarks Rehder includes C. moupinensis var. (Stapf) as a synonym. 
It seems significant that this form C. bullata f. floribunda was described 
as C. moupinensis var. Stapf. It has bright red berries. Cotoneaster bullata 
f. floribunda is also found in the thickets of Szechuan, China. It is possible 
that C. bullata and varieties came from similar parental ancestry as C. 
mou pinensis. 

Very bright red berries with intensely green foliage and an attractive 
low habit characterize C. apiculata Rehd. & Wils., which grows in West 
China. This is a triploid with chromosome bridges and other irregularities 
in the reduction divisions in the anthers. In the late anaphase there are 
chromosome fragments left in the cytoplasm. Rehder gives C. apiculata 
as nearly related to C. disticha Lange, which ranges from the Himalayas 
to southwest China. (The latter was not in the Arboretum collection ex- 
cept for small cuttings, and it is not included in the counts. Counts on 
leaf-tip smears show that it is not a diploid.) There were three plants of 
C. apiculata grown from seed collected from the type plant by Wilson in 
China. They were alike. George Graves raised twenty-five plants from 
seed collected in the Arboretum. All were alike. The same was true of 
twenty-nine seedlings grown in the greenhouse, making a total of fifty- 
seven seedlings from the same original source. 

Cotoneaster Lindleyi Steud. is a triploid. It produced no fruit 1950— 
1952, although it had some flowers on it in 1950 and 1951. In 1953 it 
flowered abundantly and produced fruit. This fruit became a deep lav- 
ender or bluish purple as it developed (much like that of C. affinis var. 
bacillaris) and gradually turned a purple brown and finally black —a 
word used by Rehder. Rehder includes C. Lindleyi as a species closely 
related to C. racemiflora (Desf.) K. Koch. It is a conspicuous species 
with its broad oval to broad ovate leaves rounded at the base. It came 
from the Himalayas (Rehder, Zone 6). It was very susceptible to fire 

Cotoneaster affinis var. bacillaris (Lindl.) Schneid. is probably a tetra- 
ploid. There were seventeen large tetravalent chromosomes in early equa- 


torial plate stage and double that number at anaphase. Like C. affinis 
Lindl., which is not in the Arboretum, it is said by Rehder (56) to be 
closely related to C. frigida. 

Cotoneaster frigida Lindl. is a diploid having seventeen chromosomes. 
Our specimen of C. frigida is quite different from the upright type de- 
scribed as typical. It lies flat on the ground with branches very stiff, 
like the one collected at Darjeeling. Some fruit set on the two destyled 
branches. The fruit is large and of a bright red color quite unlike thai 
of C. affints bacillaris. The latter is found in the Himalayas, as is C. 
frigida. They grow in Zone 7 (Rehder). 

It is probable that C. affinis var. bacillaris came from the doubling of 
the chromosome number in C. frigida or a cross between C. frigida and 
some other form. There is quite a noticeable similarity between C. affinis 
var. bacillaris and C. lindleyi, which is a triploid. Cotoneaster lindleyi 
may have come as a backcross from C. affinis var. bacillaris and a diploid. 
There are several diploids in that region. 

In writing of the variety C. dielsiana var. elegans Rehd. & Wils., Wilson 
remarks on the herbarium sheet that “this western plant shows marked 
differences from the type . . . in several respects approaching francheti 
Bois. It also has affinity with C. Zabeli Schneider. Its thinner yet more 
persistent leaves, smaller pendulous fruit, brick and orange red, distin- 
guish this variety from the typical form.” It is found in thickets 3500— 
4000 feet on the eastern slope of Likiang snow range, Yangtze Watershed, 
Szechuan. These observations are supported by a study of the chromo- 

There are three specimens of C. dielsiana Pritz. in the Arboretum. 
One (C. dielsiana 686-33) was from the United States Department of 
Agriculture. After C. dielsiana was fixed two years in succession, a differ- 
ence in the behavior of the chromosomes was noted for the two years. A 
check of the numbers showed that the material had come from the other 
two plants the second year. These two plants were grown from seeds 
labeled C. dielsiana 134—28-A & B, which were collected by Wilson in 
China, and they are alike. The fruit of this specimen is red and waxy 
and the leaves have color in the fall. It fits the description by Rehder. 
The fruit of the U. S. D. A. specimen is a reddish yellow fruit like that 
described for the variety elegans. Cotoneaster dielsiana (686-33) varied 
in the chromosome counts, depending on the looseness of pairing of the 
homologues. There were univalents, bivalents, and trivalents. Bridges 
were present in the anaphase stage. This is undoubtedly a triploid. 

The chromosome counts from the specimens grown from the seed from 
China (134-28) appear to be 17 and up to about 21 in equatorial plate 
stage, depending on looseness of adherence. In the first anaphase the 
count appears to be higher than it appears at metaphase, and univalents 
and stragglers are apparent. The second anaphase counts are 17 and 
higher with irregularities. This may be an aneuploid. 

George Graves grew a thousand seedlings from seed collected in the 
Arnold Arboretum. They were uniform in habit and growth like the 673 


seedlings from 134-28 grown in the greenhouse. They are undoubtedly 
apomicts, as there were many kinds of Cotoneasters growing near 

There were five specimens of C. divaricata Rehd. & Wils. growing from 
a collection of seeds from China. There were no discernible differences 
between these. George Graves grew two hundred seedlings of C. divaricata. 
They showed no variation. 

Cotoneaster divaricata is a triploid species with lagging chromosomes 
and univalents. It is very probably an apomictic triploid. 

There are several varietal forms of C. racemiflora (Desf.) K. Koch 
(in the Arnold Arboretum) which are quite widely distributed in their 
origins and show much variation. They are found in southern Europe, 
North Africa, western Asia to the Himalayas and Turkestan. Cotoneaster 
racemiflora (Desf.) K. Koch is described by Rehder (56) as ‘‘a variable 
species, the typical form variety C. racemiflora var. desfontaini (Reg.) 
Zab. (var. typica Schneid.) has generally elliptic acutish leaves, while 
variety nummularia Dipp. has broader usually obtuse leaves.”’ 

The divisions of the nucleus of the pollen mother cells in C. racemiflora 
var. desfontaini (Reg.) Zab. are fairly stable in appearance, but there are 
some univalents and bridges in both divisions and some chromatin left out 
after the daughter nuclei are formed. The pollen mother cells and the 
chromosomes are large for the genus and the chromosome count shows 
that it is polyploid, probably a triploid, the homologues pairing loosely. 

Some fruit set on the destyled pistils in C. racemiflora var. desfontaint, 
but only on some of the destyled branches. However, when set, the fruit 
was abundant on the destvled branches as well as on the controls. 

Cotoneaster racemiflora var. soongorica (Reg. & Herd.) Schneid. from 
West China is represented in the Arboretum by two plants from different 
sources. They are growing side by side. The fruit of one, which came 
from the Framingham Nurseries, is a little darker in color, maturing a 
little later than the other, which was grown from seed (Hort. Judd). 
They both appear to be triploids, but there are some differences in their 
chromosome behavior. In the plant raised from seed there appeared to 
be a higher chromosome number. Perhaps the homologues were more 
easily separated. One of the obvious phenomena noticed in both cases — 
but especially in the plant from the nursery — was the large number of 
examples of the stages where the homologues were pulled apart along the 
plate but still adhering. The whole complex would be in that condition 
with several univalents and bivalents less regularly placed. 

Cotoneaster racemiflora var. veitchii Rehd. & Wils. from Central China 
possessed the number of chromosomes and the irregularities of a triploid. 

Cotoneaster rosea, another triploid, has attractive small pink flowers 
in glabrous three- to nine-flowered cymes. It comes from the northwestern 
Himalayas and Afghanistan. It is probably a facultative apomict, as it 
hybridizes at times with C. acuminata, according to Parker’s notes on 
the herbarium sheet. Its branches are slender. It is supposed to be re- 
lated to C. racemiflora, as shown especially by its fruit. 

Cotoneaster multiflora Bge. is a very graceful shrub from western 


Szechuan. It is handsome in bloom and it has attractive red fruits. This 
is a tetraploid. The counts are around 34, Late anaphase shows a larger 
count, which is characteristic, as the two arms of the chromosome separate 
further in the reorganization of the daughter nuclei. The divisions are 
fairly regular. Although C. multiflora grows in West China, the Arnold 
Arboretum Herbarium has also a specimen from Kashmir. This may be 
a variety of C. multiflora or of C. racemiflora. 

Cotoneaster multiflora var. calocarpa Rehd. & Wils., with rosy-colored 
blossoms, shows much irregularity. It is probably a triploid, although at 
times it appeared to have too many chromosomes. They may be the 
homologues prematurely separated 

Cotoneaster multiflora var. granatensis (Bois.) Wenz. is a triploid, the 
chromosome counts varying with many univalents—as many as fifteen 
in one case. The homologues varied in the ease with which they separated. 
In some cases the division went no further than the pollen mother cells. 
There was much sterility. The pollen mother cells, as well as the chromo- 
somes, were large. 

Among the unidentified species Cotoneaster sp. Hesse 13492G is a 
triploid. The two unnamed specimens collected by Dr. Rock are also 
triploids. They are alike and came from the same collection of seeds. 

It was found that two collections labeled C. obscura and collected at 
different times yielded different results as far as behavior of chromosomes 
was concerned. One of these gave results similar to those obtained from 
the material labeled C. obscura var. cornifolia. A survey of these speci- 
mens in the field showed the two latter to be similar, and a checking of 
the numbers carried by these shrubs against the cards in the files disclosed 
that the plants had come from the same collection of seeds! (The large 
label on the questionable plant had omitted the varietal name.) Coton- 
easter obscura var. cornifolia Rehd. & Wils. is a triploid, as it is very 
irregular with univalents, lagging chromosomes, and irregular pollen size. 
Cotoneaster obscura is also a triploid, but it has fewer chromosomes and 
is somewhat less irregular in its divisions. The homologues may adhere 
more closely or it may be an aneuploid. It is not as coarse in general, 
having smaller leaves, more delicate branches, and dark red fruit, while 
the variety cornifolia has a purple-black fruit. These are both from West 
China. They are probably apomictic triploids related to C. acutifolia or a 
cross between C. acutifolia var. villosula and some diploid. 

Cotoneaster francheti Bois and C. schneideri appear to be identical or 
nearly so. The appearance and behavior of the chromosomes first called 
my attention to the similarity. When the plants were checked in the field, 
they were almost identical. The red fruit of C. francheti Bois was a bit 
more deeply colored than that in C. schneideri which was orange-red. 
The latter, however, although located near by, is more shaded by other 
plants. It could, of course, be an apomict which is a “clonal variety” with 
very slight differences. Rehder (56) does not mention C. schneideri. The 
plant in the Arnold Arboretum came as seed from California. Cotoneaster 
francheti is a tetraploid species. It comes from West China. 


Rehder comments on the similarity between C. francheti Bois. and C. 
wardit W. W. Sm. The leaves of C. wardii are larger and in general the 
bush is more vigorous. It looks quite different. The fruit is larger and 
red without the orange-red tint noticeable in the red of C. francheti. The 
chromosome behavior is different. Cotoneaster wardii is a triploid, prob- 
ably with C. francheti as a parent. This may be a case where the triploid 
is more pronounced in various ways than the tetraploid. 

Two plants of C. simonsii in the Arboretum come from different sources; 
one from seed from Wageningen, Holland, the other as a plant from a 
nursery. They are not exactly alike in chromosome behavior, one being 

more irregular with long bridges stretching from pole to pole in the ana- 
phase and with many univalents. The other is a little less irregular, but 
the chromosome count is the same. Both are triploids according to chro- 
mosome count and behavior. The plants vary somewhat, too. The fruits 
of one are almost always solitary or in a small cyme; the other fruits 
are in a cyme. The one with solitary fruits is much like the variety 
newryensis, nearly related to C. francheti. A total of 384 seedlings of 
C. simonsti gave three variants. 

Cotoneaster zabeli Schneid. is represented by four specimens — all from 
the same collection of seeds. They are alike. Cotoneaster zabeli is a trip- 
loid. In the third year of the experiment fruit was borne on the destyled 

Cotoneaster zabeli var. miniata Rehd. & Wils. is a smaller, more delicate 
variety in habit and flower, with a light orange-scarlet fruit instead of 
the bright red borne by C. zabeli. It is also a triploid. This, like C. 
tenuipes, was expected to be a diploid. It may be an aneuploid, as the 
count is low for a triploid. 

Cotoneaster tomentosa (Ait.) Lindl. is represented by two plants in 
the Arboretum. They are alike. Each year the flowers on several branches 
were destyled while in the bud. These set fruit in about the same pro- 
portion as on the controls. Apomixis is very definitely shown here. These 
plants continue to flower all summer up to frost time; only a few flowers 
are in blossom on each branch at a time. Cotoneaster tomentosa is a 

Rehder (56) speaks of C. tomentosa being similar to C. integerrima, 
but larger in every part and more pubescent. Cotoneaster tomentosa is 
distributed throughout Europe and West Asia in Zone 4 (Rehder). 

One specimen is reported from Kansu, but it may differ and should be 
compared, as no other report of that kind is made. Two new specime 
from a nursery labeled C. tomentosa are not like the older C. tomentosa 
planted here, but are more like C. integerrima, but larger. 

It was noted above that two plants of C. obscura var. cornifolia Rehd. 
& Wils. coming from the same seed source were alike in every way, the 
chromosomes being similar in number and appearance. Several other 
groups of two or more specimens from the same collection of seeds from a 
species were growing in the Arboretum. In all these cases plants from 
the same seed sources were alike. The number was not large enough in 


each case to be certain if this was always true for these species, but 
Cotoneasters in general were considered to come true from seeds. 

In the behavior of the chromosomes definite groupings are suggested, 
and a few of these species are very close together. For instance, C. 
francheti and C. schneideri are similar, as are the two so closely related 
soongoricas. A note with one specimen of C. francheti in the cultivated 
group describes the fruit as orange-scarlet. Schneider collected an orange- 
scarlet-fruited specimen at Gotha. Perhaps this is where the name C. 
schneideri became attached to and substituted for C. francheti for the 
California plant, as C. schneideri does show a slightly more orange tint. 
At any rate, C. francheti is a tetraploid which shows a deep orange red 
as it is ripening, and only a slight variation could be the cause of the 
differences in both cases. Cotoneaster wardii, a related triploid, lacks 
the orange tint altogether. Cotoneaster francheti is a tetraploid, which 
explains to some extent the “splitters” that Turrill mentions in connection 
with the variety “‘sterniana” and which turns up in C. schneideri. Crosses 
with other species may help to produce the triploids found in cases like 
C. ward, C. nitens, C. divaricata, and others. 


Most of the Cotoneasters have long been known to breed true from 
seeds. This has been shown by the uniformity in the seedlings grown 
from the collections of Wilson and others, and frequent mention of the 
fact that certain species of Cotoneaster could be propagated by seeds. 
Saunders (60), in Refugium Botanicum, mentions that C. buxifolia comes 
true from seeds, and gives a list of Cotoneasters that may be propagated 
by seeds. Conrad Loddiges & Sons (41) describe C. affinis and C. melano- 
carpa as raised from seeds. According to Stapf’s (66) description of C. 
bullata in the Botanical Magazine, 1909, it produces an abundant crop 
of seeds to increase the plant 

In the literature on Cotoneaster several cases of natural crosses have 
been reported. Cotoneaster frigida Lindl. is of interest in this respect. It 
has been mentioned as one of the parents in several instances. 

Exell (17) collected seeds from a plant of C. frigida growing in close 
proximity to other species of Cotoneaster and planted them. Among the 
resulting seedlings there were six hybrids; the remaining plants were like 
C. frigida. Cotoneaster watereri Exell was considered an_ interesting 
hybrid between C. frigida Lindl. and C. henryana Rehd. & Wils. (C. rugosa 
Pritzel and Diels.). Cotoneaster frigida Lindl. and C. pannosa Franch. 
gave rise to C. crispit Exell. The others were not of horticultural interest. 

A. A. Pettigrew (54) of Cardiff obtained seeds of a C. frigida fructi- 
luteo plant from Stevenstone, Devonshire. This plant differed from the 
type in color of the fruit only, which was yellowish or creamy white 
instead of red. After several years of genetic experiments, on which the 
final report was not available, the author found red to be dominant, and 


he believed that the individual plants of C. frigida were self-sterile and 
that they were fertilized by a red-fruited variety growing in the vicinity. 

Conrad Loddiges & Sons (41), in describing C. frigida, mention that 
it should be budded on white thorn stock. 

Another instance of the tendency of C. frigida to hybridize is the an- 
nouncement, in Gardeners’ Chronicle 132: 243, of C. cornubia —a hybrid 
between C. frigida and an unrecorded species — as a vigorous plant by 
Mr. Lionel de Rothschild in 1933. This received an award of merit. 

Others report C. frigida as breeding true. A. T. Johnson (40) describes 
C. frigida as naturally a free and robust tree “so readily raised from 
seeds.” He also mentions the distinct form fructo-luteo. Four seedlings 
of C. frigida montana grown from seed obtained by Donald Wyman from 
North Africa were alike. 

On a note with a specimen from the Flora of Chumbi in the Arnold 
Arboretum Herbarium, mention is made of the fact that seedlings of C. 
frigida Lindl. are alike; also that seedlings of C. aldenhamensis are all 
alike but not so broad-leaved as those of frigida. 

R_N. Parker, while collecting in Khadrula India Sikkum, Himalayas. 
at an altitude of 2700 meters, June 18, 1928, found in a thicket a specimen 
which he considered a cross (C. acuminata Lindl. and C. rosea Edgew.). 
There is a specimen of this in the Arnold Arboretum Herbarium. This 
has the habit of C. acuminata and the pink flowers of C. rosea. A plant 
of C. rosea was growing near by the thicket of C. acuminata where this 
hybrid plant was found. 

Caution against raising plants from seeds comes from several sources, 
concerning both the microphylla and salicifolia groups. Of the probable 
hybridization in the several species allied to C. microphylla, C. congesta 
(Syn. C. microphylla var. gracilis), and C. thymifolia Arthur Osborn (51) 
writes, “It is best to propagate these distinct forms by cuttings or layers. 
They do not come true. At least that is our experience at Kew, though 
ig may be due to cross pollination as all are growing in close proximity.’ 

_ J. Bean (3) made similar observations, as was noted earlier. The 
Meee of species, all natives of the upper and middle basin of the Yangtze 
River, in which are included C. salicifolia and its varieties, C. glabrata, 
C. henryana, and C. rhytidophylla, have also been reported (66) to hy- 
bridize easily. Cotoneaster watereri is supposed to have one parent in 
this group. 

The instances of hybridization are few and limited to species or groups 
where few specific data are available. In an isolated population a species 
would be expected to breed true, but when numerous species are growing 
in close proximity variation would be expected. Some cases have been 
cited where a small number of offspring from the same seed source are 
alike when species overlap and hybridization could result. The most 
critical test, however, is the study of the progeny of species grown in a 
botanical garden where many species are grown in close proximity. 

In the Arnold Arboretum most of the species are grown in close prox- 
imity., and the time of flowering is essentially the same in some species 


and overlapping in others. There is ample opportunity for cross-pollina- 
tion, since the bees at blossoming time are so abundant that it is difficult 
to work with the plants. 

In order to determine whether most of the species breed true from 
seeds where there was so much chance of cross-pollination, seeds were 
collected from the following species, stratified, and grown in the green- 
house: C. acuminata, C. acutifolia var. villosula, C. adpressa, C. adpressa 
hessei, C. adpressa var. praecox, C. ambigua, C. apiculata, C. bullata, C. 
bullata {. floribunda, C. dielsiana, C. divaricata, C. foveolata, C. frigida, 
C. horizontalis, C. integerrima, C. lindleyi, C. lucida, C. microphylla, C. 
moupinensis, C. nitens, C. obscura cornifolia, C. racemiflora var. desfontaini, 
C. racemiflora var. soongorica, C, racemiflora var. veitchii, C. rosea, C 
simonsii, C. s. var. newryensis, C. tomentosa and C. wardii. 

In connection with this part of the work I wish to thank Dr. Karl Sax, 
who helped collect the seeds, and Mr. Lewis Lipp, Jeanette Renshaw and 
Dorothy Thorndyke for growing and caring for the seedlings. I thank 
George Graves, who grew additional seedlings from three of the same 
seed sources and furnished the data that are also included in the table 
(Table II). These include 25 seedlings of C. apiculata, 1000 of C. 
dielsiana, and 200 of C. divaricata. 


Chromosome Number of | Number of Number of 

Species Number Seedlings Maternals Variants 
C. acuminata 2n 11 7 
C. acutifolia var. villosula 4n 14 12 2 
C. adpressa 3n 6 6 0 
C. adpressa hessei 3n 10 10 0 
C. adpressa var. praecox 3n 4 4 0 
C. ambigua 3n 50 50 0 
C. apiculata 3n 54 54 0 
C. bullata 3n 14 14 0) 
C. bullata f. floribunda 3n 34 34 0 
C. dielsiana 3n 1673 1673 0 
C. divaricata 3n 200 200 0) 
C. frigida 2n 2 0 2 
C. horizontalis 3n 5 5 0 
C. integerrima 3n 44 44 0 
C. lin i 3n 16 16 0 
C. moupinensis 3n 21 21 0 
C. multiflora 4n 57 57 0 
C. ni 3n 26 26 0 
C. obscura var. cornifolia 3n 16 16 0 
C. racemiflora var. veitchii 3n 13 13 0 
C. rosea 3n 27 27 0 
C. simonsii 3n 384 381 3 
C. wardii 3n 36 35 1 


The data for this work are given in Table II. In most instances the 
number of seedlings from each species was not large, but most of the 
offspring were like the seed parent; most were maternals. 

Cotoneaster acuminata and C. frigida showed a tendency to hybridize. 
They showed considerable variation in their respective progeny. Both are 

The large majority of the Cotoneasters breed true. Several others did 
show a small percentage of variants. 

Among the triploids, three of those propagated threw a small percentage 
of variants (Table II). Of the 26 seedlings of C. mitens, three were 
different and varying among themselves; the others were alike. One of 
the thirty-six seedlings of C. wardii varied from the type. Of 384 seedlings 
of C. simonsti all were uniform, with three exceptions. As was also true 
of the aberrants in C. nitens and C. wardit, the three seedlings of C. 
simonsti were conspicuously different from the others of the same species. 
They were striking among an otherwise uniform population. They had 
broader leaves which were thicker and tomentose and flattened into a 

This may indicate that although C. nitens, C. simonsii, and C. wardii 
reproduced apomictically, the egg is fertilized at least at times, and that 
they may be crossed with other species. They are probably facultative 
apomictic species, as Malus sargenti is among the a ; 

On the triploid C. tomentosa (Ait.) Lindl. destyled ovaries developed 
in about the same proportion as on the controls on other branches of the 
same shrub. This was also true of the destyled ovaries of the triploids 
C. dielsiana Pritz., C. nitens Rehd. & Wils., C. froebellii—a plant from 
Vilmorin — and C. zabeli Schneid., but further work along this line would 
be necessary before settling this point on these grounds, except for a few 
species. Many species so treated gave negative results, but most of the 
negative results are not conclusive, either because not enough work was 
done, or because injury in the process might cause the fruit to drop (as 
happened most often the first year) or because no fruit was set on the 
controls at the same time. 

Apomixis must be very general among the triploid Cotoneasters. Many 
species grown in the same vicinity are in bloom at the same time. The bees 
and other insects are attracted to them in such large numbers that cross- 
pollination should be the rule. Although the divisions in the pollen mother 
cells were very irregular in the triploids, and often with the loss of 
chromatin, there was an abundant production of fruit and a great uni- 
formity among the progeny where they were tested. This seems to 
establish rather definitely the presence of apomixis in the triploids. 

The tetraploids were more regular in the divisions in their pollen mother 
cells. Seedlings of only two tetraploids, C. acutifolia var. villosula and 
C. multiflora, were grown. Among fourteen seedlings of the former two 
variants appeared. All were uniform in C. multiflora. ee fruit set 
on the plant, which was in the midst of many other s 

There is no doubt about apomixis in the triploid Co aeatiars and it 


is possible that it may exist in some of the diploids and tetraploids. There 
is also some evidence that some of the triploids are facultative apomicts, 
since three produced a small percentage of variant seedlings. It is possible 
that variants in other triploid species might be found if larger numbers of 
progeny were grown or if the triploids were hand-pollinated with pollen 
from triploids. 

The meagre evidence of facultative apomixis in Cotoneaster is sup- 
ported by the breeding behavior of the closely related genus Malus. Malus 
sargenti is found in diploid, triploid, and tetraploid forms (K. Sax un- 
published). When open pollinated all produce only maternal progeny, 
even though they are surrounded by other species. When artificially pol- 
linated with pollen from other diploid species, the triploids and tetraploid 
M. sargenti forms do produce some sexual progeny, but seldom more than 
twenty per cent. In some cases only maternal types of progeny are pro- 
duced, and in all cases these types are predominant. The mechanism of 
this facultative apomixis is unknown. A few triploid species of Malus 
do produce an occasional variant when open pollinated, even though the 
great majority of the progeny are maternals. It is possible that the same 
type of apomixis is present in Cotoneaster. 


The geographical distribution of Cotoneaster in relation to the 2 n. 
3 n, and 4 n chromosome numbers may offer suggestions as to the origin 
of some of the species. Eight of the species studied are diploids. There 
may be other diploids among those in which the chromosome number has 
not been determined. The diploids C. frigida, C. microphylla, and C. 
acuminata are found in the Himalayas; C. conspicua in Tibet: C. glabrata 
and C. henryana in the Yangtze basin in western and central China: C. 
dammeri in West Hupeh in central China: and only one, C. acutifolia 
Turcz., in North China and Mongolia. 

The diploids have a limited geographical distribution, and fifty per 
cent of them are found in Zone 7 (Rehder); only one, C, acutifolia Turcz., 
inhabits Zone 4. Wilson (75) comments that C. acutifolia Turcz. was 
originally described from Chinese Mongolia, that it was introduced by 
Dr. Bretschneider from mountains near Peking, and that the typical form 
is absent from central and western China, but varieties are found growing 
in these regions. 

There were a number of instances in which specimens were labeled C. 
acutifolia or a variety thereof. Some of these have been considered as 
natural variations. Some relatives of C. acutifolia Turcz. have been 
recognized, but the situation was complex, and much has been left to be 
settled in the future. 

A variety, C. acutifolia var. villosula Rehd. & Wils., was recognized 
as a near relative. A study of the chromosome number proved it to be a 
tetraploid form. It is a hardy shrub occupying Zone 5 in central and 
western China. It grows in thickets in West Hupeh, West Szechuan, and 


in the Shensi mountains, the latter bordering on the habitat of C. acuti- 
folia Turcz. It may have originated through the doubling of the chromo- 
some number of C. acutifolia under circumstances in the past conducive 
to the disturbance of the chromosome balance. Two specimens labeled 
Cotoneaster sp. grown in the Arnold Arboretum from seed collected by 
Dr. Rock in the Tao River Basin in western China were triploids. 

A large number of species which are considered as belonging to the 
“acutifolia group” are triploids or aneuploids with approximately the 
3 n number. Included in this category are C. ambigua Rehd. & Wils.. 
which the authors considered closely allied to C. acutifolia Turcz., and 
C. obscura Rehd. & Wils., which they believed resembled C. acuminata 
which grows in the Himalayas in India. They thought C. obscura also 
resembled C. foveolata Rehd. & Wils. of West Hupeh, which seems more 
probable, although there may have been earlier connections with the 
acuminata ancestors. Cotoneaster foveolata Rehd. & Wils. in turn closely 
resembles C. moupinensis Franch., common in the thickets of West 
Szechuan. These were black-fruited. Cotoneaster bullata Bois. and its 
varieties are red-fruited, and when not in fruit were mistaken for C. 
moupinensis. Further comments show close external resemblance. Coton- 
easter bullata Bois., according to Wilson, is a relatively rare plant but 
is widely scattered along the edge of the zone occupied by C. moupinensis 
in West Szechuan. 

At first Rehder and Wilson considered C. tenuipes Rehd. & Wils. as 
nearly related to C. racemiflora Koch (which is on the other side of the 
mountains), but they lacked the flowers. Later Rehder placed it near 
C. acutifolia Turcz., which seems more probable, as these forms are all 
found in West China. 

These triploids that resemble C. acutifolia Turcz. may have come from 
the diploid C. acutifolia and the tetraploid C. villosula. There is also the 
possibility of intercrossing of C. villosula and its descendants with other 
diploids of the region, as is obvious from the geographical locations and 
the fact that C. acutifolia var. villosula is a facultative apomict. 

Cotoneaster acutifolia Turcz. may also have contributed some of its 
characteristics to the flora of the North. Cotoneaster lucida Schlecht. 
was once named C. acutifolia Lind]. It is not easily confused with C. 
acutifolia Turcz. It has dark green leaves which are very glossy and 
lustrous. It has also been found to be a triploid. It grows in the Altai 
mountains in Mongolia in Zone 4 (Rehder), in thickets at 2000-3000 m., 
having a limited distribution. This is probably related to C. acutifolia 
Turcz, and may have another relative in C. melanocarpa Lodd. 

Cotoneaster melanocarpa Lodd. is a tetraploid species which ranges 
from northern and eastern Europe across Siberia to central and northeast 
Asia. It is probable that it is another tetraploid form from C. acutifolia 
Turcz. (or even C. acuminata, which I doubt) which, having less competi- 
tion to the north as well as the necessary vigor and better adaptability, 
has occupied more space than most Cotoneasters. It inhabits Zone 4. 

Varietal forms of C. melanocarpa Lodd. occupy more restricted areas. 


The variety C. melanocarpa var. commixta Schneid. is a 4 n species and 
C. melanocarpa var. laxiflora (Lindl.) Schneid. is a 3 n species from cen- 
tral Asia. It may have been a back cross of C. melanocarpa with C. 
acutifolia or a cross with C. acutifolia var. villosula. 

Other diploids have contributed variation to the flora around them. 
Cotoneaster acuminata Lindl. is a diploid found in Zone 5 in the Hima- 
layas and on the side away from China. According to Wilson (75) C. 
acuminata Pritzel in Bot. Jahrb. 29: 385. 1900 (pro parte, non Lindley) 
is under C. acutifolia var. villosula as a synonym. There are different as to 
chromosome number and they are geographically separated. 

Although they are distinct species, there is some resemblance and a 
fairly close relationship taxonomically between C. acutifolia Turcz. and 
C. acuminata, They may have some common or similar ancestry in the 
past; at present there are very definite geographical barriers between the 

Cotoneaster frigida Lindl., a diploid, grows in the Himalayas and is 
cultivated in Zone 7. Rehder (56) considers C. affinis and its variety 
C. affinis var, bacillaris, a tetraploid cultivated from Zone 7 (?) to be 
closely related to C. frigida. Bean (3), in his ‘“‘Trees and Shrubs,” re- 
marks that C. affinis var. bacillaris and C. frigida are connected by one 
or two intermediates. In 1899, W. J. Bean writes in Vol. 55 of The Gar- 
den that C. affinis is between C. bacillaris and C. frigida. The tetraploid 
C. affinis var. bacillaris may have been formed by a cross between two 
species, one of which was C. frigida, or by the doubling of the chromosome 
number of C. frigida. 

Cotoneaster lindleyi, a triploid, also shows affinity for this group, 
especially C. racemiflora. It is an inhabitant of the Himalayas, and is 
cultivated in Zone 6 (?). 

Cotoneaster racemiflora (Desf.) K. Koch is considered by Rehder a 
very variable species. It is a triploid which ranges in Zone 4 from south- 
ern Europe, North Africa, and western Asia to the Himalayas and Turk- 
estan. It has several varieties, var. desfontaini (Reg.) Zab. being the 
typical one, and it is a triploid. It is not found in China, but some of its 
varieties are found there and are more limited in distribution. Cotoneaster 
racemiflora var. soongorica (Reg. & Herd.) Schneid. inhabits West China, 
Zone 3, and C. racemiflora var. veitchii central China. These are triploids. 

If the species in China are closely related to the species to the west, 
then a common ancestor must have given rise to those on both sides of 
the mountains. Its wide range makes C. racemiflora look like an older 
species. It may have come from C. frigida, at least as one of the parents, 
in which there was a doubling of the chromosomes, as is probable in C. 
affinis var. bacillaris, or it may have come from a cross of C. frigida with 
C. acuminata or an unknown or extinct species. It is apparent that there 
is a decided difference between the Chinese racemiflora species and the 
typical form. 

That the C. racemiflora triploids which were grown in close proximity 
with other Cotoneasters breed true shows that apomixis is fairly common. 


The seed set is very good. The wide range of these triploid apomicts 
shows ability to adapt to a variety of locations. Cotoneaster rosea shows 
resemblances to C. racemiflora. It may show both C. acuminata and C. 
frigida traits. It is a triploid 

Cotoneaster simonsti, first collected in the Khasia Mts. in northern 
India, shows some resemblance to C. acuminata and to C. rotundifolia. 
There is a possibility that in the past it had some common ancestry with 
the francheti group — to which it is often likened. 

Several of the most attractive species of Cotoneaster which show various 
degrees of similarity inhabit West and Central China. They differ from 
the acutifolia group. Among these are C. francheti, a tetraploid, and the 
triploids C. dielstana, C. dielsiana var. elegans, C. divaricata, and C. nitens. 
Cotoneaster wardii, a triploid facultative apomict inhabiting Tibet, is 
very closely related. Cotoneaster dielsiana is an apomict. Cotoneaster 
zabeli, which inhabits central China, appears to have some similar traits. 
It and its variety are both triploids 

The origin of this group is not clear. They are all related to the tetra- 
ploid C. francheti Bois. The diploid C. dammeri grows in central China, 
C. conspicua in W. China. There are also possibilities of having earlier 
species mixed with ancestors of species from the southern Himalayan 
groups. Cotoneaster microphylla extends into Yunnan. Further study of 
the francheti group is necessary in order to determine its origin. 

The salicifolia-like group of plants from the Yangtze Basin have been 
a problem to the systematist. Cotoneaster salicifolia Franch., its varieties 
floccosa (Pritz.) Rehd. & Wils. and rugosa Rehd. & Wils., C. rhytidophylla 
Rehd. & Wils., C. glabrata Rehd. & Wils., and C. henryana (Schneid.) 
Rehd. & Wils., are all evergreen or half evergreen species with prominently 
veined, elliptic oblong to ovate lanceolate leaves. They have attractive 
flowers and fruit. 

Exell (17) remarks, ‘I am following the conclusions of Dr. Stapf (Bot. 
Mag. ¢t. 8999) that C. henryana Rehd. & Wils. and the earlier C. rugosa 
Pritz. ex Diels are synonymous.’ These plants do resemble each other 
closely, but Rehder & Wilson (56) recognized some differences, and the 
study of the chromosome numbers indicates that they were correct. 
Cotoneaster glabrata and C. henryana are diploid species (Rehder Zone 
7 2). Cotoneaster salicifolia comes from Zone 6 (?). Its chromosome 
numbers have not been determined with certainty. Its variety C. salictfolia 
var. rugosa is a triploid from Zone 5. 

It may be noted from the zones in which these species are found that 
they are fairly tender plants. Except C. rhytidophylla Rehd. & Wils. they 
are all growing in the Arnold Arboretum (in fairly protected areas) in 
Zone 4. 

It is not surprising that Thomas (72) remarks, “If these plants are 
raised from seeds variation results.” There are some diploids, C. glabrata 
and C. henryana, and some triploids. There may be facultative apomicts 
in some of this group. 

Included by Rehder as a nearly related species is C. glaucophylla 


Franch. inhabiting West China (Zone 7) which is also a triploid. He calls 
attention to some resemblance to C. zabeli. Cotoneaster zabeli is a trip- 
loid from central China. A variety, C. zabeli var. miniata Rehd. & Wils.. 
is a triploid from central China. 

The microphylla group, mostly prostrate plants, inhabits the Himalayas. 
E. H. Wilson (75) remarks that it is not seen in China, although it has 
been reported from Yunnan, These plants are reported to show variation 
in their seedlings. C. microphylla is a diploid. There are several micro- 
phylla varieties with closely related species, as C. congesta Bak. (Hima- 
lavas). Rehder mentions C. conspicua Marquand, a diploid, as a closely 
related species. It inhabits West China and Tibet. 

It may be noted from the foregoing that the triploids vary more as to 
range and habitat. Some of them are as limited as the diploids, being 
reported from only one vicinity. Nineteen out of about forty triploids 
are reported from West China, four from the Himalayas, and six from 
Central and West China. Four more are described from Central China. 
two from North China, and one, C. multiflora granatensis, from Spain. 
All of these show a narrow range. 

There are a few more widely ranging triploid species. Cotoneaster in- 
tegerrima Med., an early recognized Cotoneaster, is a triploid which is 
common to Zone 5 in Europe, in the western Himalayas, and in northern 
Asia to the Altai Mountains in Mongolia. It has been reported from 
southeast Tibet and Shantung, far from any others that have been re- 
ported. Rehder collected it for the Arnold Arboretum in the Savoyan 
Alps in France, and Anderson collected it in the mountains in Bulgaria. 
Rehder considers C. uniflora Bge., growing in the Altai Mountains, as a 
closely related species, but comments that it may be only a variety of 
C. integerrima. Cotoneaster sylvestris of central China is also mentioned 
as a Closely related species. Cotoneaster zabeli of western China shows 
some characteristics of C. integerrima. 

Cotoneaster tomentosa (Ait.) Lindl. is somewhat more limited in its 
distribution. It grows in northern and eastern Europe and western Asia. 
It has been reported from Kansu. It is considered related to C. integer- 
rima, but it is larger and more intense in every detail. It is a vigorous 
apomictic triploid. Cotoneaster tomentosa leaves are more like those of 
the affinis group but heavier and more tomentose; these species differ in 
fruit and inflorescence. 

Another widely distributed triploid, C. racemiflora, is found growing 
from North Africa throughout southern Europe and western Asia to the 
Himalayas and Turkestan. It is reported at Tomsk in Siberia. J. F. 
Rock remarks that the typical C. racemiflora (Desf.) K. Koch is not 
found in China, but well-marked varieties are found in Hupeh and 
Szechuan. The McClaren collectors found C. racemiflora var. veitchii in 
the Purple Mountains near Nanking. The variety C. racemiflora var. 
soongorica has been collected in West China, Shantung, and Shansi. 

Of the large number of triploids only two, C. glaucophylla and C. wardit, 
are found in Zone 7 (both questioned) ; six are in Zone 6, and C. racemi- 


flora var, soongorica is in Zone 3. The remaining triploids in which the 
aa numbers were determined were either varieties or unknown 

The tetraploids, which are few in number, also vary in the breadth of 
their distribution. Cotoneaster acutifolia var. villosula is a tetraploid 
from central and western China in Zone 4. Cotoneaster affinis var. bacil- 
laris inhabits Nepal (Zone 7), C. francheti western China (Zone 6 ?). 
Cotoneaster melanocarpa ranges in Zone 4 from northern and eastern 
Europe and the Caucasus to central Asia (having been reported from 
Tomsk), from Turkestan through Siberia to northeast Asia in Mongolia, 
Manchuria, Chili and Kansu. The variety C. melanocarpa var. commixta 
has a more limited range. Cotoneaster multiflora is found in West China. 
Cotoneaster melanocarpa has the widest range of the Cotoneasters except 
the triploid C. racemiflora. 

Some of the polyploids show a tendency to adapt themselves over a 
wider range geographically. The diploids are limited in their range. There 
is also a slight tendency for the diploids to be more limited zonally, about 
half being in Zone 7. 

All European species so far studied are polyploid. They probably 
originate from the Himalayan species. No diploids are found in Europe, 
and all European species show resemblances to those of central and 
northern Asia. Cotoneaster multiflora var. granatensis from Spain is sup- 
posed to be related to C. multiflora from western China. It might. 
however, be related to C. racemiflora, which is not so far apart from C, 
multiflora in distinguishing characteristics. Its leaf pubescence is char- 

acteristic of C. racemiflora, being one of the characters separating the 
two species. 

When the chromosome number and the tendency to be evergreen were 
considered at the time of leaf drop there was found to be a slight tendency 
on the part of the 2 n species to be more evergreen and therefore more 
subtropical. There were deciduous diploids, C. acutifolia and C. acumi- 
nata. There were many polyploid evergreens. Some of the plants, both 
diploid and polyploid, were partially evergreen. 


Cotoneaster has long been recognized as a taxonomically difficult genus. 
Wilson (75) in discussing the similarities of the black-fruited Cotoneasters 
from China wrote “with C. acutifolia Turcz. at one end of the chain and 
moupinensis Franchet at the other, it is almost possible with the material 
before us to connect the series.”? As in Hieracium, Crataegus and Rubus, 
the species and varieties are often separated by minute, but constant 

Hybridization is still a prominent factor in the variation and evolution 
of the Cotoneasters. There is clear evidence of hybridization of the di- 
ploid species, both in nature and under cultivation. There is some indica- 


tion of crossing between a few of the tetraploids. It is also probable that 
many, if not most, of the triploids were derived from crosses between dip- 
loids and tetraploids. Even some of the apomictic triploids may occa- 
sionally hybridize with diploids, as is known to be the case in Malus. 

Although the great majority of the species of Cotoneaster are apomictic 
triploids, there are some variants among the progeny of some species. 
Such variation could be caused by occasional sexual reproduction, or it 
could be the result of internal segregation if the progeny are from un- 
reduced egg cells, as Haskell (34) has suggested for apomictic species of 
Rubus. The meiotic irregularity and loss or non-disjunction of chromo- 
somes could also lead to variant aneuploids, as has been suggested by 
Stebbins (68). There is some evidence of aneuploidy in a few Coton- 
easters, although exact chromosome counts were not possible. 

In the triploids the meiotic divisions are irregular, as may be expected. 
but some species are more irregular than others, with bridges found at 
anaphase. Although the division process is typical for each species or 
variety, there is much variation between the speices, and due to various 
degrees of adherence of the homologues, the exact chromosome number is 
sometimes uncertain. Some of the speices may be aneuploid with slight 
differences in chromosome number; some of the chromosomes may be 
lacking, but this has not been established. 

Perhaps these more irregular triploids are from crosses between dis- 
tantly related diploids and tetraploids which differ in chromosome struc- 
ture and result in inversion bridges in the triploid hybrids. The more 
regular triploids may be autopolyploids between closely related forms. 
At any rate, the triploids do seem to fall into several rather distinct groups 
in respect to meiotic behavior. 

Polyploidy within the species would also account for some variation 
since it is known that induced tetraploids are often of a stiffer habit and 
have larger and more deeply colored flowers than their diploid ancestors. 
It is just this type of variation that differentiates many of the species and 
varieties of Cotoneaster. 

The variation produced by hybridization and polyploidy is “fixed” by 
apomixis. Although, as Miintzing and others have found, apomixis is 
not confined to polyploids, it does permit cytologically and genetically 
heterozygous species to be perpetuated. Slight variations can be main- 
tained in “Clonal Species,” a term proposed by Darlington (10). 

Apomixis in polyploids permits the constant reproduction of a hybrid 
which would normally be sterile and would have little survival value. 
Yet it is known that many artificially produced triploids which must be 
propagated by grafts or cuttings are superior to either the diploid or tetra- 
ploid parent in vigor and in horticultural value (K. Sax unpublished). 
The fact that most of the species of Cotoneaster are apomictic triploids 
shows that they have high survival values and can be easily propagated. 

The polyploid species of Cotoneaster do have a wider range of distribu- 
tion than the diploids. The diploids are largely confined to the Himalayas, 
West and Central China, while some of the triploids and tetraploids are 
widely distributed. The triploids C. racemiflora, C. integerrima, and C. 


tomentosa have occupied a wide territory. Cotoneaster lucida, although 
limited in distribution, has adapted itself to a colder zone. The tetra- 
ploid C. melanocarpa has spread over large areas from northern and east- 
ern Europe through Siberia and Manchuria. These widely distributed 
species are polyploid apomicts. 

Excessive uniformity brought about by apomixis might be a handicap, 
even though under original conditions the triploid or hybrid apomictic 
species may have definite advantages and greater adaptability. As Stebbins 
(68) has suggested, the uniformity imposed by apomixis would be a 
handicap in a changing environment, and the lack of variation would be 
a block to further evolution. 

In Cotoneaster, however, there is occasional variation in the progeny 
of apomictic species. These species still have some plasticity to meet a 
changing environment, either through occasional sexual progeny, internal 
segregation, or chromosome irregularity. Thus they have the ability to 
perpetuate an unbalanced cytological and genetic complex of adaptive 
value and yet have the capacity to produce variants to meet new environ- 
mental conditions. 

Polyploidy and hybridization provide most of the variation in Coton- 
easter. Often the differences are slight, yet they are fixed by apomixis, 
providing distinct variants which reproduce true to type. Some of these 
may have a wide distribution. It is this complex of variation due to 
polyploidy and hybridization, combined with apomixis, that makes the 
genus Cotoneaster a difficult one for the taxonomist. For the horticulturist 
apomixis is an advantage, since most of the ornamental species and 
varieties breed true from seed. 


The chromosome numbers were determined in forty-one species and 
eighteen varieties of Cotoneaster. Of these Cotoneasters eight taxa were 
diploid, forty-three triploid, six tetraploid, and two polyploids could not 
be determined. Some aneuploidy may be present, as several triploids 
seem to vary. 

Progeny from twenty-three species show that two diploids reproduced 
sexually. The rest reproduced apomictically, an occasional variant ap- 
pearing among three of the nineteen triploids: C. nitens, C. simonsii, and 
C. wardii. One tetraploid was a facultative apomict. 

The diploids are limited in their geographical distribution, as are most 
of the triploids and tetraploids. Among the triploids three species, C. 
integerrima, C. racemiflora, and C. tomentosa, show wide distribution. 
One tetraploid, C. melanocarpa, is found over wide areas. The diploids 
showed a slight tendency toward zonal, as well as geographical limitation. 

Apomixis stabilizes a species, but the genus Cotoneaster is given flexi- 
bility through sexual reproduction and through facultative apomixis. 
There are probably some obligate apomicts, i.e., C. dielsiana. 

Apomixis and polyploidy are responsible for the taxonomic complexity 
of the genus Cotoneaster. 












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The fiscal year of 1953-54 was a momentous one for the Arnold Arbo- 
retum, marking as it did the solution of long-standing problems of space, 
housing and care of collections which have for over a decade hindered 
the work of the Arnold Arboretum. 

On January 19, 1953, the President and Fellows of Harvard College 
(the trustee of the Arnold Arboretum), in a detailed and careful vote, 
stated that “In the exercise of its duties as trustee of the endowment funds 
held in trust for the purposes of the Arnold Arboretum, the Corporation 
determines that it is in the best interests of the Arboretum and will 
promote the purposes of its endowment to remove to a central building 
in Cambridge the main body of the library and herbarium of the Arbo- 
retum related to research, and to retain in Jamaica Plain such books and 
specimens as may be required to provide there a working library and 
herbarium.” This proposal had long been advocated as a solution to the 
problems of the Arboretum which previous directors have stated in their 
annual reports. (See Annual Reports 1936, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 
following.) The Administration Building in the Arboretum had become 
overcrowded. Floor space was no longer available for the addition of steel 
cases, and as temporary expedients, display cases and cardboard herba- 
rium boxes were used to store approximately 20% of the mounted her- 
barium and all of the material awaiting determination and mounting. 
The library was equally crowded to the point where it was becoming 
difficult to care for the valuable books properly. This latter condition 
had been alleviated by transferring, for use and storage, many of the 
Arboretum books to the Harvard Forest and to Cambridge. However, 
even with these measures, additional shelf space could not be found in 
the Administration Building. Working space for staff members had be- 
come restricted by the growth of the collections and the library. To solve 
these and other problems, the Corporation vote was welcomed by a 
majority of the staff of the Arboretum. 

The vote of the Harvard Corporation called for the appointment of 
an Arnold Professor, a post unoccupied since the retirement in 1946 of 
Dr. E. D. Merrill. In October the Corporation, with the approval of the 
Board of Overseers, appointed Richard Alden Howard as Arnold Professor 
and Director of the Arboretum. Dr. Howard was also appointed Professor 
of Dendrology within Harvard College. All appointments were effective 
February 1, 1954. 

The Harvard Corporation had voted that a portion of the herbarium 
and library was to be moved to a new building in Cambridge known as 
the Harvard University Herbarium Building. One million dollars was as- 
signed from unrestricted funds of the University for the construction and 
equipping of this building. The Arboretum collections and library would 
thereby receive adequate housing and the staff working equipment at no 


capital cost to the Arnold Arboretum endowment. Construction of the 
building was completed in February 1954. 

The Arnold Professor, by vote of the Corporation, was to implement 
the move. Serious considcration was then given by the director and the 
staff of the Arboretum to the selection of books and herbarium specimens 
to be retained in Jamaica Plain. When tentative plans were formulated, 
Dr. Howard, in accordance with the vote of the Corporation, consulted 
with Dr. William J. Robbins, Director of the New York Botanical Gar- 
den, regarding what specimens were to be left in Jamaica Plain as a work- 
ing herbarium. He also consulted with Dr. Keyes Metcalf, Director of 
the Harvard University Libraries, regarding what books were to be re- 
tained in Jamaica Plain. Each of these conferences produced a final plan 
which determined the nature of the Arboretum’s collections of specimens 
and books in each of the two locations. Dr. Robbins and Dr. Howard 
determined that the vote of the Harvard Corporation could be best im- 
plemented by establishing in Jamaica Plain a working herbarium devoted 
to the study and advancement of knowledge of horticultural plants. To 
that end they made seven recommendations as follows: 


That all cultivated specimens in the herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum 
representing taxa now under cultivation in the Arboretum and elsewhere 
be retained in Jamaica Plain. 

That sufficient additional specimens of taxa related to a given cultivated 
group be retained to insure working control of that group. 

That spontaneous or native specimens be used to supplement poorly 
represented cultivated taxa. 




That representative specimens of all taxa of certain major cultivated groups 
be retained. For example, it is proposed to have in Jamaica Plain all 
material of the difficult genus Crataegus, and to have representatives of all 
taxa of the Conifers, Rosa, Rhododendron, Cotoneaster, Quercus, Syringa, 
Viburnum, Lonicera, Fraxinus and Ulmus. 


. That additional specimens be returned to the herbarium at Jamaica Plain 
as their need becomes known; i.e., new introductions, new cultigens, or 
additional material found necessary for determination. 

That this herbarium be maintained as an active herbarium and that addi- 
tional cultivated material, e.g. herbaceous specimens, be added in future 
years to make the herbarium at Jamaica Plain a complete working herba- 
rium for determination and study of all groups of cultivated plants. 


That all type specimens of cultivated taxa remain in the Jamaica Plain 
herbarium and be clearly marked and properly housed. 

The specimens to be retained in Jamaica Plain number approximately 
100,000 specimens and are housed in 96 steel herbarium cases, creating 
in itself one of the outstanding horticultural herbaria of the wor 

A similar set of proposals was worked out by Dr. Metcalf and Dr. 
Howard regarding the library books to be retained in Jamaica Plain. 
Again, in accordance with the vote of the Harvard Corporation and for 
the best interests of the Arboretum, Dr. Metcalf and Professor Howard 

recommended the establishment of a working library devoted to the study 
and advancement of knowledge of horticultural plants. To that end they 
recommended to the Corporation the following proposals: 


_ That the library in Jamaica Plain retain a complete set of all publications 
of the Arnold Arboretum; i.e., the serial publications Arnoldia, the Journal 
of the Arnold Arboretum and Sargentia, as well as the complete sets of 
publications by staff members. All Sargent, Wilson and Rehder publications 
will be kept in Jamaica Plain. 

_ That reference books for horticultural study and research are to be re- 
tained. These will include basic textbooks, floras, garden dictionaries, horti- 
cultural encyclopedias, and all books which normally fall in the library 
classification of horticulture, botanic gardens, etc. 

_ That a selection of books on dendrology, ecology, physiology, pathology, 

economic botany, entomology, biography and natural history, as well as 

books on color will remain in Jamaica Plain. 

To coordinate the interests of the herbarium with those of the library, 

there will be in Jamaica Plain all books dealing with roses, rhododendrons, 

lilacs, and similar groups, as well as monographs of Crataegus, Quercus, 
and the Conifers, and other horticultural books and monographs which will 
strengthen the value of the horticultural herbarium. 





Additional periodicals of particular value to horticultural research and 
reference. such as Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, Horticulture, Gartenschon- 
heit, La Belgique Horticole, Revue Horticole, Gardener’s Chronicle, Journal 
Royal Horticultural Society, etc., will be retained. 


Folio volumes useful to horticulture are to be left in Jamaica Plain. 


The large collection of Wilson photographs, photos of botanical gardens, 
cultivated plants, etc., are to be considered library material and retained 
in Jamaica Plain. The Rehder card catalogue considered essential in the 
use of the cultivated plants in the herbarium also will remain in Jamaica 

_ All books, manuscripts and comparable reference material are to be cata- 
logued on cards available in Jamaica Plain, and suitable designation of the 
location of these books is to be made in the Union Catalogue at Widener 



Additional books or similar reference material that may be found necessary 
in Jamaica Plain will be returned for permanent deposit in the library of the 
Administration Building. 


. The library of the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain and in Cambridge 
is to be considered in the future, as it is now, a reference and non-circulating 

These proposals for a library dealing with cultivated plants consider 
approximately 7000 volumes of the total Arboretum library, including 
1800 periodicals and 100 folio volumes. 

Further consideration was taken by the staff as to the proper housing 
and location of books and specimens in the Administration Building in 
Jamaica Plain. Tentative plans were drawn for a redesigning of the in- 
terior of the Administration Building for horticultural activities. It was 


proposed to house the library, offices, and herbarium on the first floor of 
the building. With the additional space available, a lecture-demonstration 
room will be possible, also on the first floor. Adequate storage and ex- 
pansion for both the library and herbarium and sufficient working space 
for the staff is again possible in the building. 

After all aspects of the proposals and plans were reviewed by the staff 
of the Arboretum, Dr. Howard submitted a report to the Corporation 
stating his recommendations for the implementation of the Corporation 
vote of January 19, 1953. The Corporation at their meeting on May 17, 
1954, invited Dr. Howard to appear and to describe the procedures fol- 
lowed in preparing his recommendations. Later in the same meeting, the 
Corporation voted that the several recommendations presented by the 
Arnold Professor and Director of the Arnold Arboretum were in accord- 
ance with the statement of policy in the resolution of the Corporation 
of January 19th. The Corporation accepted Dr. Howard’s recommenda- 
tions and authorized him to proceed in accordance with those recom- 
mendations to carry out plans for the removal from the Administration 
Building in Jamaica Plain the herbarium specimens and books selected 
for location in the University Herbarium in Cambridge. 

With this authorization the move began on June 7th and was in progress 
at the end of the fiscal year. The herbarium staff proceeded to draw out 
the herbarium specimens to be retained in the cultivated herbarium and 
to arrange these in the steel cases on the first floor of the Administration 
Building. The librarian, with additional assistance, selected the books 
to be retained in Jamaica Plain and these were arranged temporarily in 
the library reading room on the second floor until their permanent quarters 
on the first floor have been completed. The shifting of both the her- 
barium and the library was coordinated in such a way that there was no 
interruption of horticultural work or of service determinations. By July 
Ist the herbarium of cultivated plants in the Administration Building was 
completely organized and in use. Casey and Hayes Company, movers, 

were charged with the task of moving the herbarium cases with the speci- 
mens intact to the new building. The library to be moved was so organ- 
ized that the books were taken from shelves in Jamaica Plain and placed 
on previously designated shelves in the new library in such a fashion that 
the books were always in order. Only the highest praise can be suggested 
for care afforded both the books and the specimens in the course of the 
move. The Art Metal Company, which originally supplied the steel her- 
barium cases of the Arnold Arboretum, was responsible for disassembling 
the cases in Jamaica Plain and reassembling them in Cambridge. That 
work is in progress. All cases are to be checked and new felts applied 
where necessary to assure that the old cases in their new location will be 
bug-proof. A large number of herbarium specimens had to be transported 
from Jamaica Plain to Cambridge in the cardboard herbarium boxes which 
had been their location for a.decade. Eventually these specimens will be 
arranged in proper sequence in the regular herbarium and all will be stored 
in steel cases. The appropriation by the Corporation from University 


funds allowed the purchase of 430 additional steel herbarium cases. The 
majority of these will be used to house the Arboretum’s collections. Within 
the next year the Arboretum specimens for the first time in many years will 
all be housed properly in steel cases. 

The Director can only speak with praise of the yeoman’s service 
rendered by the Curator, the Librarian and many members of the staff 
who worked so hard to implement this move. A major goal in the care 
of the Arboretum’s collections is near attainment, and while many months 
of hard work remain, the best interests of the Arnold Arboretum have 
been fully considered in the activities of the past year involving the move. 


Living collections of plants such as those that comprise the Arboretum’s 
collection require constant care. The excellent condition of the grounds 
throughout the year and the outstanding floral display of the spring of 
1954 are indicative of the activities of the horticultural staff. 

During the past year approximately 150 species and varieties of new 
plants were added to the collections in Jamaica Plain. Many others were 
received either as seeds or living plants. These have been grown or propa- 
gated and are now being tested in our nurseries. A total of 152 shipments 
including 790 species and varieties was received. Most of these came from 
arboreta, gardens and nurseries in the United States and Japan, but ship- 
ments originated also in eight other countries. Over 50 species and varieties 
of Post Entry Quarantine plants were released by the U.S. Department 
of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Quarantine, and these are being propa- 
gated for distribution as they show ornamental value. The propagation 
department prepared 7396 plants for our collections or for exchange or 
other distribution. These plants were propagated: cuttings, 4164; grafts, 
2717; seeds, 485, and layering, 30. During the past year 144 shipments 
of plant materials were sent to cooperating institutions in eleven countries. 
Five small tree species, either new or extremely rare in America, were 
propagated and distributed to 24 cooperating nurseries which requested 
materials from a previously circulated list. Nearly 1000 individual plants 
were distributed to “Friends of the Arboretum” throughout the year. Sev- 
eral large yews and other shrubs were given to the Department of Build- 
ings and Grounds of Harvard University for planting about the University 
Herbarium Building and other college buildings. 

Pruning, fertilizing, spraying and planting operations continue through- 
out most of the year at the Arboretum. In the past year the base of 
Hemlock Hill was cleaned of weed growth, opening an area for a new 
hemlock planting at some future date. Many weed plants were pulled 
from the azalea bank on South Street and in the Kalmia collection on 
Hemlock Hill. The Taxus collection and the large pines along Walter 
Street were given a much-needed thinning, as were the azaleas on Bussey 

Thirty-one cords of manure were spread on collections needing fertilizer. 


These collections included the plantings of Carpinus, Juniperus, Chamae- 
cyparis, Viburnum, Rhododendron and some of the Rhododendron ob- 
tusum kaempferi in the woods near the ponds. The Rhododendron collec- 
tion had a splendid display of bloom this year as a result of repeated 
fertilizer applications of past years. Castor pumice has been used ex- 
tensively on these penne. Summer watering has also improved the 
condition of these plan 

The bank cone a aaa tracks was sown to grass in the fall and 
several groups of conspicuous blooming trees were planted there this 
spring. Within a few years we hope to develop this bank into a colorful 
display, primarily for the benefit of the commuters on the Dedham branch 
of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. 

A new “Bean” 400-gallon hydraulic sprayer was purchased to be drawn 
by tractor. It has become increasingly evident that control of all insects 
and diseases in the Arboretum merely by mist spraying is impossible. 
Both mist and hydraulic spraying are used now with better coverage and 
control that was formerly possible. Spray equipment was used on 24 
different days last year. Particular attention to sprays and techniques of 
spraying for use in arboreta and parks is being given under the direction 
of the Superintendent and his staff. Fireblight, which in the past few 
years has become a serious threat to the large crab apple collection, was 
apparently held in check this year by the experimental use of “Agrimy- 
cin,” one of the new antibiotics. A supply of this material for testing was 
donated by the Chas. Pfizer Company of New York. Weed control by 
the use of chemicals on a rigid spraying schedule has made poison ivy 
much less evident this year than before. The plant still grows in the 
Arboretum, however. 

The locations of all cultivated plants on the 265 acres of the Arboretum 
are recorded on 74 standard maps scaled at 20 feet to the inch and 34 
additional enlargements covering the congested areas. Of these 108 maps, 
approximately one-third are carefully field-checked each year. The con- 
dition of the plant is noted so that it can be propagated, fertilized, sprayed, 
labeled or given any treatment deemed necessary. Each year it is neces- 
sary to replace from 1500 to 2000 display labels which have disappeared 
or are illegible. At the same time identifications are checked and kept up 
to date with current taxonomic revisions. Last spring all the lilac collec- 
tion was checked during the flowering period. A few plants were dis- 
carded as not being true to color and the remainder are now considered 
correct according to the most recent survey of ‘‘Lilacs for America,’’ pub- 
lished by the Lilac Survey Committee of the American Association of 
Botanical Gardens and Arboretums. To further enhance the value of this 
collection to the public, selected plants were labeled “‘best of the variety” 
during the flowering season. 

The collection of photographs owned by the Arboretum is used con- 
stantly for reference by the staff. Prints of these photographs are used 
by the staff to illustrate articles for publication. Photographs from our 


files were also used in several national garden magazines and in news- 
papers. In recent years a collection of 35 mm. Kodachrome slides and 
5 & 7 Ektachromes has been built up. These are used to illustrate lec- 
tures and publications. This collection is increased yearly and its use 
grows. Many of the photographs in these collections are made in private 
gardens in the vicinity of Greater Boston. The splendid cooperation of 
home owners who have unusual or interesting plant materials being used 
to advantage and who have given Arboretum staff members permission 
to photograph them is greatly appreciated. Within the past year post- 
cards have been made from some of the kodachromes taken in the Arbo- 
retum. These are on sale at the Administration Building and in Boston 
and have proven popular among visitors. 

The staff of the Arboretum remains active in the field of plant propaga- 
tion. The use and effect of various plastic films in vegetative propagation 
is receiving considerable attention. Species of Magnolia, Ilex and Acer 
which are normally difficult to root are being tried under polyethylene 
plastic. The effect of polyethylene plastic as a tie material over graft 
unions is being tested on species of Picea, Pinus and Abies. A polyethylene 
grafting case has been used in propagation of species of Ulmus, Quercus 
and Betula. The same plastic film is being tested as a means of prevent- 
ing the drying of seeds during stratification. 

Acer griseum, one of the unusual maples in the Arboretum collection, 
is being tested for the effect of different root stocks on compatibility. 
Various concentrations of hormones on the rooting of Rhododendron 
species and varieties is being undertaken. Artificial pretreatment of seeds 
requiring a high temperature period followed by a low temperature is 
being applied to species of Viburnum, Cotoneaster and Acer. Reports will 
be published on the results of these experimental projects as the work 

The horticultural staff has also demonstrated the popularity of the 
Arboretum collections through a program of adult education. Informal 
classes were held in the greenhouses, and the Fall and Spring Field Classes 
conducted by Dr. Wyman have attracted a record attendance in the past 
year. Conducted tours of the grounds are available to large groups re- 
questing such service in advance. Many garden clubs took advantage of 
this service during the past year. The Massachusetts Horticultural So- 
ciety had its regular field day at the Arboretum on May 15th, and four 
busloads of visitors attending the National Convention of the American 
Society of Landscape Architects were conducted through the grounds by 
members of the staff. 

The ground cover and small tree display plots at the Case Estates in 
Weston are proving to be of increasing interest to visitors. Classes from 
four different colleges in New England made trips to Weston to study 
these collections. An experiment in the use of maleic hydracide and Crag 
herbicide is under way at the Case Estates. Preliminary results indicate 
that these materials may be valuable in reducing the hand labor required 
in the Arboretum as well. 



A number of new hybrid ornamental apples produced at the Arnold 
Arboretum have proved to be outstanding and are being propagated for 
distribution. The hybrids with Malus Sargenti are of special interest 
because of their dwarf habit and brilliant foliage during the spring and 
early summer. The hybrids, like the M. Sargenti parent, are facultatively 
apomictic and tend to breed true from seed. 

Species hybridization is common in the subfamily Prunoideae (Rosa- 
ceae), and a number of spontaneous hybrids between Prunus Besseyi and 
other species have been found. An excellent example of the stability of 
the genus is shown in the artificial cross between P. Besseyi of central 
North America and P. tomentosa from eastern Asia. Although these 
species differ in many characters and have been separated for hundreds 
of thousands of years, they cross readily and the F1 hybrid is fertile. 

The “Merrill” Magnolia, a hybrid produced fifteen years ago, has 
proved to be vigorous and early-flowering. It became available to the 
horticultural public from commercial sources in the spring of 1954. 

Dwarfing rootstocks and bark inversion are being used for the develop- 
ment of dwarf ornamental trees. The bark inversion technique is being 
used to induce early flowering in ornamental trees and vines which are 
reluctant to produce flowers. 

Hally J. Sax (Mrs. Karl Sax), utilizing the extensive living and her- 
barium collections of the Arboretum, completed a cytotaxonomic study 
of the genus Cotoneaster. Most of the species were found to be apomictic 
triploids, There is some evidence of facultative apomixis in these triploid 
species. Thus the species is able to perpetuate hybrid complexes through 
apomixis, yet retain some genetic plasticity to meet new environmental 
conditions by occasional hybridization. 

Dexter Sampson, a graduate student, continued his work on the cyto- 
logical analysis of the progeny from triploid hybrids in Philadelphus and 
Forsythia. Bradford Johnson, another graduate student, began a study 
of the cytology of facultative apomixis in Malus. 

Comparative Morphology: 

Professor Bailey has completed his task of preparing material for pub- 
lication in book form by the Chronica Botanica Company. This volume 
which deals with salient trends of anatomical research during the period 
1909-1953 will be released for sale in the near future. Miss Margery P. F. 
Marsden has completed her intensive investigation of Clerodendron tri- 
chotomum Thunb. and received the doctorate from Radcliffe College in 
June. Mr. Chi Ling Chen developed symptoms of tuberculosis early in 
the fall and is having to spend at least a year at the State Sanatorium in 
Rutland. This was extremely unfortunate, not only in postponing com- 
pletion of his work on the Sapotaceae for the doctorate, but also in de- 
priving Professor Bailey of his expert assistance in preparing the wood 
collection for transfer to its quarters in the new botanical building. 


The wood collection was initiated by Professor Sargent during the early 
years of his administration of the Arnold Arboretum. It has subsequently 
been enlarged and strengthened by additional accessions at the Arnold 
Arboretum and by successive contributions made by the Forestry School, 
the Bussey Institute and the Department of Biology. Since 1936, it has 
been housed, as have staff members of the Arnold Arboretum concerned 
in its use, in the Biological Laboratories without cost to the Arboretum. 
For a number of years the Department of Biology provided financial 
assistance in the making of catalogues and microscopic slides. Further- 
more, Professor Wetmore and his associates contributed much time and 
effort to expanding and improving the collection. In transferring the 
much enlarged collection, new steel cases and many new trays have been 
provided by the University. The Biological Laboratories also generously 
contributed a large number of the trays in which the collection was for- 
merly stored. In its new quarters, the collection is housed in close prox- 
imity to the collections of fruits and seeds and slides of pollen, leaves and 
flowers. Thus, any taxonomist working with herbarium specimens now 
has efficient and convenient access to supplementary data contained in 
these extensive and very valuable collections. 

The Herbarium: 

The activities of the herbarium staff during the past year were involved 
in the preparations to implement the vote of the Harvard Corporation. 
The Curator, Dr. Kobuski, and Miss Perry devoted regular time and many 
extra hours to the designation and separation of the horticultural her- 
barium and the preparation of the non-horticultural material for the move. 
In spite of these steps of preparation, the regular activities continued in 
the herbarium. During the past year 3560 specimens were mounted and 
added to the herbarium, which now contains 675,119 sheets. A total of 
12,421 specimens were sent out in exchange, 11,121 to foreign institu- 
tions and the remainder to American herbaria. New collections received 
at the Arboretum number 27,758 specimens. Of these, 12,000 specimens 
came as gifts or in exchange, while approximately 16,000 specimens were 
received from expeditions or collectors sponsored completely or in part by 
the Arnold Arboretum. Nearly 85% of the incoming materials were re- 
ceived from Malaysia and Asia, forming a significant addition to the 
valuable collections already in the Arboretum from this area. Among 
the noteworthy accessions are 14,000 specimens collected by L. J. Brass 
on his most recent trip to New Guinea; Richard Schultes’ collection of 
3,500 specimens from the Amazon; 2,000 specimens from the Philippine 
Bureau of Science collected in oriental Mindoro, and 3,500 specimens 
from Japan, the Ryukyu Islands and other accessible areas of Asia. An 
active exchange continues between the Bogor Herbarium in Java and the 
Arnold Arboretum. During the past year the Arboretum received 2,400 
specimens from the Bogor Herbarium collected in various regions of 

The number of requests for loans of specimens from the Arboretum 


collections continues high. A total of 5,457 specimens were sent out on loan 
during the year to twenty-two different institutions. Foreign requests for 
loans numbered eleven. 

During the year, staff members conducted research on plant families 
and areas of their specialties. Dr. Howard was appointed Senior Botanist 
on a project sponsored by the Institute of Jamaica in Kingston, Jamaica, 
British West Indies, to survey the native vegetation on bauxite soils on 
that island. The project hopes in the course of this work, to determine 
what plants of potential economic value can be grown on mined-out 
bauxite areas. Dr. Howard continued his work on the vegetation of the 
Caribbean Islands and made some progress on monographic studies of the 
genus Coccoloba. 

Dr. Kobuski continued his work on the Asiatic members of the Theaceae 
and specifically towards a treatment of this family for the Flora Malesiana. 
He also identified several large collections of this family for various 

Dr. Johnston concentrated on his studies of the Boraginaceae, with a 
special interest in the herbaceous genera found in Asia and the Middle 

Dr, Perry continued her work on the New Guinea flora, giving special 
attention to the recently received collections of L. J. Brass 

Dr. Hu is completing a monographic study of the ornamental genus 
Philadelphus and supervises the initial stages of the preparation of a list 
of the species of flowering plants reported from China. 

Dr, Merrill is now receiving the proofs on his book regarding the botany 
of Captain Cook’s two voyages in the Pacific. It is expected that this 
major contribution will be published in the fall. 

The Library: 

The preparation and implementing of plans to organize a horticultural 
library and the separation of those books to be moved to Cambridge 
formed a major portion of the work of the librarian and the library staff 
during the past year. The Corporation requested in its vote that all 
Arboretum books to be housed in Cambridge be distinctly marked. Thus, 
within the past year all books which are part of the Arboretum library 
have been checked and marked where need be, with a stamp or sticker 
on the back, an embossed imprint within the pages, or a bookplate, or a 
combination of these. An excellent selection of books of horticultural 
use was made with the cooperation of Dr. Wyman and other members of 
the staff. These books to remain in Jamaica Plain will eventually be 
located in a newly designed library and reading room on the first floor 
of the Administration Building, with room for expansion or for little used 
volumes on the second floor of the herbarium wing. 

Additions to the library by gift, purchase or binding totaled 271 vol- 
umes, The library now contains 48,673 bound volumes on the shelves. 
Pamphlets numbering 206 were added to the pamphlet collection, bring- 
ing that collection to a total of 15,410 items. Five hundred and four 


catalogue cards were added to the main catalogue and 1206 cards were 
added to the Gray Herbarium index of American species. Inter-library 
loans showed an increase over past years, although many additional re- 
quests were answered by typing short descriptions, or through the use 
of microfilm and photostat copies. 

Exhibits and Displays: 

The Larz Anderson Collection of Japanese Dwarf Trees was featured 
at the exhibit of the Arnold Arboretum at the Spring Flower Show of the 
Massachusetts Horticultural Society. The plants were exhibited in a 
setting of a Japanese garden, An interesting bamboo shelter was erected 
to shelter these plants in a fashion comparable to that used in Japan. 
Three excellent Kurume azaleas loaned by Mr. John Ames added color 
to the display. A first prize and a gold medal were won by this display. 

Several additional displays of living plant materials were furnished for 
other shows of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society during the year. 
An Arboretum display of sprays of flowers, tree photographs and Ekta- 
chrome display panels occupied a featured location at the National Con- 
vention of the American Society of Landscape Architects at the Hotel 
Somerset. This exhibit attracted much attention and was mentioned in 
the programs and news releases of the meetings. 


Four issues of Volumes 34 and 35 of the Journal of the Arnold Arbo- 
retum were issued quarterly totaling 522 pages. Dr. Kobuski serves as 
editor of the Journal, assisted by an editorial board of other members of 
the Arboretum staff. Twelve numbers of Arnoldia were issued under the 
editorship of Dr. Wyman and were distributed to the Friends of the 
Arnold Arboretum and additional subscribers so that the total distribu- 
tion now numbers 2,200. The subscription price of Arnoldia was raised 
to two dollars per year. This represented the first increase in price since 
this publication first appeared. A demand for back numbers of Arnoldia 
increased to the point where it seemed desirable to accept an offer of the 
D. Van Nostrand Company of New York to publish some of these as 
“The Arnold Arboretum Garden Book.” Some forty-five issues were 
selected and Dr. Wyman wrote an introduction and foreword for this 
book. Proof of the book is now being received and publication is 
expected in the fall of 1954. 

Gifts and Grants: 

The Arboretum is fortunate to receive a large number of gifts from 
individuals interested in the work of the organization and the staff. Most 
of these are received as ‘‘memberships” in the “Friends of the Arnold 
Arboretum.” During the past year 431 memberships were received. Such 
gifts are assigned, unless otherwise designated, to a fund called “gifts for 
cultural purposes” and are used exclusively to sponsor additional work 


on the grounds, such as developing new collections, additional care for the 
plantings or for research and work leading to the development of new 
hybrids, dwarf plants and similar projects. Additional gifts were received 
designated for specific purposes. One gift from a Friend of the Arboretum 
was to be used to support foreign collectors and thereby obtain for the 
Arboretum additional material of horticultural value. It is hoped that this 
meritorious fund can be increased in future years. Another large gift was 
placed at the discretion and joint use of Dr. Reed Rollins, Director of 
the Gray Herbarium and Dr. Howard, Director of the Arboretum, to be 
used for research in systematic botany for the benefit of both the Arnold 
Arboretum and the Gray Herbarium. 

The Arboretum received a bequest from the estate of Emery Holden 
Greenough which was assigned to the endowment of the Arboretum. 
Through the generosity of Mrs. Martha Peters, her home and the land 
thereabout on South Street was given to the Arboretum. It is hoped 
that eventually when funds are available the setting of this old house 
can be used as a demonstration landscape area to show plants for small 
homes in a good setting. The adjacent land when reconditioned will be 
of great value to the Arboretum as a nursery area. 

Numerous Friends have given books on plants and flowers to the Arbo- 
retum. The value of these books is determined by the librarian and 
reported to the donor for income tax purposes. Many of the books are 
welcome additions to the library, while others serve as replacements for 
worn books long in use. 

Bibliography of the Published Writings of the Staff and Students 
July 1, 1953 — June 30, 1954 

BarLey, I. W. The anatomical approach to the study of genera. Chron. Bot. 
14: 121-125. 1953. 

COGGESHALL, ROGER G. oo some rarer plants from seed. Trees Mag. 

, 21. Mar.—Apr. 1 

Howarp, RICHARD A. A ha of the Botanic Garden of St. Vincent, British 
West Indies. Geographical Review 44: 381-393. 1954. 

Botanical Gardens in West Indies History. Garden Journal 3: 255-257. 


anual de la Flora de los Alrededores de Buenos Aires (Review). 
Bull. pay Bot. Club 81: 255-257. 1954. 
Progress at the Arnold Arboretum. Newsletter Amer. Assoc. Bot. Gar- 
dens and Arboretums 18: 13-15. 1954. 
Hu, Sutu-yinc. Notes on the flora of China, III. Jour. Arnold Arb. 35: 
189-200, pl. 1, 2. 1954. 
Jounston, Ivan M. Boraginaceae. In: Botanical Exploration in Venezuela-III. 
Fieldiana Botany 28: 511, 512. 1953. 
Polemoniales (Pars) Family 2 Boraginaceae. In: Flora of Trinidad 
and Tobago 2: 191-209. 1953. 
Studies in the Boraginaceae, XXV. A revaluation of some genera of 
the Lithospermeae. Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 258-299. 1953. 


JounstTon, Ivan M. Studies in Boraginaceae, XXVI. Further revaluations of the 

genera of the Lithospermeae. 35: 1-81. 
Studies in the Boraginaceae, XXVII. Some general observations con- 

cerning the Lithospermeae. 35: 158-166. 1954. 

Kosusk1, C. E. Camellia Soe known in cultivation. Am. Camellia Year- 
book 1953: 1-9, figs. 3. 

Lipp, Lewis F. New Boe in ) plant propagation. Garden Journal 4: 70, 71. 

Merrill, E. D. Bibliographic notes on G. Forster’s “De ee esculentis 
insularum oceani australis (1786)”. Pacific bis 8: 35-4 

Biographical memoir of Merritt Lyndon Fernald ane ocd Nat. 

Acad. Sci. Biog. Mem. 28 (3rd Memoir): 45-64. portrait, 1954. 

Miscellaneous Malaysian notes. Jour. Arnold Arb. 35: 134-156, pl. 1. 


Perry, Liry M. Plantae Papuanae same eca ria The Papuan species 
of Macaranga. Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 191-257. 

Sax, Kart. The Arnold Arboretum during the se Be ended June 30, 1953. 
Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 412-416. 1953. 

Enough for all? Jour. Heredity 44: 203, 204. 1953. 

Interstock effects in dwarfing fruit trees. Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 
62: 201-209. 

SCHWARTEN, LAZELLA. Index to American Botanical Literature. Bull. Torrey 
Bot. Club 80: 355-364, 432-443, 518-529. 1953; 159-167, 259-269. 

& KATHERINE [FERNALD] Lounes. Bibliography : M. L. Fernald. 
Nat. Acad. Sci. Biog. Mem. 28 (3rd Memoir): 66-98. 1954. 

VERDOORN, FRANS. Botanical gardens and arboretums of ne past and their 
reconstruction (Colloque Int. Jardins Botan.). Année Biol. 29: 274-282. 

L’arboretum moderne (Colloque Int. Jardins Botan.). Année Biol. 29: 
Current organization and activities of the botanical section, subsections, 
commissions & committees of the International Union of Biological Sci- 
ences. I.U.B.S. Bot. Section Leaflet 4: 1-8. 1953. 

Chronica Botanica library and archives. Chron. Bot. Keepsake 6: 1. 

The discovery of unicellular life. Chron. Bot. Keepsake 7: 1-16. 1953. 
Editor’s foreword to Plant Genera, their nature and definition. Chron. 
Bot. 14: 93-101. 1953. 

The international plant science congresses, their history and aims. Pro- 
ceedings 7th Int. Bot. Congress, pp. 42-56. pl. v-viii. 1953 (ie., 1954). 
Wyman, Donatp. Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in America. Suppl. 

Dictionary of Gardening, Royal Horticultural Society. 1954. 

Care of ornamental vines. Plants & Gardens 10: 23-27. 1954. 
The Catawba Hybrid— Rhododendrons. Horticulture 32: 218-231. 

illust. 1954. 

— Famous British Gardens. Trans. Worcester County Hort. Soc. 1952: 
70-75. 1953. 

Be of the better ground covers. Arnoldia 14: 21-24. 1954. 

Flowering displays in the Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia 14: 9, 10. 1954. 

Japanese dwarfed trees. Arnoldia 14: 1-7, illust. 1954. 

Wyman, Donacp. A new Magnolia. Horticulture 32: 144, 145, illust. 1954. 
Plant for permanence — Rhododendron vaseyi. Flower Grower 41: 10, 
11, illust. 1954 
Plant for permanence -— The Hemlocks. Flower Grower 40: 15, 1954. 
Planting the modern home. Am. Nurseryman 98*: 25, 144-146. 1953. 
The propagation and registration of woody plants in the United States: 
Report of the Thirteenth Horticultural Congress (1952) 1: 529-536. 1953. 
Seeds of Woody Plants. Arnoldia 13: 41-60, illust. 1953. 
Rhododendron vaseyi. Flower Grower 41: 10, 11, illust. 1954. 

Some shrubs and trees with colored foliage growing in the Arnold 
Arboretum. Arnoldia 14: 13-19, illust. 1954. 
Vines as ground covers. Plants & iat 10: 58-62. 1954. 
Vines for every purpose. Plants & Gardens 10: 4-14. 1954. 
Vines with both sexes separate. Plants & Gardens 10: 68, 69. 1954. 
Vines for winter beauty. Plants & Gardens 10: 46-50. 1954. 
(With Harold O. Perkins) Flowering in Wisteria. Plants & Gardens 

10: 70, 71. 1954 

RicHarp A, Howarp, 


Staff of the Arnold Arboretum 

RicHarp ALDEN Howarp, Ph.D., Arnold Professor of Botany, Professor 
of Dendrology, and Director. 

JosepH Horace Fautt, Ph.D., Professor of Forest Pathology, Emeritus. 

Ermer Drew Merritt, $.D., LL.D., Arnold Professor of Botany, 

IRVING WipMER BAILey, S.D., Professor of Plant Anatomy. 

Rocer Gipps CoGcESHALL, Assistant Propagator. 

BEATRIX FARRAND, L.H.D., Consulting Landscape Gardener. 

ALFRED JAMES ForpHAM, Assistant Superintendent. 

HeEMAN ARTHUR Howarp, Assistant Horticulturist. 

Suiu-y1nc Hu, Ph.D., Herbarium Assistant. 

IvaAN Murray JouNsTON, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Botany. 

CLARENCE EMMEREN KopuskI, Ph.D., Curator. 

LEWIS FREDERICK Lipp, Propagator. 

SusAN Detano McKeE vey, A.B., Research Associate. 

Lity May Perry, Ph.D., Botanist. 

Kari Sax, S.D., Professor of Botany. 


ETHEL ELIZABETH UpuHam, A.B., Herbarium Assistant. 

FrANS VERDOORN, Ph.D., Research Associate. 


Rosert GERow WILLIAMs, B.S., Superintendent. 

DonaLp Wyman, Ph.D., Horticulturist. 





Abildgaardia eragrostis, 215 
oT des, 221 

— fus 

pri 1g 

Additional fore on Nothofagus, 266 
Aegonychon, 38 

Agathis aust tralis, 270 

Aglaia heterobotrys, 138 

Agyneia latifolia, 139 


Albizia ‘plendens, 137 

Alsodela, Pre 145 

— semigyrata, 

Anonymos caroliniensis, 59 
Antidesma coriaceum 

, 149 
Apomixis in Cotoneaster, Polyploidy and, 

Aporosa ae rere 139 
— latifolia, 
sper oh York (Queensland) Ex- 
i » ACE ryptoga ms of the 1948, 260 

—- rata 56 

Arnebia _e 56 
— hispidissima, 51, 55 

— migiurtina, 5 
Aspen in Uiah Mountains, 
Leafing of, 


Balangue gaertneri, 140 
Barroetea, 108, 124 

i soce i ra 106, 116 
— setosa 
Sharing latisquama, 97, 106, 116 

ac-Zelandiae, a 

Bhesa moja, 141 

Brissy, P. Cryptogams of the 1948 Arch- 
bold Cape York (Queensland) Expe- 

dition, 260 
Brake, S. T. The i gees ae 
in New eee by L. J. Brass, IV, 203 
the XXVI. 

Boraginaceae, Studies in 
Further aici of the Genera of 
the Lithosperm 

Boraginaceae, Studies in the, XXVII. 

Some General Observations Concern- 
g the oon 158 

Brickellia, 24 

eer 3; 166 

— sect. Estuslosies 41 

— sec rospermum, 44 

— arvense 
— calabrum, 45 
— Gastoni, 45 


sl cane incrassatum, 43 
— purpureo-caeruleum 

—ramosissima, 38 

—tenuiflorum, 42 

— Zollingeri, 45 

Calamintha polycephala, 86 
Calophyllum rotundifolium, 144 
Camptochaete brisbanica, 260 
Canthium tavoyanum, 155 
Carphephorus, 90, 100, 124 

— bellidifolius, 94, 106, 116 

— corymbosus, 95, LG 
— pseudo-liatris, 94, 106, 116 
—tomentosus, 95, 16 

Carphochaete, 90, 99, 124 

— Bigelovii, 94, 106, 116 

— Grahami, 

CassIz, VIVIENNE DELLOW. New Zealand 
Cane ers, 268 

Ceanothus eae 141 

Celastrus alnifoliu 

Cerinthe, 3, 65, 165 

major, 65 
Circa: castanocarpus, 140 

China, Notes on the Flora of, III, 1 
Chinese Flora, menclatural 
Changes in the 

— tchefouensis, 193 
— pallasii, 190 



Clematis recta angustifolia, 191 
Clerodendron amplius, 1 

— fortunei, 153 
sundocale 153 
—simile, 153 
Coenogonium implex 263 

Comlene: are ener 263 

Conifers, New Zealand, 268 

Control Tree Growth by Phloem 
Blocks, pedi 
COPELAND, T F. Some Details of 

the Structure of anid Mahadincs cham- 

Cordia venosa, 154 
Cotonck (an Polyploidy and Apomixis 
in, 334 
Cotoneaster acuminata, 340, 342, 352, 
354, 356, 35 
— acutifolia, 340, 343, 354, 356, 359 
352, 354, 356, 

—— villosula, 340, 343, 

—adpressa, 341, 352 
——hessei, 341, 352 
—— praecox, 341, 352 
— affinis, 3 

— — bacillaris, 341, 345, ae 356, 359 

—bullata, 341, 344, 352, 355 

— — floribunda, 341, 345, 352 
—-—macrophylla, 341, 344, 345 
— conges 


Thee 341, 354, 357, 358 
—crispii, 350 

—dammeri, 341, 354, 357 
—dielsiana, 341, 346, 352, 357 
—— elegans, 346, 35 
—divaricata, 341, 347, 352, 357 
— foveolata, 341, 344, 355 
— francheti, 341, 348, 357, 359 
——newryensis, 34 
— frigida, 341, 346, 350, 352, 354, 356 
— — fructi-luteo, 350 
— froebelli, 341 
— glabrata, 341, 354, 357 
—slaucophylla, 341, 357 

— integerrima, 341, 
— lindleyi, 341, 

349, 352, 358 
345, 346, 352, 356 


Cotoneaster lucida, 341, 344, 355 

—melanocarpa, 341, 355, 359 
ommixta, 341, 356, 359 

— — laxiflora 

—microphylla, 341, 354, 357 

— moupinensis, 341, 344, 352, 355 

— multiflora, 341, 347, 352, 359 

—w—-calocarpa, 342, 348 

—— granatensis, 342, 348, 358, 359 

—nitens, 342, 352, 357 

— obscura, 342, 348, 355 

—— cornifolia, 342, 348, 349, 352 

— racemiflora, 358 

— — desfontaini, 342, 347, a 

—— soongorica, 342, 347, 356, 

—— veitchii, 342, 347, 352, ah en 

— rotundifolia, 
—rubens, — 

— rugosa 

a. 342, 357 
—- ccosa, 357 


s a 
—tenuipes, 342, 343, 355 
— sa 

= | 

— wardii, yn 349, 352, 357 
— watereri, 50 

—zabeli, 342, 349, 357, 358 

yore hcemeee P. Prevernal ia 
of n Utah abies 

Craibiodendron Kwangtungense, rh 


Cryptogams of the 1948 Archbold Cape 
York (Queensland) Expedition, 260 
Cyperaceae Collected in New Guinea by 

— socotranus, 

Dacrydium bidwillii, 271 
——  biforme, 269 
——*x lxifotium, 269 
— biforme, 

——x lxifolium, 269 

Diaphora cochinchinensis, 228 

Dicera craspedum, 14 
ictyonema irpicinum, 265 


Diosma serra 141 

Diospyro os cathayensis 86 

Director’s Report on the Arnold Arbo- 
retum during the Fiscal Year Ended 

Drepanolejeunea Micholitzii genuina, 262 
— obliqua, 
— tenuis, 263 

Ecdysanthera schrieckii, 152 
Echinolytru um dipsaceum, 214 

Ecotypic Wunik of the Photoperiodic 
Response in Populus, 167 

Elaeocarpus oon 142 
—tectorius, 14 

Embelia i: 149 

— lucida, , 

Eriopus eal 260 
—sp., 260 
Euonymus orgyalis, 197 
Euphorbia longana, 140 

Ficus cordatifolia, 134 
] ensis 13 

— Malunu 

rifolia, 134 
Fimbristsis sect. ge ai 220 
t. Eufimbristylis, 2 


Fimbristylis sect. Laoag 208 
—sect. Trichelostylis, 

——glabra, 212 

—cinnamometorum, 220, 222 
—complanata, 21 
—cylindrocarpa, 208 

— — capitato-umbellata, 219 

acorns. 220, 223 

INDEX 385 

Fimbristylis stricticulmis, 211 
— tetragona, 208, 21 

— xyridis rigidula, 211 

— xyroides, 

Frullania Johnsonii, 262 

— SPp., 

GalIser, L. O. ge in the Kuhniinae 
(Eupatorieae) it; 


ee an a 106, 116 

Glycosmis macrantha, 137 

— oliveri, 137 

Halacsya, 165 
WARD, RicHArD A. The Director’s Re- 
port on the Arnold Arboretum during 
the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1954, 

Hv, Suru-yinc. A Monograph of the 

Hypolytrum ‘nierocaouae: 235 
Hypoporum capillare, 224 

— roxburghii, 

Iriha debilis, 215 
iliacea, 216 

— quinquangularis, 217 

Isolepis cochleata, 208 

i ¢) 

—tetragona, 217 

Jounston, Ivan M. Studies in the Bo- 
raginaceae, XXVI. Further ye 
tions of the Genera of the Litho- 

meae, 1 
OHNSTON, IvaAN M. Studies in the Bo 
raginaceae, X XVII. Some General Ob- 
servations on the Lithospermeae, 158 


Kuhnia, 104, 124 
—adenolepsis, 116 
—eupatorioides corymbulosa, 96, 105, 
—— ozarkana, 116 
ie hare, 96, 104, 106,116 
96, 105, 106, 116 
ee maak 116 
— Mosieri, 96, 106, 1 


wabeecioen Rater ve rig 116 
ee Pr 106, 116 

— Schafineri, , 106, 116 
Kurrimia “lhe, 141 
— robust 

Lagerstroemia flos-reginae, 146 
— speciosa, 1 

Lannea coromandelica, 140 
Laportea elliptica, 135 

ene = 

Leptogium phyllocarpum isidiosum, 264 
Liatris, 124 

Libocedrus bidwillii, 270 
oom heet OC 

—doniana, 2 

— plumo ) 

— ‘pobuntan, 150 
— subsessile, 199 

Linociera cuspidata, 151 
ened 150 

— ridleyi, 

—sp., 1 - 

—stenura, 151 

Lithodora, 38, 44, 165 

Lithospermeae, Studies in the Boragi- 

aceae, XXV Further Revaluations 
the Genera of the, 
Lithospermeae, Studies the Boragi- 

Some General Ob- 

ngiflorum, 14, 59 
— longifolium, 
—mandanense, 59 
— officinale, 59 
— purpureo-caeruleum, 38, 44 

— Tournefortii, 58 


[ VOL. XXxv 

oe -riidtia 45 
Lycopsis a, 58 

Macromeria, 1, 166 
Macromerioides: 5 


Maharanga, 4, 78, 165 
— Borii, 81 
— dumetorum, 81 

— verruculosa, 81 

Malaysian Notes, Miscellaneous, 134 


Mariscus fulvus confusus, 237 

“patie avg diclados, 260 

Meneghinia, 51 

MERRILL, E D. Miscellaneous Malaysian 

Micrechites furcata, 152 
r 52 

Microtropis lanceolata, 152 

Mikania cordifolia 

— scandens, 

Miscellaneous repel Notes, 134 

Mischospora efoliata, 

Moltkia, 44, 165 

Monograph of the Genus Philadelphus, 
A, 275 

Munbya, 51 

Neatostema, 38 


New Guinea J. Brass, IV, The 

Notes on the Flora of ee III, 189 

Nothocnestis sumatrana 

ete Additional ne on, 266 

— resinoee: 267 

Odina wodier, 140 

ginicum, 18 
Ophiorrhiza reticulata, 155 
— sarawakensis, 155 
Osmidium, 1 
Osmodium, 18 
Otopetalum micranthum, 152 

Pachygone ovata, 140 



Pannaria oe 264 
— sublurida, 
Parishia ae 140 
Pabieila isa sorediata, 264 
PAuLEy, Scot THomas O. PERRY 
Ecotypic vara of the Photopen: 
0 esponse in Populus, 167 
Pentaloba lanceolata, 145 
semigyrata, 14 
Pen penta phus, 59 
Perittostema, 2, 30, 166 

Perry, Tuomas O. & Scott S. PAULE 
Ecotypic Variation of the phetorent 
odic Response in Populus, 167 

ser sci A Mon birkph of the 
Genus, 275 

Phiadeps, 312 

. Californicus, 303, 

Bae Coulterianus, 303, aa 325 
—sect. Hirsutus, 304, 
—sect. Microphyllus, 303, 314 

sect. Pauciflorus, 30. 1 
—sect. Poecilostigma, 303, 15 
—sect. Pseudoserpyllifolius, 304, 314 

— sect. Serpyllifolius, 304, 4 4 

— sect. Stenostigma, 303, 314 

—ser. Decorticatae auctor 314 
ati, 315 

’ Deutzioides, 304, 314 

; Buphiladelphus, 303, 314 
. Gemmatus, 303, 3 ri 

. Macrothyrsus, 303, 314 
. Gemmati, 314 

—affinis, 316 

ss aspentnie as 

—au stro-mexicanus 324 

— coulteri, 325, 32 330, 332 
—- glabripetalus, 3 
— karw sereie oa 


— mexicanus, a $315, 319, 321,324 
— myrtoides 
Ba ah 
—osmanthus, 326 

—trichopetalus, 319 


Philadelphus zeyheri, 316 
Phillyrea Tobusta, 150 
The Control of Tree 
, 251 
Photoperiodic Response’ in 
pic Variation of the, 1 
Sa alpinus, 271 
— glaucus 


richomanoides, 269 
— trichomanoides 

Physocolea preeinent 263 
Pithecellobium splendens, 137 

— abietine, 261 
— oppo 

ze car ned oppositus, 261 
Plectronia rps Senay 155 
Pleurozia articulata, 262 
Podocarpus acutifolius, 271 

— ferrugineus, 270 
otara, 269 

, 70, 164 
Polyploidy ad Avoutes in Cotoneaster, 

Populus, Ecotypic Variation of the 
Photoperiodic Response in, 167 

Populus tremuloides aurea, 2 

Prevernal mie ng of Aspen in Utah 
Mountains, 239 

bi ee 2, 33, 165 
— revolutus, 

Psychotria nolytvichs: 155 

— rhodo 56 

—rufipila, 1 

— sangea 

— trichophlebia, 155 
salen 234 

Pyrus tie 134 

Radula aa 262 
— buccini 
— reflexa, 
Report on i Arnold Arboretum during 



the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1954, 
The Director’s, 36 
Rhesa moja, 141 
Rhodothamnus chamaecistus, Some De- 
tails of the Stru see of, 82 
Rhynchospora mri 238 

Rochelia, 38 

Sarcosperma tonkinense, 141 
Satureja polycephala, 86 

Sax, HALiy bs ce and Apomixis 
in Cotoneaster, 33 

SAX, est Lt. The eimgeirs of Tree Growth 
by P oem Blocks, 

Ai aes ne 

Schleichera oleo 140 

—trijuga, 140 

Schoenoplectus merrillii, 206 


a nus, 2 
Scirpus aestivalis, 212 
— annuus, 212 
— bengalensis, 216 


— gilnuinne wane 216 
— strobolinus, 204 


aa subcapitatus rigidus, 206 

eimiiee 203 

— tetragonus, 209, 217 

— ciliaris, 23 

— cochinchinensis, 229 
— dietrichiae, 227 

— doederleiniana, 228 
—elata 8 

illosa, 232 
a —ithosperma, 224, 232 

—_—— ecears 224 

— densi- ea 225 
— neesiana 
— novae- pallndie 225.232 
— hes 
—ersrcts 224, 232 
— eens 231%) 235 

— rugosa, 226, 233 

INDEX 389 

Scleria scrobiculata, 229, 233 
is, 225 

STEENIS, C. G. J. van. Additional 
Note on Nothofagus, 266 
Stenosolenium, 3, 46, 
—saxatile, 46 
STEWARD, ALBERT Two Nomencla- 
tural Changes in Ce Flora, 
me aurata, 264 
— Sayeri, 264 
—sulphurea, 264 
Strobila, 51 
Studies in the Boraginaceae, XXXVI. 
Further Paints of the Genera 

Studies in the Kuhniinae (Eupatorieae) 
Suetaua S12 

Tiliacora, 140 
inospora oa 195 

— yunnanensis 
Toxostigm 1 
luteum, 51 


Trachelospermum philippinense, 152 
eee ae by Phloem Blocks, The 

rol of, 251 
Teichlostis filiformis, 210 
—miliacea, 216 


Trichelostylis quinquangularis, 216 

Two Nomenclatural Changes _ in 
Chinese Flora, 86 


Uncinia riparia, 234 
Urtica peltata, 135 

Vareca lanceolata, 145 

hearer 4, 71, 164 

— barbata, 71 

Ventilago “ramble, 142 
— lanceolata, 1 

Walsura monophylla, 138 

Zizania terrestris, 228